EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018. “Innovation: either disruptive or incremental (building on what has been done before). Critically, the idea must be innovative at least within its given socio-economic and geographical context.” “Impact: the potential of the proposed idea to tackle the issue outlined in the challenge statement. The entrant should demonstrate a clear definition of the problem their idea aims to solve, an understanding of how that fits with the challenge statement and who would benefit from it, feeding into a wellelaborated theory of change” “Sustainability: the financial and environmental sustainability of the idea, as well as the potential for adequacy and uptake stemming from the development of the idea carried out with users, from first concept, through testing, validation and business modelling.“ "Scale: the idea's growth potential and potential to scale and be replicated throughout Europe." For this second phase of the Competition the following weighting will apply to the judging criteria: Innovation 25%, Impact 25%, Sustainability 25%, Scale 55% 1. Tribalingual (UK) Overall comment:
I really liked the project, it is very simple, innovative, different…it allows for a protection of cultural heritage, customs, practices in a very simple yet effective way. It also has an econimic impact as it give revenues to marginalized groups especially unemployed youth. One concers is related to demand and interest for such products and programmes. It is not clear from the project if they have researched the market – a need and demand for these courses? This is why I gave lower grades to impact and sustainability. They are also trying to reach out and develop quite a large number of new programmes in a fairly short time, which is also presenting a risk potential Tribalingual - We are a functioning for-profit business that creates economic opportunities for European youths in marginalised communities, and celebrates indigenous European cultures - through a digital EdTech platform that allows youths to teach their cultural heritage, such as language, skills and customs. Innovation 5 •
This is a highly innovative project not only in the local but European context, addressing youth employability and entrepreneurship as they manage their online courses and thus business, as well as creates a platform for promotion and protection of European CH – creates a joint European value while promoting local CH Project is providing data and argumentation for high youth unemployment and for the disappearing European culture, languanges and customs (over a quarter of UNESCO intangible heritage is under threat Have well explained their Unique Selling Points comparing other similar products, portals and programmes (e.g. Cursera etc)
EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018. •
Innovative methodology, combining asynchronous online learning with synchronous (face-toface) learning sessions.
Impact 4 • • •
It creates an online community Realistic indicators and methods of measuring impact and building community and reaching out to customers… They are now at 10 course, 10 teachers and 50 students – target is 1000 customers, which is quite ambitious and rasises concerns for impact and sustainability. This is why I gave lower points.
Sustainability 4 • • • • • •
It also sustains CH, customs, practices and processes…immaterial CH They have a sound business plan, which allows for sustainability of the online platform. It is a fairly simple model with few overhead costs, which does create a basis for sustainability. They also have a marketing plan and are already visible in media They have a plan for product develpment, direct and complementary sales – it is a good combination to include as a part of the broader tourist offering (visits to nomadic tribes etc) Financial sust is reasonable although ambitious… Realistic explanation on how will they spend the price
Scale 5 •
The model is easy to replicate as it does not require much overhead costs and is easy to manage. It can be built and upgraded with various courses, IT upgrades, crowdfunding mechanisms etc. They can facilitate the delivery of courses from rural communities around Europe, and to students around the world.
EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018. 2. Erase all kittens (UK) Overall comment: Very well developed project with higly expert team – puts in question should we fund projects that are so well developed and clearly have resources and capacity to put this together or those that are „less perfect“ but can have a greater impact in countries where SI is not yet developed… There is no question that there is an impact from this project especially if they can also reach out to countries and girls like Syria.. One concern is on the fairly ambitous plan to reach out to 100 000 girls by 2020. Erase All Kittens – the first learning tool that teaches young children professional coding languages and effectively inspires girls (9-12) to code and create – using highly gamified, story-driven gameplay. Innovation 4 (If other colleagues decided to give higher grades, I could increase to 5 – I was not sure how innovative it is on the market) •
• •
There are similar programs targeting young girls…It is difficult to decifere what is different in the local or broader context although they have explained and compared this programmes to others quite well. There are argumented statistics and data as well as argumented reasons why this kind of a programme could make an impact. They have also done an extensive research on how to approach this subject and create a programme that is attractive for girls not only in UK/London but also worldwide… They have done beta-testing this prototype in workshops carried out with 200 students (girls and boys) aged 9-12 in London, 95% said they wanted to learn more about coding after playing. Which is not big statistics group but a good enough benchmark… Well developed argumentation and comparison to other programmes Price is reasonable if funded through sales and grants
Impact 5 • • • •
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Well thought of partnership with the largest girl-only youth organisation in terms of a distribution, promotion and impact Well argumented on the statistics and data on a low number of girls who are interested in computer science They plan to collect data on the target groups - girls through google analytics, forms and code education, to improve their new offering. They have addressed the issue with sensitive age and data collection, which is very important: With regards to considerations and policies we have put in place to protect young people, we will ensure that a DBS check is carried out for all volunteers and those working with children and risk assessments completed. One concern: Ambitious plan to equip 100 000 girls by 2020.. Well explained outputs – teachers, girls, pads, games… Great impact if it is achievable..they are reaching out through partner organisations… coding and educational organisations
EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018. Sustainability 4 (I could also increase to 5 as they have a sound although quite ambitious plan) •
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Plan is to provide the game for free to schools in London and fund it through grants and donations. There is a question of sustainability if it is dependent on donations and grants…but since they plan to combine it with a sales of tablets that could fill the financial gap Great research and testing has been done already which presents a basis for implementation and sustainability (over 12000 feedback forms) They have also agreed on a partnerships with corporate sponsors etc to achieve financial sustainability. It is an ambitious goal but it seems to be well thought out They also have a crowdfunding campaing ongoing - they raised already 60 000 pounds, reached out to corp sponsors, Google, Microsoft Education etc. They proposed a realistic timeline…
Scalability 5 • • •
Free software, rapid scaling…Uk and than US and worldwide…even in Syria Fifty schools in the UK have already agreed to use E.A.K. and its lesson plans in their classrooms, and they have partnered with organisations including CoderDojo, Microsoft Education, Girlguiding, Apps for Good, Techfugees and Teach First to distribute free E.A.K. accounts to students Really well thought off
EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018. 3. Es-Imperfect (Spain) Overall comment: A wonderful project that combines aspects of food waste with empowring youth at risk in a transformative and innovative way. Well argued and provided statistics. Although there are some innovative aspects of the project (circular economy, social franchise) it is not entirely innovative even in the local context. There are many eco and recycling social entrepreneurship and social coooperative initiatives. Since there will be a high competition to decide on the best projects, this one in comparison to some similar ones that I have evaluated (Waste Lab, which presented a more sustainable model), esImperfect would grade lower on the scale. In comparison to e.g. Scolargeno, which also offers social cooperatives although in a different context and addressing completely different issues, on the other side it would be positions higher, as it is a more genuin project that would have a bigger impact on the local community. Espigoladors is an organisation which fights food waste by empowering youngsters at risk of social exclusion in a transformative, inclusive, innovative and sustainable way. By creating a network of hubs connecting all food chain stages, we offer solutions to avoid food waste, fight against food insecurity and transform youngsters into change makers through work experiences for job reinsertion. Innovation 4 •
Although there are some innovative aspects of the project it is not entirely innovative even in the local context. There are many eco and recycling social entrepreneurship and social coooperative initiatives. There is an innovative aspect of the entire circle from gleaning to production, promotion and sales and the fact that includes and targets unemployed youth especially school dropouts thus addressing a circular economy It is also a project that is been ongoing for 4 years but ha san innovative aspect – a food waste innovation hub: In every European city we could open a food waste innovation hub, a central kitchen which empowers local youngsters from minority groups in order to design new solutions to food waste and allow the right to access healthy food to everyone, and particularly to people at risk of social exclusion. Innovation as well as scaling is also in developing a „social franchise model throughout Europe, creating a network which will generate synergies among its hubs and will be all managed from the central hub“. This is a first such model in Spain. A good example of a disruptive innovation
Impact 5 Since the circle is complete and it is well developed, the project does have a high impact especially in targeting youth. •
It impacts three challenges: food waste, unemployment, food insecurity: hubs is the perfect path to reach the sustainability triple impact (social, economic and environmental), by reducing food waste, giving access to fresh food to vulnerable people and giving job opportunities and empowerment to young people.
EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018. •
They currently work in a neighbourhood with a high rate of migrant and Roma population, which does provide a high level of impact.
Sustainability 4 • • • • •
Well developed methodology for establishing hubs for each region/social franchises They are part of the Gleaning network EU Gleaning is a new component - they don't explain that well what gleaning is though… Fairly ambitious numbers and indicators…they have a benchmark – networks and a number of people that they have already worked with To sum up: the current pool of beneficiaries is the 1.5 million food bank direct beneficiaries, and the indirect pool of 71,000 people in terms of systemic change and values transformation described above (consumers, gleaners, etc.). If every person can be a replicator of our message to 3 people from their day-to-day environment (family, friends), we are speaking of 213.000 citizens. The total pool of potential beneficiaries is to increase three times in one year after piloting a first replication model: reaching 5 million people in one year is the target. After 2 years, 50 million and after 3, 250 million people. They also have additional activities to ensure sustainability and results. o specialization training courses in food preserves production in order to improve the job reinsertion of youngsters. o They have adopted products for restaurants and hotels o Mobile app and tablet for youth… One concern and thus a lower grade: a price of the product. Is it more expensive than other similar products (chutny, jams etc.) on the market. How to compete with many similar products? Yes, this has a social component but will people buy if it is more expensive?
Scale 4 • •
Local model is been tested and developed They want to replicate the model of food waste innovation hubs in different European cities and develop a network with a unique and common identity with the aim to create relevant and disruptive changes at social, environmental, economical and political level. Well develped model, they have partner sin 8 cities…ambitious for three yers (lower grade because of that)
EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018. 4. House of Nature (Romania) Overall comment: Unfortunately it is not clear what the project is about. They jump from tourism aspects of a business model to education for kids but have not made links. They are testing a cultural treasure hunt in Laslea, investing to launch a NGO and to obtain required authorizations for construction of the guesthouse but not sure how? They want to give beneficiaries the possibility to get out of poverty by being active in the tourism industry.- not sure how?
The House of Nature will be the first green guesthouse with a social cause in Romania, offering sustainable touristic experiences in Transylvania, while reinvesting profit, skills and passion to empower locals, especially youth, for a better standard of living.This will be the first social business in hospitality that connects the enormous touristic potential in Transylvania with the villagers‘ important need of a local activity generating revenues. Innovation 2 -
Not sure what the project is about.. Not sure about the innovative aspect although it is targeting a very poor community and is explaining well situation in the villages: poor, desolation, lack of education, employment, communication with local authorities, youth migrations… Youth from the village have no access to career orientation, psychological counselling, reproducte health orientation or financial education. In a long term this situation results into future generation of disengaged citizens, trapped in a circle of poverty without perspectives for a better future.
Impact 3 -
They are working with very poor communities, especially youth The five villages of Laslea have 4226 inhabitants, out of which 1000 have residency outside the village Their guesthouse will train and employ 5 to 8 youth from the village and will create value for the products and skills of residents by incorporating them in their offer. Not sure what will they do - they say that they will transform their revenue and economic status by providing activities in tourism industry, but the indicators are related to workshops for youth in enterpreneurship: connecting them with entrepreneurs and as a result having better scores on the national exams. They also mention mentoring programme? What kind? Beneficiaries are school children youth – 9-25 yrs. - around 3000 of them…the project is not explaining how will they differentiate workshops and trainings for different age groups… Reach: present online and offline and working with informal local leaders (the principal, the priest, several council representatives) and local NGOs. Workshops have nothing do to with tourism: handcrafts workshops, Europe’s Day workshop for school children. Not clear on the link. There are some eco activities and awarenes raising campaigns and actions, tree planting..
EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018. Sustainability 2 -
Early stage of the project. They are in communication with NGOs, schools, beneficiaries… They seems to include a large number of people around them but it is still not well explained what is each groups going to do This is also not clear: With our current resources, we will use our treasure-hunt and workshops to prototype and test our idea with end users (locals and tourists) to adapt and possibly change assumptions. – which idea, not clear… Only later they are talking about some more specific activities: selling services (accommodation, restaurant, (re)creative local activities) and products (of local industry: textile, handcrafts, bio food) directly to clients. – but this is not explained thus the business model is not clear and the project has no ground for sustainability unless further developed. There is a clear need for employment they say that they will offer tourists a direct human experience of the Transylvanian village, transforming them from simple visitors into actors of social change.- but they do not explain how and do not link to other activities with environment and kids…
Scaling 2 -
some ideas for scaling but again not well developed
EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018. 5. La Bolina (Spain) Overall comment: It is an interesting project that tackles marginalized agricultural communities by connecting, educating and empowering young locals and migrants to create sustainable ‘collective-enterprising’ using local social and solidarity economy. Argumentation is backed up with data related to desertification, migrants issues, agricultural policies, poverty, degradation of soil and land quality, youth migrations, over 40% of people are over 65 yrs old…over 60% of the community is agricultural… They did entered into a partnership agreement with the local authorities, which donated 10 pieces of abandoned land to the project for cultivation using ecological methods, training and employing people at risk of social exclusion, particularly migrants and unemployed locals. – this is definitely a basis for sustainability although it was not explained until later in the project. As I remember from discussions, although the project was/is not well developed the comments were that it is an important project that will create a high impact. I would leave it for a FtoF discussions on this project and am willing to change/increase my grades if other colleagues decide on it. They do use lots of phrases but do not explain well the idea. LABolina systemic change model designed by young locals and migrants supports a regenerative revolution in rural communities by connecting, educating and empowering young locals and migrants to create sustainable ‘collective-enterprising’ using local social and solidarity economy. The business model created by LABolina is reflected in the creation of 4 micro-enterprises, namely the Veg Box, Conserves, Olive Oil and the training, thus creating six jobs in the first years. Innovation 3 -
LABolina proposes an integrated scalable solution, a youth-led repopulation of rural areas with migrants and locals creating sustainable livelihoods based on Local, Sustainable, Social and Solidarity Economy through a collective form of enterprising. The LSSS is an innovative aspect of the model. Focus is on the revitalization of abandoned buildings, local community development in an impoverished neighborhoud. The idea is to regenerate the land, re-enliven the local economy and repopulate the empty villages initially in El Valle. They are piloting 3 collective-enterprises - Veg Box scheme, Conserves and Olive Oil - currently under the brand: Productos de La Bolina; employing 6 young migrants and local people. Innovative aspects: 1) The systemic approach of the project. We look into repopulation with young locals and migrants through LSSS enterprising. 2) we promote livelihoods that are sustainable social solidarity and reinforcing local economy. 3) With this we aim to change the way in which we relate by changing the way the economy functions, reinforcing values of solidarity, cooperation, equity, community and sustainability, key values to steer our society to a better possible future for all. 4) we aim to influence the structural conditions that can enable this vision in the future by changing policy.
EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018. -
This is interested but it is really difficult to understand what are they doing and is this innovative although it is clearly needed in the local context
Impact 4 -
They work with young people coming from underprivileged backgrounds such as local youth and migrants – their number is rapidly increasing… The numbers of migrants risking the sea journey to reach Europe and Spain have been rising sharply: over 27.577 arrivals have reached the costs of Spain in 2018, 41% of the total arrivals to Europe. In 2017 3.300 people claimed asylum in Andalucía, double from 2016, with the majority living in Granada and Almeria. These new circumstances require innovative solutions to accommodate newcomers. They have reached out to 6 migrants and local youth so far? Target beneficiaries are cleary in line with the EUSI guidelines: 1) Young local people (between 18-35 years) who find employment or create a LSSS enterprise in El Valle. Potential pool: 110 2) Migrants in Granada moving to El Valle. Potential pool: numbers are uncertain. Approx 1.000 people; 3) parents (potential pool 57 schools in Granada) whose children take part in day trips to the land where the food grows- vege box However, not sure that I understand the mode, not well explained but it does have a potential
Sustainability 4 -
They are planninhg to implement a semi-circular business model with a variety of revenue and funding streams, ensuring its resilience. They used different model slike Human centered design, which does ensures participation and sustainability In 2017 after a participatory visioning day with El Valle local authorities, they entered a partnership agreement with the local authorities, which donated 10 pieces of abandoned land to the project for cultivation using ecological methods, training and employing people at risk of social exclusion, particularly migrants and unemployed locals. – this is definitely a basis for sustainability although it was not explained until later in the project. They are planning trainings, internships for migrants – they are developing a HR resource base and capacity of migrants… An interesting but not well developed model is a Vege box – a bundling business model, which has been tested. They are planning to provide education for kids in food production creating awareness around food, climate change and positive solutions They are also using crowdsourcing user feedback on LSSS values and completing the business canvas tool with beneficiaries and users to refine their Values Proposition and the business model They are planning to support their 3 business through commercialization schemes a framework for collective enterprising. They will define a collective enterprising training programme adapted to the needs of their particular target group and convene a pool of mentors to support those motivated participants to pitch their business in a community gathering – this definitely has a basis for further development and sustainability.
EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018. -
Financial sustainability: Through a fixed capital return scheme, a percentage of the profits of the micro-enterprises are to be reinvested in LABolina so as to facilitate the scaling and the setting up of other businesses;
Scaling 3 -
They want to create a structural change by affecting policy through the close collaboration between private, social and public sector They will focus on the successful creation of each of the four initial micro-enterprises and through observing their needs using LSSS values, learn how best to support them, finding strategies that can be implemented in the process of future micro-enterprise creation. Lower grade because the model and the scaling aspect was not well explained but has a potential.
6. Scolargeno (Germany) Overall comments: Excellent project, well articulated and argumented/backed up with data – it is a project that provides an alternative solution to current measures and policies. It also provides a change in increasing awareness amongst economic decision-makers and a restructuring of our economic system towards more alternative forms of economic activity, for example in the form of cooperatives. It is very well developed and has clearly a support and backing from experts and the main partner, German company, the SolarBürger Genossenschaft eG which will take over the photovoltaic system. My question is as above, this is a well written and explained project with experts. What is the goal of EUSI, to support innovative projects despite their funding and expert base or some less well developed but those that could really use the price to advance their innovative models. Something to discuss ☺. ScOLARGeno is an educational project that promotes public welfare and action against climate change by enabling pupils to establish a student solar cooperative with which they can plan and operate their own photovoltaic systems. Innovation 4 • •
• • •
An innovative aspect is in combing training of youth with social cooperatives tackling climate change through their own photovoltaic systems. It is however not entirely new. There are many initiatives on climate change but innovation is in targeting youth and creating an entreprenurial opportunities and raising awareness and economic action for the preservation of the earth Plus they learn how to run solar power systems An innovative and sustainable aspect is in a socal franchise: the umbrella cooperative as a promoter of the long-term implementation of student solar energy cooperatives. Their research revealed that this project is unique in Germany, with students planning, implementing and operating their own real photovoltaic system in the form of a cooperative. Additionally, an innovative organisational structure has been developed to bring the students' experiences with cooperative management into line with reality: the student cooperative works
EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018.
with an energy cooperative, in the pilot project with the Solar-Bürger-Genossenschaft eG in Freiburg three aspects of Innovation: ecoystem, capabilities and impact
Impact 5 • • • •
Students are agents of change – basis for a sustainable impact This achieves an impact that goes far beyond climate protection and directly implemented knowledge through the establishment of a single student solar cooperative. They will work with young people with the skills and motivation to take responsibility for a better future. Wel developed and thought off measurement system… for individual students, the results can be examined to see to what extent they gain a different understanding of responsible action in energy supply and community management; ESD (Education for Sustainable Development), success can be measured to the extent that schools permit forms of learning; some young people will turn to training as tomorrow's designers; climate protection effect; Politicians and entrepreneurs will be sensitised to public welfare-oriented and climate friendly forms of economy; dissemination of the idea to the public
Sustainability 5 • • •
• •
• •
Pilot phase of the first pilot project – mid term review An innovative and sustainable aspect is in a socal franchise: the umbrella cooperative as a promoter of the long-term implementation of student solar energy cooperatives. Financial sustainability through membership fees, profit sharing in the photovoltaic systems and income from further training for multipliers, a sustainable, self-supporting structure will be created. It also focuses on changing educational systems and attitudes. It is also in line with the Cooperatives Europe to develop policies with Member States and incorporate the cooperative model in their curricula. they can support the interest of young people to assume greater social and ecological responsibility in economic life. This is also innovation and sustainability. The first pilot project was tested… Sustainability is also assured in coopeartion with a German company, the Solar-BürgerGenossenschaft eG which will take over the photovoltaic system. Interest and income will continue to be distributed to those who have made money available. Funding: The concept always involves a local trio of local cooperative banks, energy supply companies and community foundations. Plus an innovative concept of funding and profit sharing: They are intended to finance an umbrella cooperative. In the long term, this cooperative will take over the ScOLARGeno project and its scaling. This includes a monthly contribution of €10 per student solar energy cooperative. This is understood as consideration for the handbook and the continuous improvement of the overall concept in favour of the individual SSECs. In addition, there is a profit share of 10% in each PV system and income from further training.
EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018. Scaling 5 • •
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Scaling will be achieved through a Handbook with numerous aids, tools, checklists and contract templates. The idea is to trigger a wave of start-ups analogous to the energy cooperatives set up in recent years in Germany by achieving a dynamic of dissemination through assistance and further training for multipliers Well planned scaling strategy At Stage 2 (2019), scaling will be prepared for. We will develop the necessary tools for this - the handbook - and take care of the content concept, design and translation into French. In order to attract scaling partners, we produce PR material, send circular e-mails via networks, carry out active public relations work, hold talks with interested parties and establish contacts with French partners. Stage 3 (2020/2021) will see the actual implementation of the scaling strategy, Europe wide scaling Systems changing
EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018. 7. Waste Lab (Spain/Madrid) Overall comment: Well developed project, well argued and backed up with dana, open innovation. Great contributions, resources and examples, an innovative model that combines a phsyical space with education and sales/marketing. A co-designed microcosm that supports Madrid’s youth to hack the local economy by repurposing food and tech waste into goods and services, as part of the wider movements towards creating a more sustainable and collaborative future. The WasteLab is envisioned as a playground for experimentation with various forms of waste. Innovation 4 • Not entirely new but has innovative elements of a place-based innovation approach that can benefit both the local community and global knowledge commons. Not only do they link two local societal problems, but also combine disparate innovation techniques and approaches to tackle them. • Three complementary pillars: o Knowledge sharing o Community outreach o Practical skills development • The WasteLab will comprise of a low-energy co-working kitchen, a food waste café, a workshop-makerspace and an urban garden. • Innovative aspect: By linking two local issues - wasted resources and unemployment • One very innovative measure that is also a basis for sustainability: Outcome and stakeholder: the local government incentivises food retailers to donate products before they expire • Use of design thinking approach, cocreating, prototyping, selling, marketing products from food waste…ensures sustainability, HR, financial and other • The WasteLab’s core aim is to stimulate and incubate innovate ideas and projects around waste that are led by Madrid’s youth. Impact 5 • Focus is on local youth, and defined through experimentation, co-creation and collaborative thinking. • They will help members develop essential competencies and skills for the rapidly changing future of work, such as complex problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity. Positions at The WasteLab itself will also be innovative, requiring interdisciplinary knowledge and mental elasticity to rotate between different roles. Madrid’s youth, yet we propose a broader definition of ‘young people’ which includes all those ‘young at heart’, curious and enthusiastic to expand their knowledge and skills outside the realm of formal education. • Well thought off a way of reaching out to diverse groups: institutional and demographic mapping exercises in Madrid, and they will help us reach our beneficiaries. We will advertise our project in unemployment and career advice centres; formal educational establishments (schools, colleges, training centres, universities); youth clubs; sports, arts, culture and community centres (both traditional and innovative ones, such
EUSI Mirna Karzen – additional comments 7.09.2018.
as Impact Hub Madrid, MediaLab Prado, Mares de Madrid, Matadero, Casa Encendida, etc.); cooking schools; foodie blogs and other online channels; local environmental groups; occupied spaces and community gardens. We will also use global innovation network maps and waste economy innovation maps to ensure we exhaust all mediums Our Robin Hood model will enable the disadvantaged population to access The WasteLab’s membership schemes, trainings and co-working spaces.
Sustainability 4 • Through skills development for local youth • Through three aspects: physical space with cafee, maker space, food coworkig…Organizing workshops and trainings around food, cooking, repurposing, upcycling; Forming alliances with food retailers for supplies, and with local authorities for legislative support and endorsement; Documenting organizational development and spreading • Well thought off a plan for implementation – a question and risk is funding, how will they secure funding especially for the phsysical space and infastructure – they would rely on donations but also sales of the products and on other means: We will obtain food and other types of waste free of charge, transforming them and generating revenue through: selling meals and products, renting the space for external events, subscriptions for workshops and co-working kitchen, selling experiences, bartering (e.g. offering free meals/workshops in exchange for advertising).- mix of services and products • A hybrid business model, built around the characteristics of an Open Cooperative. • They have identified potential funders and partners through our personal and professional networks (including our EUSIC coach) and through research. Scaling 4 • Open innovations and a basis for scaling: All our tech, learning processes, organizational models, plans, recipes, toolkits, strategies and experiences will be open source shortly after the launch. – open innovations, a focus for EC • They will work on compost starter kits, natural cosmetics, compostable packaging out of coffee grounds, mushroom growing kits that use old coffee grounds and many other such products • Also, they plan to work on policy measures, invoke and initiate a ‘waste revolution’ which will result in a tangible shift in the ‘culture of waste’. • Also, a great idea: Ideally, such practices would be introduced in school curricula to ensure future generations lead more sustainable, eco-conscious lifestyles. • They need more resrouces for equipment as well as for marketing…