A Romanian Artisans Family

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A Family of Romanian Artisans

Iulia & Ioan


A Family of Romanian Artisans Iulia Morar Iulia Morar, o moțoaică coborâtă la oraș din satul Horea, poate să întruchipeze, cu acul și croșeta, toată încruntarea și determinarea neamului ei moțesc. În cusăturile ei iscusite vei descoperi dragostea de viață și de frumos, mirosul aspru al florilor de munte și al cetinii de brad. De veacuri, numai răbdarea și iscusința mâinilor asprite de munca zilnică poate așeza pe pânză ori pe stofă înflorituri alese. Pentru că așa e datina ascendentelor ei crescute sub măgurile aspre ale Apusenilor, trudind în iernile lungi scufundate în zăpezi nesfârșite, ștergare, covoare, cămăși de borangic, așternuturi ori cămăși de noapte din pânză țesută la război. Toate cusute de mână, în culori vii, din fire mărunte ori groase, întruchipând, prin minuscule cruciulițe multiplicate la infinit, frânturi de cer și de pământ însăilate cu multă trudă și dăruire spre nemurirea frumuseții spirituale a acestui neam, asprit de prea multele încercări la care a fost supus de-a lungul timpurilor. Iulia Morar, a highlander woman from Transylvanian village Horea, may embody, needlework and knitting, all scowl and determination of its people. In her skilful stitching will discover the love of life and beauty, bitter smell of mountain flowers, herbs and pine. For centuries, only patience and skill daily work roughened hands can put on canvas or on fabric embellishments chosen. Upswings because it's tradition they grow under harsh Apuseni Mountains, toiling in the long winters immersed in endless snow, towels, carpets, silk shirts, linen or woven cloth nightgowns war. All hand sewn, colourful, small or thick yarns, embodying, the tiny crosses multiplied to infinity, bits of heaven and earth baste with much toil and dedication to immortality spiritual beauty of this nation, too many harsh trials that has undergone over time.

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is visiting Great Britain Ioan Morar Ioan Morar este un cioplitor în lemn diferit de tradiționalul meșter popular. Fără o filiație ascendentă în vreun arbore genealogic relevant pentru măiestria sa, artizanul Ioan Morar este propriul său produs. Orășean îndrăgostit de reverberația ascunsă în fibrele lemnului, a învățat alfabetul sculpturii la Școala Populară de Arte din Cluj, trudind mai apoi vreme îndelungată, în răstimpuri numai de el știute, la perfecționarea unei arte care i s-a lipit de suflet și de mâinile mereu fremătânde. Așa a ajuns anonimul profesor de engleză Ioan Morar să devină un cunoscut și apreciat meșter popular, ajungând să-și dedice în exclusivitate tot timpul făuririi de obiecte care încântă ochiul și sufletul privitorului. Cu încăpățînare, dar și cu blândețe, modelează orice lemn, îl înflorește, făurind forme zoomorfe sau chipuri umane stilizate, dublate de vechi simboluri tradiționale: funia răsucită, simbol al infinitului, soarele, simbolul Dumnezeirii, pomul vieții ca semn al veșniciei, șarpele casei, ocrotitorul familiei și aducător de noroc. Pentru Ioan Morar cioplitul în lemn a devenit un nou mod de viață.

Ioan Morar is different from traditional wood carving craftsmen. Without any family tree lineage upward skills relevant, the Romanian artisan is his own product. Townsman love hidden wood fibers reverberation, he learned the alphabet sculpture at The Folk Art School in Cluj, then toiling long time, he knows only from time to time in perfecting an art that was stuck to soul and always hands flaring. So came the anonymous English teacher Ioan Morar to become known and appreciated artisan, bringing to devote exclusively throughout the building up of objects that delight the eye and the soul of the viewer. Stubbornly, but gently, all wood models, it flourishes, Faure zoomorphic shapes or stylized human faces, coupled with old traditional symbols: twisted rope, a symbol of infinity, the sun, the symbol of the Godhead, the tree of life as a sign of eternity, the snake of house, family and patron of auspiciousness. For Ioan Morar wood carving has become a new way of life. Page 3

WOODEN CALENDARS Carved in different types of woods, these calendars have a permanent validity! Months of the year, days of the week and their data are marked on each calendar with wooden pins. The calendars are decorated with traditional Romanian folk motifs or zodiac signs.

WOODEN WATCHES The wooden watches, made by different wood essences, are decorated with symbols of popular astrology and zodiac signs. The mechanisms are from classical watches categories, usually operated with batteries.


The most comprehensive family of products are handmade wooden spoons. With different models in form and decorative elements, the wooden spoons say, each of them, true stories, meaningful charades that gradually reveals to the viewer after a closer and intentionally interrogative look.

EASTER WOODEN EGGS The traditional painted eggs for Easter holyday is doubled, in some areas, with the manufacture of wooden eggs inlaid with folk symbols by religious origin. With these wooden eggs, children and men are playing practical jokes on the traditional Easter game: knocking eggs. Page 4

To order call Ioan Morar on 0040 744 388.940 or e-mail to ioan_morar13@yahoo.com

To order call Ioan Morar on 0040 744 388.940 or e-mail to ioan_morar13@yahoo.com

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To order call Ioan Morar on 0040 744 388.940 or e-mail to ioan_morar13@yahoo.com

To order call Ioan Morar on 0040 744 388.940 or e-mail to ioan_morar13@yahoo.com

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Folk costume for men

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To order call Iulia Morar on 0040 749 934.075 or e-mail to morariulia@yahoo.com

Folk costume for men

Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type

Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features.

To order call Iulia Morar on 0040 749 934.075 or e-mail to morariulia@yahoo.com

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folk costumes for women

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To order call Iulia Morar on 0040 749 934.075 or e-mail to morariulia@yahoo.com

To order call Iulia Morar on 0040 749 934.075 or e-mail to morariulia@yahoo.com

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folk costumes for children

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To order call Iulia Morar on 0040 749 934.075 or e-mail to morariulia@yahoo.com

folk costumes for children

To order call Iulia Morar on 0040 749 934.075 or e-mail to morariulia@yahoo.com

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folk costumes for children

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To order call Iulia Morar on 0040 749 934.075 or e-mail to morariulia@yahoo.com

folk costumes for children

To order call Iulia Morar on 0040 749 934.075 or e-mail to morariulia@yahoo.com

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our booths at various fairs and folk festivals

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To order call Ioan Morar on 0040 744 388.940 or e-mail to ioan_morar13@yahoo.com

our booths at various fairs and folk festivals

To order call Ioan Morar on 0040 744 388.940 or e-mail to ioan_morar13@yahoo.com

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our booths at various fairs and folk festivals

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To order call Iulia Morar on 0040 749 934.075 or e-mail to morariulia@yahoo.com

our booths at various fairs and folk festivals

To order call Iulia Morar on 0040 749 934.075 or e-mail to morariulia@yahoo.com

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We shall return one day! Until then, we invite you to visit ROMANIA!

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