Annual report 2013

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2013 annual report

2013 rankings pro-business climate

South Carolina ranked 1st in attracting jobs through foreign investment – IBM-Plant Location International, 2013 Global Locations Trends: 2013 Annual Report

Best to Invest – Upstate South Carolina Alliance and Spartanburg Economic Futures Group – Site Selection magazine’s fifth-annual Global Best to Invest Report

South Carolina ranked 2nd best state in the nation on the “2013 Top States for Doing Business List” - Area Development magazine

South Carolina ranked 3rd for Infrastructure and Global Access - Area Development magazine

South Carolina ranked 7th in Automotive Manufacturing Strength and 10th as Automotive Parts Supplier Leaders - Business Facilities magazine, 2013 State Rankings Report

Greenville-Mauldin-Easley ranked 6th on America’s Engineering Hubs: The Cities with the Greatest Capacity for Innovation - Forbes

South Carolina ranked 10th for STEM Job Growth - 2013 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Enterprising States Report

Clemson University named the 21st Top Public National University - U.S. News & World Report for 2014

FTZ Zone 38 and Spartanburg County ranked the 5th most active FTZ for Exports - Global Trade Magazine

readySC™ and Apprenticeship Carolina™ awarded the Excellence in Economic Development Silver Award for work with ZF Group and the Center for Advanced Manufacturing - International Economic Development Council

a message from our chairman

Jim Evers, Chairman

Business moves here. > $1 billion in investment and 4,900 new jobs.

To all of our investors, both public and private, thank you for making 2013 a remarkable and notable year. Your investment in the Upstate SC Alliance continues to pay dividends for the entire Upstate region. During my tenure as Chairman, the Alliance has undergone more change than any other time in its history. The remarkable growth and numerous successes we have been able to achieve over the past few years is a direct result of your support, and for that I cannot thank you enough.

Watching the business recruitment team grow our depth and breadth in the target industries, the impact of having a dedicated research professional on staff, the collaborations with our area’s local economic development professionals, the expansion of our marketing programs to include events like the IndustryWeek Best Plants Conference, and the experience of watching new leaders develop within the organization are only a few of the memorable accomplishments of your Upstate SC Alliance staff and leadership.

While many see 2014 as a new era for your Upstate SC Alliance as a new CEO takes the helm, it is without a doubt the new leader will be joining a team of professionals that rival any economic development organization out there. Working together, they will steer this organization and region to an even more successful future.

I can say with all sincerity that it has been my honor to serve as your Chairman. I thank all of those that served before me for their guidance and wish the best to those to come. And to the staff, thank you for all you do to make the Upstate SC Alliance a dynamic organization and for the job you do in telling the story of the Upstate to the world. My tenure as Chairman of the Alliance, above all, has been a privilege.


a message from our president

Jennifer Miller, Interim President & CEO

the momentum is building in the upstate. can you feel it?

As we set out to celebrate international month in the Upstate, we must to take a moment to thank the community leaders responsible for putting us on the global map. Our success in the recruitment of foreign-owned companies did not happen by chance. Many decades ago, leaders from our region set out to recruit international textile manufacturers and machinists to the Upstate. If they only knew then the impact their hard work would have on the region. In 2013, South Carolina was recognized for the second year in a row for having the largest employment growth per capita by foreign-owned firms. And today, over 375 foreign-owned companies call the Upstate of South Carolina home. Those leaders built the economic foundation that we have now; a foundation that often gets the Upstate recognized as a region fighting way above its weight class. Over the next few years we will be strengthening this foundation even further as the inland port gains momentum and as our strategies from the Global Cities Exchange unfold. Combined with the growing level of innovation sparked by the many great research programs and institutes across our region, the Upstate is poised for a long road of economic success. This March marks my eighth year in the Upstate of South Carolina. I remember thinking eight years ago that there was something extraordinary about this place. And I was so right. Thank you all for making this region such a special place to call home and such a remarkable place to for us to sell to the world.


2013 HIGHLIGHTS new LABOR DATA In March, we were awarded $96,250 in grants and sponsorships from the Duke Energy Foundation and the South Carolina Power Team to gain access to a customizable labor market database for the region. Workforce is a major driver of projects and the Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) program allows the Upstate to compare current and future availability, demand, and wage rates across the United States.

AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS The Upstate SC Alliance received numerous awards and recognitions in 2013. Starting with the “Best in Class” recognition by Business Facilities magazine and followed by Site Selection magazine’s recognition of the region in its Best to Invest series. In addition, the marketing team received numerous awards from the Southern Economic Development Council and Erin Ford was recognized as an Emerging Leader in Energy by the Charlotte Business Journal.

BEST PLANTS CONFERENCE In April, we welcomed over 800 executives from 300 companies to the IndustryWeek Best Plants Conference in the Upstate. The 2 ½ day conference focused on continuous improvement in manufacturing and included plant tours, panel discussions and keynote presentations. The Upstate SC Alliance fully leveraged the event through major sponsorships, a 6-page spread in IndustryWeek magazine, promotions, and a VIP dinner with targeted manufacturing executives and IndustryWeek editors.




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Upstate SC Atlanta, GA



In addition to the new Upstate overview presentation and printed piece, we created 5 new industry-specific presentations, 12 new target industry fact sheets, 5 testimonial videos, new research reports and created a gift package for visiting guests that includes Upstate-made products.

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GLOBAL NETWORKS In 2013, the Upstate SC Alliance strengthened relationships with key partners in China, Germany, Austria, Spain and the United Kingdom. We helped facilitate a mutual cooperation agreement with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, a friendship agreement with the city of Handan and a memorandum of understanding between Clemson University and the Parque Cientifico de Madrid. We also leveraged relationships with the United Kingdom Trade & Investment organization, Austrian Trade Commission and Enviacon Intenational to gain introductions to executives in their respective countries.

energy summit In an effort to strengthen our reputation within our target industries, both internal and external, we sponsored and helped to create the first-ever Energy Summit with GSA Business. The event focused on our strengths in the energy world and featured industry leaders from Fluor Corporation, Itron, BMW Manufacturing, Hubbell Lighting, GE Power & Water, Duke Energy and Sempra US Gas & Power. We also continued to support and leveraged industry-related events in our state, such as the SC Automotive Summit, InnoMobility and the 2013 Face to Face Life Sciences Annual Conference for recruitment efforts and for recognition of our strengths in the target industries.

GLOBAL CITIES ACCEPTANCE In November, the Upstate was accepted to participate as one of the eight inaugural metropolitan areas in the prestigious Global Cities Initiative. A joint partnership of the Brookings Institution and JPMorgan Chase, the 4-year program will help guide leaders in our area to develop a more comprehensive global economic development strategy. 3

TARGET INDUSTRIES HIGHLIGHTS The Upstate SC Alliance continues to focus its efforts on the five key industries identified in the 2009 Target Industry Study. These five industries represent the highest growth potential for capital investment and job creation based on our region’s competitive advantages. In 2013, we continued to strengthen our recruitment efforts in these industries through a multifaceted marketing approach. Below is a summary of the highlights and major impacts to those targets over the past year.

Biosciences The Upstate SC Alliance played a key role as international matchmaker in a biotech partnership between Selah Genomics and Barcelona-based Ferrer inCode. This partnership was a result of the Alliance led mission trip to Spain in 2013. • Focus areas for 2014 will be medical device manufacturing, companion diagnostics/clinical trials, and pharmaceuticals. • We will continue to partner with Bioscience task force members at trade shows and add Upstate branding to their marketing materials. • We will continue to strengthen our partnership with SCBIO as a continuing member of the SCBIO board. MAJOR IMPACT: The SC High Growth Small Business Job Creation Act, passed in June of 2013, is boosting new bioscience investment. The act gives investors in high-impact companies a 35% tax credit. Twenty-six qualified businesses have registered to participate and reported creating 100 full-time, part-time, and temporary jobs. These companies also reported raising nearly $20,000,000 in capital, and categorized over $7,000,000 of this capital as qualified investments.

Advanced Materials Announcements in the Advanced Materials industry for 2013 totaled $404.4 million. We are proud to have such a robust and diverse group of Advanced Materials companies that call the Upstate home. Due to the fact materials reach across every one of our target industries, it is no surprise that this continues to be a leader of capital investment for such a strong manufacturing environment. MAJOR IMPACT: Colgate-Palmolive announced a large operation in Greenwood County, bringing another globally recognized firm to the region. Bericap and Fitesa each announced new investment for the Upstate region – along with 30 other companies that continue to thrive in South Carolina.

Aerospace Aerospace led the way for Upstate activity in terms of lead generation for 2013. There has been a significant increase in interest since we announced the industry as a target two years ago and the quantity of meetings during the Paris Air Show was a strong indicator that South Carolina is now a globally recognized location for the Aerospace industry. MAJOR IMPACT: Boeing’s 2nd announcement of $1 billion investment could nearly double employment at its North Charleston Dreamliner jetmanufacturing plant and help South Carolina land more aircraft suppliers. Boeing also announced the 737 MAX jet propulsion plant, “Propulsion South Carolina,” where engine inlet parts will be designed and assembled for the 737 MAX and possible future airplanes.

automotive The Automotive industry accounted for more than 1/3 of the jobs and capital investment announced in the Upstate for 2013. The majority of this past year’s investment and job growth stems from our existing industries, including Michelin, Sage Automotive, ZF, Borg Warner, and BMW which continue to be strong catalyst for economic development. The region also welcomed 12 new automotive companies with plans to open engineering offices, manufacturing facilities, North American headquarters, sales offices, and logistic operations in the Upstate. The majority of these new companies come from countries such as Japan, Germany, and Israel. Marketing missions included a state-led delegation to IAA in Frankfurt Germany with the Governor, multiple missions to Michigan, and attendance at the CAR Management Briefing Series and the OESA Annual Outlook meeting.

Energy Creating the first ever Energy Summit in partnership with GSA Business highlighted 2013 for the Upstate SC Alliance’s Energy marketing efforts. Over 200 people came to learn about our strength in the Energy industry from nine of the region’s Energy experts. Leaders from Sempra US Gas & Power, GE Power & Water and Duke Energy took the stage together as our own Erin Ford moderated their panel discussion. • We will continue our leadership role in E4 Carolinas to market the region as a key location in the energy corridor. • We will travel with Energy task force members to extend the Upstate SC Alliance marketing message and to connect with additional industry leaders. MAJOR IMPACT: In addition to our low power rates and reliable energy sources, new SC data center incentives and a streamlined state permitting process now make the Upstate a competitive region for data center recruitment. 4


Inbound events

Mission Trips

EVENT Energy Leadership Awards Site Selectors Guild Aerospace & Defense Supplier Summit Interphex Hannover Messe SAE World Congress/Detroit Mission SEDC Meet the Consultants SEMDA Conference Energy Inc. Summit JEC Americas International BIO Farnborough Air Show Southern Automotive Conference FABTECH OESA Annual Outlook/Detroit Mission

DATE Jan 30 Feb 24 - 26 March 11 - 15 March 18 - 20 April 7 - 11 April 7 - 10 April 15 - 16 May 7 - 8 May 9 May 13 - 15 June 23 - 26 July 14 - 20 Oct 8 - 10 Nov 11-13 Nov 11

EVENT SC Automotive Summit GACC- Southern SME Forum Food For Thought Port Consultant Event BMW Charity Pro-Am Euphoria Consultant Event SC BIO Conference InnoMobility

DATE LOCATION Feb 18 - 20 Upstate SC April 7 Upstate SC April 29 - May 1 Upstate SC May 12 - 14 Upstate SC May 15 - 18 Upstate SC Sept 18 - 21 Upstate SC Nov TBA Upstate SC Nov TBA Upstate SC

TARGETS Automotive German Industries Various Industries Site Consultants Various Industries Site Consultants Biosciences Automotive

EVENT COI Mission German Mission Clemson Bio Mission COI Mission United Kingdom Mission Asian Mission Canadian Mission COI Mission India Mission COI Mission COI Mission

DATE Jan 15 - 17 March 8 - 15 May 23 - 30 July TBD Aug 18 - 21 TBD Sept 29 - Oct 2 Oct TBD Nov 12-22 Dec 3 - 5 Dec TBD

TARGETS Site Consultants / COIs Various / Automotive Biosciences Site Consultants / COIs Various Industries Various Industries Various Industries Site Consultants / COIs All Industries and Govt Site Consultants / COIs Site Consultants / COIs

LOCATION Charlotte, NC Denver, CO Seattle, WA New York, NY Germany Detroit, MI Dallas, TX Atlanta, GA Charlotte, NC Atlanta, GA San Diego, CA United Kingdom Birmingham, AL Atlanta, GA Detroit, MI

LOCATION Atlanta, GA Germany Spain New York, NY United Kingdom China & Japan Canada Raleigh, NC India Atlanta, GA Charlotte, NC

TARGETS Energy Site Consultants Aerospace Pharma Various Industries Automotive Site Consultants Medical Device Energy Advanced Materials Biosciences Aerospace Automotive Advanced Materials Automotive

COI = centers of influence, site consultants, national/international real estate brokers/developers Items presented on this calendar are subject to change without notice. Supplemental calendar items added throughout the year are dependent upon funding. For those events organized by the Upstate SC Alliance, there may be instances where participation will be limited due to capacity constraints.



2013 Announced Capital Investment and Job Creation

$1,068,750,500 Capital Investment 4,951 Jobs


+ + +

<2 years out

2013 marketing initiatives


Pending formal request


Currently working


in active pipeline

External Call program The following is the result of a 12 month external call program to raise awareness for the region and to identify companies with relocation plans.



to identify leads based on specific geographies and industries 400 measuring a company’s interest in relocation

364 339

on companies with either a 300 long or short term interest 272

with decision makers200looking to 202 relocate





presentations made to external market audiences about the Upstate

formal prospect information requests issued to economic development teams

400 400




46 46

45 45

36 36 202202


53 53

339339 272272

visits by companies and centers 2011 2012 2013 of influence to the Upstate

4-year look

60 60


200 200


4-year look

4-year look

300 300



69 60

33 33 40

30 30

41 33

100 100



15 15

0 20102010















*2012 and 2013 numbers include all visits from companies and COIs. Prior to 2012, visits recorded were project-related only. 806 80

75 75

2010-2013 total capital investment & job creation 4 Year Total: $6.05 billion in capital & 20,798 new jobs Jobs

Capital Investment $ 7.0B







15,000 $


6,319 $

6,000 $






















$1.87 Billion 6,319 Jobs | 49 Projects

$805 Million 5,411 Jobs | 53 Projects

$2.31 Billion 4,117 Jobs | 66 Projects

2013 $1.07 Billion 4,951 Jobs | 83 Projects




$426,719,500 in Capital Investment | 2,303 New Jobs

$642,031,000 in Capital Investment | 2,648 New Jobs

A.L. Industries Inc. ACS Associated Hardwoods Bonadent Dental Labs Clemson Education Facility COE Optics LLC Colgate-Palmolive Co. Edgewater Automation FedEx Ground Package System Inc. Heiche US Surface Technology Industrial Coaters in-tech Automotive Engineering Integro Earth Fuels International Recycling Group KL Logistics Lindoerfer + Steiner GmbH Materials Sciences Corp.

McLaughlin Body Co. Project Abby Project Apostle 15,847 $ Project Marvel 2.67B Publix Roding Technology North America LLC SC Tool Inc. SMF Inc. Smooth-Bor Plastics Sweet Street Desserts Technology Solutions of SC Inc. The Crown Group TIGGES USA LLC U.S. Waffle Company Valley Grinding & Manufacturing

ABB Baldor Covidien Advanced Composite Materials LLC Detroit Forming Inc. Amazon Divatex Home Fashions American Credit Acceptance Fitesa Simpsonville AVI Foodsystems Inc. Flame Spray North America Beauty Systems Group LLC Fraenkische Industrial Pipes Belk Inc. General Machine Bericap USA Glen Raven BMW Manufacturing Corp. Greenfield Industries BMW/Syncreon Integrity Tool BorgWarner Inc. International Paper CCL Jeffrey Rader Corp. Cherokee Core Materials Laserflex Suminoe Textile of America Lear Corporation Contec Inc. Mergon Cooper Standard Milliken & Co. Copac Global Packaging Norboard

Orian Rugs PackIQ Plastic Omnium Auto Exteriors LLC Project Commodore Project Drake Sage Automotive Interiors Sargent Metal Sekido Technology Corp. Sonoco Standard Textile TaylorMade Golf Co. Timken Bearings Trimite Powders Inc. Ulbrich Precision Flat Wire Inc. Vulcan Materials Company ZF Transmissions Gray Court LLC


2013 financial executive overview The Upstate SC Alliance engages an independent CPA firm to perform an annual audit of its financial statements. The audit of the 2012 financial statements was completed in September 2013. The independent CPA issued an unqualified audit opinion. Copies of the audit are on file at the Upstate SC Alliance.

The financial statements presented in the report represent collective statements of all Alliance activity. The statements represent grant and one-time funding activities incorporated into the overall revenues and expenses. This collective reporting provides a more comprehensive view of the scope of work completed by the Upstate SC Alliance in 2013.



Petty Cash Palmetto Bank Account Palmetto Bank - Money Market Contingency Palmetto Bank - Money Market State Funds Palmetto Bank - Money Market DOC Funds Palmetto Bank - Money Market EMSI Funds Palmetto Bank - Pilot Program Funds Pledges Receivable - Public Pledges Receivable - Private Other Receivables Prepaid Expenses


$484.47 $122,874.89 $129,773.09 $366,494.11 $34,000.00 $49,500.00 $54,000.00 $52,214.74 $291,500.07 $1,333.12 $86,835.40

Office Furniture & Equipment Office Upfit Accumulated Depreciation

$276,780.97 $447,345.39 $(245,659.82)

TOTAL ASSETS $1,189,009.89 + $478,466.54




long term liabilities


Note Payable-Palmetto Bank Deferred Lease Liability

Accounts Payable Other Payables Deferred Revenues - Public Deferred Revenues - Private Deferred Revenues - Naming Rights Palmetto Bank LOC Unearned State Funds SC Dept of Commerce Pledge Deferred Grant Income


$23,130.00 $75,549.40 $105,618.45 $552,707.36 $10,666.68 $32,603.00 $400,599.22 $34,000.00 $130,312.50



1,667,476.43 $272,428.37 $120,913.56



TOTAL LIABILITIES $1,365,186.61 + $393,341.93





NET ASSETS Beginning Unrestricted Net Assets Change in Net Assets


$(195,427.60) $104,375.49




TOTAL liabilities & CAPITAL $1,758,528.54 + $(91,052.11)




2013 financial summary & historical analysis The financial statements presented in this report are for the Alliance’s 2013 financial year which began January 1, 2013 and ended December 31, 2013. These statements have not yet been audited and are presented for information purposes only. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Upstate SC Alliance. For 2013, the Alliance’s revenue exceeded expenses by roughly $175,000.*


2013 Actual

2013 Budgeted

2012 Actual

2011 Actual

Investor Revenue Sponsorships/Other Revenue/Other Grants State Funds Applied to Budget

$1,222,083.59 $93,495.76 $558,869.86

$1,347,490.00 $26,318.00 $571,095.81

$1,318, 876.34 $49,318.57 $435,439.00

$1,320,469.11 $2,979.16 $368,306.07






operational expense

2013 Actual

2013 Budgeted

2012 Actual

2011 Actual

Accounting Fees Auto Expenses Insurance - Employees Employee Benefits - Retirement Insurance - Corporate Bank Charges & Interest IT Support Miscellaneous Office Expense Office Lease Payroll Taxes Salaries Temporary or Subcontractor Wages Training Corporate Growth Initiatives

$41,187.63 $24,264.63 $61,970.61 $19,266.52 $7,936.91 $23,017.57 $19,962.85 $42,219.28 $45,456.66 $70,220.95 $10,277.07 $125,162.31 $620.80 $8,436.51 -

$36,500.00 $25,689.00 $76,366.09 $16,544.52 $10,500.00 $57,432.00 $24,000.00 $60,400.00 $63,817.92 $88,045.74 $7,882.41 $106,037.50 $15,000.00 -

$28,400.81 $25,367.67 $43,576.24 $15,775.75 $7,435.44 $23,138.29 $21,305.16 $45,775.69 $61,384.65 $61,190.12 $12,268.60 $183,509.60 $17,702.90 $9,255.55 -

$28,659.16 $23,591.18 $42,887.70 $15,885.46 $7,335.82 $6,399.68 $14,336.17 $58,861.48 $55,124.03 $76,510.35 $44,390.81 $524,409.36 $18,526.40 $6,029.74 $14,375.00






program & service expense

2013 Actual

2013 Budgeted

2012 Actual

2011 Actual

Payroll/Salaries Marketing Tools & Publications Presentation Center / Special Campaigns Marketing Tools - Website Prospect & COI Recruitment Economic Development Travel & Events Economic Development Research** Public Relations Trade Shows Mission Trips In Bound Events Miscellaneous

$561,668.72 $90,955.59 $69,517.93 $8,849.24 $22,068.31 $100,156.17 $32,063.64 $52,224.08 $117,728.40 $85,282.65 $869.73

$501,561.81 $115,500.00 $67,380.96 $75,000.00 $20,000.00 $43,500.00 $51,090.00 $66,000.00 $81,799.96 $153,500.00 $107,000.00 $3,500.00

$368,066.17 $31,191.72 $75,000.00 $61,482.25 $12,874.07 $61,231.21 $27,598.76 $17,087.70 $42,549.68 $208,522.58 $41,426.47 $2,068.01

$93,310.36 $180,044.98 $66,696.34 $29,711.18 $25,452.06 $32,906.84 $89,296.75 $56,827.27 $72,257.07 $67,796.85 $3,422.73






Fundraising EXPENSE

2013 Actual

2013 Budgeted

2012 Actual

2011 Actual

Investor Materials & Publications Travel & Meetings Meals & Entertainment

$13,890.55 $20,252.52 $21,736.59

$26,200.00 $18,000.00 $26,000.00

$17,057.97 $6,694.08 $12,203.62

$9,653.65 $10,477.27 $12,897.31






EXPENSE summary

2013 Actual

2013 Budgeted

2012 Actual

2011 Actual

Total Operational Expense Total Program & Service Expenses Total Fundraising Expense

$500,000.30 $1,141,384.46 $55,879.66

$588,215.18 $1,285,832.73 $70,200.00

$556,086.47 $949,098.62 $35,955.67

$937,322.34 $717,722.43 $33,028.23






*Must back out contingency & depreciation amount to get true number **Substantial overage a result of 2 new programs (EMSI and Data Center Pilot Certification Program) covered by grants & sponsorships


2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013 executive committee

public sector board Abbeville County – Steve Bowles

Jim Evers Chairman Regional Director, AT&T

John Miller, Jr. At Large President, AnMed Health

Anderson County – Frances Crowder Cherokee County – Jim Cook Greenville County – Butch Kirven Greenwood County – Mark Allison Laurens County – Ernie Segars Oconee County – Paul Corbeil Spartanburg County – Jeff Horton Union County – Tommy Sinclair

Dr. Ronnie Booth Vice President President, Tri-County Technical College

David Sudduth At Large Executive Director, Community & Governmental Affairs, Greenville Health System

City of Clinton – Mayor Robert McLean City of Greenville – Mayor Knox White City of Greer – Reno Deaton City of Spartanburg – Mayor Junie White City of Union – Mayor Harold Thompson

college/university board Max Metcalf Secretary/Treasurer Manager, Government & Community Relations, BMW Manufacturing

Greenville Technical College – Dr. Keith Miller Harold Thompson At Large Mayor, City of Union

Spartanburg Community College – Henry Giles Tri-County Technical College – Dr. Ronnie Booth

Chairman’s circle contributors BMW Manufacturing Corporation – Max Metcalf Alan Blackmon At Large Director of Engineering, Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative

Russ Weber At Large

Century 3, Inc. – Greg Hall

President, Integral Solutions Group

Duke Energy – George Acker

Clear Channel – Bill McMartin Entercom – Steve Sinicropi Erwin Penland – Joe Erwin

Francis Crowder At Large Chairman, Anderson County Council


Jennifer Miller Interim President & CEO, Upstate SC Alliance

PRIVate sector board

AFL Telecommunications – Jody Gallagher AnMed Health – John Miller AT&T – Jim Evers BB&T – Tom Eller Blue Ridge Electric Co-Op – Charles Dalton BMW Manufacturing Corporation – Max Metcalf Bon Secours St. Francis Health System – Mark Nance Cargo – Dan Gliatta Century 3, Inc. – Greg Hall Certus Bank – Walter Davis Clear Channel – Bill McMartin Duke Energy – George Acker Elliott Davis LLC – Richard E. Davis Endeavor Insurance Services – John Adair Entercom – Steve Sinicropi Erwin Penland – Joe Erwin

Honorary Board

Piedmont Municipal Power Agency – Coleman Smoak Piedmont Natural Gas – Hank McCullough Rödl Langford de Kock LLP – Steve Cooper Santee Cooper – Josh Kay SC State Ports Authority – Jim Newsome ScanSource – Mike Baur Sempra US Gas & Power – Mike Gallagher SunTrust Bank – David Torris Smith Moore Leatherwood – Frank C. Williams The Cliffs Communities – David Sezna Upstate Electric Co-Ops – Broad River Electric, Douglas Wilson Laurens Electric, Randy Garrett Little River Electric, Roland White Verdae – Rick Sumerel

Find Great People – John Uprichard Greenville Spartanburg Airport – Dave Edwards

Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice – Keith Munson

Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd – Frank Davis

Young Office – Thomas Young

Clemson University – James P. Clements The Palmetto Institute – Jim Fields MICCO Corporation – Minor Shaw SC Department of Commerce – Secretary Bobby Hitt


MAU Workforce Solutions – Randall Hatcher

Fairway Outdoor Advertising of the GSA – Terry Graves

New Carolina – Laura McKinney

Economic development

Integral Solutions (A J.M. Smith Company) – Russ Weber

Abbeville County – Steve Bowles Greer Development Corporation – Reno Deaton

Irv Welling – Chair Emeritus Bill Workman – Emeritus Board

Wells Fargo – Chris Fincher

2013 INVESTORS Partners

Greenville Health System Greenwood Partnership Alliance Jackson Marketing Group Nelson Mullins Santee Cooper

Friends Allen Tate Relocation and Corporate Services Alliance Consulting Engineers Anderson Area Chamber of Commerce Appalachian Development Corporation Bank of America - Merrill Lynch


CBRE/Furman Company

Bob Jones University

Johnson Development Assoc.

Brasfield & Gorrie

Oconee Medical Center

Cely Construction

Thornblade Club

CMC Cary Engineering CMC South Carolina Steel Coldwell Banker Caine


Charter Business

Crowne Plaza

City of Fountain Inn Natural Gas and Economic Development Group

Eastern Industrial Supplies, Inc.

Embassy Suites Resorts Hotel Evans General Contractors Fifth Third Bank

Faithful + Gould First Tennessee Bank

Gallivan White & Boyd, P.A.

Global Performance, a Wood Group Mustang Company


Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood, Inc.

Laurens CPW

Greater Greenville Association of REALTORS

McAngus Goudelock & Courie

Greenville First Bank

MTC Federal Credit Union

GSA Business


Haley & Aldrich

Pacolet Milliken

Harper Corporation

Palmetto Health Baptist-Easley Hospital

Hogan Construction Group

Peoples Bancorp., Inc.

Human Technologies Inc.


Indexx Printing Solutions

SC Biz News, LLC

KBR Building Group

SC Power Team

Laurens County Healthcare System

SC State Ports Authority

Laurens County Water and Sewer Commission

Smoak PR

Lockheed Martin

Southwest Airlines

M.B. Kahn Construction Co., Inc. / ARGO Division

Sunbelt Rentals TD Bank The Oliver Group Touchpoint Energized Communications


Enterprise Rent-A-Car

McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture McNair Law Firm, P.A. Melloul-Blamey Construction SC Ltd. Moss & Associates NAI Earle Furman Co. National Bank of South Carolina Nexsen Pruet Opus 3, LLC Parker, Poe, Adams & Bernstein Performance Payroll Pickens Railway Company Proterra Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices C. Dan Joyner, Realtors Regions Bank


Colliers International Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP

Roebuck Buildings Co.

Greenville Chamber of Commerce

South Carolina Bank and Trust

Greenville Water System

The Garland Company

Gregory Pest Solutions

Spinx Company, Inc.

ICA Engineering

Thomas Creek Brewery

Innovate Anderson

URS Constructors, Inc.

Intune Logistics

Windsor/Aughtry Company

MSI Viking Gage

Wyche Burgess Freeman and Parham, P.A.

Mumford Industries, Inc.

Yeargin Potter Shackelford Construction

Promotions Unlimited SC Technology & Aviation Center (SCTAC) The SUNNIE Harmon & John DeWORKEN Group TPM Upstream Identity Vannoy Construction

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124 Verdae Boulevard, Suite 202 Greenville, SC 29607 864.283.2300

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