Bassett Adult School Brand Identity Manual

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Bassett Unified School DistricT

B r a nd I d en t it y M an ual

Brand identity manual ................................................. 07 History ..................................................................... 08 Original logo ............................................................. 09 Logo size and legibility ............................................... 10 Correct use of logo .................................................... 11


Incorrect use of logo .................................................. 12 Corporate type faces .................................................. 14 Corporate type faces .................................................. 16 Promotional materials ................................................. 17 Promotional materials ................................................. 18 Promotional materials ................................................. 19 Objetives of basset adult school ................................... 20 Files glossary ............................................................. 22

P r e p a r e t o Su c c e e d P r e p à r at e P a r a T e n e r É x i t o w w w. b a s s e t t a d u l t s c h o o l . c o m

Identity manual Bassett Adult School Career and Training Center’s visual identity starts with the logo. To complete the visual identity we must add typography, know the official corporate colors, and respect in all ways possible the same style of design throughout all of the material created for BASCTC. The next pages function as a guide to learn and respect the visual identity of this brand. They will assist us and anyone involved with creating visual material for BASCTC, with creativity, consistency and flexibility.


History Bassett Adult School (BAS) was established in 1970 to meet the educational needs of our community. BAS provides a broad diversity of educational opportunities for students in the following programs: English as a Second Language (ESL), Career Technical Education (CTE), Health and Safety, Adult Secondary Education (ASE) and Adult Basic Education (ABE). The institution graduated its first class in 1971. BAS is part of the Bassett Unified School District, a public education institution located in eastern Los Angeles County in Southern California. It is approximately sixteen miles east of Los Angeles. BAS is committed to providing quality education and workforce development. The Career Technical Education programs offered by BAS introduce students to possible career choices, assist in updating current job skills or acquire new job skills required for initial employment or advancement in their chosen career field.


Bassett Adult School will be recognized as a premier educational institution providing opportunities that empower learners to be successful in today’s world. Bassett Adult School is committed to meeting the business and educational needs of the com-


munity and workforce by providing our students a diverse curriculum to achieve their personal and professional goals.



Bassett Adult School is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the Council on Occupational Education (COE).

Original logo The logo is the element that more than any other represents the brand. It is the face of a company and must communicate what it offers and keep up with the student customers you are seeking to serve. That is why it is important to respect, the form, color and space, and use it correctly. Great organizations and companies are built on strong brands that influence customer choice and create loyalty. A strong brand is a competitive advantage, one that can improve their position in the market and contribute to the success and profit for the organization. When the essence of a brand is understood within an organization, it serves as inspiration, excitement and satisfaction of its students, teachers and employees.


Logo size and legibility On this page we present the logo in different sizes, to prove it’s legibility. We should be careful to never use the logo in a size so small that it will make the text difficult to read. The positive aspect of the BASSETT ADULT SCHOOL logo is that no matter the size, the symbol will always be recognizable.


Correct use of logo To create and protect a brand it is necessary to follow the guidelines of a visual identity. Changes to the properties of the logo are prohibited. A brand is a constellation of experiencies perceived in the heart and mind of the consumer. Every time a student client interacts with our brand, these experiences grow, that’s why it is important to maintain a consistent image and respect it so the brand and experience grow stronger and stay in the consumer’s mind.


Incorrect use of logo The examples of the inappropriate use of the logo presented on the next page are some of many that could take place when trying to create different material for BASSETT ADULT SCHOOL, this list could go on but we must always go back to the correct uses examples in order to be sure we are respecting the original logo. For practical examples of the incorrect use of the logo we used the original full color logo. It is essential that the visual identity of a brand is always coherent and consistent to assure that it while create an impact for it’s employees and collaborators as well as for their student clients and target market.

DO NOT rotate the logo.

DO NOT change the position of the symbol. It should only be used on top or to the left of the next.


DO NOT adjust width.

DO NOT modify colors.

DO NOT adjust height.

DO NOT use without the symbol.

Corporate typefaces Primary typeface: For the BASCTC logo we used EDMONDSANS as the main typeface, this typeface may be used in any material created for the brand. It’s a very modern and friendly, easy-to-read font.

Edmond Sans Font Edmond Sans Regular a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Edmond Sans Bold a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Edmond Sans Medium a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


Corporate typefaces Secondary typeface: Typefaces tell stories. The correct font used correctly and constantly creates character. With a variety of styles and weights of the same font we can create multiple applications, clean and creative designs for BASCTC. For this we chose GIBSON font as the secondary typeface.

Gibson Font Gibson Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Gibson Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Gibson Semi-Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Gibson Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


Promotional materials One pager direct mail


Promotional materials These are some of the designs created for BASSETT ADULT SCHOOL in order to start communicating the brand’s new visual identity.


Promotional materials

Retractable banner

Tote bag 19

Objectives of Bassett Adult School We will be committed to our students and ourselves to communicate effectively and be knowledgeable and resourceful about our programs. We will maintain an outstanding learning environment, including such resources as an excellent faculty and staff, student support services, and appropriate instructional facilities. We will provide high quality instruction and support service that promote and enhance life-long learning and human potential by working closely with our community to establish mutually beneficial relationships with both public and private entities. We will maintain high standards of accountability by assessing the effectiveness with which BAS meets the standards and expectations that have been established by the State and Federal governments, accrediting agencies, and Bassett Unified School District. We will proactively collaborate with trade, industry, businesses, community-based organizations, social service agencies, and educational institutions. We will develop strong relationships between partners who serve our student population to enhance quality of education for students while working toward a common goal in the best interest of the students.


Files glossary This glossary will serve as a guide to understand the meaning of each type of extension files, and how to use each correctly. .JPEG Is optimized for photographs and similar continuous tone images that contain many, many colors. It can achieve astounding compression ratios even while maintaining very high image quality. .PNG It’s used almost exclusively for web images, never for print images. For photographs, PNG is not as good as JPEG, because it creates a larger file. .AI Adobe Illustrator (*.ai file extension) is a vector-artwork based design program that makes it easy to work with original logo artwork. When saving files from Illustrator, you’ll see the *.ai or extension indicating an Illustrator file. .EPS Encapsulated Post-Script (*.eps) is another common format that’s great for working with original logo artwork. Personally, I’m equally fond of working with EPS and AI files as the artwork itself is easily manipulated and I can work with EPS files inside of Illustrator. 22

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