I Am Marangelica Valdez
The best thing about yourself The best thing about myself is, I love learning. I easily get fascinated while learning at school or any new things outside of my educational settings. I think that loving to learn is a best thing to have because it is important to stay open to learning new things in life. It is a passion worthy of having and I think that is why it is the best thing about me. Besides that, I also think that I am a happy person. My attitude in wanting to learn makes me a better and happier person. Everyone should have that passion.
Which superhero are you? I picked Superman as my superhero, because I like the way he is, he is mild-mannered, good, strong and love to help others from people. Comparing to him, I may be a little different, but we share some similarities. For example, I like to help my friends with their homework, I am open minded and listen to others. Last but not least, I am strong. Another thing is, Superman’s different identity, Clark Kent, is reserved and shy. I am the same way, I like to be quiet and watch everything that’s happening. I feel that I learn more that way.
Pet-Peeve? My number one pet peeve is, waking up early in the morning. I hate the sick feeling I get when I wake up too early. It makes me feel heavy and sleepy for the rest of the day. I then get more tired, exhausted and drowsy as the day goes. All I want is to sleep more and it ruins my day. I also like to take my time, not to have any time commitment, to just chill and go on my own pace. So, having to get up early in the morning is definitely a pet peeve of mine.
Your proudest moment? When I was hard work earn it in the education, I wanted to prove to my family that I could do it. There were people who thought that I couldn’t, but their lack of belief in me pushed me to work harder. I knew I could succeed and know how important education is. I worked so hard and was thrilled when I actually got good grades. I got silver recognition twice and that’s when I was so proud of myself. My family is very proud of me and I plan to keep up that hard work for my junior year.
Your Hope or Dream