Idea development

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PLANNING A SHORT FILM 14th February 2013

14TH FEBRUARY 2013 Lesson Objectives

Learning Outcomes

•  To understand the importance of the planning process when developing ideas for a short film.

I can demonstrate the importance of the planning process when developing ideas for a short film.

•  To know how to develop an idea that fits appropriately into the genre of ‘Gritty British Realism’.

I can explain how to develop an idea that fits appropriately into the genre of ‘Gritty British Realism’.

I can use imagining, planning and reviewing skills.

I can use the key words of: USP, Niche Market, genre, gritty British realism, BAFTA, appropriately.

•  To develop imagining, planning and reviewing skills. •  To focus on the key words of: USP, Niche Market, genre, gritty British realism, BAFTA.

PLANNING OF YOUR WORK •  Planning your work is vital and an important skill not only in media studies and other creative subjects but also in all the challenges you will face. Teachers plan lessons, solicitors plan their key evidence for the jury, surgeons plan their operations and Alfred Hitchcock planed Psycho. •  Your blog gives the examiner an insight in to your knowledge, understanding and creative interpretation. if you do not use your blog to show your planning, idea development and understanding of the process involved in making films and evaluating your own and others work, then how will the examiner know that you know and how will the examiner award you the marks and the grade that you deserve. •  Examiners are many things but they are not mind readers!

TASK 1 – PROJECT PLAN •  Outline your film idea using the project plan proforma. •  Include within your answer how your idea fits into the genre of ‘Gritty British Realism’. •  Include the 7 key features that your film needs in order to create the ‘Gritty British Realism’ style. •  Now that you have completed your preliminary film you can identify your strengths and your weakness in the process of film production. •  Always use PEE in your work – REMEMBER your examiner is not a mind reader.

7 KEY FEATURES •  1) British People •  2) Location and environment •  3) Relationships and attitudes towards others •  4) Interests and hobbies •  5) History and Culture •  6) Political affairs •  7) Crime and punishment

TASK 2 – UNIQUE SELLING POINT OF THE FILM •  Who is your target audience (nice market) for your film? •  What is the USP (unique selling point) of your film? •  What message do you want to get across to your audience? •  What are the most important scenes that will gain your target audiences attention and why? •  What other key pieces of information will you want to tell your potential audience through your trailer? •  Will use a theme, specific colours, text, transitions in your trailer and why? •  Always use PEE in your work – REMEMBER your examiner is not a mind reader!

TASK 3 - PRESENTATION •  You will be required to present your initial idea for your film and trailer to a BAFTA panel, your presentation will be filmed and the BAFTA panel will be able to ask you questions in order to help clarify some of your ideas. •  The film of your presentation will be up loaded to your blog in order to help promote your planning process and idea development to the examiner. •  Always use PEE in your work to assist with demonstrating knowledge, understanding and idea development. REMEMBER your examiner is not a mind reader.

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