29 minute read
Army chief orders imme diate inquiry into ‘Karachi
4Rabi ul Awaal 3,1442 Oct 21, 2020 OPINION In Canada we are all equated fundamental rights that are unquestioned (free speech, rewhat you can’t deny is that you have the right to cast a ballot on a number of different occasions: be it Secondly, saying that Canada is better than most places is like explaining to your parents that you’re The Importance of Voting you are afforded as a Canadian citizen and you should do your best to exercise it. Take the time to get edligion) – rights that don’t exist in federal, provincial, and municipal. better than the students who failed ucated on the political parties and Iran. In Canada we have a judici- And that right is uncontested. Your when you come home with a C- on options that are available in the next ary that is autonomous from the vote counts. your last paper. This isn’t some- election, and make a decision that government – something that isn’t Often what I hear from my fellow thing to be content about. When- you feel comfortable with. Don’t the case in many nations around the Canadians about voter turnout is ever I came home with a bad grade, let exterior factors dissuade you world. “well, we’re better than most places.” I sat down and thought to myself from voting. And if you feel that it But most importantly, in Canada First off, no we’re not. Federally in “how can I do better, what can I do is in your right to not exercise your we have the right to freely vote in 2011 61 per cent of voters cast a to be better.” That is the mentality right, so be it. It is not compulsory an election (once we turn 18, of ballot. Provincially (B.C.) in 2009 that Canadians should have. Voting and no one should shame you for course). You can moan and groan only 51 per cent and the average for is important. not doing it. The pessimistic view about the electoral system we pos- municipal elections in 2011 was a Regardless of your political ideolo- that your vote won’t count is simsess, there do exist flaws in it, but dismal 29 per cent. gies or beliefs, voting is a right that plistic.Courtesy by: DH Vancouver
After the PDM rally in Pakistan
THE Pakistan Democratic the PTI government. predictably by ridiculing the oppo- The government for its part is not Movement jalsa in Gujran- However, it is the speech by for- sition for a ‘flop show’ but the fact brimming with options. It can unwala on Friday has set the mer prime minister Nawaz Sharif is that with the Gujranwala event leash a wave of arrests and other stage for a charged few weeks that has set the national discourse the opposition and its red-hot narra- obstacles to undermine the jalsas ahead. The inaugural event of a ablaze. In directly blaming the tive have taken centre stage. But the scheduled for the coming weeks in lengthy anti-government campaign army chief and the head of the ISI big question remains: what now? Peshawar, Multan and Lahore, but promised by the opposition alli- for the removal of his government, The PDM is all set for its Karachi administrative solutions to politiance saw a galaxy of leaders ad- and saying they will have to answer jalsa which would essentially be cal problems are usually not very dressing a large crowd that had, by for all they have done, Mr Sharif a PPP show. Therefore, it will not effective. The government will most accounts, filled up the venue has brought Pakistani politics into face the administrative hurdles that somehow need to address the inby late evening. uncharted territory. By doing so, the Gujranwala event did. What flationary pressures bearing down The leaders of the PML-N, PPP he has amplified in the public do- will matter more than the size of on the citizens. One can expect a and JUI-F among others took their main what was hitherto fodder for the crowd will be the content of the barrage of press conferences and time in reaching the city which led whispers and innuendos. While the speeches. With PPP playing host, it statements combined with a degree to a delayed start of the event. The other speakers at the jalsa did not may not be surprising if the criti- of administrative repression from presence of sizeable crowds inside go as far as Mr Sharif did in his ac- cism is directed more at the PTI the government, but the real issue and outside the stadium and the cusations, they did refer repeatedly government than the establish- is how the establishment will react tone and tenor of the speeches sug- to the role of the establishment in ment. It is yet to be determined if to the PDM campaign after the latgest that political temperatures will bringing Imran Khan and his PTI Mr Sharif’s line of attack remains est salvo by Mr Sharif. Action will continue to rise as opposition par- to power. his alone or whether it will deter- speak louder than words, but lack ties keep upping the ante against The government spokesmen reacted mine PDM policy. of action may speak even louder.
‘Democracy- entire life. Passed around by the mouths of my family and their jected to reach “13.7 billion” United States dollars by 2025 (Grand View Freedom & Voting’! friends, rolling off their tongues as a Research). Following the surge of compliment. It’s said lovingly, with Black Lives Matter protests, howBy: Gulshan Aalani admiration and a strikingly palpa- ever, these companies have fallen
SubhanAllah! We are lucky that ble sort of jealousy that takes the under extreme backlash. Multina- alization runs in South Asian culwe can ‘Vote’. Due to the Democ- form of meaningful glances thrown tional company Unilever has since ture. It can be deemed even more racy, and Freedom, we can proudly at younger children who are too of- renamed its best-selling “Fair and shocking when it is taken into acdeclare that we are given all kinds of ten told to stay inside so that their Lovely” bleaching cream to “Glow count that only a few weeks prior goodies on a Silver platter, includ- skin doesn’t tan darker. and Lovely”, a move that came no- to the song’s release, Beyoncé reing Islam that we never knew about. “Your skin tone is so pretty,” my where near American tycoon John- leased the music video for her song We don’t need to fight about any- mother would sigh, holding her son and Johnson’s resolve to pull its “Brown Skin Girl” in which there is thing, especially for our (Women) arm to mine as I struggled to fath- bleaching products from the mar- a clip that celebrates a dark-skinned rights of ‘Voting’ for which the om how my own mother could ever ket altogether. Changing the name South Asian woman. The main Women of Suffragette worked so dislike the tone of her skin, how of the product, though, does not community that is able to emphahard to get the voting rights for anyone could. Before I ever had change its function. Regardless of size with our struggle with colourWomen. We are all grateful to them. the decency to be grateful for being what it is called, it is still a bleach- ism has done nothing but uplift us, Although, the Voting rights for white-passing, I was angry that it ing cream. It is a step in the right yet we have done nothing but put men and women was established was something to be grateful for in direction, but I am asking for a leap them down. in 14th.C. by the final Prophet Mu- the first place. How can my mother, because the bare minimum should It is shameful, the way we treat hammad SAWS on order of Divine my grandmother, and my cousins not be celebrated. The renaming of others, the way we treat each other, Authority. He was the first one see their skin and not see shades a product strikes me as something the way we treat ourselves. While the to practice the democratic rights of molten copper, warm chocolate, designed only to placate those who black community has made amazby leaving it to the community to and smooth caramel? How could have chosen to boycott the brand. ing strides towards the eradication choose the leader after his demise. they possibly be unable to see that Had it been a genuine effort to of racism and colourism, we have We should take a full advantage of the tones of their skin can rival the make progressive change, the brand done nothing. There is a disgusting this freedom of ‘Voting’ rights and prettiest autumnal colours that na- would have stripped the product amount of comfort surrounding the choose the best leader who is hon- ture can create? Though I cannot and all of its variations from shelves way in which dark-skinned people est, truthful, not a liar, or conceal- wholly identify with their struggles, immediately. are treated in our culture. It is not ing any wrong doings, protecting I will not allow my family to bring Skin lightening products are not talked about, it is not recognized, it other’s criminal activity, caring, has themselves down for the colour of the only reminder of the age-old is not ever seen as something to be soft point for the poor, down trod- their skin. idea that paleness is a measure of fixed. I am both untouched by colden, believe in equality, justice, an- The concept that darker-skinned beauty. Bollywood and much of ourism and surrounded by it, and I ti-racist, has high Biblical ethics and people are inherently inferior and South Asian media continue to feed do not want to sit and stay comfortmoral values, must not compromise unattractive is sickening, and its directly into colourism via their able in a community so wrought its law and is brave enough to stand perpetuation is only a confirmation idealization of whiteness. There is a with the worst form of internalized up and speak up like any ‘Human in my belief that the South Asian notable lack of dark skinned actors hatred. Centuries of damage cannot Rights Activist’ and is good for the community has a massive ideologi- in main casts, as they are typically be undone, but that does not mean whole world. Choosing such per- cal problem that must be dealt with shoved into backup dance crews that its legacy should continue. Tell son is the most difficult task but we immediately. while light skinned actors are given your daughters that they are beautimust try hard and stand up with the Colourism is deeply rooted in main parts. The industry has no ful, tell your children that they can good leader and for our country we South Asian culture, as it traces problem with making their colour- play in the sun, and make strides toadore, stand Guard for it, only pos- back to the ideology of the ancient ism clearer, it seems, as the upcom- wards forsaking the labels of “gori” sible by ‘Voting’ for the right leader Indian caste system and a legacy of ing Bollywood romantic comedy and “kaalee” altogether. Before you who stands guard for humanity and European colonialism. It has con- film, Khaali Peeli, came under fire do that, though, tell your mother the Divine Law. tinued to fester into the worst form in early September for a song lyric that her complexion is beauti-
South Asian of psychological damage, especially when it comes to dark-skinned that promoted anti-blackness. The lyric, that has since been changed, ful because you do not know how many treatments and creams she
Colourism women. Skin lightening companies leech directly off of its promiwas originally “ho tujhe dekh ke goriya Beyonce sharma jaayegi” (by has slathered onto her skin in hopes that they would make her pretty. By: Zoya Siddiqui nence in our culture, much to the looking at you, fair lady, Beyoncé My reassurance for my colored skin I’ve always been called ‘Gori’. It’s been thrown around me my point where the global market size for skin bleaching products is prowill feel shy). The lyric was a testament to just how deep white idefriends and family is always on the tip of my tongue. Is it on yours?
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5Rabi ul Awaal 3,1442 Oct 21, 2020 f AIT h
Narrated `Abdullah:The Prophet (ﷺ) said,
“The best people are those living in my generation, and then those who will follow them, and then those who will follow the latter. Then there will come some people who will bear witness before taking oaths, and take oaths before bearing witness.” (Ibrahim, a sub-narrator said, “They used to beat us for witnesses and covenants when we were still children.”)
The Seven Phases of Prophet Muhammad’s Life
BY: JAVEED AKHTER Traditional scholarship’s difollows the majority opinion (Ijma’), even when it sometimes goes against his own judgment. vides Prophet The Statesman Par Muhammad’s life Excellence and into Makkan and Teacher Madinahn phases. During the next This is chrono- phase, he shows logically valid and the capacity to represents the two compromise and broad aspects of demonstrates the his life before and humility, devotion to God and egalitarian- in Madinah to a position of leadership, he foresight and wisafter the water- ism replaced the old well-entrenched tribal shows another facet of his personality: the dom to realize shed event of the attitudes of pride in wealth, family and class capacity to create a truly pluralistic soci- that peace, even at Migration. It is and self-centered behavior. Women, for the ety with equity and dignity for all religious seemingly unfahistorically important and marks the begin- first time in history, had rights and dignity, and ethnic groups. In a very short period vorable terms, is better than hostility. The ning of the Islamic calendar. and the vulnerable and weak sections of the after the Migration to Madinah, Muham- “Treaty of Hudaybia” also needs to be studAdditionally I believe Muhammad’s strug- society were protected. Sexuality was re- mad proves he is capable of uniting various ied and emulated by all who negotiate with gle can be naturally divided into seven phas- moved from public prurience and became factions and setting exemplary standards their opponents. The peace dividend, foles. Each phase brings forth a different aspect private and wholesome. Wealth was re-cir- of cooperation between them. He makes a lowing this treaty with the Quraysh, is huge of his personality and highlights a differ- culated so that even the poorest segments seamless switch from being a person under and results in an exponential increase in the ent facet of his mission. Studying the Mes- of the society were infused with energy and constant persecution to a leader with a large number of Muslims. senger’s mission for its various phases and indigence became nearly extinct. administrative and judicial responsibility. This also allows the building of a model analyzing its internal dynamics is important The Warner and Exhorter The “Covenant (Constitution) of Madinah” and just society that functions in a coherent as it gives the narrative relevance for today. During one his meditative trips to a cave that lays out the rules of living in a plural- manner. Wealth is allowed to be accumulatSince his life is better documented than the near Makkah, Prophet Muhammad re- istic society is a document that needs to be ed but has to be circulated fairly into even lives of other prophets and leaders of major ceives the revelation. Divine revelation is studied carefully and implemented to the the tiniest capillaries of the community’s world religions, it is possible to build this the reaffirmation of the fact that celestial fullest extent in today’s inescapably multi- economic system. It is an egalitarian society analysis on a historical foundation. knowledge is essential in guiding the in- religious and multi-cultural world. with equity and justice for all, governed by The Search for Light in a Period of herently limited human intellect. The pro- The Courageous Yet Reluctant mutual consultation, equality before the law Darkness: The Seeker of Truth fundity of this realization that he is the Warrior and protection of its most vulnerable memAs his biography (Seera) is recorded we find recipient of this divine revelation and the After a brief respite, his mission is con- bers, women, children, orphans, indigents Prophet Muhammad pondering over soci- enormity of the task ahead overawes him. sumed by the need to fight wars of survival. and slaves. etal ills for years. The society he was born in Initially he shares the message only with his These three wars in four years, Badr, Uhad As illustrated by many incidents from this was in a state of moral, religious, economic closest family and a few loyal supporters. It and Ahzab, besides posing a physical threat, phase of his life, the Prophet proves to be an and social chaos. It is difficult to resist draw- is both fascinating and revealing that even must have been extremely distracting and exemplary statesman. He mediates disputes, ing analogies between the seventh century the individual who would later be rated as demanding of his time and energy. Yet the defuses potentially explosive situations with world and the state of the human morality the most influential man in human history work of building the community goes on. ease, allowing the parties to the conflict to in today’s world at the beginning of the new had these initial periods of doubt and un- It is important to remember that even walk away as friends and allies. He is unamillennium. The nuclear man-woman two- certainty about his mission. It was the reas- though faced with very aggressive propo- fraid to take risks but is never reckless and parent family, as a core unit of society has surance from the Quran and the confidence nents the Prophet and his followers never compromises for the sake of peace. His emeroded seriously in the West. Brazen sexual and support of his wife Khadijah (may Al- initiated or instigated any wars. Muham- issaries to other nations bring with them a exploitation in the media is commonplace lah be pleased with her), and his close com- mad and the Muslims engaged in these bat- message of cooperation seeking common and illicit sex condoned and even accepted. panions which provided him the support he tles with great discipline, avoiding injury to ground. When he gives a pledge, he always Violence at home, against women, children, needs-surely a lesson for us lesser mortals! the innocent and using only the minimum keeps it. If the other party breaks the pledge, and violence in the streets, is frightfully The Stoic Optimist force needed. Women, children and non- he does not flinch from measures that are routine. Substance abuse is widespread, The next facet of his life is of bringing about combatants were not to be harmed. When appropriate to maintain the sanctity of the with United States as the largest consumer proactive change by inviting people (Dawa) the enemy stopped fighting, he was to be pledge. of drugs in the world. Alcoholism is ram- to Islam. With it comes the inevitable hos- given immediate sanctuary. Striking a blow The Compassionate Ruler and Spirpant, especially among college students, tility of the entrenched powers in the soci- in anger, even in battle, was prohibited. He itual Leader. with only feeble attempts being made to ety. Change is always threatening, and the uses innovative strategies in the battles, The final phase begins with the conquest address the problem. African- Americans greater the change, the more threatening it which include the use of the trench as a of Makkah, which is a demonstration of have been liberated as slaves for a century is. This would be true of the change against defense. During the digging of the trench meticulous planning and the use of overand a half, yet many are still trapped in an any established system of practices, wheth- he is an active participant. He consults fre- whelming force to achieve a victory with unending cycle of poverty and discrimina- er it be economic, social or behavioral. It quently (Shura) with his companions and To be continued at page 7 tion, which is in a way a form of economic slavery. Because of a system that allows would also be true for change in personal behavior like wearing immodest clothing, Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver unrestrained growth of wealth without encouraging proper redistribution, economic promiscuity, and consumption of intoxicants. Changing attitudes that valued pride Oct 21-Nov 4, 2020-Rabi ul Awaal 3-17,1442 H disparities and injustices continue to grow at an alarming rate. in wealth and country or class and color of the skin over all else would also be difficult. Isl. Dt. Day Date Fajar Sunr Zawal Dhuhr Asar Dhur Asar Shafi / Hanfi Maghrib Isha There are many excellent characteristics in Not surprisingly the struggle for change be- 3 Wed Western societies, especially in the US that comes life threatening. Muhammad (Peace 4 Thus include the freedom of thought, speech and assembly, a tolerant attitude toward eccentricities in human nature and an ambition to be a just and compassionate society. These be upon him) had to lay his life on the line and on several occasions the nascent Muslim community faced the possibility of total extinction. Fortitude in the face of adversity 5 6 7 Fri Sat Sun qualities of the ordinary American however is the salient feature of this phase. The pa- 8 Mon are not always reflected in the policy makers tience and stoicism Muhammad displays 9 Tue and political leaders. The unraveling of the moral fabric in today’s society must weigh heavily on the minds of individuals with insight. They can during this phase has been a source of strength to many a Muslim who has found himself beleaguered by apparently hopeless circumstances 10 11 12 Wed Thus Fri draw personal solace and inspiration from The Pluralistic Leader 13 Sat the Prophet’s life. The Arab tribal society of The Migration, which marks the beginning 14 Sun the Seventh century, whose structure was based on greed, debauchery, and violence, was changed in a very short time, by the Prophet, into a society with one of the highest moral standards in history. Compassion, of the next phase, involves careful planning and meticulous execution. He demonstrates that self-help and reliance on Allah go together and are both essential for success. With his nomination by the community For such Prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times: Quran ,n 4:103 Source: BCMA Mon Tue Wed 15 16 17
6Rabi ul Awaal 3,1442 Oct 21, 2020 N AT & I NT NEWS
EU may shut door to travel from Canada, What have Trump and Biden said allow Singapore visitors about Canada? The European Union plans to remove OTTAWA -- On NovemCanada, Tunisia and Georgia from its list ber 3, 2020, Americans will of countries whose residents should be al- choose whether they want lowed to visit the bloc amid the coronavirus four more years of U.S. Prespandemic, according to EU officials famil- ident Donald Trump — or iar with the matter. The EU intends at the would rather hand the presisame time to reopen its doors to travelers dency to Democratic candifrom Singapore as a result of improved virus date Joe Biden. trends there, the officials said on the condition of anonymity because the deliberations on Tuesday in Brussels are confidential. The U.S. will remain blacklisted along with most other countries in the world. The changes would be the first in more than two months to the EU’s recommended travel “white list,” shrinking it from 11 foreign nations at present to nine. The other eight are Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand and Uruguay. The update of the list comes amid a resurgence in coronavirus cases in Europe itself and, barring any changes in the plan, is due to be endorsed by EU member-country envoys on Wednesday in the Belgian capital. In a third planned move, which affects the format of the list, the EU aims to identify the Chinese regions of Hong Kong and Macau as separate entities as a result of the bloc’s visa rules, one of the officials said. The EU on July 1 recommended that member states allow foreign visitors from 15 countries as part of a move to loosen coronavirus-triggered restrictions imposed in mid-March on non-essential travel to the bloc.Since then, Serbia, Montenegro, Algeria and Morocco have been delisted as a result of resurgences in virus cases. The EU normally reviews its list roughly every two weeks, with the last change being the removal of Morocco in the first half of August. Source: bnnbloomberg.ca But as Canada watches from the wings, one can’t help but wonder — what have the two presidential candidates said about us? As the adage goes, when the U.S. sneezes, Canada catches a cold. And when U.S. presidential hopefuls mention their neighbours to the north, we tend to grab the popcorn. From Trump asking if Canadians burned down the White House in 1812, to Biden calling the United States Canada’s “big brother,” CTVNews.ca has taken a look at some notable quotes from Biden and Trump about Canada — and our prime minister — over the years. “VIVE LE CANADA” Then-vice president Biden said these words during a dinner with Prime Minister Justin road” given the uncertainly that he said was gripping the world at the time. He also had some very kind words for Canadians, boasting the brotherly relationship of the two countries. “The way I look at our relationship — and I know sometimes we’re like the big brother that’s a pain in the neck and overbearing — and I mean that sincerely. I get it. But we’re more like family, even than allies,” Biden said at the time. During the speech, Biden explained that few nations have as much in common as Canada and the United States, as the countries are “sprung from the same root.” He also warned of a looming period of threats to the “liberal international order” — the most seen since the Second World War.
PM chancing snap election over Trudeau on December 8, 2016, during his visit to Ottawa. During the dinner, which “We’re going to get through this period because we’re Americans and we’re CanadiConservative motion took place a month after Trump became president-elect, Biden asked Trudeau to be ans,” said Biden. “And so had I a glass, I’d toast you by saying, Vive le Canada.” OTTAWA -- The federal government appears willing to go to the polls over the Conservatives proposing the creation of a new a defender of the international “rules of the Source: ctvnews.ca Go on, make my day, Saudi minister parliamentary committee to probe Liberal controversies including the WE Charity af- warns oil speculators fair, though Prime Minister Justin Trudeau DUBAI: Energy leaders will do “what is is insisting it’s up to the opposition whether necessary” to enhance stability in global oil there will be a pandemic election. markets, Saudi Energy Minister Prince Ab“It will be up to parliamentarians and the opposition to decide whether they want to make this minority Parliament work, or whether they’ve lost confidence in this government’s ability to manage this pandemic,” Trudeau said.Government House Leader Pablo Rodriguez declared Tuesday morning tion and assume there is no consequence,” Rodriguez said, calling it “nothing more than a dangerous partisan plan” in makdul Aziz bin Salman told a “virtual” conference of OPEC+ ministers on Monday. “I cannot emphasize strongly enough how vital it is to show the strength of our resolve. Nobody in the global oil market should be in any doubt as to our commitment and our intent,” the minister said. He again invited speculators to “make my that when the motion to set up the commit- ing the declaration that it’ll be a confidence day” by manipulating global crude markets. tee that is now being debated in the House vote. Rodriguez said that the lives of Cana- “Destabilizing speculation and manipula- OPEC+ is due to add an extra 2 million barof Commons comes up for a vote, the Liber- dians depend on the federal government fo- tion have no place in a responsible and ef- rels per day from January, which some inals will consider it a confidence vote. That cusing on the COVID-19 pandemic, though ficient market,” he warned. dustry experts have said should be delayed means, if it passes with the support of all op- a general election at this time would mean Prince Abdul Aziz was speaking at the while market demand remains uncertain in position parties, then the government could Parliament would shut down for at least 37 monthly meeting of the joint ministerial light of pandemic lockdowns. fall and Trudeau could trigger a snap elec- days.Trudeau, noting that with COVID-19 monitoring committee of OPEC+, the alli- That issue was not on the agenda, but is liketion in the middle of the worsening COV- cases on the rise again in Canada, said that ance of producers led by Saudi Arabia and ly to figure at a full meeting of OPEC memID-19 pandemic.Early indications are that the pandemic is “far from over,” and that Russia. Ministers reaffirmed commitments bers at the end of November that can decide the Liberals will once again be looking to the NDP to back them, with the Bloc Quebecois stating this is a problem of Trudeau’s making and they’ll support the Conservative motion. Though, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says the brinkmanship going on is senseless. ”The government considers this motion to be a matter of confidence. The truth is simple: MPs cannot establish a new “nobody wants elections.” Rodriguez said that “the real debate” is whether Canadians want their government to keep working on the health and economic crisis facing the country, or to be seized with opposition demands. This declaration comes on the heels of Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole saying that, while he does not have confidence in the to complying with the historic cuts that have helped rebalance global crude markets since the crisis of April.They also pledged to make up for any shortfall in compliance levels by compensating with extra cuts by the end of the year. Prince Abdul Aziz said he hoped to “close the chapter once and for ever” on compensation by then. “We can take some satisfaction from the levels of compliance we have achieved, but policy.Prince Abdul Aziz dismissed talk of disunity within OPEC+. “We’re not breaking ranks. We are a much more solid front in attending to this market,” he said. Alexander Novak, the Russian energy minister, said there was uncertainty and volatility in global oil markets because of renewed outbreaks of COVID-19, but Russia remained committed to strengthening OPEC+.Brent crude, the global benchmark, committee with sweeping powers to investi- Liberal government, he is not looking to go there is some work to do before we achieve rose marginally to nearly $43 as the OPEC+ gate what they call the government corrup- to the polls. Source:ctvnews.ca the agreed compensation targets,” he said. ministers met. Source: arabnews.com
Iran hits back at US sanctions threat after arms embargo expiry with Iran after the arms embargo on its mili- agreements. What they fear is Iran’s return the arms embargo on Iran twice at the UN tary expired, saying Washington’s threats to the massive market of technology and Security Council. show the futility of US action and rhetoric arms exports,” Khatibzadeh said, adding In August, it introduced a resolution to inon sanctions.After a long-standing con- that Iran produces 90 percent of its defence definitely extend the embargo while in Sepventional arms embargo on Iran ended on needs locally and will mostly look to export tember it claimed it unilaterally reinstated Sunday despite Washington’s opposition, US arms rather than import them. UN sanctions on Iran, including the arms Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned of In an interview with state television on embargo.On both occasions, the UNSC reconsequences for any individuals or entities Sunday night, Iran’s defence minister Amir jected the moves, saying they have no legal that conduct arms deals with Iran. Hatami said Iran would only sell weapons to basis.The 13-year ban came to an end as part “Pompeo’s remarks are the most important countries that it is sure “won’t misuse them” of Resolution 2231 of the Joint Comprehensign that not even he believes unilateral US and will employ them strictly for defence sive Plan of Action (JCPOA), an accord sanctions have been successful, and no [UN purposes. signed in 2015 that gave Iran sanctions reIran says it will sell weapons to countries sanctions] have been reinstated,” spokesman “Unlike the Americans, we wouldn’t do just lief in exchange for curbs on its nuclear prothat ‘won’t misuse them’ and will employ of Iran’s Foreign Ministry Saeed Khatibza- about everything for money,” he said, point- gramme. The US unilaterally withdrew from them strictly for defence purpose. Tehran, deh said on Monday. ing out that the US sells billions of dollars of the deal in May 2018 and has since blackIran – Tehran has hit back at a US threat of “Iran continues to believe it can oper- arms to Arab nations in the Middle East that listed the entire Iranian financial sector. sanctions on anyone looking to make deals ate within the framework of international fuel wars. The US tried to stop the lifting of Source: ctvnews.ca