Tri-State BioDiesel - NYC's "Green"Fuel Supplier

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NYC’s GREEN Fuel Supplier...

March 2010

About Tri-State Biodiesel  Founded in 2004 -- funded and developed by environmental advocates.  Headquartered in New York City with operations throughout New York, and limited operations in New Jersey and Connecticut.  NYCs leading biodiesel brand and the first to offer biodiesel fuel to private fleets in the city and oil-to-biodiesel recycling service.

About Tri-State Biodiesel  TSB is national pioneer in area urban, recycled oils based biodiesel  Member of the National Biodiesel Board with large national network of biodiesel production and marketing partners.  Management team with over 15 years biodiesel experience that helped to build the biodiesel movement and industry.

TSB Services Overview  Used cooking oil recycling service  Biodiesel fuel and bioheating oil sales  Active in biodiesel promotion, education, and outreach legislative support.

Tri-State Biodiesel Waste Oil Collection Service  Collecting over 1mm gal/year from 2700 restaurants  Employs 26 workers many from low-income communities  Our service saves the city on enforcement and cleanup  Convenient for restaurant partners  6 trucks all running on biodiesl fuel

Tri-State Biodiesel Fleet Fueling Service  Currently fueling over 300 heavy duty fleet trucks in the city  Biodiesel fuel provided directly to fleet  Biodiesel fuel blended with petroleum diesel either B5 or B20  Fleets include Fresh Direct, Movers Not Shakers, ABC Home & Carpet, and others

Tri-State Biodiesel Home Bio-heating Oil Service  Provides B20 biodiesel/ heating oil blend Can be used in any #2 & 4 heating oil boiler Heating oil consumer is eligible for 20 cent/gallon tax credit  Priced at or below petroleum heating oil with credit.

Easy Implementation With TSB  All fuel meets ASTM 6751 national standard.  Fuel readily mixes with petro-diesel.  Fuel can be stored and used as diesel fuel.  Early filter change is the only maintenance required.

U.S. Annual Biodiesel Use in Millions of Gallons 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0


450 200 75

15 20 25 5 1 2 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Who is Using Biodiesel Today?  Government Fleets  Private Fleets  Military  Nautical Fleets  Heating Oil Consumers  Electricity Generators  Individually Owned Vehicles

Who is Using Biodiesel Today?  All diesel in the states of Washington and Minneapolis contains 2% biodiesel. Oregon, Missouri, New Mexico, Pennsylvania also have state mandates concerning biodiesel.  1000’s of public and private trucking fleets around the country are now using biodiesel.  Yellowstone National Park fleet has been using B100 for 13 years.  Safeway Food stores are using biodiesel fleet wide.  NYC Parks and Department of Sanitation are using biodiesel fleet-wide

Benefits of Biodiesel Fuel  Health Benefits  Green House Gas Reductions  Better Local Air Quality  Energy Security  Supports Local Economy  Sustainability

Biodiesel Emissions Reductions Reduction Percentage

Baseline Diesel Emissions

*Sources--US EPA, US Dept. of Energy, & National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL)

Lifecycle Greenhouse Emissions B100

B100 = 100% Biodiesel B20 = 20% BD + 80% PD

Electric Diesel Hybrid B20 Ethanol 85% Diesel LPG CNG Gasoline 0









* Data from “A Fresh Look at CNG: A Comparison of Alternative Fuels”, Harvard Alternative Fuel Vehicle Program

Massive Carbon Reduction for Biodiesel  Biodiesel in the US alone has caused a reduction in lifecycle CO2 emissions of about 17.3 pounds per gallon as compared to diesel fuel according to EPA and DOE data.  Multiply that by the 700 million gallons produced last year and it means that we have reduced CO2 in the US by about 12.1 billion pounds.  Which is the equivalent of taking over 1 million cars off the road in the last year alone. (the average car produces 11,450 lbs of carbon per year)  While others complain, the US biodiesel industry does the work. Please support us.

Health Benefits of Biodiesel TSB

According to the American Lung Association, Biodiesel exhaust is 90% less toxic compared with petroleum diesel.


Particulate Matter (PM) is known to cause cancer and lung disease. PM 55% lower in biodiesel fuel.


New York City has the highest incidence of lung disease and premature death nationwide as a result of petro-diesel exhaust.


Some NYC neighborhoods have asthma rates 5 times the national average. Schools in South Bronx and Sunset Park report 1 in 4 children with asthma.

Biodiesel Helps to Create US Energy Security  Homegrown fuel source  Creates safe and stable jobs for American workers  Keeps US energy money in our economy  No over-extension of military resources needed to protect supply

Best Additive for Sulfur Replacement  Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) rules came into effect in mid-2006 in New York City  USDL rules went nation-wide in 2007. Mandated to be fully phased in to on-road diesel by 2010.  Rules require Sulfur to be reduced from around 500 PPM (parts per million) to 15 PPM.  ULSD fuel requires lubrication additive  High lubricity of biodiesel makes it an excellent sulfur replacement

Used Cooking Oil Has Top Energy Balance  Life-cycle energy analysis calculates the energy required to produce energy.  Recycled oil-based biodiesel produces 5.5 units of energy for every 1 unit used.  Tri-State Biodiesel’s local sourcing and sales will do even better.

Energy Life Cycle Analysis 6






0 Petroleum Diesel


Recycled Oil Biodiesel

Superior Cold Flow With Tri-State Biodiesel Fuel Untreated biodiesel has a higher coldflow temperature than petro-diesel. Tri-State Biodiesel utilizes the latest production technology for converting used oils. Custom additive packages used to lower cold flow temperatures to petrodiesel levels.

Biodiesel Legislation  There is growing support for clean burning biodiesel in the government at the city and state level. Measures have already been taken to help reduce emissions and incentivize biofuel production but there is much more to be done.  The NYC Bioheat Bill would mandate that all city buildings use bioheat. This bill could help drastically reduce emissions, and create a competitive market for bioheat in New York City.  The Clean Fuel School Bus Act will require all state school buses to be biodiesel compliant. This can reduce emissions and cut down on health risks such as asthma in our children where it matters most.

NY State Incentives For Biodiesel Governor Pataki made announcement on Nov. 20, 2005. Mandates all heating fuel consumed by the NY State to be 5% biodiesel by 2012. Mandates 10% biodiesel in all on-road fuel consumed by State by 2012, beginning in 2007 with 2%. NYS Heating oil rebate offers 20 cents/gallon for use of B20 heating oil.

Renewable Fuel Standard

 It outlines a specific timeline that will continually increase the amount of Biomass-based fuels used every year  If this is implemented, it can promote massive environmental, economic, and energy security benefits.

Millions of Gallons

 The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 added a mandate for biomass-based diesel as a part of the program’s Advanced Biofuels Schedule.

1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2009


2011 Year


Order Biodiesel Now & Save  All TSB fuel available today.  B5, B20, B99.9 and custom blends available.  All fuel blended with ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel.  Prices indexed to the New York Mercantile Exchange  Sales by spot or contract.  Ask for a quote today.

NYC’s GREEN Fuel Supplier... Contact: O: 718-860-6600 E:

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