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Lean on Faith
from Being whole pdf
Part of becoming whole also means focusing on your spirituality. This looks different for everyone depending on what faith or religion you are a part of. You might not be part of faith, but are looking to get involved with one as part of your spiritual journey. No matter where your faith might lie, leaning on faith is an important part of becoming whole spiritually.
People who attend church services, find it helpful to read their Bibles often during difficult times because God can speak to them through the passages and stories found in the Bible. If you are Christian, you might find that having weekly devotions helps you. This involves reading your Bible and spending some quiet time with God.
Some people also choose to do their weekly devotions in a group. This can be done through the church or you can find some people and create your group at your home. To lean on your faith and create a closer relationship with God, you can also do weekly group devotions and solo daily devotions.
If you aren’t sure how to read the Bible or how to start, there are many different devotion books you can purchase that can take you through the Bible. You can also buy specialty devotion books aimed at helping you lean on faith and getting to know God better.