Volume 7 • Number 5
October 2011
Your election edition
In the effort to provide information to business on the candidates running for municipal elections, the Mission Chamber has earmarked this edition of the Chamber Connection as your election issue. On this page, you will find pictures and biographies of the four Mayoral candidates. The Chamber also posed four questions to each of these candidates based on the four pillars of community development: social, economic, cultural and environmental. Their answers are printed as submitted on pages four and five. Additionally, on page three find out who is eligible to vote and where voting is taking place, and on pages 10 though 15 are short biographies and photos of each candidate running for Council and School Trustee. Importantly, the Chamber will be hosting All Candidates meetings on November 7th for Trustees, November 9th for Councillors and November 15th for Mayor. Come out and learn about those who wish to make the community’s decisions and set the direction for Mission for the next three years. Find who represents your interest. Details of the meetings can be found on the Chamber website www.MissionChamber.bc.ca or contact the Chamber offices 604.826.6914.
Recipients, pictures and more gala news on pages 7-9
Meet Your Mayoral Candidates
On Tuesday, November 15th the Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce will be hosting an All Candidates meeting in the Clarke Theatre for candidates seeking the position of Mayor. The meeting will be in town hall style and questions will be taken from the floor. The Chamber asks that questions be applicable to all candidates. For more information go to www.MissionChamber.bc.ca
Daniel Williamson
Highway Construction, Forestry, Mining Exploration, Wildlife Officer with the B.C. Fish and Wildlife Branch. Now: Starting a Photography Graphics business.
James Atebe
After six years as mayor and twelve on council, I’m proud of Mission and all that we’ve accomplished together.
Mike Gildersleeve
I’m currently working as a social worker and collaborative practices facilitator. I’ve been involved in environmental and community groups over the last twenty years.
Ted Adlem
I am a long term member of the Mission business community that feels under-represented by the current council.
Page 2 • August 2011
Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce 34033 Lougheed Hwy Mission, BC V2V 5X8 Phone: 604-826-6914 Fax: 604-826-5916 www.missionchamber.bc.ca
2011 Board of Directors President - Cal Crawford Past President - Helen Secco Vice-President - Elyssa Lockhart Treasurer - Tony LaPointe Directors 2011 Todd Bugge Sean Melia Phil Hope Kelly Vaille Attila Davalovsky Charles Vander Byl Satti Grewal Ann Harper District of Mission Mayor James Atebe Community Futures Oleene Herman Staff Michelle Favero Manager Angel Elias Member Services Allison Jack Tourism Coordinator
mission chamber connection
President’s Message Pilot Program Launched to BuILD COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Given the season, I believe it is timely to talk about an initiative being brought forward by the Mission Chamber – “Building Community Leadership.” It is a pilot program that seeks to identify, train and connect confident community leaders to the many community boards and organizations. The Building Community Leadership program focuses on ethics, the power of influence, developing strengths and values and managing change. As a Rotarian I look forward to the speaker and workshop on ethics to further my own education that I have developed through Rotary’s Four Way Test. With the support of UFV, the program will be bringing in some well-known speakers to share their experiences on these key issues in leadership. From seeing the preliminary list, I know many in the community will want to come out and hear what they have to say. I understand the development team plans to provide a cross section of speakers to
appeal to all generations in the community and I believe they will succeed. The Chamber realizes that the cost for such programs is often a barrier for organizations and community members to attend. With that in mind, we are focusing on providing this program to members of the community at a reasonable rate. The program will be sold as a series, and as individual events. Those in the community who enroll in the complete series of speakers and workshops will be formally acknowledged as community assets, and I encourage everyone to achieve that distinc-
Keep In Touch Name: Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce
or Follow Us At Mission Commerce
Want to learn how to use your Member log-in? Go to http://bit.ly/eZMyKM for the guide! Chamber Website 101
tion. A special thank you to those who have come forward to develop the curriculum and implement the program: Grace Saris (Manager, Vancity Mission Branch), Pam Alexis, (Rotary Sunrise), Tony Lapointe (Executive Director, Mission Community Services), Christiane Hodson (Director of Development, UFV), Carolyn Schmoor (Principal, Hatzic Elementary School) and our Chamber Manager, Michelle Favero. They all have extensive education and experience in leadership and represent the importance of partnerships in the development of leaders in Mission. Leadership is a privilege and it is fundamental that as a community we have a bank of individuals that have the skills, courage and ethics to step into those roles that help build our community.
Cal Crawford
Join the Candlelight Parade! Call the Chamber of Commerce today to register your entry for Mission’s fabulous Candlelight Parade, which takes place Friday, December 2. 604-826-6914
mission chamber connection
August 2011 • Page 3
Mark it on Your Calendar - Voting Day Voting places
On Saturday, November 19th, Mission voters elect a Mayor, six Councilors and four School Trustees (one is elected by FVRD representation). The Chamber recognizes that while business do not have the opportunity to vote, it is important that all eligible voters exercise their right to vote. You are eligible to vote in the municipal elections if you are a Canadian citizen; are 18 years of age or more on general voting day; have lived in BC for at least 6 months before you register to vote; and have lived in the District of Mission for 30 days or more
before you register to vote. If you own property in the District of Mission but do not live in the District of Mission, as a non-resident property owner you have the right to vote both where you live and where you own property. You must also satisfy these requirements as a nonresident property elector: are not a resident in that community; are a Canadian citizen; are 18 years of age or more on general voting day; and have lived in BC for at least 6 months before you register to vote.
Running for office… what does it take?
Those elected will be expected to serve a three-year term. This term will officially begin on the first Monday after the first day of December following the election (December 5th).
Time Commitment
Holding office can be time consuming. In addition to attending regular meetings – usually one evening per week for Municipal Council or Board of Education– elected officials may be asked to sit on special committees, boards or commissions that also require significant time.
Who May Run
To run for local government office you: • are a Canadian citizen • are at least 18 years old on election day • have lived in BC for at least the last 6 months • have not been disqualified from voting in a BC local election • do not have to live in the jurisdiction in which you are running for office
What Does It Pay
Will be open between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. for qualified resident and non-resident property electors of the District of Mission in the following locations: Albert McMahon Elementary School 32865 Cherry Avenue West Heights Elementary School 32065 Van Velzen Avenue Hatzic Secondary School 34800 Dewdney Trunk Road Mission Central Elementary School 7466 Welton Street Silverdale Elementary School 39715 Donatelli Street Fire Hall #2 30514 Dewdney Trunk Road Mission Leisure Centre 7650 Grand Street
Advanced polling Will be held on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 and Wednesday, November 16, 2011 between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the District of Mission, Municipal Hall, 8645 Stave Lake Street, Mission for qualified resident and non-resident property electors.
School Trustee - Annual salary is $17,000; Municipal Councillor annual salary is $22,318; Mayor - annual salary is $64,496.
Did you know? Randy Hawes, MLA (Abbotsford-Mission)
T: 604.820.6203 • F: 604.820.6211 randy.hawes.mla@leg.bc.ca www.randyhawesmla.bc.ca
Your MLA’s office can help you with: • Provincial government related issues • Certification of copies of important documents • Arranging congratulatory messages • Providing information on government programs Shared Constituency Office 33058 First Ave. Mission V2V 1G3
Marc Dalton, MLA (Maple Ridge-Mission)
T: 604.820.6203 • F: 604.820.6211 marc.dalton.mla@leg.bc.ca www.marcdaltonmla.bc.ca
Page 4 • August 2011
mission chamber connection
A Mayor has to have vision
It is important that any Mayor have a vision for the pillars of community sustainable development: social, cultural, economic and environmental. community. Each candidate was asked to submit their answers in To this end, the Chamber submitted four business focused questions to each candidate based on the four less than 200 words. Their responses are below.
Questions for those seeking to be Mayor
Social Development
In your opinion, what role do social services play in Mission and how have you supported them within the past year?
Ted Adlem
Social Services play an integral part of supporting many people in our community who are less privileged. Through my business I have supported Mission Hospice Society Midnight Walk, several Mission Community Services fundraisers, as well as many other social fundraising projects in our community.
James Atebe
We’re known for helping others. Social services are vital to our vision of an inclusive community. Contributions: Director, Mission Association for Community Living; Supported housing programs for the homeless; Developed Mental Health & Addictions
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Strategy; Chaired Social Development Committee; Supported funding for Lifetime Learning Society & Mission Community Services; volunteered and donated to countless organizations.
Mike Gildersleeve
Role of Social Services in Mission: They are there to enhance the lives of people in our community, when they are in need of supports. This can involve advocacy, eradication of homelessness, provision of affordable housing, through developing partnerships with other levels of government, and local health authorities, parenting education, public health and prevention programs and treatment of addictions and mental illnesses. Promote the dignity of all Mission citizens. How supported? I participated in the walk for the homeless. With my experience as a social worker, I will
be active in promoting and future. developing social sustainabilJames Atebe ity in Mission. We have a remarkable pool Daniel Williamson of performing and visual artSocial services make a ists in this community, includcommunity livable and I have ing members of my own famnot done much to support ily. I’m an avid supporter of them over the last few year; the arts, partly because they that is one of the reasons I am strengthen and define the running for Mayor. I want to fiber of our community and see a lot more Provincial and partly because the arts are Federal funds directed at such an excellent economic driver. things. I would particularly Mission needs support from target Lottery money. government and the community to showcase this valuable asset.
What makes Mission Mike Gildersleeve Mission is the green jewel unique and what is the role it plays in the Fraser Valley? of the Fraser Valley. We have a superior natural environment, Ted Adlem that includes the largest wild Mission has a very vibrant salmon spawn, so close to an and active Arts Community. urban center (Lower Stave It has a cultural gem in the River). We have significant Fraser River Heritage Park habitat for rapidly dwindling that is a destination for the endangered species. We have Folk Fest as well as other a close knit small town atmofamily friendly activities and sphere and diverse lifestyle will continue to grow in the Continued on page 5
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mission chamber connection
August 2011 • Page 5
Questions for those seeking to be Mayor
Daniel Williamson
There are several hundred things that differentiate Mission from neighboring communities but there are also several hundred things they have in common.
Economic Development
ment that shapes community positively and generates jobs. I’m proud we expanded UFV’s presence in Mission and I’m not done yet. Economic Development: Our key commercial and industrial areas all benefit from our ED program. We can build on that success. Economic Balance: In these tough times, we need a fiscal regime that considers business. Taxes and fees need to be affordable.
What do you see as the key Mike Gildersleeve The strength of our econeconomic driver for Mission omy needs to include diverse over the next 5 years? and local opportunities for Ted Adlem employment of Mission citiMission has a very pro- zens. Local investment keeps active volunteer Economic money in Mission. Potential Development Committee. drivers may include a comMission unlike other Lower prehensive plan for developMainland communities has an ment of Mission’s waterfront, abundance of available land which includes restoration for development. The future of the Fraser River riparian development of Forestry area, for the benefit of all Tourism in the Burma Road citizens. Promotion of pedesarea will be an economic driv- trian oriented residential area er in the future. Both Smart close to transit (Westcoast Centres and the Carhoun Express) and creating links Development project will be to the downtown core, which major economic drivers for will also be focus of major jobs in the community. revitalization. We need to also develop tourism and recreJames Atebe ational opportunities that proEducation: It’s a clean, mote Mission’s natural herihigh return form of employ- tage, including farming.
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Daniel Williamson
The people of Mission are, as always, the key economic driver. They are your customers and they make or break you.
What process do you think best serves the community balancing environment and development, RAR or Streamside Protection and why?
Ted Adlem
In my opinion the best process to balance environment and development in our community is RAR. RAR is a purely science based system developed by biologists for use by biologists, and is something that is signed off by both the Ministry of Environment and the Department of Fisheries.
James Atebe
Daniel Williamson
This is a high water fall area. Streams are the natural drainage system that has evolved over several thousand years. Leave the streams alone and stop trying to fight gravity with expensive and inefficient human made drainage. Streams are also Mike Gildersleeve an irreplaceable recreational On Mar31st, 2005 the pro- resource.
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vincial government’s RAR (Riparian Area Regulations) came into effect. Compared to the previous Streamside Protection Regulations (SPR), which sets minimum standards for how close developments can be to streams, this legislation is significantly weaker and gives developers the right to determine stream setbacks on the basis of an assessment by their own hired consultants, setting up potential for conflict of interest. The RAR complex assessment method automatically reduces setbacks and does not directly address key issues for fish habitat such as the need to protect areas for channel migration, seasonally wet area or the impact of runoff from impermeable surfaces. SPR plus healthy dose of precautionary principle best serves community.
The RAR approach allows very careful oversight by having an environmental professional analyze each case individually. It’s fair and it perfectly balances environment and economics.
Continued from page 5
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Page 6 • August 2011
mission chamber connection
Chamber Benefits By Robin Poncia Many small businesses struggle with staff development and training. Who can afford to send an employee away, pay their wages, training and the travel expenses, plus lost productivity while the employee is off site? Not many. Perhaps it’s not the training that is expensive, but the way the training is delivered. ELearning is now seen as having the best return on investment for businesses according to Nucleus Research & Chartered Institute of Personnel Development. This organization’s research findings indicated that ELearning resulted in: • reduced travel costs • reduced HR costs
Tech Corner
Barriers to Training Removed for Small Business through ELearning
• reduced down time on the job (when compared to half or full day seminar taking an employee away from their work) • increased relevance in the workplace during and after training (learning and sourcing content on demand, any time and anywhere) • increased retention and ease of access to content and information allowing learners more control over their learning • employer and employees being able to select the most relevant and applied content for their workplace needs. A 12-year meta-analysis of research by the U.S. Department of Education, published in 2010, found that learners in online learning generally out-
performed those in face-to-face courses. When employees are trained online they learn over a longer period of time, allowing them to master a concept and apply it to their job. When courses are taught face-to-face or at a conference, the sheer volume of information makes retention difficult and impractical. Online learning is also more flexible. Employees can take online training when and where they want. Unlike daylong seminars, employees do not leave the workplace to do online training, saving businesses lost wages and productivity. BC Chamber Learning Network™ offers affordable, easy to access ELearning courses specifically with small business in mind. Contact us today at www.chamberlearningnetwork. com or by calling 1.877.622.7442.
How to take advantage of free job and deal posting opportunities on Chamber website
Do you have a job vacancy that must be filled? Looking for new employees? Do you want to reach an employee pool from outside our area? Do you want to move slow-moving merchandise? Do you have a special to advertise? Do you want to grab the eye of visitors on the Mission Chamber web site? It’s free! It’s easy! It’s included in your membership! Post your job openings or specials on www.MissionChamber. bc.ca. Log into your chamber member portal to list your employment opportunities or advertise your own store special! Access www.chamberlogin.com Enter your login name and password; Click Job Postings or Hot Deals in the left-hand menu; Click Add a Job Posting or
Add a Hot Deal; Complete the fields in the Add a New Job Posting or Add a New Hot Deal screen; Click Submit for Approval. Upon approval, your job posting will appear on www. MissionChamber.bc.ca within your Member Information Page and by category in a special location for job postings. Your Hot Deal will appear by your member name in the Business Directory, on your Member Information Page and by category in a special listing of Hot Deals. Serious job seekers will take note of jobs posted on the website by active chamber members like you. And visitors will be drawn to your deal by its prominence. Contact member_services@missionchamber.bc.ca for info.
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mission chamber connection
August 2011 • Page 7
Gala event celebrates best in business The Mission Business Excellence Awards hosted by the Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce was held in the Ballroom of the Mission Best Western on October 21st as part of the celebration of Small Business Month. Presented by Mission’s Economic Development Select Committee, the sold out gala was attended by a “who’s who” of the Mission Business community.
After a delicious buffet by Rockwell’s Bar & Grill, MC Lisa Stevens of Star fm’s Morning Show helped usher in the recipients of the eight award categories. After celebrating Mission’s trailblazers and entrepreneurs, the revelry continued into the night to the jazz musings of the Al Forman Trio.
Scenes from the gala (clockwise from above): the Team from Prospera Credit Union’s Mission Branch pause for a photo; Chamber President Cal Crawford addresses the crowd; Sue Nicholson and clan enjoy the revelry; nominees Debbie Trenholm, Remco Bergman & Mady Pelcher network before dinner
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Page 8 • August 2011
mission chamber connection
And the winners of the 2011 Business Excellence Awards are…
Business Leader of the Year presented by Eva Poulson TD Carol & Lloyd Davies, Davies Sand & Gravel
Business of the Year with less than 15 Employees presented by Sean Melia, Vice-Chair, EDC (Co-Winner) Sue’s Copy Place
Business of the Year with more than 15 Employees presented by Rex Blane Chair, EDC Fraser Valley Building Supplies
Business of the Year with less than 15 Employees presented by Sean Melia, Vice-Chair, EDC (Co-Winner) World Odyssey Travel
Customer Experience Award presented by Boyd Mason, BC Hydro Blackberry Kitchen (Kela Cuisine Inc.)
mission chamber connection
August 2011 • Page 9
And the winners of the 2011 Business Excellence Awards are‌
Young Entrepreneur of the Year presented by Your Community Credit Unions Asvind Mani, Mission Automotive
Entrepreneurial Excellence Award presented by S. Sharpe Timber Ltd. Blackberry Kitchen (Kela Cuisine Inc.)
Home Based Business of the Year presented by Ann Harper, CA Iron Lotus Yoga
Non Profit of the Year presented by Karen Holmgren, Cedarbrooke Chateau Mission Hospice Society
Page 10 • August 2011
mission chamber connection
Huge field of council contenders
Six Councillors will be elected by Mission residents. There Meeting at the Clarke Theatre (doors open 6:30pm). are twenty-five candidates (25) that have declared. Due to the number of candidates questions will only be The Chamber asked each of the candidates to provide a brief taken in advance and candidates will be drawn by lottery to biography and photo. All twenty-five candidates have agreed respond. For more information: www.MissionChamber.bc.ca to participate in the November 9th Council All Candidates
Meet the candidates who are running Roman Bojczuk
Jim Abbott
I have sat on many boards in Mission and understand most people’s wants and needs. We have had a few incidents losing voters faith; it’s time to gain back credibility.
Pam Alexis
Pam Alexis will bring extensive leadership experience and an in-depth knowledge of the community to the table. She is respectful of process and will be a full-time councillor.
Thomas Armstrong
I believe that councillors are accountable to the people and dedicate themselves to uplifting our community for the better. Lack of communication causes problems.
Bobby Brar
I’m Bobby Brar, running as a councillor. I’m willing to promote tourism and growth of Mission. I was on the board of the Chamber of commerce in Oliver (20022005). My commitment is to represent you honestly and respectfully.
I moved to Mission City in 1946 and have seen a lot of changes. I was a railway worker for 38 years. My hobbies are karate, horses, tree farming, travelling (within Canada) and playing Santa for Future 4 Nations Preschool.
Gurp Chahal
I have been lived in Mission since 1999, with my wife, 2 kids and my parents. I received a bachelor of arts degree in India. I am employed by EV Logistics. In EV I served as a shop steward, but for the last four years I am a lead hand with more responsibilities and leadership.
Janet Chalmers
Janet has lived in Mission for 30 years. She has been involved in the Soapbox Community Garden, Adopt-A-Block first starting in Mission, and most recently WaterWatch Mission Abbotsford Water For Life Not for Profit campaign.
more on pages 11 & 12
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mission chamber connection
August 2011 • Page 11
Meet the candidates who are running Shelly Clarkson
Shelley Clarkson is a longtime resident. Retired from the Mission Library after 38 years. Worked with Mission Downtown Business Association 1.5 years. Chair of Mission Community Foundation. Volunteers with Rotary, Optimists, Lifetime Learning, Friends of the Library, Mission Harbour Authority.
David Hensmen
Kevin Francis
Paul Hockridge
I have a different way of thinking and new ideas, especially regarding such opportunities as downtown revitalization, to help Mission grow, but still retain its sense of community. Now is the time for political strategies to evolve to allow for Mission’s best possible development.
Terry Gidda
Incumbent Terry Gidda is seeking his third term; served on most committees. He and family have lived here over 40 years. Terry bases his life on honesty, integrity, and community service.
Kerm Gill
Mission is made up of many different people of varying age, background, ethnicity and race. This makes Mission the city it really is – a diverse, growing community. There is a need for diverse leaders; I offer that diversity, and the perspective of a young, working parent raising a family in our city.
Lee Hanlon
I have a passion and a calling to serve my community in the same way I have served my country. It is in this way that I will represent community issues related to public safety and security.
I have been married for 25 years to my best friend Dee. We have two grown daughters whom we are very thankful for and we have lived at Ivy Cottage since moving to Mission in the 1990s.
A 21 year resident of Mission, local businessman, community volunteer, 11 year Rotarian and current President of Historical Society. I WILL bring; Commitment, Responsibility and Honesty!
Jeff Jewel
As a pensioner, I’m especially concerned about rising taxes. With 15 years municivpal management experience in Burnaby’s Engineering Department, I believe I can help Mission do more with less.
Tony Luck
I’m running for Council to bring a more open and respectful governance that will be fair for everyone and with a desire to manage the taxpayers’ money in a prudent manner.
Arnold Muir
Mission resident 12 years. University graduate SFU. 25 years experience as a provincial public servant. Pro- business philosophy, pro-development with respect for the environment. Emphasis on fiscal responsibility, reducing the size of government, elimination of excessive taxes.
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Page 12 • August 2011
mission chamber connection
Meet the candidates who are running Danny Plecas
Rhett Nicholson
As an incumbent, I am keen to work towards a recreational development for Stave Lake, secure a long term water source and implement a land use plan for our waterfront.
Rhett is co-owner of Sue’ Copy Place. Has 6 Years Post Secondary Education. Known for his community Service and founding the Junior Optimist Club of Mission. Creator and organizer of MissionFest.
Mike Scudder
Larry Nundal
An incumbent, I bring an informed, thoughtful and balanced approach to Council and I will continue to work in a positive, respectful, and straight-forward manner to build upon our successes.
In the past 6 years Mission’s operation budget has increased by 40%. I will work towards a core service review being undertaken to keep expenditures at a sustainable level.
Kevin O’Briene
I enjoy living in Mission, and my entire family lives here. I think outside the box, and feel access to all pertinent information is a must before making decisions.
Jenny Stevens
Why re-elect Jenny Stevens for Council? She has 12 years experience in the job and a proven record of: integrity, courage, openmindedness, responsive accessibility, and unfaltering dedication to her community.
Heather Stewart
Seeking a third council term, Heather is identified as a champion of sustainable development, environment, social responsibility and post-secondary training.
Nelson Tilbury
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CalSalesCrawford Representative
Nelson Tilbury grew up here in Mission. Nelson has run successful heavy equipment, farming and real estate businesses .Nelson lives on a small acreage with his wife Sandy. He has two sons.
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mission chamber connection
August 2011 • Page 13
New Chamber Members Aplus Network Solutions 8154 Boxer Court Mission BC V2V 5K7 Paul Hockridge www.aplusnetworks.ca
Fischer Denture Clinic #102 -7343 Hurd Street Mission BC V2V 3H7 Markus Fischer fischerdental@gmail.com
Cedar Valley Manor – M.A.S.H 7380 Hurd St Mission BC V2V 3H5
Seung-Ri Black Belt Academy 7758 Pintail Mission BC V2V 6H3 Janis Meyer
Lacey Developments 10811 Brooks Rd Deroche BC V0M 1G0
Membership has its benefits! If you are interested in connecting with the Mission Business Community, wanting to add your business voice to lobby government, or needing to find ways of improving what you do, join the Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce. Over 450 members with which to network, advocate and learn. Contact Angel Elias, Membership Coordinator, 604.826.6914
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Post your Mission Event on our Community Calendar Do you have an upcoming event? Do you want your event to reach an audience outside our area? It’s free! It’s easy! Advertise your event on: www.MissionChamber.bc.ca! Click Calendar on the top menu. Click Submit New Event on the right hand side. Complete the fields in the Request to Add New Event screen. Click Submit for Approval. Upon approval, your event will appear on the website calendar which is viewed daily by from our community and around the world.
Get your local event on the most used community calendar in Mission!
Page 14 • August 2011
mission chamber connection
ten vying for school trustee
Four School Trustees will be selected by District of Mission property owners. A fifth Trustee will be selected by Electoral Area “F”, “G” and a small portion of southwest “C” of the FVRD to provide representation of educational boundaries of Mission Public Schools (School District #75). There are ten candidates (10) that have declared in the District of Mission. The Chamber asked each of the candi-
Nancy Arcand
Nancy has been an active member of the community for 23 years. She is Executive Director of the Mission Arts Council. Her goal is to further the arts-based curriculum into more elementary schools, furthering current initiatives, improving graduation rates and paying attention to all of our children’s needs.
Earl Babich
Hardworking and devoted community member with formal education in Applied Science from UBC and Business Administration Degree in Corporate Finance, Economics and Urban Development from UFV. Have 15 years small business and executive experience ranging from general accounting to corporate audits.
dates to provide a brief biography and photo. All ten candidates have agreed to participate in the November 7th Trustee All Candidates Meeting at the Clarke Theatre (doors open 6:30pm). The Meeting will be conducted in town hall style where questions will be taken from the floor. The Chamber asks that questions be applicable to all candidates.
Bernadine Babuik Randy Cairns
An incumbent, I moved to Mission in 1975 from New Westminster with my wife Carmen. We have three children that graduated in Mission Public Schools. I have experience in Labour Relations and harassment policy facilitation in my position of Vice-President TWU Local 50 representing 1,500 clerical workers at Telus.
Brian Harvey more on page 15
“Promoting Business and Tourism Development in Mission” INFORMATION AVAILABLE • Mission Community Profile • Commercial and Industrial Property Inventory • Business Opportunities • Tourism• & Film Production Resource Library Liaison 34033 LOUGHEED HWY., MISSION, BC V2V 5X8 Tel. 604.820.3789 • Fax. 604.820.6738 • Toll Free 1.866.814.1222 Email: edc@mission.ca • www.mission.ca
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mission chamber connection
August 2011 • Page 15
ten vying for school trustee Carol Hamilton
Jim Taylor received his Bachelor’s degree and teacher training at SFU. He has lived and worked in Mission for the last thirty years and his three daughters attended Mission public schools. As a teacher, he held a number of positions within the teachers’ union and retired last year after serving as a district manager.
Edie Woodland-Lissimore
Karen Wootten
I worked for SD#75 (Mission) for 24 years gaining experience as a Teacher Assistant and then as a Secretary in schools, Student Services, School Board Office and Facilities.
Cindy Miller
Currently Chair of the Board of Education and has served two terms as trustee. Her experience includes involvement in Education, Business, Aboriginal, Literacy and Budget committees. Cindy is committed to public education, and is passionate about ensuring every possible opportunity is available for all of our children.
Fine & Casual Men’s Wear and Shoes 604.826.2721 33147 1st Ave., Mission www.rexcoxmenswear.com
Off one regularpriced item
Till November 30/11
The Mission Mid-day Rotary Club has provided funds for? A) B) C) D) E)
Jim Taylor
I am seeking a 3rd term for School Trustee. I believe my professional career in Banking & Management position me well for this role. I will continue to be a voice and an advocate for every student in Mission. I bring: experience, commitment and I have the time required to be an effective School Trustee.
Wetland Trails for Silverdale Local Scholarships Habitat for Humanity Shelterbox Program - sending survival packs to Haiti ALL OF THE ABOVE...AND MORE!!
Call President Dirk Weymann today @ 604-302-1024, to see how YOU can get involved in one of the largest service groups in the world! Or Google “Mission Midday Rotary”
A parent of children attending Mission schools, I volunteer at my daughter’s school and within the Mission community. My degree in Literature has taught me to communicate effectively, a skill I hope to use to strengthen the accord between the school board, schools, and the larger community.
FVRD Candidates Shelly Carter • Nick Fieldt
MARK YOUR CALENDAR November 7 School Trustee Candidates Meeting Clarke Theatre 6:30pm November 9 All Candidates Meeting Clarke Theatre 6:30pm November 15 Mayoral Candidates Meeting Clarke Theatre 6:30pm November 17 Chamber Luncheon Best Western 11:30am – 1pm Learn the Future of Business with Speaker Owen Greeves
November 23 Business after Hours Dewdney Pub 8793 River Road South 5pm – 7pm December 2 28th Annual Christmas Parade 7:30pm – 9:30pm Come out with you family and friend and enjoy this annual event. Parking will be at the Mission Raceway with shuttle busses into the parade December 15 Chamber Luncheon Best Western 11:30am – 1pm Come have lunch with the newly elected Mayor of Mission & Santa
For more information about any of these events, or to RSVP, please visit: www.missionchamber.bc.ca
Dan Roberge
Dan Roberge IGL Financial Corp. Suite 201 – 3240 Mt. Lehman Rd. Abbotsford, BC V4X 2M9 Ph: (604) 855-1990 / Fax: (604) 855-1090 www.bcbenefitplans.com