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Mis Karizma
I'm a Owner/Photographer/Editor/Graphic Designer ~ my dad started teaching me the splendid art of photography when I was about 9 years old. He too was a professional photographer. I grew up learning the old, traditional style of actually processing film, printing your prints from negatives, and doing the photo editing by hand. I love both the old way & the digital way! These days we can do so much more, creative wise. But I believe growing up being taught photography just over 2/3 your life, can only make you a more informed, wiser photographer! When everything went digital, so did I. However, I do still have my Minolta 35mm! I do my own editing & Graphic Design. I wanted to know how it all worked, came together. I have a vast thirst for knowledge! As I also have a degree in CIS - Programming / Networking. I am also a licensed Master Cosmetologist. Knowledge is by biggest asset, photography is my passion!