Mirasol Eating Disorder Recovery Centers Mirasol’s Transformational Living Center & Their Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program
Eating Disorder Treatment Isn’t One Size Fits All No two people struggling with an eating disorder are alike, so treatment programs shouldn’t be created with a cookie cutter approach, either. Mirasol Recovery Centers’ intensive outpatient eating disorder treatment and its Transformational Living Center provide clients with more options regarding their treatment, particularly concerning their adjustment to everyday life after treatment. With the help of these services, clients can step down onto firm ground from their treatment.
Eating Disorders Impact Millions ▪ An estimated 20 million people in the U.S. suffer from an eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, obsessive compulsive-related food disorders, etc. ▪ Only about 10 percent of people suffering from these disorders receive treatment. ▪ Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. ▪ Women are far more susceptible to developing an eating disorder than men.
Transitioning From Treatment Back To Day-To Day Life Is A Critical Time In a treatment environment, everything is geared to support the patient’s recovery. Everyday life isn’t the same, and many stresses and pressures that occur in the real world can push people recovering from an eating disorder to relapse. Finding ways to help people work on skills learned in treatment and adapt to everyday life is essential to longterm successful recovery.
Intensive Outpatient Treatment Mirasol’s intensive outpatient treatment program provides a structured therapeutic environment for clients which also allows them to continue pursuing career and educational goals as they progress in their eating disorder recovery. Clients get an individualized care plan and receive many of the services Mirasol’s in-patient clients get. This program works well for clients stepping down from a residential therapy environment or who are seeking coping tools for everyday life.
In the Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program ▪ Clients receive cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy. ▪ Clients undergo an individualized psychological assessment and receive a customized meal plan. ▪ Clients take evening and weekend sessions to minimize disruption of their schedule while receiving psychological and nutritional support. ▪ Clients already working with outpatient therapists continue with their work during nonprogram hours.
Transformational Living Center
The Transformational Living Center provides women with a safe place where they can practice skills they’ll need outside a therapeutic environment. The center develops strong relationships between the client and treatment team and provides a supportive environment for learning to cope outside the therapeutic environment.
The Transformational Living Center Provides ▪
Individualized plans Flexible, evolving plans and goals The freedom to stumble and pick yourself up again Options to transfer to a more intense program if necessary A therapeutic community
Treatment Success
Mirasol Recovery Centers’ varied treatment options have helped many clients overcome eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. 85 percent of our clients who successfully follow aftercare instructions maintain their recovery after a year.
About Mirasol Recovery Centers
Mirasol Recovery Centers, is a Tucson, AZ based center for treating eating disorders. The organization provides a variety of inpatient and outpatient services to clients and uses a holistic approach to treating the problem of eating disorders. Mirasol staff combine medicine, psychology and alternative medicine to find the most effective treatment for clients. For more information, visit http://www.mirasol.net/.
Photo Credit
All photos taken from client website, Morguefile, iStock, client website and Everystockphoto.
Stepping down from treatment is a dangerous time for people recovering from eating disorders. Mirasol Recovery Centers have a variety of options that can help.