Dear maip team, Each year, MAIP picks the most diverse, talented, inspiring, creative, forward-thinking, and resilient fellows to support through their professional journeys. The program is set up to lift up young talent and give them the platform and equity they deserve to thrive in the advertising industry. This year has felt like a giant storm that continues to rage and bring us each our own host of challenges. Despite the incessant storm, you all have proven to be the shelter a lot of us needed. Even now in your leadership roles you have continued to show the same qualities of a true MAIPer. You took a terrible situation and constantly continued to provide us with knowledge, experience, and opportunities. We have seen our peers grow, flourish, and most importantly connect in ways we didn’t think would be possible virtually. Our MAIP2020 class is different. We came out through this summer stronger, wiser, and more prepared for the real world. We had to learn how to adapt, how to make the most of the situation. How to stay productive and proactive when there’s no clear future in sight. We had to exercise that resilience more this summer than ever before. As a team, you have each worked so hard to give us an ideal summer despite everything, and the outcome of that has been family. One really really big, loud, crazy family. Over the summer we’ve fought, we’ve laughed, we’ve cried, and we’ve loved one another just like any other family and it wouldn’t have been possible without each of you. So thank you for being the glue that put this family together and the shelter that keeps it safe. Love, Your MAIP 2020 Family
accoun t ma n ag em ent
ian craig solano Dear MAIP, Thank you for this incredible summer. This program has been the light that has illuminated my career and rekindled my love for this industry. Thank you for being the champions of diversity and allowing us to shine as brightly as we could imagine. I am more confident, inspired, and fired-up than ever before. The future is bright. I am ready. Yours truly, Ian
desi g n
miriam choi Dear Alexis, Ambar, Jacquelyn, Kiera, and Reema, I started this year without direction and had no idea where I was going in life. I knew I wanted to use design as a tool to reach audiences across the world in some way, but I never had a guiding source to help me find a trajectory. All of that changed when the MAIP team opened up the program to all finalists and fellows. Throughout this past summer, I’ve gotten mentorship and found my why, taken a major first step in advertising, and solidified many, many goals for myself. This program has helped me gain footing and confidence in myself, and I can’t thank each and every one of you enough for these past four months. Thank you again, and this definitely isn’t going to be goodbye. Cheers!
p ro j ect ma nag em ent
nicole pung You all ROCKED this summer. This has not been an easy journey for anyone, but we’re all coming out strong, confident, and EDUCATED, and it’s all thanks to the MAIP team. THANK YOU for always putting your 1000% into this program and into us! I honestly don’t know where I would be without MAIP VEP. You’ve changed all our lives. I know our paths will cross again. Please stay safe! I hope one day we will all have a HAPPY MAIP FAMILY REUNION!
co py wr i ti ng
shravya arra Dear MAIP, Thank you so much for all of your hard work this summer with our cohort. The network, experience, and community I gained this summer is unmatchable. I’m so grateful for the family I gained and the lessons I learned this summer. It was an experience like no other. Our bond doesn’t end here, but starts here! Thank you MAIP and the whole team again for a great experience this summer. Love, Shravya Arra
co py wr i ti ng
mikayla dumas Dear MAIP, This summer has been one of challenge, growth, and family. I have experienced things and connected with my peers on a level that I wouldn’t have thought possible. You have taken the time to have difficult conversations with us, show us our self-worth, and build us up. We have all grown exponentially this summer and it has everything to do with the work you’ve put in behind the scenes. I have gained a confidence within myself that was crafted through your guidance. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us this summer. Love, Mikayla Dumas
JORDI ROMANO I̸s̴ ̴M̴A̸I̵P̸ ̵M̷c̴D̴o̸n̶a̷l̸d̵s̷?̶ ̸B̴e̷c̴a̴u̸s̴e̸ I̷’̸m̵ ̷l̸o̷v̴i̴n̸g̸ ̶i̸t̶
CHRISTY ZHU Hi MAIP Team, thank you for a wonderful summer. Despite having gone through a series of unexpected events, I’m super grateful that you all were able to pull through in a short amount of time and provide such an educational and enlightening few months and kept me disciplined!! #MAIPithappen
LOURDES VALBRUN When I first found out I got into MAIP, I didn’t believe it. The imposter syndrome was at all an time high. To this day, I’m still super grateful to have been selected. I learned so much about myself, advertising, and other people. I made connections to last a lifetime. MAIP made me realize how talented I truly am and truly pushed me to keep furthering my skill set. THANK YOU MAIP!
accoun t ma n ag em ent
JUNIOR HOLGUIN Thank you so much to the MAIP Team for putting together the VEP in a time where a lot of programs had to cancel. I learned so much about the advertising industry this summer and was even able to keep my internship at CDM NY through Omnicom! If it wasn’t for MAIP this summer, I wouldn’t have been able to get my name out there into the ad world and make the connections I did! Thanks again MAIP Team :)
PAULINA ALVAREZ To the MAIP team and 4a’s - thank you. I wish I could put into words how grateful I am to have been part of the MAIP Class of 2020. You have changed my life in ways I could never imagine. From creating an environment that makes me feel like I belong in the industry to gifting me life-long connections that have taught me so much even beyond advertising. Your effort and dedication to making things happen has never gone unnoticed. Your endless support has motivated me to continue working hard and to always uplift those around me. I was pretty confused about what I wanted to do after graduation, but participating in the VEP put me on track to be the kick-ass art director I’m meant to be. I will be eternally grateful to this program for that. If there’s anything I learned, it’s to do it even when scared. Whatever "it" may be, just do it. You guys showed that day in and day out. So thank you again for everything you’ve done. I love you guys!
Where do I even begin... MAIP has been an eye-opening experience for me. The program has helped me with so much self-realization in regards to what I want to do within this industry. Thanks to this program my road to success has become clearer and for that from the bottom of my heart, thank you! Thank you for everything that you all do. Thank you for taking the long chance and running the program virtually this year. Thank you for the hundreds of emails, hours, and zooms! Getting the chance to meet so many brilliant individuals from all over the country with the grand potential and will to shake up this industry was beyond and left me in great awe. Pure greatness to say the least. The hard work we all put into this summer will see the fruits of its labor very soon. The experience was worthwhile, unforgettable, and definitely one for the books. Again, many thanks to the 4A’s, the MAIP Team, and all the other agencies for taking this grand chance. Now let’s MAIP this happen y’all!
ELSABETE KEBEDE This summer, MAIP carved out spaces for us to reflect and be vulnerable. In that, I’ve learned the power of giving myself grace and allowing myself the space to redefine who I am and who I can be. Thanks to the leadership from Reema, Alexis, Jacquelyn, and Ambar, I’ve been able to explore my career path and meet incredible people. I now know that I want to be at the intersection of PR and strategy. I have a MAIP Coach who’s supported me since day one (you’re the best, Ro!). Plus, the tight-knit bond the 2020 MAIPers have is one for the books. To the 4A’s ladies: I appreciate and respect you four so much for being supportive, positive, and steady for us. You’ve all taught me what it means to be a compassionate leader and advocate. It’s been a summer of pushing my boundaries and learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable; every day, I’m reminded that community and authentic relationships are everything. So, thank you to the 4A’s team for MAIPing it happen.
ESME ALVAREZ Thank you for this experience. This summer has shaped me into a leading industry professional and I discovered so many interest I didn’t know I had. The fellows this year were so spectacular and that could only be because they were picked by stellar people. Thank you for not just cancelling this internship when it got hard but delivering something that will last a life time. I am excited to be a MAIP Alumni and I’m ready to contribute anyway I can in the future!
KEISHA HIGH I couldn’t fathom hosting a program this large during unprecedented times and still be able to successfully impact young lives. MAIP has been life changing for me and it wouldn’t have been possible without the forefront runner of this program. Thank you again.
CALEB DAWKINS Thanks to the MAIP Team for letting me go through this experience two summer in a row. Before MAIP I had no real understanding of Art Direction or even the Advertising industry. Though, because of MAIP I’ve been welcomed in a network of people who genuinely care enough to educate one another. That kind of environment is hard to find and i’m thankful to have it here!
This summer has altered my vision and my life. I am immensely grateful to the 4As and the MAIP team for investing their time and resources into this amazing class that is bound to do great things. Thank you for the continued words of encouragement, the tough love when we needed it and never failing to make us feel supported and valued. I have had the pleasure on meeting ad professionals who have edified me in unimaginable ways and working on projects that really redefined my limits and have molded me into a better professional and individual. Thank you! I look forward to giving back to this program in the near future.
SEMSARAH FAUSTIN MAIP provided a safe place for me to grow, learn, & believe in myself. I am beyond thankful for this opportunity. I am so proud of this organization, and so thankful for the wonderful team. Thank you to the entire MAIP team for your support, care and honesty. Thank you to the MAIP class of 2020, I truly believe everyone in this talented,funny, creative group will be successful and make an impact. I’m honored to be apart of MAIP and grateful for this wonderful summer.
HANNA FRIDRIKSSON Dear MAIP Team, Thank you for everything you do! This summer did not go as planned, and we recognize how much extra work you all had to do to put this VEP program together. This was a great opportunity over the summer to really get to learn, develop new skills, and give us some great resume and portfolio builders. And we did it all virtually! On top of this, you gave us a really awesome virtual Face of Talent. We truly appreciate all of you, Reema, Alexis, Jacquelyn, Ambar, Kiera, and Jovanne. We know that you truly care about us and put in countless hours to make sure that we got the most out of our summer, even with COVID. Thank you, again! Hanna Fridriksson
a rt di r ecti o n
nicole “nikki� mendez I am so incredibly grateful for the stability and support MAIP has provided me with this Summer. From much needed braves spaces to life lessons with our MAIP mommas, this program is not just career changing but life changing as well. Thank you so much for doing the impossible and putting together an entirely virtual program for us. Thank you for helping me realize my worth and know that I deserve to be here! This MAIP class is going to change the industry and we have you to thank for that. Much love.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
melquis kennedy Hi MAIP Team, thank you so much for all the love and support as well as the resources you connected us with. I have a new family because of you. Thank you Reema for being the loving yet firm person you are. Thank you Alexis, Jacqueline and Ambar for keeping all of this together and working out the issues. I really wish I could give you all a big hug. Much love.
so ci a l str ategy
tatyana white Thank you for the opportunity to be apart of Maip. It was an amazing experience that I will cherish for ever. I have gained valuable insight and knowledge into the advertising industry over the past 10 weeks. I truly enjoyed our development labs as well as the agencies we have been able to connect with. This community will forever be in my heart. I want to say a huge thank you to Reema, Ambar, Jacquelyn, Alexis, Jovonne and the rest of the 4A’s team. MAIP IT HAPPEN!
me d i a bu y i n g a n d p l anning
sofia plaz
Thank you MAIP! Thank you fo showing me the true meaning of strength and resiliency. For teaching me to appreciate myself and not allow anybody to tell me I’m not enough. Thank you for helping me understand that being different is actually awesome and that we have the power to create change. This Summer has changed my life. I am ready to go out into the world stronger and confident. The MAIP team has gone above and beyond without expecting anything in return. You really care about us and about change, and that’s inspiring. The MAIP 2020 class will not let you down, because you did not let us down. You showed us that change drives greatness and success. I am honored to become a MAIP alumn and I am ready to make a difference!
a rt di r ecti o n
jessica navarrette Thank you Reema, Alexis, Kiera, Jacquelyn, Ambar, and the entire 4A’s organization. You all have devoted so much time and energy to create this virtual experience the best it could possibly be, and we can’t thank you all enough. I’m so grateful to be part of the MAIP Class of 2020. The unconditional love and support from you all and every single fellow has made navigating this life a little less scary. I appreciate you all, and you’ll always have a piece of my heart. I’m really excited to see where life takes us. Here’s to making it !!!! THANK YOU !!!!!!
co py wr i ti ng
christine reyes Thank you so much MAIP team for hustling through this summer with us. We know taking care of all 380 of us was no easy feat, especially with how incredibly stubborn we can be. However, just know that everything you did was always appreciated. Thank you for learning with us, considering us, and supporting us all summer. I can’t express how honored I feel to have gotten to be a part of the best MAIP class ever. In being a part of the inaugural virtual class, I can truly say that I am so grateful that we went virtual. I would’ve never made half the friends I have now or made the connections that I’ll cherish forever. I’ll always try to stay in touch and hope to one day get the opportunity to meet you all in person!
me d i a bu y i n g a n d p l anning
scarlette rodriguez zarzuela MAIP is undoubtedly the best thing that has ever happened to me. Before I met all of these amazing people, I was unsure of where I wanted to go and what I wanted my career to look like, but in the short span of three months, MAIP has taught me everything I needed to know and then some. I appreciate every single person that’s part of this program, wholeheartedly, and I just want to give a huge thanks to you all: Reema, Jacquelyn, Jovanne, Kiera, Ambar, and every single person that had a hand in making this program what it is today. Thank you so much for your unwavering support and dedication, I can’t wait to see how MAIP 2020 and future classes change the future of advertising all thanks to you.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
olamide ogunjobi Thank you so much ! Words can not describe what you ended up doing this summer. You created a well thought out program for 300+ individuals that Impacted us in a way that you may never truly know ! We can’t thank you enough, for all the email responses, for all the late night calls and even creating events for us to discuss our transgressions. You guys are all amazing! From the bottom of my heart, thank you !
h uma n r esou rce s
laura reginato souto Thank you for showing me overcoming is a process of channeling passion, gaining resilience and building greatness. Thank you for allowing me to express, grow, learn, breathe, mourn, support and be supported. This community has given me hope, strength, knowledge and genuine relationships that will last a lifetime.
me d i a bu y i n g a n d p l anning
beatrice brunschwiler
Thank you so much for all the sleepless nights you put into MAIP 2020. I’m sure it wasn’t easy to put the program together, but we are all so grateful for the opportunities, connections, and wisdom we got from it. While it wasn’t the traditional MAIP we all expected, this summer was an endlessly enriching experience that I’ll never forget. Don’t forget about us!
p ro j ect ma nag em ent
jodi nguyen MAIP was one of the most empowering & wholesome groups I’ve ever experienced. We’d talk about our aspirations & become accountability partners & laughed when some companies really missed the mark. I didn’t feel so alone during quarantine because I had 380 people by my side. Everyone says how competitive the space is, which is true to an extent. However, when it comes to people with multicultural backgrounds, we understand each other on levels that others can’t. All everyone wanted to do was uplift & help each other through navigating this industry. It’s something that I know won’t exist at this scale ever again in my career. But I know that wherever I am, I have my fellow MAIPers, the MAIP team, MAIP alum rooting for me no matter what.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
nafisa hassan Thank you to the MAIP team for organizing, planning, and executing this program in the time constraint you had. The program could’ve easily been cancelled this summer, but instead cared for us fellows and wanted to provide some sort of opportunity, even if not within the traditional setting. I learned a lot from the program about professional/personal development; that growth is vital to me even as a junior in college not yet entering the work force. I appreciate all experiences VEP had to offer, from sessions on how to handle being the only POC in the place, to the occasional tough love from Mama Bear Reema. Thank you to Reema, Jacquelyn, Ambar, Alexis, and Kiera for giving me the gift of MAIP VEP and the 2020 branded "clown" cohort.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
brandon alex kol After experiencing the MAIP Virtual Engagement Program, I can confidently say my standards and expectations for the industry have risen! To say that I have been empowered and motivated is an understatement. I’ve been able to connect with an amazing group of fellows all across the country who I will literally ride or die for. The support from current industry professionals for me and my friends is wild; listen I truly believe that the bond I share with the 2020 MAIP Class will last a lifetime. We are driven for real change and the current status quo won’t stop us. What you see from us is the future and we’re coming! One piece of advice that has stuck with me comes from Danny Robinson. He once said if you want it, pursue it with patience.
a rt di r ecti o n
rebekah rivera Reema, Alexis, Ambar, Kiera, Jacquelyn, and Jovanne aka MAIP Queens, I will miss you so much! Thank you for everything that you did for us this summer. I’m so happy we still were able to MAIP It Happen! Covid and technology flops kicked our butts, but we made it through. I feel so ready and empowered to enter this industry after our MAIP program. Seeing strong, successful, and confident women let’s me know that I too can get there. Visibility and transparency is so important, and I can’t thank you enough for bringing that to us. I hope we will all meet in person very soon and that our paths will cross. Mil gracias y con mucho amor!! <3 Rebekah
i n t eg r ated pro duc tion
corey lightner I’m grateful for this experience that almost didn’t happen. I often reflect on the thought that without MAIP there’d be no connection to the unique pool of people with similar passions. We all want to create, inspire others and change the world. MAIP put my mind at ease at a time where I mentally collapsed and felt lost. It was something to keep me active and to care about. This Summer I learned that I must prioritize a healthy work / life balance in order to stay a float for my future. We often put too much weight into our work and push the life portion of the balance further away. In reality you need both for a quality peace of mind. In the end I gained another experience - a set of lessons with people who went through it together.
me d i a bu y i n g a n d p l anning
asha fields
I am having trouble finding the words to write this letter without tearing up. I am beyond grateful that the MAIP team worked so diligently to make this summer program happen for us. They could have easily just cancelled the entire thing, and I am so thankful they didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t. This has been a tremendous learning experience and I have connected with so many talented people. The 2020 MAIP class will always have a special place in my heart. These individuals are truly a force, and I am proud to have worked along side of them during this crazy time. To the entire 4aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s MAIP team, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this opportunity. With so much love, - Asha Fields
co py wr i ti ng
daisy klarissa You know that saying "You have to lose your mind to find it?" Well, consider it true. This summer has been nothing short of hard work and craziness. I met 363 Maipers virtually and somehow managed to form some of the best relationships ever. I lost my mind a couple times, but the amount of growth that took place within my craft and myself is more than I have seen in months. Maipers you have my heaty. I would like to thank the MAIP TEAM for dealing with us and creating this entire program online. I don’t know how you guys did it. BUT YOU ALL DID THAT. I am forever thankful for the entire MAIP team. Moving forward won’t be the same, but I have a good feeling I’ll be seeing MAIP CLASS OF 2020 TAKING OVER THE AD INDUSTRY. Warmest, Daisy K.
a rt di r ecti o n
sabrina khan I can’t begin to explain my gratitude and appreciate for everyone on the MAIP team. You have all gone above and beyond to make sure the MAIP fellows of 2020 experience the advertising world one way or another. You kept your promises and created a fellowship experience like no other. If this strange time in our lives has taught us anything, it’s that we don’t know what the future holds. Expect the unexpected. I don’t know what the next step in my future will be, however, my experience with MAIP this year was a pleasant surprise. I look forward to taking the next step in my life and immersing myself in the advertising world that lies ahead of me and I have you, and the MAIP team to thank for that.
str ategy
daniela bernal Dear MAIP, I want to thank you for all that you have me these past few months. Thank you for pivoting after the Covid-19 pandemic. Thank you for the endless nights you spent vigorously working, so that this experience could be unforgettable. Thank you for seeing something in me that I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see in myself. This summer was like no other and it was all because of you. You taught me lessons that go beyond any practical skill. You introduced me to hundreds of incredibly talented and passionate souls. You helped me find my value and place in this industry. Thank you MAIP for all that you gave me this summer. I hope to one day give you just as much, if not more. With love, Daniela.
p ro j ect ma nag em ent
haemi jung
Thank you MAIP for unforgettable memories and experiences this summer. MAIP experience not only changed how I view Advertising, but it also changed myself to be more confident and outgoing than how I was before. Although I did not expect much in the beginning of summer because it went virtual, it was the best experience I could ever have this summer. Thank you for your hard work and care for us! #MAIPITHAPPEN
ux /ui
sohee cho A year ago today, I never thought Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d make 380+ new lifelong friends, work at a real agency, get a full time job offer, and most importantly have hope. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been the most memorable, yet challenging summer. You all put together an amazing program in such a short amount of time in response to the pandemic with such grace and passion. Your desire to create a fulfilling and meaningful program was translated through each e-mail, MAIP lab, summer project brief, etc. From not being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel to finding my purpose and getting started on my career I want to express my gratitude to the MAIP team. Thank you for teaching us what it means to be adaptable, resilient, and most importantly to be advocates for ourselves.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
michael watkins First and foremost, I want to thank the 4Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team for all of their hard work and dedication to ensuring that the inaugural MAIP VEP class got the most out of their summer. Thank you for being patient with us amongst all the technical issues with zoom and our personal frustrations when adjusting to virtual engagement. Thank you for pouring encouragement into us and letting us know that we matter and our voices are heard. You have been so integral in my professional development and I am entirely grateful. Without MAIP I would have never received my full time offer or met an amazing, comical community of like-minded individuals. You all are doing the work that needs to be done. I appreciate you so much.
p u bl i c r el ati o ns
emily garcia To the MAIP team, THANK YOU thank you thank you for all the long hours and late nights you worked to put together the VEP program for us. Back in March, you could have cancelled the entire program, but instead you worked tirelessly to give emerging POC a chance in the advertising industry. I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t thank you enough. It was definitely not an easy journey, but I am so grateful for you and this entire program. MAIP has completely changed the trajectory of my life, and I am so humbled to be a part of this incredible program. Thank you again for everything you have done for all 350+ of us fellows. I will never forget this summer, this program and the all the relationships Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve made because of MAIP. Thank you. Sincerely, Emily
p ro j ect ma nag em ent
brittani campbell I didn’t get picked as a finalist for MAIP last year. After making it as a fellow this year, I was excited to be a part of the larger community of Black and Brown professionals in this industry. I’m so glad that I decided to stay for the VEP version of this experience. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank the entire MAIP team for making this the best summer I’ve had in a really long time. From Reema defending us every step of the way, to Jacquelyn personally reaching out to me to offer a last minute mentor, I appreciate you all going above and beyond to make this a worthwhile experience for me and the rest of the fellows! I will always have love and gratitude for all of you for the rest of my career! I wish you all the very best.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
hannah bae
This summer has been one of tremendous growth and gratitude. This program has opened up so many new doors that I didn’t even realize existed. I can’t thank the MAIP team enough for all of y’all’s hard work and dedication.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
carlos linares escobar Dear MAIP Team 2020, THANK YOU! Thank you for believing in us. 2020 has been a wild ride and with many ups and downs. Many people lost their jobs and internships. However, the MAIP team refused to give up on us. You guys scrambled together with short notice and created a program that enriched us in many more ways than just professionally. Yaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll created something amazing and gave some of us hope for the future. your hard work and long hours will not go unnoticed as I will forever remember the experience. THANK YOU MAIP TEAM. You were the ones that help MAIPITHAPPEN.
p ro j ect ma nag em ent
fennzia guerrier MAIP has shown me the power of solidarity in the most beautiful way. Even thought there are so many intersections within the MAIP class, we are still able to find unity through the mission of creating space for new perspectives in the industry. I will definitely take away a new sense of hope for my professional career. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s comforting to know that I have so many people in my corner no matter where life takes me. Truly, your network is your net-worth, so I am grateful to be apart of the MAIP family. Thank you MAIP team <3! Peace and blessings.
str ategy
jayda hill This experience have given me friends for lifetime I believe that I wouldn’t have been close with people in my class if we didn’t go virtual and had VEP. I would had only been close with people who lived in New York with me. But now, I have been able to interact with various MAIPers in this journey. I have learned in this experience to own my voice and my achievements. As Kennedy Studdard said: "It’s not bragging if it is facts". MAIP gave me the courage to start my Instagram page dedicated showing what it’s like to be a Black Women in advertising. A story we do not see very often on social media and need more than ever now. So now it is time for me to turn the tassel and begin my life as a MAIP alum while pulling up the next generation.
so ci a l str ategy
janelle finch Words cannot even begin explain how incredibly grateful I am to have been a part of this amazing program. I really took a chance on myself applying to MAIP and truly had no idea if I would have enough credentials to make it in this industry. I can honestly say that not only do I know more about this industry than I did at the beginning of the summer, but I am such a stronger, better media professional because of you all. MAIP could have been cancelled this summer, but you didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t allow that or even entertain that idea. THANK YOU for not giving up on your fellows and our personal growth journeys. I am so proud to be an official MAIP Alum!! Thank you. Continue to let passion drive you. Your students are thanking you for it.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
cynthia sianturi "I belong here." This summer, the biggest lesson Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve learned was that I belonged here. My voice, my perspective, as the daughter of Indonesian immigrants, is valuable and important. MAIP has helped me to learn that. Prior to MAIP, I felt that despite my love for advertising, I should be grateful for ANY job that I can get. Now, I know exactly what I want and how to fight for it. I know how to advocate for myself and believe that I belong here. I belong here.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
jennyfer mariana arquieta Thank you for changing my life. This experience has been truly one of a kind, and we all know that it was not going to happen if there wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t such a strong and incredible team behind it all! I am honored to have met and be lead by amazing women. Thank you for the lessons, guidance and LOVE.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
rachel cadet MAIP has opened my eyes about so many people and opportunities.
me d i a bu y i n g a n d p l anning
sabrina darias Dear MAIP, You are all the embodiment of resilience, grit, and all things I aspire to stand for. The level of adaptability this organization has shown is something that I’ll never forget and that I’ll take with me wherever I go. I have endless gratitude for each one of you – not just for being a bunch of badasses, but for giving our cohort the opportunity to thrive in spite of all the curve balls 2020 threw our way. I’m gonna miss this so much: the Zoom mishaps, Ambar’s emails, everything...but I know this isn’t goodbye. The universe has big plans for us MAIP 2020 Fellows and we cannot wait to make you proud. #yournetworkisyournetworth
co py wr i ti ng
cailyn wesstrom Thank you so much for an incredible summer! Corona doesn’t have anything on y’all. Y’all really did it- an incredible program filled with incredible people, changing lives. My view on my identity has truly been changed. I’ve been challenged and had my eyes opened to so many things from D&I to my craft and I feel like I’m leaving this summer as an inherently better person. I was so blessed to be apart of this, I can’t thank you all enough.
co py wr i ti ng
tamara vasquez I did not realize the adventure I was signing myself up for last year, but I am super grateful I did. MAIP is a program that has changed my life forever. Being a first generation student, the pressure to break into the industry was greater than I could ever imagine. I found a family in the MAIP 2020 class, I found incredible mentors, and I can proudly say I found a position within a discipline I did not think I was ever ready for. MAIP gave me the support and confidence I needed to get into advertising. Thank you all so much!
me d i a bu y i n g a n d p l anning
sabine streit
I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t thank you enough for everything you guys have done for me. As an international business major, I was so lost on what advertising was and how it functioned. All I knew, is that it was were creativity and passion lived, and where I wanted to be. I have learned as much this summer as some of my friends learn in school, an oftentimes more because I learned from actual agencies instead of a classroom. I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say thank you enough for the network, the connections, and the resources you have helped me build. But most of all, I want to say thank you for helping me rediscover my identity as a Latina and finding pride in my heritage. Being called "too white" to be hispanic, I lost sight of who I was, but MAIP helped me get it back.
p ro j ect ma nag em ent
sussana lara Dear MAIP, I want to thank you so much for never giving up on us despite the circumstances due to the pandemic. This summer I learned more about myself and I am so thankful for the opportunity to be apart of such a beautiful family. I will always be in debt to MAIP and I look forward to what the future holds for me. I will always hold MAIP close to my heart and this summer will be a summer I will never forget.
co py wr i ti ng
andres villa "Whatever life throws at you, even if it hurts you, just be strong and fight through it. Remember, strong walls shake but never collapse." If I could describe my MAIP experience in one word it would be resilience. Given the times, the world was against us, yet the MAIP team found a way to give more than 350+ MAIP Fellows the opportunity of a lifetime, not just for self growth, but self-discovery. I want to thank the MAIP team from the bottom of my heart for making what I thought was going to be a boring and terrible summer, one that I will never forget. The MAIP labs and sessions were great, but the most memorable and best part of MAIP 2020 was the people we met along the way. Thank you for bringing us together. Cheers to the future!
str ategy
maya taylor Thank you MAIP for helping me find my footing in advertising! Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve felt so much guidance and love this summer. I am forever grateful and proud to be a MAIP alumna.
a rt di r ecti o n
gustavo ramirez Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll keep it short. Thank you for seeing us, hearing us, and sharing your hearts. Thank you for for making us feel possible. MAIP has undoubtedly changed the trajectory of my career. I wish you all endless joy. Love, Gustavo.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
janelle altamirano It’s been a wild summer. It’s been the weirdest summer. But despite all the curve balls we were thrown it’s also been the best summer. As a first generation college student, I’ve always been consumed by my future, my goals, and my success. This summer I finally had the time to breathe and reflect. Thanks to the hard work of the MAIP team I was able to grow and flourish in ways I’d never thought possible. I’ve been wanting to be a MAIPer since 2017 (before I even started university) and now that goal has been accomplished. I’m in awe at the MAIP community and all the vibrant personalities that are now in my life because of it. So thank you MAIP for being my first goal I was able to accomplish and for being a home away from home.
str ategy
samantha kuo Thank you for creating such an amazing program! You have helped hundreds of internshipless students, striving to the enter the industry. Thank you for giving me such a great mentorship and countless friendships. I have been able to build such meaningful friendships from across the world. (Shout out to my friends in MAIP!!) Without MAIP, I would have lost touch to the advertising world. This experience allowed me to rediscover my love for advertising through the friendship and connections I have made. Thank you for making this happen.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
victoria diaz-torres
MAIP changed my life. My parents passed away and I was adopted, so I never really felt like I fit in anywhere being Puerto Rican in HTX. Joining MAIP gave me an invaluable diverse community of people who inspired me and opened my heart. I have a new confidence thanks to MAIP, and feel so supported by those around me. Thankyou so much for all of your encouragement this summer, and flexibility putting together VEP. My depression worsened with Quarantine, and I felt so closed off from the world unsure of what I should do, stuck. But soon I found myself staying up all night bonding with these people, text-brainstorming throughout the day, and being inspired daily by speakers Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m grateful to have virtually met. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a better version of myself.
a rt di r ecti o n
andrea naranjo Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve learned just by being in the presence of MAIPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ers the importance of using your voice and advocating for what you believe in. I did not know how to professionally translate all what I was feeling with racial inequality and social justice and I was so inspired by how MAIP fellows were unafraid to ask pressing and relevant questions. I will carry this skill throughout my professional career and continue to be an enthusiastic ally.One piece of advice I received was to recognize your worth and be able to express that to others. As someone who suffers with imposter syndrome, this has changed my perspective and made me be more cognizant of my talents and skills. Thank you to MAIP for empowering me and giving me a head start in this industry!
desi g n
sarika persaud Through the MAIP fellowship I was able to connect and meet so many diverse talent. I was able to also expand my network connections with top industry professionals in advertising. I am walking away with a large network of MAIP Alumni and new friendships. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve gained lifelong skills that I can apply in the workplace which I truly appreciate. I am confident I will land a great position thanks to MAIP.
desi g n
jean elliott I want to say a HUGE thank you to the MAIP VEP team and anyone else who helped put the program together. I love you all SO much and I say this from the absolute bottom of my heart and I hope my sincerity can come across in some little pixels on a screen. I have gone through so much personal and internal growth because of the talks you all provided about taking up space. I have never been so ~virtually~ surrounded by such powerful BIPOC peers and mentors that I am impressed by every single day. I was never really raised in a world where my skin color was a consideration and so I never thought about it until now. If I was a crier I would be sobbing my way through writing this.
p u bl i c r el ati o ns
terrell stanley THANK YOU, MAIP/4Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team. Without you allâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dedication, I really do not know where I would be. I will do my best to stay connected as possible and pay it forward, just as you all have done. Much love to each and every one of you!
ux /ui
jenine marquez Dear MAIP team, Thank you so so much for everything you’ve done for us this summer. After COVID unfolded in March, you could have just cancelled the program this summer, but instead, you switched everything around and planned an entire 12 week virtual program. You guys did such an incredible job, and I’m so happy that I participated in MAIP VEP this year. I’ve learned so much about the ad industry, experienced a lot of great Zoom presentations, and met so many amazing people/made great connections. When COVID changed everything, I felt hopeless about finding a job after graduation. Now thanks to MAIP, I feel better about my future and I’m excited to see what comes next! #maipithappen #yournetworkisyournetworth
str ategy
gennifer allen MAIP Team: All I can say is thank you. Thank you for working late nights to switch our program from in-person to virtual. Thank you for always having our back. Thank you for getting on to us when we acted out. And most importantly, thank you for believing in us. There is no other program out there like MAIP, but that’s probably because other programs don’t have a team like ya’ll running the show. You showed me and my fellow MAIPERS what it means to work hard, have a point of view, fall, get back up again and still succeed. Where we would be this summer without you guys... I have no idea. Thank you again for everything you’ve done. See you in ad-land! Love, & so much gratitude: - Gennifer Allen
p u bl i c r el ati o ns
bianca hernandez Applying to MAIP has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve always been taught to take opportunities that come your way, that apply to your goals. MAIP has offered me a plethora of opportunities to listen, network, and learn from others about diversity and inclusion and the advertising "world". In turn, these sessions and MAIP Labs have also allowed me the opportunity to self reflect on my life and my knowledge of certain topics. Despite this program being fully virtual, I am grateful to all those who shared their personal advice, life lessons, and key tips with us MAIP fellows. I look forward to taking all that Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve learned as a MAIP fellow with me on my next adventure.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
samantha ortiz After a very long summer, I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t believe that my fellowship with MAIP is coming to an end. Although virtual, this experience has been a true blessing in disguise. Life has its uncertainties, but you can always make the best out of any situation. So, MAIP, I want to say THANK YOU. Thank you for the experiences, the laughs, and the cries. Thank you for creating safe spaces. Thank you for being transparent. Thank you for creating a program that allows people like me to step into the industry. Thank you for the lifetime opportunity of being a MAIPER. But most of all, thank you for giving some of us fellows the strength we so desperately needed to push forward this summer.
c r eati ve techn o lo gies
amanda lo
If you told me that I was going to be a part of MAIP a year ago, I would have probably laughed because there was no way that I thought I would get accepted. Little did I know that I would have the opportunity to participate in this amazing program alongside ~380 other crazy talented MAIPers in the first ever MAIP Virtual Engagement Program! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the chance on me and selecting me to be a part of MAIP 2020, which has totally changed the trajectory of my career. Because of MAIP, I feel more than ever now that I want to pursue a career in UX/UI. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve learned so much this summer and I feel honored to be a part of such a diverse and empowering community. I will miss everyone so much! Keep in touch!!
me d i a bu y i n g a n d p l anning
christine sheriff A BIG THANK YOU TO THE MAIP TEAM. At the beginning of the summer I was overwhelmed and exhausted. I was not quite sure what all this summer would bring, but MAIP has brought me so much. I am grateful to MAIP for introducing me to the advertising world and teaching me more than I was ever prepared to learn. This summer was 3 months of passion and dedication and I was blown away by all the talent within our MAIP class. I now know how to stand out and speak up for myself & the imposter syndrome that held my hand in early June is long gone. I want to also thank my team The Collective for many late nights on zoom crafting the perfect collaboration. We all have such a bright future ahead. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s MAIP it happen!
accoun t ma n ag em ent
zariya squires MAIP 2020 has been such a special experience for me. I’m so thankful for the MAIP team and their dedication to giving us meaningful information and experiences during a global pandemic. This was far from easy for any of us, but the payoff is priceless—I will forever be grateful for the connections and friendships that I’ve made throughout this process. Long story short, thank you to the MAIP team for giving us a chance and an opportunity to grow despite the circumstances, I’m beyond proud to be a part of the MAIP 2020 class and a MAIP alum!
accoun t ma n ag em ent
marisa logan When we had the MAIP call explaining our program was going to be shifted online and most agencies will not be working directly with their fellows I was overwhelmed with heartbreak for myself and my the other fellows. However the 4Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team was able to create an engaging, uplifting, connected and educational Virtual Engagement Program. I felt so lost and underserving of my small spot in this advertising world, but MAIP showed me how it could be a space to create change, help others and impact culture. I have a long way to go to reach my goals and figure out what direction I want my career to go, but a line that Reema said in a Zoom call will stick with me: "Walk in faith knowing you already achieved it, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just a matter of time."
co py wr i ti ng
natasha couoh Thank you so much for this opportunity! I have learned so much about myself, what I want, and how to make my place in this industry. I am excited to keep learning, keep growing, and forging my own path knowing my MAIP family is supporting me the whole way.
str ategy
alice hou Hi MAIP Team, Thank you so much for everything your team has done to bend over backwards for our MAIP class. While we all share the difficulty of not being able to carry out our initial vision of how our MAIP experiences would be, your team exceeded anyone’s expectations of a virtual program for our group of young professionals and I couldn’t have asked for more than that alone. Your team built an online community that I wouldn’t have thought would be such a special place to come to everyday. I hope to see you again soon!
a rt di r ecti o n
joanna rowell I have had such a valuable and fulfilling experience this summer. Honestly I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sure what to expect entering into this virtual summer but I have been pleasantly surprised at every turn. I have learned so much about myself and felt so uplifted and validated by the many industry professionals and former MAIPERS that have taken their time to speak with us. I know all the hard work you all have done has been with us in mind and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll take the information Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve learned throughout this program with me for the rest of my career.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
jose vital
When I was learning about this industry, they always gave me this notion that you have to find a group that can help you. A group that understands you and pushes you. And this summer I had the privileged to do that with the MAIP Team. To Ambar, Jacquelyn, Alexis, Kiera and Reema. Thank you so much for being honest and kind to us. You listened in on our struggles and triumphs. You taught us the reality that we needed. But you helped us to be proud of who we are. Thank you for leading a program that created a family. I love my family.
SAMARA DOWE At the beginning of this summer I was faced with challenges I was not sure how to overcome. However, these challenges have given way to opportunities such as the fact that I have had time to think about what I want to do in my career, made connections that will last a lifetime, and was given advice on how I can effect change in the industry. I think the greatest thing that I learned this summer is that every challenge presents amazing opportunities. I thank you all for the opportunities you provided and the challenges you helped me overcome!
accoun t ma n ag em ent
RHOJOHNAE AUGUST This experience has helped me grow professionally and emotionally. Even though the virtual aspect of the program was not ideal, it definitely gave us a bond no other MAIP class will understand. I have learned so much from this program that I could possibly never know just from school or on my own. To the MAIP/4 Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team, thank you so much for having our best interests at heart throughout this crazy time. Thank you for your constant hard work and tough love!
CATRIN REYES A big thank you to MAIP for an amazing summer. Thank you for pivoting the program from in person to virtually due to COVID-19. Thank you for creating such an amazing platform that allowed us fellows to connect Thank you for connecting us with amazing people who took time out of their day to help us Thank you for spending many long nights and days working on this program Thank you for showing all of us we are worth way more than we think we are Thank you for helping me see myself in a better light Thank you for surrounding us with other amazing, creative, thoughtful fellows Lastly, Thank you for the continued support - the next few months will be lonely without having MAIP every week
KOFI AIDOO MAIP has helped me get valuable exposure to the ad industry as I learned so much from the perspectives of BIPOC professionals that shared their stories with us. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m grateful for this program and the relationships that Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been able to establish virtually this summer. Looking forward to applying the lessons I have learned into my career going forward. Thank you for everything MAIP!
NAILAH WRIGHT THANK YOU SO MUCH, to every single person who has contributed to MAIPING this happen! With everything that has been going on this year and being unsure/worried about my next steps after graduation, MAIP pulled through and provided this amazing opportunity for myself and my peers. This has been the highlight of my summer and the highlight of my year! So many amazing, talented, intelligent and diverse (in many different aspects) people throughout this program and these agencies and MAIP has connected us all. So many inspirational lessons, advice, and knowledge given to us that will last for a lifetime and some will even be incorporated into our every day lives. I could go on and on but I just want to say THANK YOU!!
One thing that I will always remember this summer is my experience with MAIP. I learned a lot in these weeks than Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve ever learned in the past few years of my life. From negotiation, to self-care, to identity, MAIP was there to show me how to love myself and advocate for myself as a person of color navigating the industry. The realization that everything is not what it seems reshaped my thoughts and made me who I am today. I recognize all the work that the team has put in to make us ready for the industry and have difficult conversations. I shed a lot of tears this Summer due to how touched I was from all their words and I want them to know the impact they made on this cohort. Thank you for everything.
JAVIER COLOMBANI This summer has been one of the strangest summers of my life. I started off thinking that I would be in New York City working with an agency but as it turned out we all ended up quarantined at home with a Virtual Engagement Program. After the VEP Program I am grateful for my experience. I met so many incredible people and learned so much from them. I made friends from all over the United States and I learned something from every zoom call. From blowing up the chat to technical difficulties, this group will be remembered for a long time. My hope is that virtual happy hours can turn to real ones. I want to say thanks to every single person that made this happen because it was not easy and I am thankful for this period of my life.
Dear MAIP Team, Thank you all for your compassionate hearts and genuine support during this tough time. I truly appreciate all your efforts in transitioning to an online internship that has greatly benefited us. This experience has led me to meet a such a driven, intelligent group of fellows that inspire me to keep pursuing my goals. I’ve connected with so many professionals in this network I wouldn’t have without this program. From the MAIP labs, I’ve learned so much about the resilience needed in the advertising industry as a person of color and how to be confident about my cultural experience and my own story. This program has such a special, meaningful mission that I’m so honored to be a part of. Best Regards, Nina Mu
BARRON COLEMAN Dear MAIP 2020 Team, Words cannot express my gratitude for the MAIP team for coming together and providing such an amazing program for us fellows. However, iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll try my best to express how I feel. I will live the rest of my life knowing that MAIP will have played a huge role in my personal and professional growth. My fellow MAIPers will forever hold a special place in my heart, but I know that I was only able to meet these amazing people because of your hard work. Thank you Reema, Alexis, Ambar, Jacquelyn and Jovanne. I will always be thankful for what you have done for myself and my fellow 2020 MAIPers. Much Love, Barron Coleman
JESSICA BOARD There are not enough thanks youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to give out to the MAIP team. I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t express how grateful I am to the MAIP team and everything you have done for us. I have learned more about the industry during MAIP than I have at my university. During my MAIP experience I was able to figure out what discipline I wanted to pursue and get to meet so many incredible people. I gained a support team of 300+ maipers and love how you all let us be our true selves. I will forever cherish this experience. All of your hard work paid off and I hope you all know how much we appreciate you all. Thank you x100.
DASIA BRAXTON Thank you so much for making MAIP VEP an experience that I’ll never forget. I didn’t expect to gain so much insight from key players in the industry and have a cohort that’s basically closer to being a family. This summer will always be a testimony to my resiliency and determination; without this program, I don’t think I would have been shaped and molded into the person I am currently, so thank you!
KARYNA LUONG The MAIP class of 2020 is a force to be reckoned with. Despite having our plans uprooted in the face of a pandemic and social unrest calling for justice all across the country, the resilience among us is enough to drive the change we wish to see in the future. Thank you for giving me a community of the most like-minded and ambitious people Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve ever met! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ignited a flame in me that I have no intention of putting out anytime soon.
BRYCE CHAN When I joined ad, my parents asked me why major in manipulation. I didn’t have a good answer. I wanted to make a difference in the world, but what makes me different from someone just wanting to make a sale or add noise? The MAIP program and team have taught me that advertising is not the art of manipulation, but manifestation. As BIPOC behind the scenes, we have the power to create the representation, art, words and campaigns meant to change the world to help our communities. Our stories, experiences and perspectives have value, and should be treated as such, regardless of what society has taught us. It isn’t a commercialization of our culture - it’s leveraging what makes us strong, unique and powerful.
DEVIN ROUX Thank you so much for all of the support and inspiration you guys provided us this summer!
BRITTNEY PIOQUINTO To the guiding stars that is the badass MAIP team-The moment I got into MAIP, my life felt like a dream. Something about people believing in me and seeing my potential really gets to me. For the first time, I felt affirmed in my career path, feeling like I could actually change the world. I know this summer wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the ideal situation, but it sure brought us all closer together and gave me hope for the future. Thank you for pouring your heart into this lifechanging community. With love and gratitude, Brittney
NTHABI KAMALA MAIP TEAM YOU DID IT. WE DID IT. What a whirlwind 12 weeks it’s been. I cannot thank you all enough for how much you’ve invested your lives and hearts into us this summer. In a short amount of time, you built an entire program from scratch in an effort to bring us the MAIP experience we all worked so hard to get. I know we’ve brought you a great amount of stress and, arguably, a bit Too Much sass — but I hope we were also a source of light that filled you in the same way your presences have filled us. Thank you for your generosity and patience. I’m proud to be part of the MAIP Class of 2020 and I hope you’re proud of what you’ve all created as well.
HALLE NURSE Dear MAIP Team, Thank you all for keeping this wonderful program going year after year! It has been such a blessing to have been chosen as a MAIP 2020 Fellow! This program has opened my eyes to so much and revealed a lot about myself professionally and personally. I can truly say that every gem, piece of advice, tip and trick that was shared in the sessions will definitely be remembered. Your hard work, dedication and love for the MAIP 2020 Fellows did not go unnoticed. We appreciate everything you have done for us virtually over the last few months. I know my peers and I will take this experience and allow it to be our launchpad to push forward and achieve our goals in the near future. Love yall! #MAIPItHappen #TheFirstVirtualMAIPClass
accoun t ma n ag em ent
erika hernandez Thank you to the 4Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s MAIP team who gave us this amazing opportunity during a time of uncertainty! It has changed our perspective on how to be resilient and patient. We have all learned so much through the last 22 weeks and it has only made us grow more as individuals and professionals in the Advertising industry!
a rt di r ecti o n
toni león To Reema, Alexis, Ambar, and everyone else who worked to make MAIP a reality. Thank y’all so much for putting this together, y’all only had a few weeks to get this organize the VEP but it has been AMAZING. I have met so many incredible MAIPers, plus all the presenters, and I have learned so much about the industry, professional growth, pushing diversity and myself. The MAIP fam has been so supportive and I wouldn’t have been able to meet them all if y’all didn’t push for VEP. When quarantine started y’all could easily have been like "Welp, I guess we’ll just cancel and try again next year." But y’all didn’t let us down!!! I love that y’all care about us so much, I’m sure that y’all put in hella overtime for US. Thank you, I love y’all
me d i a bu y i n g a n d p l anning
jezz smith
The biggest takeaway from my MAIP experience is YOU’RE NOT ALONE. MAIP Class of 2020 has been through ups and downs together. When internships were canceled, we all cried. When one person received a job position, we all celebrated. MAIP has helped us get through these weird times together as a community. The fears, anxiety, and stress that we felt ease away when we support each other. We build each other up and speak up for ourselves and the people outside the room. I love the 300+ friends that I’ve made, and I’ll back them up anywhere at any time. If you doubt yourself, reflect on your accomplishments and have a friend remind you of your power. Also, it’s not bragging if it’s FACTS!! Thanks, MAIP <3
a rt di r ecti o n
jael williams I am so appreciative for my MAIP summer experience! MAIP has hands down been one of the most enriching parts of my summer, I’ve looked forward to ever session that I could attend. I feel as though I’ve grown so much and learned so much about the industry. I love and appreciate the MAIP team and everything they’ve done for us, everything they put together. The support I received this summer really fed my soul and made a very difficult time in my life just a little easier to bare. Despite covid-19 and it’s limitations, I feel like my MAIP experience was life-changing. I feel more prepared to enter the industry and I’m excited to start my career!
p ro j ect ma nag em ent
theresa magaĂąa Dear MAIP, Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve made this summer a special one for me, one that at first, felt like the loss of a milestone, and life had moved backward a few steps. I was able to overcome a sullen mindset that life would only get tougher from this point, by sticking to a mission dear to me and keeping my focus on gaining new learnings. Thank you, for opening a world of opportunities and allowing me to create change from home.
accoun t ma n ag em ent
anna maria araujo It’s so sad to see MAIP come to a close but regardless of everything we have been through, I wouldn’t want it any other way. It’s crazy how much I have seen all of us grown together as a cohort and a family. I have met so many amazing people because of MAIP and I am not too sure how I navigated life without them. None of this would have happened though if it were for the amazingly powerful MAIP team. Thank you for giving us this chance and MAIPing it happen. Your hard work and dedication never goes unnoticed. I am excited to be a part of this family for life! I want to end with this quote that always comes to my mind whenever it’s hard to say goodbye. "How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." —Winnie the Pooh
me d i a bu y i n g a n d p l anning
kemba brown-clarke
Being a part of MAIP this year has been a challenge at times given the state of the world, but having such an amazing support system in the MAIP team has made it a much smoother experience. I want to say thank you so much to the MAIP team because you really turned this program around to make it an experience that we could still get so much value out of.
str ategy
maria cardona MAIP Family! this has been an amazing summer. I have grown so much as a professional and as a person, and I’m grateful to have so many talented people by my side. I enter MAIP not knowing what this summer was going to be like, but I got to meet people who care about each others career, who care about each other as a person and who are willing to go above and beyond for anyone in the MAIP family. I have cried, laugh and felt so many more emotions during my time at MAIP and I just want to thank everyone that made this possible. Mama Bear, Alexis, Ambar and everyone that worked so hard for us, HUGE THANKS! I know I have a MAIP family that will last forever and I’m happy and proud to be able to say I’m a MAIP 2020 fellow.
p ro j ect ma nag em ent
alexis oralia esparza Dear MAIP Team, Thank you so much for being that guiding light through all of the darkness this summer. The amount of love and support we have felt through this experience is absolutely monumental. You and the work you have done have absolutely transformed the perspective we all take on this industry and on the world. Thank you for your constant vulnerability and open conversations. The community we have build through this organization is truly incredible and one of a kind. We are a true family and you are all our Mama Bears. <3 Alexis
me d i a p l a nn i ng a n d buying
adriana mascorro navarro Thank you Thank you Thank you so much for all of the support the MAIP team has given us this summer. I have never in my life felt like I had value until this program. Being a first generation American, high school graduate, and college student has always made me feel like I am fighting to fit in and fighting for a spot in a group. The MAIP team and the MAIP class has made me feel like I offer value for the first time in my life. Being surrounded by so many motivated like-minded people has made me want to actually fight for my place in the world. Best wishes to everyone who fighting alongside me.
co mms p l a nn i ng
shalimar alvarado There arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t enough words to capture the amount of support and energy Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve gained thanks to MAIP. Starting off from a student dreaming about making it somehow in some way to dreaming big and knowing exactly what I want. I will never forget the kindness and encouragement shown to me this summer. It has changed me in more ways than one. Thanks to you, I now have a family of unique and talented people that I can always count on. With love, Shalimar Alvarado