Back-to-School Issue September 2, 2011
On the Internet at
In La Mesa, ‘All the Children are Above Average’
Just how tall was that sunflower? Page 6
Volume I – Number 4
Artist Cindy Teyro Works Her Magic in La Mesa Creating whimsical ceramic art In light-filled studio on a quiet residential street in north La Mesa, a talented ceramic artist is creating whimsical pieces, now in demand as far away as Saudi Arabia. The road that led Cindy Teyro to this unusual business seven years ago, has been anything but a straight path. “My degree is in speech pathology/ audiology. I worked as a speech pathologist in Phoenix for several years before I realized that type of work wasn’t for me. So I
By Ted Crooks
50 years training La Mesa's workforce. Page 2
No one number says more about a California community than the Academic Performance Index (API) of its schools. It says volumes about a community’s vitality, civility and future. There’s controversy about testing, but the reality is that tests are informative and important – just ask any college student. In California, the API is the bottom line. It’s not a test score; it’s like the credit scores that inspired it. It summarizes multiple tests taken by a group of students, be they students of one school or one district. It’s as meaningful a summary of many tests as possible. APIs summarize performance by students, not schools. The measurable factors most strongly related to U.S. student performance are: 1. parent’s education, 2. affluence, 3. race and cultural background – none of them under school control. Measuring schools requires looking at how well students perform compared to expectations for their circumstances. California measures a school by matching it to the 100 other schools with students having the most similar economic, racial and language characteristics. The rank of the school’s API against these 100 similar schools determines its rating, which is shown here as a percentage.
Elementary Student Performance
Scotties hit the books! Page 8
Cindy Teyro displays an unfinished piece. Inset: Finished planter
2010 APIs for students at six of La Mesa’s seven elementary schools beat the state average of 800. La Mesa Dale (near Helix High) is slightly behind, with 796 besting 45% of all California elementary schools, and 45% of similar schools. Lemon Avenue’s 834 surpassed 65% of schools statewide, but only 5% of similar schools. Northmont (between Severin and Amaya), scoring 857, tops
migrated to Colorado where I hung out for a couple of years as a ski bum. “Eventually I made my way to San Diego, and opened a shop in Old Town with a friend. Some of our best selling items were these unusual dolls; I was intrigued
See Academic Performance, page 5
See Cindy Teyro, page 12
Interview with Superintendent of the La Mesa/Spring Valley School District
Soapbox Derby champs honored. Page 8
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Q. How long have you been with the LMSV District? A. I’ve been with the District for 14 years; this is my ninth year as Superintendent. Q. How much are budget cuts over the last few years hurting our children? A. The last three years have been devastating. We’ve lost 25% of our revenues with myriad effects. We’ve had to go to larger class sizes, cut resource teachers and eliminate Sixth Grade Camp. We have cut staff size so much that I don’t know if education can stand much more. I’m very concerned about mid-year trigger cuts if revenues (state budget receipts) aren’t what was projected and they were off $500 million plus in July. Teachers and classified employees have taken a 4.5% cut for the last two years (and 3% before that); management (principals and administrators) have taken a 5% cut.
I have reduced my salary by 10% – I in education. felt it was important. This is happening Q. Explain why the change in the to staff who are investing their own middle school structure. money in the classrooms for supplies, A. Young adolescents are “caught books and decoration. in the middle.” The middle school is Throughout history adults have really a philosophy. It means a more always sacrificed for nurturing environchildren, and for the ment, with lots of first time as a nation, good experiences, we’re not doing that. and building a good Those decisions foundation for high are going to come school. We made the home to roost. Chilmove from K-5 and dren only have one 6th–8th grades to shot at elementary K-6 and 7th & 8th education. They grade because one of will be competing our board members for college slots and and a number of jobs with all the parents were interBrian Marshall, Superintendent world’s children. I ested in investifear that children from California will gating it. And we’ve realized huge be handicapped if we continue down savings system wide by making the this road. This is a very sobering time change—$1.7 million. Increased class See Brian Marshall, page 13
Page 2 — September 2011
By Kathleen Crawford
Photo courtesy of LM Historical Society
La Mesa got its start in 1869, with the arrival of Robert Allison who began a sheep-herding station along the Allison Springs (La Mesa’s first name). The arrival of the Cuyamaca railroad line in 1889 brought many new residents; 10 and 15-acre citrus ranches were formed, a railroad depot connecting the tiny settlement with the rest of San Diego County was built, and soon stores began to serve the new community. Many of those new residents had young children who needed an education. The larger area had schools in the Jamacha/Spring Valley district in 1877, in La Presa in 1888, and the Colony’s La Mesa school in 1891. The Allison family donated land near Orange and Date Streets and the Allison School was built in 1895 to serve La Mesa’s twenty students. Due to the lack of facilities in the community, the usual practice was to use the school for a wide range of community activities. The Allison School had the largest performance space in town in its auditorium and the school hosted numerous theatrical performances, band concerts, and sporting events. By 1914, as the city’s population expanded, it became necessary to build a larger, more substantive Allison School, c. 1911 school. The La Mesa Grammar School was designed by San Diego architects, Richard Requa and Frank Mead, and replaced the Allison School in 1914. The Mission Revival style building reflected the work of this famous team of architects. The school served the La Mesa and Spring Valley areas for 47 years and children attended from kindergarten through eighth grade. See A Look Back, Page 4
HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS COLUMN By Rick White It’s an honor to have been selected as your sportswriter for the La Mesa Courier. Let me introduce myself. My name is Rick White, and I have lived in La Mesa for the past 38 years. I’m 62, and recently retired as a high school teacher and coach from the Grossmont District. My first job as a coach was back in 1973, as the head football coach at Christian High in El Cajon. My team won a CIF championship in 1975. The next year we were CIF runner ups. I then moved on to Valhalla as head coach for two years before moving to El Capitan, where I assisted Jim Mann for one year, taking over as head coach the following year. For the last 33 years in the Grossmont District I’ve been teaching biology, including several years as a science department chair for both El Capitan and Granite Hills. I got back into coaching football in 1998, with Dave Waastad at the helm at El Cap; eventually he and I moved over to Granite Hills as co-coaches for the next four years. I’ve also spent some time coaching track, basketball and baseball. During my career I certainly had my share of ups and downs, wins and losses but my constant desire was to inspire students and athletes to become the best that they could be. I share all this because I want you to know that when you read my articles there is experience behind them. I’ve spent a lot of time dealing with student athletes, their parents, school administrators and the community. My wife of 38 years, Julie, was born and raised in La Mesa. She and I still reside in La Mesa on the hill overlooking the campus of Helix. I was sharing with Julie last night that this coming school year will be the first time in 57 years that I haven’t gone to school as a student or a teacher. Maybe you’ve noticed that really good coaches know how to inspire and motivate their athletes beyond what they think they are capable of doing. That’s what I want these articles to focus on – “inspiration.” This is not going to be a column on box scores. Athletes at Helix and Grossmont who have overcome extraordinary odds to achieve success in their sport and their life – that’s who I want to focus on. To do this well I need your help. I will be contacting the school coaches and athletic directors, but if you, the readers, know of inspirational stories of student athletes who have overcome adversity to achieve success in their life, I need you to email me those names. I want their inspiring lives to inspire you. Now, occasionally there might be an article on how high school athletics in La Mesa can be improved. After all, teachers and coaches are always looking to make things better. I look forward to hearing from you. Go and be an inspiration to someone, La Mesa! (Please send emails to
TRAINING LA MESA’S WORKFORCE—50 YEARS OF GROSSMONT COLLEGE CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION By Sheridan DeWolf, Interim Dean of Career Technical Education and Workforce Development “The maximum development and fulfillment of the individual and the development of the community are increasingly interdependent.” –from the Grossmont College Educational Philosophy, 2011
Fall 1961: Beginnings Fifty years ago, the brand new Grossmont Junior College began offering classes on the campus of Monte Vista High School in Spring Valley. The new college was part of a larger movement in Post WWII, Baby-Booming California. Eisenhower had just ended his term, John F. Kennedy beginning. It was a “New Frontier.” Symbolic of the cold war, the Berlin Wall went up, and, with hope for the future, the Peace Corp was formed. Congressman Bob Filner, of our neighboring 51st district, was a Freedom Rider, fighting for civil rights in Mississippi. Edmund G. Bill Cheeseman, Instructor Brown, Sr. was our governor. Alan Vocational Education Food Shepard was the first American in Service Management, 1967 Space, John Glenn was preparing for his historic flight, and the Aerospace industry was big in San Diego. Both destined to become astronauts, La Mesa’s Ellen Ochoa was 3, and future La Mesan, Rick Sturckow, was born in Lakeside. Soldiers and sailors stationed here in WWII returned to raise their families. Housing was needed. The construction industry was thriving. The first wave of the Baby Boom generation was in high school, and in 1960, San Diego State became part of the newly created CSU system, and the new Master Plan for Education in California added the University of California, San Diego to the expanding UC system. The UC and CSU systems were supposed to limit their enrollments, yet an overall goal was to “provide an appropriate place in California public higher education for every student who is willing and able to benefit from attendance.” The junior colleges were to fulfill this role. The Master Plan was based on the ideal that public higher education should be free to residents of California.
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See Grossmont College, Page 3
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Photo courtesy Grossmont College
A Look Back at La Mesa’s Schools — September 2011
Page 3
Grossmont College, from page 2 Tuition at junior colleges was free. Between the mid-1950s and the end of the 1960s total college enrollment in California increased five-fold and topped 1,000,000 students. One of the Grossmont Junior College mandates was to provide “An Occupational Education Program for those individuals for whom two years or less of training will provide them with the opportunity to acquire specific skills leading to employment or advancement on the job.” -1961-62 Grossmont Catalog
Moving with society Grossmont’s workforce development curriculum has always been sensitive to the needs of the local economy, to develop a workforce educated to do the jobs
CUYAMACA COLLEGE INSTRUCTOR WINS AWARD FOR GM TRAINING PARTNERSHIP Proton exchange membrane. Equinox fuel cells. Hydrogen gas molecules. Lecture topics from college chemistry? Take another guess. Those are terms that students of Cuyamaca College’s GM Automotive Service Education Program (ASEP) can expect to become intimately familiar with as General Motors’ fleet (Left to right) Students Dee Partain, of hydrogen-powered vehicles move Devin Kelley, and Jeff Senescall, from research labs and limited test under the hood with awardmarkets into people’s garages. winning automotive technology Chris Branton, a Cuyamaca instructor Chris Branton. College instructor for 28 years, 10 of them in the college’s well-regarded GM ASEP program, said the ever-changing technology of today’s cars requires even veteran teachers to constantly acquire new training to ensure the knowledge and skills they impart to students meet market demand. In addition to being fully GM trained, Branton also has an ASE (National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence) master certification, which requires passing a battery of eight tests and recertification every five years. Branton’s commitment to training and teaching excellence was recognized recently by the western region International Association of GM ASEP, which See Branton, Page 4
EAST COUNTY CRISIS PROGRAM SEEKS MORE VOLUNTEERS This photo of the Grossmont College faculty is from the Business Education, Consumer and Public Services Division at the retirement of Dean Al Paul, c. 1982. From left to right: front row, Mary Hubbard, Dietetic Tech (and holding the doll for absent Michelle Nelson of Child Development), Jack Borgos, Instructional Media Technology, Beryl Levine, Library Technology, Evan Enowitz, Food Service Management. (the Valkyrie represents Michelle Nelson, absent) Harry McCoy, Aeronautics; back row: Ann Einstein, Instructional Associate, Ann DaLuiso, Family Income Management, Karen Seal, Business, Emily Duggan, Fashion Merchandising. that local employers want done. The first occupational classes were offered in Business. The coursework then laid the groundwork for today’s programs, but they also offer insight into the business practices and technologies of the time: BUSINESS 63A Basic Data Processing Machines: Principles and operation of electromechanical business machines and wiring of related control panels. Design use and handling of punch cards, control panel diagrams and machine operating experience. Included key punch, sorter collator, accounting machine interpreter and reproducer. See Grossmont College, Page 14
Trauma Intervention Programs (TIP) of San Diego County, Inc., is a nonprofit organization that partners with emergency responders to assist citizens in crisis following a personal tragedy, such as the sudden death of a loved one. TIP is currently seeking volunteers to respond to the East County and National City areas to offer support services to residents. Volunteers are called to the scene by police, fire, and sheriff and are trained to help fellow citizens who are in distress as a result of a traumatic event, such as an unexpected family death, victims of fire, crime, drownings, suicide, homicide, or other traumatic incidents. Volunteers respond within their community. The first few hours after See TIP of San Diego, Page 8
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Page 4 — September 2011
The Grossmont High School Educational Foundation is proud of its recent accomplishments. In 2007, a group of parents, staff, and community members decided to commit themselves to providing support to Grossmont High School. The purpose of the Foundation is to enhance the overall educational experience of the students by raising funds to support the needs of the school. In the past four years, the Foundation has sponsored campus beautification Saturdays, the adoption of different campus planters, funded teacher mini grants, sponsored two "Evening of the Arts" with profits divided among the arts teachers, as well as helping to celebrate Grossmont’s 90th Anniversary in September 2010. With the profits from the 90th, the Foundation helped the ASB fund a permanent costume for the school mascot, GUS, a Foothiller tradition since 1947, and assist students who could not afford the fees to take the 2011 Advanced Placement Exams. The Foundation is also an umbrella organization to assist and support campus organizations such as the GHS Museum, the GHS Alumni Association, the Parent Volunteer Organization, the Student Assistance Fund, the Grossmont Staff Association, the Student Investment Club, and several sports teams including Boys Volleyball, Girls Soccer, Boys and Girls Water Polo, and Girls and Boys Lacrosse. With their motto, the Foundation encourages students, alumni, and staff See Foundation, Page 6
DON’T MISS THESE GREAT LOCAL EVENTS! Fall Recreation Classes Begin – City of La Mesa La Mesa Community Services is enrolling now for their popular Youth and Adult fall classes that begin September 6th. Enrichment classes are for ages six months to adult. Adult classes include: Adult Ballet, Belly Dancing, Boot Camp, Dog Obedience, Fencing, Ice Skating, Irish Folk Music, La Mesa Stroller Strides, Tennis, Walk and Talk, Yoga, Zumba, Adult Lap Swim, Adult Learn to Swim, Masters Swim Team, and Watercise. Youth classes include: Learn to Swim – Infant Toddler, Pre School, and Levels one through four; Art, Dance, Gymnastics, Fencing, Ice Skating, Small Friends Enrichment Programs, Stroller Strides La Mesa, Tennis, Theatre, Tiny Sports, Toddlers Tango, and World of Rhythm. Call 619.667-1300 for more information. View the online brochure or register online at Look for the orange “Register Now” button on the top left.
Grossmont Adult School’s ‘Whodunit’ Book Club Meetings Mystery fans read and discuss mysteries at the Whodunit Book Club, a free Grossmont Adult School class that starts in September at the El Cajon Library, 201 E. Douglas Ave. The Tuesday section of the class begins September 6 (runs through December 6) and is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Have something else booked on Tuesdays? No problem, the Wednesday section of the class starts September 7 (runs through December 7), and meets from 12:30 to 2 p.m. La Mesa resident Liz Swain teaches both classes. This fall, each section will discuss the works of authors including Charlaine Harris, Joanna Carl and Donna Andrews. To access the reading list See Events, Page 13
Calling All Foothillers! Did you know that your high school – Grossmont High School – has a museum? The museum was started in 1997 by Social Sciences teacher Bruce Davidson. It’s located on campus in the lower quad, downstairs on the north side of the Math building. Museum Director Connie Baer, retired English teacher, and her sister, Lynn Baer, operate the museum . The rooms are bursting with wonderful photographs, trophies, cheerleader uniforms, scrapbooks, choir robes, yearbooks, an outstanding leather helmet for playing football, and all sorts of memorabilia, from the 1920s to the present. Historic photographs showing pioneer developer Ed Fletcher and many other people important to the founding of the school and its role in La Mesa’s history, line the walls. The shelves are filled with all the yearbooks and artifacts from the school’s ninetyyear history. Grossmont High School was built in 1922, on land donated by Ed Fletcher. He also gave the new school granite from his quarry for the exterior of the origSee Museum, Page 10
A Look Back, from page 2 Once the students had completed their time at La Mesa Grammar School, they went on to San Diego High School. They took the daily train from La Mesa but eventually the school policy changed. By 1920, the San Diego district refused to accept students from the rural areas any longer and the Grossmont Union High School District was formed. Grossmont Union High School was built in 1922, on land above the Murray Reservoir donated by Ed Fletcher, a pioneering realtor and developer who had been instrumental in founding the Grossmont art colony. He also provided the beautiful grey granite from his quarry for use in the “castle.” Yet again, a prominent architect, Theodore Kistner, designed the school. The school was first occupied in 1922, and Grossmont High School in the late 1920s in the 1930s, during the difficult years of the Great Depression, Works Progress Administration funds were used to expand the school with a new gymnasium/auditorium for sports and performing arts. By the late 1940s, the school had jumped from its original 365 students to over 3,200 students. It had become apparent that La Mesa needed a new high school and Helix High School was built in 1951, for the Helix “Highlanders.” World War II brought a huge influx of residents to San Diego County, including La Mesa. In the 1950s, the population expanded rapidly and soon school bonds were passed to build new schools. These schools reflected the most modern, up-to-date concepts in school design by many famous San Diego architects – Robert DesLauriers, Sam Hamill, Clyde Hufbauer, Lloyd Ruocco, and Albert Treganza. Today, La Mesa has seven elementary schools, two “middle” schools for seventh and eighth graders, and two high schools. The public schools in La Mesa have offered excellent education from the late 19th century to the present time.
Branton, from page 3
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oversees the program at nearly 20 schools across eight states and two Canadian provinces. He was recently presented the western region’s 2011 Technical Instructor Award of Merit at a conference in Burbank. As a regional winner, Branton is a finalist for the international award to be presented in the fall by the international association governing GM ASEP schools across the United States and Canada, as well as in China and Ecuador. The financial woes of American auto manufacturers have forced the associate-degree program at Cuyamaca to go on hiatus for three years, but it is scheduled to return next year. Branton said that with 14 GM dealerships shutting down in San Diego County in the past two years, fewer spots are available for student internships, a crucial part of the program that alternates classroom instruction with on-the-job training. Cuyamaca, whose auto tech program was named a Top 20 finalist for 2011 School of the Year by a national industry magazine, is the only site in San Diego County, and one of six colleges statewide, to offer the ASEP program. The GM program
helps dealers and service centers recruit and train qualified entrylevel service technicians. Students undergo an intense sixsemester program with no summers off, but with a near-guarantee of a job at a 99 percent employment rate among graduates, the program can boast a completion rate of 84 percent. Another payoff is that graduates typically earn $60,000 annually as journeymen certified technicians after less than five years’ experience. Branton, who started as what he calls a “shade-tree mechanic” tinkering on his ’57 Chevy, said there was a time when automotive shops would hire “just about anyone with a pulse.” As with other college academic programs, state budget cuts have deeply impacted automotive technology. The number of classes offered has been cut, along with the loss of part-time instructors who have ties to the automotive industry. Still, with the GM ASEP program’s return next fall, and the revival of the similar Ford ASSET (Automotive Student Service Educational Training) program next month, automotive technology is revving up once more at Cuyamaca College. Visit
Photo courtesy LM Historical Society
Grossmont High School Educational Foundation — September 2011
Page 5
News and Views By Mary England, CEO La Mesa Chamber of Commerce
The 38th La Mesa Oktoberfest Is almost here: Friday September 30th, Saturday October 1st, and Sunday October 2nd. Get Ready To Eat, Drink and Be Merry! Get ready to leave the car in the garage or driveway, take the trolley and get down to the beautiful city of La Mesa and participate in the 38th Annual Oktoberfest celebration. Believe it or not – the La Mesa Oktoberfest is the largest Oktoberfest this side of the Mississippi. That’s right! Also last year, a survey was taken and for those who like Oktoberfest events, the La Mesa Oktoberfest was ranked the most popular in the region. The large beer garden that has become a staple to the annual Oktoberfest has been slightly expanded to increase the choices of food served to attendees and make their experience much brighter and better. In addition to eating great brats and German food served annually by Bernadette Tarantino and her staff of Tarantino Meats, people will be able to enjoy an additional variety of food choices. We will again partner with Karl Strauss beer for their fabulous beer choices. We are still looking for several food vendors to fill up the space in and by the beer garden, so if you or a friend know of any food vendor that would like to become involved in this year’s Oktoberfest, have them call the Chamber 619-251-7730, and we can discuss food vending opportunities. It’s never too late to be a part of Oktoberfest! This year the La Mesa Chamber is proud to be launching the Windermere Real Estate Food Court at the corner of La Mesa Boulevard and 4th Avenue. This horseshoe style food court will offer attendees a great variety of delicious food and drinks, an area with tables and chairs where they may relax and enjoy themselves while taking part in a great American pastime—eating. No diets allowed during Oktoberfest! The Chamber wishes to thank the sponsors that have been secured to date who help make this annual activity happen: Presenting Sponsor – Sycuan Casino, Entertainment Sponsor – Viejas Casino, Title Stage Sponsor – Hitzke Development Corporation, Beer Sponsor – Karl Strauss Brewing Company, Stage sponsor - DCH Honda of Lemon Grove, Friends of the Pavilion Sponsors -Borrego Springs Bank, Travelodge - La Mesa and USE Credit Union. Sponsorship opportunities are still available - call 619-251-7730 if you or your company are interested in being a part of this HUGE annual event.
Helix Water District increases rates by 5.9% On August 18, Helix Water District Board of Directors took action at the close of the Prop 218 Public Hearing to increase water rates by an average of 5.9%. The District serves 262,000 customers and received 68 protest letters objecting to the increase. The increase will apply to water used in September and October and will appear on customers’ bills after November 1. The Board also directed staff to return on September 7, with a plan to permanently reduce future budgets by $1 million dollars each year for the next five years. These reductions will come from both operating and capital expenditures. Over the past three years the District has reduced staff by 10%, in order to control rates and reduce expenditures due to lower water use. Information about water rates, District budgets and financial statements, and a Water Bill Estimator can be found at:
Academic Performance, from page 1 75% of schools and 65% of similar schools. Maryland Avenue’s 840 surpasses 65% of state schools and 45% of similar schools. Murray Manor (near Jackson Park) scored 873, surpassing 85% of schools statewide and 75% of similar schools; Rolando at 857 tops 75% of state schools and 75% of similar schools, while Murdock triumphs with 918 beating 95% of all schools and 85% of similar schools. (Hoorah Mustangs!)
Student and Family Characteristics Half of all California K-12 students are Hispanic and one quarter are nonHispanic “white”. All La Mesa elementary schools are between 45% and 60% white, except for La Mesa Dale with 40% Hispanic and 23% African-American, and Rolando with 37% Hispanic, 41% white. Fifty-five percent of California school children receive subsidized lunches, implying a family income under $41,000 for a family of four ($29,000 for fully free lunches). In La Mesa, the notables are La Mesa Dale with 71% subsidized, and Lemon Avenue, Murdock and Murray Manor around a low 25%. The proportion of parents who are college graduates ranges from about 50% at Murdock and Murray Manor, to about 25% at La Mesa Dale and Rolando. The rest are closer to 31% statewide average. Local middle and high schools reflect the compositions of the elementary schools.
Middle Schools Students at both of La Mesa’s two middle schools, La Mesa Middle (near Helix High) and Parkway (on Fletcher Parkway) perform better than state averages. With an API of 839, up from 819 in 2009, Parkway now leads 75% of state schools and 45% of similar schools. At 781, La Mesa Middle edges out the state middle-school average 765, surpassing 55% of state schools but only 25% See Academic Performance, Page 11
VIEW FROM THE ROAD… By Donna Alm Our home on wheels is in the shop. It had a brush-in with a palm tree—the RV lost. That means our planned visit to the Northwest is on the back burner. RVing life is wonderful, but when trouble pops up, alternative housing must be found, so I’m writing this from a lovely Oceanside beach house. While driving through Texas last April, both windshields blew out – one in Pecos and the other while being towed to Odessa. In 28 years of RVing, we had never heard of that happening! It gave us and our traveling cat, Hobbs, time to become acquainted with another slice of Americana – Pecos, Odessa and Midland. For such a small town, Pecos is noted for being the home of the first ever American rodeo; the infamous cowboy, Pecos Bill, who was immortalized in many tall tales of the Old West; and cantaloupe, said to be the sweetest in the world (only available in summer months, so that’s unverified by us). We found the West of the Pecos Museum, housed in the beautifully restored Orient Hotel, where we were surprised by two stories of former guest rooms filled with artifacts and history of this little town and America’s West. I highly recommend a visit; the hotel/museum is an excellent example of pride in community and culture. Please pick cantaloupe season to do so, then you can let me know if they are as good as the locals boast. Actual repairs were made down the road in Odessa by some really nice folks. The University of Texas in the Permian Basin is here. It houses a large museum and vast library about the office of the president—not a president, but all 44 of them—their first ladies and the While House itself. It’s quite a gem for researchers or people like me who are interested in learning more about our leaders. Midland is just 20 minutes east. We found its fairly new sports complex, including quite a large stadium for high school football and a nice minor-league ballpark where we enjoyed a couple of baseball games. These towns are in the See View from the Road, Page 6
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Page 6 — September 2011
Life in La Mesa By Pam Crooks
August finally brought the hot weather we’ve been waiting for (or not). With it came a favorite summer ritual: supper outside with friends, often involving home-grown vegetables. I don’t have a green thumb when it comes to vegetables, but I have one friend who can grow almost anything. And she’s a great cook besides. We recently had a memorable meal on her patio overlooking the hills of La Mesa. The menu was almost completely prepared with vegetables from her garden. It started with great gazpacho and Pam Crooks went on from there. On another night, we sat at a long table filled with good food and conversation in the backyard garden of another La Mesa couple. It was a magical evening. We are certainly blessed with good friends, but also to live in La Mesa where we have more space to garden and eat outside when the weather is great, which it is most of the time. One of the other joys of living here is the quick and easy access to the beach or harbor front. One hot afternoon, Ted and I took our books and beach chairs to Harbor Island overlooking San Diego Bay. Another day we zipped downtown on Hwy. 94, and tried the “new” Vintage Trolley on the Silver Line, which runs in a loop through downtown on weekends. (See page 11 for more info.) If you wilt in hot weather, and would rather have an armchair adventure with the air-conditioner on, there’s another way to while away an afternoon. I just discovered a local Facebook page, “You know you’re from La Mesa when…” Pam and Ted Crooks ride "new" vintage trolley Try it for a fun walk down memory lane, and you just might reconnect with an old school buddy from Northmont or La Mesa Dale or Lemon Avenue School…. Speaking of schools, I hope you will read my interview with LMSV School District Superintendent Brian Marshall on page 1, and seriously consider answering his plea to volunteer a few hours a month. You could make a real difference to a child’s life and ultimately to this community.
View from the Road, from page 5 heart of oil country in not-too-hospitable countryside. Boom or bust, the folks we met work hard and love life here. A couple of recent presidents called the area home at one time, too. We’ll fondly remember our view of the area as the place of windshields on the side of the road—ours! P.S. You might want to check out some of the Pecos Bill stories at One amazing cowboy.
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Helix Charter High Captures Top Award at SADD National Conference This summer SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) recognized Helix Charter High School SADD of La Mesa, with its 2011 SADD National Chapter of the Year Award presented by SADD President and Executive Director Penny Wells at a Conference Awards Banquet in Chicago, Illinois, before more than 550 attendees. This award is given to the chapter with the most creative and comprehensive approach to realizing the SADD mission of promoting safe and healthy decision-making among youth. “We are pleased to honor Helix Charter High for its impressive commitment to youth health and safety and a dynamic lineup of fun and engaging activities throughout the school year,” remarked Wells. “Particularly impressive is the creativity and enthusiasm of their members, advisors, and supporters, and their outreach to the community and the region. We believe Helix can serve as an extraordinary example to SADD chapters across the country,” added Wells. Special events were held each month representing a diverse range of prevention education strategies. These activities included multi-media presenSee SADD, Page 8
Foundation, from page 4 to “Take your memories…Leave your footprints.” Appropriately, the Foundation has selected a footprint as its logo. The Foundation, which is a nonprofit 501c (3) organization, welcomes Pay Pal donations, which may be made on the Foundation’s home page at under the School Information tab or directly at You may also mail a check payable to the GHS Educational Foundation to the school at P.O. Box 1043, La Mesa, CA 91944-1043. For more information or to specify your donation for a certain organization, you may contact Ellen Erath, GHS Educational Foundation President, at ellenerath@cox. net.
We grow 'em BIG in La Mesa! La Mesan Connie Sylvia is 5’ 1” tall and stands next to the very large sunflower she grew in her front yard from a seed.
St. Martin of Tours Academy La Mesa Quality Catholic Education Celebrating 60 Years
• Preschool • Full Day Kindergarten • First Through Eighth Grades • Extended Hours for Daycare Before and After School (until 6 pm) Fully Accredited by Western Catholic Education Association and Western Association of Schools and Colleges GRADES K-8: (Established in 1951) Offering a comprehensive system of instruction, (Workshop Way®), designed to meet the educational and developmental needs of all students. CA State Curriculum is taught in a way that also nourishes the human growth of each child in the learning process. Challenge, motivation to learn, and differentiated instructional methods are built into the system so as to meet the needs of both high and low academic achieving students. There is a clearly defined purpose and structure in all classroom instruction. PRESCHOOL: (Established in 1993) Providing an environment in which a child’s innate curiosity and excitement for learning is fostered. A well qualified and experienced staff in Early Childhood Education provide for each child the experience of the joy of learning. The curriculum includes experiences with math, science, music, cooking, creative play and physical activities. ◊ Focus on Christian values and lifelong learning ◊ Community Outreach ◊ Technology in all classrooms ◊ Computer Lab ◊ Emphasis on Life Skills & Physical Fitness ◊ SMA Sports Teams: track, flag football, basketball, soccer, volleyball ◊ Extensive playground facilities and equipment (including a track and field) ◊ Enclosed and secure campus We welcome your inquiries! Call or E-mail us to schedule a tour:
Preschool: Grades K-8:
619.698.8462 619.466.3241 7708 El Cajon Boulevard – La Mesa, CA 91942 — September 2011
Page 7
Guest Column
Guest Column
Helix Charter High School
My Time at Mt. Helix Academy
By Rani Goyal, Executive Director
By Sheridan Shenkin, Age 14
On August 10, Helix Charter High School started the school year with more than 2,500 students, one of its largest opening days in many years. Each and every Rani Goyal family here has chosen to attend Helix, a testament that it has come to be seen as a top tier school. It has been said that Helix offers a private school education at a public school price. There are several differences between a traditional school and a charter school. One is that decisions regarding financial resources are not mandated to us by the state. At Helix we have greater flexibility to direct monies where they can be spent to best meet the specific needs of our students. Another difference is that the school can be creative with its educational program. In exchange for flexibility in decision-making, charter schools are held to strict accountability standards and oversight. Since becoming a charter school, Helix has designed its program to maximize student potential. Helix believes that every student can learn at a high level and that students should leave high school with the option to attend college. Helix’s graduation requirements ensure that every graduate qualifies to apply to the University of California (UC)/California State University (CSU) systems. These requirements prepare students to be life-long learners while providing a strong foundation for various pursuits following high school. Helix provides intensive support so students can succeed in meeting these rigorous standards. Students take, at most, four classes every semester. All freshmen receive intensive support daily through a structured tutoring program. They also take a year long Algebra I program that equates to two years in a traditional school. All students are offered tutoring, built into their daily schedules. Grade Level Teams monitor student progress all four years, meeting with students regularly to ensure no one “falls through the cracks.” As a result of these efforts, students have demonstrated high levels of learning, resulting in Helix surpassing most area schools in API scores. This abundance of support for students has created a family-like atmosphere where we can truly say no student is anonymous. While its educational program is somewhat different, Helix is the same in other areas, offering a wide compliment of sports; extracurricular activities such as performing arts, debate, yearbook, etc.; parent groups; and all that makes a high school a high school. Helix students are fortunate to be members of a community that supports them through their high school careers. We look forward to continuing Helix’s relationship with the community whether as senior project mentors or senior boards judges, volunteer coaches, or planning a community garden. We open our doors to the community to celebrate events such as student performances, sporting events and our annual Supporters’ Breakfast. We also invite you to attend our “Excellence in Education Tour” to learn how Helix’s commitment to its mission has benefited the community. Look for details regarding these opportunities on our school website ( or contact us at (619) 644-1940. Be a part of the excitement, be a part of your local high school, and become a Scottie! “Once a Scottie, always a Scottie!”
Mt. Helix Academy, a small private school in La Mesa, is unique in its teaching methods, staff, and student body. Originally named Coleman Preparatory, the school of three hundred students now goes through Sheridan Shenkin grades kindergarten to eighth. Mt. Helix was originally graduates from led by Barbra Moulaison, but after her retirement in Mt. Helix Academy 2010, Mike Collins took her position as director. Mt. Helix Academy is part of TIEE—The Institute of Effective Education—an organization whose goal is to give any child the perfect environment to learn. Mt. Helix, from personal opinion, does an excellent job in meeting and exceeding this goal. I have been with the Mt. Helix family since I was in second grade, and I am a proud member of the graduating class of 2011. I always felt I received what I needed, and, as their motto suggests, I loved to learn! When I was younger, I loved to walk through the halls of our main building, to be greeted by all the staff and teachers and have them know me personally. The thrill of being known and cared for did not diminish as I grew older and entered the middle school building, known as the Annex. It was that familiarity and closeness that really motivated me to try my hardest at every opportunity. When I was in fifth grade, I made the decision to try out my local public school. While I did continue to do well in my classes, it amazed me that some of my other classmates were not energized enough to put forth their full effort. See Sheridan Shenkin, Page 10
Brain injuries affect more than 11,000 local families each year Fundraiser at MTRP, October 22 When a person suffers a traumatic brain injury, it’s like a bomb explodes in the middle of the family. Everyone is thrown into an emotional crisis and immersed in a medical emergency. Their lives are changed forever. Recovery for the injured person will be long and the outcome uncertain. While some families adjust and hold things together, other families are at risk of falling apart. The San Diego Brain Injury Foundation helps struggling families by providing information, referring them to specialized agencies and services, producing educational DVDs, publishing a Brain Injury Guide for Families, operating a long-term residential care facility called Howard House, offering emotional support and more. But now, SDBIF is struggling—financially. “The last few years have been financially difficult for many nonprofits, including our organization,” says Sue Hansen, chief operating officer of the SDBIF. “Unless we turn things around quickly, we won’t be able to continue providing services. Hopefully, our upcoming fundraiser will help us get us back on track.” The public is invited to the SDBIF Friendraiser, an evening under the stars with wine, hors d’ouvres, a silent auction, art, Native American music, flute player, and astronomers with telescopes. The event will be held at the Mission Trails Regional Park on Mission Gorge Rd. on Oct. 22, from 6–8:30 pm. A Mission Trails guide dressed as George Cowles, after whom Cowles Mountain is named, will greet arriving guests. He will be in period clothes from the 1870s. Cost is $50. To register, call 619-294-6541 or go to Proceeds will be used to provide support and services to brain injured survivors and their families.
If you could ask God one question what would you ask? Bear Grylls
Star of Man vs. Wild, Discovery Channel
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church 6556 Park Ridge Blvd. San Diego, CA 92120 Across from Patrick Henry H.S.
On an Alpha course, guests explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over 11 thought-provoking sessions. Each week guests enjoy a meal and a talk on subjects as diverse as “Who is Jesus?”, “How Can I Have Faith?” and “How Can I Make the The AlphA Course Most of the Rest of My Life?” explore the meaning of life Begins Sunday Sept. 18, 2011 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. St. Dunstan’s Parish House
Non-denominational Light supper & program Childcare provided
For more information or to register contact Roy or Anita at (619) 460-6442 or
Page 8 — September 2011
KIWANIS CLUB HONORS THREE LOCAL SOAP BOX DERBY CHAMPS Supported by Drew Ford and other community sponsors, the Kiwanis Club of La Mesa sent three Soap Box Derby Champions from San Diego East County to the All-American Soap Box Derby National Race held in Akron, Ohio, during the week of July 25-29. The three boys and their families were recognized for their achievements during the Kiwanis Club meeting on Friday, August 26. Declan Bardin, Rally Stock Champ, finished 6th in Rally Stock Division; Sam Ferguson, Super Stock Champ, finished 13th in Super Stock Division; Sam Berks, Stock Champ, finished 16th in Stock Division at Akron. Certificates of Achievement were awarded to the boys by La Mesa Sam Ferguson prepares for a downhill run at the Mayor Art Madrid, local Drew Ford/Kiwanis Club of La Mesa Soap Box and by a represenDerby held in May. Sam has won first place in the tative of Supervisor Super Stock Division in both 2010 and 2011. Dianne Jacob’s office. “More than 500 boys and girls from all over the nation and, indeed, from other countries as well, competed at this year’s Nationals in Akron,” said La Mesa Derby Director Dennis Wilkes. “Each heat has three cars, with two being eliminated and one going on the next round. We are very proud of what our contingent accomplished this year.” The boys spoke at the Kiwanis meeting about their experiences during their week in Akron. Kim Ferguson maintained a running account for her son, two-time winner of the La Mesa Soap Box Derby, at samssoapboxderbyblog., where readers can see her account of Race Day.
TIP of San Diego, from page 3 a traumatic event has occurred are very confusing for everyone involved and the TIP volunteers are trained to provide the necessary emotional first aid and other temporary support until the persons involved in the crisis are able to depend on family, friends, and others. Volunteer Training Starts in October 2011 TIP is holding a volunteer training academy in La Mesa beginning October 13th. The academy costs $45 person and consists of a 50-hour training program given on week nights and weekends. No prior experience is necessary. Interested citizens must be at least 16 years of age and have automobile transportation, insurance, and a cell phone. We are looking for adults and teens that are available for either day or night shifts. For a complete schedule of training times and further information regarding volunteer requirements call the TIP office at (760) 931-2104, or see our website:
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PADRES SCHOLARS – La Mesa Dentist Jeff Gray and his wife Mary went to bat for Padres Scholars this summer, raising $30,000 through the Smiles for Life Program to help provide college scholarships to three area high school seniors. At the check presentation at Petco Park, Kyle Gray, Jeff and Mary’s son, presented the donation to Sue Botos, director of the Padres Foundation. Twelve years ago Gray originated Smiles for Life, which features teeth-whitening treatment for patients at a reduced fee with 100% of the money going to organizations that benefit children and youth.
La Mesa dentist goes to bat for Padres scholars The Padres Scholars program has a new team player – La Mesa Dentist Jeff Gray and Smiles for Life, a program that originated in Gray’s office 12 years ago, and expanded nationwide through a network of dentists called the Crown Council. Smiles for Life has raised nearly $30 million to benefit children’s educational and health-related organizations. This year, Gray’s office changed the focus of its Smiles for Life fundraising by tying into the Padres Scholars program that provides college scholarships See Smiles for Life, Page 11
SADD, from page 6 tations, safety belt surveys, awareness campaigns around texting and driving, and the initiation of a school-wide recycling campaign launched by grant funds the chapter received. As a first-place winner, Helix Charter High School SADD also receives a check from SADD for $500 to support its ongoing prevention efforts in the next school year. “Helix developed a comprehensive and effective prevention program in a relatively short period of time,” added Wells. Helix is one of several chapters being supported by a unique corporate partnership program between SADD and DCH Auto Group, a leading automotive retail group with dealerships in California and metropolitan New York. The four-day SADD National Conference provided young people from across the country with innovative workshops about the latest prevention education strategies, motivational speakers addressing crucial topics, and an opportunity to share best practices and have fun. SADD, is a peer-to-peer youth education, prevention, and activism organization, committed to empowering young people to lead initiatives in their schools and communities. Founded in 1981, today SADD has thousands of chapters in middle schools, high schools, and colleges. SADD highlights prevention of many destructive behaviors and attitudes that are harmful to young people, including underage drinking, other drug use, risky and impaired driving, and teen violence and suicide. To become a Friend of SADD or for more information, visit and or follow SADD on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
GEMS& JEWELS By Enhancery Jewelers, Kathleen White, Graduate Gemologist, GIA
Hunt for buried treasure in your home and turn it into CA$H tomorrow! No amount too small or too large, and it does not matter what the condition. Gold prices have soared, the increase in market value for gold allows you to get more money out of your jewelry than in previous years. Many people have come to Enhancery Jewelers to turn their unwanted jewelry into instant cash, and you can do the same by simply cleaning out your jewelry box of unwanted items. You don’t have to sell to us for cash, you could instead trade in your unwanted jewelry for upgraded items or even something completely new. Some of our customers have simply needed some extra vacation money. Enhancery Jewelers will always provide current market value for your unwanted gold, silver or platinum jewelry. BIRTHSTONE OF THE MONTH – SAPPHIRE Sapphire is the birthstone for those born in September and is historically equated with wisdom, since King Solomon originally adopted a beautiful cornflower blue variety for his personal seal. Sapphire is not limited to blue since it comes in every color except red(this variety of corundum is known as ruby). Sapphire has a hardness of 9 on the MOHS scale and is suited to be worn daily and easily worn in wedding rings similar to the one used by Princess Diana and now Princess Kate. Visit us on the web at or follow us on Facebook...
5550 Baltimore Dr. La Mesa, CA 91942 866.292.7568
Advertisement — September 2011
SUNRISE ROTARY CHOOSES NEW PRESIDENT President Manuela Bump Murillo took over the reins of the La Mesa Sunrise Rotary (LMSR) club on July 1, for the Rotary year 2011-2012. She came to the United States as a student from Honduras in 1968, and became a citizen in 1981. She is in the Real Estate business. Her passion for service led her to Rotary two years ago. Her husband Hugo is also a Rotarian. The personal accomplishment she is most proud of is building a school, “La Mosquitia,” on the isolated Miskito coast of Honduras. The school is now run by the Evangelical Association of Honduras and continues to serve the community. As president of the Rotary club, which received See Rotary, Page 12
Page 9
Rides4Neighbors Program — Helping La Mesans Remain Independent Rides4Neighbors offers safe, reliable, personalized transportation to adults over 60 who cannot drive due to age or disability. Rides are provided by our volunteer drivers who truly care about each and every individual they transport. Our mission is to help you remain independent! Door-to-door rides are provided for essential needs such as medical appointments, grocery shopping, personal care, social activities, and more. Eligible riders must reside in La Mesa or a neighboring east county community. Just call 619-667-1321 to see if you are eligible or to receive an application, or access for more information.
Page 10 — September 2011
La Mesa Reads By Jessie Goodwin, Librarian La Mesa Library customers checked out a variety of books last month, but our most sought-after titles were all fiction. 10th Anniversary by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro, the latest installment in the Women’s Murder Club series, and The Reversal by Michael Connelly, featuring Detective Harry Bosch, were both popular choices with La Mesa readers. What the Night Knows, a chilling ghost story by Dean Koontz was another top title. Rounding out the list is the newest Jack Reacher novel, Worth Dying For by Lee Child. What do all of these books have in common? They’re fast-paced, suspenseful bestsellers by today’s most popular authors. Please give us a call or stop by the library if you’d like to find out more about any of these books. Summer reading has wound down at the La Mesa Library. With the end of the Summer Reading Club comes back-to-school time and back-to-school reading lists. Come into the branch to get help finding those must read classics or new titles to fulfill book report requirements. We are always happy to request items for you if they aren’t available in our branch, and for those hardto-find titles we can even get books from the university system or libraries in other parts of California. The La Mesa Library also has some great special events coming up in, including our monthly Author Night. This month we’ll feature national bestselling author Jeanne Stein, a frequent visitor to the San Diego area and writer of the “Anna Strong Vampire Chronicles.” She will discuss book seven in the series, Crossroads, on Thursday, September 15th at 6:30 pm. We also have our Coffee and Books program coming up. At this event you can hear book reviews for a variety of titles, have some coffee and chat with other book lovers. Coffee and Books takes place on Wednesday, September 14th at 5:00pm. Pick up a calendar in the branch or view it online at www. to learn about these and many other free, fun programs at the La Mesa Library.
Sheridan Shenkin, from page 7 That was something Mt. Helix always strived for their students to do, and they almost always succeeded with every child. By sixth grade, I was ready to return to MHA and my closest friends. The student body is another aspect that makes Mt. Helix Academy so special. The school teaches its students to always try to help others, and they truly are caring and kind. Having grown up with the same thirty people since I can remember, they became like an actual family. The whole school is so supportive of each other, and the older students are always happy to help the younger ones. I was ambivalent about leaving Mt. Helix. Although I felt that I was ready for the next step in my education, the thought of leaving people I considered family was terrifyingly sad. My class was the second biggest class to ever graduate from Mt. Helix Academy with 32 students. On graduation day, my previous lack of public speaking gave me nervous moments before I approached the large crowd. Fortunately, I had my friends and teachers supporting me; it was almost impossible to feel scared. As I began to give my speech, my nerves evaporated, and a huge smile appeared on my face. I finally felt ready to start high school at Health Science High and Middle College. Mt. Helix Academy was my past, but it was also giving me a future. All students in the eight-grade class were invited to speak at graduation. Sheridan looks forward to starting ninth grade at Health Science High and Middle College, a public charter school in San Diego.
SDSU Students Return with Mixed Feelings By Byron Winick, SDSU Graduate Student/History Teaching Assistant Another school year is about to begin, as students at San Diego State University resume classes on August 29. It is an exciting time to choose classes, catch up with old friends, and show off that new summer tan. Yet not all is serene as students return from the bliss of summer to the rigors of school. Recent statewide budget cuts have increased the cost of education for college students, putting a financial strain on many students seeking to get ahead in a bad economy. With $650 million cut by the state of California from the 2011-2012 Cal State education budget, tuition has increased 12% for students at San Diego State University. Full time undergraduate students must come up with an extra $294 for total basic tuition and fees of $3,289, while students in the teaching credential program and graduate students pay an additional $339 See Mixed Feelings, Page 15
Museum, from page 4 inal high school building, the Old Main. From 1920–1922, Grossmont students attended school at the old Riverview High School location in Lakeside. The Old Main building now serves as the headquarters for the Grossmont Union High School District, and is covered with ivy planted by freshman Karl Busch when the school opened in 1922. The building is undergoing extensive renovations to make it useful for another ninety years, and the ivy is being carefully preserved to be replanted when all the work is done. The granite exterior will remain but the interior will be remodeled extensively. One of the exciting things to come with the renovation of the school building is the placing of a new cornerstone back in its original location. The original cornerstone was opened on September 25th, 2010, the ninetieth anniversary of the construction of the high school. The cornerstone held a copy of the first yearbook, El Recuerdo, a short history of the district, lists of students from 1920–1922, list of officers of the Parent Teacher Association, a program from the cornerstone-laying ceremony, samples of report cards, Commencement exerCarefully-restored items from cises tickets and programs, tickets original cornerstone are on display to school events, bits of purple and at Grossmont High Museum. gold fabric, East County newspapers of the era, and badges from the Women’s Relief Corps, an 1866 Grand Army of the Republic (Civil War) badge and other items. Careful restoration by experts Frances Prichett, Donna Williams, and Vera Indenbaum, have preserved these treasures from the past. The project was funded by the Ed and Mary Fletcher Fund, members of the Foster Family, Randa Gage, Virginia Kouns Embry, Dyan and James Pignatelli, Cathy Hansen, and the Lakeside Historical Society. One of the biggest projects the Museum has undertaken is the creation of a new cornerstone box for placement in the restored building. The new box will be made of stainless steel as the original copper box had caused some of the contents to deteriorate. Last year’s Associated Student Body class selected the contents to be placed in the new cornerstone. They included a copy of the 1921 See Museum, Page 13
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List your business here! 619-697-2500 — September 2011
Page 11
Start of new semester at Grossmont, Cuyamaca colleges Students experience jam-packed classes, waitlists As the result of statewide budget cuts for higher education that have sharply reduced course offerings, students at Grossmont and Cuyamaca colleges have been madly scrambling for available seats as East County’s two colleges begin the fall “We’ve had to cut semester on Monday. Preliminary figures for the college district classes, even as show that about 24,000 students registered for this the demand for semester. Almost 200 classes have been cut this fall, them is growing,” on top of 1,000 classes that have been eliminated in the past two years because of slashed budgets. Nearly 94 percent of the available courses are full. The waitlist for class seats has grown to more than 23,000, even after adjustments were made that opened up 5,000 seats. Enrolling in classes poses a particular challenge for new students who are among the last to register because of the priority given to returning students and others such as military veterans. “We’ve had to cut classes, even as the demand for them is growing,” said Cindy L. Miles, chancellor of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District. “High unemployment and more students who are coming to community colleges for job training has increased demand. The travesty of the budget See New Semester, Page 12
Smiles for Life, from page 8 for deserving local students. The dental office raised $30,000 to sponsor one of the three high school seniors selected as Padres Scholars this year. The Padres raised funds for two more scholarships. The students were picked from the AVID program in area schools. The Padres Scholars Class of 2011 are Karen Guzman, who will be attending California State University, San Marcos; Edgar Romero, University of California, San Diego; and Michael Spieckerman, Occidental College. The $30,000 raised by the dental office was donated largely from Gray’s clients and the community through the Smiles for Life Program, which offers professional teeth-whitening treatment at a discount cost of $199, with 100% of the proceeds going to Padres Scholars this year. In addition, Jeff and Mary Gray sponsored the three winners for a weeklong summer program on the UCLA campus presented by the LEAP Foundation USA, a nonprofit organization that mentors youth to succeed in life. “My wife, Mary, and I and everyone in our office are very dedicated to helping children and young people,” Dr. Gray said, noting that over the past 20 years he has spoken to various groups on the topic of “Reaching Your Goals and Your Dreams.” Most recently, he was keynote speaker at the “Catch the Wave of Success” Pre-Health Conference for students held last February at San Diego State University. For more information on the Padres Scholars Program, contact the Padres Community Relations Department at (619) 795-5275.
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MTS unveils a refurbished 1949 trolley car, lovingly restored by volunteers over a period of six years. The car will run on weekends and holidays around downtown, and the fare will also be vintage 1949 at $2, $1 for seniors.
Academic Performance, from page 5 of similar schools. The La Mesa-Spring Valley School District (LMSV) includes both La Mesa’s elementary and middle schools, together comprising about half the district’s total enrollment. Overall, the La Mesa schools out-perform the District’s 801 API, except that La Mesa Dale is again just below, and La Mesa Middle is about on average for District middle schools (middle school APIs average less than elementary APIs).
High Schools With an API of 763, compared to the state average of 729, Grossmont High students perform better than those at 65% of California high schools, but only 45% of similar schools. Helix Charter High students, with 795, lead 75% of California high schools and 95% of similar schools. Big high schools are even harder to raise above averages than more malleable elementary schools and middles. Helix students are doing well, but the school itself is performing at the highest levels. (Go Scotties!) Grossmont High and Helix both significantly out-perform the greater Grossmont Union High School District’s 736 API. However, Valhalla, with 808, is tops in the district, closely followed by Helix, then West Hills (Santee), at 784 topping 65% statewide, but only 15% of similar schools.
Nearby Comparisons Because La Mesa schools are in larger districts, an exact comparison between them and other districts is unavailable. Statistically, it’s best to compare the scores for local individual schools to other districts – APIs are designed for this. Chula Vista Elementary District: API 848 up from 830 last year. Chula Vista has slightly more parent college graduates and 20% more Hispanic students. It does not have middle schools, which tend to reduce district averages. Overall, Chula Vista students are performing better than LMSV‘s districtwide 801, but lag behind the students in La Mesa proper. Chula Vista has had more recent growth. This changes a district because it brings much less expensive, but less experienced younger teachers (average 9.7 years experience in Chula Vista, with 58% of teachers having master’s degrees or doctorates, versus 17.1 years and 73% having master’s degrees and above in the LMSV District, and 18.9 years and a whopping 80% of teachers with advanced degrees in City of La Mesa elementary schools). Also, growing districts are favored by California school facilities budgeting. Sweetwater Union High School District (middle and high schools): See Academic Performance, Page 14
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7643 University Ave., La Mesa, CA • 619-644-1440 Mon–Fri 7:30–5:30 • Sat 8–2 • Closed on Sunday • Se Habla Español
Page 12 — September 2011
Cindy Teyro, from page 1
Grossmont Shopping Center: Bringing Back the 60s on September 24 Grossmont Shopping Center opened in the fall of 1961, and will be celebrating 50 years in business on Saturday, September 24, with a free community celebration that includes 60’s music, dance, fashion, history, crafts, automobiles and more. Festivities will take place throughout the mall. The fun begins with a ceremony at 11 a.m., in the Macy’s Courtyard, followed by live entertainment and other activities until 3 p.m. Grossmont Center established a community partnership when its doors opened, and has donated over $2 million dollars to local charities, which focus on health and well-being, education and the futures of the youth. In 2011 alone, more than $50K is being donated to these and other local charities. Since 1961, the center has successfully presented itself as a unique, community-oriented center that provides a scenic walking atmosphere. Its current campaign, “Shopping is in our nature,” promotes the natural beauty of the center’s award-winning landscape along with the center’s wide variety of retail and dining options for the consumer. Bring your cameras and your smiles on September 24th, as you might even see a 60’s icon legend or two! For more details visit www.
New Semester, from page 11 crisis is that community colleges are finding it more and more difficult to able to serve our mission of providing open access to higher education.” Students will be paying $36 per credit unit this fall, up $10 from last year, as part of a statewide fee increase for community college students. Fees could rise to $46 per credit unit for the spring if state revenues fall short of projections. The college district is preparing a final budget that reflects $6.3 million in cuts from the state – in addition to $15 million in budget cuts over the past two years. With the uncertainty in the state budget, the possibility of further cuts still looms at the college district. Although students are experiencing frustration in getting the classes they need, both colleges are taking steps to help them make the most of their education. Bill Garrett, president of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District Governing Board, said the district has prepared as much as possible for budget uncertainties. “Our board has taken a very conservative approach to our budget planning process to ensure we are providing the best education we can despite increasingly limited dollars,” Garrett said. For more information about Grossmont and Cuyamaca colleges, go to
and soon began designing limited-edition dolls, which led to a 21-year career in the doll-designing business. But after 20 years, I sort of hit the wall and was ready to do something different. Someone suggested I take a ceramics class, so I bought a book and a block of clay and started going through it. I took two classes, purchased a slab roller for $1,000 and the rest is history!” Soon a very distinctive style emerged – sort of “Alice in Wonderland Meets Dr. Seuss,” as Teyro describes it. Every piece is hand formed. A ball of clay is either pinched into shaped or rolled in thin slabs, cut into shapes and assembled. The faces are sculpted. Flowers, leaves and various flying critters are added to complete the look. “I started out doing tea pots, bowls and plates, then clocks and vases. Then a couple of years ago my former business partner brought me this large egg cup with a face painted on it that gave me an idea, so I began experimenting. "The latest thing I’m working on are planters and bud vases. I just did my first show with these two months ago and they were really popular. So I’m going to do a series”, she says holding up one of her distinctive deep bowls on a stem that has not been painted yet. “I just give the suggestion of a face; I think what people respond to are the embellishments. Oh and they love the little red lips. People sometimes ask if it is my face,” she laughs. But with her twinkling, deep set eyes and pink cheeks, there is a resemblance. She doesn’t use molds; her designs are way too fragile to use casting plaster. Each individual piece takes about two hours to make, and is numbered and signed. She’s now starting to hear from collectors who want to add new pieces to ones they already own. Teyro works alone, and because her wares are not massed produced, has to work pretty hard to prepare for an upcoming show. She just does three wholesale and three retail shows a year (Coronado Art Walk, ArtWalk in Little Italy and an annual event at the Karl Strauss Brewery in Carmel Valley). From the wholesale shows she has developed a number of accounts in the South, but also as far away as Alaska and Saudi Arabia. She will soon be exhibiting and selling at the upcoming Coronado Art Walk, September 17 and 18, at the Coronado Ferry Landing and will begin producing pieces for that show about two weeks ahead. She plans to take 70 pieces. This means she will be working 12–14 hours a day, seven days a week. But she doesn’t seem to mind that idea. “I just listen to books on tape, put my head down and go into my zone,” she says. “I keep pretty busy, but I love this!” To see more of Cindy Teyro’s unusual designs, go to or visit the Coronado Art Walk, September 17 & 18, where she will be exhibiting and selling her works in booth #7. PC
Rotary, from page 9 its charter from Rotary International in 1987, Ms. Murillo will be responsible for strengthening the group’s participation in community and international projects while attracting new membership. The goals for the club this year include: serving youth and families through involvement with the Foster Family program, Rotary Youth Exchange, Interact, Peace Patrol, and other youth programs in local schools. The International efforts in Africa, Ecuador, and Honduras will continue as well. The club meets every Friday at 7:15 am at Terra Bistro, 7091 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego. Guests are always welcome. Rotary is an organization (105 years old) of business and professional leaders, united worldwide, who provide humanitarian service and seek to change the world by building international understanding, goodwill and peace in the world. There are over 1.2 million Rotarians who are members of 34,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and territories. The International President for this Rotary year is Kalyan Banerjee, from India. Our motto for this year is “Reach Within to Embrace Humanity.”
Craig’s Custom Landscaping “Serving all of San Diego’s East County”
619-841-6572 Craig Buteau
Owner/Landscaper — September 2011
Page 13
Brian Marshall, from page 1
Events, from page 4
size has freed up classroom space. So far there has been a lot of support and positive comments. The transition from 6th to 7th grade is not as difficult as the one from 5th to 6th; parents and families are more ready for it by the time a child finishes the sixth grade. Q. What can the La Mesa community (parents, grandparents and community members) do to improve our kids’ education? I truly believe it takes a village to raise a child. I would love for our schools to be overwhelmed with adults who want to work with children. There are many retired people in our community who could do that. They could help with everything from tutoring in reading and math to working with band students. If you consider that an hour of a volunteer’s time is worth $25 or $30, then donating an hour or two a week is like donating $50 a week! Education is a human-intensive business. Anyone can use flash cards to help a struggling math student. We also need adults to come in and just spend time talking to our English-learners. There are unlimited opportunities to help out. For example, we have watchdog groups at several of the schools, dads who help kids on the playground or keep an eye on them as they are coming to school. Of course, volunteers need to sign up through a local school, be fingerprinted and have a background check. And for security reasons, volunteers are never alone with the kids; a district employee is always present. Q. What do you most want to tell the community? A. I know that La Mesa supports our schools. I know that with all of my heart. Although we know you support us, we need all the help we can get. We want to use the power of the community, the untapped resource of our neighborhoods. You (the community) have such an opportunity to make the world a better place. All of us who became teachers did it to “touch the future” to ensure the survival of our republic. You can do that too. Q. What innovations are ahead (in the next year or so? A. We are exploring the use of handheld devices like iPads, iPod Touches and interactive light boards. They are powerful and getting to be more affordable. When used well, results can be phenomenal. I see a hybrid form of education developing with computer-aided instruction by teachers. Soon our classrooms could be interacting with other classrooms across the district and even across the country. The editor sat down with the Superintendent at District offices on August 23rd. To see the complete interview online, go to
La Mesa Organizations La Mesa Rotary Club
Wednesdays – Noon Salvation Army-Kroc Corporation Community Center 6611 University (corner 69th and University) San Diego, CA 92115
Sunrise Rotary Club
First Wednesdays – 7:00 p.m. La Mesa Community Center 4975 Memorial Drive La Mesa, CA 91941
Grossmont Garden Club
Second Mondays – 10:00 a.m.– Noon La Mesa Community Center 4975 Memorial Drive La Mesa, CA 91941
Fridays – 7:15 a.m. Terra American Bistro 7091 El Cajon Boulevard La Mesa, CA 91941
La Mesa City Council
Lake Murray Kiwanis Club
Second Tuesdays – 4:00 p.m. Fourth Tuesdays – 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers La Mesa City Hall 8130 Allison Avenue La Mesa, CA 91941
First and Third Saturdays: 7:30 a.m. - Breakfast Marie Callendar’s Restaurant 6950 Alvarado Road San Diego, CA 92120 Fourth Wednesday 6:30 p.m. - Dinner Coco’s Restaurant 5550 Lake Murray La Mesa, CA 91941
La Mesa Women’s Club
Third Mondays – September to May – 1:00 p.m. Second Wednesdays – September to May – 7:00 p.m. 5220 Wilson Street La Mesa, CA 91941
La Mesa Optimists Club
Wednesdays, 7:15 a.m. Marie Callendar’s Restaurant 6950 Alvarado Road San Diego, CA 92120
La Mesa Community Welfare Assn.
La Mesa Soroptimists Club
First Four Thursdays – September to June – 7:30 a.m. Denny’s Restaurant 2691 Navajo Road El Cajon, CA 92020
Foothills Republican Federated Club
La Mesa Foothills Democratic Club
Third Thursdays – 10:30 a.m. (No meetings in June or July) Elks Lodge 1400 E. Washington El Cajon, CA 92020
8340 Lemon Ave. La Mesa, CA 91941 (619) 466-6678
Kiwanis Club of La Mesa Fridays Noon–1:30 p.m. Nan Couts Cottage 4975 Memorial Dr. La Mesa, CA 91941
La Mesa Lion’s Club
Every Tuesday – Noon–1:30 p.m. La Mesa Community Center 4975 Memorial Drive La Mesa, CA 91941
Coming next month… Oktoberfest!
online, go to website The reading list is posted under the “Students” tab in the “Textbook/Supply List.” Enrollment in the Whodunit Book Club is ongoing. Preregistration is required. Students may sign up by going to and clicking on the “online registration button.” For more information, call the Foothills Adult Education Center, (619) 588-3500.
Travel San Diego, a “Walk/Talk/Travel” Class for Seniors This nine-week class is designed specifically for adults over 60 who enjoy travelling and meeting new people, and who are looking for an alternative to freeway driving. The class incorporates moderate walking and training on how to use public transit such as bus, trolley, and the Coaster. Class destinations may include Encinitas, Coronado, the Gaslamp downtown, and much more. Class fee is $43 (the cost of a 2-month MTS Senior fare card and participation fee). This program is open to all San Diego County residents. Contact Travel Trainer Judi Bonilla at (619) 667-1322 and discover the fun side of San Diego. Concerned about your mobility or fitness level? Ask about our new Travel San Diego Light class designed for maximum fun and customized for your needs.
Homecoming Sunday, Sept. 11 United Church of Christ of La Mesa (UCCLM) Homecoming Sunday, a popular annual event of the United Church of Christ of La Mesa, will be held at 10 am, September 11. Kicking off an the church’s new season of fall programs and classes, it is a day to welcome and connect with friends old and new, celebrate the return of the Chancel Choir and honor UCCLM’s young people and teachers. A reception in Friendship Hall will follow the worship service. The church is located at 5940 Kelton Avenue, La Mesa, CA 91942 (619-464-1519,
Lion’s Club Golf Tourney, Sept. 17 On Saturday September 17th the La Mesa Lions Club will be holding their Drs. Hardebeck & Soldmann 12th Annual Memorial Golf Tournament at the Sun Valley Executive Golf Course in La Mesa. $40 per person registration fee, includes lunch. Proceeds to benefit La Mesa Youth and the sight-impaired. Contact Beth Morgante (619) 740-4627 or
Want to Sing Four-Part Harmony? Learn More on Sept. 26 The California Note Catchers is a non-profit women’s barbershop chorus (a women’s a cappella chorus) that meets in La Mesa every Monday night. The group is part of Harmony, Inc., which has over 80 chapters throughout the US and Canada. On Monday, September 26, the California Note Catchers, is inviting ladies of all ages to Guest Night. Spend an evening learning more about singing fourpart harmony. Free. You may decide to continue and sing two songs during our holiday show in December. Monday, Sept. 26, 7 pm to 9 pm at La Mesa First United Methodist Church, 4690 Palm Ave. Information: 619-575-6165, www.
Museum, from page 10 El Recuerdo, the souvenir book from the 90th Anniversary Celebration and brochure of the day’s events, and other memorabilia. Once the extensive renovations are completed, another ceremony will be held to place the new cornerstone box back in the original location, continuing the tradition for the future. Stop by and visit some time. You’ll enjoy revisiting your high school years, or using the extensive files to research your family history. The museum is open the first Wednesday of each month from 12–4 p.m. Or contact Connie Baer, Class of 1955 and retired English teacher, at or call 619-668-6140. There is also a GHS Alumni website with information about upcoming reunions, including this year’s 91st Homecoming event, as well as class contacts, if you have memorabilia you would like to donate to the museum, feel free to call Connie Baer. She would love to hear from you. KC
Page 14 — September 2011
Letters to the Editor
Grossmont College, from page 3
Thrilled and excited are how I would describe my feelings on the new and expanded location for the La Mesa Farmer’s Market. Ample parking is indeed an asset. Excitement builds as I pull in to find my spot to park. There is just something electric about a gathering crowd that sets the mood for fun and adventure. The vendors entice us with their goodies, and I am always especially anxious to see who the new “guy” is and what they’re selling. Suddenly I feel I’m on vacation at a long-awaited destination! There is always a special “find” and new delicious fresh food to try. Heartfelt thanks for the covered area with table and chairs for us to sit and eat. One item that took me by surprise: a wash sink nearby. Who knew?! La Mesa you are doing great things for the community! Congratulations from someone who has lived in the area for almost 32 years! Vivian J. Detiege
Our "Letters" Policy The Courier welcomes letters under 150 words in length, but may not print them all. The Editor will select letters for publication which represent a diversity of opinions and topics. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. Name, address and a phone number are required. (Only the name will be shown.)
That beginning developed into today’s computer programming, and Grossmont offers several other business strands, with Business Administration geared to university transfer, Business Office Technology more focused on the office procedures and software packages, and International Business, Marketing, Management, Entrepreneurship and Hospitality and Tourism certificates. Later, Real Estate separated from Business. Course offerings follow technology closely, and weeks after Telstar 1 was launched in July of 1962, the college offered a course in Introduction to Telemetry that included missile telemetry, multiplexing, and satellite telemetry. Soon after, a course in Instrumentation offered a course in “current problems in Aerospace instrumentation.” Engineering was a strong degree. Industrial Technology offered a course in Materials of Industry: study of the various types of materials and their application in construction, manufacturing and development industries.” Still, Math was offering classes in “use of the slide rule”. Home Economics was listed as one of the top career choices in California. The focus was on the home and family, but the career minded woman could use Home EC1 General Home Arts, as well as Home EC3 Foods and Nutrition as prerequisites to a career as an Airline Hostess. Typing, Psychology and a Foreign Language were also recommended. A woman could also take Home EC 43 Household Equipment: Selection, methods of operation and care of household appliances. One Home Economics class, “The Child in the Home,” eventually evolved into today’s Child Growth and Development. Nursery School Education and now has grown into the Child Development and Family Studies Program.
Added programs Over the years, Grossmont added new occupational programs that have enriched the local workforce. Early programs included Dental Assisting and Biomedicine, focused on “electronic equipment to…diagnose and measure human ailments.” Today the college offers degrees and certificates in Nursing, Cardiovascular Technology, Orthopedic Technology, Respiratory Therapy, Occupational Therapy Assistant, and Disabilities Services Management. Food Service Management, precursor of today’s Culinary Arts, made its debut in 1965, with Broadcasting and Recreation and Supervision programs arriving in 1966. Communication Arts, grandparent of today’s Media Communications, included classes in Scriptwriting for Radio and TV and Television Directing. Graduates of the Media Communications program have won Academy Awards for their work in the film industry, and the student newspaper is electronic. In 1962 we saw the first Police Science program. Along the way, the program changed names, first Criminology and is now one of the strongest Administration of Justice Programs in the state, with Police Officer Standards and Training, POST, and a world renowned Forensic Science program. CSI fans should come and check out our state-of-the-art blood spatter room. Mayor Art Madrid and the LM Historical Society unveil a plaque at 8460 La Mesa Blvd., honoring the “Flying A” film studio, which started here in 1911.
Where we are now In 1964, The College moved to the current location on a mesa in El Cajon, See Grossmont College, Page 15
10 TH
Anniversary - Let’s Celebrate!
sat., sePt. 24th, 2011 Briercrest Park 9am – 2 pm
• Free Health Screenings • Educational Health Information • Ask The Doctor and Pharmacist • Rady’s Safety Store • Children’s Fingerprinting • Children’s Fun Zone • Meet Fire Fighters and Police • Visit the Fire Safety Trailer • Face Painting • Pony Rides • Free Books (while supplies last) • Water Safety • And More
Briercrest Park
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Free Lunch For the kids while supply lasts.
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in the Brier Patch lot.
La Mesa United Methodist Church La Mesa Rotary California Raisin Marketing Board Troy Glaus & MLB For information: 619-825-5050
Academic Performance, from page 11 API 758, performs on par with Grossmont High School. Though less affluent than the Grossmont district, this district of 74% Hispanic students has somewhat higher parent college graduates. Altogether the Sweetwater District is performing a bit better than the Grossmont District, just behind Grossmont High, and well behind Helix Charter. Poway Unified (K-12): API 883 up from 875 last year. Eleven of Poway’s 25 elementary schools outperform La Mesa’s best and the rest are close behind. All 11 Poway middle and high schools substantially outperform La Mesa’s best. What can be learned from them? Poway’s comparative success is partly demographic with 71% parent college graduates (that #1 factor above) and only 13% subsidized lunches. Also, as a unified, K-12 district it has opportunities to share overhead costs and gets a better deal from the state. A closer look says there’s more to it: 80% of Poway’s elementary schools do better than similar schools and many do much better, but Poway middle and high schools don’t do nearly as well against similar schools. Poway’s strong elementary program, building basic skills and successful behaviors, is key. There’s also real but intangible community commitment. Parent involvement and community support are proven, critical success factors. Poway as a community has profited richly from renowned schools, and its residents seem willing to pay the price for them in participation, support and, sometimes, votes. Want to know more? Supporting data is available on the La Mesa Courier website ( For access to thousands of reports, Google “California Schools Data”, you’ll see Ed-Data (with training wheels) and for the data-insatiable. Want to do more? The La Mesa Spring-Valley School District promotes active, organized, in-school volunteer programs. Call the district at 668-5700 or any school. You just might add a few points to an API! Ted Crooks, husband of editor Pam Crooks, served 10 years as a governing board member for the La Mesa-Spring Valley and Grossmont Union High School Districts. He works as a consultant designing statistical systems for financial institutions. — September 2011
Page 15
Grossmont College, from page 14
Mixed Feelings, from page 10
and remains within the La Mesa Spring Valley School District Boundary. Today we offer 40 certificates in 17 different programs, providing training and education from a simple typing certificate to transferring to universities for higher level degrees and training. One in three adults in East County has taken a class at Grossmont College. When the college opened in 1961, our enrollment was 1,538 students making us the largest public junior college in California history. As of August, 2011 we have over 19,000 students enrolled. We train your police officers and evidence technicians. We train your child’s caregivers and teachers. If you are admitted to a hospital your nurse and support technicians are very likely Grossmont graduates. The person who is caring for the developmentally disabled in group homes and the foster parent caring for an abandoned or abused child was most likely trained at Grossmont. The chef who provided your special dinner may have come from our program. Our graduates program your computers and design your video games; they may have imported your clothing or prepared your taxes. San Diego has amazing theatre. Our graduates are providing the lighting, costuming, and acting. Go to a movie. A Grossmont graduate may be behind the radio blurb where you heard about it, the review you read in your newspaper, and those sound effects that shake your seats. Work out at a gym? It could be a Grossmont grad providing the support you need to stay in shape. For 50 years we’ve been adapting and responding to the training needs of the workforce of La Mesa. Here’s to the next 50.
Classified Ads SERVICES Quality exterior carpentry. Decks, Fences, Patio Covers and Termite Repair. Lic 365241 www. Bob 619-275-1493 (04/12) Pet/Housesitting Services. Est. 1983, Bonded. Pet-tenders offers feeding, walking, plant care, housesitting-and above all…spoiling…in your own home! 619-298-3033. (03/12) Flute/Piano Instruction. 30 years experience. Beginner to advanced. Music Education. B.A. Degree. Reasonable rates. Available for teaching in your home or mine. Rick, 619-286-8012. (03/12) Professional Power Washing. We specialize in cleaning driveways, patios, tile roofs, stucco, wood decks, rain gutters. Call 619-460-8177 www. (03/12) Contractor/handyman, small jobs ok. Plumbing, carpentry, electrical, doors, roll up garage door repair, laminate floors. Licensed and insured, Bill #701783. 619-698-0375. (01/12) Linda’s Puppy Love. Bonded, licensed, insured pet & house sitting service offers daily dog walks, cat care, vacation visits, overnight care, love, care & attention. 619-857-3674. (01/12) Keith Everett Construction and Handyman Service: All phases of home remodeling and repair. Window and door replacement specialist. Repair or build any style of fence, deck, or patio cover. Kitchen and bath remodels. Senior discount, references. No job too small. Lic #878703. Call 619-255-3499. (01/12) Roofing, licensed, bonded, second generation Allied Gardens roofer. Over 100 homes in Allied Gardens roofed. Repairs, all types of roofing. Free estimates. Call 619-287-7149. (12/11) Locksmith – Discount Deadbolts & Rekeying – security door viewers, patio door locks, simulated alarms, magnetic door stops. Cliff Henderson 619-840-3327 – Lic #LCO4353 – Bonded – Never a trip charge! (10/11 German Setter Tile and Marble. Professional stone/ tilesetter with 26 years experience. European craftsmanship. Punctual & dependable. License #872804. Contact Jens Sedemund: 619-415-6789 or (10/11) Computer Repair-Set-Up-Tune Up. PC help. For families, seniors, home offices. Trusted in Homes for over 25 years. Call 619-992-5882. BBB CA Lic #81527. (10/11) Save water, save money. Take the hassle out of irrigation scheduling, and upgrade your irrigation system
with a ‘smart’ controller or timer. Your watering schedule will be adjusted as the weather changes. Rebates available. Call 619-251-3775. (10/11) Introductory Yoga Course – Learn proper alignment, balance, increase flexibility, awareness, reduce stress. Yoga Center of La Mesa, 8285 La Mesa Blvd. (entrance around back/bldg.) Computer Services for home & office by local, seasoned, 18 year IT Pro. Wireless, upgrades, troubleshooting, system tuning/cleanup, training, minor miracles - Ed - 619-517-7153. (08/11)
and $360, respectively. Part time students also face tuition increases that have put added stress on students struggling to balance work and school. Not all students believe that these budget cuts have been appropriately placed, and see the economic burden as being passed on disproportionally to the students. “Students are going to have to work more just to pay off their loans with this increased tuition, so in the long term they are going to have to work more each semester just to break even”, says Jenna Asbury a graduate student at San Diego State University. “Education should not be getting so highly cut by the government.” Other students agree. Ryan Forbes, another student at San Diego State University, notes that while students face a tuition increase, not everybody is suffering the same fate. “I feel that it really shows a lack of priorities for what’s important if all these people are losing their jobs and students can no longer afford to go to school, while the chancellor is getting a $100,000 increase.” As Forbes points out, the California State University board of trustees has recently approved a $400,000 compensation package for the new president of San Diego State University. The new president will earn about $100,000 more than his predecessor. Budget cuts have not just hurt students financially, but have had a direct impact on the number of total in-state students being accepted into California colleges statewide. To make up for lost revenues from the economic recession, UC schools have also increased fees and have been accepting a larger number of out of state students who pay higher tuition. While this may make sense from an economic standpoint, many students are frustrated with what they see as a system that should provide more opportunities to residents of California. While it is clear that the economic recession and subsequent tuition hikes have had a significant impact on San Diego State University students, much optimism and excitement remains in the air as a new school year begins. The Aztecs are hoping for another great basketball season to match last year, where an impressive record 34-3 overall record and 14-2 conference produced a sweet 16 finish in the NCAA tournament. And with beautiful weather in San Diego all year round, it is hard to stay gloomy.
Please note: The October issue publication date has changed! See below for new deadlines.
Landscape maintenance, installations, repairs, sprinklers, shrubs, lighting a specialty, residential & commercial. Business since 1979. Call Darrell 619-4019835 or 619-972-8744. (08/11) Gardening Service Lawns, hedges, weeding, trimming, we do it all! 25 years experience, Allied Gardens resident since 1983. Weekly/bi-weekly service. License/insured. Free estimates. (619) 287-6947 (2/11) Just Ask Crystal – specializing in odd jobs for seniors but all ages welcome. Organizing home & yard. Grocery shopping, errands/meal preparation. Caretaker assistance & reprieve. Moving? Downsizing? Help before, during & after. Holiday help for parties & decorating. Too many jobs to list, just ask! Gift certificates available. San Carlos resident with local references. Call Crystal (619) 887-1211. (12/11) Piano Lessons. All ages. Experienced teacher. Masters Degree. Music Teachers Association member. Theory. Two Piano Ensemble. Free lesson plan. Call 619-461-8289. (12/11)
Publication date: 1st Friday of each month Note: Deadlines are firm. No extensions. Display ads & Business/Service Directory listings are paid in advance. PUBLICATION DATE September 30 November 4 December 2
DISPLAY AD SPACE DEADLINE 5 pm* September 13 October 18 November 15
AD ARTWORK DEADLINE 5 pm September 20 October 25 November 22
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CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE Noon September 24 October 29 November 26
*Deadline to reserve space for advertisers not currently on a contract. Mail or drop off your ad or article at our mailing address at 8030 La Mesa Blvd. #145, La Mesa, CA 91942 Articles may be sent via E-Mail to:
FOR SALE Game Table, 48 x 48 opens to 48 x 96 with 4 comfortable chairs. All for $75. Call 619-469-7472.
La Mesa Courier
8030 La Mesa Blvd. #145 • La Mesa, CA 91942 Phone: (619) 697-2500 • Fax: (619) 697-2505 email:
Wanted: I ndependent…motivated…profit-driven entrepreneurs! Is your way of getting ahead… leading you to distress? Plug into our marketing system… Allowing you to be in control! For information call Dixie at 858-278-2120. (09/11)
Visit our website at:
CHILD CARE Busy Days Daycare – A warm, safe. Kid-friendly environment. Licensed (#376617988) childcare. Affordable, excellent references educational fun. Healthy meals provided. (619) 549-3661 (9/11)
FREE CLASSIFIEDS Free classified ads are available to private parties and to non-profit organizations that do not charge for their services. Only one ad per party or organization will be accepted per issue as a free classified - additional ads must be paid for with submission of the ads. Free classifieds are limited to 25 words or less. Ads of more than 25 words cost 50¢ per additional word; payment must accompany the ad. All free classifieds will run for only one issue even if you indicate on the ad that you want it to run more than one time. All classified ads - free or paid - must be submitted by mail only or hand-delivered to Postal Annex at 8030 La Mesa Blvd. #145, La Mesa, CA 91942. THE LAST DATE PRE-PAID ADS WILL RUN IS PRINTED AFTER EACH AD - IF NO DATE IS GIVEN, THE AD RUNS ONLY ONE ISSUE. The following ad classifications are eligible for free classified ads: FOR SALE, GARAGE SALES, LOST & FOUND, WANTED, FOR RENT, NOTICES and YOUTH SERVICES. However, this does not include WANTED ads for multi-level sales or FOR RENT ads for vacation/rental condos or NOTICES for any profit-making organization.
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Editor: Pam Crooks, ext. 124
Graphic Artist: Aleta El Sheikh
Assistant Editor: Kathleen Crawford, ext. 136
Advertising Consultants: Lionel Talaro, ext. 128 Robert Sanchez, ext. 133
Publisher: Mission Publishing Group, LLC
Writers and Advertising Sales Experts Wanted Please call 619-697-2500, Ext 122 Circulation: 20,000. Published 7 times in 2011 and delivered to all single family homes in 91941 and 91942 and at over 150 bulk locations throughout our circulation area of La Mesa, California by Mission Publishing Group, LLC. Classified ads and articles must be submitted by mail, e-mail or dropped off at our business address, 8030 La Mesa Blvd. #145, La Mesa, CA 91942. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisements or material submitted which are deemed to be objectionable. Publisher’s liability for errors: La Mesa Courier assumes no financial liability for errors nor for omission of copy and upon request will furnish a letter of correction to the advertiser. The Publisher, Mission Publishing Group, LLC., shall not be liable for any error in published advertising unless an advertiser proof is requested in writing 12 days prior to publication date and clearly marked for corrections. If the error is not corrected by the Publisher, the liability, if any, shall not exceed the space occupied for the error. Further, the Publisher shall not be liable for any omission of an advertisement ordered to be published. On written request, Publisher shall reschedule and run the omitted advertisement at the advertiser’s cost. All claims for adjustment must be made in writing within 30 days of the date of publication. In no case shall the Publisher be liable for any general, special or consequential damages. Equal Housing Opportunity: Real estate advertising in La Mesa Courier is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” La Mesa Courier will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. This is to notify La Mesa Courier readers that all dwellings advertised in La Mesa Courier are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD at 1-800-669-9777 or TTY at 1-800-927-9275. News and information printed in La Mesa Courier is obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but accuracy on information sent to the paper cannot be guaranteed. Articles and opinions of writers or letters to the editor that are submitted for publication to the La Mesa Courier are the views of the writers and should not be considered the views of the publisher. Content of paid advertisements is solely the responsibility of the advertiser. © 2011, all rights reserved.
BLEED 5.25” 8.75” TRIM TRIM8.5” 5” Page 16 — September 2011
Grossmont High School’s 2011 Homecoming 5:00pm Friday, October 7th Celebrating over 90 years of G.H.S. Traditions TH
BLEED BLEED11.25” 8.25”
The GHS Museum & Alumni Association invite you to join friends and classmates to view the many new exhibits in the Museum, including the newly restored contents of the 1922 cornerstone from the original school site, the Old Main, opened last year at the 90th Celebration and the future cornerstone contents selected by the 2011 ASB.
beverage, chips, and a sandwich. Tables and chairs will be provided so you can leisurely enjoy the food and reminisce with friends. After visiting the Museum, join us for the football game at 7:00pm between your GHS Foothillers and the Monte Vista Monarchs and sit in our special alumni section as we cheer on our Foothillers. This is a donation only event; no prepaid meal reservations will be accepted. All proceeds will go to the GHS Educational Foundation. Please visit your alumni web site: for additional details, and register to become an active GHS alumnus. The GHS Museum is located in the lower quad, downstairs on the north side of the Math building; doors will open promptly at 5:00 pm.
1961 – 2011
12:45 PM & 3:00 PM
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
PRINTING GC-13214_AnniversaryBash_5x8_Flyer
Grossmont Center
GC-12360 2010 Holiday production xxxxx.xx
PMS 320 C
PMS 137 C
5" x 7"
CS3 X 06.25.10
4C X
August 17, 2011 7:13 PM
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