Design Process Book Packaging
Packaging/instruction will document the development of any structural packaging and any infographic material related to the use of the product
Hei Man Cheong (Miranda) 200722184
Market Research
Tiffany & Co.
Observation of existing product There is a few layers of the watch package from Tiffany & Co. The outer layer show the consistent colour of the brand and the inner layer of the packaging is in black colour to stay a posh and mystery image. Also, inside the black box, it used a small cushion to secure the watch. The material used inside the packaging seems to be soft and will not damage the watch.
There is a booklet of Tiffany & Co. This shows the existing collection of Tiffany & Co., also the instruction of how to use it. In addition, Tiffany & Co. provide every customers who bought a watch a guarantee card where, customer can return or repair the watch in an amount of time.
The photo shows on the right is the Tiffany & Co Packaging. Each layer of the packaging box, even the outside and inside layer is cover with its consistent colour and with the brand name in the middle of the packaging box.
The graphic design of the packaging box is simple and elegant. Tiffany & Co. using its brand name and the consistent colour as the graphic design. It is a strong brand that customer will recognized the packaging box alone. The graphics design for the new packaging should remain mostly the same structure.
Layout The design of the box will still remain the style of Tiffany & Co. because it is a very strong brand image of the company. The packaging box have 3 main components which show the bottom and top part and also I will add another layer to cover both the bottom and top part of the box. This can be an advertising layer without damaging the graphics design of the box inside to keep its simple and elegant. The box size is according to the size of the smart watch. This box should be made with hard cardboard paper and have a simple layout because the existing box from Tiffany & Co doesn’t structure a complicate layout, this is to emphasis the ease of use of the box.
Product Structure
Upper part of the box
Enclosed box
Bottom part of the box
The sheath cover removing from the box
Outer layer of the box
The inner of the box
Graphics Design This is the graphics design that designed for the new packaging box of the new smart watch of Tiffany & Co. The packaging box of Tiffany & Co. are usually simple as it is. However, the new design wants to emphasis that the traditional watch interface could be still work well in a smart watch interface. Therefore, I use an old watch interface as the main part for the packaging box for the graphics design on the cover only. I still want to keep the simple concept of the package, so, I did not add or design anything for the box inside.
Graphics Design
Graphics Design This following design is the information booklet that usually will be provided in the package booklet. The design remain the style of the company, and also information with photograph description. The design of the booklet of the Tiffany & Co will be written about the information of the company, watch collection, introduction of how to use and describe the feature and more importantly is a short list of charm selection for this bracelet that customer would want to purchase.
This the design of the card of the guarantee card where, customer can return or repair the watch in an amount of time. The design remain with the same brand name style and also the consistent colour.
Final Prototype These photographs shows the final prototype of the information booklet and also the international warranty card. The photographs show different views of the information booklet: from the cover, end page and the pages inside. The photographs of international warranty card shows the front and the back.
Final Prototype These photographs shows the final prototype of the entire design of the packaging for the company, Tiffany & Co., the biggest photographs show the three designs and the small photographs show the process of every single part of the package box.
Observation of existing product There are several parts for Armani watch packaging. And both Tiffany & Co. and Armani have the same style of using 2 elements on their packaging, the colour and the brand name. The sheath cover show the consistent colour of the brand and the inner layer of the packaging is in black colour to stay a posh and mystery image.
There are two booklet and one is showing the existing collection of Armani, also the instruction of how to use it. The other one show the Terms and Condition and some instruction of how to repair. Also, inside the black box, it used a small cushion to secure the watch. The material used inside the packaging seems to be soft and will not damage the watch. The graphic design of the packaging box is simple and elegant. Armani using its brand name and the consistent colour as the graphic design. It is a strong brand that customer will recognized the packaging box alone. The graphics design for the new packaging should remain mostly the same graphics design.
Layout The design of the box will still remain the style of Armani. because it is a very strong brand image of the company. The packaging box will have 2 main components which show the a cover of a box and a inside part that can easily put into the cover box. Also, I have added Armani logo on the package to show an image of its logo because the logo of Armani is a recognised brand to consumer. The box size is according to the size of the smart watch. This box should be made with hard cardboard paper and have a simple layout because the existing box from Armani doesn’t have a complicate layout, this is to emphasis the ease of use of the box.
Product Structure
2 main part of the packaging box.
The Enclosed box
How to open the box
The sheath cover removing from the box
Graphics This is the graphics design that designed for the new packaging box of the new smart watch of Armani. The packaging box of Armani are usually simple as it is. However, the new design wants to emphasis that the logo of the Armani. Therefore, I added the structure of Armani logo on the cover. And didn’t re-design any for the packaging because simple is the best.
Graphics Design
Final Prototype These photographs shows the final prototype of the information booklet The photographs show different views of the information booklet: from the cover, end page and the pages inside.
Final Prototype These photographs shows the final prototype of the entire design of the packaging for the company, Armani. The biggest photographs show the three designs and the small photographs show the process of every single part of the package box.