The Miscellany News
Volume CXLVII | Issue 13
February 6, 2014
Since 1866 |
Vassar College Poughkeepsie, NY
Misc Celebrates 100 Years As Weekly Elizabeth Daniels leaves legacy College grants bolster community ties O Anna Iovine
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Vassar Good Neighbor Fund supports partnerships between VC members and local groups Bethany Terry Staff DeSigner
courtesy of Vassar College
n Tuesday, Jan. 28, Vassar lost a valuable member of its community. College Historian Emerita and Professor Emerita of English, Elizabeth “Betty” Daniels ’41, passed away at the age of 93. “The Vassar family has lost a most remarkable member, and [for] many of us, a dear friend and colleague,” said President Catharine Hill in an announcement to the College. After graduating summa cum laude at Vassar and continuing her education at the University of Michigan and New York University, Daniels returned to Vassar in 1948 to begin teaching in the English Department. Apart from being a professor, Daniels took on many other roles during her Vassar career, including Chair of the English Department, Dean of Freshmen, Dean of Studies, and Acting Dean of the Faculty. Daniels also played a vital role in Vassar’s decision to become coeducational. She served on both the Vassar-Yale Study Committee, which focused on the option of merging the schools, and the Committee on Alternatives, which focused on the option of making Vassar co-ed. After the See HISTORIAN on page 4
Elizabeth A. Daniels ’41, Vassar College’s first historian, passed away on Tuesday, Jan. 28, leaving behind the memories and stories of those who knew her.
any members of the Vassar community may not be aware that there is an active funding program that seeks to support local community projects. This resource is the Vassar Good Neighbors Fund, which grants money to students, faculty and staff who have partnered with a local organization. The fund, however, faces one major obstacle: lack of visibility on campus. Frances Daly Fergusson, Vassar’s ninth president, established the Vassar Good Neighbors Fund in 2001. Applicants to the fund are able to receive short-term or longterm grants, which are a one-time or three-year award, respectively. Last semester, $15,000 in grants were awarded, including two $5,000 projects. Currently, the endeavor is
overseen by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, and the applications for funding are reviewed by Assistant Professor of Education Colette Cann, one of the faculty supervisors of the fund, and student intern Sarah Murphy ’14. “It’s really about allowing students or faculty or staff to kind of take that experimentation and try out a new project,” said Murphy. The Good Neighbors Committee works to provide local non-profit organizations and individuals in the area with the support needed create and further their community projects. One local association that receives funding from the Vassar Good Neighbors Committee is Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson, an anti-foreclosure community advocacy group. See NEIGHBORS on page 7
Impending inspection Alum composes for multimedia highlights fire hazards Samantha Kohl
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Eloy Bleifuss Prados featureS eDitor
ncense. Hot plates. Propane tanks. Fireworks. It shouldn’t surprise anyone to learn that these items are prohibited in Vassar dwellings. The category of fire hazard, however, is broader than one might think. Students may be breaking the rules—and risking the penalties—without even knowing it. Associate Director of Residential Life Rich Horowitz addressed how his
office has the task of deciding which particular parts of the College’s regulation should be communicated directly to students. “There’s so many of them, are you going to have to make the decision of what to highlight?” said Horowitz. He worries that if students become inundated by long lists of prohibitions, they will begin to ignore the information all together. In addition to the ones the Office of See FIRE on page 6
or most gamers, a video game is about reaching a new high score or beating a personal record. Jamie Christopherson ’97 is also preoccupied with score—but for him, this means creating the music and sounds that ultimately heighten the gaming experience.
On Friday, Jan. 31 in the Skinner Library. Christopherson gave a lecture and a tutorial drawn from his own experiences in scoring music. While at Vassar, Christopherson spent his evenings playing funk, jazz and rock in Poughkeepsie. Now, Christopherson is an award-winning composer who has scored major works of film, tele-
vision, commercials, trailers, video games and even theme parks. Christopherson most recently worked on J.J. Abrams’ NBC show “Revolution.” His repertoire includes the best-selling video games “Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance,” “The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth,” “Lost See CHRISTOPHERSON on page 16
Jonathan Safir reporter
ometimes a team’s record can be misleading. To call the Vassar College men’s volleyball 1-3 start to the season a disappointment would not be fair. After taking No. 4 ranked State University of New York New Paltz to the brink, the men’s volleyball team has, in fact, had a truly impressive start to this year. Furthermore, when you consider the loss of six valuable seniors from last year’s team, which
went 20-13 overall including winning a round in the United Volleyball Conference (UVC) championship, and the fact that the current roster consists of only 12 men, the New Paltz win looks even more impressive. In addition to this, six of those 12 are freshmen. According to Head Coach Rob Wolter, the team’s main goal coming into the season was to be competitive. “My biggest expectation for this year’s team is to be able to compete day in and See VOLLEYBALL on page 18
Inside this issue
VSA calls for increase in Metcalf resources
Alec Ferretti/The Miscellany News
Record fails to reflect men’s volleyball skills
Jamie Christopherson ’97 gave a lecture and tutorial on composing music for the full media spectrum on Jan. 31. From video games to amusement parks, his signature creations have beenw prominently featured on a number of platforms.
Alums reflect on 100 years of Misc FEATURES growth, success
Posse student finds post-war healing in playwriting