+44 7862 383318
My name is Mira and I am a 25-year-old multi-discplinary designer specialising in fashion, graphics and business management based in London. I am pursuing my master’s in design management and strategic foresight at Central Saint Martin’s, UAL. As a young budding professional in the creative industry, pop culture constantly inspires my work and I like to interpret the world around me through bright optimistic colours.
Passionate and professional, I am driven to work in culturally diverse teams to acquire new knowledge and perspectives while addressing pressing global problems.
Central Saint Martin’s, UAL | London
MA Innovation Management (2022-2024)
National Institute of Fashion Technology | India
Bachelor’s of Fashion Design (2015-2019)
Typography Branding
Sketching TECHNICAL SKILLS GET IN TOUCH SOFTWARE Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Procreate for iOS Adobe AfterE ects Figma Adobe Illustrator
User Interface Design
Inspired by WGSN’s Autumn Winter 24/25 Colour Forecast, I have illustrated and designed a Bob Brighton-esque polyptych of some of the community’s most beloved sneakers as stampsgoing back to the good ol’ days.
Gucci x King Kong Magazine (Reference: WGSN)
Leighton Mcdonald
Each postcard and envelope artpiece will follow the same colour scheme as the stamp.
Amazon UK Presents
Amazon UK Pet Fest ‘24 Assets Palette
The Pet Fest is a key initiative in establishing Amazon as a Pets Specialist retailer by reinforcing the vision of becoming the go-to destination for pet parents. By partnering with retail vendors, pet experts, and NGOs, the 2-day event is aimed at providing a free, positive and educational experience while focusing on Amazon’s sustainability commitments.
The key branding initiative is to attract families and pet-parents through sophisticated yet playful graphics. The graphics are kept simple to keep in line with Amazon’s aesthetic, bright vibrant colours appeal to all audiences and accessible font placements across all domains.
Event Name Palette
Accessible Typeface
Amazon Ember Bold
Main Text (Regular)
Amazon Ember Bold
Main Text (Regular)
Amazon Ember Bold
Main Text (Regular)
Squid Ink #2d2d2d
Carrot #F55600
Smile #FF9900 Sky #2074d5
Sun #FFD74F
Oat #FFF4E0
Squid Ink #2d2d2d Smile #FF9900 Oat #FFF4E0
Sun #FFD74F
Graphic Elements
happiness for Pets!
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Final Dates, 2024
Final Date, 2024
Haggerston Park
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Pet Fest 2024
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Storefront and Social Media Assets Push
Placeholder text placeholder text Placeholder text placeholder text Amazon UK Pet Fest Don’t forget to sign up for the Fest and bring your furry friends! 9:30 AM
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Amazon Sale Event Campaigns
I was inspired by Jon Rafman’s Minor Daemon’s for this artpiece. Walking back from work in West Hampstead one day and I noticed things about London I never would have. Huge white houses surrounded by squalor, Pret co ee cups strewn, leaking sewers, constant construction. Everything is a metaphor. From cool vintage markets, old bars, gra ti-laden walls, London is a “dystopaea” in itself, crumbling at the seams but held together still.
The latest work of Canadian artist Jon Rafman, made from commercially available computer imagery software, looks like an old school PS2 game. It is about two young men from starkly di erent backgrounds who share an extraordinary gift of virtual reality gaming that blurs lines between real life and simulation. Navigating through this Hieronymus Bosch-like hellscape, riddled with vomit, violence and mythical beings, can secure their freedom.
Immersing myself in this installation felt almost like a fever dream- hypnotic, queasy and trans xing. I took inspiration from this installation to inform my own decisions for this project. Viewing London through the same dystopian lens but utilizing loud, almost garish colors, is my way of expressing hyper-optimism. Speculative ction and storytelling has garnered rising attention among artists and companies, although it isn’t a new concept. They are more prevalent in today’s world than ever before.
Why is London a dystopia? By 2015, academics had coined the phrase "urban neo-Victorian dystopia" to describe the dramatic social and spatial changes in the city (Butler, P, 2011). Peeling back the layers of global inflations, recessions, cost-of-living crisis, drug abuse, racism reveals a murky interior- one of struggle and strife. As an international student here, I am grateful to live here and optimistic for the future. L J R A A F M O O N N N D O N
West Hampstead
One-third of London was destroyed and more than 100,000 homeless. Some believe this burning inferno cleansed the city by destroying disease-ridden streets. An ember in the ashes emerged, a new London raising its middle nger to red skies. Finding, searching, yearning for a new tomorrow. The Great Fire of London in 1666 wrecked havoc among the streets of London, ravaging almost everything in its wake.
Water Meeting Bridge
According to a study conducted by King’s College London, sh in innocent rural waters are being exposed to a wide array of illegal substances such as ketamine, pharmaceuticals, and MDMA. Cocaine snorted by Londoners is polluting the Thames– and making aquatic life hyperactive. Cocaine enters the river in users’ urine via treated sewage. Untreated sewage can also get in following storms. The experts said: “London is known as one of the highest consumers of cocaine and this suggested everyday usage.”
Many samples of sh have shown that cocaine is metabolized in the liver (like humans) but also deposits in the eyes of invertebrates. Moreover, the brain chemistry of sh exposed to methamphetamine has experienced several behavioural changes and withdrawal symptoms, much like in human beings.
This art piece is one of a Common Roach, a freshwater sh found in the canals of London. I have merged the skeletal and outer appearance of the sh highlighting the eyes and liver region to indicate drug metabolism and extreme weightloss. This is a theme found in Minor Daemons as well, where one of the protagonists ingests copious amounts of drugs in his prison cell and loses his appetite. I have depicted the drug in colour to show its hallucinogenic qualities and dependency.
Loss of Identity Crisis
AlienBlood is my art piece, heavily inspired by Rafman’s work. It is a metaphor for immigrants in the UK and the issues they experience in terms of cultural identity, mental health, and a distorted sense of belonging. Minor Daemons explores the loss of physical and spiritual identity, society's dirt, and a jumble of civilizations. According to me, people make up a society but when they lose their sense of self, it is the onset of a dystopia.
The Lonely Londoner
The Lonely Londoner by Samuel Selvon is an interplay between reality and illusoriness of London. I met a girl outside the Swiss Cottage tube station who perfectly embodied the words of this novel.
Racial Acculturation
London is one of the world’s most diverse cities, housing people from all over the world. This young girl is of Indian descent but heavily inspired by the ‘youts’- their lingo, dressing, style, mannerisms. She has no interest in her Indian roots- she is like a sponge absorbing so many di erent cultures. Hence the colourful splashes on her pu er gillet.
Social Alienation
Contemporary migration research shows that the number of foreigncountry-born migrants is increasing (Vukojević, B, 2019). She immediately asked me if I was “also desi” after she heard my Indian accent, which is considered a derogatory slur. Social alienation is marked by an intense fear of not belonging.
Learned Helplessness
Psychologists use the term “learned helplessness” to describe the e ect of being subjected to systemic oppression and injustice regularly without being able to do anything about it (Lo, I, 2023). Though she is so young, she has experienced microaggressions and racism, giving her a defensive edge in her demeanor. “Is it appropriation if I wear a bindi, then?” she asks me.
Halfway to the 2030 deadline for hitting the Sustainable Development Goals, we're only on track to meet 12% of its targets (CII, 2023). The UK is on course to meet just 17% of targets, but developing countries are bearing the brunt of collective failures. Climate change and imminent global collapse have certainly created a sense of urgency, one where if we do not utilise our resources judiciously, we may all end up living in a decrepit city. London’s blazing skyscrapers through the night remind me of a box of lit cigarettes, ultimately snuffed out.
Tools used: Procreate for iOS
A self portrait utilising all things I love, Tonkotsu Ramen, Jiji from Studio Ghibli’s Kiki’s Delivery Service and vibrant colours.
Places + Faces
A hand-illustrated monochromatic piece of faces from di erent places. Done using Sakura pigment liners.
Babel by R.F. Kuang
Illustrated by Nico Delort
Protopian Future
Tools used: Procreate for iOS
Planet City, a speculative city by architect Liam Young is one which covers just 0.2% of the Earth’s surface and houses 10 billion people by 2080, allowing wilderness to cover the rest. This city was inspired by Athanasius Kircher’s Turris Babel. “To reach the heavens, the tower would have to be 178,672 miles tall”.
I was deeply inspired by this project and mankind’s constant quest of achieving utopiaism and equality, not without entropy.
This extreme densi cation of the entire human population forces communities to live with each other harmoniously but without losing their own individual identities. The rays of pink light emanating throughout the city is the source of energy for the people. I used this in my artpiece but with greetings in di erent languages.
Planet City by Liam Young (2022)
Planet City by Liam Young (2022)
my artpiece was to take inspiration from R.F Kuang’s book cover. The book touches upon the importance of language, loss of community and the e ects of dual linguistic consciousness. I was inspired by languages for my nal art piece as a gateway for diversity and community within the same structure.
Protopia: a state that is better than today than yesterday
-Kevin Kelly, Wired, founder
Protopian Future created on Procreate for iOS
A freelance project done for Work EZ, India, co-working spaces dotted throughout major cities in Tamil Nadu, India.
I played with typography, vector graphics and concepts to make sure the artworks are unique, motivational, inspiring and fun! :)
opportunities.ai cantstopwontstop.ai
The brief for these pieces was to keep them young, fresh and stimulating at the same time. These murals were for the common spaces, breakout rooms, cafe and in some cubicles.
reachforthestars.ai humanexploration.ai
co eeandchocolate.ai
Life-sized murals for common spaces and the cafe to stimulate creativity and keep people inspired.
Ctrl+Y on Adobe Illustrator
Life-sized murals for o ce cubicles to promote team building and ideation.