Architecture and Urbanism Portfolio

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Architecture Mirus Némée H. KITI Portfolio 2023
Summary Project 2: Gerontological Hospital Manual Works Project 1: Multifuncional Space 03 06 10

multifuncional space

This project consist on modifying the actual urban design including a new multifuncional building. This building has the objective to attend the basics necessities such as shadowed places, urban equipments.

Two buildings compose the project as we can see in the image 2.

Planta de situação Im 2:Buildings Identification Map
Auditório (100 pessoas) FE 5 Prédio multiuso (restaurante salas de estudos reunião sala comunitária de repouso almoxarifado secretaria, coworking)
Im 1: Location Map

Sintesis Map

The sugested axis will follow the ”unplaned road” created by passengers

One of the most impor tant interventions sugested for this area is the implantation of permanence points, or better public places with strategical urban equipments

We noticed that, by night these ways are unsecure because of the missing of public lights

GSEducationalVersion C-01 C-01 C-04 C-04 C-02 C-02 C-03 C-03 01 Elev. 02 Elev. 03 Elev. 04 Elev. 0. Pavimento Térreo Escala: 1:200 PLanta de Implantação C-01 Corte 01 Escala: 1:200 C-02 Corte 02 Escala: 1:200 C-04 Corte 04 Escala: 1:200 C-03 Corte 04 Escala: 1:200 05 Im 3 :Urban Equipment Im 4 :Urban Equipment & Building Im 5 :Urban Equipment & Building

gerontological hospital

The Guara 's Town is divided in two parts who are: Guara I e Guara II.

The Guara I part building had started in the middle of 1960 as a Residential Space and Industries.

One decade after, the urbanization of the Guará's Town had been concluded. The second part of the Town occured as an urban expansion with a circular road and another central arc road.

Guara II DF Map Guara I
Ocurrence Frequency NW NE SE SW S Spring Summer Autumn Winter L W N NW NE SE SW S Spring Summer Autumn Winter L W Predominants Wind Legend: Houses Studyied Area Guará's Market Health Center Sport & Lazer Estação de Bus Stop School 06 Biclimatic analysis Urban Plan Study
134.255 Habitants Guará City: 3700ha 10km far of plano piloto Studyied Area: 5.2ha
07 Im 6 :Perspective
Sheds roof for hot air suction Sistema completed by exhaustors Green roof - Regulation of the intern temperature Bigger Sheds for air caption Solar Panels chosen for reduction of the building maintenance fees Im 6 :Tecnical solutions for a sustainable architecture

manual work

Wind boundaries study Sustainble Roof Making Study

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