In November 2015 a course on Nordic Modernism was arranged at the chair of History of Architecture at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona.
The course introduced themes and masters of Nordic modernism with focus in Denmark, Sweden and Finland with Norwegian aspects. The timespan period in discussion was circa 1930-1970.
The themes of the lectures were historical roots of architecture, functionalism with its social aims, Swedish empiricism, ideas about homes and design, cultural centers, sacred places such as cemeteries and churches and city planning. Important masters Gunnar Asplund, Arne Jacobsen, Alvar Aalto, Jörn Utzon, Peter Celsing, Reima Pietilä and Sverre Fehn who brought modernism into a maturity by mixing international ideas with the spirit of locality and vernacular were discussed.
Writings of the masters were introduced by the students and discussed as readings tasks. An important goal of the course was discussion, not only knowledge transmitted by the teacher.