Unit 1 back to school 2nd eso

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ENGLISH 2nd ESO 2016-2017

Unit 1: Back to school

IN THIS UNIT YOU WILL…. Learn the names of school subjects, materials and hobbies. Practise: Present Simple & adverbs of frequency Read and write tips to survive school and get better marks Listen to recordings dealing with the topic

NAME: ………………………………………………..…… CLASS: …………


Read and write an email in English.

ENGLISH 2nd ESO 2016-2017

Unit 1 Reading

Back to School Tips to survive school AND get better marks SLEEP It’s time to go to sleep, but you still want to play that new computer game. Don’t do it! A tired Year 8 student learns at the level of a Year 6 student. According to some studies, only 15 minutes more sleep a night improves students’ marks by 10%. So go to sleep and enjoy your dreams.

FOOD About 20% of students in the UK don’t eat breakfast, but hungry students don’t usually concentrate or do their best work. Eating a good breakfast can help you solve that maths problem and get better marks. Also, according to research, when teenagers don’t eat breakfast, their energy levels fall. Then they eat the wrong types of food, for example chocolate or biscuits, in the middle of the day. MUSIC Do you sometimes listen to music while you do your homework? Many students do. But is it a good idea? Listening to music makes you feel good, so you learn better. Also, listening to classical music helps some people concentrate, especially in maths. But it’s probably not a good idea to listen to that loud rock group and study for your geography or history test at the same time. It’s difficult to remember facts and listen to loud music.

1. Read the tips above. Which ones do you

3. Find sentences in the tips with similar meanings

think can help you? Why?

to the sentences below.

2. Mark these sentences True or False. Correct the false sentences. a) The tips are for teachers. b) It´s a good idea to play a computer game before bed when you are tired. c) Sleep can affect your marks.

1. Sleeping an extra quarter of an hour improves students´ marks. 2. It´s difficult for hungry students to concentrate. 3. Music makes some people happy. 4. Classical music improves some people´s learning of maths. 5. A plan for an interesting activity in the evening makes the day better.

d) Most students in UK have breakfast. e) Students do their best work before breakfast. f) Listening to loud music helps you study for the tests.


ENGLISH 2nd ESO 2016-2017

Unit 1 Vocabulary

4. What subject is it? Look at the pictures and complete the puzzle. Across




Down 2




1 3


4 5 6


5.Match the school items in A to their subjects in

6.Complete the sentences with the words below.


textbooks • sport • notebooks • an atlas • a dictionary • literature 1. …………………… is a book of maps.



1. calculator

...... a. English

2. paints

...... b. sport

3. laptop computer geography

...... c.

4. tennis racket

...... d. maths

5. dictionary computer technology

...... e.

6. atlas

...... f. art

2. In …………………… lessons, we read books and poems by famous writers. Students write in their …………………… .


4. We use …………………… when we don’t know a word 5. Students read …………………… in most school subjects. 6. We sometimes play football and basketball in …………………… .


ENGLISH 2nd ESO 2016-2017


7.Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple affirmative. 1. Connie …………………… (buy) a new schoolbag every year. 2. My father …………………… (wash) the dishes every evening. 3. Len and Dan …………………… (play) football in the park after school. 4. She …………………… (take) her dictionary to school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 5. I …………………… (use) a calculator to do my maths homework.


ENGLISH 2nd ESO 2016-2017

Unit 1 8. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple. Glen 1…………………… (go) to an alternative school. He 2…………………… (not get) marks and his teachers 3…………………… (not choose) his lessons. Students at Glen’s school 4…………………… (decide) which subjects to study. They 5…………………… (find) professionals to teach them. Also, students sometimes 6…………………… (visit) professionals at work and they 7…………………… (learn) about their jobs. Some students 8…………………… (work), but they 9…………………… (not receive) money. It’s a learning experience.

9. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple. not see • feed • do • know • not have • put • not like • not watch • go 1. We …………………… usually …………………… lunch at school because we …………………… the food. 2. Jack always …………………… the dog before he …………………… to school. 3. …………………… you …………………… the name of our new history teacher? 4. Where …………………… Graham usually …………………… the keys? I …………………… them on the table. 5. Linda always …………………… her homework after school. She …………………… TV in the afternoon.

10. Add –s, -es or –ies to the verbs below to from the Present Simple for he, she or it.

11. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

12. Write each sentence in the negative. Then write an affirmative sentence using the words in brackets.


ENGLISH 2nd ESO 2016-2017

Unit 1 13. Write questions and answer them about yourself.


14. Emily is getting ready for school.

15. Listen again. Which subjects has Emily

Listen to Emily´s conversation with her mother. Which school items do they mention?

got today?


16. What do Jane and Marian do in their free time? Complete the texts with the activities below. Then look at the pictures and write the name of the correct girl.

go dancing • practises the piano • chat with friends • browses the web • rides a bike goes to parties • plays the guitar • send text messages • plays volleyball • go ice skating In the morning, Jane always 1…………………………… to read the news. Every afternoon, Jane 2 …………………………… for an hour. She loves music and she’s got a new guitar. She also likes to 3 …………………………… on the phone in the afternoon. In the evening, she always does her homework. At the weekend, Jane often 4…………………………… at friends’ houses. She doesn’t usually write e-mails. She prefers to 5…………………………… on her mobile phone. Marian’s parents haven’t got a car, so she 6…………………………… to school. She loves sport! She 7…………………………… at school every day. In the winter, she also likes to 8 …………………………… . Once a week she’s got music lessons. She 9…………………………… for an hour every day. At the weekend, she likes to 10…………………………… at the disco.

a. ………………………


ENGLISH 2nd ESO 2016-2017

Unit 1

b. ………………………

17. Complete the sentences with activities from exercise 16. There may be more than one possibility. 1.I ……………………. at the disco.

2.I ……………….. on the phone

3. I don´t want to walk, I want to ……………

4.I often …………. On my computer

5. I like sport. I often …..

6. I love music. I ……………..

Grammar We use adverbs of frequency to show how often we use something. Read the explanation on the right and complete the rules. a. Adverbs of frequency come before/after the main verb in the sentence. b.

Adverbs of frequency come before/after the verb to be.

18. Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Simple. 1. when / you / get up / in the morning .......................................................................................................................................

When do you get up in the morning?

2. you / study / English / every day

....................................................................................................................................... 3. your teacher / give / homework / every lesson ....................................................................................................................................... 4. what / you / do / after school ....................................................................................................................................... 5. where / your best friend / live ....................................................................................................................................... 7

ENGLISH 2nd ESO 2016-2017

Unit 1 19. Answer the questions in Exercise 18. Make the answers true for you. 1. ....................................................................................................................................... 2. ....................................................................................................................................... 3. ....................................................................................................................................... 4. ....................................................................................................................................... 5. .......................................................................................................................................

20. Choose the correct adverb of frequency in brackets. Then use it to rewrite the sentence. Make any necessary changes. 1. We don’t play football in rainy weather. (never / often) ....................................................................................................................................... 2. Heather watches the news on TV twice a week. (sometimes / always) ....................................................................................................................................... 3. My uncle plays golf once a month. (usually / rarely) ....................................................................................................................................... 4. Janine and Doris go shopping three or four times a week. (often / rarely) ....................................................................................................................................... 5. Kelly and her sister go to bed late every night. (always / sometimes) .......................................................................................................................................


21. Listen to Katie and Leo talking on the phone. Which activities do they mention?

22. Listen again. Copy and complete the sentences.

1. Today is…. 2. Leo plays…. Twice a week. 3. On Mondays, Leo …. With a friend. 4.Katie and Leo plan to study on ….. afternoon. 5. …… plays the guitar in the afternoon. 6. They decide to study at ….. house


ENGLISH 2nd ESO 2016-2017

Unit 1 23. Read Claude´s email to a teenager in another country. Then, copy and complete the chart below.



Hi Billy, My name is Claude Laurin. I´m 14 years old and I´m from Paris. I go to school four and a half days a week. I don´t learn on Wednesday afternoons, Saturdays and Sundays. My school is very busy! We learn from 8.30 in the morning to 5.00 in the afternoon. My favourite day is Tuesday because I play football with my friends after school and then web, too. I usually go to bed at 11.00. What´s your favourite day? Please write! Clause Name: Age: From: School days: CAPITAL LETTERS & PUNCTUATION In English, we use capital letters for:

Hours of school day:

1-The first word of a sentence.

Favourite day:

2-Names of people, cities and countries.


3-Days of the week, months of the year and festivals. 4- Nationalities and languages.

24. Complete the chart in Exercise 23 about

5-The pronoun I.

you and write an email to one of your friends using the information. Write a draft first. (60-100 words)

NOTE: We don´t use capital letters for school subjects, except languages. Find each type of punctuation in the email. We use: a.A full stop (.) at the end of a sentence b.A question mark (?) at the end of a question c.An exclamation mark (!) to express strong feelings or emphasis d.A comma (,), to separate items in a list.


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