16 minute read

What have Trump and Biden said about Canada

7Rabi ul Awaal 3,1442 Oct 21, 2020 LO c AL

Trudeau urges people to ‘buy Canadian’ food, produce amid COVID-19


By Amanda Connolly ter time to buy a Canadian fish and seafood Agriculture Canada issued a notice in JanuPrime Minister Justin Trudeau is urging product.” As Global News reported earlier ary that it wanted to hire a marketing firm people to “buy Canadian” as domestic food this year, federal officials have been explor- for what it called the “Buy Canadian Promoproducers feel the strain of global restric- ing how best to launch a “buy Canadian” tion Campaign,” which would aim to “better tions put in place to limit the spread of the food campaign for months, with plans to connect Canadians with, and instill pride novel coronavirus. He made the comments launch that initiative this summer. in, Canada’s food system and its agriculture, in a daily press briefing with journalists out- It’s not clear whether that is still poised to food and seafood products.” side Rideau Cottage on Thursday while an- go ahead. Over the course of the campaign, the govnouncing new supports for fish harvesters Global News has requested clarification ernment planned to spend between $1.5 facing lost income from the pandemic. from the government on that project. million and $4 million each year to do “To everyone who wants to show their sup- The concept of “buy Canadian” gained trac- things like refresh the branding of Agriculport, buy Canadian. Pick up some Canadian tion back in 2018 after U.S. President Don- ture Canada and the Canadian Food Inspeccheese to help a local dairy farmer, have ald Trump slapped tariffs on Canadian steel tion Agency and find ways to put Product Clapp said it could be a “matter of national a fish fry or buy Canadian lobster,” said and aluminum as part of a trade war to gain of Canada stickers on more Canadian food pride” to buy Canadian food products. Trudeau. leverage in renewed NAFTA negotiations. items. But several months later, the economic “Not only will it taste great, it will help the That move prompted the Canadian govern- Jennifer Clapp, a professor with the Uni- landscape in the country is dramatically people who keep food on our plates.” ment to roll out $1 billion worth of recip- versity of Waterloo who holds the Canada changed. Fisheries Minister Bernadette Jordan also rocal tariffs targeting everything from U.S.- Research Chair in Global Food Security and Some three million jobs have been lost over made the call for Canadians to buy domestic made condiments, packaged foodstuffs and Sustainability, said in an interview when the last two months because of the economic in a briefing shortly afterwards with jour- home appliances. Global News first reported on the campaign shutdown from the pandemic and consumnalists, specifically urging people to buy do- Canadians are the main buyers of U.S. goods that shifting the focus onto domestic pro- er purchasing has shifted towards items with mestic fish and seafood. “Canadian harvest- and the patriotic sentiment Trump’s tariffs ducers makes sense amid global uncertainty. stable shelf-life and essentials. ers are resilient and determined, and today, I sparked quickly led to dozens of articles “In the current context of heightened un- It remains to be seen whether a pitch to “buy am urging Canadians to show their support and how-to guides for consumers looking to certainty in global markets, it is rational for Canadian” can gain the support it did durby purchasing more of our high-quality, spend their dollars support Canadian busi- governments that rely on imported foods to ing a trade war with Canadians pinching sustainably sourced products at your local nesses and producers. Those tariffs were fi- strengthen domestic agricultural markets,” pennies and uncertain of when they will be grocer,” she said. “There’s never been a bet- nally removed in May 2019. she told Global News in an email. financially secure again. Source.globalnews.ca

Continuedfrom Page 5 The Seven Phases of Prophet Muhammad’s Life

practically no loss of life on either side of the The anatomy of the mission, its growth and spread the Quranic ideology. This Quran ma, politics, personality cults and egos have battle front. The stunning magnanimity and evolution in some ways parallels the vari- centered spirituality remains the constant emerged amongst the followers of Islam. In humility shown during victory by Muham- ous stages of human life itself. These various theme through all of the phases of his life. spite of many heterodox sects, the core mesmad and his companions is unmatched in phases reflect not only the growing sophisti- The Quran says about him “Indeed there is sages of Quran, and its realization in the life history. He is humble in victory, compas- cation of the message but also the increasing for you in the Messenger of Allah an excel- of the Prophet are alive and potent, and consionate, and forgiving to even his most in- maturity of the audience to whom the mes- lent pattern” (Quran 33:21). His wife Ayesha tinue to provide spiritual solace, intellectual tractable opponents. sage is directed. The audience grows in its (may Allah be pleased with her) calls him satisfaction and societal discipline to many The final sermon consolidates the social, understanding of what it would take to bear the living embodiment of the Quran. It is making Islam the fastest growing religion in economic, and moral changes that have the burden of passing on the message to this complementary bequest of the Quran the world. been brought about in the society. It is time posterity. The Prophet’s mission in its most and Sunna that is our special blessing. Source.islamicity.org to prepare for the end. fundamental analysis was to interpret and Over time, many differences based on dog-

Bc Liberals accuse NDP of taking advantage of cOVID-19 to suppress votes

Continuedfrom Page 1 that as many people participate as possible.” rey, B.C., Wilkinson said his status as a med- Henry’s statement Monday that B.C. was doesn’t know what Wilkinson is talking Horgan met with local nurses while in North ical doctor would be helpful in the premier’s in the second wave of the COVID-19 about when it comes to voter suppression. Vancouver after campaigning in Coquitlam, office in talking to provincial health officer pandemic was scary to hear, especially “I don’t know what planet Mr. Wilkinson’s living on,” Horgan said while campaigning in North Vancouver. “Almost 500,000 people have already participated in advance voting,” he said, adding more than 700,000 mail-in ballots have been requested. “There’s a lot of interest in this election campaign. There’s no effort whatsoever to supwhere he pushed his health-care plans for spending $2.3 billion for construction of hospitals and the hiring of 7,000 workers. The NDP leader said that when his party took office in 2017, nine of 10 care homes did not have enough staff to meet the minimum hours for care, which would change under his leadership. Dr. Bonnie Henry about the best way to take action on COVID-19 going forward. “When we see a wide range of different approaches toward the pandemic around the world, I like to think that somebody with an MD like me can look into that and say, ‘What’s the best for B.C.,’ and work with Dr. Henry to see what’s the best for B.C.” as schools and businesses remain open and fall weather means it’s harder to stay outside. Furstenau released her party’s platform on pandemic economic recovery in West Vancouver-Sea to Sky, a riding she said the Greens could win, according to press. Quite the contrary. We want to ensure On a campaign stop at a dairy farm in Sur- Green Leader Sonia Furstenau said the party’s numbers.. Source: cbc.ca

canada-U.S. border closure extended but Trump, Trudeau far apart on next steps

Continued from Page 1 late March, it has devastated the tourism and got disparate answers. the Trudeau government saying, ‘No, don’t open’ ... and President Trump saying, ‘Oh, I think we’ll reopen sometime soon,’ that’s no grounds for a serious government-toindustry, separated loved ones and hurt border communities in both Canada and the U.S. Alden said he understands why the border is closed for now, but that it’s A spokesperson for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said the two countries are exploring the loosening of some restrictions. The department’s acting secgovernment negotiation,” said Alden, a important to start laying the groundwork retary, Chad Wolf, echoed this sentiment professor of U.S.-Canada economic rela- for a reopening plan.“The problem of not in a tweet on Monday. “We are working tions at Western Washington University having those negotiations is, when do we closely with ... Canada to identify safe criin Bellingham, Wash. possibly have a sense of when it will be teria to ease the restrictions in the future Even though many Canadians support safe to reopen the border?” CBC News and support our border communities,” he the border closure, which took effect in asked both the Canadian and U.S. govern- wrote. ments about the fate of the border closure Source: cbc.ca

Coronavirus infections over 41 million worldwide

Coronavirus Cases: 41,054,072 Deaths: 1,129,795 Recovered: 30,634,165 Last updated: October 21, 2020, 07:03 GMT www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?

Coronavirus Cases: 203,688 Deaths: 9,794 Recovered: 171,743 CANADA Last updated: October 21, 2020, 07:03 GMT

Coronavirus Cases: 11,854 Deaths: 254 Recovered: 9,871 BC;CANADA Last updated October 21, 2020, 07:03 GMT :

8Rabi ul Awaal 3,1442 Oct 21, 2020 N ATIONAL & I NT Liberals, WE make disclosures as chance Pandemic elections: Does U.S. example of confidence vote heats up on the Hill offer Canada a playbook? OTTAWA -- The federal government ap- OTTAWA -- While many Canadians are pears to be drawing a line in the sand with closely watching the never-ending twists and the opposition parties’ ongoing attempts to turns of the U.S. presidential race, party offirevive the WE Charity controversy, by stat- cials and elections observers in this country ing that passage of a Conservative motion are keeping eyes on the race for other forms to create a new anti-corruption commit- of intel: namely, how the campaigns are tee would “raise serious questions” about conducting voter outreach in an era where whether the House of Commons still has door knocking and rallies aren’t safe ways to confidence in the government.While the spread your message. government has yet to confirm outright if Talk of a snap fall federal election in Canada they are viewing this proposal and the vote has ceased, meaning voters aren’t likely to on it as a matter of confidence, in a letter to his opposition counterparts Government House Leader Pablo Rodriguez said that if opposition MPs agree on the need for a new probe, it would have implications for the confidence in the Liberal minority government.“The Conservative proposal is blatantly partisan. It is designed to paralyze the government. If passed, the proposal will raise serious questions about whether the House of Commons continues to have confidence in the government,” Rodriguez wrote. Rodriguez later told reporters that the motion is “clearly” an indication that the Conservatives have no confidence in what the government is doing, and further, would result in government’s focus and time taken away from the ongoing fight against COVID-19 if the demands within the motion are to be met, such as having Prime Minister common ground being found. “Maybe we can agree on something.” Conservative House Leader Gerard Deltell is calling this claim “simply ridiculous.” “That you are even entertaining such speculation demonstrates to me—as it would to all Canadians—the desperate ends to which the Liberal government will go to further its coverup of a very troubling scandal which reeks of corruption,” Deltell continued in a rebuttal letter send Monday afternoon. “Your government must acknowledge that it no longer enjoys a majority in the House of Commons and that it will, accordingly, begin to accept the legitimate and necessary exercise of parliamentary scrutiny without resorting to election threats, obfuscation and misdirection whenever you face the prospect of not getting your own way,” Del- NDP leader Singh accuses Liberals of failing to support be plunged into a general election anytime soon. Though with a surging wave of new COVID-19 cases the Liberal minority is still not on entirely solid ground as they continue to navigate the country through the ongoing public health emergency. That means all sides are having to work on their election-readiness plans, and looking to how our American neighbours are navigating questions like, how to get your leader as much public exposure as possible without putting them, and others, at risk? How to structure debates or virtual town halls? Where to deploy campaign resources like volunteers and advertising dollars? And what do to about an influx of mail-in voting and the delayed results that brings with it? So far, the approaches taken south of the border offer a stark contrast: U.S. President Donald Trump’s back on the campaign trail, planning more big crowd and mask-light Republican campaign events on the heels of a COVID-19 outbreak infecting Trump and many in his inner White House circle. Meanwhile, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has opted for a more virtualfocused and modest gathering campaign style that recently enlisted the help of a Canadian gaming company to reach Gen Z and Millennial voter “COVID has impacted everything that we’re doing, there is no kind of traditional campaigning,” said Biden’s campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon during a September interview with Politico. Source: .ctvnews.ca Justin Trudeau testify. “We think that it’s extremely irresponsible tell said. Meanwhile, in new disclosures both the Lib- Canadians living with disabilities during pandemic Conservatives look to force vote on creating on behalf of the Conservatives,” he said, but when asked outright if the Liberals would be willing to trigger an election, his response was “we’ll see.” Rodriguez is hopeful that ongoing talks with the Bloc Quebecois and NDP will result in erals and WE Charity are looking to satisfy opposition demands for more documentation in relation to the now months-long controversy surrounding a cancelled student summer grant program. Source: ctvnews.ca OTTAWA -- NDP leader Jagmeet Singh is accusing the Liberal government of designing exclusionary pandemic relief programs that ignore the needs of Canadians living with disabilities. Speaking on Newstalk 580 CFRA’s “The Goods with Dahlia Kurtz”, Singh said the Liberal government, in its effort to keep anti-corruption committee benefits such as the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) from being acthan what sit on most House of Commons cessed by people who don’t need the help, committees, and would tackle the topic of designed a program that excludes the most both federal and provincial, have ignored Liberal corruption and potential conflicts of vulnerable.“One of the things we found them, a concern echoed by Singh. ”From interest. during this pandemic is we’re up against the beginning of this pandemic, we said this Specifically, the Conservatives want to keep a massive inertia of a Liberal government should be available to anyone who needs it. digging into the WE Charity controversy, that is trying to design programs to exclude That includes people living with disabiliand this proposal includes a request for the people,” Singh said. “They’re willing to miss ties,” he said. “As we went through the pansame trove of documents currently being out people who desperately need help so demic and drew attention to the amount of asked for at the House of Commons ethics that they can avoid helping those who don’t money we wanted to continue to fight for to and finance committees, where Liberal fili- need it. They want to make sure that some- get people the help they needed, we pointed busters are underway to delay the votes on one who doesn’t need the help doesn’t get it out that people living with disabilities were OTTAWA -- Conservative Leader Erin those motions. The Conservatives say those but they’re willing to miss the people who ignored from the beginning.” O’Toole and his caucus are looking to force a asks would be rendered null, as this special are most desperate. That’s what we’re up The Liberals promised to create a new Cavote on their proposal to create a new parlia- committee would pick up the topic and allow against.” The CERB ended on Oct. 3, and nadian Disability Benefit, modelled after the mentary anti-corruption committee to take all regular House committees to pick up on was replaced with the Canada Recovery Guaranteed Income Supplement for seniors, over investigating the WE Charity contro- other business, such as the response to the Benefit (CRB), which still requires at least in September’s Speech from the Throne. Deversy as well as other lines of inquiry into al- second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, $5,000 in 2019, 2020 of employment income tails of this plan have yet to be announced. leged Liberal scandals. which the Liberals say remains their focus or EI benefits in order to qualify. One of the A one-time $600 payment to anyone with a O’Toole has given notice that on Tuesday— and the focus of Canadians. main criticisms many disabled Canadians valid Disability Tax Credit certificate (DTC) the Conservatives’ first scheduled opposition Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has already have made about the CERB and the CRB is will be delivered starting Oct. 30. Singh day of the session—he intends to move a rejected the demand for a special committee, the requirement to have previously received called this benefit inadequate. About 1.7 motion proposing the creation of a Conserv- first floated by the Conservatives last week- employment income. Those who cannot million Canadians are expected to qualify ative-chaired super committee. The commit- end, chalking it up to partisan politics amid work due to their disability or who cannot for the $600 payment, but there are millions tee would comprise 15 MPs, which is more a raging pandemic. Source: .ctvnews.ca find gainful employment say governments, more who will not. Source: .ctvnews.ca Opposition parties gear up for next round of fight with Liberals over WE controversy OTTAWA -- The threat of a possible snap election will be unprepared to deal with this second wave,” Rempel Garhovering over Parliament Hill this week as opposition par- ner told a news conference.“That’s why this study is so imties resume their fight with the Liberal government over portant. Canadians deserve an explanation about why the the WE controversy and preparations for the second wave federal government only has an economic shutdown to rely of COVID-19.Conservative health critic Michelle Rempel upon after months, and billions of dollars being spent.” Garner on Sunday called for a House of Commons com- Among the issues the Tories want studied are Ottawa’s efmittee to investigate what she suggested was Ottawa’s lack forts to buy personal protective equipment, why rapid of readiness in dealing with the recent resurgence in COV- COVID-19 tests have not been approved as well as the deciID-19 cases.The request was in relation to a motion that she sion to shutter Canada’s pandemic early-warning system last made to the Commons health committee earlier this month year. Yet the real drama will surround ongoing opposition asking for a wide-ranging study on the issue, which is ex- efforts to dig into the government’s decision in the spring to pected to be debated by committee members on Monday. have WE Charity run a multimillion-dollar federal program “Today, as businesses are closed and in another series of for student volunteers during the pandemic. COVID-related economic shutdowns, we are looking for The Conservatives are scheduled to have what is known as to raise one of three issues in the House of Commons that answers as to why the federal government left Canadians an opposition day on Tuesday, and have indicated they plan will be put to a vote. Source: bc.ctvnews.ca

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