Unit 3

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ENGLISH 1st ESO 2015-2016

Unit 3: The animal wold

IN THIS UNIT YOU WILL…. Learn the names of wild animals and pets.

Practise: Present Simple and adverbs of frequency Talk about daily routines.

NAME: ………………………………………………..……

Describe animals and their routines. Write a report about an animal.

CLASS: …………

PREPOSITIONS OF TIME: In, At and On REVIEW: What´s the time?


ENGLISH 1st ESO 2015-2016

Unit 3: The animal word

1.Read the text.

2. Match A to B to make true sentences. A


1. Mosquitoes drink our

...... a. chemicals.

2. Mosquitoes have got thousands of

...... b. places.

3. Mosquitoes grow in

...... c. blood.

4. People kill mosquitoes with

...... d. eggs.

5. Mosquitoes like dark

...... e. water.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct adverb of frequency. There can be more than one correct answer. 1. Mosquitoes ………………… carry diseases.


2. They ………………… live in dry places.


3. Mosquitoes don’t ………………… fly around in the day.


4. They ………………… prefer blue.


5. People ………………… kill mosquitoes with mosquito zappers.



ENGLISH 1st ESO 2015-2016

Unit 3: The animal word

ANIMALS 4.What type of animals can you see in the picture? Can you name them?


5. What´s the difference between the previous type of animals and wild animals? How many wild animals can you name? Name at least 8. 1-









ENGLISH 1st ESO 2015-2016

Unit 3: The animal word

6. Put the animals in order from very small to very big. chimpanzee • elephant • fox • gorilla • hamster • horse • mosquito • eagle 1. ............................. 5. ............................. 2. .............................

6 .............................

3. .............................

7. .............................

4. .............................

8. .............................

7.Which animal is it? cow • shark • mice • frog • wolf 1. This is a farm animal. It gives us milk. ………………… 2. They’re very small animals. They like cheese. They’re sometimes pets. ………………… 3. This fish is a hunter. It’s big and it can be dangerous. ………………… 4. It’s in the dog family. It lives in a group. It sleeps during the day and hunts at night. ………………… 5. This animal is an amphibian. It hasn’t got a tail. It’s a carnivore and it eats insects. …………………

8. Look at the animal and complete the sentences.

monkey 1. It’s got the feet of a ………………… .


2. It’s got the head of a ………………… . 3. It’s got the legs of a ………………… . 4. It’s got the body of a ………………… . 5. It’s got the horns of a ………………… . 6. It’s got the ears of a ………………… . 7. It’s got the nose of a ………………… . 8. It’s got the tail of a ………………… .


ENGLISH 1st ESO 2015-2016

Unit 3: The animal word 9-Listen to a dialogue bewteen Mayra and Ben and choose the correct answer. a) Ben´s pet is a dog/cat/chicken. b) Ben´s pet is brown/ is friendly/ isn´t clever. c) Penny sometimes eats vegetables/ Ben´s meals/ eggs. d) Penny´s eggs are small/ big/ special. e) Ben usually has chicken/ bread and vegetables/ Penny´s eggs for breakfast. 10-Listen again and match A to B to make true sentences.



1-Chickens usually live…

….a. an egg.

2-Penny lives…

…b. on farms.

3- Penny usually eats…

…c. near the door.

4-Penny waits for Ben…

…d. special food.

5- Every day, Ben gets…

…e. outside the house.

Present Simple Affirmative


Short form


Short Answers Affirmative Negative

I play.

I do not play.

I don´t play.

Do I play?

Yes, I do.

No, I don´t.

You play.

You do not play.

You don´t play.

Do you play?

Yes, you do.

No, you don´t.

He/she/It plays.

He/she/It does not play.

He/she/It doesn´t play

Does he/she/It play?

Yes, he/she/it does.

No, he/she/it doesn´t.

We play.

We do not play.

We don´t play.

Do we play?

Yes, we do.

No, we don´t.

You play.

You do not play.

You don´t play.

Do you play?

Yes, you do.

No, you don´t.

They play.

They do not play.

They don´t play.

Do they play?

Yes, they do.

No, they don´t.

We use the Present Simple to talk about: -General truths: There are 12 months in a year. -Daily Routines/habits: I get up at 7 o´clock, every day. -Likes and dislikes: I don´t like pop music. -Events on a schedule: The train leaves at 10:30.

It normally appears with the following time expressions: -EVERY DAY/WEEK/YEAR -ONCE/ TWICE A YEAR -ON + DAYS OF THE WEEK -AT NIGHT -IN THE MORNING -IN THE SUMMER


ENGLISH 1st ESO 2015-2016

Unit 3: The animal word

11. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in Present Simple. a)

I …………. (give) food to our cat during the morning.


Peter ……….. (love) animals. He ……(go) to the zoo every week.


Kate ……….. (not kiss) her cat. She …… (think), it is not hygienic.


My parents ………. (buy) food for our pets at the vet.


….. you …… (like) hamsters?


Maria ………… (wash) her dog every month.

13. Complete the sentences with the words below to make true sentences in Present Simple.

12. Choose the correct answers. 1. Tigers live / lives in Asia. 2. Our cat don’t catch / doesn’t catch mice.


3. Their new baby weigh / weighs three kilos.

1-Rabbits ……. vegetables. 2- The Bengal tiger …… in Africa. 3- Gorillas ….. on their feet like people.

4. Wolves live / lives in groups. 5. She don’t sleep / doesn’t sleep for seven hours every night.

4-A giraffe ….. for 16 hours a day. 5- The anaconda snake …… fish.

6. Do mice like / likes cheese?


Complete the questions with the correct Present Simple form of the verb in brackets.

Do talk 1. …………………… you …………………… (talk) on your mobile phone at school? 2. …………………… Nelly …………………… (study) French on Mondays? 3. …………………… Preston …………………… (do) his homework in the afternoon? 4. …………………… mother chimpanzees …………………… (kiss) their babies? 5. …………………… lions …………………… (hunt) at night? 6. …………………… your snake …………………… (eat) mice?


Complete Brian´s school project with the verbs in brackets to find out some facts about lions. Use Present Perfect Simple.

All about Lions Brian Stanson- Class 8 Lions 1…… (come) from Africa and India. They usually 2………. (live) in groups. They are big animals. A male lion 3……….. (weigh) about 200 kilos and a female lion 4……… (weigh) about 120 kilos. Lions 5…….. (love) meat. They 6……… (eat) wild animals-even big ones like giraffes. The female lion 7…….(hunt) for food. After lions 8………. (have) a meal, they 9……. (sleep) for many hours.


ENGLISH 1st ESO 2015-2016

Unit 3: The animal word 16.

Write at least six questions about the common chimpanzee. Use Present Simple and the questions words below. Where-What-How long-How much-How many-When

The Common Chimpanzee Lives in: Africa Lives: up to 60 years Weight: up to 65 kilos Food: plants and meat Sleeps: at night Sleeps in: trees Number living outside zoos: 100,000-200,000


17.Match A to B to make phrases. The, match the phrases to the pictures. A


1. do


a.my room

2. have

....... b. up

3. get

....... c. TV

4. go


5. watch

....... e. friends

6. clean

....... f. a shower

7. meet

....... g. to school

d.my homework

18.Complete the sentences with the phrases in exercise 1. a) I …………………….. when the alarm sounds. b) At the weekend, I ………………. at the park. c) Do you ……. your …………. from school every day? d) When I finish the match, I always ………………….


ENGLISH 1st ESO 2015-2016

Unit 3: The animal word

19. Write the routines under the pictures. 1


feed the dog ……………………








Adverbs of frequency

20.Read the sentences below. Then choose the correct word to complete the rule. 1.Tamara usually feeds the dog. 2. Kate often takes picture of the cats. Adverbs of frequency come after/before the main verb. 21.Copy and complete the diagram with the adverbs of frequency below.



ENGLISH 1st ESO 2015-2016

Unit 3: The animal word 22.Choose the correct adverbs of frequency.

My favourite animated character is Garfield. He´s a really funny and lazy cat. He loves sleeping and, of course, he 1.sometimes/never does sport. But Garfield has got some strange habits. He´s not a typical cat. Cats 2.usually/never hunt mice and birds, but Garfield 3.always/never hunts mice and he 4.rarely/usually catches a bird. What does Garfield eat? The answer is lasagne! He rarely/often has a big piece of lasagne for lunch or dinner. Garfield is a special cat!

23. Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. Use always, never, sometimes, usually, often or rarely. 1. I …………………… play computer games. 2. I …………………… go to bed after 11.00. 3. My father …………………… cooks dinner. 4. I …………………… have a shower at night. 5. I …………………… send text messages. 6. I …………………… have breakfast at school. 7. I …………………… do sport. 8. My parents …………………… go to the cinema.

24 .Write questions with the words below. Then complete the answers. 1. monkeys / live / in the jungle Do monkeys live in the jungle? .......................................................................................................................................

they do Yes, …………………… . 2. Harry / sometimes / walk / to school ............................................................................................................................................ No, …………………… . 3. you / often / eat / meat ............................................................................................................................................ No, …………………… . 4. your sister / often / play / with her friends ............................................................................................................................................ Yes, …………………… . 9

ENGLISH 1st ESO 2015-2016

Unit 3: The animal word


Complete the text with the correct Present Simple form of the verbs in brackets. GORILLAS

do know What 1…………………… you …………………… (know) about gorillas? 2…………………… you …………………… (like) them, or are you frightened of them? Don’t be frightened. Gorillas rarely 3

…………………… (hurt) people.

Gorillas are very clever animals. They 4…………………… (live) in the jungles of Africa. Large gorillas sometimes 5…………………… (weigh) about 180 kilos. A gorilla 6…………………… (eat) fruit and other parts of plants. It 7…………………… often …………………… (not eat) meat or insects, and it rarely 8

…………………… (drink) water.

You 9…………………… usually …………………… (not see) a gorilla alone. Gorillas are social animals and they 10…………………… (like) living in groups.


Find out about your partner´s habits. Use the ideas below.


Eat lasagne.


Sleep all day.


Do sport.


Read comics.


Play with cats.


Go to cafés with friends.


Listen to Laura and Sam talking about their routines. Then answer the questions below.

a) Which pet has Laura got? b) What´s the pet´s name? c) How often does Laura clean her room? d) Why is Laura´s mother happy? e) What pet has Sam got?


ENGLISH 1st ESO 2015-2016

Unit 3: The animal word

28.Complete the column in the chart about you. Then ask your partner questions to complete the chart. You

Your partner

How often … watch TV have a shower When… do sport meet friends clean your room

REPORT: Read Pam´s report about Syrian hamsters. Then complete the chart below.

Syrian Hamsters. Syrian hamsters are small animals. Many children in Europe and the United States of America have got them as pets. Syrian hamsters are 13 to 18 centimetres long and they usually live in cages. They live for two or three years. Hamsters sleep in the morning and in the afternoon. They get up at night-just in time for dinner. Syrian hamsters eat vegetables and fruit and they drink water. They love exercise. Many people put wheels in their hamster´s cage. The hamsters run on the wheels at night.

Type of animals: 29- Now, write your report about one of your favourite animals. Remember to write a draft or a planning first.

Size: Lives in: Sleeps: Eats: Oher information:


ENGLISH 1st ESO 2015-2016

Unit 3: The animal word

30.Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions of time. 1.Sue walks her dog…. the evening. 2. I meet my friends … the weekend. 3. Meet me at the zoo … Tuesday. 4.Ron usually gets up …. 6 o´clock. 5. My dog´s birthday is … January. PREPOSITIONS OF TIME Read the sentences and look at the prepositions of time in bold. Then copy and complete the rules with the correct prepositions of time.

31.Classify the time expression in the correct column.

1-I clean my hamster´s cage ON Mondays. 2-My hamster´s birthday is IN March. 3-My hamster sleeps IN the morning. 4-My hamster plays AT night. 5-I feed my hamster AT 7 o´clock. 1-….. + day of the week. 2-…..+ month, the morning/afternoon/evening 3-……+ night, time, the weekend

32. Correct the errors in these sentences. a) I was born on 1995……………………………………………………………. b) My mum arrives home on 7 o´clock. ………………………………………... c) We will visit you on March. …………………………………………………… d) In the weekends, I visit my grandparents. …………………………………. e) At the afternoon, I have English lessons. ………………………………….. f)In Mondays, I don´t go to the gym. …………………………………………..


ENGLISH 1st ESO 2015-2016

Unit 3: The animal word

Use o'clock only at the full hour. Example: 7:00 - seven o'clock Say








Use past and the preceding hour for minutes 01 through 30. Use to and the forthcoming hour for minutes 31 through 59. Example: 7.15 - fifteen minutes past seven Example: 7.45 - fifteen minutes to eight -Another possibility of saying '15 minutes past' is: a quarter past. -Another possibility of saying '15 minutes to' is: a quarter to. -Another possibility of saying '30 minutes past' is: half past Example: 5:30 - half past five

33. Write the time below the following clocks.


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