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By a passionate, fragmentary girl, maybe?

By Marco Alesio Clavel

By Paulina Contreras By Roberto Tellez

By Bruno Dagio

Sadly not, for now…

By Andrea Rodriguez

By Marco Alesio Clavel

By Montserrat Rodriguez

A mess of a myriad blues By: A passionate, fragmentary girl, maybe? As I stand here, impatient as the wind, in the midst of this overwhelming hullaballoo, I realize how life is running through my fingers like the water under the bridges that I was supposed to burn down a long time ago.

We waste our words, we let them be just drops of ink dully written on paper, there is nothing behind them, nothing but empty ideas and superficial feelings. Can we say something worthwhile for a change? We waste our moments, we go days without having a single meaningful interaction with the people we care about, we suppress our urge to show our smoldering affection for somebody, we let it eat us up. And while we are still laying our exhausted souls to rest, we are so caught up in our own tragedy that we become oblivious, we don’t realize time waits for nobody. I am rather ashamed to admit that I have wasted almost three years of my life being selfish and afraid, tiptoeing through my heart’s desires to the crinkling sound of a twisted lullaby. Trapped inside my own glass ball, just waiting for the snowstorm. Small talk has now become desperate and I can feel myself dwindling into the air, merging into despair. Could a few words joggle me out of this gigantic mess of bitterness and misery that keeps dragging me down? I cry out to you tonight. I stand forlorn beneath an evening moon, shining brilliantly with this painful and absurd hope that keeps me from tipping into madness. Oh, sweet ethereal agony, won’t you let me slip? The moon has dropped.

By Marco Alesio Clavel

Haven’t you ever seen that some people make friends as if it were the easiest thing in the world? Well, contrary to common belief there are more types of intelligence than we were taught about, although the logical-mathematical intelligence is the one we see more in use during our academic formation. Howard Gardner proposed a theory in which he suggested the existance of 8 types of intelligence, each one with different characteristics. One of these types of intelligence is ‘social’. To be a smart person in this area you need to have a deep comprehension of human nature and to achieve that, you need to be empathic towards the people that surround you. The problem with this is that there isn’t a school to teach people how to be empathic or how to treat other people, in our society emotions are still a taboo topic and as I said, to dominate the ‘social’ intelligence you must be an expert at understanding emotions. As part of a community and to be successful in life you need to know how to socialize and get help from others; if you want to be the CEO of

any important company people must trust you and for you to gain their trust they must like you. If you compare the world leaders you will notice that each one of them has multiple traits but all

of them know perfectly how to socialize, so if you want to be important, you’d better learn how to make friends!

By Paulina Contreas

Christmas time has just passed. In the Ballet world, it is the most awaited time of the year because the ‘Nutcracker’ season’s start. Each year lots of people see this magic story because of the music and the dancing that inspires happiness and joy to everyone in the theaters, even at their homes! But have you ever thought about all that a ballet dancer needs to do, just to be there on the stage? The life of a ballet dancer is hard since she or he begins to study, formally, classic or contemporary ballet. In ballet, just as you prepare to study a career in a school, there are institutions where you learn, such as the Royal Academy of Dance, the most well-known, and just in finishing your formation you can even spend 20 years! Of course, that is why you start when you are a 3-year-old. In addition, when you become a professional ballet dancer, you must follow a diet, practice every day and stay disciplined in general. However, to be able to dance in a ballet company you have to make an audition and once there, you are around lots of kinds of dancers and some can be rude with you if you seem to be better than them. In conclusion, the lives of ballet dancers can be hard, but the best dancers are the ones that don't care about what the others say or do to them, the ones that feel the music, love dancing in each show and can inspire the public feelings, emotions, sadness or whatever they want just with their performance.

It is important to mention that when someone has talent it doesn't matter whether he or she begins studying once older or doesn't do some of the things mentioned after.

By Roberto Téllez

Currently, the language that is ‘predominant’ in most of the world is English, but why? Some people say that Mandarin is the new global language, however, I think that is not true; English is a Language that is easily understood, studied, practiced, etc. and that´s why it is a requirement for jobs all over the world, because it is the language of business. As I stated, English is a language so easy that anybody of any age can learn it, but it is recommended to start practicing between ages 4 & 5 because some studies have shown that it is possible for kids to learn many languages between their first 4 & 6 years. Let’s imagine the following situation: you study English as a subject during all your academic life through elementary, primary and high school but during all those years you don’t get a document that validates your English level. You can prove it with your grades, but that grade doesn’t tell you the level you have in listening, writing or speaking; maybe you just went to all your classes and did all the homework. In professional life, especially if you want to study something like business, international business or something related, your level of English must be more than ‘good enough’; you need an excellent grasp of the language because you will deal with people from the world, all of it, and your communication should be flawless.

There are many types of exams that test your English level, like the PET, TOEFL, KET, etc. Some schools in México City, require you to have at least one, for example, in “Tecnológico de Monterrey” you have to take the TOEFL for you to get assigned a class. Talking about College, it is recommended to take the IELTS, so that you can “skip” English as a subject or get assigned to a course that corresponds to your level. Otherwise IELTS is an excellent Test that avails your skills in Speaking, useful for interviews with people, your Writing and your Listening, all in one test. Its value on your curriculum is amazing, especially if you have a good grade. The importance of a test like this shows when you apply for a job and your application says “good command of English” backed up with any of these tests’ results. With that you can prove that your level is good enough for that job, or even better.

In my opinion, taking these tests is an excellent choice for your future, because English is the global language and you can open a lot of doors if you know it. I recommend you to take it, it may be hard and you might get nervous, but remember the reward of it; with this you put yourself one step ahead of the people who didn’t take it and hence you have a better chance to get the job.

By Bruno Dagio

I know, I´m a bit weird and that´s why I love rainy days, due to its cold air and nice smell. So here are some facts about them:

1. You might think that a desert is the perfect place for rain not to appear…but you´re wrong. Actually, places like Antartica never get a drop of rain, just snow and ice.

2. In warmer places, rain doesn´t make the ground wet because it evaporates before touching it. I never thought this could happen but now we know.

3. Earth is the only planet that has watery based rain. Venus, for example, has sulfuric acid rain, while in Saturn and Jupiter, diamonds fall over their skies. I want to be there so I can become a rich diamond guy! 4. If one day rain appears before you arrive home, run as fast as you can. No, I do not want you to kill yourself; this is useful if getting wet isn´t your thing. Just watch out for slippery surfaces.

5. We all use our mobiles to see the weather forecast. However, if you want to surprise your Friends, learn to watch clouds in order to predict rainy days up to 24 hours before. If a cloud is tall and puffy, like cotton, it may foreshadow a rainy day.

10 tips to study better

5) Prepare your studying material before doing anything: this is related to the 4th point, because if you forget something and you stand up, you can get distracted

By Andrea RodrĂ­guez

9) Practice constantly: if you have the chance, do practice exams or questionnaires about the topic you're studying

10) Teach the lesson to other people: In fact, explaining in your own words is the most valuable tip, because this helps you to find out if you have learned.

On March the 8th of 1975 the UN celebrated the first Women’s day ever because of the rights women had gained, mainly the democratic vote, and thus it became a tradition to celebrate. Today we hear a lot of people congratulating women because they are good students, good teachers, good wives or friends but we should stop doing this. Not because they don’t deserve it, but because we know that they should be congratulated almost everyday, except for this one.

Why? Because this day was created to remember the things we’ve accomplished as a society: how things have changed, how women have gained rights that should have belonged to them since the beginning, to understand what we did wrong for so many years. But most importantly, to acknowledge that we have still a long road ahead in order to reach fairness, or in other words, gender equality.

Vìgdis Finnbogadótir President of Iceland and First Female President in the World

Montserrat RodrĂ­guez Espejel

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