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NAF Jobs • Recruiting for New FCC Providers


Explore new interests this Fall with 35th FSS NAF Jobs! NAF jobs are a great way to learn something new to add to your resume or to perfect skills you already have! Want to know how they make the coffee so good at Flyers or Faultline Café? Apply to be a Barista! Want to know more about outdoor equipment or outdoor activities in Japan? Apply to be a Recreation Assistant!
NAF HRO Office

How to Apply
1. 1. Visit Visit USAJOBS.gov USAJOBS.gov to view all active 35th FSS NAF job to view all active 35th FSS NAF job announcements. Using the search function, type “Air Force Services
” in announcements. Using the search function, type “Air Force Services” in the keywords bar, then “Misawa AB, Japan
” for the location. the keywords bar, then“Misawa AB, Japan” for the location.
2. 2. Create an account at Create an account at USAJOBS.gov. USAJOBS.gov. Upload all required documents. Upload all required documents.
While a resume is required for consideration, candidates must While a resume is required for consideration, candidates must also upload supporting documents necessary to verify any claimed also upload supporting documents necessary to verify any claimed preferences. The candidate
’ s name must be on the documents and the preferences. The candidate’s name must be on the documents and the documents must be legible. If you do not upload supporting documents documents must be legible. If you do not upload supporting documents for claimed preferences, you will be listed as a “ no preference
” for claimed preferences, you will be listed as a “no preference” applicant. You must upload supporting documents for each vacancy applicant. You must upload supporting documents for each vacancy announcement you apply for. announcement you apply for.
3. 3. Remain accessible after submission. Please be sure to regularly Remain accessible after submission. Please be sure to regularly check the email address in which your check the email address in which your USAJOBS USAJOBS account account was created. Selected applicants receive a tentative offer via was created. Selected applicants receive a tentative offer via email with a link that expires 48 hours thereafter. Failure to email with a link that expires 48 hours thereafter. Failure to respond within 48 hours will be considered a declination and respond within 48 hours will be considered a declination and your application status will be updated accordingly. We are your application status will be updated accordingly. We are looking forward to you joining the 35th FSS Team! looking forward to you joining the 35th FSS Team!

FCC providers are certified child care professionals who provide child care for FCC providers are certified child care professionals who provide child care for children from infancy until school age in their homes. FCC providers can earn children from infancy until school age in their homes. FCC providers can earn as much as $60,000 a year. Some FCC providers can even earn more depending as much as $60,000 a year. Some FCC providers can even earn more depending on location and the type of care provided: 24/7, military spouse appointment, on location and the type of care provided: 24/7, military spouse appointment, PCS, hourly, before and after school, Emergency Medical and other applicable PCS, hourly, before and after school, Emergency Medical and other applicable care. Support is provided to FCC providers, including: free child care during care. Support is provided to FCC providers, including: free child care during training week, access to a toy lending library and safety items, assistance with training week, access to a toy lending library and safety items, assistance with planning children
’ s activities and curriculum, and the option to participate in a planning children’s activities and curriculum, and the option to participate in a Misawa housing incentive. awa housiu ng g incenn tive. .

Basic requirements
s Applicants must be 18+, possess a high school licant nt ts m sm m t ust b be 8 18+ +, pos p sessa s a hi h gh gh g sch choolhoo diploma or GED and be able to proficiently read omaorGEDandbe able to proficiently read and write in English. On Misawa Air Base FCC and write in English. On Misawa Air Base FCC providers can only provide care on base. providers can only provide care on base. To find out more information about becoming To find out more information about becoming a FCC Provider please attend one of our FCC a FCC Provider please attend one of our FCC Informational Briefings or visit 35fss.com/ Informational Briefings or visit 35fss.com/ communitychildcare/. communitychildcare/.

FCC Informational Briefings
Tuesdays | Oct. 25 and Dec. 20 Mokuteki Ballroom

Applicants can ask questions about becoming an FCC provider as well as what to expect. It is highly recommended to bring your spouse along so they can be part of the process and ask questions. The goal is to start the FCC training week a few weeks after the FCC Informational briefing.

y Misawa Family Child Care
Bldg. 653 | Room 119 226-2273 35FSS.FSYC.FamilyChildCareMisaw@us.af.mil