p e r sonal
mireya arias campo +34600015964 m: mireyaariascampo@gmail.com
e x p e rience
architect. Jan2017-Oct2018 official association of architect. COACMTO Toledo, Spain
I am involved in the development of Toledo’ s region contemporary architecture guide. Performing the following duties: graphic and concept design, technical and photography documentation and cultural dissemination of the recent builds in our region.
architect. Jul2018 Ubicca. Madrid, Spain
Worked as architect designing a workplace’s firm in Zamudio.
designer. Nov2017 Movialsa. Campo de Criptana, Spain
Development prototype calendar and photography.
exhibition curator. Sept-Oct2017 colegio oficial de arquitectos de Toledo. COACMTO Toledo, Spain
Curator for the GuíaT project exhibition on the occasion of the X architecture’s week of COACMTO.
exhibition curator. Sept-Oct2016 official association of architect. COACMTO Toledo, Spain
Worked as a Curator for the final project exhibition: .y seguido. Design and prepare the distribution and organization of all pieces: models, panels, drawings and videos.
intern student. Dec-May2016 Castilla La Mancha University Toledo, Spain
Scholarchip for training in techniques of planning, implementation and analysis of surveys.
assistant architect. Sept2015-Dec2016 studio mdm_09 arquitectura /www.mdm_09arquitectura.com Toledo, Spain
Worked as assistant architect designing and drawing on this projects: Bargas house, gonzalo de berceo school reformation and industrial unit reformation.
intern architect. Jun-Aug2015
santander Bank summer internship studio mdm_09 arquitectura /www.mdm_09arquitectura.com Toledo, Spain Grantee of the practice internship that Santander Bank offers for students. I developed the project of single family house from the design concept until the detail drawings. We participated in a contest for Casas Ibáñez’s school extension.
intern student. Apr-May2015
Manuel de las Casas professorhip. Castilla La Mancha University Toledo, Spain Study and development of the traditional patio house. Following Manuel de las Casas design and thoughts and implementing new Lafarge concrete materials.
assistant architect. Jan-Apr2015 studio a.m.a arquitectura /www.amaarquitectura.com Toledo, Spain
As an assistant architect I worked on a wide variety of projects, ranging in scale and process. My main tasks involved working in AutoCad, Sketch up, Indesign and Photoshop in this projects: .san pedro de arlanza (burgos) monsastery conservation and restoration. layers buffet reformation in Mora . san juan de ocaña church reformation .antón martin market reformation in Madrid.
e d u cation
Ilustrator workshop May-Jun2017 Fedeto. Toledo
Bootstrap workshop Mar-Apr2017 Fedeto. Toledo
BIM Autodesk Oct-Apr2017 24studiolab. Madrid
March 2010-2016
Toledo school of architecture. Castilla La Mancha University
Urbanism workshop. Materials, dimensions and uses redesigning streets. Prof. Allan Jacobs and Elizabeth Macdonald.
Engraving workshop. Prof. José Noriega.
Restoration of the concepcion franciscana’s monastery workshop. Ministry of development
Exchange Student Erasmus 2013-2014
Münster school of architecture. Germany
München workshop. Prof. Prof. h.c. Dipl. Ing. Herbert Bühler (Münster school of Architecture)
Thessaloniki workshop. Prof.Voyatzaki and Prof. Spiridonidis.(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) w:: http://msa2013-urban-ruptures-disjunctions.blogspot.com
Frankfurt workshop. Wolfgang Winter and Berthold Hörbelt. (Studio Winter / Hoerbelt)
Humanitarian aid workshop. Red Cross. (Münster school of Architecture)
Aahrus workshop. Prof. Mikkel Frost. (CEBRAarchitects)
fluent AutoCad, Revit, Adobe Photoshop, Ilustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, bootstrap, httml, css knowlegeable Vectorwork, Sketch-up, ArchiCad, Dynamo, After Effect language Spanish(Native). English(Independent user). German (Basic user)
c o n tents
graphical representation contest of callejon de menores 04 rehabilitation. selected for venice bienale 2O16 kindergarten. ravenna. final project. eaT
duisburg school plus.mĂźnster workshop studio.[eras- 11 mus exchange] patio house. Manuel de las Casas professorship. eaT 13 hut for a psychologist in almere. workshop studio. eaT 14 college in toledo. workshop studio. eaT
a square is a square. plaz-er constest proposal
exhibition curated .seguido . final projects of Toledo school of architecture
exhibition curated. contemporary architecture.
graphical representation contest of callejon de menores. selected for venice bienale 2O16
gc 04
graphical representation contest of callejon de menores. selected for venice bienale 2O16
gc 05
kindergarten at the industrial port of ravenna. shorlisted project at European architectural medals BDP 2O16. published in maet 4 magazine and soon in dtf magazine
kindergarten at the industrial port of ravenna. shorlisted project at European architectural medals BDP 2O16. published in maet 4 magazine and soon in dtf magazine
Kr 07
port of ravenna site plan
kindergarten at the industrial port of ravenna. shorlisted project at European architectural medals BDP 2O16. published in maet 4 magazine and soon in dtf magazine
kindergarten at the industrial port of ravenna. shorlisted project at European architectural medals BDP 2O16. published in maet 4 magazine and soon in dtf magazine
Kr 09
axonometric view
kindergarten at the industrial port of ravenna. shorlisted project at European architectural medals BDP 2O16. published in maet 4 magazine and soon in dtf magazine
Kr 10
perspective from the canal
duinsburg school plus. baukonstrution.prof. BĂźhler. MĂźnster school of architecture
ds 11
duinsburg school plus. baukonstrution.prof. BĂźhler. MĂźnster school of architecture
ds 12
patio house studio. manuel de las casas professorship. Toledo school of architecture
pH 17
almere hut for a psychologist. project workshop. Toledo school of architecture
ah 14
s wite plan
almere hut for a psychologist. project workshop. Toledo school of architecture
college. project workshop Toledo. Toledo school of architecture
Tc 16
plaz-er contest. a square is a square. Madrid
pC 17
plaz-er contest. a square is a square. Madrid
comisarios: Mireya Arias, Josefa Blanco, Alejandro JimĂŠnez, JoaquĂn Vargas.
.seguido project exhibition. official architect association. Toledo
architecture exhibition. official architect association. Toledo
cA 20