A PARENTS GUIDE TO TRANSITION nursery-reception-primary
In the weeks before school starts Getting your child prepared for big school . Involve your child in choosing things they need for school like school bags or uniforms
. visit the school with your child so they become familiar with the building and the local area
. most schools have arrangements to support your child's transition into school which you may want to find out about
Talking with your child Your child may be anxious about what to expect on the first day at school. If so, one way of helping them is to talk through their fears: . explain where they'll be going, what they'll be doing and for how long
. answer questions and iron out any fears by asking what they think the school might be like
. emphasise the things they may enjoy doing . tell them that you or their carer will be there to meet them at the end of each day
Don't dismiss your child's fears - things that seem obvious or silly to an adult can seem like terrible obstacles to a five year old.
What if your child has trouble making friends? This can cause enormous anxiety. It's right to worry if your child seems upset by a constant lack of friends. This can mean they're more vulnerable. Shyness or aggression can prevent children from making friends, but there are children who are neither and who just seem to be loners.
Not all of these children are troubled by it, so it's important not to overreact. While the vast majority of children do rely heavily on their friendships, there are some who seem quite happy without this, and many grow into resourceful, creative adults.
. Encourage your child - talk to him about friendships, share positive memories of your childhood friends and ask your child's views about his.
. Teach social skills and sociable behaviour - explain to your child how to understand non-verbal and verbal cues, for example, someone smiling at him or making a jokey remark. Your child may be misinterpreting these and miss opportunities to make friends. Your child may overreact to teasing, or pressure others to play when they've said "no". You can even use role play to show your child, for example, how to make eye contact and to smile to show he's friendly. Your child could also practise saying something like: "Hello I am Sam, would you like to play?"
. Teach basic social rules - not to snatch things, or hit others and how to share – “Sharing is caring� and co-operate, and ensure your own behaviour gives a good example.
. Make your child's friends welcome in your home - don't judge your child's choices too harshly or force him to play with children you choose.
. Make an effort to talk to other parents at school - this encourages children to get to know each other. Maybe arrive five minutes early at the start and end of each school day .
. Find local activities, where your child will have opportunities to make friends outside of school, such as cubs, a drama group or swimming lessons.
. Show love - this is invaluable as it helps bolster your child's confidence, even if there are occasional friendship difficulties. Never show up your child or tell him off in front of friends.
. Try not to interfere too much in matters connected with your child's friendships and social life - he should have the chance to sort these out in his own way whenever possible.
The School Secretary Generally this is the person that you will mostly approach for information about the school. Information about free school meals, report illness and absences to, pay dinner money to, pay for schools uniforms; make an appointment to see the Head Teacher, if you have concerns about your child’s learning. School secretaries are very busy people and are not just there to support parents. However if you have a question or queries they are the people to ask they have a wealth knowledge about the school.
How to find out what’s going on within school Most school now have web pages here your will find loads of information about school’s policies, expectations, what’s planned, how to get more involved. Some even have educational worksheets to download that you can complete with your child. Don’t worry if you don’t have a computer at home you could visit the local library and use theirs.
. School notice boards - most can be located near the reception area of school.
. Get into the habit of checking your child’s school bag – letters often end up at the bottom and are over looked!
. Attend parent’s evening – this provides a great opportunity to find out about your child’s progress.
. Check out if your school has a parent coffee morning – great to find out what’s going on – after schools clubs, summer schemes and also a great way of making new friends. . Read the school news letter. Schools really value parent’s involvement! You know your child better than anyone. Children love seeing you in their school!
Personal belongings It’s never a good idea to send your child into school with personal items – toys or games as they can get lost or broken which could upset your child. Please remember to label all your child’s clothes – Schools sweater, PE kit & coats. Fabric pens are great for this! It’s not a good idea to send your child to school wearing jewellery – small stud earrings are ok though but check the schools policy on this. Your child’s clothes should be hard wearing and comfortable – No point sending your child in designer clothes save them for best! Dress for mess! Make sure your child’s foot wear is suitable for out door play – Velcro fastenings are great!
Punctuality and Absences It is very important for your child to arrive at school on time every day. If children are regularly late they miss important parts of their education and have to work harder to catch up with their class mates. It is also very unsettling for your child and other children. It is really important that you arrive on time to collect your child, children get really distressed if you are late. If you have an emergency and will be late let school know as soon as you can. Always a good idea to put the school number in your mobile phone. If your child is sick please phone school to let the know as soon as you can. If your child has an illness such as sickness & diarrhoea you should keep them away from school for at lest 48 hrs. Holidays within term time are discouraged in all
schools and you will have to ask permission from the Head teacher in order to take your child out of school. Taking long periods of time away from school impacts on your child’s learning. If you take your child out of school for long periods of time your child could loose their school place. Places at schools are limited so if you loose your school place you will have to find another placement these can often be out side your locality, which may incur extra travelling expense.
Every day really does count!
When Attendance becomes a problem If your child’s attendance drops below 80 % (38 days missed) The Educational Department will be informed and you will be contacted by the Education Welfare Service. It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure that their child/children regularly attends school. Some parents have been fined and prosecuted for failing to send their children to school. It is a fact that children who regularly miss school achieve less. If you want your child to have the best opportunities in life you will ensure that they make the most of their education, you will work with them to address their concerns , work in partnership with school and encourage good behaviour both within school and home.
Keeping school informed of any changes It’s really important that you keep school informed of any changes in circumstances – changes of address and contact details. Also private information – bereavement/relationship breakdowns – Schools don’t judge but can offer more support to your child and you if needed. Head Teachers will always make time to discus any difficult issues with you. The emotional wellbeing of your child is very important and can impact on their learning if it is not nurtured.
Children need role models rather than critics.
-- Joseph Joubert
School Lunches All school lunches are healthy and balanced. Children will have different choices of meals on daily basis. All schools can cater for different dietary needs; these include religious observations and allergies. Staff will encourage children to try new foods however children will not be forced to eat anything they don’t like.
Free school meals Parents do not have to pay for school lunches if they receive any of the following: . Income Support . Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance . Income-related Employment and Support Allowance . support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
. the Guarantee element of State Pension Credit . Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working
Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed ÂŁ16,040
. Working Tax Credit during the four - week period immediately after their employment finishes or after they start to work less than 16 hours per week
If you are entitled to free schools meals ask the school secretary for a form.
Applying for help with school uniforms Families who are on benefits or on low income could be entitled to clothing grants or vouchers from their local authorities to assist with the cost of school clothing - Please talk to the school secretary about this.
After The first day If your child has been to a nursery or reception class, they may have had some preparation for primary school and so their transition may be smooth. However, they might still find their initial weeks a period of change and stress. Your child may be more tired than usual and need time to relax. You may find that rather than becoming more 'grown up', they may regress or become more difficult or defiant, in response to the stress of a new routine. Your child may also have concerns about making friends or be more withdrawn than usual.
What you can do In order to provide support or help your child through what can sometimes be a difficult first phase, it may help to: . set aside time with your child to talk about school and take an interest in what they have been doing
. listen carefully to any worries your child might have . find out as much as possible about your child's school and what happens there during the day
. try to keep a regular routine at home to keep stress to a minimum
. make sure your child knows what is happening on a day-to-day basis and is informed in advance about any changes to their routine
. encourage your child to build friendships with children in their class
. keep positive as some problems may be resolved as your child adapts to a new way of life If you cannot sort out problems your child has by talking to them, you may find it useful to talk to your child's teacher about your concerns.
The National Curriculum The National Curriculum is a framework used by all maintained (None Private) schools to ensure that teaching and learning is balanced and consistent. It sets out: . the subjects taught . the knowledge, skills and understanding required in each subject . standards or attainment targets in each subject - teachers can use these to measure your child's progress and plan the next steps in their learning . how your child's progress is assessed and reported Your child will study a wide range of subjects during their time at primary school. Knowing about the National Curriculum at Key Stages 1 and 2, and the subjects that are taught, can help you to support your child's learning.
The National Curriculum, taught to all pupils in maintained schools, is made up of blocks of years, known as key stages: . Year 1 and Year 2 of primary school are known as Key Stage 1
. Years 3 to 6 of primary school are known as Key Stage 2
Compulsory National Curriculum subjects are the same for Key Stages 1 and 2: . English . Maths . Science . Design and technology . Information and Communication Technology (ICT) . History . Geography . Art and design . Music . Physical education Schools also have to teach religious education, though parents have the right to withdraw children for all or part of the religious education curriculum. In addition, schools are advised to teach personal, social and health education (PSHE) and citizenship, together with at least one modern foreign language.
Your child’s school may cover these subjects under different names, and may teach more than one subject together under the same name. This is left up to individual schools, as long as they are covering the National Curriculum.
Finding out about schools Before applying for primary schools for your child you will want to take time to consider which school best meets their needs. The earlier that you start this process the better. In order to make an informed decision you should research all the schools in which you are interested. You can find helpful information from a variety of sources, including:
School open sessions Headteachers welcome enquiries from parents and will be able to tell you a great deal about their school. Many schools hold open sessions for parents to attend with their children to have a look around the school and see what they have to offer. These sessions often take place in October and November. Local newspapers may also give details of these.
School prospectuses Schools also have their own prospectuses or booklets, which explain what facilities they have, and what they aim to achieve for their pupils. (This information will be correct at the time of publishing but may alter, according to changing circumstances, during the year). You should contact the schools that interest you for a copy of these booklets.
Applying for a school place It is important that all parents/carers make an application for a school place at the earliest opportunity. If you delay applying until your child has reached statutory school age, your preferred school may already be full.
If your child attends a nursery class, this does not mean that he or she will automatically get a place in the primary school to which the nursery is linked or attached. Parents with children in a nursery class must apply for a reception year place at the school in the same way as any other parents. Some schools require parents to apply for a place through the local authority form and the schools form.
Your emotions Your feelings will guide your child's emotions. If you approach your child's first day with confidence that they'll be fine, using positive words about school and loving attention, their anxieties will be reduced. Saying goodbye at school may be very emotional for you. But try to send your child off with a smile and a wave along with the reassurance that you'll be there to collect them later. Remember even distressed children settle very quickly once you're gone, so make your leave loving but brief. If you're particularly worried, most schools will be receptive if you want to phone in later to check your child is ok.
Give your child a confidence boost‌.
sometimes starting a new school can knock a childs confidence Help give your child a boost with these ideas:
. Believe in your child and show it - let her know she's a worthwhile, lovable individual.
. Give praise and positive feedback - your child measures her
worth and achievements by what you think of her. "Well done, that was hard, and you managed it" is music to young ears. Reassure your child that it's OK to make mistakes and that it's all part of growing up.
. Practise active, reflective listening - listen carefully, repeat what you've heard to make sure you understand and give positive prompts to encourage your child to continue.
. Acknowledge your child's feelings - and help her express them verbally.
. Criticise behaviour, not your child - it's very easy to fall into this trap, but too much criticism tells your child she's a bad person and is causing things to happen because of her own stupidity. This is very damaging if it goes on for a long time. Be clear that it's an action you're angry about or behaviour you don't like.
. Respect your child's interests, even if they seem boring to you take a genuine interest in your child's friends, and what's happening at school, and comment to show you're listening.
. Accept any fears or insecurities your child expresses as genuine even if they seem trivial to you, don't just brush them aside. If your child says, "I'm useless at maths" say "You're obviously finding maths a struggle, how can I help you?".
. Encourage independence - encourage your child to take chances and try new things. Succeeding gives a huge boost to confidence, and sometimes your child will need to learn by her mistakes.
. Laugh with your child - never at them. . Focus on your child's successes - swimming, music, whatever she can succeed at.
When your own experience of school has been a negative one ….. If school was a negative experience for you try not to let this pass on to your child. Your own experiences will be very different to that of your child’s. Be very positive about their education, show them that you value what they have learnt and encourage them to do well. It’s important that they are sent clear messages about the important of education even at this young age.
Home is where the Heart Is It's no secret that activities at home are an important supplement to the classroom, but there's more to it than that. There are things that parents can give children at home that the classrooms cannot give. Encourage learning at home set aside time to read with your child, makes book and educational toys available – You could visit your local library. Guide your child by pointing to the pictures, and say the names of the various objects. By drawing attention to pictures and associating the words with pictures and the real-world objects, your child will learn the importance of language. Children learn to love the sound of language before they even notice the existence of printed words on a page. Reading books aloud to children stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding of the world. It helps them develop language and listening skills and prepares them to understand the written word. When the rhythm and
melody of language become a part of a child's life, learning to read will be as natural as learning to walk and talk. Even after children learn to read by themselves, it's still important for you to read aloud together. By reading stories that are on their interest level, but beyond their reading level, you can stretch young readers' understanding and motivate them to improve their skills.
Primary Schools within Nechells Cromwell Primary School
St. Josephs Catholic Primary School
Tel: 0121 464 2434 Fax: 0121 464 6705 Email: enquiry@cromwell.bham.sch.uk Head Teacher: Mrs R Darr
Tel: 0121 464 8140 Fax: 0121 646 8145 Email: enquiry@stjosb7.bham.sch.uk Head Teacher: Mrs L Howell
Cromwell Street Nechells Birmingham B7 5BA
Nechells Primary School
Rocky Lane Nechells Birmingham B7 5HA
St Matthew’s CE Primary School
Eliot Street Nechells Birmingham B7 5LB
Duddeston Manor Road Nechells Birmingham B7 4JR
Tel: 0121 464 2102 Fax: 0121 646 6953 Email: enquiry@nechells.bham.sch.uk Head Teacher: Mrs D Thomas
Tel: 0121 359 1602 Fax: 0121 333 4392 Email: enquiry@st-matthews.bham.sch.uk Head Teacher: Miss Paulette Osborne
St. Clement’s CE Primary School
St. Vincent’s RC Primary School
Butlin Street Nechells Birmingham B7 5NS
Vauxhall Grove Nechells Birmingham B7 4HP
Tel: 0121 464 4652 Fax: 0121 646 3496 Email: enquiry@stclemce.bham.sch.uk Head Teacher: Mrs J Howell
Tel: 0121 675 2359 Fax: 0121 675 6912 Email: enquiry@stvincnt.bham.sch.uk Head Teacher: Mrs J Tibbits
Useful Information Name of school:___________________________________________ Address of school:_________________________________________ Telephone of school:________________________________________ Name of headteacher:______________________________________ Name of reception class teacher:______________________________ Name of school secretary:___________________________________
Important Times School starts:_______________________ Morning breaktime:___________________ Lunchtime:_________________________ End of school:_______________________ Other Information ___________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
There is a brilliant child locked inside every student. - Marva Collins
The POD 28 Oliver Street, Nechells, Birmingham, B7 4NX Bloomsbury Nursey & Children’s Centre Bloomsbury Street, Nechells , Birmingham, B7 5BX DESIGNED BY MISCFIT.CO.UK (WAYDE RAPHAEL)