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2014/2015 School of Design University of Leeds

The influence of the design of perfume bottles for lady consumers influences their purchasing behaviour Final Dissertation

Hei Man, Cheong 200722184 sd12hmc@leeds.ac.uk Bachelor of Arts, Design and Technology Management


I would like to gratefully and sincerely thank Mr Ningtao Mao for his guidance, patience and understanding throughout the year, providing me a lot of useful and helpful information and knowledge. He answers my questions patiently whenever I need help. He really helps me a lot with my limited statistics knowledge and provides me an understanding with any section that I am struggled.

Also I would like to thank all the participants involved in the questionnaires and interviews; they have provided a lot of results, precious and informative of opinions. This helped to make my research more accurate and reliable and helped to analyses the final result of the research.

Abstract ‘There are endless rows of counters of fragrance and you have a millisecond to catch your customer’s eyes,’ says by James Fine, a fragrance developer. (The wall street journal, 2012)

Nowadays, Perfume has become one of the most popular products in the world. According to the research from Companies and Markets, it is report that the global perfume market has been forecast to a reach a value of approximately US $45.6 billion by 2018. (CompaniesandMarkets.com, 2013) The competition between different perfume companies are competitive, each existing companies were branding their product to promote effectively to their target consumers. How can perfume bottle attracted to consumers effectively?

This research aims to studying ‘the influence of the design of perfume bottles for lady consumers influences their purchasing behaviour.’ By investigating how the design affected ladies purchasing behaviours, it is necessary to study how the details of the design elements of the perfume bottle influence ladies purchasing decision. In addition, a comparison carried out between two countries to investigate if culture factor also affects their purchasing decision.

In this research, online questionnaire and one-to-one interview have been carried out. There are total 91 respondents from two countries; China and United Kingdom were participated in the questionnaire to answer the research questions with comparison tables. While, there are total 12 interviewers from China were participated in the one-to-one interviews. Both of them were collected and were put to analysis and discussion.

The research finding discovered that ladies often affected by the aesthetics appearance of the perfume bottles. The most influential factors that the ladies considered when they purchase are the fragrance, but what makes them approach to the perfume bottles are the design of the perfume bottles. And this research also proved that bottle design is more important than brand when it comes to purchasing decision.

List of Tables Table 1. Colours and their Associated Messages --------------------------------------------------------9 Table 2. Table of shapes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Table 3. Top 10 Perfume Analyses -----------------------------------------------------------------------14 Table 4. Top 10 perfume brands for consumers aged 20-24 ------------------------------------------19 Table 5. Analyses of Top 10 Perfume Brands for Female Consumers Aged 20-24 ---------------20 Table 6. The perfume knowledge analysis --------------------------------------------------------------45 Table 7. The comparison on brand awareness ----------------------------------------------------------46 Table 8. The comparison on influence factors ----------------------------------------------------------47 Table 9. The comparison on colour ----------------------------------------------------------------------48 Table 10. The comparison on shape ---------------------------------------------------------------------48 Table 11. The comparison on size -----------------------------------------------------------------------48 Table 12. The comparison on material ------------------------------------------------------------------49 Table 13. The comparison on types of colour on perfume bottle ------------------------------------49 Table 14. The comparison on types of design on perfume bottle ------------------------------------50 Table 15. The comparison on types of shape on perfume bottle -------------------------------------50 Table 16. The comparison on decoration on perfume bottle ------------------------------------------51 Table 17. The comparison on types of material on perfume bottle ----------------------------------51 Table 18. The comparison on logo and name on perfume bottle -------------------------------------51 Table 19. The comparison on attractiveness on perfume bottle --------------------------------------52 Table 20. Attitude measurement from Interview -------------------------------------------------------56

List of Figures Figure 1. Age ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31 Figure 2. Qualification -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32 Figure 3. Current living place. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------33 Figure 4. How often purchase perfume. -----------------------------------------------------------------33 Figure 5. Spend on perfume product each year. --------------------------------------------------------34 Figure 6. Knowledge about perfume products. ---------------------------------------------------------35 Figure 7. Awareness of perfume products. -------------------------------------------------------------35 Figure 8. Price of perfume. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------36 Figure 9. Brand of perfume. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------36 Figure 10. Fragrance of perfume. -----------------------------------------------------------------------37 Figure 11. Aesthetics appearance of perfume. --------------------------------------------------------37 Figure 12. Brand Awareness on perfume. -------------------------------------------------------------38 Figure 13. Influence factors of perfume. ---------------------------------------------------------------39 Figure 14. Colour -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40 Figure 15. Shape ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40 Figure 16. Size --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40 Figure 17. Material ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41 Figure 18. Types of Colour ------------------------------------------------------------------------------41 Figure 19. Types of Design ------------------------------------------------------------------------------42 Figure 20. Types of shape --------------------------------------------------------------------------------42 Figure 21. Decoration on perfume bottle --------------------------------------------------------------43 Figure 22. Types of material ----------------------------------------------------------------------------43 Figure 23. Logo and name design on perfume bottles -----------------------------------------------44 Figure 24. The attractiveness on perfume bottle design ---------------------------------------------45

Table of Content Chapter 1 Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.1 Purpose of Research --------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.2 Research Background ------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.2.1 The Growth of Beauty Market ---------------------------------------------------1 1.2.2 The Perfume Market --------------------------------------------------------------1 1.2.3 The Importance of Packaging Appearance -------------------------------------2 1.3 Aim and Objectives ---------------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.4 Scope of study ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Chapter 2 Literature Reviews -----------------------------------------------------------------------------5 2.1 Background of Customer ---------------------------------------------------------------------5 2.1.1 Understanding Consumer Behaviour --------------------------------------------5 2.1.2 Customer preference ---------------------------------------------------------------6 Groups --------------------------------------------------------------------6 Age ------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Gender --------------------------------------------------------------------6 Social class ---------------------------------------------------------------6 Culture ---------------------------------------------------------------------7 2.1.3 Aspiration and Emotional forces --------------------------------------------------7 2.2 Perfume Bottles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 2.2.1 The Concept of Perfume Bottles --------------------------------------------------8 2.2.2 Variables Elements of Perfume Bottles ------------------------------------------8 On-shelf: Colour ---------------------------------------------------------9 Table of Colours and Representative ----------------------9 Cultural meaning ---------------------------------------------10 Emotional association ---------------------------------------11 On-shelf Impact: Stand out --------------------------------------------11 On-shelf Impact: Size and Shape -------------------------------------11 On-shelf Impact: Material ---------------------------------------------13 Glass -----------------------------------------------------------13 Plastic ---------------------------------------------------------14 Metal ----------------------------------------------------------14

2.3 Existing Perfume Bottles ---------------------------------------------------------------------14 2.3.1 Top 10 Perfume Analyses ---------------------------------------------------------14 2.3.2 Top 10 Perfume Brands aged 20-24 ---------------------------------------------19 Top 10 Perfume Brands Aged 20-24 Analysis ----------------------20 Chapter 3 Research Questions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------26 Chapter 4 Methodology and Research Design ----------------------------------------------------------27 4.1 Qualitative and Quantitative Methods ------------------------------------------------------27 4.1.1 Questionnaire -----------------------------------------------------------------------27 4.1.2 Observation Method ---------------------------------------------------------------27 4.1.3 Likert Method ----------------------------------------------------------------------28 4.1.4 Data Collection, Sampling and Data Analysis ---------------------------------28 4.2 Questionnaire Design -------------------------------------------------------------------------28 4.3 Interview Design ------------------------------------------------------------------------------29 Chapter 5 Results -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31 5.1 Questionnaire ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------31 5.1.1 Questionnaire: Data Collection, Result and Finding --------------------------31 5.1.2 Analysis, Discussion and Comparison ------------------------------------------45 Section 2: General Question Analysis -------------------------------45 Section 3: Research Question Analysis ------------------------------46 5.2 Interview ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------53 5.2.1 Interview: Result and Finding ----------------------------------------------------53 5.2.2 Analysis, Discussion and Comparison ------------------------------------------55 Section 3: Attitude Measurement -------------------------------------56 Chapter 6 Discussion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------60 6.1 Hypotheses Discussion -----------------------------------------------------------------------60 6.2 Objectives Discussion ------------------------------------------------------------------------62 Chapter 7 Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------65 7.1 Overall Conclusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------65 7.2 Recommendation -----------------------------------------------------------------------------65 7.3 Limitation and Suggestions for Future Research-----------------------------------------66 Chapter 7 Bibliography -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------67 Chapter 8 Appendices -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------71


I would like to gratefully and sincerely thank Mr Ningtao Mao for his guidance, patience and understanding throughout the year, providing me a lot of useful and helpful information and knowledge. He answers my questions patiently whenever I need help. He really helps me a lot with my limited statistics knowledge and provides me an understanding with any section that I am struggled.

Also I would like to thank all the participants involved in the questionnaires and interviews; they have provided a lot of results, precious and informative of opinions. This helped to make my research more accurate and reliable and helped to analyses the final result of the research.

Abstract ‘There are endless rows of counters of fragrance and you have a millisecond to catch your customer’s eyes,’ says by James Fine, a fragrance developer. (The wall street journal, 2012)

Nowadays, Perfume has become one of the most popular products in the world. According to the research from Companies and Markets, it is report that the global perfume market has been forecast to a reach a value of approximately US $45.6 billion by 2018. (CompaniesandMarkets.com, 2013) The competition between different perfume companies are competitive, each existing companies were branding their product to promote effectively to their target consumers. How can perfume bottle attracted to consumers effectively?

This research aims to studying ‘the influence of the design of perfume bottles for lady consumers influences their purchasing behaviour.’ By investigating how the design affected ladies purchasing behaviours, it is necessary to study how the details of the design elements of the perfume bottle influence ladies purchasing decision. In addition, a comparison carried out between two countries to investigate if culture factor also affects their purchasing decision.

In this research, online questionnaire and one-to-one interview have been carried out. There are total 91 respondents from two countries; China and United Kingdom were participated in the questionnaire to answer the research questions with comparison tables. While, there are total 12 interviewers from China were participated in the one-to-one interviews. Both of them were collected and were put to analysis and discussion.

The research finding discovered that ladies often affected by the aesthetics appearance of the perfume bottles. The most influential factors that the ladies considered when they purchase are the fragrance, but what makes them approach to the perfume bottles are the design of the perfume bottles. And this research also proved that bottle design is more important than brand when it comes to purchasing decision.

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the research This research study is to investigate the consumer behaviour when choosing the perfume bottles and in an outcome to study if the design elements of perfume bottles affect their purchasing decision. This research can helped to investigate what do ladies think of when they purchase perfume, and this will help the designer summarised what is the most influential factors ladies do concern, so that the designers could focus on the influential factors when they designing for ladies perfume.

1.2 Research Background The growth of beauty market, the fragrance market recently and the importance of packaging are discussed in the section of research background.

1.2.1 The Growth of Beauty Market The beauty market today is ‘in pink’. There are more than one million people employed which worth £17 billion; it is forecast to grow another 16 percent by 2016. (Raconteur, 2014) Especially, the retail sales in the UK beauty market have grew 15.5 percent from £6.1 billion in 2008 to an estimated £7.1 billion in 2013. (Raconteur, 2014) The beauty market has continued to expand globally, with some projections claiming 8.5% growth by 2014. (Franchisehelp, 2014) Recently, many new released products included features of eco-ethical products; particularly meet the customers’ desire. (Yahoo Finance, 2013, cosmetic market) Product innovation will then remain and continue at the core of demand in the market. It has proved that the beauty market has a huge potential to continue growing in the future.

1.2.2 The Perfume Market The global perfume market has been forecast to a huge value by 2018, driven primarily by growth expected in underpenetrated emerging market and new innovation products launches. [1]

(Companiesandmarketing.com, 2013) In addition, Keynote reports that fine fragrances generally dominate the fragrances market, with the industry heavily influenced by highprofile and well-known designer brands, such as Dior, Chanel, Armani and Elizabeth Arden. As such, fine fragrances are estimated to represent around 85% of the market, with the remaining 15% accounted for by mass-market fragrances. (Keynote, 2013) Today, fragrances have evolved into a mainstream business in the cosmetics and personal care industry. It has been said as a ‘feel good factor’, which expressing individuality and personal style. (Yahoo Finance, 2013, global fragrance) With the competitive competition between different companies, every company was branding their product to promote and design effectively to their target customers. Recently, the fragrances market is increasingly looking at the ladies segment as a potential growth market, while women’s fragrances continue to dominate the market, with maximum number of product launches and innovation aimed at the fairer sex. (Yahoo Finance, 2013, global fragrance)

1.2.3 Importance of Packaging Appearance Packaging is a visual experience of a specific product and it transfers the personality and the use of the product to the consumer. In another word, Packaging plays an important role in the marketing mix and promotion campaign as a setter of trends to create brand identity and shelf impact in all product groups. (Interpack, 2014) In modern stores, prices are fixed. Packages do the selling. Consumers would buy a package because it has a brand name that they trust. The teaching guide of packaging - The science of temptation said that ‘packaging has claimed a piece of consciousness.’ and ‘packaging helps to give products a “personality”.’ (Appendix: Packaging, The science of temptation, 3) It suggested that the packaging did not just protect the product, but it did sell itself to the consumer. In many daily life cases, when we need to purchase an item that has many options, we normally seek for the quality and packaging of the item. The design of the packaging must be well designed, such as the features of logo, colour, shape and material etc. Therefore, it is said that ‘many packages cost more to make than the product they contain’. (Appendix: Packaging, The science of temptation, 7) This is a true fact because the packaging was made to be part of the product. Packaging do communicated strongly without any word since ‘reading words is one of the LAST things consumer do.’ So, we should listen to the ‘non[2]

verbal language of packages; to their silent vocabulary of colour, shape and size’ and material.’ (Appendix: Packaging, The science of temptation, 7)

1.3 Objectives of the Research Perfume bottle appearance is important for the perfume industry to build awareness and brand image to gain competitive advantage. ‘Product designers make choices regarding characteristics such as shape, scale, tempo, proportion, material, colours, reflectiveness…’ (Milotic. D. 2006) The existing challenges in the perfume market are still competitive for each of the perfume companies to design attractive perfume bottles and appeals effectively to their target group. Therefore, it is necessary to study how the details of the design elements of the perfume bottle influence the consumer purchasing decision.

The objectives of this research are listed below: 1. To investigate the most influential factors that the ladies considered when they purchase. 2. To investigate if the perfume bottle design has a high possibility to influence ladies purchasing decision. 3. To investigate the most influential design elements that influence ladies when they purchase. 4. To investigate if there are any difference of influential design elements between two cultures when they purchase perfume.

1.4 Scope of study This research was mostly based on culture of two selected countries, United Kingdom and China, according to the topic of the research study, only females were chosen to be the target consumer group because this could focus on one gender to help narrow down the research to provide an accurate and understanding result in this limited time duration. It is suggested that ‘women are more visually oriented and place more emphasis on a product’s design’. (Pezoldt, K, Michaelis, A. 2012) And instead of female from all age, this research will further narrow down to ladies who aged 18 – 25, because it is recently suggested that this group of ladies


forms a potential growth market recently (Yahoo Finance, 2013, global fragrance) and also it is suggested that Therefore, ladies will be more suitable for this research study.


Chapter 2 Literature Review

Product packaging often affect the consumer behaviour, which it is defined as “the set of mental and physical activities undertaken by consumers to acquire and to consumer products so as to fulfil their needs and wants.” (Avery. J, 2013, pg. 8)

2.1 Background of Customer An understanding is needed to know the wants and needs that each of the different consumer segments involved. It is mention that ‘Consumers are different; they have difference age, gender, family structure, social class and income, race and ethnicity, geography and lifestyles.’ (Solomon. M, 2013, pg. 35) This elements suggested by Solomon. M tends to be the factors that needed to decide and be careful when producing a designed product and marketing strategy to a particular group of target consumers.

2.1.1 Understanding Consumer Behaviour Consumers searched for solutions to the needs of their daily life, searching for a product that will meet their needs completely. Consumers are also ‘planners of personal finances; they seek to buy products at the best prices.’ (Avery, 2013, pg. 6) This is because consumer brains act like a ‘human computer’ which they starts to ‘read packaging labels, starts to check the shopping lists, looking at the advertisement and reading instruction on how to use a product’ (Avery, 2013, pg. 7), consumers do everything they can be get involved. Thus, customer behaviour acts as a process when purchasing. There are ‘3 stages of consumer decision making process: Pre-purchase, purchase and post purchase.’ (Solomon, 2013, pg. 32) The first stage is pre-purchase. Consumers will decide what he/she needs and how he/she can find detail of the product. (Solomon, 2013, pg. 32) The second stage is purchase, this reflected on the location that can be purchase, choice of retailer and payment methods. The last stage is the post purchase; this suggests how the satisfaction or disappointments consumer think of the after-use product and whether they will repeat purchase the product or not. (Solomon, 2013, pg. 32)


2.1.2 Consumer Preference Consumer preferences are defined as the subjective or tastes, as measured ‘by utility, of various bundles of goods. They permit the consumer to rank these bundles of goods according to the levels of utility they give the consumer.’(USI EDU, 2014) Groups A group may be defined as ‘two or more people who interact to accomplish either individual or mutual goals.’ (Schiffman, 2008, pg. 318) With the relationship of consumer behaviours, a reference group is ‘an important and powerful issues’ that needed to be considered. It is to provide a valuable view for understanding the impact on attitudes and behaviour. (Schiffman, 2008, pg. 318) Age Designing product needs and interests are often related to the age of consumers. It is very important for markets to be aware of the age effects. This is because nowadays age represents a ‘lucrative and growing market.’ Moreover, age does ‘inevitably bring with both physical and mental problems’, this suggested that it is important to fit the product into the right group. (Stewart. B, 2007, pg. 182) Gender Specific design of packaging appeals to specific markets, especially include those defined by gender. It appears an important area in designing the product, this area involving ‘the interpretation of shapes, pack size, textures, colours, and typography and graphics devices.’ (Stewart. B, 2007, pg. 183) This suggested that different gender have their own special features in order to be attracted by specific market and products. Social class Social class can be used as a base for market segmentation and it is usually measured by ‘index of several demographics variables, such as education, occupation and income.’ (Schiffman, 2008, pg. 53) [6]

Income has been an important role in the market segments. It is often combined with other variables to define the target market. For example, high income ‘has been combined with age to identify the important affluent elderly segment.’ (Schiffman, 2008, pg. 51) These factors tend to have a close relationship in between. It is said that ‘high level occupation that offers high income usually require advanced educational training.’ Which the one with ‘little education rarely qualifies for high level jobs.’ (Schiffman, 2008, pg. 51) These factors highly influence consumer what they purchase and purchase decision. Culture Culture is defined as ‘the sum total of learned beliefs, values and customs that serve to direct the consumer behaviours of member of a particularly society.’ (Schiffman, 2008, pg. 343) Culture is an important factor that will influence the consumer behaviour and it existed to satisfy the need of the people within a society. For example, an organisation like pizza hut will produced different variety of toppings and flavours to satisfy consumer in different countries, therefore, they design special flavours that only sell to the particular countries. (Pizzahut, 2014)

2.1.3 Aspiration and Emotional Forces ‘Visual references always make communicating thought processes to others much faster and easier.’ (Stewart. B, 2007, pg. 46) The purpose of visual reference is to identify the market sectors because everyone aspires to different thing or even something that are impossible. Therefore, managing with aspirations is ‘an emotional experience and whenever emotions come into play, and so do marketing opportunities.’ (Stewart. B, 2007, pg. 48) ‘Personal aspirations may take many different directions’, it is said aspiration is important for design to understand the powerful emotional forces and how it will provide an attractive reason to buy a particular products. (Stewart. B, 2007, page 49)


2.2 Perfume Bottles On a fragrance shelves that are crowded with thousands of perfume launched every season, a simple glass bottle is not enough to stand out between the competitions. Perfume bottles are getting more elaborate. Nowadays, consumers are more aware of the bottles design instead of the scent at the first stage, she wrote on her blog that ‘I spotted the bottle while shopping at Sephora and was drawn to the oversize rubber daisies on the cap for the Daisy by Marc Jacobs. “I bought Daisy because I liked the bottle. Is that bad?” For her, it was an impulse purchase.’ (The wall street journal, 2012)

2.2.1 Background of Perfume Bottles Perfume fragrance represent a symbol of a personal style and it has been worn by people for years and years and the perfume bottle nowadays just ‘act as a visual experience of a specific product.’ (William. M, 2001) In addition, perfume bottles do communicate into different moods and will affect customer moods. (Honeywell. J, 2007) The new concept of perfume bottle has been released and breakthrough the old and traditional concept. It is said that the perfume bottles ‘are meant to be displayed, not hidden in a medicine cabinet. You want the bottle to be so beautiful and unique that somebody wants to keep it.” (The wall street journal, 2012) Therefore, perfume bottle designs play an important role in the perfume market and also the use of marketing to build up brand awareness. Moreover, awareness is important in this case because it ‘measured according to the different ways in which consumers remember a brand, ranging from recognition.’ (Aaker, 2002, page 10)

2.2.2 Variables Elements of Perfume Bottles Perfume bottle itself is a good communication technique that can understand the effective of the colour, shape and design, which helped in making a fundamental bottle design and then standout on the display shelves.

[8] On-shelf Impact: Colour Colour may be the most important factor in creating visual appearance that need to attract to consumer, since colours is an element that ‘can attract the eye and also gives the fastest and clearest response before they know what is inside.’ (Appendix: Packaging, The science of temptation, 9-10) As a means of graphic communication, ‘colours are an ancient and powerful emotional signals’ (Mariane. R. Sandra A.K, 2012, page 35) The specific colour can identify a brand, and can tell the consumer something about ‘the nature of the product, have meaningful cultural association or invoke some innate emotional reaction.’ (Stewart. B, 2007, page 79) Typical Colours and Their Associated Messages There were so many colours in the world and certain people love certain colours, which can tell people are ‘associate with certain colours with certain emotions or feelings, colour can also be used to communicate various messages.’ (Mariane. R. Sandra A.K, 2012, page 84)








Power and control





Colour of perfection

Wedding and peace in Western


Death in China and Japan


Innocence Completion Red








Good fortune and wedding colour in China




Sectarian associations in Ireland




Colour of Dutch Royal Family

Spirituality Yellow




Cowardice in UK and US


Nobility in Japan

Honor Green


Islamic colour




Sectarian association in Ireland

Greedy Blue


Mourning in Iran


Immortality in China

Male Trustworthy Purple


Death in Latin America

Wealth Fantasy Romance Table 1. Colours and their Associated Messages Information from Packaging Design, Bill Stewart (Stewart. B, 2007, page 79) Cultural Meaning Colour also has cultural significance that should be aware of, especially when designing for international market or for multi-cultural where some colours may have an unexpected meaning to different places. This could be notice in the above table about colours meaning. (Stewart. B, 2007, page 82)

[10] Emotional Association One of the most powerful uses of colour is ‘appealing to emotional values and association’. Since, every consumer reacts differently to specific colours. Therefore, packaging should draw on these emotional values to produce ‘the emotional tone of the product.’ (Stewart. B, 2007, page 83) On-shelf Impact: Stand out Standout is the ‘ability to be readily seen or recognized and is a critical area to address.’ (Burr. C, 2003, page 100) ‘On shelf visibility is required for a product then passive colour will be rejected.’ (Burr. C, 2003, page 36) This is because with perfume bottles, the colour is needed to be cheerful and colour to attract the right target market group. On-shelf Impact: Size and Shape Size could affect how consumers judge a product, especially in a society where “bigger is better, and where bigger will be more worthy by its price.” (Appendix: Packaging, The science of temptation, 10) Larger items tend to attract the eyes more easily. Therefore, size is part of packaging and also part of marketing. (Appendix: Packaging, The science of temptation,12) Shape is part of the language of packages. The items could identify by the shape alone. For example, the contoured Coca Cola bottle is said as one of the world’s most recognized package. (Appendix: Packaging, The science of temptation, 11) Moreover, branding is something that is visually represented by a logo or graphic devices. However, for perfume bottle, it will be ‘the three-dimensional shapes that create its unique brand property.’ (Burr. C, 2003, page 155)

Table of Shapes This table show different three- dimensional shape that can be found recently. Most of the shapes in the table are the design elements that can found made as perfume bottles recently. Nowadays, Perfume bottle can be found in different form of shape, such as heart shape, diamond shape and also a shape of apple, while perfume bottle in the past is only made in [11]

shape like rectangle and cylinder. This suggests that the perfume market nowadays concern on the appearance more to get attention to their target group. Shape





Rectangle Prism Cylinder

Hexagonal Prism

Heart Prism






3-D Diamond Shape 3-D Heart Shape Table 2. Table of shapes Photographs from: Fun Stuff To Do. (2015), Shutterstock. (2015). On-Shelf Impact: Material Different kinds of material shows differently on the shelves and for perfume bottles, material tends to be an important element for the on-shelf impact. Glass The material of glass remains the top choice for perfume bottle. It creates an upscale appearance compared with plastic and metal. According to the research, glass can produce a lot of shape and could be manufactured in a fast speed, while customized form would take up to a week. Patterns cannot be detailed product by glass; it should be simple and focus on the logos and brand name. (Global sources, 2012)

[13] Plastic Using plastic on the perfume is often the lowest choice of all. However, plastic bottles for perfume composition have been improved recently. The plastic bottles have improved a lot of resistance, which reduce the likelihood of cracking of the bottle and increases their lifetime. (Google, 2013) Metal Metal, especially light-tight aluminium bottles claim to be the best preserved of perfume. Although it is difficult to completely remove from the headspace of a stored flask of fragrance. (Burr. C, 2003)

2.3 Existing Perfume Bottles Perfume Brand such as Mac Jacobs, Calvin Klein, Emporio Armani, Dolce and Gabbana, HUGO BOSS, Escada, Lacoste are a list of perfume brands that rank as ladies perfume. (Fragrance Direct, 2015) Their designed bottles are in the style of fresh, unique, colourful and playful.

2.3.1 The Analyses of Top 10 Perfume According from the main official website of the Perfume Shop, they listed an updated Top 10 women favourite perfume; it shows the bestselling perfume from the website. A table of the Top 10 perfume and a description of the perfume design, brand, shape and size will be described. Brands

Description of perfume value targeted

Paco Rabanne – Lady Million

It is a luxurious, sexy perfume for women which are designed to make any woman feel a million dollars. The fragrance is inspired by wealth and power. The result is fresh and playful, making Paco Rabanne Lady Million a seductive scent.


Description of bottle (Shape/Size)

It is in a diamond shaped bottle.

Design features of the bottle

It is dressed in gold and the name of the perfume, “lady

(Colour/ Logo)

million” is debossed and shown on the top of lid.

Marc Jacobs – Daisy

Daisy is the first of Marc Jacobs’s iconic fragrances for women, a fresh and floral fragrance which present a mood of youthful, sweet and it is perfect for summer. A very ornamental perfume which looks and smells fantastic. And it is said its a must for young women.

Description of bottle (Shape/Size)

It comes in a glass shaped bottle decorated with daisies made with hard plastic.

Design features of the bottle

A pale yellow colour represent summer season. Also the

(Colour/ Logo)

name of the perfume and the brand is printed black on the bottle. The big plastic daisy is the symbol for the brand.

Thierry Mugler – Alien Eau

Thierry Mugler takes the Alien energy and creates a


luminous perfume. The uniqueness of this fragrance is reflected in delicate floral notes with characteristic freshness and it exudes more optimism and positive messages.

Description of bottle (Shape/Size)

Body of the bottle is much curvier than its antecedents, has massive bottom. A gem decorated with golden details.

Design features of the bottle

Transparent and gold represent elegant. No logo or brand


(Colour/ Logo)

name is printed in the perfume bottle, this shows the bottle itself represent the brand

Davidoff – Cool water sea rose

Cool Water Sea Rose launches in 2013 as a new chapter in the saga of love between a woman and the sea.

Perfumer Aurelien Guichard created this composite of notes that represents freshness, spontaneity and purity.

coral reef Description of bottle (Shape/Size)

It is in a smooth vase shape, it is transparent that it showed the bottom of the old coral reef. It is very mysteries

Design features of the bottle

It is dressed with a soft pink gradient represent the sea rose

(Colour/ Logo)

and old coral reef on the bottom. The name of the perfume and the brand is printed white on the bottle.

Jimmy Choo – Jimmy Choo exotic

Jimmy Choo expresses an aura of strength and beauty. Glamorous in attitude, confident, intelligent and with a sense of fashion and fun. It’s a fragrance inspired by modern women, strong, empowered, beautiful, seductive and alluring with a hidden and mysterious sense of confident sexuality.

Description of bottle (Shape/Size)

It is decorated with the python pattern on the whole bottle.

Design features of the bottle

It is dressed with an exotic orange and the name of the brand

(Colour/ Logo)

is engraved on the middle component.


Dolce & Gabbana – Dolce

Dolce represents an emotional and sensual journey through Sicily, which is the origin and inspiration of the fashion duo. Dolce and Gabbana Dolce makes the perfect introduction at any occasion.

Description of bottle (Shape/Size)

Captured in a playful flower topped glass bottle, reminiscent of a vintage fragrance flacon,

Design features of the bottle

The bottle is in a slightly dark and transparent green which

(Colour/ Logo)

looks mystery with the while flower lid. The name of the perfume and the brand is printed black on the bottle.

Jean Paul Gaultier – Classique

The Classique is bold and sweet, which will awakes your feelings. And not only yours – imagine that people can recognize you even with their eyes closed. The fragrance for women by Jean Paul Gaultier. A classic women's fragrance. A fragrance with sensual, ultra-feminine notes.

Description of bottle (Shape/Size)

The ideal fragrance for a seductive, dominant woman with sensual curves.

Design features of the bottle

The bottle is dressed in sexual pink with two different texture

(Colour/ Logo)

represent the body and the lingerie. No logo or brand name is printed in the perfume bottle, this shows the bottle itself represent the brand


Thierry Mugler – Angel

Thierry Mugler Angel for women is described as a sweet and warm perfume. These are sophisticated, elegant and chic that will bring the popular compositions closer to girls and women who prefer transparent editions – aquatic fragrances.

Description of bottle (Shape/Size)

The pearly star-shaped bottle looks like shiny diamond.

Design features of the bottle

The colour is inspired by vintage confectionery with its blue

(Colour/ Logo)

colour. No logo or brand name printed.

Giorgio Armani – Sì

Enjoy timeless elegance with Giorgio Armani. Inspired for compelling and strong women, Si invites you to breathe in strength and modernity.

Description of bottle (Shape/Size)

It is a shape of classic bottle, the lid represent the dot from the ‘ì’ in the Sì.

Design features of the bottle

Transparent bottle with a black lid. The name of the perfume

(Colour/ Logo)

and the brand is printed black on the bottle.

GUCCI – Guilty Stud

Gucci takes as a catalyst its iconic entwined Gs and brings us a heroine who regards this emblem as an incitement to subvert. For this most contemporary of rebels, Gucci is the brand of sex and power. In Gucci Guilty, women discover the


very scent of defiance.

Description of bottle (Shape/Size)

Popular fragrances Gucci Guilty are "dressed" in new flacons, following the year’s fashion trend that promoted studs on clothes, footwear, accessories, jewellery with stylish robust body pattern of the bottle.

Design features of the bottle

It is dressed in metallic gold. Logo and the name of the

(Colour/ Logo)

perfume are engraved on the surface of the bottle. Table 3. Top 10 Perfume Analyses

Photographs and information from: The fragrance shop, 2015, The Perfume Shop, 2015, Fragrantica, 2015

This table of perfume bottle had shown many different designs using different colour, shape, size, material and position of the logo to represent the style of the brand which these elements will be one of the attractive reasons that influence the consumer.

2.3.2 Top 10 Perfume Brands for Consumers Aged 20-24 According to the Cosmetic & Fragrance Market report 2013reported by keynote. They conducted a survey into the penetration of selected leading fragrance brands in the last 6 months by age range 20-24 in the UK. (Keynote, 2013) Brands (Female)

Age 20-24

Price Range

Emporio Armani

27.1 %


Hugo Boss

26.3 %


Calvin Klein

25.6 %



16.3 %


The body Shop

15.7 %



Ralph Lauren

15.2 %



13.4 %


Dolce & Gabbana

10.3 %


Jean Paul Gaultier

5.6 %


Yves Saint Laurent

2.5 %


Table 4. Top 10 perfume brands for consumers aged 20-24 Data from (Keynotes, 2013) and Price range from (The Perfume Shop, 2015)

This table of information show a wide range of brands that are famous in the age of 20-24. Most of the brands had the most votes are well known brand and the price range from them is mostly cheaper compare to the brand that are had the least votes. This shows the issue of brand is important in selecting perfume, but also the price is a huge factor that affect their decision. Analyses of Top 10 Perfume Brands for Female Consumers Aged 20-24 The table below shows the description of the perfume from each brand on the Top 10 listed from keynote. (Keynote, 2013) Perfume is picked by the year 2013, which shown the bestselling on ladies perfume. The table show different brands represent a strong brand on their perfume and it is a high competitive competition because each of the brands has different design, concept, shape, colour, the use of material, texture and pattern is completely different.

Brands (Female)



Emporio Armani

Emporio Armani Diamonds Rose This version is for spring or summer season with its fresh citrus-fruity and floral tones. Diamond surface with pink colour where ladies love about it.


Emporio Armani Diamonds Rose This version is the classisified as gourmandforal and its an orignal version. Diamond transparent surface stand out it traditional style and concept. Hugo Boss

Femme This version suggests every Boss woman is all romantic and cheerful. It is in casual and simple bottle design and silver details which show a touch of sparkling and joyful.

Boss Jour Pour Femme This version is launch in Spring and it is available exclusively only at Heathrow airport. To show three faces of a woman: inspiration, composure and ease. It is tall and lean, milky white in colour with a transparent cap and gold colour details. Calvin Klein

CK One Shock for Her It is an opulent oriental and it is not a unisex edition. It simple white bottle design with a stand out “SHOCK� in pink.

Calvin Klein - Beauty Elegance, sophistication, timelessness and beauty are the first plan. It is ideal for mature women. An oval shaped bottle with lots of see through layers and silver and gold detail.



Only Imagine The explosion of invigorating notes highlights play femininity and offers a new composition in a romantic flacon. The flacon is available as elixir with a beautiful tulle flower on the neck of the bottle. Pink iridescent shades on the body of bottle announce the contents and theme of romantic edition Far Away Bella It offers a romantic composition. The glass flacon of the perfume has purple tulle ribbons on the neck and bottle is in a peach colour.

The body Shop

Dreams Unlimited™ Sun Fresh It is as cool and invigorating as the ocean, providing positive energy. It is to depict the scents of summer. The yellow colour represent sunny and the blue colour represent the sea.

White Musk Libertine EdT It is a limited edition collection by Leona Lewis. It is a playful and sensual fragrance ideal for those who enjoy adventures and mystery. Its flacons in charming pink shades.


Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren Big Pony 2 The bottle is in little purple flacon with blue number 2, as a sensual perfume for spontaneous and seductive woman.

Romance Summer Blossom It is a fragrance for summer that composed of playful essences of sun and romance. Bottles is in glass and airy flacon shaped like cube hides pink fragrant fluid and has a flower-shaped decoration on the neck of the nottle.


Lacoste Pour Femme It symbolizes spontaneous beauty, easiness and freedom of the scent. Tall and lean transparent bottle with gold details.

Touch of Pink This is targeting younger audience. It is in a curve bottle. It is a very comfortable brand, naturally elegant and sporty.

Dolce & Gabbana

D&G Anthology L’Imperatrice 3 It is inspired by tarot cards and their marks. It is in a simple transparent bottle with black cap and black brand name printed on which show its mystery to buyers.


Dolce It represents an emotional and sensual journey through Sicily, which is the origin and inspiration of the fashion duo. It designed with a playful flower topped glass bottle, reminiscent of a vintage fragrance flacon; the bottle is in a slightly dark and transparent green. Jean Paul Gaultier

Classique 'A fragrance that promises pleasure...' Bold and sweet, awakes your feelings. And not only yours – imagine that people can recognize you even with their eyes closed. The ideal fragrance for a seductive, dominant woman with sensual curves. The bottle is dressed in sexual pink with two different texture represent the body and the lingerie. Ma Dame It was imagined and created as a fresh, floral one. The bottle was designed as a transparent block of glass, coloured in pink, with an engraved sculpture of legendary Classique.

Yves Saint Laurent

Black Opium It is announced as a rock ‘n’ roll interpretation of the classic that should highlight the dark, mysterious side of the YSL brand. The bottle is dark and decorated with sequins that give a glam rock look.


Elle Intense Eau de Parfum It is created as more intensive and it wraps more strongly. The bottle has the same shape as original but in a darker nuance which are associated with upcoming evening, darkness, temptation and magic iridescence.

Table 5. Analyses of Top 10 Perfume Brands for Female Consumers Aged 20-24 Photographs and information from: (The Perfume Shop, 2015), (The Body Shop, 2015), (Avon Shop, 2015), (Keynote, 2013).


Chapter 3 Research Questions

In a summary of the discussion of the literature review, there are a lot of questions not answered on the influences of the design of the perfume bottles on the consumer behaviour when they make a purchase decision. For example, which of the design elements will influence more on their purchase decision and what will be the first thing that attracted to the consumer. Therefore, the following hypotheses are formed and to be investigated in this research in order to achieve our research objectives stated in chapter 1.

H1. Ladies from both China and United Kingdom have concurring opinion with purchasing perfume bottles. H2. The perfume bottle design has a higher possibility to influence ladies purchasing decision than the brand. H3. Colour and shape are the most influential design elements that ladies considered when they purchase.

Therefore, in the next few chapters, appropriate research methodologies will be identifies and proper research plan will be made to investigate the influence of design of perfume bottles on the consumer attitude, the purchasing decision made by ladies towards different design and decorative elements on a perfume bottle are investigated, the differences of such decisions made by ladies from China and United Kingdom are explored to see whether the appearance and design of the perfume bottle affects ladies purchasing decision under different culture background.


Chapter 4 Methodology

All methods used in this research to achieve the research goal will be outlined in this section. The methods used will be well described and explained. The details about the questionnaire design, observational design will also be covered. This section is mostly covered on ‘how’ to achieve and approach to the goals.

4.1 Qualitative and Quantitative Methods This section outlined the methods used for this research and how to collect and analysis the data in each of the methods.

4.1.1 Questionnaire Questionnaire is the most popular method used in collecting primary data. Survey is for collecting a wide variety of data; in this case, this will include the consumer behaviour, awareness, and knowledge toward perfume and the design of perfume bottles. The survey in the research was to provide detailed and accurate information and it refers to the systematic collection of data from a population. (Hammond, M. and Wellington, J, 2013, pg 137) The main outcome of questionnaire is to find out “how many” feel, think and behave in a particular way, and this method is relatively quickly and easily. (Hammond, M. and Wellington, J, 2013, pg 138) In addition, it is the least expensive method. This methods work well with comparable information from a large number of participants. (Burns. R, 2000, pg 567) A combination of both closed-ended and open-ended questionnaires used in this survey to find out how many people use a service and what people think about a service. (Hammond, M. and Wellington, J, 2013, pg 30-31)

4.1.2 Observational Methods Observational Methods is a psychological research which includes the observation of a subject's behaviour. Tasks will be distributed during individual interview to observe the [27]

ongoing behaviour of the interviewers. Since questionnaires survey could only provide a large of data to see an overall behaviour. Interview method could aim at more specific question where photographs could be used and questions of ‘why’ could be asked.

4.1.3 The Likert Method It would be used in both questionnaire and interview; it proposed a simpler method of attitude measurement. It involves of selecting a set of attitude statements, to which subject are asked to indicate their agreement or disagreement, ranging from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’. (Burns, 2000, pg 559) This method is greater ease of preparation and it increases the probability that an attitude is being measured. (Burns, 2000, pg 560)

4.1.4 Data Collection, Sampling and Data Analysis Data collection for the questionnaire will be conducted online. This method requires more than 70 participants for the questionnaires to get accurate information. And by using the Likert method, data should be analysis by tables. Collection of data will be analysis using graphs, charts and diagram, also table of comparisons will be included. Data collection of the observation research will be collect by either recording during the one to one interview. The recording will be transcript. This method requires around 12 participants for the tasks to get more specific result and opinion style of collection.

4.2 Questionnaire Design (Included in Appendices) Questionnaire distribute online version :( https://leeds.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/how-the-designs-ofperfume-bottle-for-ladies-influence-the)

The questionnaire survey would be conducted in the format of online survey by the Bristol Online Survey website to create and distribute the questionnaire to the target respondents. This method allowed as many target audience involved in these two different countries, China and United Kingdom. Although the method does not provide a precise and clear answer from the respondent if the respondents were not focused. However, this method suggested to be the easy way to gain a large amount of result from two different countries during a limited time.


The questionnaire will be divided into three parts including 17 questions in total. On the following, the purpose of each section in the questionnaire will be discussed. Section 1: Personal Information This section aimed to analyse basic information of the respondents, more importantly, to separate different countries of respondents. The result of this research enables to provide data of different features in different segment about the relationship between consumer and the perfume market.

Section 2: The Perfume Knowledge A five nominal-scaled question would be applied in this section. This section aimed to identify how the respondents perceive themselves relative to perfume purchase behaviour.

Section 3: Importance Design Elements on Perfume Bottle This section was the core section of the questionnaire and could be known as the research question. The questions asked are related to the literature review and the importance of design packaging. Also, questions will be asked according to how respondents viewed about different design features in a perfume bottle.

Each of the section from this questionnaire will correspond to the research objective and hypothesis, the perfume knowledge will analysis how the attitude of the respondents towards their perfume knowledge and the influence factors of purchasing perfume. The importance design elements on perfume bottle will be a set of questions that focus on the design elements which the consumers get attracted first. Most importantly for this questionnaire, the data comparison between two countries will be gathering to see the result if any difference result discovered between two countries.

4.3 Interview Design (Included in Appendices) The observational method would be conducted as a one to one interview, a set of questions is created and different tasks are printed in a paper copy for interviewers to answer. The interviewers were told to be record to develop a transcript. Participants would be focused on


the one of the culture due to the limited time, this could helped to discover a depth viewed to perfume purchase behaviour. The interview will be divided into three parts. On the following, the purpose of each section of the interview will be discussed. In these tasks, a few brands would be covered with the interviewers and these included Marc Jacob, Dolce & Gabbana and GUCCI. These three brands have the highest votes in the question asked which are the three brands that they most aware of. This result is provdied by the questionnaire. Section 1: Personal Viewed on Brands A paper copy that shows a whole range of perfume bottles photographs from each of the three brands will be printed and given out during interview. They will be asked questions on how they think about the design, colour, and shape of the perfume bottle for each brand.

Section 2: Perfume Bottle A paper copy that show only one perfume bottle from each of the three brands will be printed and given out during interview. They will be asked question on the perfume that they are more likely to purchase. The three perfume bottles that used in this task were the Daisy by Marc Jacobs, Dolce by Dolce & Gabbana and GUCCI Guilty by GUCCI. The three perfume bottles shown are the TOP 10 women perfume bottle in 2014 from one of the table (Table 4. Top 10 perfume brands for consumers aged 20-24) provided in the literature review. This helped to collect more detail answer on different feature that they like or hate during the interviews.

Section 3: Attitude Measurement A paper copy lists a set of questions in the format of attitude measurement and the interviewers are asked to answer after the tasks are finished. The questions will be created on more specific questions that related to the result collected from the questionnaire.

Each of the section from this interview will correspond to the research objective and hypothesis, the first two sections suggests an opinion format of data toward the thinking between the brands and the appearance of the perfume bottles. Most importantly, the attitude measurement can provide the interviewer’s attitude on different design elements. [30]

Chapter 5 Analyses of Results

5.1 Questionnaire The questionnaire survey was conducted online, which has been distributing on Facebook and other social media to gain result from two different places with the selected aged group. The research topic refers to ladies buying behaviour on the design perfume bottles; the respondent in the questionnaire was therefore required to be ladies that aged 18-25. The questionnaires were distributed on the 27th Jan 2015, while the data collection is collected between 27th Jan 2015 to 1st March 2015, and there are 91 respondents in total. Each of the questions from the survey will be collected and to provide the fundamental base to analyse. These questions with data will be presented in either bar chart or pie chart.

5.1.1 Analyses of the Answers of Questions in Questionnaire Section 1: Personal Information 1. Age: Age 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0









Figure 1. Age For the age of respondents, a group of age range from 18-25 aged were designed in the questionnaire which was the 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25. The majority of 46.2% belong to the group aged 21, followed by 18.7% (aged 20) and 15.4% (aged 22). These groups below have less respondents, 7.7% aged 23, 4.4 % aged 24-25 and lastly 2.2% (aged 19) and 1.1% (aged 18)


2. Gender: Female Total respondents: 91 respondents

3. What is your highest qualification? What your highest qualification? 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


Higher diploma Undergraduate



Figure 2. Qualification For the highest qualification of the respondents, 67% of respondents were undergraduate degree followed by 13.2% of respondents from Postgraduate, 11% from higher diploma while 7.7% of respondent were the secondary school and 1.1 % of respondent of other. This result could tell most of the respondents are student which suggested that they have limited income.


4. Where you currently living?

Where you currently living?


46% 54%

United Kingdom

Figure 3. Current living place. The respondents from China were 47.8% of respondents while United Kingdom has 52.2% of respondents. This question helped to separate different thinking from each of the countries and a comparison table with other questions will be discussed in the next section.

5. How often do you purchase perfume for daytime use?

How often do you purchase perfume for daytime use? 6%


Never Once per year


Up to two times per year 38%

Up to 6 times per year

Figure 4. How often purchase perfume. For the perfume purchase for daytime use, 42.9% of respondents purchased twice per year, followed by 37.4% of respondents purchased once per year. There are 12.1% of respondents never purchase daytime perfume while 5.5% of respondents purchased up to 6 times per year and lastly 2.2% of respondents purchased more than 12 per year. [33]

Discussionː The result shows that there are 12.1% of respondents never purchase perfume. However, this is not a problem because this research question is about the design of perfume bottle; they could give their idea on the design of the perfume bottle. 6. How much do you spend on perfume product each year? How much do you spend on perfume product each year?

8% 30% 24%

£40 or below £41 - £70 £71 - £100 £101 or above


Figure 5. Spend on perfume product each year. For the amount they spent on perfume products, there are 37.4% of respondents spent from £41 -£70, followed by 29.1% of respondent spent £41 below and 23.1% spent £71-£100 and lastly 9.9% of respondents spent more than £101 each year.


Section 2: General question 7.1 I am knowledgeable about perfume products. I am knowledgeable about perfume products. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Figure 6. Knowledge about perfume products. The largest group of this section was the 42.9% of respondents answered agree, followed by 25.3% of respondents answered neutral. There were 16.5% of respondents answered disagree and 9.9% of respondents answered strongly agree and5.5 % answered strongly disagree. 7.2 I am often aware of the new release perfume products. I am often aware of the new release perfume products. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Figure 7. Awareness of perfume products. The largest group of this section was the 32.6% of respondents answered agree, followed by 22.5% of respondents answered neutral. There were 18% of respondents answered strongly agree. Lastly, 13.5% of respondents answered disagree and strongly disagree. [35]

7.3 Price of perfume does not matter to you when you are purchasing Price of perfume does not matter to you when you are purchasing. 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Figure 8. Price of perfume. The largest group of this section was the 37.4% of respondents answered disagree, followed by 33% of respondents answered neutral. There were 14.3% of respondents answered strongly disagree, followed by 12.1% of respondents answered agree. Lastly, 3.3% of respondents answered strongly agree.

7.4 Brand of perfume influence your decision for buying perfume. Brand of perfume influence your decision for buying perfume. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Figure 9. Brand of perfume. The largest group of this section was the 52.7% of respondents answered agree, followed by 34.1% of respondents answered strongly agree. There were 8.8% of respondents answered neutral. Lastly, 2.2% of respondents answered disagree and strongly disagree. [36]

7.5 I purchase perfume according to the fragrance (smells). I purchase perfume according to the fragrance (smells). 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Figure 10. Fragrance of perfume. The largest group of this section was the 63.7% of respondents answered strongly agree, followed by 31.9% of respondents answered agree. There were 3.3% of respondents answered neutral. Lastly, 1.1% of respondents answered strongly disagree and 0% of respondents answered disagree.

7.6 I purchase perfume according to the aesthetics appearances (bottle design, packaging). I purchase perfume according to the aesthetics appearances (bottle design, packaging). 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Figure 11. Aesthetics appearance of perfume. The largest group of this section was the 37.1% of respondents answered strongly agree, followed by 33.7% of respondents answered agree. There were 19.1% of respondents [37]

answered neutral. Lastly, 9 % of respondents answered disagree and 1.1% of respondents answered strongly disagree. For this attitude measurement scale on question 7, there will be a table in the next sections will be discussed to explore more. Section 3: Research Question 8. Which of the following brands are you aware of? (Rank the most influential three) Which of the following brands are you aware of? 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Paco Marc Thierry Davidoff Jimmy Dolce & Jean Giorgio GUCCI Rabanne Jacobs Mugler Choo Gabbana Paul Armani Gaultier


Figure 12. Brand Awareness on perfume. The brand that is the most aware of was the Marc Jacobs, 24.5% of respondents, followed by 21.6% from GUCCI and 17.2% from Dolce & Gabbana. The next followed by is the 11.7% from Giorgio Armani, 9.5% from DKNY, 5.9% from Jimmy Choo while 4.4% from Paco Rabanne, 3.3% from Jean Paul Gaultier and lastly 1.1% from Davidoff and 0.7% from Thierry Mugler. DiscussionË? The brands stated in the questions was chosen that are related on the Top 10 women perfume from the website, the perfume shop. The result shows the top 3 will be interest to the ladies perfume, which helped to minimise the board from women to ladies.


9. Which of the following factors influence you more when purchasing perfume? (Rank the most influential three) Which of the following factors influence you more when purchasing perfume? 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0



Peer group

Celebrity Packaging Endorsement


Style of the bottle

Figure 13. Influence factors of perfume. The largest group of the factors that influence their purchasing was the fragrance, 27.8% of respondents, followed by 20.5% from price and 24.2% from brand. The next followed by is the 15.8% from the style of bottle, 5.5% from packaging, 3.7% from peer group while 2.6% from Celebrity Endorsement. DiscussionË? The result shows the most three influential factors when purchasing a perfume obviously, which is the price, brand and the fragrance. The style of bottle ranked the fourth place. These four factors have a higher responds than the other three factors. This will be a good source for my second methodology.


10. Which of the following attributes of the design of perfume bottles concern you the most? (Rank 1-4) a) Colour Colour The largest group of this section was 52.7% of respondents ranked colour the second place, followed by 20.9% ranked the third place and 16.5% ranked the first place, while 9.9% ranked fourth place.

60 50 40 30 20 10 0





Figure 14. Colour

b) Shape Shape

The largest group of this section was 62.6% of respondents ranked shape the first place that they concern the most, followed by 22% ranked the second place and 9.9% ranked the third place, while 5.5% ranked fourth place.

40 30 20 10 0





Figure 15. Shape

c) Size Size 35

The largest group of this section was 31.9% of respondents ranked size the second place, followed by 28.6% ranked the third place and 22% ranked the fourth place, while 15.4% ranked first place.

30 25 20 15 10 5 0






Figure 16. Size

d) Material Material 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

The largest group of this section was 34.1% of respondents ranked material the third place, followed by 29.7% ranked the fourth place and 20.9% ranked the second place, while 15.4% ranked first place. 1




Figure 17. Material

11. Which colour would you be most likely to purchase Which colour would you be most likely to purchase?

8% 7% Warm Colour 50% 24%

Cold Colour Bright Colour Monochrome Metallic


Figure 18. Types of Colour The largest group of this section was 49.5% of respondents answered warm colour, followed by 24.2% answered bright colour and 11.1% answered the cold colour, while 8.1% answered metallic and 7.1% answered monochrome.


12. What type of design do you prefer for a perfume bottle? What type of design do you prefer for a perfume bottle?


15% 7%

Plain/Simple Vibrant Elegant Fancy


Figure 19. Types of Design The largest group of this section was 65.2% of respondents answered elegant, followed by 20.2% answered plain /simple and 7.9% answered fancy, while 6.7% answered vibrant.

13. Which shape of the perfume bottles attracts you? Which shape of the perfume bottles attract you?

9% Rectangle shape 37%

Oval shape Vase shape

44% 9%


Special shape (Heart, diamond) Abstract

Figure 20. Types of shape The largest group of this section was 44% of respondents answered special shape, followed by 37.4% answered rectangle shape and 8.8% answered vase shape and abstract, while 1.1% answered oval shape.


14. Will the decorations on the perfume bottle affect your decision of purchase? Will the decorations on the perfume bottle affect your decision of purchase?










Figure 21. Decoration on perfume bottle The respondents do think the decoration on the perfume bottle affect their decision of purchase consist of 77.8% while 22.2% of respondents do not think the decoration affect their decision.

15. Which types of material are you most likely to purchase? Which types of material are you most likely to purchase? 60 50 40 30 20 10 0







Figure 22. Types of material


The largest group in this section was 75.8% of respondents answered glass, followed by 18.7% answered crystal and 5.5% answered plastic. There was no respondents answered metal, cardboard and wood.

16. Do you prefer the bottle to have a logo with name of the brand or just the name of the perfume and brand? Do you prefer the bottle to have a logo with name of the brand or just the name of the perfume and brand? 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Logo of the brand

The name of the Both name and logo perfume and the of the brand brand

None of them

Figure 23. Logo and name design on perfume bottles The largest group in this section was 46.2% of respondents that prefer both name and logo of the brand, followed by 28.6% prefer only the name of the perfume and brand and 17.6% prefer only the logo. There was 7.7% of respondents prefer none of the above option on the perfume bottle.


17. Are you often attracted by the Bottle Design of the perfume? Are you often attracted by the Bottle Design of the perfume?

No Are you often attracted by the Bottle Design of the perfume? Yes






Figure 24. The attractiveness on perfume bottle design The respondents do think that they often attracted by the design of the perfume bottle consist of 81.3% while 18.7% of respondents do not think they often attract by the design of the perfume bottle. For the question 10 from question 17, it will be used for comparison on the next section to see the result if there any difference of thinking and result from each of the countries.

5.1.2 Analysis, Discussion and Comparison The comparison between the answers from the respondents from two countries that they currently live are compared in sections and respectively. Section 2: The Perfume Knowledge Analysis Choose the most appropriate answer from the 5 level scale of Likert method: Strongly








(round to 2 d.p)

7.1. I am knowledgeable about



















perfume products. 7.2. I am often aware of the new release perfume products. 7.3. Price of perfume does not matter


to you when you are purchasing. 7.4. Brand of perfume influence your



















decision for buying perfume. 7.5. I purchase perfume according to the fragrance (smells) 7.6. I purchase perfume according to the aesthetics appearances (bottle design, packaging)

Table 6. The perfume knowledge analysis The table shows a five level Likert scale questions about some basic knowledge about perfume and consumer purchase behaviour. The scale have been coded as 1-5 where 1= strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree in order to calculate the mean values. The question 7.1 to 7.3 have a middle mean value (middle = 3) which means that the respondents involved in this questionnaire are not confident with their knowledge and awareness of perfume products. Also the data appeals that price are a factor that will definitely influence their purchasing decision. On the other hand, question 7.4 to 7.6 have a high mean value (high = 4), this suggest that brand and fragrance is an effective factor that affect the purchasing decision especially for fragrance has the highest mean score. Moreover, respondent thinks that the aesthetic appearance of the fragrance is another factor but it is not a high influence factor. Section 3: The Importance Design Elements on Perfume Bottles Analysis 8. Which of the following brands are you aware of?

Where you currently living?

(Rank the most influential three) China

United Kingdom

Paco Rabanne



Marc Jacobs



Thierry Mugler






Jimmy Choo



Dolce & Gabbana



Jean Paul Gaultier




Giorgio Armani









Table 7. The comparison on brand awareness Analysis and Discussion: In this comparison table, the respondents were asked to choose the most influential three brands that they were aware of. From the data, there were three brands that stand out obviously in the table, which are Marc Jacobs, Dolce & Gabbana and GUCCI. There was no different result in between China and United Kingdom. This suggested that these three brands are a well-known brand in both of the countries.

9. Which of the following factors influence you more


Where you currently living?

purchasing perfume? China

United Kingdom







Peer group












Style of the bottle



(Rank the most influential three)

Table 8. The comparison on influence factors Analysis and Discussion: In this comparison table, the respondents were asked to choose the most three influential factors that influences them when purchasing perfume. The three factors that stand out in the table are the price, brand and fragrance. There was no difference in between China and United Kingdom. This suggested that brand, price and fragrance are the influential factors that influence ladies purchasing decision. The style of the bottle also has a balanced result from both side and it is ranked on the fourth place.


10. Which of the following attributes of design of perfume bottles concern you the most? (Rank 1 as the most and 4 as the least) 10.1 Colour

Where you currently living? China

United Kingdom

Rank 1



Rank 2



Rank 3



Rank 4



Table 9. The comparison on colour Analysis and Discussion: In this comparison table, the respondents were asked to rank 1 to 4 whether the colour as part of the design of perfume bottle concern them the most. Both of the countries ranked colours on the second place that they will concern the most. According to the literature review, perfume bottle can present in variety of colour, colour can be bold, warm, gradient, transparent which represent their theme and concept of the particular range of perfume series.

10.2 Shape

Where you currently living? China

United Kingdom

Rank 1



Rank 2



Rank 3



Rank 4



Table 10. The comparison on shape Analysis and Discussion: In this comparison table, the respondents were asked to rank 1 to 4 whether the shape as part of the design of perfume bottle concern them the most. Both of the countries ranked shape is the first place that they will concern the most. According to the literature review, perfume bottle can present in variety shape and different have their own unique shape which the whole range of perfume bottle is using the similar shape. 10.3 Size

Rank 1

Where you currently living? China

United Kingdom




Rank 2



Rank 3



Rank 4



Table 11. The comparison on size Analysis and Discussion: In this comparison table, the respondents were asked to rank 1 to 4 whether the size as part of the design of perfume bottle concern them the most. The data of this table tends to be a little bit complicated; respondent from China tends not to concern about the size as much as the respondent from United Kingdom because the highest votes from China ranked at fourth place while United Kingdom ranked at third place. The data in both sides has the same situation where it provided almost evenly votes in different ranking. Overall, the answer to this question in total is ranked on the third place.

10.4 Material

Where you currently living? China

United Kingdom

Rank 1



Rank 2



Rank 3



Rank 4



Table 12. The comparison on material Analysis and Discussion: In this comparison table, the respondents were asked to rank 1 to 4 whether the material as part of the design of perfume bottle concern them the most. The data of this table, respondent from United Kingdom tends not to concern about the size as much as the respondent from China. Because the highest votes from United Kingdom ranked the fourth place while China ranked size the third place. The data from United Kingdom provided almost evenly votes in different ranking. Overall, the answer to this question in total is ranked on the third place.

11. Which colour would you be most likely to purchase?

Where you currently living? China

United Kingdom

Warm Colour



Cold Colour



Bright Colour










Table 13. The comparison on types of colour on perfume bottle Analysis and Discussion: In this comparison table, the respondents were asked to choose which colours they do most likely to purchase. Both the countries answered warm colour of the perfume bottle would be more interested to them. And followed by bight colour is the second highest.

12. What type of design do you prefer for a perfume bottle?

Where you currently living? China

United Kingdom













Table 14. The comparison on types of design on perfume bottle Analysis and Discussion: In this comparison table, the respondents were asked choose which type of design they prefer for a perfume bottle. Both the countries answered an elegant design of the perfume bottle would be more interested to them. And followed by plain and simple design is the second highest.

13. Which shape of the perfume bottle is attractive to you?

Where you currently living? China

United Kingdom

Rectangle shape



Oval shape



Vase shape



Special shape






Table 15. The comparison on types of shape on perfume bottle Analysis and Discussion: In this comparison table, the respondents were asked choose which type of design they prefer for a perfume bottle. Both the countries had a different answer, respondents from China [50]

prefer special shape design for the perfume bottle while United Kingdom prefer rectangle shape would be more interested to them. Overall, the answer to this question in total prefer on special shape of perfume bottles.

14. Will the decoration on the perfume bottle affect your decision

Where you currently living? China

United Kingdom







of purchase?

Table 16. The comparison on decoration on perfume bottle Analysis and Discussion: In this comparison table, the respondents were asked if the decoration on the perfume bottle affect their decision of purchase. The result from each side of the respondents had answered a decoration on the perfume bottle would definitely affect their decision of purchase.

15. Which types of material are you most likely to purchase?

Where you currently living? China

United Kingdom



















Table 17. The comparison on types of material on perfume bottle Analysis and Discussion: In this comparison table, the respondents were asked which material they are most likely to purchase. The result from each side of the respondents answered glass in a perfume bottle material would be more interested.

16. Do you prefer the bottle to have the following? Logo of the brand

Where you currently living? China

United Kingdom




The name of the perfume and



Both name and logo of the brand



None of them




Table 18. The comparison on logo and name on perfume bottle Analysis and Discussion: In this comparison table, the respondents were asked what they prefer a perfume bottle to have. Both countries answered differently in this question. Respondents from China prefer both name and logo of the brand on the perfume bottle, while the respondents from United Kingdom prefer the name of the perfume and brand on the perfume bottle. Overall, the answer to this question in total prefer on both name and logo of the brand of perfume bottles.

17. Are you often attracted by the bottle design of the perfume?

Where you currently living? China

United Kingdom







Table 19. The comparison on attractiveness on perfume bottle Analysis and Discussion: In this comparison table, the respondents were asked are they often attracted by the bottle design of the perfume. Obviously, both countries answered that they often attracted by the design bottle. In addition, compare to the answered that they do not often attracted by the bottle design with both side, there is an interested facts that the respondents from China is more likely supporting to the answer ‘Yes’ (3 respondents) than United Kingdom (13 respondents). In a conclusion, these tables of comparison in both countries did claim that there were different influence factors and different way of thinking in design due to different background and cultures. To related this results effectively to the research question, the next step will be another research method, that are focus on particular respondents and do interview, this helped to prove the results found in the questionnaires more effectively and accurately. This help to prove that there will be different thinking from two countries.


5.2 Interview The interview was conducted in a one to one situation, and it was distributed after the questionnaire result is collected. The aim of this interview method was to produce a deeply understanding of consumer behaviour in perfume purchasing. Since a comparison have already been done between two different cultures in the questionnaires, therefore, in this interview task, only people from China will be focused to see and prove if there any different result from the questionnaire and this helped to know more opinions from them directly. The interviews started on the 16th Feb 2015 and end on 20th Feb 2015, there were 12 interviewers participant in total. Each of the section from the interview will be collected and to provide the fundamental base to analyse.

5.2.1 Interview: Result and Finding (Transcript in Appendices) Total: 12 interviewers Ages: From 20-23 Section 1: Personal Viewed on Brands This section mainly included two questions, the first question is about their personal view on Marc Jacobs, Dolce & Gabbana and GUCCI, they should talk about the brand and the design, colour, and shape of the perfume bottles provided from each brand. This is to know what do the interviewers thinks about the relationship between the brand and the perfume bottle and also the strength and weakness of the perfume bottles. Result: Marc Jacobs: Most of the interviewers said that Marc Jacobs is a brand that builds a strong brand image and it is one of the three brands they claim they could still recognise if the perfume bottle is made without brand logo and name. Marc Jacobs symbolise Daisy as their brand image, they try to give a message to target market, fresh. Most of the interviewers agreed that their bottles of design are very cute, lovely and full of colours. Also they suggested that the lid is the main point of the perfume bottles because they did all the design and decorative elements in the lid rather than the body or the whole perfume bottles. They do design on theme about nature, for


example, flowers and insects. However, a few of them thinks that the design is way too cute which make it looks childish. Dolce & Gabbana: Most of the interviewers said that Dolce & Gabbana is a brand that are more focus on an elegant and ladylike design. The designs of the perfume bottles express a high quality presentation. Most of their perfume bottles are simple yet stylish. Their bottle shape used is a basic rectangle and curved shape. Their brand presents strongly that their perfume is suitable for ladies who want to be ladylike and elegant. Their bottles create the simplistic design that seen as elegant and attractive. However, a few suggested that within the three brands, Dolce & Gabbana has the least attractive design of perfume bottle while Marc Jacobs has a special and attractive design and GUCCI has a strong brand image with the logo on perfume bottles. GUCCI: Most of the interviewers said that GUCCI is a posh and expensive brand and it obviously focus on mature women. Their design of the perfume bottle shows a modern style, they even put a huge symbolic GUCCI logo on to their perfume bottles which shows a strong power of their brand. However, the colour used is mainly black, gold and silver covered the whole bottle which most of the interviewers suggested that they do not like about and thinks that it create a strong feeling that they do not want to touch the bottle. The second question is about which of the three brands that the interviewers they like the most. This is to know which of the three brands the interviewers like the most. Result: There are 7 out of 12 interviewers choose Marc Jacobs that they will prefer other than the other two brands, followed by 3 out of 12 interviewers choose Dolce & Gabbana and 2 out of 12 interviewers choose GUCCI.

Section 2: Perfume Bottle This section included three questions, the first question are same as the section 1. However, the question in this section has been given only one perfume bottle selected purposely from each brand and the interviewers need to choose their favourite between them. This is to know if their choice will be different from the section 1. This can prove whether they are more likely to go for brand or perfume bottle. [54]

Result: There are 10 out of 12 interviewers choose Dolce & Gabbana, 2 out of 12 choose Marc Jacobs and 0 out of 12 interviewers choose. The second question is about how they think of the material used in the perfume bottle (glass, plastic, metal, crystal). The latest information about plastic can be used in perfume has also mention during the interviews. Result: Everyone suggests that glass is the best material to choose, although glass seems to be an easy broke material, glass can also represent high end and high quality product. The glass is transparent which it shows the fragrance colour inside the bottle. And it looks brilliant on the display shelves with light shooting them. The third question is about the decorative elements that it is another influence factor that will attract your eyes. Results: Everyone suggest that the decorative elements will definitely one of the reasons that will attract them.

5.2.2 Analysis, Discussion and Comparison There is an interesting thing found out in the interview on the questions about which of the three brands they would prefer and which of the three perfume bottles from the same brand they would like the most. The result shows that there are 7 interviewers who choose the brand Marc Jacobs. However, when choosing perfume bottles, Dolce & Gabbana has 10 out of 12 interviewers. These two questions were asked in the same interviews and interviewer who choose Marc Jacobs for brand first changed to Dolce & Gabbana for perfume bottle. The interviewers also suggest that why they choose differently is because if they need to pick a perfume bottles, they would not care of the brand first, they concern more about the bottles. This result suggests that the perfume bottles design have completely taken over the place of the brands. It does not matter which brands it is, if the perfume bottle is attractive and have better decorative elements, consumer would have more interest with it. [55] Section 3: Attitude Measurement This section will be discussing the result found between questionnaires and interview to see if there a different or inaccurate result. The question created in a Likert method by using the highest votes from the result given in the questionnaires. This could help give a more deeply answer from the interviewers. 1








Strongly disagree ----------------------------- Strongly agree 1. I only purchase trusted

(1 d.p)

























































































perfume brand. 2. Price affects my purchasing decision. 3. Packaging affects my purchasing decision. 4. I often attracted by the bottle design of the perfume. 5. The colour of the bottle affects my purchasing decision 6. I am more likely purchasing a warm colour perfume bottles. 7. I am more likely purchasing a bright colour perfume bottles. 8. The design of the bottle affects my purchasing decision. 9. I am more likely purchasing an elegant style of perfume bottles. 10. I am more likely purchasing a simple style of perfume bottles. 11. The shape of the bottle


affects my purchasing decision. 12. I am more likely

















































purchasing a rectangle shape perfume bottles. 13. I am more likely purchasing a special shape perfume bottles. 14. The size of the bottle affects my purchasing decision. 15. The material of the bottle affects my purchasing decision 16. I am more likely purchasing a perfume bottles made with plastic. 17. I am more likely purchasing a perfume bottles made with glass.

Table 20. Attitude measurement from Interview The table shows a Seven-level Likert scale questions about some basic knowledge about perfume and consumer purchase behaviour in a deeply way relating to the result of the questionnaires. The scale have been coded as 1-7 where 1= strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree in order to calculate the mean values. They have different values from each of the questions. The analysis will divide the question into 6 parts for better discussion:

1. The question 1 to 4 is about the influence factors where packaging of the perfume has the lowest values (3.3) followed by brand (4.6) and bottle design (6.0) and price (6.0). The result has almost the same ranking but the bottle design ranked from fourth to second place from the result in the interview. 2. The question 5 to 7 is about whether colour will affect the purchasing decision and it has a positive mean rate (4.8) that they are moderately agree with it. Also, the perfume bottles with


warm colour or bright colour will not affect their purchasing decision because they both got almost the same mean value that they are neutral with it. 3. The question 8 to 10 is about whether the bottle design affects the purchasing decision and it has a positive mean value (5.5) that they are agree with it. Also, the perfume bottles with elegant or simple design will not affect much of their purchasing decision because they both got almost the same mean value that they are neutral with it. The result in the questionnaire, colour ranked the second place, but from the result with the interviews it dropped a place lower, this result comes from the mean value within the four elements from this Likert scale. 4. The question 11 to 13 is about whether the shape affects the purchasing decision and it has a positive mean value (4.9) that they are agree with it. Also, the perfume bottles with rectangle or special shape will affect their purchasing decision because a rectangle shape has a low mean value (2.9) where they are moderately disagree while they will prefer special shape (4.2) more. The result in the questionnaire, shape ranked the first place, but from the result with the interviews it dropped a place lower. However, this also proves that respondents from China get attracts from special shape perfume bottle more. 5. The question 14 is about whether the size affects the purchasing decision and it has a positive mean value (4.5) that they are moderately agree with it. Since the interview did not included any size measurement or a real perfume bottles for interviewers, therefore, the result of this could only concluded that size remains the same ranking (fourth place) as the questionnaire because it has the lowest mean value than the others. 6. The question 15 to 17 is about whether the material affects the purchasing decision and it has a positive mean value (5.1) that they are agree with it. Also the perfume bottles with plastic or glass material will affect their purchasing decision because the plastic has a very low mean value (1.3) which they are strongly disagree while they strongly agree with glass material (6.5) more. This result do surprised because the result in the questionnaires is that respondents from China ranked material the third place, but from the result here they are more curious on what material is used before they will purchase. [58]

In a conclusion, the result of interview not only provided more detailed opinions about the brand and their perfume purchase behaviour and influence factors, but also supports the result from the questionnaire data on respondents that come from China. These two methods proved strongly and effectively that both result are well related and accurate. From this attitude measurement results, the ranking is Material followed by Shape, Colour and Size.


Chapter 6 Discussions

6.1 Hypothesis Discussion According to the discussion of the result in chapter 5, there will be a discussion in this section of the hypotheses that are set for this research study to prove if the hypotheses have been investigated fully throughout this research.

H1. Ladies from both China and United Kingdom have concurring opinion with purchasing perfume bottles. For this H1, it is linked back to the section which was the research question analysis and the questions are separate into tables of comparison to compare the result with respondents from United Kingdom and China. There are 13 comparison tables in the section. Both respondents from China and United Kingdom have concurring opinions on most of the basic knowledge includes the brands they are aware of, the factors they influence more when purchasing perfume, and picking on material, colours and design of the perfume bottle. Moreover, when it came to the ranking question, they both agreed that shape is the first place and colour is the second place. However, respondents from China ranked material the third place while size the fourth place and respondents from China ranked the other way round. In a conclusion, we could tell there only a slightly little different opinion from both China and United Kingdom. This could be due to different personal experience, cultures and situation from both of them.

H2. The perfume bottle design has a higher possibility to influence ladies purchasing decision than the brand. For this H2, it is linked back to the section 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 where interview was carried out and where the interesting fact found out in the interview on the questions about which of the three brands they would prefer and which of the three perfume bottles from the same brand they would like the most.


The result shows that there are 7 interviewers who choose the brand Marc Jacobs. However, when choosing perfume bottles, Dolce & Gabbana has 10 out of 12 interviewers. This result clearly shows that the perfume bottles design have a higher possibility to influence ladies purchasing decision than the brand. Some of the interviewers said: ‘ The first thing if I had to purchase perfume, it will be the scent of the perfume, but the bottles design also needed to be well designed and attractive, so it will makes me want to pick it up from the display shelves and test if the scent is suitable for me.’ The interviewers also agreed that if they need to pick a perfume bottles, they would not care of the brand first, they concern more on the design of the bottles. The interview result definitely a powerful source to linked to support the H2, because it is said that most of the ladies does not care which brands it is, if the perfume bottle is attractive with better design and decorative elements, also importantly with good scent, consumer would have interest in purchasing them whatever which brand the perfume is.

H3. Colour and shape are the most influential design elements that ladies considered when they purchase. For this H3, it is linked back to the section which was the responses from the questionnaires and also where an analysis is done for the attitude measurement. There are different results from each of the methods used: From the result of respondents from China in the questionnaire: the ranking of each of the four design elements are, the first place is shape, followed by colour, material and the fourth place is size. The result is given by a total number of 43 respondents from China. From the result of the attitude measurement (Likert scale) in the interviewers: the ranking of the four design elements are material with an average mean value of 5.1, followed by shape (4.9) colour (4.8) and size (4.5). The results from the questionnaire obviously meet the H3; however, the result from the interview is more likely to be the correct answer because it asked about what they considered when they purchase. In addition, it is related to the question 16 to 17 in the Likert scale where they are more likely purchasing a perfume bottles made with plastic or glass. The average mean value of glass has a high value of 6.5 while plastic is 1.3. The huge gap between them


shows an important fact that they do care about what material the perfume used and therefore material will definitely affect their purchasing decision. Throughout the interview, questions have asked on about how they think about material used in the perfume, one of them said: ‘Glass is always used in perfume and I will be choosing products that make with glass since it create a nice smooth surface and better appearance. Even though, glass to me seems to be an easy broke material, however it will be better than plastic. I personally think plastic is not a protective material.’ The interview has shown some supportive result to material will be the first place in this case. Therefore, in a conclusion, we could suggested that colour and shape are the most influential design elements that ladies concern the most while material and shape are the most influential design elements that ladies considered when the purchase.

6.2 Objectives Discussion According to the discussion of the hypothesis, this section will then be a discussion of the objectives set at the beginning of this research study to prove if the objectives have been investigated fully throughout this research.

1. To investigate the most influential factor that the ladies considered when they purchase. There are several answers suggested in the most influential factor that ladies considered from both methodologies that are used in this research study. In the questionnaire, the question asked in the questionnaire for them to choose is the three influential factors that they concern the most. The results from the 91 respondents are the Fragrance as the first place, then the Brand and Price then followed by the Design of the Bottle comes on the fourth place. Since the fragrance and price is a factor that cannot be changed and it is not related to this research study. Therefore, the Design of the Bottle and the Brand will be focused in the interview and the result is what H2 suggested and proved. Therefore, it could be summarised that the most influential factors that the ladies considered when they purchase is the Fragrance, but what makes them approach to the perfume bottles are the attractive Design of the Perfume Bottles.


2. To investigate if the perfume bottle design has a high possibility to influence ladies purchasing decision. This objective is related to the H2 that it is proved the perfume bottle design has a higher possibility to influence ladies purchasing decision than brand. And this result also suggested that perfume bottle has a high possibility to influence them since it is provided in this research study provided by Manish Rai that ‘brand is a foremost priority to the age group of 20 to 25.’ (Rai, M. 2001) And the result from H2 definitely proved that bottle design is more important than brand when it comes to purchasing decision.

3. To investigate the most influential design elements that influence ladies when they purchase. There are several answers suggested in the most influential design elements that ladies considered from both methodologies that are used in this research study. In the questionnaire, the question asked is a ranking question; they need to ranks and choose which of the following attributes of design of perfume bottles they concern the most. The respondent need to rank 1 as the most and 4 as the least with the choice provided: Colour, Shape, Material and Size. An overall result from both of the countries ranked Colour as the first, then shape and material and size as the fourth place. However, there are different answers from each of the countries, therefore, interviews have been carried out and focused on one country to prove the answer. And the result from the interview is what H3 suggested and proved. Therefore, it could be summarised that Colour and Shape are the most influential design elements that ladies concern the most while Material and Shape are the most influential design elements that ladies considered when they purchase. Moreover, it can be suggested that the Shape will be the main point that will attract ladies since it is ranked in both second places.

4. To investigate if there are any difference of influential design elements between two cultures when they purchase perfume. The objective is related to the H1, the two countries chosen to be part of the respondent is the China and United Kingdom and it is proved that there are a slightly little different opinion from both China and United Kingdom as they both have different answers suggested in the H1. [63]

And therefore, it could be summarised that different countries will have different way of thinking on choosing the design elements on a perfume bottle, this might be because of different personal experience, cultures and situation from both of them.


Chapter 7 Conclusion 7.1 Overall Conclusion In this research study, we have done research on consumer purchasing behaviours and different elements of a perfume bottles that could attract consumer. In this research, we would like to discover what and how the consumer purchasing decision will be affected by the designs of the perfume bottles. The research result was done by the questionnaires distributed online and one to one interviews with selected age group and country. Based on the research result, although there were only one of the hypothesis is approved; but there are different opinions suggested from the research on the other hypothesis, and we could still find other interesting fact that ladies would concern on purchasing perfume and it highly linked to the research question of this study.

7.2 Recommendation Based on the research results, it was proved that the designs of perfume bottle will influence the consumer purchasing behaviour. Moreover, this research also investigated the difference between China and United Kingdom when ladies are deciding to purchase perfume. This research proved that: 1. Perfume knowledge is not going to affect what people are going to purchase, what the perfume appeal is what people would like to see and get attention. 2. Ladies are more attracted by the design of the perfume bottles than the brand when they would like to purchase perfume. 3. Ladies are attracted and more concern about the colour and shape of the perfume bottle first, because this is what they grab attention from when the perfume is placed on the display shelves. 4. Ladies are concern on material and shape of the perfume bottle when they need to purchase a perfume because the material is where the product is protective and can keep for a longer time.


5. Lastly, it is proved that different cultures and background will have different opinions and thoughts on purchasing perfume. So, designers need to have a better thought when creating idea with different cultures.

7.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research There are a few suggestions for doing better in this research. First, the sample size of the questionnaires is quite small. It will provided inaccurate result when it came to do a comparison, since there are only 91 respondents in total which mean half of it from China and half of it from United Kingdom. Moreover, this questionnaire results may not be representative all of the ladies behaviour. Secondly, for the one to one interview, it will have a better comparison linked back to the result from questionnaire when both of the respondents from China and United Kingdom are interviewed.


Chapter 7 Bibliography

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Table 5. Analyses of Top 10 Perfume Brands for Female Consumers Aged 20-24 Avon Shop. (2015). Perfume Bottles. Available: http://avonshop.co.uk/beauty/c/fragrance/perfume.html. Last accessed 15th March 2015. The Body Shop. (2015). Perfume Bottles. Available: http://www.thebodyshop.co.uk/fragrance.aspx#/fragrance.aspx. Last accessed 15th March 2015. The Perfume Shop. (2015). Perfume Bottles. Available: http://www.theperfumeshop.com/. Last accessed 15th March 2015.


Chapter 8 Appendices Questionnaire Design Questions https://leeds.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/how-the-designs-of-perfume-bottle-for-ladies-influence-the

How the designs of perfume bottle for ladies influence the consumer buying behaviour I am an undergraduate student of Design and Technology Management, the University of Leeds. I am now studying a topic about perfume designs related to buying behaviour for the module of DESN 3660 Independent Study (Dissertation). This research aims to study how the designs of perfume bottles for ladies influence the consumer buying behaviour. This survey is to collect opinions regarding how ladies will be influenced when they purchase perfume. This survey requires ONLY female aged 18-25, please continue to the survey if you meet the requirement. The procedure involves a short questionnaire that will take 10-15 minutes. This research is purely academic and your participation is voluntary. All the information collected will be used in this research only and kept confidential in a secured university storage space and will not be held in any personal facilities, your personal information will never be disclosed and will not be used for any commercial purposes; the information will only be used as a collective form in my dissertation. Thank you for your time. Personal Information: 1. Age: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 2. Gender: Female 3. What is your highest qualification? a) Secondary school b) Higher diploma c) Undergraduate d) Postgraduate e) Other 4. Where you currently living? a) China b) United Kingdom Please choose the most appropriate answer. 5. How often do you purchase perfume for daytime use? a) Never b) Once per year [71]

c) Up to two times per year d) Up to 6 times per year e) More than 12 per year 6. How much do you spend on perfume product each year? a) £40 or below b) £41 - £70 c) £71 - £100 d) £101 or above 7.1 I am knowledgeable about perfume products. 1





7.2 I am often aware of the new release perfume products. 1





7.3 Price of perfume does not matter to you when you are purchasing 1





7.4 Brand of perfume influence your decision for buying perfume. 1





7.5 I purchase perfume according to the fragrance (smells). 1





7.6 I purchase perfume according to the aesthetics appearances (bottle design, packaging). 1





8. Which of the following brands are you aware of? (Rank the most influential three) a) Paco Rabanne b) Marc Jacobs c) Thierry Mugler d) Davidoff e) Jimmy Choo f) Dolce & Gabbana g) Jean Paul Gaultier h) Giorgio Armani i) GUCCI j) DKNY [72]

9. Which of the following factors influence you more when purchasing perfume? (Rank the most influential three) a) Price b) Brand c) Peer group d) Celebrity Endorsement e) Packaging f) Fragrance g) Style of the bottle 10. Which of the following attributes of the design of perfume bottlesconcern you the most? (Rank 1-4) a) Colour b) Shape c) Size d) Material 11. Which colour would you be most likely to purchase? a) Warm Colour b) Cold Colour c) Bright Colour d) Monochrome e) Metallic 12. What type of design do you prefer for a perfume bottle? a) Plain/Simple b) Vibrant c) Elegant d) Fancy 13. Which shape of the of the perfume bottles is attractive to you? a) Rectangle shape b) Oval shape c) Vase shape d) Special shape (heart, diamond) e) Abstract 14. Will the decorations on the perfume bottle affect your decision of purchase? a) Yes b) No


15. Which types of material are you most likely to purchase? a) Metal b) Crystal c) Plastic d) Glass e) Cardboard f) Wood 16. Do you prefer the bottle to have a logo with name of the brand or just the name of the perfume and brand? a) Logo with name of the brand b) The name of the perfume and brand c) Both name and logo of the brand d) 17. Are you often attracted by the Bottle Design of the perfume? a) Yes b) No


Interview Design First three photographs is Section 1: Personal Viewed on Brands and the last one is the Section 2: Specific Perfume Bottle. Dolce & Gabbana


Marc Jacobs




Interview Questions Questions that are asked and a paper copy of the questions is given in the interview

What will be your first thing to look at when you want to purchase a perfume? Are you personally often attracted by the bottle design of the perfume? What are the biggest factors that make you attracted by the bottle design of the perfume?

Overall Brands Inside the lists of the perfume bottles showing brands of Marc Jacob, GUCCI and D&G, answer the following question. What do you think of the design in each brand? What do you think of the colour in each brand? What do you think of the shape in each brand? Which of the three brands do you prefer? Why do you prefer this brand other than the other two brands?

Selected three perfumes from Marc Jacob, GUCCI and D&G, answer the following question. Choose one of the perfume bottles that you most likely to purchase. Why do you choose this perfume bottles? What do you think of the design of this bottle? What do you think of the colour of this bottle? What do you think of the shape of this bottle? What you think this bottle is made of ( glass/metal)? How do you think of perfume bottle made from glass/metal? Do you like the decoration of this perfume bottle, and will this decoration be one of the reason that attracted you?

Conclusion Do you think the appearance of the bottle is a strong influence factor that affects purchasing decision? How many percentages do you think you will more likely purchasing the perfume bottle by the appearance?


Likert Methods for Interview Please circle the appropriate number that can best indicate your degree of agreement. Whereas: 1= strongly disagree 2= disagree 3= moderately disagree 4=neutral 5= moderately agree 6= agree 7=strongly agree

Strongly disagree


I only purchase trusted perfume brand.




































I am more likely purchasing a bright colour perfume bottles.




I am more likely purchasing a warm colour perfume bottles.




The colour of the bottle affects my purchasing decision




I often attracted by the bottle design of the perfume.




Packaging affects my purchasing decision.




Price affects my purchasing decision.



Strongly agree




The design of the bottle affects my purchasing decision

















































I am more likely purchasing a perfume bottles made with plastic.




The material of the bottle affects my purchasing decision




The size of the bottle affects my purchasing decision




I am more likely purchasing a special shape perfume bottles.




I am more likely purchasing a rectangle shape perfume bottles.




The shape of the bottle affects my purchasing decision




I am more likely purchasing a simple style of perfume bottles.




I am more likely purchasing an elegant style of perfume bottles.








I am more likely purchasing a perfume bottles made with glass.







Transcript: A summarise the main point from the recording Participant 1 Overall views of three brands provided. 1. What do you think of the design, colour, and shape in each brand? Marc Jacobs: The design is quite fresh; it is more attractive than the others. It will mainly for young aged girl. It is colourful and a theme related to its bottle design, it is with curved and complex shape. D&G: The design is sophisticated, mature, simplistic and used soft and warm colour. The shape is simple, they mainly used basic shape e.g. cylinder, rectangle. GUCCI: It is a high end brand, targeted for older aged women. It is high quality design because the perfume bottle itself looks expensive. However, it is lack of colour; most of their bottles are mainly one colour, mostly gold and metallic colour, down to earth design with basic shape. 2. Which of the three brands do you prefer and why do you prefer this brand other than the other two brands? I will choose Marc Jacobs because it is attractive and their bottles have beautiful shape with bright colour. The design indicated the smell of the type of perfume and it designed with lots of flower decoration elements on the lids. Selected three perfumes from Marc Jacob, GUCCI and D&G, answer the following question. 1. Choose one of the perfume bottles that you most likely to purchase and why? I will choose Marc Jacobs because the overall design of the perfume bottle of Daisy is attractive that makes me want to approach it. The colour yellow and white matches well. The decorative elements are not over crowed, it is very beautiful. 2. How do you think of perfume bottle that is made from glass/metal/crystal/plastic? Although the material glass is an easy broke material, however glass does represent a high end quality of style. By the transparent glass material, it looks more hygienic and you can see-through inside. 3. Will the decoration be one of the reasons that attracted you? The decorations will definitely one of the reasons that attract me. However, they need to be balanced out and not over crowed and I think Marc Jacobs did not over crowded with the decorative elements. Marc Jacobs perfume bottles just look special and attractive. Conclusion 1. Do you think the appearance of the bottle is a strong influence factor that affects purchasing decision? Yes, it is an influence factor but not a strong influence factor since I am much more concerned on price and scent first when it comes to purchase decision. 2. How many percentages do you think you will more likely purchasing the perfume bottle by the appearance? Smell 50% Price 30% Bottles 20% [81]

Participant 2 Overall views of three brands provided. 1. What do you think of the design, colour, and shape in each brand? Marc Jacobs: The design target for young teenagers; their bottle design are more attractive than the others. The design is colourful and the shape is very cute. D&G: The design is very simple, mature and simplistic. I like the colour used in the perfume, and it has basic shape of perfume bottles. GUCCI: The design is very stylish and looks expensive, their perfume bottle targets for older aged and women that are rich; the latest design is quite modern. The colour is quite high class and there is nothing special about the shape. 2. Which of the three brands do you prefer and why do you prefer this brand other than the other two brands? D&G because personally I don’t like colourful thing and the bottle is too cute; therefore Marc Jacobs is not my type of perfume bottle. Secondly, GUCCI is quite stylish and aimed for old aged, so I would prefer D&G with its simple design will be the best. Selected three perfumes from Marc Jacob, GUCCI and D&G, answer the following question. 1. Choose one of the perfume bottles that you most likely to purchase and why? D&G if I need to choose between them three bottles. D&G because the design is simple and the other two designs is not my style of perfume; the reason will be same as the above question. 2. How do you think of perfume bottle that is made from glass/metal/crystal/plastic? The material of glass is protective and it can see through and see what colour of liquid it is. I personally don’t like material on my perfume bottles that are in plastic and metal. 3. Will the decoration be one of the reasons that attracted you? The decorations will definitely one of the reasons that attract me. Conclusion 1. Do you think the appearance of the bottle is a strong influence factor that affects purchasing decision? Yes, it is a strong influence factor, for me the design of a perfume bottle is also important as the scent of the fragrance. 2. How many percentages do you think you will more likely purchasing the perfume bottle by the appearance? Smell35% Bottles 65%


Participant 3 Overall views of three brands provided. 1. What do you think of the design, colour, and shape in each brand? Marc Jacobs: The design is aim for young teenagers; the design is quite complex and colourful. I found the shape is quite childish. D&G: I like the D&G most because the design is sophisticated among the others; it is simple and plain design, sharp line shape. GUCCI: The design is stylish and plain; I like the gold metallic colour and the shape is simple. 2. Which of the three brands do you prefer and why do you prefer this brand other than the other two brands? D&G because personally I don’t like colourful thing and the bottle is too complex, Marc Jacob is my least favourite, followed by GUCCI is quite stylish and simple, however D&G has the simplest design which I like most among them. Selected three perfumes from Marc Jacob, GUCCI and D&G, answer the following question. 1. Choose one of the perfume bottles that you most likely to purchase and why? I will choose D&G if I need to choose between them three bottles. The design is simple and the other two designs is not my style of perfume bottle. I think the design of Marc Jacob is quite plain but the decorative element on the lid is too much while for GUCCI bottles, I don’t like the pattern. 2. How do you think of perfume bottle that is made from glass/metal/crystal/plastic? The material of glass represent a high end quality of style and it can see through and see what colour of liquid it is. It will look brilliant on the display shelves. 3. Will the decoration be one of the reasons that attracted you? The decorations will definitely one of the reasons that attract me. But I personally don’t like my perfume bottle to have so many decorative elements. I would like them to leave as simple as they can. Conclusion 1. Do you think the appearance of the bottle is a strong influence factor that affects purchasing decision? Yes, it is an influence factor but not a strong influence factor since I am much more concerned on price and smell first when it comes to purchase decision. Price is always a problem for me. 2. How many percentages do you think you will more likely purchasing the perfume bottle by the appearance? Smell 70% Bottles 30%


Participant 4 Overall views of three brands provided. 1. What do you think of the design, colour, and shape in each brand? Marc Jacobs: The design is aim for young teenagers. The design is colourful and the shape is circle curved, the main of their perfume bottles is the lid, most of their bottle’s lid is complicated with decorative elements. The theme obviously presented and most of them are related to flowers and insect. D&G: I like the D&G most because the design is simple and elegant. The bottle is with sharp line and simple curved shape. GUCCI: The design is stylish and looks posh; however it looks like more men perfume to me and they target for more old age group. 2. Which of the three brands do you prefer and why do you prefer this brand other than the other two brands? I will choose Marc Jacobs because I personally like the theme of a designed perfume bottle. They are very attractive, and I personally don’t like GUCCI design since it’s definitely not for my age. Selected three perfumes from Marc Jacob, GUCCI and D&G, answer the following question. 3. Choose one of the perfume bottles that you most likely to purchase and why? I will choose D&G because personally D&G design is very straight forwards, simple and clean structure. The colour is lovely and warm colour is used. I love the colour the most. 4. How do you think of perfume bottle made from glass/metal/crystal/plastic? The material of glass represents a high quality and protective in product. So the glass should be the best material for perfume bottle and it can see through and see what colour of liquid it is like. 3. Will the decoration be one of the reasons that attracted you? The decorations will definitely one of the reasons that attract me. Conclusion 3. Do you think the appearance of the bottle is a strong influence factor that affects purchasing decision? Yes, it is an influence factor but not a strong influence factor since I am much more concerned on smell first when it comes to purchase decision. However, I do look at the designs that are attractive first and it will make me want to approach it. 4. How many percentages do you think you will more likely purchasing the perfume bottle by the appearance? Smell 70% Bottles 30%


Participant 5 Overall views of three brands provided. 1. What do you think of the design, colour, and shape in each brand? Marc Jacobs: The design target market is more likely to be young teenagers as the design is beautiful and it looks like some childhood toy for me. It is very colourful and the shape is simple, as the lid is set as the main part of the perfume bottle with more different designed decorative elements. D&G: The design is simple and elegant, it is made for ladylike consumer, the colour matches is quite well with warm colour and cold colour, the bottle is with sharp line and simple curved shape. GUCCI: The design is very stylish but it’s definitely not my aged and it’s not attractive for me to approach them; the rose gold is quite posh and the bottle is in simple shape. 2. Which of the three brands do you prefer and why do you prefer this brand other than the other two brands? I will choose Marc Jacobs because the theme of design is very attractive, and I personally don’t like GUCCI design since it’s not for my aged. Selected three perfumes from Marc Jacob, GUCCI and D&G, answer the following question. 1. Choose one of the perfume bottles that you most likely to purchase and why? I will choose D&G because personally think the D&G design is very straight forwards, simple, elegant with a clean and simple structure. The colour of the fragrance is lovely, fresh and warm colour which is more attractive than the other two perfumes. 2. How do you think of perfume bottle made from glass/metal/crystal/plastic? The material of glass represents a high quality style and it seems to be more protective than the other material suggested. It is also transparent so I can see what colour of liquid it is. 3. Will the decoration be one of the reasons that attracted you? The decorations will definitely one of the reasons that attract me. Conclusion 1. Do you think the appearance of the bottle is a strong influence factor that affects purchasing decision? Yes, it is an influence factor but not a strong influence factor since I am much more concerned on smell and ingredient first when it comes to purchase decision as I personally allergic to some of the ingredient. 2. How many percentages do you think you will more likely purchasing the perfume bottle by the appearance? Smell 60% Bottles 40%


Participant 6 Overall views of three brands provided. 1. What do you think of the design, colour, and shape in each brand? Marc Jacobs: The design is mostly aim for young teenagers and aged 24 below. The design is colourful and the shape is curved, overall it is an attractive bottle that I will pick up when it is on the shelf D&G: The design is simple and the colour used is soft, calm and warm. The shape of the bottle is some with sharp line and simple curved shape. Overall it is an elegant bottle of design. GUCCI: The design is stylish and mostly aims older age group. I personally not attracted by the colour of gold and will not pick it up when it’s on the shelf. The shape is simple with rounded corner. 2. Which of the three brands do you prefer and why do you prefer this brand other than the other two brands? I will choose Marc Jacobs because I personally like the theme design and some of the perfume bottle is very attractive, they used nature as their design elements, e.g. sky, flower and insects, which bring a fresh image to customer. Selected three perfumes from Marc Jacob, GUCCI and D&G, answer the following question. 1. Choose one of the perfume bottles that you most likely to purchase and why? I will choose D&G because the design of the bottle is very elegant compare to the other two. And the colour is lovely with flower and ribbon of decorative elements. I do love Marc Jacobs’s brand, but I personally don’t like this perfume bottle design because the colour is quite pale and not attractive. 2. How do you think of perfume bottle made from glass/metal/crystal/plastic? The material of glass represents a high quality of style and it is more protective. The benefit is that it is transparent, so designer can make used of the colour of fragrance to stand out the perfume bottle. 3. Will the decoration be one of the reasons that attracted you? The decorations will definitely one of the reasons that attract me because it related to the brand image and what the perfume going to be about, for example, Marc Jacob is used the natural gardening design and flower flavour of fragrance. Conclusion 1. Do you think the appearance of the bottle is a strong influence factor that affects purchasing decision? Yes, it is strong influence factor for me because I always attracted by the appearance of the bottle. 2. How many percentages do you think you will more likely purchasing the perfume bottle by the appearance? Smell 30% Bottles 70% [86]

Participant 7 Overall views of three brands provided. 1. What do you think of the design, colour, and shape in each brand? Marc Jacobs: The design is mostly aim for young teenage girl. The design is very girly and fantasy. The colour is in most of the perfume bottles shown is warm colour and they looks like toys. The shape is curved which shows it aims for female more. D&G: The design is simple and elegant and the colour used cold colour. The shape of the bottle is with sharp line and simple curved shape that shows an elegant style of design. GUCCI: The design is stylish and mostly aims older age group. However, I personally do not like the logo that shows clearly and big in the middle of one of their perfume bottle. 2. Which of the three brands do you prefer and why do you prefer this brand other than the other two brands? I will choose Marc Jacobs because I personally like the design of their perfume bottle, the bottle is very attractive and catches my eyes. Selected three perfumes from Marc Jacob, GUCCI and D&G, answer the following question. 1. Choose one of the perfume bottles that you most likely to purchase and why? I will choose D&G because the design of the bottle is very elegant and the colour is lovely with flower and ribbon decorative elements. 2. How do you think of perfume bottle made from glass/metal/crystal/plastic? The material of glass represents quality. The benefit is that it is transparent, so designer can make used of the colour of fragrance to stand out the perfume bottle. 3. Will the decoration be one of the reasons that attracted you? The decorations will definitely one of the reasons that attract me because it related to the brand image and it will increase the interest of the perfume bottle. Conclusion 1. Do you think the appearance of the bottle is a strong influence factor that affects purchasing decision? Yes, it is strong influence factor for me because I always attracted by the appearance of the bottle. 2. How many percentages do you think you will more likely purchasing the perfume bottle by the appearance? Brand 20 % Smell 30% Bottles 50%


Participant 8 Overall views of three brands provided. 1. What do you think of the design, colour, and shape in each brand? Marc Jacobs: The design is mostly aim for young teenage girl. The theme design is natural with lots of flowers; it is very special compare to the others. The colour is very colourful. The shape is curved which shows it aims for female. D&G: It is made as a traditional perfume bottle, the design is simple and elegant and the colours used in most of the perfume bottles are in warm colour. The shapes of the bottles are mostly with sharp line and simple curved shape. GUCCI: The design is stylish, posh and mostly aims older age group. The colour is metallic and the shape is different from the range so its shows some new products from the brand. 2. Which of the three brands do you prefer and why do you prefer this brand other than the other two brands? I will choose Marc Jacobs because I personally like the design of their perfume bottle, the bottle is very attractive and catches my eyes. Selected three perfumes from Marc Jacob, GUCCI and D&G, answer the following question. 1. Choose one of the perfume bottles that you most likely to purchase and why? I will choose D&G because the design of the bottle is very elegant and the colour is lovely and it is attractive with flower and ribbon decorative elements, it will get my attention first. 2. How do you think of perfume bottle made from glass/metal/crystal/plastic? The material of glass shows more as a quality style. The benefit is that it is transparent, so the designer can make used of the colour of fragrance to stand out the perfume bottle. 3. Will the decoration be one of the reasons that attracted you? The decorations will definitely one of the reasons that attract me because it related to the brand image and it will increase the interest of the perfume bottle. Conclusion 1. Do you think the appearance of the bottle is a strong influence factor that affects purchasing decision? Yes, it is strong influence factor for me because I always attracted by the appearance of the bottle. 2. How many percentages do you think you will more likely purchasing the perfume bottle by the appearance? Smell 30% Bottles 70%


Participant 9 Overall views of three brands provided. 1. What do you think of the design, colour, and shape in each brand? Marc Jacobs: The design is mostly aim for young teenage girl. The design is cute and active. The colour is very colourful and these shows there are different options in a range for customer to choose. The shape is curved and the lid is creativity with lots of different design decorative elements. D&G: It is a traditional perfume bottle, the design is simple and elegant, the shape of the bottle is with sharp line and simple curved shape, the colour is feminine. GUCCI: the design is more likely aimed at mature women, it is very posh. The colour and the shape are boring and not special so it won’t attract me that much. 2. Which of the three brands do you prefer and why do you prefer this brand other than the other two brands? I will choose Marc Jacobs because I personally like the design of their perfume bottle, the bottle is very attractive and catches my eyes. Selected three perfumes from Marc Jacob, GUCCI and D&G, answer the following question. 4. Choose one of the perfume bottles that you most likely to purchase and why? I will choose Marc Jacobs because the design of the bottle is natural that bring their brand message to customer and the colour is lovely and attractive. 5. How do you think of perfume bottle made from glass/metal/crystal/plastic? The material of glass shows more quality than the other material. It is also transparent, which means the designer can make used of the colour of fragrance to stand out the perfume bottle. 6. Will the decoration be one of the reasons that attracted you? The decorations will definitely one of the reasons that attract me. Conclusion 3. Do you think the appearance of the bottle is a strong influence factor that affects purchasing decision? Yes, it is strong influence factor for me because I always attracted by the appearance of the bottle. Although brand is important for me as well, but if the perfume bottles is not attractive, they would not get any attention from me 4. How many percentages do you think you will more likely purchasing the perfume bottle by the appearance? Brand 20% Smell 30% Bottles 50%


Participant 10 Overall views of three brands provided. 1. What do you think of the design, colour, and shape in each brand? Marc Jacobs: The design is mostly aim for young teenage girl but some of the design aim for ladies. Most of the design is cute and active, and the brand image is quite strong. The colour is very colourful and varied. The shape is curved and the lid is more creativity with lots of decorative elements. D&G: It is designed as traditional perfume bottles; the designs from this brand are mostly similar with the range that is shown, the design is simple, however, it not quite attractive to me within the other two brands, the shape of the bottle is simple and nothing special. GUCCI: The design is posh but the bottle is neutral, not much curved. The colour used in their perfume bottles are mainly in gold, black, silver colour and these colours show that the product is very expensive and high class. 2. Which of the three brands do you prefer and why do you prefer this brand other than the other two brands? I will choose GUCCI because I personally do not get attention with the design from D&G and the design of Marc Jacob is very childish and more likely aimed at a younger age. Selected three perfumes from Marc Jacob, GUCCI and D&G, answer the following question. 1. Choose one of the perfume bottles that you most likely to purchase and why? I will choose D&G in this case because the bottle is more elegant and simple than the other two and I personally love plain and simple design. The reason that I choose GUCCI above is because of the brand. But if I could only choose the bottle that attracts me it will be D&G. 2. How do you think of perfume bottle made from glass/metal/crystal/plastic? The material of glass represents a high quality. The benefit is that it is transparent, so designer can make used of the colour of fragrance to stand out the perfume bottle. 3. Will the decoration be one of the reasons that attracted you? The decorations will definitely one of the reasons that attract me because I do think the decorative elements related to the brand image and also related to the theme of the range. Conclusion 1. Do you think the appearance of the bottle is a strong influence factor that affects purchasing decision? Yes, it is an influence factor but not a strong influence factor since I am much more concerned on the brand first when it comes to purchase decision. 2. How many percentages do you think you will more likely purchasing the perfume bottle by the appearance? Brand 50% Smell 20% Bottles 30%


Participant 11 Overall views of three brands provided. 1. What do you think of the design, colour, and shape in each brand? Marc Jacobs: The design is mostly aim for young teenage girl. The design is cute and the brand image is quite strong. The colour used in most of the perfume bottle is very colourful and varied, however some of them is just plain and clean. The shape is curved and the lid is more likely as the main point because it is design with lots of decorative elements. D&G: It is a traditional ladies perfume bottle; the design is simple and elegant. Although, it not quite attractive from the other two brand, it shows another taste of classic ladies perfume. GUCCI: The design is very classic and modern. The design is very common and not special enough to stand out; you can find similar design on the shelf. The colour is mainly in gold, black, silver colour. 2. Which of the three brands do you prefer and why do you prefer this brand other than the other two brands? I will choose D&G because I personally do not like the style of GUCCI and the design of Marc Jacob is very childish and more likely aimed at a younger age. Selected three perfumes from Marc Jacob, GUCCI and D&G, answer the following question. 1. Choose one of the perfume bottles that you most likely to purchase and why? I will choose D&G because the bottle is more elegant and simple than the other two and I personally love plain and simple design. The other two options is not my style of perfume. 2. How do you think of perfume bottle made from glass/metal/crystal/plastic? The material of glass is more likely to be used in perfume bottles. It is transparent and sees through, so designer can make used of the colour of fragrance to stand out the perfume bottle. 3. Will the decoration be one of the reasons that attracted you? The decorations will definitely one of the reasons that attract me because it related to the brand image and it will increase the charm in the appearance of the perfume bottles. Conclusion 1. Do you think the appearance of the bottle is a strong influence factor that affects purchasing decision? Yes, it is strong influence factor for me because I always attracted by the appearance of the bottle. 2. How many percentages do you think you will more likely purchasing the perfume bottle by the appearance? Price 25% Smell 25% Bottles 50%


Participant 12 Overall views of three brands provided. 3. What do you think of the design, colour, and shape in each brand? Marc Jacobs: The design is mostly aim for young teenage girl. The design is lovely, candy range of product. The colour is very colourful and varied. The shape is very special and the lid is more creativity with lots of decorative elements. D&G: it is a traditional perfume bottle; the design is simple and it not quite attractive, the shape of the bottle simple and nothing special. GUCCI: the design is posh and mature. The product is very expensive and high class. 4. Which of the three brands do you prefer and why do you prefer this brand other than the other two brands? I will choose GUCCI because I personally do not like the style of D&G and the design of Marc Jacob is very childish and more likely aimed at younger aged. Selected three perfumes from Marc Jacob, GUCCI and D&G, answer the following question. 5. Choose one of the perfume bottles that you most likely to purchase and why? D&G because the bottle is better than the other two and I personally love plain and simple. The design of D&G perfume bottle is very elegant and the colour is lovely and it is attractive with flower and ribbon decorative elements. 6. How do you think of perfume bottle made from glass/metal? The material of glass represents a high end and quality style. The benefit is that it is transparent, so designer can make used of the colour of fragrance to stand out the perfume bottle. 7. Will the decoration be one of the reasons that attracted you? The decorations will definitely one of the reasons that attract me because it related to the brand image and it will increase the interest of the perfume bottle. Conclusion 8. Do you think the appearance of the bottle is a strong influence factor that affects purchasing decision? Yes, it is quite a strong influence factor because I always do attract by the perfume bottle first. 9. How many percentages do you think you will more likely purchasing the perfume bottle by the appearance? Price 20% Smell 30% Bottles 50%


Appendix Packaging: The science of temptation


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