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LYC Late Night Movie Night • LYC Monster Skate Bash • VolleyBall Registration • Give Parents a Break program • MTC Haunted Night • MTC Fall Dance After Party • CDC fall festival
LLUNNEY Youth Center Bldg. 112 226-3220 Late Night Movie Night Late Night Movie Night


Friday, Oct. 14
6–10 p.m. Lunney Youth Center
Hang out with your friend at the Lunney Youth Center to enjoy a Halloween themed movie and enjoy snacks. Advance registration is required by Friday, Oct. 7

Monster Skate Bash Monster Skate Bash
Friday, Oct. 21
6-8:30 p.m. Lunney Youth Center
Roller skating is so fun you can feel it! Come dressed in your ghoulish best and celebrate the spookiest time of the year at the LYC with friends. We offer a safe environment to enjoy a sport and your favorite songs. Come for the light refreshments and leave with an afternoon of memories!
At the Lunney Youth Center Bldg. 112 | 226-3220
VolleyBall VolleyBall VolleyBall Registration Registration Registration
Online & in person Now–Friday, Oct. 14
Online Parent Meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 8 Season Begins

Monday, Nov.14–Friday, Dec. 16 $45 | Ages 5+ Required documents: Parent d Agreement, Sports Physical and Immunization Records.

This Air Force Aid Societysponsored program provides 4 hours of free childcare to AF families whose spouses are deployed/on a remote tour, or have a child with special needs. Families experiencing an emergency or other unique hardships may also be eligible. GPAB participation vouchers are required. Please call 226-4735 or stop by the M&FRC for more information.
Families falling outside of the criteria mentioned may choose to partake of childcare during GPAB AF families whose spouses are at the hourly rate. Registration deployed/on a remote tour, or have for the event is required and must a child with special needs. Families be completed at the Yoiko CDC experiencing an emergency or or Cheli SAC, and the deadline to other unique hardships may also register is the Wednesday before be eligible. GPAB participation the event. GPAB may be canceled at vouchers are required. Please call any time due to low participation. 226-4735 or stop by the M&FRC for more information.
This Air Force Aid Society- of the sponsored program provides choose to 4 hours of free childcare to ring GPAB at the hourly rate. Registration for the event is required and must be completed at the Yoiko CDC or Cheli SAC, and the deadline to register is the Wednesday before the event. GPAB may be canceled at any time due to low participation.
YYOUTH PROGRAMS Families falling outside criteria mentioned may partake of childcare du
Give Parents A Break Give Parents A Break
2022 GPAB Schedule
Friday, Oct. 14 | 6–10 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14 | 6–10 p. Friday, Oct. 14 | 6–10 p.m. F Saturday, Nov. 19 | 1–5 p.m. Saturd y, Nov. 19 | 1–5 p may p.m.S
Saturday, Dec. 17 | 1–5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 17 | 1–5 p.m.

Haunted Night Haunted Night
Friday, Oct. 14
5:30–7 p.m. Members | $10 Non-Members | $15
Put on some cozy pajamas because the Teen Center will be watching a scary movie and touring some haunted spots on base.
Fall Dance Fall Dance After Party After Party
Friday, Oct. 21
9 p.m.–Midnight Members | FREE Non-Members | $10
If you don’t want the party to end, stop by the Teen Center for the After Party. This is open to all Edgren Middle School students. Must provide a parent permission slip for entry, early submission gets you on the V.I.P list. North Base shuttle will be provided for Midnight drop off.
MMISAWA TEEN Center Bldg. 626 | 226-2792
Yoiko CDC Yoiko CDC
Bldg. 10 | DSN 226-4666 Bldg. 10 | DSN 226-466 CELL 0176-77-4666 CELL 0176-77-4666
Cheli SAC Cheli SAC
Bldg. 412 | DSN 226-2266 Bl . 412 DSN 226-22 Bldg. 412 | DSN 226-2266 CELL 0176-77-2266 66 CELL 0176-77-2266
fall festival fall festival
Bldg. 10 | 226-4666
Friday, Oct. 28
Parade | 3:30 p.m. The leaves are fallin', the pumpkins are growin' and it is time for our Yoiko CDC Fall Festival! We encourage all parents to dress your child up in fall themed costumes (no masks or anything scary please). Come join us for a fall parade followed by fall themed carnival games, face painting and more! You don't want to miss out on this fall fun!Y YOIKOCDC