Things Remembered: Material Culture & Memory

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Things Remembered: Material Culture & Memory

A High School Photography Unit

“Objects are what matter. Only they carry the evidence that throughout the centuries something really happened among human beings.� - Levi Strauss

Memories give objects life, making them more relevant, giving them meaning and value. Objects are frequently used as tangible, physical reminders of a person, event, or time in an individual’s past. Throughout history and in contemporary works, artists have explored the concept of memory with connections to objects. This unit encourages students to consider the value of objects as a source of memories.


Table of Contents Unit Overview


Artist Reference Sheet


Artist Info Worksheet




Project Sheet


Project Plan








Additional Resources


Project Example


Things Remembered: Material Culture & Memory Enduring Idea: Memory Grade Level/ Course: High School Grades 9-12 / Photo Design Rationale: From history through the present day, objects of material culture have been used to capture and honor memories. As students move into adulthood, it is imperative for them to be aware of the significance of objects as keepers of memories so they can take care of these things for themselves, and for the next generation. Essential Questions: How do objects become holders of personal memories? How do objects help us collectively remember people, places, and things? How are contemporary artists using objects of material culture and the concept of memory to create works of art? Lesson Objectives:  Investigate how objects relate to memory.  Explore specific historical events and related objects that could be used to create works of art.  Examine works by contemporary artists who are working with the concepts of material culture and memory as inspiration for their works.  Create a digital work of art using photographs of personal objects to symbolize a specific memory. AKS Standards: Photo Design A - Creation and Performance o Employ creative solutions in producing photographs using variety of approaches to composition and subject manner o Apply knowledge of elements of art and principles of design in creating photographic artworks o Display work habits and craftsmanship appropriate to the photographic process and specialized equipment being used o Make independent decisions and evaluate judgments during creative process and in resolution of specific photo design problems o Use photographic technology to organize and convey thematic content, ideas, feelings, or moods B - Perception and Analysis o Use specialized photographic media vocabulary to critically analyze and evaluate artworks and relate knowledge of frequently used processes and equipment o Recognize and identify various visual forms created using photographic media o Explore relationships between visual arts and other disciplines 4

AKS Standards cont.: o Discuss aesthetic issues related to photo design o Select, present, and display photographic images in an aesthetically appealing manner C - Cultural and Historical Context o Explore contemporary and historical developments related to photographic design o Describe and analyze distinguishing characteristics of photographs of various artists and styles o Describe and analyze career opportunities related to photography Tools/Materials/Resources: Objects, Memory, & Artist Reference Sheet Artist Information Worksheet Project Information Handout Project Plan & Sketch Rubric Project Reflection Self Evaluation Handout Photoshop Software Lesson 1: Bell Ringer: How do objects help us remember people, places, and things? - Give the class an example of a significant event and related objects that carry the memory of that event. Pose a class discussion/brainstorming session of significant events in recent history. - Divide class in to small groups and assign one of the listed events to each group, the students should discuss the event and derive a list of objects that could be used to signify or evoke memories of the event. - Groups should split into pairs. The pair of students should then plan and sketch a work of art that would use the listed objects in a unified composition that would evoke the memory of that event. *Should be a work created with photography as the medium. - Project Introduction – Students will be presented with the project concept (Project Sheet) and be given the opportunity to journal/reflect on a memory that they would like to focus on. Following the project guidelines, students will then be directed to photograph 5-10 objects that relate to their chosen memory. Students should be given 2-3 days to photograph. Ticket Out/Home Work: What memories would you use to create a work of art? What makes these memories important to you? Lesson 2: Bell Ringer: Reflect on yesterday’s activity. How are personal and collective memories similar? Different? - Recap/Assess: Student pairs will hang their sketches, and using the previous day’s list of events, students will play a matching game. Allowing time for critique and class discussion on the objects chosen for the event and then also how the works of art were arranged. - Using the Internet (or personal devices if at a BYOD – bring your own device - school), have students work in pairs to explore artists who use the concepts of memory and objects of material culture as the source, subject, and media of their work using the Artist 5

Reference Sheet. Students should each choose one artist and complete an Artist Information Sheet. Ticket Out/Home Work: Choose a memory from the list created last night, what objects could you use to create a work of art? Explain the significance of each object. Lesson 3: Bell Ringer: How do we assign meanings & memories to objects? - Day 1: Show students examples of curiosity cabinets. Explore/discuss how we assign meaning & memories to objects. - Day 2: Students will create a storyboard to plan the layout of their object images within their digital collage. Students will be linking written narratives to each image within the box. - Day 3: Students will use the Project Information Sheet along with teacher demonstration on editing and arranging their images into a captivating, unified, organized composition. Students will begin creating their digital collage with images of objects of a specific memory. - Day 4-7: Students will be given time to complete their digital project and written reflection following the prompts provided on the Project Reflection and/or Self Evaluation Handout. Assessment: Formative assessments will take place throughout the unit with observations and collection and completion of assigned tasks. Summative assessments will take place after the completion of the project and reflection using the rubric provided to students.


Things Remembered: Artists Reference Sheet Mike Kelley, “Memory Ware #41” 2003, mixed media

Chiharu Shiota, “Room of Memory” 2009, windows

Annette Messager, “Remains II (Family(II)” 2000, mixed media

Song Dong, “Waste Not” 2009, mixed media installation


Victorian Momemto Mori Hair Jewelry Ring with hair of Marie Antoinette & Louis XVI

Gerard Lange, “Slow Death of Memory” 2013, mixed media

Memory Bottle with Toys, circa 1890 8

Joseph Cornell, “Naples” 1942, mixed media

Julie Schenkelberg, “Bad Blood Series” 2012, mixed media

Louise Bourgeois, “Precious Liquids” 1992,mixed-media installation

Things Remembered: Artists Information Sheet

Name: ___________________________________Class: ____________Date: ___________ Instructions: After scanning 5 or more artists from the Artist Reference Sheet, complete the following information about the artist whose work you were most strongly influenced. On the back of the page, sketch the artwork suggested on the Reference Sheet.


Artist Name: ________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth/Death: ______________________Country of Origin: ______________________ Title of Work: ________________________________________________________________ Medium: _______________________________Size: ________________________________ Concept/Idea/Inspiration: _______________________________________________________ Description: _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ What memory do you think the artist was trying to expose through this work? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ What objects did the artist use? How does memory play into the purpose/meaning of the objects used by the artist?______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Why do you think you connected with this work of art? ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________


Things Remembered: Vocabulary

“Collage is like a hall of mirrors. Every direction you look, you see something different and visually stimulating.” -Nita Leland

Collage- a creative work that resembles such a composition in incorporating various materials or elements Composition- arrangement into specific proportion or relation and especially into artistic form Curiosity- an unusual knickknack

Memento- something that serves to warn or remind Memory- the power or process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained especially through associative mechanisms

“Clothing is . . . an exercise in memory. It makes me explore the past: how did I feel when I wore that. They are like signposts in the search for the past.” -Louise Bourgeois

“Composition is the art of arranging in a decorative manner the various elements which the painter uses to express his sentiments. In a picture every separate part will be visible and...everything which has no utility in the picture is for that reason harmful.” -Henri Matisse

Memorabilia- things that stir recollection or are valued or collected for their association with a particular field or interest Reliquary- a container or shrine in which sacred relics are kept


Things Remembered: Project Information Sheet Goal: Create a digital collage using photographs of objects that bring a memory to life. Objectives:  Acknowledge and understand how objects and memories are connected.  Explore photographic techniques for capturing the essence of a treasured object.  Use Photoshop software to edit and create a digital collage. Materials/Supplies:  Project Plan & Sketch  Digital images of objects for project  Photoshop software / PowerPoint Software  Rubric for Project  Project Reflection  Evaluation Process:  Step 1: Complete project plan and sketch for your design. Remember to consider how the viewer will relate to the objects. - Are they specific enough to incite the memory you chose? Generic enough to connect to all viewers? - How do the objects relate to one another in the composition? Are they all united in the memory and the composition?  Step 2: Upload and edit all images with Photoshop software. Images should all have a resolution of 220 and be cropped to match your design plan.  Step 3: Create a new blank image with a resolution of 200 and a print size of no larger than 11” x 14”.  Step 4: Begin layering your images, arranging according to your design plan.  Step 5: Create a foreground of “frames” for each object to portray the look and feel of a cabinet or multiple boxes  Step 6: Finalize image by flattening the layers.  Step 7: You will create a digital diagram of your frames, numbering them according to your project plan.  Step 8: You will type your phrases for each object according to your project plan.  Step 9: Using PowerPoint, you will connect the objects from your image with your narrative phrases. The result will be an interactive image using action settings.


Things Remembered: Project Plan & Sketch Name: _______________________________________Class:_________Date: _______ Memory of event/person: ___________________________________________________ Objects and relation to the memory (must have at least 8): 











Sketch the layout for your project below: Reference images of “curiosity cabinets” from the Pinterest Board. Divide your “cabinet” into sections and number each section.


List each object by number below and write one sentence about each object. This sentence will be connected to the image in the final project. 1. __________________ - _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________ - _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________ - _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________ - _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________ - _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. __________________ - _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. __________________ - _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. __________________ - _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. __________________ - _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. __________________ - ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________


Things Remembered: Project Rubric





(F) 69 – 0%

(A) 99-90 %

(B) 89-80%

(C) 79-70%

Completely original design idea and use of media. Images and objects are unique to the individual.

Somewhat original design idea and use of media. Images and objects are unique to the individual.

Very little originality in design idea and use of media. Images are generic and lack individuality.

Imitated or heavily influenced by other pre-existing works.

Digital collage is composed in a unified, well-planned design. Examples of Elements & Principles of Art are easily discerned.

Digital collage is composed in a relatively unified design. Some use of the Elements & Principles of Art is evident.

Digital collage exhibits very little unity in composition and there is little evidence of the use of the Elements & Principles of Art.

Digital collage is unorganized and displays little to no signs of the use of Elements & Principles of Art.

Memory represented by objects is clear and evident in finished piece.

Memory represented by objects is somewhat evidenced in the finished piece.

The memory represented by objects must be explained to become evident in the finished piece.

The objects do not clearly represent proposed memory.

Digital collage is complete, clean, and skill is evident in finishing. Photographic composition and the use of focus clearly communicate ideas.

Digital collage is complete and shows some effort in finishing. Photographic composition and the use of focus exhibit some skill in communicating idea.

Digital collage is partially complete and shows little effort in finishing. Photographic composition and the use of focus confuses idea.

Digital collage is incomplete and shows no effort in finishing. Photographic composition and use of focus detracts from idea.


Things Remembered: Project Evaluation Sheet Name: _______________________________Class: __________Date: _____ Complete this Self Evaluation of your “Things Remembered” project by answering the following questions. 1. How do the objects in your project relate to the memory you chose to explore? Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Rate the photographs you took on a 1(low)-10(high) scale in each category: 

Clarity (focus)










o Explain how you could have made your images better. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. What Photoshop software techniques did you use to edit/enhance/compose your digital collage? ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 4. What was your biggest obstacle in completing this assignment? _____________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 5. As a digital project, how will you share your project? Where will you display your art? ____ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 17

Things Remembered: Project Reflection Name:__________________________________________Class: ___________Date: ______ In the space provided, reflect on the “Things Remembered” project by considering the following questions: o Describe the objects in your “curiosity cabinet”. o What memory or emotion are you trying to incite in the viewer? o How do the objects chosen for the project accomplish that task? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________


Things Remembered: Additional Resources Books

Deetz, J. (1996). In small things forgotten: An archaeology of early American life (Expanded and rev. Anchor Books ed.). New York: Anchor Books/Doubleday. Edwards, E. (2004). Photographs objects histories: On the materiality of images (material cultures). London: Routledge. Saunders, N. & Cornish, P. (2009). Contested objects: Material memories of the great war. London: Routledge.

Articles Rose, M. (2012). Object lesson: Using family heirlooms to engage students in art history. Art Education, 65(4). p. 47-52.

Videos Art 21, Season 3, “Memory� American Pickers, History Chanel Series

Websites Objects & Memory Pinterest Board Curiosity Cabinets Pinterest Board SweeneyME


Project Example: This is a still image of a finished project. The finished project was created as a PowerPoint presentation with action buttons and added narrative for each object in the “cabinet�. View presentation here!

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