New Technology

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New Technologies 28th November 2012

th 28

November 2012

Lesson Objectives !   To understand the

importance of re visiting past essay questions. !   To know how to structure

and plan an essay. !   To develop extended

writing skills.

Learning Outcomes !   I can learn from my

mistakes and improve my responses to essay questions. !   I can plan a structured

essay. !   I can develop my extended

writing skills.

Quick Quiz !   1) What is Production? !   2) What is distribution? !   3) What is consumption? !   4) Where do teenagers commonly socialise? !   5) When is olden days?

Quick Quiz !   6) Who watches films? !   7) Name 3 ‘new technologies’ found in the average

home. !   8) Are people lazier today than 20 years ago? !   9)What is more important in a question 2 essay, fact or

your opinion? !   10) What TV channels were available in the 1880’s?

Pair share activity !   In Pairs write a list of modern production technologies. !   In Pairs write a list of modern distribution technologies !   In pairs write a list of modern consumption

technologies. Discuss findings with whole class.

Re visit pass questions !   Read through your last practice exam question and

with your partner discuss the areas you need to improve on and areas that you did well at.

!   Plan the outline for your essay and write one sentence

in each section to help you. Make notes on the reverse sheet to give you further info.

!   Swap your planning sheet with a friend and ask them

to proof read and check your plan

!   Has your partner clearly been able to PEE

!   What impact have new

technologies had on the medium of film and its audience?

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