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R E V I T A L I Z A T I O N + P R E S E R V A T I O N


My first studio class in Urban Planning at UC involved studying a given neighborhood in the Cincinnati region. I studied South Cumminsville with two other students making maps, graphics, revitalization plans, and even postcards.

The neighborhood has a rich history, once being Cumminsville, until the construction of I-74 split the neighborhood in half. Northside is the northern portion of what used to be Cumminsville. Both neighborhoods are in very different economic and social standpoints today. To gain more connectivity and social activity, I came up with the idea to implement a bicycle and walking trail.

R E V I T A L I Z A T I O N P L A N : S O U T H C U M M I N S V I L L ERevitalization of Beekman Street Revitalization of Beekman Street Revitalization of Beekman Street South Cumminsville Community CenterW A L K A B I L I T YSouth Cumminsville Community Center South Cumminsville Community Center This neighborhood could really benefit by installing a community center. Here, residents could gather for public meetings, recalling history, or recieve helpful This neighborhood could really benefit by installing a community center. Here, residents could gather for This neighborhood could really benefit by installing information. This institution could also offer daycare public meetings, recalling history, or recieve helpful a community center. Here, residents could gather for and tutoring for it’s local residents. C O M M U N I T Y C E N T E R information. This institution could also offer daycare public meetings, recalling history, or recieve helpful and tutoring for it’s local residents. information. This institution could also offer daycare and tutoring for it’s local residents.


Parks Proposed Community Center

Redesigned CrosswalkProposed Community Center ParksRedesigned Crosswalk Proposed Community Center Redesigned Crosswalk

Beekman TrailBeekman Trail 1 Beekman Trail 1

Wayne Playground, the only public green space currently in South Cumminsville is easily walkable from resident’s homes. This is the optional starting or ending point B E E K M A N T R A I L P R O P O S A LWayne Playground, the only public green space currently in South Cumminsville is 1 2 2 Wayne Playground, the only public green space currently in South Cumminsville is easily walkable from resident’s homes. This is the optional starting or ending point of the Beekman Trail. of the Beekman Trail. This spot has the iconic South Cumminsville sign. This corner would make a great green space to sit and take in the historic architecture of Garfield Commons. It may be small but it has great potential. easily walkable from resident’s homes. This is the optional starting or ending point of the Beekman Trail. This spot has the iconic South Cumminsville sign. This corner would make a great green space to sit and take in the historic architecture of Garfield Commons. It 2 This spot has the iconic South Cumminsville sign. This corner would make a great may be small but it has great potential. 3 green space to sit and take in the historic architecture of Garfield Commons. It may be small but it has great potential.Under this overpass could potentially be a unique public space where walkers, joggers and bikers could stop for a quick break or explore the urban atmosphere. This Under this overpass could potentially be a unique public space where walkers, jog3 3 Under this overpass could potentially be a unique public space where walkers, joglocation could open the neighborhood up by taking it’s greatest weakness, I-74, and turning it into a hotspot. gers and bikers could stop for a quick break or explore the urban atmosphere. This location could open the neighborhood up by taking it’s greatest weakness, I-74, and 4 gers and bikers could stop for a quick break or explore the urban atmosphere. This location could open the neighborhood up by taking it’s greatest weakness, I-74, and turning it into a hotspot. The Beekman Trail would end (or begin) in a park in Northside. The current space is unoccupied and would be a perfect space for a park. West Fork flows turning it into a hotspot. The Beekman Trail would end (or begin) in a park in Northside. The current 4 4 The Beekman Trail would end (or begin) in a park in Northside. The current into this area as well and is currently a hub for vandalism. This could change if the space was turned into something that would benefit the community. space is unoccupied and would be a perfect space for a park. West Fork flows into this area as well and is currently a hub for vandalism. This could change space is unoccupied and would be a perfect space for a park. West Fork flows if the space was turned into something that would benefit the community. into this area as well and is currently a hub for vandalism. This could change if the space was turned into something that would benefit the community.

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