Zeynep ocean animals

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Ocean Animals

By: Zeynep Deniz Yuksel

Ocean Animals

Table Of Contents All about ocean animals (introduction)......Page 3 Dolphin diagram........................................Page 4 All about dolphins........…..........................Page 5 Whale diagram………...............................Page 6 All about whales…….…............................Page 7 Brown Pelicans body map.…....................Page 8 All about brown pelicans……....................Page 9 Shark diagram…….….............................Page 10 All about sharks……...............................Page 11 Fact droplets………................................Page 12 Endangered ocean animals……….........Page 13 Seals body map………...........................Page 14 All about seals………….....................Page 15-16 Glossary…………...................................Page 17 Index…………….....................................Page 18 Bibliography…….....................................Page 19 Resources……....................................... Page 20

All about ocean animals (introduction) A ocean is a place were animals and plants

live. Did you know that most of the animals in the oceans are in danger ?!

There are two problems of why the oceans

and the animals in the oceans are in danger, if you want to know them well read this book.

Did you know that the oceans are all around the world?!

If you read this book you will learn allot about ocean animals .


Dolphin Diagram

Dolphins use their tails to swim straight. They use their flippers to turn. Dolphins can move their eyes without

them needing to look to the same place, like when one of them is looking up the other can look down.dolphins are friendly animals that live in oceans they are very clever too.

Dolphins have a blowhole on top of their heads so they can have air and breath under water.


All about dolphins

A dolphin is a really friendly mammal

who lives in the oceans , and sometimes lakes and rivers. Did you know that there are many different kinds of

dolphins? For example the bottlenose dolphin, most of the bottlenose

dolphins are in shows, bottlenose dolphins live in opened oceans .

Another different kind of dolphin is a spinner dolphin, spinner dolphins are

not found often they are only found in

the Atlantic, Pacific and indian oceans. Another populer dolphin is a striped

dolphin. A striped dolphin lives in lakes.


Did you know that a killer whale is a kind of a dolphin too.

Whale diagram

Did you know that the blue whale is

the largest living creature on earth?! What is a whale well a whale is a

mammal that lives in the oceans.


All about whales

Whales are mammals that live in oceans. Did you know that there are many there are many

different kinds of whales? For example the killer whale ,a killer is a big animal that lives in the

ocean. Did you know that a killer whale lives in

the coldest part of the world?! Killer whales eat meat. There is also another whale called the

Beluga whale, Beluga whales are whales that live in the artic and sub-artic waters. Beluga whales eat warms,squid and seafish. There are allot of diffrent whales and these were some of them.


Brown pelicans diagram


All about Brown Pelicans

Brown Pelicans are birds. Brown Pelicans can

fly, they live in north and south America. They can be found in southern united states . They live on both the Atlantic and the Pacific

oceans. Sometimes they live on islands. Brown Pelicans eat fish , they are really good at

hunting for food . They also eat shrimps or crabs if they can cath them.

There are also more kinds of pelicans , for

example a Green Pelican or a Black Pelican. 9

Sharks diagram


All about sharks

Did you know that sharks are fish?! All of the sharks are diffrent , they could be diffrent shapes and they

could be diffrent sizes. Did you know that the whale shark is the biggest

shark in the ocean? It is longer then a bus. Sharks have fins , their fins help them to turn and stop in the water. Sharks have silts near their fin,it

helps them to breath they are called

gills . Some sharks have flat teeth and some have pointy teeth. Did you

know that there are more then 400


types of sharks?!

Fact Droplets About OCEAN ANIMALS !

Did you know that most of the

ocean animals are in danger!!!!!!!! People are killing ocean animals

because of two reasons the first reason is because when people

don't have enough food to eat they kill the animals in the ocean and eat

them, the second reason is because of the ships, the ships are polluting

the water and rhe animals could get polluted easilly. There are allot of

pollutions in the oceans because of these two reasons .


Endangered Ocean Animals

Did you know that most of the ocean animals are in danger!!!!! Because of two problems , the first problem is

because of the pollution in the sea , the second problem is because

people are eating them!!!! The people are eating the ocean animals because

they can not find enough money or do not have enough money to buy food. Some animals are found dead int he oceans, like walruses.


Seals body map


All about seals Selselselselse


Seals have big eyes , they can see

underwater . Seals eat squid, fish and crabs. Seals can dive deep but they hold their

breath. Seals have whiskers wich helps them feel the floor.

Some seals live on the ocean shore and some live in rocks and some live on icy places.

Ringed seals are the smallest seals, they are smaller then a man , the biggest seal is the

Elephant seal , they can be bigger then a car. Seals have a blubber under their skin the

blubbber keeps the seals warm too. Seals have flippers that helps them swim.


Glossary Arctic

Related to the regions around the northpole


The whole on the top of a whale or a dolphin


The fat places of mammals, especialy whales and seals


A young/ baby dolphins and whales are called calfs.

Dorsal fin

The tall triangle on top of a whale,killer whale,or a

dolphin. Flipper

Sonething like a triangle on top of sea animals that

helps them swim also known as a flipper Gills

The place where most of the sea mammals breath

from,for example shark Mammal

A warmblooded animal that breaths air,has a

backbone,and grows hair. Female mammals have milk. Pectoral fins

A pectoral fin helps the fish control the direction they


Something that is harmfull and poissiness to the earth.

are going to. Popular Squid

Sub-artic circle

Seen by more people or by a group A squid is a fast swimming fish

Realating to the region immideatly south of the arctic


Something that helps animals in the ocean to move fast


Animals with long ,slender and soft bodies with no

and go straight. limbs


Index Blowhole Brown Pelican Dolphin Endangered ocean

4-5 8-9 4-5












Bibliography www.biguniverse.com

Killer Whales by Kate Riggs

Shark Kira freed Endangered Ocean Animals Dave Taylor Deep in the Ocean Natalie Rompella Friendly Dolphins Allan Fowler Ocean Animals Sandra Donovan Oceans And Seas Catherine Chambers and Nicholas Lapthorn

Ocean Animals Kira Freed


Photo Credits Front Cover. www.designdizzy.com

Title pagewww.designdizzy.com Brown Pelican diagramwww.exploringnature.org All About Brown Pelicans www.ign.com Shark diagram www.gtaforums.com

All about sharks www.imgarcade.com Seals body map www.animalcorner.co.uk All About Seals first page and second page


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