2.0 December

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Olami’s Major Impact: How this organization is making a difference

Intelligo’s foolproof strategy

Launch a

Successful Brand From the Start


December 2019



hese days, the term brand isn’t just used for companies. With the complete cultural shift of influencers as key players in the marketplace, people are turning themselves into public personas, making themselves into a “brand” of their own. I go back and forth on my feelings about this. Sometimes it feels weird to see people

describe themselves in this way, and I’m grateful to be an observer. Other times, I fret over the fact that I don’t have my own personal brand nailed down yet (or ever?). Of course, when it comes to business, it’s no secret that chiseling out a specific strategy and personality is of utmost importance. In this issue, Tzivia Cohen, founder of marketing company 14Minds, discusses in-depth how to do so, dissecting how to get your service-based business up and running. In another piece, Jordan Odinsky, venture capitalist at Ground Up Ventures,

B4. Make Work More Meaningful Productivity expert Avraham Markovich explains how to increase efficiency and engagement at the office

B6. Shop Smarter Neighborhood Goods is changing the retail game

discusses the company’s decision to invest in Neighborhood Goods, a completely new type of retail shopping experience. He goes into detail about how the unique aspects of the brand are what pulled Ground Up to get on board. When it comes to Judaism, things get more interesting. With increasing numbers of people

B10. Defining Your Niche Create a brand strategy that will boost your business

straying from their roots, kiruv organization Olami has had to think really big about how it can

B12. Artificial Intelligence

attract young people today. They “sell” the idea that Judaism is worth fighting for and that each

in Action

person’s voice and participation matters. (See how they’re working to do so on page 16.)

Intelligo is using AI tech to

Jumping from that approach, I started thinking about the fact that whether we promote ourselves on Instagram or not, we all already have a unique brand of our own — because Hashem made us that way. Isn’t a personal “brand” just another way of describing our individual neshamos? Each person walking around is a compilation of his or her very own

change how companies hire

B16. Olami’s Impact How the kiruv organization is revitalizing Jewish identities

mission, personality, look, and feelings, and that is exactly what we need to remember when deciding what to do in this world. I hope the articles in this month’s issue inspire and encourage you to look inward and define

B22. Read Up Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin’s takeaways from

that even more.

The Ten Day MBA

Alex Abel, Editor in Chief

P.S. We love to hear your feedback! E-mail me any time to share at alex@20magazine.com. Editor in Chief, 2.0: Alex Abel Chief of Staff, US Office: Michal Frischman  |  Production Manager: Esti Vago Graphics: Devorah Cohen, Chaya Perel Nojovitz  |  Copy Editor: Malka Winner  |  Proofreader: Shana Halpert E-mail: EDITORIAL@20MAGAZINE.COM • ADVERTISE@20MAGAZINE.COM

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By Avraham Markovich


was spending 90 percent of her time

In one case, we had an entry-level

We consulted for a company that had

micromanaging her employees. Because

employee straight out of college

a warehouse with nearly 100 employees,

of this, she barely had any time left to

thriving for six months in a position.

and they wanted to increase production.

focus on the company’s growth, leaving

When a managerial position opened up,

We started tracking every employee’s

her manager questioning why he was

we suggested the company promote

metrics and then let them know what

paying her to do just that — and creating

him. They decided to take that chance,

their stats were for that week and

a team of frustrated people. By working

and he only continued to succeed,

how it compared to the others in their

with her, we helped her learn to let go

helping the company grow even further.

department. Just having the employees

and trust her employees more. This

In another case in which we made a

led to them working harder and her

similar recommendation, the employer

specifically how they were doing raised

being much happier, plus it freed up her

felt it was too quick of a move. In this

production by 20 percent.

time to work on bigger initiatives and

case, the employee felt undervalued and


ended up leaving, which was an even

glad that they were recognized and

bigger loss for the company.

worked even harder. The ones who had

Oftentimes, a new manager can transform a team and production can

Many people are motivated by

aware that management knew

The ones who had high metrics were

a lower performance realized they had

skyrocket even when no members of the

the opportunity to take on more

to work harder if they wanted to keep

team change. Practically, managers should

responsibility and secure a higher-

their job. It helped all the employees

take time to get to know their employees,

level role (with better compensation

perform at their best.

Everything in the world that isn’t growing is dead. Trees, flowers,


help them grow their skill sets, and move

to match). Bring out the best in your

grass, animals — if they aren’t growing, they aren’t alive anymore.

The first step to creating a meaningful

them into positions where they can use

employees by giving them opportunities

team accountable, it’s important that

The only exception to this rule is people. People can stop growing

workplace is ensuring that the

their strengths and excel.

and awarding strong performance.

each member of your team has a clear

managers and supervisors help their

Of course, before you can hold your

understanding of their individual roles

and still be alive, but G-d created us with a purpose — to grow. This

team grow. That may seem obvious,



and responsibilities. Simply put, they

is true in all areas of life — and it’s true in the workplace as well.

but unfortunately, in many businesses,

Another way to create a meaningful

Accountability may seem scary, but it is

can’t be held accountable if they don’t

managers are essentially babysitters

workplace experience is to give your

actually a game-changer for companies.

know exactly what is expected of them.

who control and often micromanage

employees a chance to move up in

People do their best when they know


Making changes to the way you

their employees. Not only are managers

the company. Many businesses lock

their work is being seen and makes an

conduct your business isn’t always

any employees today

being creative, while others are drawn

too overpaid to play this role — but

employees into the roles they were

impact. No one wants to be embarrassed

easy. But by implementing meaningful

view their workplace as

to problem solving. Some people are

this approach also doesn’t yield the

hired to fill.

by a mediocre performance; on the

practices, you will be laying a

somewhere they have

energized by interacting with and

best results. Further, employees desire

contrary, most people want to be

foundation for a happier, more fulfilled

to be, not a place they

helping others, while others enjoy the


the ladder when management positions

acknowledged for their efforts, as

team, and a more productive and

become available, they bring in new people

well as praised and rewarded for their

profitable workplace.


want to be. But a job should be a source of fulfillment, a place where the work

freedom of independent work.

member with the tools, resources,

to assume those roles. When employees

is challenging and opportunities for

be placed in a purposeful role

and encouragement they need to

don’t feel there are opportunities for

growth abound. At work, individuals

that fulfills them. Fulfilling work

execute their responsibilities and reach

advancement, they don’t push themselves

should be able to grow every day toward

translates to higher productivity, and

their potential. The best managers

as hard or perform as well. Also, there is

Avraham Markovich is the CEO of Happili.Co. In his work, he consults

the goal of realizing their unique

higher productivity means higher

understand people’s different

actually less risk involved in moving an

with companies experiencing employee issues that result in a lack of

potential for the benefit of the whole.

profitability. That means everybody

personality styles and know how to

existing employee into a leadership role, if

wins, the employer and employee alike.

enable and inspire their employees to do

he or she has a demonstrated work ethic.

issues, he draws on his expertise in metrics, recruiting, and in-person surveys to

their best work.

Even if the current employee hasn’t been

maximize a team’s productivity. He can be reached at 516-668-6460 or via e-mail

there that long, it can still be better than

at letstalk@happili.co.


It’s important that employees

Good managers empower each team

Rather than advancing employees up

Here are a few things employers can

What makes work “meaningful” is

do to help create a more meaningful —

very individual. Some people thrive on

and profitable — workplace:

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2.0 DECEMBER 2019

One of the companies we consulted for had an issue with a manager who

productivity and profitability. Helping companies get to the core of these

hiring someone from the outside. DECEMBER 2019

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ASK A V.C. Investor Secrets Revealed By Jordan Odinsky and David Stark


An inside look at the Plano, Texas store.

world has been hearing about the “death of physical retail.” As legacy brands such as

changing space of the world’s most

JCPenney and Macy’s face a

exciting brands, products, and concepts.

Neighborhood Goods enables digitally

More than that, Neighborhood Goods

native brands to make a seamless

is a community, bringing thoughtful

transition into a physical location,

a transformational shift in

people together to shop, eat, and learn

affording them the benefits of a

consumer shopping behavior

through its vibrant physical spaces,

concrete presence, while allowing

editorial channels, events, and in-house

them to stay focused on what they are

restaurants. The first store opened in

best at — rather than on developing,

always known, to experiential

Plano, Texas, in November 2018, and

launching, and operating their own

retail, in which brands bring

Neighborhood Goods just inaugurated

actual stores.

steady decline, we’re seeing

away from what we’ve

their products alive through storytelling and design.

in real life is the ability to walk out of a store with your purchase. One of the advantages of online shopping, on the


other hand, is efficiency: the ability to


bounce around effortlessly and not wait in lines.

CEO of Neighborhood Goods, we were

For years, people have been saying that

our company, Ground Up

excited to discover in him someone

e-commerce will wipe out physical

Ventures, formed a thesis

with a shared vision for the future of

retail. But even Amazon, the Angel of

offers different ways to shop to fit every

around a future of retail

retail. Alexander has the experience and

Death to brick-and-mortar businesses,

customer’s preference in a way that

that is omnichannel (or integrating

ability to create a retail brand of lasting

has shown a strong commitment to a

makes online and offline seamlessly

different shopping methods, like

significance in this evolving landscape.

new physical retail strategy through

flow into one another. “The goal

online, through a physical store,

That’s why he and his company caught

the opening of its own organic store

for us is to get out of the way of the

by phone, and so on), on-demand,

our eye.

concepts, Amazon Go and Amazon

customer,” Alexander says. “If you

Books, as well as with its acquisition of

want to come in and have a showroomy

Whole Foods Market.

experience where you buy something,

met Matt Alexander, the founder and 2.0 DECEMBER 2019

One of the advantages of shopping

Chelsea Market earlier this month.

s these trends unfold,

experiential, and curated. And when we

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another branch at New York City’s



In line with these trends,

Neighborhood Goods is a new type of department store, featuring an ever-

Accordingly, Neighborhood Goods


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Investor Secrets Revealed

but you don’t necessarily want to carry

design of the store, which includes a

to loyal followers of these brands is

it home, we can ship it to you. If you

proprietary restaurant concept called

another way that Neighborhood Goods

want to order for in-store pickup, that’s

Prim & Proper, and which provides

is thinking about how to deliver value

fine as well. If you want on-demand

ample communal space to host

to its tenants beyond the physical space

delivery within a few hours, you can do

workshops, lectures, and other events,

of its store.

that. Or if you want to go the traditional

like product launches or parties.

online route and order from the comfort

For any experience to stay fresh, it

If you’re interested in learning more about

of your home and have it brought to

must be dynamic. Unlike traditional

Neighborhood Goods, feel free to visit them

you, that also works.”

department stores, at which the only

at neighborhoodgoods.com or follow along

things that occasionally change from

at @neighborhoodgoods.


visit to visit are the clothes on the racks,


Neighborhood Goods will feature a

In the spirit of creating this frictionless

revolving set of brands and categories

shopping experience, Neighborhood

so that each visit to the store is an

Goods offers self-checkout in the store.

opportunity to discover and interact

is an investor at

Shoppers can scan an item’s barcode

with new companies, installations,

Ground Up Ventures,

and pay via the Neighborhood Goods

and events. This dynamism is even

app, eliminating any unnecessary

programmed into the in-store restaurant

capital firm based in the United

interactions with sales clerks or

concept: the menu evolves throughout

States and Israel, founded in 2018

waiting in line to pay. The app’s indoor

the day and covers everything from

by Cory Moelis and David Stark. It

positioning function recognizes your

breakfast and a coffee pick-me-up to

is a generalist fund that invests in

location in the store, and a member of

after-work drinks and weekend brunch.

pre-seed and seed-stage companies.

the Neighborhood Goods team brings you your items, bagged and ready to go.



Jordan Odinsky

an early-stage venture

Ground Up Ventures has invested in eight companies to date across


the insurance, retail, financial, real

People want to be exposed to items and

estate, and enterprise verticals.


ideas that are new. However, most prefer

For offline shopping to stay relevant, it

that someone else do the “heavy lifting”

must become all about the experience.

of the discovery and filtering process.

“I don’t think retail is dead,” Neil

Neighborhood Goods delivers this

Blumenthal, the co-CEO of Warby

value proposition with a curated set

founding partner at

Parker, told The Wall Street Journal.

of brands that only includes the most

Ground Up Ventures.

“Mediocre retail experiences are

interesting emerging digitally native

dead.” While e-commerce may possess

category leaders and that covers

David was a builder and partner

an advantage for efficiency-minded

children, men, women, and lifestyle, so

at OurCrowd, a 1.2B Israel-based

transactional shopping, brick-and-

there is something for everyone.

venture capital fund, in which he

mortar locations have a clear advantage for social, experiential shopping. A core part of the philosophy of

Neighborhood Goods is also

David Stark is a

Before Ground Up,

invested in over 100 startups. David

producing and curating retail- and

started his career in Blackstone’s

brand-oriented content dedicated

real estate private equity group and

Neighborhood Goods is that the store

to “Behind the Brands” stories. The

is a graduate of the Wharton School

should be a neighborly gathering place.

power of these stories to upgrade

of the University of Pennsylvania.

This belief is manifest in the physical

shoppers from regular customers

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MARKETING 101 14Minds By Tzivia Cohen



many different people, you’ll probably

what a service-based

need the equipment, space, marketing,

business is. A company

and manpower to make it all happen.

in this category provides

The more you own your niche, the

NAILING DOWN A NICHE Stuck on what to focus on? The good news is there are so many ways to specialize! Try combining two of these market segments to create your unique space:

intangible skilled or creative work to

fewer resources you’ll need, so there is

benefit its clients. Examples include

more potential for profit at the end of

accounting, consulting, landscaping,

the day.

Geographic: a specific location, climate, or population density


Demographic: attributes like age, gender, income, education level, occupation

marketing, and software development, but there are so many more.

When choosing a specialty, you

If your target market is broad, every

may be thinking that getting a

project or customer will be very

new business off the ground is

different. You’ll constantly have to

difficult enough, and it may seem

work to gain the relevant knowledge

counterintuitive to limit your potential

or skills to perform well. This is not a

customer base. But the reality is

practical way to grow a business, and

that targeting a more specific niche

it significantly impacts your ability

will actually help you attract more

to scale. Conversely, if you know

customers, scale faster, and be more

everything there is to know about your

profitable. Here’s how to do it.

specialty, you can develop a standard

Psychographic: intrinsic values such as lifestyle, personality, traits, opinions Behavioral: behaviors like product usage, technology adoption, and so on Occasional: based on certain occasions or times of the year Firmographic: for B2B, attributes like company size, number of employees

process that gets a little bit better


every time you implement it.

In CPR training, we’re taught to ask

WANT EVEN MORE INSPIRATION? Here are some other examples of ways to take a business from broad to niche:

a specific person to dial 911, because


if a person shouts “somebody call

It’s a crowded market out there,

911!” into a crowd, no one will take

and chances are you’ve got lots of

action, thinking everyone else is doing

competition. Consumers are savvy

it. Marketing is very similar to this

and skeptical, and they need to really

scenario. If you have a vague message,

believe that you are the right fit.

you’re shouting your message to

Specialization makes it difficult for

that specializes in implementing strategic marketing

“somebody,” and nobody is going to be

people to shop around, because there

campaigns for forward-thinking businesses. This column will

listening. However, if you have clearly

won’t be anything to compare to.

defined your specialty, you can be very

As an added bonus, you can charge

specific when you talk about what you

a slightly higher price point than

offer. When the right person gets your

competitors because you know your

business around it. Within four

Tzivia Cohen is the founder and

marketing messages, whether in a print

specific area so well.

years, this became a $20 million

CEO of 14Minds, a marketing

ad, on your website, or through social

An example of a company that

business with more than 50,000

agency that specializes in growing

media, they should immediately feel a

seamlessly hit all these points is

customers a month. The entire

businesses and nonprofits with

connection along the lines of, “This is

Drybar — a brand that provides one

process is completely consistent

innovative, results-driven campaigns. Do

what I need in my life!”

single service — blowouts for women,

in all locations, from the music to

you have questions for Tzivia? Send them

instead of everything else other hair

the choice of drinks the women

in to tzivia@14minds.com for a chance to


salons offer. They found a really

are offered, and the possibilities

see them appear in our next column!

If you do a lot of different things for

specific niche and built an entire

for expansion are unlimited.

Meet Tzivia Cohen: Tzivia runs 14Minds, a marketing agency

provide advice and answers to entrepreneurs to help them navigate the complex process of growing their business.


irst, let’s start with defining

2.0 DECEMBER 2019

Copywriting services vs. resume writing services for college grads Law firm vs. flat-rate legal services for small-business owners Cleaning company vs. same-day cleaning for apartments Photographer vs. wedding photojournalist


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Hiring Using Artificial Intelligence

By Sabrina Brick


competition resides in the world

more accurate and even less expensive.

of companies that are still doing

The director quoted above said that the

background checks manually.

report he’d asked for could have cost $50,000 using a company that does


manual background checks, but because

To complete their comprehensive

of Intelligo’s technology, it had cut the

background check, Intelligo’s AI

cost down to just $3,000.

and machine-learning technology

“Since then, we’ve done many of

sifts through every source available,

these types of reports, and I have seen

including criminal, civil, state, federal,

myself how the accuracy of the reports

and county records, as well as financial

has become even greater while the cost

reports and social media, Mirvis

of the reports has gone down,” he says.

explains. Its clientele is comprised

In addition, the turnaround time

of investment allocators, private equity firms, large hedge funds, and

In 2012, Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson was fired after it was discovered that he lied about his academic credentials on his résumé. This is exactly the type of situation that Intelligo helps prevent, says CEO Shlomo Mirvis. The Israelbased startup, founded by Mirvis, Dana Rakovsky, and Nadav Ellinson, is using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to streamline and simplify the background-check process so results are more accurate, faster, and more thorough than ever.

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investment banks. efore Intelligo came into

While AI is what makes Intelligo

existence in 2015, companies

so unique, the company balances it

or individuals who wanted

with human analysts who review the

to investigate potential

information to ensure 100 percent

employees or people they might invest

accuracy, shares Nadav Ellinson, vice

with could hire analysts to provide

president of product management

background checks to ensure the person

and a cofounder of the company. The

they were about to hire was trustworthy.

technology is so advanced that it can

In the best-case scenario, Mirvis

achieve a level of 90 percent accuracy.

says, these analysts would spend

The human involvement acts as an

weeks sifting through information,

insurance policy to bridge the gap and

and then turn it into a comprehensive,

reach the full 100 percent.

understandable report that could

“That’s something that’s unique in

cost tens of thousands of dollars. But

and of itself,” Ellison says. “We’ve built

because we live in a world saturated

a platform internally, which allows

with data, these background checks

analysts to be able to interact with the

were often difficult to read and

data and to have that molding together


of human and machine. It leads to very

So Intelligo’s founders credit their success to doing what no one else has

high efficiency.” One of Intelligo’s directors and

to getting the information in hand is


the importance of due diligence in the

much quicker than before. Intelligo

hiring process, he approached Intelligo

sends a comprehensive report directly

for a background check on their

to its client’s inbox within two to three

potential hire.

business days of the initial request,

“They did a report on the person

compared to the two to three weeks

that was very thorough and accurate,”

it can take to receive a report from

he explains. “Basically, we thought we

a company performing the checks

knew him and then realized we knew

manually. This allows the client to

nothing about him.”

move on to other opportunities much

Because of Intelligo’s background check, he didn’t hire that person. But

faster or proceed confidently without delay.

he was so impressed with Intelligo’s

“The real money-saving, though,

work that he decided to invest in the

is on the other end,” Ellinson says. “If


we find something that a competitor

“I’ve been in the story since the

didn’t, and they choose to not invest

beginning as a client, as someone who

because of our background check, they

used Intelligo for due diligence for

can often save many millions of dollars

projects for our company, and then as

on avoiding bad investments.”

an investor who has seen it go from very

Siegman offered an example of

little technology and a lot of human

one report that Intelligo produced,

interaction to mostly technology and

which found that a fund manager had

very little human input,” he shares.

fabricated having graduated from

done — providing comprehensive

investors (who has chosen to remain

a certain university and that he’d

background checks using new and

anonymous) became involved when


been involved with multiple lawsuits.

advanced technology, says Rachel

he and a friend were looking to hire a

Relying mostly on human intelligence

Because of this information, the client

Siegman, director of marketing. Their

CEO for a company in Africa. Knowing

is a costly operation. Now, results are

was able to accurately assess the levels


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Nadav Ellinson, co-founder of Intelligo and vice president of product development, poses in front of the company’s sign at their headquarters in Petah Tikva.

not have a complicated hierarchical structure, decisions can be made quickly, and young employees can easily work their way up. “When people come into work, they’re not just coming in to work for a company that is paying them a salary. Rather, they are coming in to achieve a mission and to be able to change an hired that driver is using Intelligo,

convenient and affordable, and the

they would immediately get a flag

results come back quickly.”

about what happened. “When you do

Shlomo Mirvis, CEO and co-founder of Intelligo, involves the team in a strategy decision.

unique position he is in to create a

it in a way where there’s a machine


company culture. His original goal,

that constantly monitors them, you’re

Intelligo models the innovation they

which he says he’s achieved, is to put

preventing the liability of having

offer to others in their own work

together a dream team of clever and

suspicious activity [and] dubious

someone on your team who could be

environment as well. Siegman notes

intelligent employees, so everyone can

and ultimately chose not to invest with

connections, and understand the risks

dangerous,” he says.

that all the walls in their offices

constantly learn from each other. He


that can be either with people you invest

are glass, echoing the transparent,

says he looks for people who smile a lot,

trustworthy company culture.

so they can better deal with a startup’s

It’s that kind of quality that continues

with or your own employees.”

Another way Intelligo is changing the way people view background checks is

A practical example of ongoing due

that they are no longer waiting until the

stays with the company or individual

diligence is hiring an Uber driver who

very last minute in the hiring process to

mentality with a high level of success.

realizes how important it is to have a

even after the new employee or

passed the initial background check, but

order one. Because background checks

“Some of it may come from general

positive demeanor when working with

executive is brought on board.

just a month later commits a crime in a

used to be expensive and cumbersome

Israeli chutzpah,” she says. “People

a team.

different state.

to wait for, with no alternative option,

aren’t questioning or nervous. Here,

people would order them right before

[what’s rewarded] is the ideology

be an industry leader yet his ultimate

they were planning to close a deal.

of hard work reaping benefits. That

dream is to create a more reliable,

provides a lot to startup culture. They

transparent world. So his desire

“[The person you hire] might be great when you [first] bring him on, but

2.0 DECEMBER 2019

As CEO, Mirvis spoke about the

of risk associated with the individual

past the hiring stage as well. Intelligo

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“He’s already a licensed Uber driver,

She also credits Israel’s startup

constant challenges, and because he

Mirvis says his goal is for Intelligo to

then he could have issues a month, two

and you have no way to know about

months later, a year later,” the director

the crime because you already did a

quoted above explains. “The machine

background check,” the director says.

doing research, and right at the end,

work hard and late, and are willing and

includes having other companies

that they created does ongoing due

“You could technically go ahead and

all of that investment would have been

happy to do it because they are making

they’re in competition with thrive as

diligence. So it’s constantly crawling

order a background check every year,

wasted,” Ellison explains. “Now we

an impact.”

well. Not only does that competition

and monitoring the Internet as almost

which a lot of financial institutions

see clients doing background checks

a ‘Big Brother,’ where you can see

do.” But if the person or company who

much earlier because they are more

“They’d spend a lot of time and effort

Ellinson addressed the fact that because Intelligo is a startup and does

create a better product, he says, but “their success is my success.”


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Shaping Jewish Leaders

By Tamar Skydell

Picture a room with hundreds of young Jews all united in one mission — getting closer to Judaism, reconnecting to its meaning, and bringing that excitement back home with them to share with others. That’s exactly what the Olami Impact Accelerator conference creates. Every year, through powerful workshops, speakers, and personal connections, with both peers and role models, a new group of leaders from around the world is chosen to meet and then return home to countries across the globe to implement what they’ve learned — and to continue their own personal journeys of Jewish growth. The most recent Impact Accelerator conference was held from May 26 to June 2, in Spain.




lami was created 18 years

principles, and culture. A key aspect of

ago by Zev Wolfson and Elie

their work is focused on the yearlong

Horn, two esteemed Jewish

Impact Accelerator program where they

philanthropists, with a goal

promote and inspire the leadership

of educating young secular Jews about the significance of including Jewish

Jackie Engel, Olami’s director of

principles and awareness in their daily

leadership development, explains


that the goal of their programs is to

Although Wolfson passed away in

give Jews clarity and direction about

2012, his family has continued to be

the things they care about. “Torah

heavily involved in his initiatives and

can impact you in a very positive

projects. The Wolfsons and Horn were

way, whether it’s through your

driven by the desire to make a difference

career, friendships, dating, or overall

and perpetuate Jewish identity and

happiness,” she says. “We try to show

continuity, especially in secular

people how Jewish wisdom is relevant

communities. They’ve been funding

to their lives now.”

various organizations for decades, but

Nadav Ellinson, co-founder of Intelligo and vice president of product development, poses in front of the company’s sign at their headquarters in Petah Tikva.


The launch of Olami was monumental

about three and a half years ago, they

for Jewish leadership globally, as it

realized they’d have more impact if they

initiated a strong link with hundreds

fused into one branded entity, which led

of organizations, all united with the

to the creation of Olami.

common goal of strengthening and

Olami now funds a whopping

educating secular Jewry. Engel says that

320 organizations, all focusing on

Olami works on “galvanizing young

unaffiliated Jews, in order to propel

leaders to help make an impact and form

their exploration of Jewish learning,

connections among Jews.” DECEMBER 2019

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the help desk at Apple that goes by the

selective and exclusive. Local

spiritually and emotionally enriched,

same name. Conference attendees can

organizations that participate in Olami

the goal of the few days together

meet one-on-one with a “genius” VIP of

around the world nominate their best

revolved around empowering them

their choice and use that opportunity to

students, and Olami students can also

to make an impact on the world at

bounce off any idea or question about life,

refer other students. The candidates are

large. “Stepping up to help others and

business, and Judaism. Engel confides

then required to submit an extensive

taking action shapes your own personal

that the “Genius Bar” was a highlight of

application and, finally, are interviewed.

growth,” Engel says. “They’re not just

the whole trip, explaining that it helped

The students need to have prior

talking the talk. They’re internalizing

intensify the swell of Jewish identity,

leadership experiences under their belt

the Jewish education and personal

connection, and pride that was built up

before applying to the conference. Even

inspiration, and using that to make a

throughout the conference.

an experience that seems as simple as


sentiment. “The conference offers the

Israel, and Rabbi Akiva Tatz were just

leadership of young Jewish adults and

students Jewish leadership training,

two out of many high-profile educators

students, rather than that of rabbinical

a sense of family, belonging, and

who took part in the conference. Howard

mentors at the Genius Bar included

or counseling figures. She explains that

community,” she says. “We have a

Jonas, founder of the IDT Corporation,

Rabbi Lau (mentioned above), Ralph

involving young adult ambassadors is

huge network so we can connect them

and Ralph Herzka, CEO of Meridian

Herzka (also mentioned above), and

countless applications,” Engel says.

countless organizations across the

a crucial aspect of their programming.

with business, career, and mentorship

Capital Group, also participated, among

Sol Werdiger, the president and CEO of

“We sift through them and look for

globe, all of whom laud the conference

“The next generation is being inspired

opportunities. The conference is all

others. David Yarus, the creator of

Outerstuff LLC.

the stand-outs. We want to see leaders

for its ability to unite and motivate

and empowered by their peers, rather

about building personal connections

JSwipe, a Jewish dating app, came to give

with passion, leaders who are articulate

young Jewish professionals. Rabbi

than by rabbis, in order to show the

with people, and we infuse that into

media, practical, and interpersonal skill

professionals involved in Olami, praised

and well informed. We want to hear

Menachem Lehrfield, from Denver

living proof of the benefits of Jewish



this unique aspect of the conference

their deep, sincere, and thought-out

Young Professionals, reported back

as an opportunity to gain insight into

reasons for why they are interested in

that “the leaders have excelled in many

“The ambassadors themselves are


says, explaining that “educational

a certain area of leadership, to get

the program… It’s important that they

areas. Firstly, in their commitment to

evidence of the improvements that

Engel and Charlie Harary, a renowned

themes of responsibility and courage”

advice on what they’re doing in their

have that sense of accomplishment and

our board and to taking responsibility

Olami will bring to your life.”

inspirational Jewish speaker, planned

were woven into discussions while

communities, and essentially to “pick

duty. If they are going to be leaders on

for all of our JewPro programming.

their brains on anything.”

Olami’s Impact Accelerator, they need to

Secondly, in their active desire to bring

know what it means to step up and take

in new people to our program who


previously were not involved. To date,

education and affiliation,” she says.

Olami chooses its most valued

Every year’s itinerary is unique, Engel

Some of the people who served as

Marcus Mendleson, one of the young

the curriculum for the conference.

participants learned about the Spanish

ambassadors to partake in a yearlong

Impact Accelerator summits have been

Inquisition. An all-day leadership

Impact Accelerator program. Each

put together by Olami for the past three

conference in the hotel consisted of


year, the program culminates in a big

years, providing Jews all around the

“breakouts, think tanks, lectures, and

The process for choosing ambassadors

conference. It’s an event that further

world with the opportunity to meet and

discussions,” which were useful before

to attend the conference is highly

instills Jewish pride and leadership

make a difference. There’s a small but

their Erev Shabbos tour of Toledo. Rabbi

within them. “It moves them to a place

dedicated logistics team that arranges

Lau’s participation on Shabbos was

of unwavering certainty in their roles

the touring, scheduling, and nitty-

incredibly uplifting. And then Sunday was

as Jewish leaders,” Engel says. “They

gritty details of the trip.

spent brainstorming ways to get involved

emerge from the conference with a

This year’s whirlwind, jampacked program commenced with an

potential of their impact. We want them

invigorating opening ceremony, and then

philanthropists who want to partner

to have the courage to stand up for what

participants toured Segovia and Madrid,

with Olami and see the work that we

they believe in. We provide them with

partook in a leadership conference in

do,” Engel says. “We match these VIPs

peer support, inspiration, and clarity of

Toledo, and networked with a diverse

as mentors to the ambassadors.”

vision for what they’re doing.”

range of successful VIPs, who offered

Michal Nordmann, the director

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committee is beneficial. “Olami’s Impact Accelerator receives

Although the more than 500 ambassadors left the conference feeling

The conference’s attendees leave the trip feeling motivated and ready to work. Olami has heard back from

there have been 15–20 new people, which in Denver is a huge number.”

and make a difference back home.

newfound sense of understanding of the

of marketing at Olami, echoes the

participating on a school leadership

“There are prestigious Jewish

The programmers put a clever twist

personal and business mentorship. Rabbi

on the networking aspect by creating a

Yisrael Meir Lau, former chief rabbi of

“Genius Bar,” with a concept similar to

A scene from the open-air beis midrash session in Toledo, Spain. DECEMBER 2019

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he explains. “He taught me that Judaism is all about connecting to one another in a warm way.” Mendleson explains that he was hesitant to get involved in Orthodox programs, such as Aish’s Olami, because he was not religious and did not think he would belong there. However, after Rabbi Muller passed away, Mendleson felt an unmistakable void in his life, and he knew that he

Joseph Gunsburg from the Israel Olami oragnization, Nefesh Yehudi, poses for the camera

Rabbi Aaron Katz, from Meor at Temple University, explained that


had to reconnect. He started attending

“empower the students and their peers on a grassroots level, showing that Judaism is cool, valuable, and necessary.” She says it’s imperative that the Orthodox community gets involved in kiruv. “The observant world may perceive it as giving, but they are truly benefiting and giving back to themselves at the end of the day,” she

Shabbat meals at the home of Rabbi

do things, but they don’t want to have

things are being thrown at you, so it’s

explains. “When they realize that they

Mendy Brukier, an Olami educator

to go out and search for it,” he says.

easy to learn and hold onto our religion,

are mentors and role models, they gain

originally from New York, which led

“Together, we worked hard to recruit

but once you’re out of school, you need

passion and clarity by showcasing their own skills and knowledge.”

him to further his involvement in the

70 people in Essex who pledged to keep

to search for Jewish inspiration and

shown tremendous personal spiritual

organization. He became close to Rabbi

Shabbos one week, in an imitation of

wisdom on your own.


Mendy, who advised him to get involved

the Shabbos project.

their student leaders helped engage

Engel says that a potent way of promoting Jewish leadership is to

in Olami’s Impact Accelerator program

“We learn about how Havdalah can

The frum Jews will become deeply inspired when they watch and

be done, how Kabbalas Shabbos can be

understand the power of kiruv, and it

the majority of the community is barely

done. People are shocked when they

helps their own Judaism thrive when

affiliated. It was really powerful to see

come — they had no idea Jewish customs

they get to be part of that exciting

“This was a really big deal for us, as

over 200 new participants to their


programming, and they brought in

Mendleson, the young Jewish

over 70 young professionals to join

professional mentioned above, is an Olami

impact of the program until you’re

my neighbors, friends, and peers join

could be like this, with singing, dancing,

process. It creates an electric cycle of

their committed learning program.

ambassador from Essex in Northeast

on it yourself,” Mendleson shares. “I

together, and it made me understand

music, socializing. It helps us grow and

inspiration within both the frum and

This Meor rabbi says that they all

London. He says his involvement in

was able to meet hundreds of other

the power of a communal effort. If we

retain our Jewish identity in an exciting

secular worlds.

“really stepped it up, stepped out

Olami has changed his Jewish identity.

young Jews just like me from 28 other

can get 70 nonreligious Jews in Essex

yet powerful way.”

of their comfort zone, and worked

“I am proud to stand up and share my

countries. Hearing about what they do

to keep Shabbos for one week, think

extremely hard. They are dedicated to

Jewish experience, thoughts, feelings,

in their communities to engage their

of what we can accomplish through

the strategic development of the

for secular Jews, as it strengthens

not only reaching the Olami goals, but

and connection,” he says.

peers lit something inside of me. It

hundreds of Olami organizations

organization is. “We need to make

their affiliation and helps keep the

made me realize that I wanted to do

around the world… It’s as though I have

sure our messaging is consistent and

fire alive. However, he stresses that

more and make a difference.

this fire lit within me, now that I’ve

correct,” she says. “When crafting a

it is important to have leaders who

come to understand that I can truly

marketing strategy, it is essential

are approachable and relatable for

make a difference.”

that you know your audience. You

irreligious Jews.

to really building relationships with

Mendleson grew up mostly secular,

and attend their conference in Spain. “It’s impossible to grasp the

the newly engaged Jews, which has

with elements of traditional Judaism

shown, and will hopefully continue

woven in throughout his life. “I partook

to show, real growth from the new

in a lot of Jewish extracurricular

attending dinners, and socializing, but


activities when I was growing up,”

I realized that I needed to take an active

“Yes, I had been going to barbecues,

Nordmann explains how important

need to recognize where the students

Mendleson says that Jewish leadership and education is imperative

Marcus says, “To us, a real Jewish

he says. “I worked at my local JCC in

role. I came up with different ideas and


are coming from and what they’re

leader is someone who is patient and

“were also an unbelievable team;

various leadership roles, and my family

initiatives that we’ve put into practice

Mendleson explains his mindset shift

looking to gain.” She explains that

explains everything. A real Jewish

as opposed to competing with each

always focused on celebrating the

now, and it’s shown me the power of

— on the surface, Orthodox Judaism

Olami tries to put themselves in the

leader allows everyone to feel accepted

other, they really worked together,

holidays together.”

both the individual and the community

can seem radical or unapproachable and

mindset of a student and a young

and welcomed. Everyone wants to feel

as a whole.”

almost frightening to Jews with little

professional. They strengthen their

part of something that, as Jews, is our

to no religious affiliation. It’s a stigma

understanding through testing various

birthright. It’s who we are, and it’s who

He adds that these student leaders

covering for one another at times when

When asked about having any Jewish

some were unable to give it their full

mentors, Mendleson was quick to point

attention. We would meet as a group

to a rabbi from his neighborhood’s

was passionate about was Shabbos.

Olami works hard to eradicate. “The

messages and programs, and they

we will always be. A real Jewish leader

at least twice a week, which also really

Chabad. “His name was Rabbi Moshe

In his small community in Essex, he

conference shows us how fun Jewish

collaborate regularly with students and

wants to open the doors for everyone

helped bring them together, and we had

Muller, and he was a friend and a role

says, there are mostly nonobservant

life can be for a person in their 20s,”

educators in the organization in order

to understand, realize, and enjoy that

an ambassador Shabbos. Each one has

model to me, rather than just a rabbi,”

Jews. “They want to be involved and

Mendleson notes. “In Jewish school,

to do so.


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One of those initiatives Mendleson


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