Architecture1o1 Part 2 - Transforming what surrounds me

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Architecture 1o1 Part 2: from Place to Space ÂŤ transforming what surrounds me Âť Mirielle Esther Robles //@miriesther

Architecture 1o1 Part 2: from Place to Space Selection of excercises, By Mirielle Esther Robles ÂŤ@miriestherÂť


What I’ve learned…

035-101 #NothingIsBuilt Stars above the rocks

week 1

History of Place History of Space..

«whathever you want to do in life, someone did it before» This is why we start up this part two looking for inspiration in Stonehenge. The main goal of this task was «to generate a sophisticated visual concept starting from existing materials» Here, in my office.. Playing to be The Architect, and having the most of fun with clips. At the end of the week, it was all about getting to know how to connect our minds and the things already exist around us. This is the way to start seing how our mind reacts to the existing phisical world.

036-101 #NoCowOnTheIce This kind of space made place

week two


«man is the measure of all things» Back to Architecture School, i can remember making the ‘Vitruvius man’ with my own body, and making me capable to understood the standard regulations of all things around with just measuring my body. This is how converting a site into «a place» becomes easier. Is all about myself: my measure of the sky and the earth around.. Is all about the message I want to convey to others, and the visual language I can find in order to share some knowledge.

039-101 #ThePrimaryFactor Make a triangle pose and breathe.. And feel the mountains around you!

week 3

taking measurements

045-101 #AdversityIs bubbles over beijing in china!

046-101 #OurLifeis • comunication breakdown! •

«we need to measure to percieve and understand the world around us» It was fascinating how to recreate the complexity of this maze and in a simple way. And how so easily could become into a Space when the ants were added to it! The space exist because the place is occuped for something.

week four

conceptual models Why? «to be able to TRANSFORM some things into others» The funniest part of this week was to play with my blankets, in my favorite place of all: my bed! In Architecture School the transformation for being a ‘normal’ person to an Architect comes mostly from our own curiosity, from the way to see the things in more than one, not always came from a Teachers assignment. Not all the time can you see a Prehistoric Cave under your own sheets, not all of us were capable to saw it, or to represent it. This was my case. I was not happy with my sheets assigments results (or my light games or pictograms) for this week, but when I change my medium (from blankets to paper) I came up with this: A Conceptual model of a Paper Cave.

053-101 #WhoWouldBelieve Early attemps

053-101 #WhoWouldBelieve The perfect acoustic spot for them!

week five

Papercut models…

«only making measures tangible, you are capable of understand the space around» Scales bring importance to the objects, meaning to the spaces. In Architecture School proportions were the first thing to learn. And one of the hardest. Since I started loving paper, playing with papercuts has became some kind of further passion (that I was forgot). I have this need to make things tangibles (as my booklet printable versions) just because I need to feel the space into my hands, I need to feel how this space is filled with my works, with my words.. And according to make the occuped space perceptible, I make this scene, including characters from the movie «midnight in Paris» as part of their own time traveling adventure..

057-10 #WhatsThatScreamin These two lives their own surreal reali

week six

Building (digital) space 060-101 #RetainYour (( massive playground ))

The main goal for this week was simple: Build places, representing spece on the «easiest» game of all time: Minecraft (or another free version!)

061-101 #IWouldRather (( running faster through the monuments.. ))

I have to say so, this was my hardest week. I wasn’t able to complete it in the proper time either. I struggle with all the available versions of the game, I get dizzy and frustrated with the 3D views.. This was the worst!. I am just a non-3Dperson, I thought. Until I get fascinating with the works from the community. I get lost on our hashtags and realized that there are too many ways to represent the Space in a 3D way, too many tools to get the proper proportion or the proper perspective of it. Here. Some of my works…

062-101 #TheEgoIs Picnic on the platforms!


What I’ve learned from others

The most amazing part of this journey is the Community! There are so many incredible works that is almost impossible to pick just one, or two.. This is my selection according to how much they get me with their powerfull images, their complexity or simplicity, or just their own interpretation of the homeworks in itself! I cannot compare myself to this others works, or not even to any other in the community. The versatility of point of views in every tasks and the influence they made in all of us is so magical that make everyone even myself wanted to improve and get better results!

My favorite part of this selection of works made by sabrosas-journal is their diversity. Is quiet impressive how she can express without that much things the homeworks.

On the previous page: - An impressive landscape portrait from iroxana - Some simplest interpretations by irene_herlej

Amazing works by feelproject. Maybe is just self interpretation, but this works are so clean and meaningful! I was amaze trought his profile, so much simple and clever ideas, and very impressive results! Thanks thanks to you!

Here is for who could ask: it is all about Contrasts! From finding the perfect place to locate their papercuts to redisign digital patterns to step up to.. Oh wao! I was absolutely amazed with his results! Thanks thanks dear louis_conway On the next page, an amazing light work under the sheets.

And from the Peers.. This is the best amazing review for a peer I’ve recieved throughout this journey! (and also helps me to catch up into my final weeks!) Dear peer, Thanks To You!!! (special peer-to-peer evaluation/week3)

On the previous page: More fantastic works from the community. Thanks to all for the inspiration!


my mental Space

Let’s talk about «mental space» and their influences in our point of views. Every person has his own, as personalities or likes and dislikes. To became an Architect-like kind of person, relies in the ability to see the things around us in a different way we are used to. According to this and having some previous knowledge in the field, my works and likes are influenced by the concepts I learned in Architecture School (even in a bad way). The main challenge for me in this journey of Architecture1o1 has been to forget this previous knowledge and re-learn it all from scratch.

Two ways to see columnades From above and from the front

I became a better proffessional, just learning to do not drown in the wrong source of information.

044-101 #ThereIsNoNeed Labyrinths can be used as a magical roof-top too!

(( my old school chapel, and their roof top nowadays ))

In this way, our mind is who convince us to see the things from other perspective.. Who could imagine a roof top as an intrinsic maze?

This is how we can «transform an existing place into something else» because «the secret is in your mind» week 3 – taking measurements

044-101 #ThereIsNoNeed measures should act as the connection between our mind and the place around us!

043-101 #ThereIsNoExcellent There are some places that will be always in your veins (( varadero, cuba ))

Is all about create ÂŤvisual analogiesÂť in order to create and develop a new visual language for Architecture weeek 2: proportions

055-101 #BeforeIMake Early attemps

ÂŤ Design is made out of two moments: The time to go broad (analysis) And The time to go deep (synthesys) Âť

055-101 #BeforeIMake Places and spaces // inside * outside

056-101 #AllTheRivers Life partners in a non-traditional quarter

Is all about refine our abstract concepts by diving into reality.

« all of these things are part of the way we percieve space » Without shadows you cannot understand the space!

054-101 #ThroughSpace Walkers and shadows, from my new favorite movie «midnight in paris»

ÂŤ space and light and order. Those are the things that men need just as much as they need bread and a place to sleep.Âť Le Corbusier

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