Hip & In
Yoga and Laughter
It appears as if Hitler had agreed to share a cab with Churchill to go to the latter’s club for a cigar. Frances Doherty explores the unlikely partners – Yoga and Laughter, the simulated belly-jiggling kind.
Finally, things begin to make sense and
Back in 1995 Dr Kataria a family doctor
perhaps this is what the world needs to find
living in Bombay, developed a principle
the way to peace – if people like Hitler and
influenced by American journalist Norman
Churchill could share a cab to go clubbing!
Cousins, who claimed that laughter literally
That which we can laugh about, we can rise
was the best medicine. Herald – a long-
above. Since the day Yoga went funny the
time sufferer of the crippling spine illness
equation has changed and the stakes have
ankylosing spondylitis – believed that through
been notched to new highs. Laughter and
completing ten-minute laughter sessions
Yoga though somewhat like chalk and cheese
everyday the pain he experienced was
have found a common vehicle.
substantially reduced.
At the most recent count, there are about
Kataria began the first laughter club in a
5,000 Laughter Yoga clubs in 40 countries
local Bombay park, with an intimate group
around the globe and the number is still
of five. Initially, he used jokes to stimulate
growing. What’s the catch? Julie Whithead, a
his attendees but as the numbers began to
master class presenter for Champneys Health
rise it became more difficult to collectively
Resorts in the United Kingdom describes
amuse the diverse group of personalities. As
her first hand experience of the snowballing
the numbers grew, the act of comedy became
laughter yoga effect. “I saw Dr Katarai,
redundant in the world of laughter clubs and
founder of the Laughter Club Movement on
the chalk became ham.
TV with John Cleese, laughing on a beach in
s paa
november/december 07
Bombay. I thought what a marvellous way it
Complex and even commanding it may be,
was to spend your time, making other people
but the brain cannot distinguish between
laugh and feel happy. When Dr Kataria came
forced and genuine laughter. Thanks to its
to England I signed up for his Laughter
lack of discernment, the mind and body can
Leader Training Course in June 2002 and I
benefit from the experience. It does not care
have been laughing ever since.”
whether you are in the front row of your