Summer Task

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Lorem Ipsum

LBTS6 Summer 2012

AS Level Media Studies

Institutions Institutions Who is communicating, Who is communicating,and and why? why? What type of What type oforganisation organisation ororcompany is behind company is behindthis this text? Why have they made text? Why have they made it?it?What Whatare arethey theytrying tryingtoto do? do?How Howwas wasit itfinanced? financed?

Summer Task

Key Concepts

Genre Genre Representation What type Representation What typeofoftext textisis How does it present its How does it present its it?it? subject? What subject? Whatisisit?it?IsIsit it IsIsit itfair, accurate or fair, accurate or similar similartotoother othertexts texts honest? What meanings I’ve seen why? honest? What meanings I’ve seen why? Audience Audience does doesit itattempt attempttotocreate create Who receives it and about aboutthe thepeople, people,places placesoror Who receives it and what whatsense sensedodothey they things thingswithin withinit?it? make of it? make of it? Who Whoisismeant meanttoto watch/see watch/seethis? this?What What type typeofofperson? person?Am AmI I part partofofthis thisaudience? audience? Why is it aimed Why is it aimedatatthem? them?

Technologies How is it produced? What techniques and equipment were used? What is the quality of the text? Has it been limited by resources or does it look this way for a reason?

Media MediaLanguage Language How do we know How do we knowwhat whatit it means? means? What interesting What interestingelements elements within the text encourage within the text encourage me metotothink thinkcertain certainthings? things? Can CanI comment I commentononthe the shots; shots;lighting; lighting;props; props;or or 1 music etc? music etc?

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Key Concepts Representations



Media Language




[Issue] :: [Date]


Task Watch your favorite TV program and complete the grid using the key concept bubbles on the previous page to help you. NB: The term ‘Media Text’ refers to any Media product e.g. Film, TV show, magazine.

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