Adonis - Catalogue

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Milorad Pavic

Something more than the production of teas Adonis has built its vision of business on its passionate devotion to nature and thus exceeding the usual medicinal herbs trade.

FAMILY PASSION TOWARDS MEDICINAL HERBS Adonis came to being on 1991 when Nebojsa Stanojevic with his wife decided to dedicate his life to medicinal herbs. Four years later his son, who shared their passion, joined them. Beginning as any other. Modest and optimistic.

Today, 20 years later, Nebojsa and his son gained experience in organizing purchase, processing, packaging and selling of medicinal herbs and teas. We do not hide and gladly share the knowledge we acquired by our dedication and perseverance. From the very beginning, Adonis promotes education of pickers and an viable way of exploiting the nature with the aim of preservation of biodiversity. Join us on a trip through our kingdom of medicinal herbs and open the doors to your health and well-being.

EXQUISITE NATURAL CONDITIONS FOR EXQUISITE TEA Exceptional altitude, pure and unpolluted air and moderate continental climate give our teas special note. We gave time and attention to these special notes in order to create a tea that will hand down the music from the sunny slopes of mountain Rtanj to your senses. We built the tea factory with more than 2000 m2 of storage and production areas in the middle of this herbal oasis in order to preserve all natural values of medicinal herbs. A part of the secret of our success is in remoteness of the factory from big roads and industrial installations.

The making of Adonis quality The magic of Adonis is born in skilled and hardworking hands of the pickers who with perennial devotion and dedication maintain tradition of doing this job. Collected herbs are then stored to be accessible for processing, mixing and packaging whole year long, till the next harvesting.





THE HERALD OF SPRING IS THE HERALD OF NEW HARVEST So, every year, the flower of pheasant’s eye-Adonis vernalis, the herald of spring that gave the name to our company, with its flowers marks the awaking of nature and the beginning of new season. Adonis expanded its assortment of apothecary and classical teas with imported raw materials thus creating a new and exciting series of the original herbal and fruit mixtures.

Now we are certain that you will find the right tea for you in our collection.

APOTHECARY TEA Adonis proved its worth in the market as a producer of apothecary tea with biggest assortment. Apothecary tea is mainly herbal tea made from dried parts of the herbs like flower, leaf or root. Herbal tea is used as long as there exists the written history of civilization. Documents about use of herbal tea date from ancient Egypt and China. This tea, apart from the effect on psychophysical health of man, is used because of its fragrance and anti oxidative effects.

Plantain, leaf

Plantaginis majoris folium

Senna, leaf

Sennae folium

Common hawthorn, flower

Yarrow, grass

Millefoli herba

Bearberry, leaf

Salviae folium

Crataegi summitates

Uvae ursi folium

Sage leaf

Montain Germander, herb


Horsetail herb

Hyperici herba

Equiseti herba

Mather of thyme

Serpylli herba

Bahu, grass

Melissae folium

Peppermint, leaf

Savory, herb

Great Nettle, leaf

Aronia & Black currant, fruits

Chamomillae flos

Satureae herba

Urticae folium

Menthae piperitae folium

Aroniae fructus cum Ribis nigri fructus

Marsh-mallow, root

Althaeae radix

Pot marigold, flower

Calendulae flos

Cranberry & Apple, fruits

Vaccinii fructus cum Mali fructus

TEA IN FILTER BAGS CLASSIC ADONIS TEAS Things we liked for centuries should not be changed.

Black tea, leaf

Savory, herb

Bearberry, leaf

Satureae herba

Uvae ursi folium

Hawthorn, leaves and flowers

Rosemallow, flowers

Camomile, flower

St.-John’s-wort, herb

Rose hip

Green tea, leaf

Theae folium

Hibisci flos

Chamomillae flos

Crataegi folium cum flore

Hyperici flos

Cynosbati fructus

Teae folium

Wild thyme, herb

Peppermint, leaf

Senna, leaf

Nettle, leaf

Linden, flower

Elder, flower

Serpylli herba

Urticae folium

Menthae pip. folium

Tiliae flos

Sennae folium

Sambuci flos

ORIGINAL ADONIS BLENDS With careful selection and combination of fruits, herbs and fragrances of finest quality we made a new dimension of refreshing tea for any time of the day.

Cranberry and raspberry, fruits – in envelope Vaccinii fructus cum Rubi fructu

Chamomile, honey & vanilla Chamomillae flos

Green tea with lemon grass, lemon & ginger – in envelope Teae folium

Fruit tea – forest fruit flavour – in envelope Pruni spinosae fructus cum Mali fructus


Vaccinium macrocarpon

IMAGINITEA Imaginitea is a special concept of pleasure dedicated to all curious people that want change, regardless of their age. Imaginitea consistently presents our visions and innovative courage.

New tea ritual We reconsidered the traditional way of making and drinking tea and created a new tea ritual for new age and new people open for fresh ideas.


Cranberry & apple tea


Fruit tea - forest fruit flavour

Cherry & vanilla tea

Winter savory & Pepermint

Chamomile tea with honey & vanilla

Green tea

Green tea with lemon grass, lemon & ginger





Pour the content of the bag to a cup (~250ml) of boiling water.

Leave it for five minutes.

Drink slowly an nibble on pieces of fruit.

Sip by sip, nibble by nibble, the idea of our tea for nibbling is to bring a new dimension to the tea ritual and give a real challenge to the sense of taste!

Quality and innovation are our leading principles of business Every year is marked by new ideas and new products, but one thing stays the same... DEDICATION TO QUALITY.

Food safety system ISO22000:2005

Dedication to quality and satisfaction of buyers is the responsibility of our every employee. We prove that by the system of quality, continuous reexamining and constant improving based on information and reactions we receive from our customers.

Every sip of Adonis tea is your and our experience... So share it with us.

ADONIS d.o.o.

Alekse Markisica 166 Sokobanja / Serbia phone: 018 830 074 fax: 018 880 077

Development of this brochure supported by Investment and export promotion agency

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