KotM Fight! Afanc « Kobold Quarterly Magazine: Monsters and Magic for D&D Gamers
KotM Fight! Afanc by JARROD CAMIRÉ
Welcome to the King of the Monsters Contest finals: the afanc is finalist 1 of 10. These submissions are left almost entirely as they were received with the exception that all submissions have had minor alterations for proper spelling (not grammar), formatting, and the addition of an image. Let the fight commence! ______ Swimming over the placid waters of the immense mountain lake is a monstrous, beaverlike creature of tremendous proportions. Countless bony protuberances emerge from its neat wet fur like so many rock edges; the disproportionate rodent also has overly long central incisors, sharp claws at the end of its webbed feet, and a very broad, flat leathery tail. All of a sudden, the beast propels itself forwards like some oversized bolt, rushing and thrashing wildly in the direction of the nearest lake’s bank. The gigantic wave thus created escapes from its natural boundaries and continues its headlong course across the forest, devastating everything along its path… The Afanc, which is also called Addanc, is a kind of giant beaver with a very bad temper that generally lives a solitary existence in a very remote lake or river. The afanc is very territorial and those who approach its’ water plan too closely are sure to incur its terrible wrath. Some pretend that afancs are demons, but this rumor hasn’t ever been proved. Despite their brutal dispositions the afancs are intelligent, capable of speech, and, if the legends are true, quite sensible to the charms of alluring women and equally responsive towards music.
Afanc Level (14 Solo Brute) Huge natural beast XP 5,000 Initiative +9; Senses Perception +8; darkvision HP 720; Bloodied 360; see also afanc’s awful trashing AC 28; Fortitude 28, Reflex 26, Will 28 Saving Throw +5 Speed 4, swim 10 Action Points 2 [M] Bite (standard; at-will) +17 vs. AC; 3d6 + 6 damage; see also cleave the wood. [m] Claw (standard; at-will) +17 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage. [m] Cleave the Wood (free; at-will) When the afanc delivers a successful melee attack with its bite it automatically destroys an object made of wood held by the target (weapon, shield, or else), including magical ones. [m] Crazed Castor (standard; at-will) The afanc delivers 1d4+1 melee attacks with its claws. [c] Afanc’s Awful Thrashing (immediate reaction, when first bloodied; encounter) The afanc immediately rolls over and delivers a frenzied series of attacks. Close blast 1; +13 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 6 damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares and knocked prone. [c] Flood the Land (standard; recharge 5, 6) The afanc makes a charge and must be in the water or cross a body of water in order to use this power; the mammal’s demented movements creates a gigantic wave that sweeps
http://www.koboldquarterly.com/k/article3439.php[14/01/2010 19:03:44]