Chamber Connection December 2011 Edition

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Volume 7 • Number 6


December 2011

mission’s open For Business

Christmas is always a perfect time for a good news story so holler it from the rooftops: “Mission is Open for Business.” Initiatives that have been achieved in the last year, coupled with a new Mayor and Council that list economic development as a key mandate herald change is in the wind for Mission’s economic potential. In November, Invest North Fraser, a regional economic development initiative of Maple Ridge, Mission and Pitt Meadows, launched a joint web portal to highlight the investment opportunities north of the Fraser River. “The District of Mission is very pleased to be a partner in Invest North Fraser, and welcomes the launch of the new INF web portal,” said Stacey Crawford Economic Development Officer for Mission. “The web portal will serve as a single platform upon which the three partner communities can leverage resources, share information, build relationships and promote regional economic development initiatives.” Additionally, last week the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation partnered with Invest North Fraser to host a Regional Economic Investment Pilot

aimed at attracting investment, identifying opportunities, economic diversification and job creation in areas consistent with the BC Jobs Plan. The forum, held December 8th, included representatives from local government, business, industry, First Nations and education. It explored investment opportunities and shared solutions to overcoming barriers. By the end of the forum, an inventory of potential projects and an initial action plan on how best to implement them were expected to have been created.

The provincial government will assist the North Fraser by developing an intensified approach to capitalize on those opportunities. “The North Fraser communities have a lot to offer the B.C. economy. We are rich in resources and have abundant agricultural land. This forum will help the Fraser Valley work together to attract investment, create jobs and show the world Canada really does start here.” states AbbotsfordMission MLA Randy Hawes. While work is being done to attract economic development to Mission, municipal staff have been working to break down some of the barri-

ers and red tape that have impeded the process to development. At a recent CHBA-FV Dinner, Mission’s Deputy CAO, Paul Gipps relayed the many changes that have been implemented as part of the Development “A” team strategy. He spoke to the modifications to department process, legal process and communication. The customer focused initiative includes focus and speed, rapid decisions and a “can-do” attitude. Projects that haven’t checked in for more than 10 days are contacted, clear lines of communication are developed and proponents meet with a team from all departments that will have input in the process. “Our job is not to impede your process,” noted Gipps. “We want to hear from you what market demand is. We look to partner with you.” He concluded with the message that the District understands time is money for the builders and developers and that there is a willingness to work with them to minimize the impact of red tape. With three major commercial undertakings to be complete in 2012 and other developments poised to start, Mission is definitely looking like it is “Open for Business.”

Page 2 • December 2011

Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce 34033 Lougheed Hwy Mission, BC V2V 5X8 Phone: 604-826-6914 Fax: 604-826-5916

2011 Board of Directors President - Cal Crawford Past President - Helen Secco Vice-President - Elyssa Lockhart Treasurer - Tony LaPointe Directors 2011 Todd Bugge Sean Melia Phil Hope Kelly Vaille Attila Davalovsky Charles Vander Byl Satti Grewal Ann Harper District of Mission Councillor Dave Hensman

Staff Michelle Favero Manager Angel Elias Member Services Allison Jack Tourism Coordinator

mission chamber connection

President’s Message 2011-A Successful Year for the Chamber It amazes me how the year seems to fly by and our January goals quickly disappear until we take stock on December 31. As I look back on what we set out to accomplish at the Chamber this year, I am happy to report that, unlike most resolutions, the Chamber has had a successful year in all areas. Key this year was the increased value we wanted to offer members. The Board of Directors understands that members are the purpose of the Chamber. For you to find value in your investment in us, we need to make sure that we offer benefits and opportunities that help leverage your business. Early in the year we rolled out the new Chamber website. More comprehensive, with an advanced business directory, ability to post your “Hot Deals”, events and jobs, as well as refer and be referred by others, the website offers great web presence for members. Within the web based business directory you can promote your website, social media and provide a map to your location. Our website continues to be one of the most visited sites in Mission, with an average 1,500 visits a month. This new system gave us the ability to connect with you more efficiently by email and offer online registration and payment for all our events. We have seen a significant increase over the year of members using this option and many tell us they prefer the convenience and reduced emails. With the new website, members also have a direct link to us 24/7. With your member login you can register for events, manage your directory listing, post your events, sales and deals. It also gives you access to what I believe is one of the biggest value pieces that we offer, The Mission Handbook for Major

Projects. Recognizing the $1 billion in infrastructure that will be taking place in our area over the next 6 years, the Chamber has developed the handbook in partnership with Mission’s Economic Development Office. The Major Projects Handbook is a guide for those large companies working on these infrastructure projects to Mission’s businesses. BC Hydro included the handbook in the Ruskin Dam Upgrade tenders. The handbook’s focus is to position Mission business top of mind to those unfamiliar with what our business community has to offer. 2011 saw increased training and education offerings for members. We partnered with E-learning Network to offer online staff training, and with community Futures North Fraser’s video conferencing programs. Additionally, during small business month the Chamber offered many affordable lunch & learns and a free e-marketing seminar. The sold out events show the value you place on quick affordable learning opportunities and we hope to offer more in 2012. We also offered a valuable session on opportunities for business around large infrastructure projects. Will you be offering new services or products to service their need. Remember

to update your listing in the Handbook. In addition to the tangible benefits, the Board also has taken a stronger advocacy role for membership. Advocacy success in 2011 has included the adoption of Biz Pal, Development “A” Team, Municipal Communications Strategy and support of many projects such as the Ruskin Dam Upgrade. We have taken part in provincial roundtables on finance, the jobs initiative, and transportation and our roundtable on Home Based Business created some municipal initiatives to enhance opportunity for that sector. The Chamber also participated in many local task forces, and has given input to regional transit planning, community energy and emissions plan and educational initiatives. This level of influence also allowed us to hold four successful non-partisan all candidates meetings for the community this year. Attendance was the highest ever. I believe it speaks to the Chamber’s ability to effectively communicate the issues at hand and provide successful formats for candidates to engage with the audience. Thank you to all that volunteered, sponsored and supported these meetings as well as the Golf Tournament, Business Excellence Awards and Candlelight Parade this past year. Without your support, they would not be the extremely successful events that we have come to expect from the Chamber. All in all 2011 has been a great year for the Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce and I look forward to all that is in store for 2012. Have a wonderful holiday season, Merry Christmas and all the best in 2012!

Cal Crawford

mission chamber connection

December 2011 • Page 3

Government News New Mayor, Council Elected on Business Platform

Mission residents sent a loud message to municipal hall on November 19th that they support a business agenda which includes reduced taxation and a core service review by electing the CRMG slate. The Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce looks forward to working with the Mayor Ted Adlem and the CRMG Council to ensure that business taxation is reduced, development issues are addressed, and economic development remains a driver of the growth of Mission. “It is important the community continue to move

forward with the economic development momentum that has begun to build over the last year,” states Cal Crawford, Chamber President. “Mission needs to continue to convey that ‘We are Open for Business’ and encourage the economic growth that will sustain our community into the future.” The Chamber also extends thanks to the previous Council for its years of dedication to the community, and for its support of Chamber initiatives. “Mayor James Atebe has served the community well, and has served on the Board of

Nominations now being accepted

Directors of the Chamber for over 10 years as the District’s liaison,” notes Crawford. “We extend many thanks to him for his years of service.” “Community leadership is a difficult job, requiring many hours in meetings, reading reports and listening to community members… all with little pay. “Those who step forward are dedicated, serving the greater good without personal gain. We applaud all who have served in the role, and those that have now taken on this mantle of responsibility.”

Looking to represent business at the table? Want to have an impact on the decision-making of the Chamber? Nominations are now being accepted for the Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. There will be four positions for election at the March 2012 AGM. In order to be nominated, your business must be in good standing with the Chamber, and your nomination must be supported by two other members. Nominations are being accepted until January 31, 2012. For a nomination package contact Michelle Favero manager@mission-

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Page 4 • December 2011

mission chamber connection

Chamber of Commerce Committee News Look for the Chamber meeting schedule on the Mission Chamber webpage. Contact Chamber staff if you are interested in participating.

Go to to get all your news and information on business in Mission Events Committee, Todd Bugge, Chair Another great Candlelight Parade. The Country 107 Christmas Tree lighting by Parade Grand Marshall Operation Red Nose Rudolph set the tone for what some say was the best parade ever. The introduction of additional parking and a new traffic plan helped mitigate some of the challenges with this growing event. We are looking at tweaking even more for next year. Interested in volunteering for the parade or in joining the Committee? Contact Angel Elias,

Government Affairs, Elyssa Lockhart, Chair The Chamber has had a very successful year advocating on behalf of the members. Critical to this success is the work that is done by the Government Affairs Committee. Come join us and have an impact in your community. Present issues that the committee is working on include the CEAA process as it impacts development, the Fraser River as a sustainable transportation route, Municipal Auditor General and mobile business licensing. If you have a business concern, or issue that affects business in Mission that you feel the Chamber should speak on, please contact the Government Affairs Committee through Michelle Favero,

Todd Bugge

Elyssa Lockhart

Membership Committee, Ann Harper, Chair Your membership investment has been sent out. We look forward to your renewal so that in addition to the many benefits we already offer, you will be able to participate in the new member opportunities coming in 2012. Ever try speed networking? How about a night of curling and networking? Interested in better market position? Are you communicating to your customers? Stay tuned for more info in 2012. If you are interested in participating in the Membership Committee contact Angel Elias, Ann Harper

Tourism Committee, Cal Crawford, Chair This fall has brought many eagles and visitors to Mission. This year’s Bald Eagle Festival saw more than 350 visitors at the VIC. Committee plans for 2012 include development of a geocaching program for Mission and new marketing opportunities. Make sure to get in the 2012 Visitor Guide. Over 30,000 are delivered all over BC. Maximize your exposure to those looking at visiting Mission. For more information on the Tourism Committee please contact Allison Jack, Tourism Coordinator at Cal Crawford

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mission chamber connection

December 2011 • Page 5

No more mailed editions as newsletter moves to new format


“Change is inevitable… this as an opportunity to bring except from a vending you the newsletter in a new machine. format. ~Robert C. Gallagher Starting March 2012 a monthly four-page colour This will be the last edition supplement will be included of the Chamber Connection in in the Mission City Record this format. The Connection the second Thursday of the has been distributed to all month. businesses from 287th to This newsletter will conHarrison Mills on the north tinue to offer you the local side of the Fraser, and to all business and Chamber news Chamber members outside that you have come to expect this area for over 20 years. in the Chamber Connection. It has brought you regional For those of you who have business news and affordable faithfully advertised in the advertising with exposure to Chamber Connection over the 1,000 businesses. years, there will be affordable Arcadia Publishing, which advertising opportunities in has printed the newsletter the new format, with a sigfor more than seven years, is nificant increase of exposure shutting its doors December that leverages your Chamber 31st. While we are saddened membership. to see such a vital business Distribution for the new go, the Chamber is looking at format will be over 10,000.

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For more information contact Crystal Orchidson at 604820-5453. The Mission City Record will include the supplement in its on-line postings, and the Chamber will continue to post the newsletter on its social media and web pages. Remember, if you purchase ads, to include your web address. They automatically hyper link on-line. Members of the Chamber will continue to receive a more focused monthly e-newsletter offering specific information and opportunities that are a result of their investment. Thank you for supporting this version of the Chamber Connection. Please look for our new format in March 2012, and send us your feedback.

Are you booked in Visitor Guide? Market to those looking to visit Mission & residents alike, by purchasing space in the Visitor Guide. What you get: • 30,000 printed copies distributed across BC • Glossy colour ad with 1 yr. shelf life • On-line version posted on Chamber website • Include Web address to ensure on-line hyper link • Include QR code to drive smart- phone traffic to you Contact Crystal at the Mission City Record, 604.820.5453, to book your space for 2012.

Page 6 • December 2011

mission chamber connection

28 Candlelight Parade th

This year’s parade VIPs were cozy in their red blankets, with hot The little donkey pulling a cart was a big hit with the audience. chocolate, as well as cinnamon buns. Decorated so festively, he just looked darned cute.

The Fraser Valley Building Supplies Christmas train came rolling Everyone was commenting that this year’s parade seemed to bring into town with lots of lights and plenty of Christmas cheer. out even more young children than ever, which was a great thing.


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mission chamber connection

December 2011 • Page 7

Draws Roughly 11,000

Friday, December 2nd was a clear, warm night, perfect for watching the 28th Mission Candlelight Parade! “This is such a great community event and the Chamber is proud to be able to put it on every year,” stated Cal Crawford, Chamber President. “It was good to see so many more young fami-

lies. Santa told me he had never seen so many young children along the route.” It is estimated that more than 11,000 spectators enjoyed the holiday sights and sounds. The VIP Contest winners enjoyed the judge’s stand view with Grab-a-Java and Starbucks hot chocolate

and Cobbs Bread cinnamon Marching Band scones. Toasty in their red 1st - MEI Middle School blankets, they enjoyed the 2nd - Royal Canadian more than 70 parade entries. Sea Cadets 3rd - Royal Canadian The winners of the 28th Air Cadets Candlelight Parade are: Musical Presentation Commercial 1st - Mission Hills 1st - Fraserway RV Community Church 2nd - Fraser Valley 2nd - Stave Falls Scottish Building Supplies Dancers 3rd - She’s My Florist 3rd - Aerial Dance & Acro Academy Non-Profit 1st - Parkside Church The Mission Chamber 2nd - Abbotsford Recycling offers a special thank you to 3rd - Rotary Clubs this year’s sponsors. Without of Mission their participation the parade would not be such a huge School success. They also offer their 1st - WJ Mouat Drags thanks to the businesses that 2nd - Valley Christian School welcome so many into the 3rd - Deroche Elementary downtown core and to the community for making it such Individuals a safe and enjoyable event 1st - Mike Hopkins that showcases the commu2nd - Clysedale Horses nity spirit Mission has. 3rd - Henry the Pickup

It was good to see Santa Claus back in town for his annual pre-Christmas visit to Mission to check on all the good little boys and girls (above) in our community. And it would appear that everyone was intent on being good because parade watchers filled the Mission Christmas Bureau chest with toys and food for those who need help this year (right). Meantime, the parade judges looked like they were taking their roles pretty darned seriously (far right)… guess they weren’t taking any chances with the big guy either.

Carpet, Vinyl, Ceramics & Hardwood Ph: 604-820-2201 • Fax: 604-820-2281 • Cel: 604-302-1067 Offices and Showrooms 33149 London Ave., Mission

Page 8 • December 2011

mission chamber connection

Candlelight Parade Thank Yous The Candlelight Parade is a community event that requires many hands. We would like to thank: Premier Sponsors Scotia Bank

Downtown Business Association Mission Raceway Prospera Credit Union Country 107.1 Chances, Mission Smart Centres

Tel: 604-826-1251 Fax: 604-826-7421

Platinum Sponsors Rotary Clubs of Mission The Shops at Mission Hills Vancity Mission Record

• Historic Dewdney Pub • Mission Amateur Radio • Bill Hunter • Fraser Valley Building Supplies • Dry Grads of Mission Thank you to our many & Heritage Park volunteers and donors: • Mission Optimist Club • Boston Pizza • Cal Crawford • Starbucks • CPO Office • Pete’s Place • Jim & Mary Hinds • Cobs Bread • Phil Hope • RCMP • Gio & Sophia Favero • Grab A Java • Coast Eagle Safety • District of Mission • Rosetta Favero • Heather Kardal • Doug Pearson • One Stop Traffic Control • Karen Turner • School District 75 • Mission Fire Department

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mission chamber connection

December 2011 • Page 9

BC Chamber News Auditor General set to transform local governments Victoria, November 24, 2011 – Chambers of Commerce from across the province today welcomed the announcement that the Auditor General for Local Government will be created in British Columbia. The BC Chamber of Commerce would like to congratulate the

Provincial Government for tabling this important legislation. “The legislation of this new office has the potential to fundamentally change the way municipalities in BC operate,” said John Winter, President and CEO of the BC Chamber of Commerce,

“and we applaud the BC Government for making this bold move to ensure that our municipalities are accountable and provide services in a competitive and cost effective way.” The concept for a Local Government Auditor General office in BC was developed in

a 2010 policy paper by the BC Chamber of Commerce, which focused on creating equity in the property tax system and bringing transparency to local government. Chambers of Commerce recognize that many local governments face challenges providing services Continued on page 10

Praise for the Small Business Owner… and the Chambers that Serve Them Lisa, our training rep in the Chamber Learning Network office, forwarded a link she found on the Government of Canada’s Human Resources Development and Skills Canada website. They tried to develop a job description of a Small Business OwnerOperator. Yikes…this is going to be fun. It would probably have been a more efficient use of time to make a list of what a small business owner doesn’t do, but that wasn’t their purpose. I read on. The site documents the essential skills for the job, which include: reading text, writing, numeracy, oral communication, thinking skills, including problem solving, decision making, critical

By Robin Poncia thinking, job task planning What is a small business and organizing, significant owner to do? How will they use of memory (oh no! I’m ever do everything that needs doomed!), finding informa- to be done? How will they tion, working with others, train staff? How will they computer use, and finishing tweet and blog and Facebook? the list, continuous learning. You may be a business As I read the list, I thought owner who has an inkling of the quote from author that there is a way to use Alvin Toffler: “The illiterate spreadsheet software to anaof the 21st century will not lyze your cash flow, but what be those who cannot read and owner has the time to take a write, but those who cannot course at the local community learn, unlearn, and relearn.” college? Who more exemplifies this And what do you mean, than a small business owner? “I make terrible coffee, and If a small business owner there’s going to be a staff does not continually adapt mutiny if I don’t get this figto changing circumstanc- ured out?” es in their client base, their One part of the answer to economy and their industry, these ever changing questions always finding ways to make is to join your local Chamber and save money, they quickly of Commerce and take advanwrap up shop. tage of the small business

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solutions it offers. An organization where a business owner can find the support they need to grow, learn and connect with others who have the same challenges along with offering programs that save money and as importantly, time. Gas discounts, insurance programs, and continuous learning programs (like The Chamber Learning Network) are offered. The savings alone on these programs can more than pay for your Chamber membership. And if the Chamber can’t teach you how to make coffee, I bet they know someone who could. Contact your local Chamber today to find out more about training and support for your business.

Page 10 • December 2011

mission chamber connection

Government News

Employers - Are You Hiring Soon?

Get Youth Working! Youth Skills BC Workplace Pilot Program, The Pilot Program will be ending March 2012, and the funded through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market deadline for employer applications is December 31st. The Agreement, offers employers a $2,000 hiring incentive (up to good news is that there are still funds available! Employers three employees at $2,000 each) to hire eligible youth between need to apply now. the ages of 15 and 29. Additionally, employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase training for the newly hired youth. EMPLOYER Criteria: • In business for a minimum of one year • In good standing with WorkSafe BC • Must employ new hire for a minimum of 3 months and 30 hours/week • Employers will not qualify if employee is hired prior to YSBC Agreement signing

“Promoting Business and Tourism Development in Mission” INFORMATION AVAILABLE • Mission Community Profile • Commercial and Industrial Property Inventory • Business Opportunities • Tourism• & Film Production Resource Library Liaison 34033 LOUGHEED HWY., MISSION, BC V2V 5X8 Tel. 604.820.3789 • Fax. 604.820.6738 • Toll Free 1.866.814.1222 Email: •

Creating Beautiful Spaces since 1981 gail hanslo Registered Interior Designer 604.826.0594 consultations:

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NEW HIRE Criteria: • Unemployed, aged 15 – 29 • Not currently receiving or eligible for EI and have not have received EI within the past 36 months; or 60 months for a parental claim • Not a full-time student or returning to school • Is a resident of BC and legally entitled to work in Canada • Not be participating in another Canada/British Columbia Labour Market Agreement funded program To learn more about the program, download an application form, post your job for FREE, and find out how we can help you find eligible youth please go to, call toll free 1-877-866-3100 or email

Public needs value

Continued from page 9 with limited financial means. However, many tax rates are set with little to no involvement by the public and with no effective oversight. “It is critical that the public have information through value for money audits to ensure that taxpayer interests are protected, and that elected officials at all levels are held to account. An Auditor General of Local Government would achieve these goals while respecting municipal autonomy,” continued Winter. “We are very glad to see that the guiding principles of independence and transparency for the Auditor General office have been written into the legislation,” Winter concluded. “The Auditor General of Local Government will ensure that municipalities are accountable and employing best practices in the interest of local residents and businesses.”

mission chamber connection

December 2011 • Page 11

New Chamber Members Hennessy Trucking, Excavating and Bobcat Bryce Hennessy 12320 Ainsworth Ave Mission BC 604-864-7432

Edward Jones Christopher Roberts Suite A5 32081 Lougheed Highway Mission BC 604-814-1207

A. Stephen Pomeroy Ltd. Chartered Accountant Stephen Pomeroy #200 33313 3rd Ave Mission BC 604-820-8967

Skene Holdings Ltd. Letitia Curley 12828 Sabo Street Mission BC 604-820-0905

Madrone Environmental Services LTD. Debora Soutar 202 2602 Mt Lehman Road Abbotsford BC 604-504-1972

The Giggle Dam Theatre Patrick von Pander #213 280 Nelson Street Vancouver BC 604-944-4453

Athena Leskun Photography Athena Leskun – Green 33787 Best Ave Mission BC 604-217-6899

Terry Gidda Mission BC 604-557-3365


Fraser Valley Tutoring Services Genevieve Unger Mission BC 778-808-6902

John Hakkarainen #201 3240 Mt. Lehman Road Abbotsford BC 604-855-1990 Recapture Jewellry Design Marilyn Fraser Mission BC 604-226-5655

Walker Park Media Andrea Walker 32265 Best Ave. Mission BC 604-764-8249

It’s Time to Renew Your Chamber Investment

A national study by The Schapiro Group, an Atlanta based market research firm, reveals a number of important findings about how consumers and business owners perceive the local chamber of commerce and the businesses that are their members. For example: • When consumers know that a business is a member of the local chamber, they are 44% more likely to think favorably about it. • Consumers who are told that a business is a chamber member are 51% more likely to be highly aware of it and 57% more likely to think positively of its local reputation. • Consumers are 63% more likely to buy goods and services in the future from a company that they believe is a member of the local chamber of commerce. The study also has good news for businesses that sell to other businesses. • When business decision-makers believe that a business is a chamber member, they are 37% more likely to think favorably of the business, 51% more likely to be highly aware of it, 58% more likely to think positively of its local reputation, and 59% more likely to buy goods and services from it. Be recognized as a Chamber Member, renew your membership today! ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING FOR BUSINESS AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS

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Membership has its benefits!

If you are interested in connecting with the Mission Business Community, wanting to add your business voice to lobby government, or needing to find ways of improving what you do, join the Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce. Over 450 members with which to network, advocate and learn. Contact Angel Elias, Membership Coordinator, 604.826.6914

Fine & Casual Men’s Wear and Shoes 604.826.2721 33147 1st Ave., Mission

Free gift wrapping

MARK YOUR CALENDAR Upcoming Chamber events can be found on our Mission Chamber Events Google Calendar.

January 19

Chamber Luncheon Speaker: RCMP Inspector Richard Konarski Place: Best Western Time: 11:30am – 1pm

January 19

Business after Hours Members Only Mission Hospice Society Place: Suite E 7311 James Street Time: 5-7pm

January 28

Building Community Leadership Series Developing your Leadership Passion Speaker: Spencer West, Me-to-We Workshop: Me-to-We Place: Clarke Foundation Theatre Time: tba

February 16

Chamber Luncheon Speaker: Ryan Walters, CEO, Abbotsford Heat Place: Best Western Time: 11:30am – 1pm

∑ ∑

For more information about any of these events, or to RSVP, please visit:

Dan Roberge

Dan Roberge IGL Financial Corp. Suite 201 – 3240 Mt. Lehman Rd. Abbotsford, BC V4X 2M9 Ph: (604) 855-1990 / Fax: (604) 855-1090

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