Mississippi Farm Country

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A Publication of Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation • MSFB.org

MI SSI SSIP PI FARM COUNT RY Volume 88 Number 3 May/June 2012

M ississippi Fa rm Country (ISSN 1529-9600) magazine is published bimonthly by the Mississippi Farm Bureau® Federation. Farm Bureau members receive this publication as part of their membership benefit. Periodicals postage is paid at Jackson, MS and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to P. O. Box 1972, Jackson, MS 39215

EDITORIAL and BUSINESS OFFICES 6311 Ridgewood Road Jackson, MS 39211 601-977-4153 E DITOR - Glynda Phillips AD VE RTISING Angela Thompson 1-800-227-8244 ext. 4242 FARM BUREAU OFFICERS President – Randy Knight Vice President – Donald Gant Vice President – Ted Kendall Vice President – Reggie Magee Treasurer – Billy Davis Corporate Secretary – Ilene Sumrall



1 0 AG COMMISSIONER In this issue, Commissioner of Agriculture Cindy Hyde-Smith talks about her commitment to state agriculture and her plans for the future.

1 8 SOLVE THE MYSTERY Which Forrest County town located near Hattiesburg is named for the daughter of its first postmaster? No other town in the nation has this name. Read the clues and make your guess.

2 4 MONT HELENA Each year, the residents of Rolling Fork present a popular play in a turn-of-thecentury Colonial Revival mansion built atop a ceremonial Indian mound. Come with us as we learn more.

FARM BURE AU DIRECT ORS Carla Taylor, Booneville Mike Graves, Ripley Ronald Jones, Holly Springs Bill Ryan Tabb, Cleveland Randle Wright, Vardaman Neal Huskison, Pontotoc Mike Langley, Houston Bobby Moody, Louisville Wanda Hill, Isola James Foy, Canton Fred Stokes, Porterville James Brewer, Shubuta David Boyd, Sandhill Lonnie Fortner, Port Gibson Jeff Mullins, Meadville Mike McCormick, Union Church Lyle Hubbard, Mt. Olive Gerald Moore, Petal J. B. Brown, Perkinston Ken Mallette, Vancleave Betty Mills, Winona Jason Hill, Woodland

“Our mission is to create an environment in which Mississippi farmers, ranchers, and Farm Bureau members can have a better life and make a better living.”

Departments 4 6 7 20 22

HONORARY V ICE -PRE SID ENTS Louis Breaux Warren Oakley Material in this publication is based on what the editor believes to be reliable information. Neither Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation nor those individuals or organizations contributing to the MFBF publication assume any liability for errors that might go undetected in the publication — this includes statements in articles or advertisements that could lead to erroneous personal or business management decisions. FARM BUREAU®, FB® and all Farm Bureau logos used in this magazine are registered service marks owned by the American Farm Bureau Federation. They may not be used in any commercial manner without the prior written consent of the American Farm Bureau Federation. Design: Coopwood Communications, Inc.

President’s Message Commodity Update: Soybeans Commodity Update: Dairy Counsel’s Corner Member Benefits Spotlight

About the cover American farmers plant hundreds of thousands of trees each year. Trees moderate the climate, improve air quality, conserve water and harbor wildlife. Trees benefit us all. Charles Dismukes of Kilmichael is the 2011 Mississippi Forestry Association Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year. Read his story on pages 8 & 9. MISSISSIPPI FARM COUNTRY


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Randy Knight, President Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation

Commodity Program Strengthens Agriculture’s Voice As a third-generation Rankin County dairy farmer, I have watched with concern and regret as our dairy industry has changed dramatically in recent years. In 1999, Mississippi was home to 350 dairies. Today, we can claim only 109 Grade A dairies and two dairy processing facilities. Unfortunately, this type of trend can be found throughout the Southeast and across much of the nation. Economics is a big factor. Prices have fluctuated wildly in the last 20 years, while input costs have steadily increased. Dairy farmers enjoy good prices when they can get them, but milk is costly to produce so it’s often difficult to realize much of a net gain. The recession has also hurt. Add Hurricane Katrina’s destructive visit plus an aging population of dairy farmers, and you can better understand our dilemma. What a shame. Every time a dairy closes, not only is that farmer hurt, so is the community. Many small towns, especially in the southwestern corner of the state, depend economically upon the contributions made by a strong local dairy industry. Losing dairies will also hurt consumers. If the trend continues, Mississippians will begin paying more for their milk and will no longer have access to the freshest milk product possible. Already, Mississippi and other states across the Southeast must truck milk in from other states so that their processing facilities can remain in operation. Farm Bureau is working closely with dairy producers across the state and nation to surface solutions to these types of challenges. We all want a strong dairy industry that will remain a vital part of agriculture for many years to come. Besides the obvious economic benefits, dairying is a way of life and a tradition in many areas of our state and nation. All of this brings me to the focus of my column, the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) Commodity Program. I use the dairy industry as an example, but Farm Bureau’s efforts extend far beyond dairy. We represent all of Mississippi’s recognized agricultural commodities, and each of these commodities has its own unique opportunities and concerns. Several years ago, we “decentralized” our commodity program by taking it out of the state office and giving the responsibilities to our regional managers. This approach has made information more accessible to producers and has caused Farm Bureau to become more aware of the needs of the individual commodity groups. We enjoy a better attendance at our meetings, and farmers are more involved in the policy development and implementation process. All of this makes for a stronger voice in the Mississippi Legislature and U.S. Congress. Briefly, here’s how the program works. Each commodity has a county and a state advisory committee, comprised of the farmers who produce it. The state advisory committee chair and vice chair are ap4

pointed by the MFBF president. Committee members work together to identify issues of interest and to help formulate the resolutions that may eventually become the policies that will guide our legislative efforts each year. We also support our land-grant universities’ research, extension and teaching efforts. Our regional managers and the commodities for which they are responsible include Justin Ferguson, Region 1, cotton, soybeans and rice; Terry Norwood, Region 2, apiculture; Britton Hatcher, Region 3, aquaculture and corn, wheat and feed grains; Samantha Webb, Region 4, peanuts and sweet potatoes; Matt Bayles, Region 5, equine and swine; Jon Kilgore, Region 6, poultry and beef; Doug Ervin, Region 7, dairy and land; and Kevin Brown, Region 8, forestry and horticultural crops. If you haven’t taken advantage of this program, I encourage you to do so. Call the state office at (601) 977-4230 for more information. In conclusion, I want to thank you for supporting Mississippi farmers. Agriculture is our state’s number one industry, and helping farmers succeed benefits us all. Whether they are involved in dairying or beef cattle, farm-raised catfish or row crop production, Mississippi farmers grow the food and fiber that feed, clothe and shelter the world. They deserve our attention and our respect. Besides, they truly are some of the nicest and hardest-working folks that you will ever have the pleasure of knowing.

Mississippi Dissents In March, the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) Board of Directors voted unanimously to formally dissent from American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) policy over its current language concerning the upcoming farm bill. “We feel that American Farm Bureau Federation policy related to the farm bill does not adequately address the needs of Mississippi producers,” said MFBF President Randy Knight. “We have notified AFBF that we will work with our congressional delegation in a different direction in order to have farm policy that will better address the risks and hazards that we face here in Mississippi.” During the AFBF Annual Meeting activities in January, Mississippi’s voting delegates offered amendments which would have allowed for a more flexible farm policy, one that would have taken into consideration some regional and commodity differences. Ultimately, that effort failed.



Farm Bureau News PIC Makes a Difference When you donate to the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Political Issues Committee (PIC), you assure that Farm Bureau’s voice will be heard on matters of concern to members. PIC funds are used to promote the passage or defeat of the following:

• Issues voted on by the state’s registered voters • Measures voted on by members of the state Legislature • Specific issues voted on by specific segments of the farming community such as producers of certain commodities • National ballot issues

In recent years, PIC funds made it possible for Farm Bureau to conduct a very successful eminent domain reform campaign. PIC funds have also helped us make a difference in these areas: • Land-grant funding • Farm bill • Ad valorem taxes • Country of origin labeling • Disaster relief • Tort reform • Right to farm

Funds for the Political Issues Committee are collected through a voluntary checkoff on annual county Farm Bureau dues statements. Please consider donating to PIC. Working together, through PIC, we can truly make a difference. For more information about PIC, contact the Public Policy Department at (601) 977-4226. MAY/JUNE

Mississippi FFA President Harrison Lang of Brandon and Vice President Jessica Wilkinson of Smithdale thanked the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) Board of Directors for purchasing the six state FFA officers’ jackets. Lang and Wilkinson are pictured with MFBF President Randy Knight.

U.S. House Passes Bill to Overturn Kelo Decision

The U.S. House of Representatives recently approved legislation that would overturn a 2005 Supreme Court decision called Kelo v. City of New London, which allows eminent domain to be used for private development. H.R. 1433, or the Private Property Rights Protection Act as it is called, would bar government from using eminent domain for economic development and would withhold federal funding

to states unless they comply with the same standard. It would also allow lawsuits for misuse of the procedure. Should the Senate decide to take up this legislation, we will keep you updated on its status. You are encouraged to contact your senators about this bill. For more information, contact the Public Policy Department at (601) 977-4226.

In Memoriam: David Bennett Sr.

Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Honorary Vice President David Holmes Bennett Sr., 90, of Ashland, died Feb. 15. Bennett had also previously served as a state vice president and state director for many years. He served as president and on the board of directors of the Benton County Farm Bureau many times. Bennett was a 1942 graduate of Mississippi State University

and served as a county agent for the Mississippi State University Extension Service before starting his own farm, which remains in operation. He served as a member of the Mississippi House of Representatives and as a Colonel and Aide de Camp to Governor William Waller. He was a deacon and active member of Ashland Baptist Church. He served as a director for MFA Oil and the Merchants and


Farmers Bank of Holly Springs. He was a veteran of the World War II era, mustering out of the Navy as a Chief Petty Officer. His wife of 64 years, Miriam Eugenia Grisham Bennett, preceded him in death. The Bennetts are survived by three children, four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Please remember this family in your prayers. 5

COMMODITY UPDATE: SOYBEANS Bill Ryan Tabb, MFBF Soybean Advisory Committee Chair Justin Ferguson, MFBF Commodity Coordinator for Soybeans

Farm Programs Not the Answer for Deficit Reduction

As chairman of the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Soybean Advisory Committee, I have been engaged in many farm policy discussions over the last six months concerning the looming federal deficit this country is facing and how agriculture will likely be impacted by it. First and foremost, farmers are willing to do their part to reduce the deficit. We understand that the stability of this nation is currently at risk. Our country is at a major crossroads, and some hard decisions have to be made by lawmakers. We embrace the challenges ahead and are eager to work with policymakers to address solutions to lower the deficit. However, as farmers, we remain somewhat concerned by actions to target such a small fraction of the overall budget for deficit reduction measures. Many people may not be aware that, in 2012, the farm safety net accounted for less than one-half of one percent of the federal budget. That comes to about 25 to 35 cents for every 100 dollars paid in federal taxes. We all know that Social Security and Medicare account for about 33 percent of the federal budget, defense accounts for about 19 percent and other programs account for about 37 percent. In comparison, the budget for the entire U.S. Department of Agriculture, the agency that provides the safety net for producers, is only 3.9 percent of federal spending, and of that, 74 percent is devoted to food and nutrition programs. Farmers also worry about the long-term implications or unintended consequences of the actions of this deficit reduction effort on agriculture. Currently, commodity prices are strong. The safety net that we rely on has not been needed in


today’s markets. However, we all know that the commodity markets are highly cyclical in nature and will fall to lower levels at some point, many times below the cost of production. When that happens, we need to have assurance that there is an adequate safety net in place that activates. Our ability to provide food, fiber and shelter for our country remains an issue of national security. The farm safety net in the farm program provides stability to ensure that our country can sustain itself into the future and that we are not reliant on other countries for food. As we approach further deficit reduction discussions and an upcoming farm bill debate, it is my hope that policymakers will realize that deficit reduction will not be successful without addressing major entitlement programs and not agriculture.

New Extension Specialists Mississippi State University Extension Service (MSU) recently announced the following additions to its staff. Brandi Bourg has been hired as a beef specialist. She can be reached by

email at bbourg@ext.msstate.edu or at (662) 325-7465. Eric Stafne will serve as a fruit crops specialist. He is located at MSU’s Coastal Research and Extension Center in Poplarville. Stafne can be reached by

Summer Commodity Meetings

Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) will again hold commodity meetings during the summer months. At presstime, the cotton, dairy and honey 6


bee meetings had been scheduled. See the Calendar of Events on page 12 for dates and locations. More information will be made MISSISSIPPI FARM COUNTRY

email at estafne@ext.msstate.edu or at (601) 403-8939. Trent Irby is the new soybean specialist. He can be reached by email at jti2@msstate.edu or at (662) 325-8616.

available as schedules are firmed up. Contact Nancy Britt at (601) 977-4230, or visit our Web site at www.msfb.org. MAY/JUNE

COMMODITY UPDATE: DAIRY Donald Lowery, MFBF Dairy Advisory Committee Chair Doug Ervin, MFBF Commodity Coordinator for Dairy

Committee has worked hard for producers



In 2011, the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) Dairy Advisory Committee again focused its efforts on aiding the dairy industry by attending numerous meetings across the Southeast. MFBF also sponsored several local events promoting dairy throughout the state. The MFBF Dairy Advisory Committee for 2012 consists of Donald Lowery, chair, from Marion County; Mike Ferguson, vice chair, from Tate County; Max Anderson, past chair, from Newton County; Brad Bean, Amite County; Doug Popwell, Walthall County; and David Fazzio, Harrison County. The number of dairy farms in Mississippi continues to fall. We have only 109 dairy farms left in the state at this time. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, there were 289 dairy herds in the state in early 2003, down from 302 in 2002 and more than 600 at the end of 1995.

Dairy Facts An act to designate milk as the state beverage was adopted by the Mississippi State Legislature during the 1984 regular session. Milk has a long and rich history. Here are some other facts. Did you know? • Sanskrit records mentioned milk 6,000 years ago. • The Bible describes the Promised Land as a land flowing with milk and honey.


• The Greek Physician Hippocrates recommended milk as a medicine some 2,300 years ago. • Christopher Columbus brought cattle to the New World on his second voyage. • It has been said that one reason for the high death rate among those who traveled to the New World on the Mayflower was that they had no fresh milk to drink. • Cows were brought from Europe to the Jamestown colony in 1611 and to the Plymouth colony in 1624. • Cheese was an important item in the diet of the Vikings, who from about the 8th to the 10th centuries sailed the seas on long voyages. • Cheese was an article of commerce in ancient Rome. Monks developed the art of cheesemaking in Europe in the Middle Ages.

The Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) program approved a total of 37 bids from Bongards, Dairy Farmers of America, Darigold, Maryland and Virginia milk producers, Michigan milk producers, and United Dairymen of Arizona to export another 7.78 million pounds of cheese and butter. The sales of 378 million pounds of Cheddar, Gouda and Monterey Jack cheese and 4 million pounds of butter will go the Asia, Central America, the Middle East and North Africa. The MFBF Dairy Advisory Committee and staff will continue to work diligently on issues pertinent to the dairy industry in 2012.

Land Conference

The Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) Land Program and the Natural Resource Enterprises Program at Mississippi State University will offer a Landowner Conference on June 26 at the MFBF Building in Jackson. Topics will include land issues and agritourism. For more information, contact Doug Ervin at (601) 6241705. To RSVP, contact Nancy Britt at (601) 977-4230.



By Glynda Phillips

Tree Farmer of the Year


Charles Dismukes has been planting and harvesting trees his entire life. The 2011 Mississippi Forestry Association Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year began his journey at the ripe old age of 13. Now, almost 60 years later, he continues to operate a most productive and beautiful tree farm near Kilmichael in Montgomery County. Through the years, what began as a solo effort through his local 4-H program has grown into a partnership with his wife Carolyn, with whom he shares all honors. Charles is also founder of the Vaiden Timber Company, for which Carolyn keeps books. People who work closely with nature usually have their priorities straight, and Charles and Carolyn are no exception. They have certain goals for their land, but they primarily just enjoy growing trees. Furthermore, it would seem that the entire Dismukes family possesses a passion for trees “I would almost say that it is genetic,” Charles said. “My family worked in the logging and sawmilling industries all the way back to my great-grandfather. My sons, Barry and Brian, now operate Vaiden Timber Company, and my grandsons are majoring in forestry-related fields at Mississippi State University. Wilson is in land surveying, and Garrett is a student in the school of forestry.”


Then and Now As a teenager, Charles was encouraged by his local 4-H youth agent to begin a 4-H forestry project on family land. At that time, the farm totaled 105 acres, with 65 acres in timber. A management plan was drawn up for him by a Mississippi State University (MSU) Extension forester, and he began following it meticulously, ridding the property of undesirable trees so that only quality high-grade timber remained and planting 5,000 seedlings. For his efforts, Charles was selected state and national Forestry 4H Record winner and received a four-year scholarship, which he used to earn a degree in forestry from MSU. He later signed the tree farm into the American Tree Farm System, where it has remained for some 52 years. Through the years, Charles bought more land and continued to learn, grow and apply his knowledge of forestry and share all of this with others. Today, the tree farm totals 1158 acres, of which 1140 acres is in woodland. The land consists of 10 tracts in three counties. Over 75 percent of the land is in planted pine plantation and the rest consists of approximately 200 acres of old growth pine and 80 acres of upland hardwoods.



Tree Farms

The Dismukes’ tree farm is home to whitetailed deer, turkey, rabbits, squirrels and quail. Songbirds of many species share the habitat as do wood ducks on the several ponds where the family maintains duck boxes. The farm includes 10 miles of roads, six miles of hiking trails and 15 miles of firebreaks. You will find a teepee and a cabin that are used for recreational and educational activities and field days. Wildlife plots are planted for hunting purposes, and ponds are used for fishing. Charles says his primary goal in buying and managing timberland is to maximize the timber income for retirement and for the education of the grandchildren. He also wants to have good wildlife management for hunting and fishing and to provide a forest where the public can observe sound forest and wildlife management practices. Groups that have visited the Dismukes’ tree farm have ranged from school kids to legislators to people who simply want to learn. For those interested in better managing their forestland, Charles offers this advice:

• Find a good consultant forester or talk to a county forester. It pays off in the long run. If you know nothing about growing timber, get a forester to help you. • Become a member of a local forestry association. Mississippi has 64 county forestry associations that present all types of educational programs. • Join the Mississippi Forestry Association. It is the voice of forestry. • Mississippi has one of the best fish and game departments in the nation. They can offer you all kinds of advice about everything from birds to wildlife. MAY/JUNE

“It always pays to manage your land in the long run,” Charles said. “It is a good investment. You can put however much you want to put into it, and there are so many incentive programs that cover 50 to 75 percent of management costs.”

Organizations Charles is a life member of the Mississippi Forestry Association (MFA) and spent many years as a director. He is currently a director emeritus. He attends the MFA Legislative Luncheon each year and is recognized by members of the Mississippi Legislature as a forestry advocate on all issues dealing with forestry. Charles organized and led a successful legislative tour that showcased the MSU forestry program in 2006. He is a trustee and a life member of the Mississippi Forestry Foundation. He is a charter member of the Montgomery County Forestry Association (CFA), serving as president in 1992, 1995 and 2008, and a member of the Carroll County CFA and the Holmes County CFA. The Dismukes fund the Ambassadors Scholarship at Mississippi State University for recruiting by the College of Forest Resources. Charles and Carolyn are longtime members of Montgomery County Farm Bureau. Members of his family served the organization back in its formative years. National Contest When he learned that he had been named recipient of the 2011 Mississippi Forestry Association Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year honor, Charles Dismukes said, “If I was told I had one week to live, I would want to go out and spend that week planting trees.” He will now compete for national honors. MISSISSIPPI FARM COUNTRY

The American Tree Farm System (ATFS) is a program sponsored nationally by the American Forest Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit organization promoting the sustainable management of forests through education and outreach to private forest landowners. Founded in 1941, ATFS is the oldest and largest forest conservation, certification and advocacy program in the United States. The program operates through state tree farm committees in 46 states, in partnership with over 4,000 volunteer professional foresters—from industry, government and consulting firms. State committees make arrangements for foresters to inspect and certify tree farms and then re-inspect the land periodically. Their on-the-ground inspections determine whether the property meets the standards and guidelines established by the American Forest Foundation. In Mississippi, the program is administered by the Mississippi Tree Farm Committee, which includes a statewide team of almost 300 trained inspectors. They are all volunteers. These volunteer inspectors are professional foresters, representing forest industries, the Mississippi Forestry Commission (MFC), consulting forestry firms, Mississippi State University and other agencies and organizations. Mississippi has more certified tree farms than any other state. We have had two National Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year recipients, Terry and Ann Ozier of Brandon and Chester Thigpen of Montrose. At presstime, Charles Dismukes of Kilmichael was competing for national honors. In 1996, MFC Forester Ed Brown of Bay Springs was selected National Outstanding Tree Farm Inspector. This year, Brendix Glasgow, MFC District Forester in Tupelo, received the National Outstanding Field Leadership Award. If you are interested in becoming a Certified Tree Farmer, please contact the Mississippi Tree Farm Program at (662) 325-1785 or tomm@msforestry.net. For more information about the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Forestry, Environmental, and Land programs, contact our state office. 9

A Commitment to Agriculture By Glynda Phillips

Cindy Hyde-Smith, Mississippi’s newlyelected Commissioner of Agriculture, possesses a commitment to state agriculture that is rooted in a childhood that quite often found her knee-deep in the family vegetable garden in rural Lawrence County. “I loved that garden,” she said. “It provided us with delicious vegetables, but it also taught us kids about responsibility and hard work. My mother used to say, “I am raising peas, but I am also raising children.’ That has never left me.” Cindy’s love of agriculture deepened when she married her husband Mike and they began building a successful beef cattle operation near Brookhaven in Lincoln County. “Mike is a full-time farmer. He and I also operate the family livestock auction barn in Brookhaven,” she said. “Farming is a great way to earn a living and a wonderful way of life.” Mike and Cindy have one daughter, 13year-old Anna-Michael.

Giving Back Most farmers already know Cindy through the family cattle operation, her membership in Lincoln County Farm Bureau and her time served as chair of the Mississippi Senate Ag Committee. They are aware that she has championed important issues like eminent domain reform and country of origin labeling. Her job as Commissioner of Agriculture will give her an exciting new forum for supporting Mississippi agriculture. “Had Dr. Spell not retired, I would not have sought this office,” she said. “I was happy in the Senate. But when he announced that he would not seek reelection, I saw an opportunity to give back to my state. I knew it would be a grueling campaign, and it was. We visited all 82 counties, and I lost 25 pounds. But I am so glad that I did it. This is a comfortable fit. 10



I want to provide programs that will enhance and benefit not only production agriculture but the state as a whole.”

With my 12 years of legislative experience, I feel confident I can do the job.” Cindy also has past lobbying experience. Upon graduating from the University of Southern Mississippi, she worked for a time out of San Francisco and Washington, D.C., lobbying on transportation and health care issues. As she begins her years of service as Commissioner of Agriculture, she says the number one thing she brings to the table is her enthusiasm and love of agriculture. Number two is her knowledge of agriculture, and number three is her desire to enhance the agency. “I want to build upon what Mississippi agriculture already has in place,” she said. “I want to provide programs that will enhance and benefit not only production agriculture but the state as a whole. Agriculture is our state’s number one industry, so we have a lot of opportunities for growth. “On the campaign trail, I talked about some ideas I have concerning the promotional aspect of the agency. A lot of people agreed with my vision and concepts,” she said. “God made me a driven and very motivated person on the things that I believe in. I get excited to see some things we can try.”

As for budget constraints, she says that state agencies have gotten wind there will be some cuts. “I inherited a streamlined work force made up of professionals who know their jobs and are very passionate about agriculture,” she said. “We have some ideas about new programs, as well as ideas about ways to better fund existing programs. We are all very excited about this.”

Much Support Cindy is the first female to serve as ag commissioner in Mississippi and the first female in the nation to be elected to the post. All others have been appointed. “That gives me a sense of great satisfaction,” she said. “I feel that the people of Mississippi voted for me because of my credentials. They voted for Cindy. It is very refreshing to know that the attitudes no longer remain that some jobs are only for men. Perhaps, because of this, other females will have more confidence to get involved in public office in nontraditional roles. Maybe I have paved the way a little.” As she begins serving as Commissioner of Agriculture, Cindy says she has a lot of support and that feels good. “My family has supported me from the very beginning,” she said. “My friends in government and in the farming community continue to give me their support and advice. My close friends like Verla Smith, who is in her 80s and one of my best sounding boards ever, remain very important to me. “If I can contribute something to the state in any way, I won’t hesitate to do so,” she said. “I love Mississippi. It is my home. I love agriculture. It is my passion. I am definitely blessed to be able to raise my child on a farm in Mississippi. “I am one of the most blessed people on earth.”

MDAC Benefits All Mississippians

The mission of the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce (MDAC) is to regulate and promote agricultural-related businesses within the state and to promote Mississippi products throughout the state and the rest of the world for the benefit of all Mississippi citizens. Here are some of the regulatory responsibilities. The Weights and Measures Division oversees the calibrating and testing of most scales and measurement equipment used in commerce and trade to ensure fairness in the marketplace. In other words, if you buy a pound of bananas in the grocery store, you can be assured that what you are getting is a pound of bananas. The Petroleum Products Inspection Division makes sure that people who purchase petroleum products and motor fuels get the amount that they pay for as well as the quality they expect. In other words, when you buy a gallon of gas, if it says ‘gallon,’ then you know that what you are getting is a galMAY/JUNE

lon of gas. MDAC also inspects diesel to make sure it meets certain flashpoint requirements. The Consumer Protection Division is responsible for the permitting of all retail food establishments in Mississippi. These duties include food and store sanitation, country of origin labeling, price and weight verification on products, and proper temperature control on all coolers and freezers. With the Meat Inspection Division, any time a live animal is slaughtered anywhere in the state, consumers can be assured that sanitation and safety requirements have been met. Everybody wants safe, affordable food. MDAC also offers an Ag Theft Bureau. If livestock, timber and/or equipment are stolen from your farm, MDAC has investigators with arrest authority. The Ag Theft Bureau has an unprecedented 42 percent recovery rate of stolen goods. MDAC also manages the Bureau of Plant Industry, which has the responsibility for permitting all pesticide products, pest control MISSISSIPPI FARM COUNTRY

operators, agricultural aviators, seed, feed, fertilizer and soil amendments, and conducting all trapping programs that focus on invasive plants and insects. As for promotional efforts, MDAC is in charge of the Make Mine Mississippi Campaign, which promotes Mississippi-grown and Mississippi-made products. MDAC also promotes certified farmers markets throughout the state and operates the Mississippi Farmers Market, located on the fairgrounds in Jackson. In addition, MDAC publishes a great marketing tool for farmers called Mississippi Market Bulletin. (See page 12 for more information.) MDAC handles checkoff dollars for agricultural commodities. The individual commodity boards decide how the money will be spent, but MDAC takes care of the accounting part of the equation. MDAC is also in charge of the annual Dixie National Rodeo and Livestock Show and the annual Mississippi State Fair. 11

Calendar of Events

May 29 Summer Dairy Commodity Meeting Golden Corral McComb June 1 Application Deadline Farm Bureau Scholarships June 4 – 7 Youth Safety Seminar Timber Creek Camp Pulaski June 12 – 14 AITC Workshops Grenada, Jackson Biloxi June 19 – 22 National AITC Conference Loveland, Colorado June 26 Landowner Conference MFBF Building Jackson July 18 Summer Cotton Commodity Meeting Grenada July 24 Summer Honey Bee Commodity Meeting August 1 Application Deadline Farm Bureau Ambassador Contest


Mississippi Market Bulletin: Deeply Rooted in Agriculture

By Glynda Phillips

Mississippi Market Bulletin enjoys a long tradition of serving Mississippi farmers. Published twice a month by the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce (MDAC), the publication carries thousands of ag-related classified ads plus informative and entertaining feature articles and recipes related to specific commodities. “Mississippi Market Bulletin was begun 84 years ago by an ag commissioner named J.C. Holton,” said longtime editor Claude Nash. “It was designed to serve, assist and inform hardworking farmers during the Great Depression years when relief and help were badly needed.” The newspaper was an instant success, and people continue to enjoy it today. “Holton planted a seed,” Nash said. “Now, that seed has grown into a flourishing crop that is deeply rooted in our history.” Each issue of the Mississippi Market Bulletin carries some 2,000 to 3,500 agricultural classified ads that are divided into over 165 categories, ranging from machinery, equipment, crops, livestock, poultry, and farm property to hunting, camping, and fishing to horses, dogs, employment, and swap/exchange. “Since 1928, we have kept the same trademark look,” Nash said. “We have tweaked it a time or two through the years, but it is about


the same as it’s always been, and people expect that.” Running an ad is free, but you must subscribe to the newspaper. Mississippi residents pay $10, while out-of-state residents pay $15. Currently, the Mississippi Market Bulletin boasts some 46,000 subscribers across the state and nation, including Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. “We know that we have a great marketing tool,” Nash said. “But we’ve never really promoted it a lot beyond handing out free copies at the Mississippi State Fair and Dixie National Rodeo and Livestock Show. We are making a push to get the word out to our farming community.” The Mississippi Market Bulletin goes online four days after it is mailed. “You can go online for the information, but people seem to enjoy holding the publication in their hands,” Nash said. “Our subscribers wait for their Mississippi Market Bulletin,” said Paige Manning, MDAC Director of Marketing and Public Relations. “If it is late, they call looking for it. It is just amazing how important it has become to their lives. Claude does a great job, and we are very proud of it.” For more information about the Mississippi Market Bulletin, call (601) 359-1155, go to www.msmarketbulletin.org or see the information below if you’d like to subscribe.


The Buzz on



By Glynda Phillips

Keeping bees, whether as a hobby or a vocation, can be both fascinating and rewarding. That’s the buzz on beekeeping from Kenneth, Joan and Johnny Thompson of Philadelphia. Kenneth and Joan have worked with honey bees for years. More recently, they’ve cut way back on what they do on their row crop and beef cattle farm in order to focus more on them. Their son Johnny is their partner in this. The Thompsons presently have 200 bee hives and sell honey, bees and queens, shipping the queens all over the United States. This fall, Joan began taking honey to flea markets in small towns like Carthage, Kosciusko and Macon. Customers can also purchase the honey over the Internet and from their home. The Thompsons sell their honey under the “Broke-T” label, which is also the name of their well-known Charolais beef cattle operation. You can choose from among several different varieties of honey, including a lighter, sweeter spring variety that is made primarily from white clover and spring wildflowers; a darker amber honey that is made primarily from wildflowers that grow in the late spring to summer; and a fall honey, darker and richer, that is made primarily from goldenrod and fall wildflowers. “If you have spring allergies and you eat honey that is made in the spring, that is supposed to help with those types of allergies,” Joan said. “The same holds true for fall allergies and honey produced in the autumn months. But the honey must be made from pollen that is gathered from around where you live. “Honey can also help with minor cuts and burns and with other skin problems because it is a natural antibiotic,” she said. Joan even adds a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drinks the mixture twice a day. She believes there are health benefits to the elixir. Kenneth explains why honey bees are so interesting. “A queen can lay an egg and decide to fertilize it or not fertilize it, depending on whether she wants it to become a drone or a worker bee,” he said. “An unfertilized egg gives birth to a drone, which is a male bee. The sole purpose of the drone is to breed with the queen. If the hive is overpopulated, the drones get kicked out in the winter to free up room because the queen can always make more drones in the spring. “The worker bees are female, and they do all of the work in the hive. If the hive needs a new queen, the worker bees feed royal jelly to sev-

Fascinating Facts

eral of the fertilized larvae,” he said. “The first bee to hatch becomes the queen, and she destroys the rest of the larvae that were fed the jelly.” Bees are guided by their sense of smell as they search for flowers and other sources of pollen. “If you are around honey bees and they smell your hair spray, they will pay you a visit,” Kenneth said. “They do this simply because they think they’ve found a new flower. “Bees also do a little dance when they want to give directions to the other bees in a hive,” he said. “That’s their way of communicating with one another.” The honey bee’s role in agriculture and the economy is significant. In 2009, the annual national economic value of honey bee pollination was $14.7 billion. The value to Mississippi was estimated at over $250 million, and some experts say that figure might be closer to $400 million. For agriculture, honey bees pollinate fruits, berries, sunflowers, vegetables, cotton, soybeans, peanuts and wild plants. No data has been obtained for forage crops, but the importance can be seen in the marketplace, where cattle, horse, dairy and other livestock products are sold.

Kenneth and Joan are longtime Neshoba County Farm Bureau volunteer leaders. Kenneth currently serves as county president, and Joan chairs the county women’s committee as well as the Region 6 Women’s Committee. Kenneth has served a two-year term on the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Board of Directors. In 2011, Neshoba County Farm Bureau was presented the Mike Blankenship Safety Award for having the best safety program in the central area. They were also named the outstanding county Farm Bureau program in Region 6. “Farm Bureau is a great organization,” Kenneth said. “Our members are fine Christian people, and we are like one big family.” In addition to Farm Bureau, Kenneth is a member of his local and state cattlemen’s associations, and he and Joan are members of the Mississippi Beekeepers Association. They are active members of New Harmony Baptist Church. The Thompsons have three children, six grandchildren and one great-grandson.

Volunteer Leaders

If you’d like more information about honey bees or would like to purchase honey, you may call the Thompsons at (601) 656-1908, (601) 5620701, or (601) 416-3358. Visit the Web site at www.broke-t-honey.com.

More Information

w w w . b r o k e - t - h o n e y . c o m 14



The first two Farm Bureau Ambassadors, Mattie Carter and Alan Smith, have known each other, through 4-H, for many years.

An Advocate for

Agriculture By Glynda Phillips

The Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation’s 2012 Farm Bureau Ambassador is Alan Smith of Picayune. Alan knows that a strong agricultural industry is critical to our nation’s continued ability to feed not only its own citizens but people around the world. He promises to do his part to teach consumers to appreciate and support agriculture, which is accomplishing so much for so many. “We as Farm Bureau members must become advocates for agriculture,” he said. “We must stand together against those who would try to harm our industry in any way. We must project a positive outlook, tell our story to the consuming public and work hard to surface opportunities for continued growth and success. One great fact about agriculture that needs to be publicized is the efficiency of the American farmer.

“” We must project a positive outlook, tell our story to the consuming public and work hard to surface opportunities for continued growth and success.

“Science has brought us a long way,” Alan said. “Technological advancements and innovative, well-researched farming methods help today’s farmers grow more food on less land and with less inputs than ever before in our nation’s history. Farmers are also informed business managers and dedicated caretakers of the environment.” Alan sees his role as a spokesman for Farm Bureau as a natural extension of what he is already accomplishing as he serves his fourth consecutive year on the American Junior Simmental Association Board of Directors. His leadership abilities have also benefitted from the time he served as president of the Mississippi 4H Council and as captain of the Hinds Community College football team. “I was always encouraged by my parents to make good grades and to become involved in extracurricular activities. As a result, I have been extremely busy, and I’ve met a lot of great people,” he said with a smile. “I couldn’t have handled the demands of college without those types of experiences.” Alan comes from a strong agricultural background. For many years, his father, uncle and grandfather owned one of the largest Jersey dairies in the state. When the industry began to change in recent years, the dairy closed, and Alan’s father began raising commercial beef cattle. He now runs 45 head of registered Simmental cows on about 150-160 acres of family land. Alan is finishing up a degree in Animal and Dairy Sciences at Mississippi State University (MSU) and plans to enter the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine. He hopes to carry on the family cattle tradition, even as he establishes a successful practice as a veterinarian. “I want to raise my children on a farm,” he said. “I love farm life. It is a great way of life and has taught me so much. I also plan to continue my family’s involvement in Farm Bureau. It is such an impor-


tant organization. We have always put our faith and effort in Farm Bureau.” Alan’s grandfather, the late Ezra Smith, served as president of Pearl River County Farm Bureau at one time. His grandmother, Charline Smith, is the current county women’s vice chair. It was his grandmother who showed him the issue of Mississippi Farm Country magazine that featured 2011 Farm Bureau Ambassador Mattie Carter on the cover. “I have known Mattie for years through 4-H, and I enjoyed reading the article. I thought that the contest was something that I would be interested in entering,” he said. “A lot of scholarships involve paperwork only. With this scholarship, you get to talk before a group of people, and you are interviewed by a panel of judges. It is a process that makes you more confident about yourself and your abilities.” The Farm Bureau Ambassador receives a $2,000 scholarship, while the alternate receives a $1,000 scholarship. The ambassador gets to travel the state, attending Farm Bureau meetings and other events. “I am really excited about my time as Farm Bureau Ambassador,” he said. “They are putting together a schedule for me that will give me ample opportunity to meet with people and talk about agriculture and Farm Bureau. I love people and I love agriculture, so this should be fun.” For more information about the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation’s Farm Bureau Ambassador Program, contact Women’s Program Coordinator Clara Bilbo at (601) 977-4245.



Solve the




Our mystery town is located near Hattiesburg in Forrest County. The first American settlers arrived here in the early 1800s, drawn by logging and farming opportunities. Until recent years, agriculture was a major industry. Today, the retail and service sectors are booming.

Our mystery town is named for the infant daughter of the first postmaster. The child died at the age of two of diphtheria. No other town in the United States has this name. Our mystery town, which was incorporated in 1974, boasts 10,574 residents. Many of them are descendants of the original settlers. This town is a close and caring community, and its motto is “The Friendly City.” Our mystery town is committed to education and to providing citizens with a family-friendly environment. It was the first town in the United States to offer Excel by 5, a program that works with children from birth to age five, encouraging them to learn. The town has a topranked school district and the only dedicated dyslexia school, privately owned, in the state of Mississippi. Our mystery town offers plenty of parks and recreational opportunities for both kids and adults. It is home to the Robert E. Russell Sports Complex (City Park) and a $7.3-million football stadium that will celebrate its third anniversary in August. The town boasts a Veterans Walk of Honor, located in the park behind the Library/Civic


Center/Chamber of Commerce. It also has its own YMCA. Our mystery town is the hometown of football legend Ray Perkins; Washington Redskins safety Tom Walters; and Jerry Edwards, retired executive vice president of The Home Depot. It is the home of photographer, musician and motivational speaker Vaughn Wilson, who has published a book, entitled “Tell Me about that



Horse: Stories from Exceptional People about Treasured Horses.” From 1979 to 2007, this town was home to the International Checkers Hall of Fame. The building burned in 2007, but citizens are working to restore it. The town is also home to Snap Cookie bakery and shipping facilities and to Red Maple Gifts, which

is housed in one of the town’s oldest homes. Name our mystery town.

* A special thanks to Deborah Reynolds, executive director of our mystery town’s chamber of commerce, for her help with this article. For more information, call Deborah at (601) 583-3306.

Correct Guesses Mail guesses to Solve the Mystery, Mississippi Farm Country, P. O. Box 1972, Jackson, MS 39215. You may also email your guesses to: FarmCountry@MSFB.org. Please remember to include your name and address on the entry. Visit our Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Web site at:


www.msfb.org. When all correct guesses have been received, we will randomly draw 20 names. These 20 names will receive a prize and will be placed in the hat twice. At the end of the year, a winner will be drawn from all correct submissions. The winner will receive a Weekend Bed and Breakfast Trip, courtesy of the Mississippi Farm Bureau


Federation. Families may submit only one entry. Federation staff members and their families are ineligible to participate in this contest. The deadline for submitting your entry is May 31. March/April The correct answer for the March/April Solve the Mystery is the town of Belzoni.



A Silk Purse?


By Sam E. Scott, MFBF General Counsel

love old sayings and new events, especially those that are significant and can be connected. One such event is the passage of Initiative 31 this past November, which enacted into the Mississippi Constitution of 1890 eminent domain reform. This was done against all odds, and it was an overwhelming victory for vox populi, the voice of the people, 639,000 of them to be more precise, 73 percent of the voters. This was neither quick, easy nor cheap, and it demonstrates that citizens’ initiatives are not for the faint-hearted or easily discouraged. After a late-1980s controversy over a state lottery, which failed, the voters in 1992 approved a legislative-sponsored amendment to the Mississippi Constitution which allowed citizens to propose constitutional amendments with significant limitations that do not apply to constitutional amendments proposed by the Legislature. Specifically, citizen-sponsored amendments have four significant limitations and cannot be used for: 1. Proposal, modification or repeal of any portion of the Bill of Rights; 2. Amendment or repeal of any law or provision relating to the Mississippi Public Employees’ Retirement System; 3. Amendment or repeal of the constitutional guarantee of the right of any person being denied work on account of membership of any labor union; and 4. Modification of the initiative process itself.

These limitations do not apply to constitutional amendments proposed by the Legislature, and why these were placed in the law no one can explain. Particularly, the one pertaining to the Bill of Rights is puzzling. The U.S. Constitution might not have been enacted in 1789 except for the late addition of the first ten amendments, always known as the Bill of Rights, designed to protect individuals from oppressive government and the establishment. The much different Bill of Rights in the Mississippi Constitution consists of 32 sections, which are far broader than the U.S. Constitution but contain many rather different provisions. Inherently, it seems strange that when all constitutional amendments, whether legislatively or voter-sponsored, must be approved or rejected by the people, whose power is plenary final, that they cannot propose an amendment to a part of the Constitution designed to protect and preserve individual rights. Though not logical, it was a major issue in Initiative 31 be-


cause Art. 3 §17 of the Mississippi Constitution is a basic eminent domain protection as in the fifth and fourteenth amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Actually, Initiative 31 has nothing to do with the process of eminent domain. Rather, it just sets a time limit before property acquired by eminent domain can be transferred to a private party for economic development. It limits the ability of government to take private property and immediately turn it over to more wealthy and powerful private parties for their own use. The law also requires that 90,000-plus certified voter signatures be obtained within one year; that 20 percent of the signatures come from the old five congressional districts that no longer exist; and that it receives a supermajority of voter approval to pass. All of this, in effect, tends to make citizens’ initiatives a second-class constitutional amendment — though they are the very people who must approve any constitutional amendment. A strong argument can be made that such restrictions are wrong. Suggestions were made by opponents of Initiative 31 that there was a danger in voter initiatives as if those sponsors were an unruly rabble. The legal challenge to Initiative 31, as well as opposition at the polls, failed ignominiously. It is likely that Initiative 31, as the old saying goes, “made a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.” However, as Larry McMurtry, the famous author, has pointed out: “Even if one makes a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, the problem remains of what does one do with a one-eared sow?” Good question! Even if Initiative 31 was a silk purse of sorts, we still have threats of another legal challenge and the ex-governor’s attempt to gerrymander where the amendment goes into the Mississippi Constitution. Though we do not worry about this, it is still there, even with just one ear. But now, a new solution is on the horizon. Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives passed, by a 2/3 majority, a bill to overturn the Kelo case and prohibit taking by eminent domain for private development on both state and national levels. This is what we need. Contact U.S. senators to support it and get it enacted. Then we will have not only a silk purse but some fine ham, bacon and sausage!

Sam E. Scott is general counsel for Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation and practices law in the Law Firm of Samuel E. Scott, PLLC, in Jackson. The foregoing information is general in nature and is not intended as nor should be considered specific legal advice, nor to be considered as MFBF’s position or opinion.




Farm Bureau Can Help You Save Money By Greg Gibson, MFBF Member Services Director

With summer just around the corner, many of you may be planning vacations, long weekends to the beach, or other summer getaways. It’s a great time of the year, and your Farm Bureau membership can help you enjoy this time even more by saving you money. By taking advantage of the many Member Benefits programs offered by Farm Bureau, you could save lots of money that you could spend on other things. One of our most popular programs is our discount on hotel rooms. Choice Hotels and Wyndham Hotels both offer Mississippi Farm Bureau members 20 percent discounts when staying at one of their hotels.With many different price ranges to choose from, you can save the cost of your annual membership by staying for as little as two nights in one of these hotel chains. Choice Hotels include Comfort Inn, Comfort Suites, Quality Inn, Sleep Inn, Clarion, Main Stay Suites, Econo Lodge, and Rodeway Inn. Wyndham Hotels include Microtel Inn, Hawthorn Suites, Days Inn, Howard Johnson, Knights Inn, Ramada, Travelodge, Baymont Inns, Wyndham, and Wingate Inn. Mississippi Farm Bureau members saved nearly $25,000 on hotel rooms in 2011 using these discounts.

Hotel Discounts

Ford Motor Company is pleased to offer a $500 Bonus Cash savings off vehicle MSRP toward the purchase or lease of any eligible 2011/2012/2013 Ford or Lincoln vehicle. With this valuable offer, you can enjoy savings on the vehicle of your choice from Ford’s exciting new lineup of hardworking and technologically advanced cars and trucks, including the Ford F-150, with its impressive power, fuel efficiency and best-in-class trailer-towing capacity. Some customer and purchase eligibility restrictions apply. You must be an eligible Farm Bureau member for at least 60 consecutive days and must show proof of membership. Limit one $500 Bonus Cash offer per vehicle purchase or lease.

$500 Cash Back

How does up to 25 percent savings on quality hearing products sound? With this program, through Clear Value Hearing, members receive a free initial hearing test and annual retests, free hearing aid adjustments, free bi-annual hearing aid maintenance and one courtesy case of batteries. You also are guaranteed free automatic pre-approval, a statewide network of professional audiologists and specialists, up to 25 percent actual member discount on all Starkey Hearing Instruments and special member discounts on all Westone Custom Ear Protection. ClearValue offers significant savings and services that are typically not covered by Medicare and most insurance. For more information on these or any of the other wonderful Member Benefits that come automatically with your Farm Bureau membership, visit our Web site at www.msfb.org or call Member Benefits Coordinator Dedra Luke at (601) 977-4169.

Help for Hard of Hearing




Popular Play:

A Commun

By Glynda Phillips Each spring, the residents of Rolling Fork present an historical play in a turn-of-the-century Colonial Revival mansion called Mont Helena. The home is built atop a ceremonial Indian Mound that rises above row-crop fields that spread out in many directions for as far as the eye can see. The play, entitled “Mont Helena: A Dream Revisited,” combines acting with song to tell the tragic mid-19century love story of Helen Johnstone and Henry Vick. “Over 100 volunteers plus a cast of very talented actors work together to ensure that this production is a success each spring,” said Leslie Miller, chair of the Friends of Mont Helena. “We have people who serve as greeters, ticket-takers, transportation people (bringing visitors up the hill to the home in golf carts), makeup and props experts, costume experts, sound and lights people, historians, and cooks, just to name a few. When you attend our play, you see what a wonderful job they do,” she said. “We couldn’t do this without them.”

Emily Carter. “Other people heard about it and wanted to visit the home, so we began to hold tours and to feed and entertain people there. “Finally, we decided to make it official and stage a play,” she said. “We met at Leslie’s home and formed the Friends of Mont Helena. Leslie was elected chair.” In prior years, Drick Rodgers, the present owner of Mont Helena and a distant relative of Helen Johnstone, had taken major steps to rescue the house from its state of ruin. Although additional work had been done to the house in preparation for his daughter’s wedding, there was still much work to be done. “Drick did a tremendous job of getting it ready for the first play, which was held in the spring of 2010,” Leslie said. “He is so supportive and so willing to do whatever it takes to get this done. We can’t thank him enough. And we couldn’t do this every year without his help.”

The idea for the play came from Rolling Fork resident Mary Corban, who would always mention the house and its story each time citizens would get together to talk about promoting their community. The first opportunity to use the house in a promotional manner came when a group of artists visited Rolling Fork and expressed an interest in touring Mont Helena. “We fed them at the house and told them the story of Helen and Henry. The event turned out to be very emotional and moving,” said

Mont Helena is named for Helen, of course, and the play is about Helen’s dream of Henry, a wealthy Delta planter and her first love. Helen and Henry were to be wed, but a duel took his life, and a midnight funeral replaced their wedding. Wearing her white wedding gown and a black mourning veil, Helen led the funeral procession. Through the years, Helen has become known as the Bride of Annandale, but her story doesn’t end with Vick’s death. She later married George Harris, a Confederate chaplain who served for a time as

E Getting Started


The Play



From left, Leslie Miller, Lynn Moses and Emily Carter

nity Effort rector at Chapel of the Cross in Madison and Chapel of the Cross in Rolling Fork. Mont Helena was built as the couple’s retirement home on land bequeathed to Helen by a relative. The house burned to the ground on the day they were to move in, but was soon rebuilt and went on to become a Delta home of great renown. Mont Helena is 10,000 square feet in size and includes three stories plus a rooftop widow’s walk that is one of the few places in the Delta to afford such a spectacular view of cropland. The house was designed by George Barber, a well-known architect of the day. “All of the actors and workers wear authentic 19th-century clothing. When you enter the house, we tell you its history and the story of Helen, Henry and George,” Leslie said. “You sit on a church pew that dates back to the 1850s and was used in a Methodist Episcopal chapel built near the house. “Once you enter this home, you leave the present world behind and become immersed in the mid-1800s and the story. That is the whole idea.” Not only are the guests swept away, so are the actors and workers. “We forget that we are a part of the production, and we get pulled into the story ourselves. Even after all of this time, it is just mesmerizing,” Leslie said. “The talent we have in this area is amazing.” MAY/JUNE

For More Info The Mont Helena play is held in April and May and runs for 15 nights. You must purchase your ticket early because they sell out quickly. By the time you read this, it will probably be too late to attend in 2012, but make plans for next year, or plan to tour and dine at Mont Helena with your friends and relatives. Guided tours of the home are offered, but you may also enjoy a seated lunch with tour and story; a seated dinner with tour and story; or a box lunch with tour and story. You can also rent the house for parties, reunions, weddings and receptions. For more information, contact Lynn Moses at (662) 873-2080, or visit the Web site at www.MontHelena.com. Emily Carter is a former Miss Farm Bureau-Mississippi. Her daughter Mattie is our first Farm Bureau Ambassador. 25

Walthall County Farm Bureau volunteer leaders and staff are pictured here and below. The county president is Bill Pigott. He is second from right, front row.

Farm Bureau Spotlight

Walthall County

Walthall County Farm Bureau volunteer leaders believe strongly in Farm Bureau and its mission to serve as The Voice of Agriculture®. They work hard to support and promote the organization’s programs in any way possible, whether through special events, the media, school programs or their attendance at meetings.

In recognition of their efforts, Walthall County Farm Bureau has received the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation President’s Award as the state’s best overall county Farm Bureau. “Through the years, Farm Bureau has meant a lot to Mississippi farmers. In a changing world, we want to make sure that we remain strong and that agriculture is not forgotten,” said Walthall County Farm Bureau President Bill Pigott. “Here in Walthall County, we depend economically upon agriculture. Even though Mississippi has lost many dairies in recent years, dairying is still a major revenue source in Tylertown. We lead the state in milk production and number of dairies. We also have beef, poultry and timber operations.” Walthall County Farm Bureau works with the local Extension program and other agricultural and civic organizations to ensure that the concerns of its members are heard and addressed. “We try to have representation at all of the meetings and functions on the county, district and state levels,” Pigott said. “We attend the 26

Farm Bureau commodity conferences and policy development meetings, the State Resolutions Meeting, the Legislative Reception and the Ag Day at the Capitol event. We also participate in Washington, D.C., trips as needed.” Walthall County Farm Bureau volunteer leaders work hard to promote alternative agricultural endeavors in their area of the state to benefit local farmers, both now and in the future. County women’s chair is “We have two area dairies that are Sheila Conerly. interested in processing and selling their own milk products,” Pigott said. “We have a farmers market that sells locally grown foods, and we have two quail hunt operations that offer guided hunts, catering to the agritourism market.



“Horse riding has become a big thing with the youth,” he said. “We still have a horse arena that is strictly devoted to walking horse and barrel racing enthusiasts. “Located as we are in the Pine Belt area of the state, we are able to grow abundant pine timber,” he said. “We are pushing to bring in an industry that would use wood for fuel. Our area also has an interest in the growth of oil and natural gas endeavors.” Pigott noted that the Walthall County Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers Program has always been active and outstanding. “Our county had the top young farmer in the state several years ago,” he said. “We have had several regional young farmer winners, and we have had finalists in the State Discussion Meet.” In addition, the Walthall County Farm Bureau Women’s Program was voted the

was J.D. Holmes. In 1951, Walthall County Farm Bureau had 426 members. Today, it boasts a total of 2,042 members and has reached its 2012 membership quota. Members of the Walthall County Farm Bureau Board of Directors include Bill Pigott, president; Doug Popwell, vice president; Mac Conerly, secretary-treasurer; Sheila Conerly, women’s chair; Lori Bacot, women’s co-chair; Drew Pierce, young farmer chair; Chess Jackson, Larry Boyd, William Magee, Larry Martin, Jerry Holmes, Alton Harvey, Glenis Brooks, Gilbert Bul-

lock and Mickey Rayborn. Carol Smith is a lifetime honorary president, who has served on the board and has been an active volunteer leader for some 50 years. The membership secretary is Kathy Knippers. Other secretaries include Peggy Holmes and Sarah Haney. The agency manager is Jimmy Lowery. Other agents are Corey Magee, Nathan Graves and Eric Thomas. Regional Manager for Region 7 is Doug Ervin, who also coordinates the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Dairy and Land programs.

We have had several regional young farmer winners, and we have had finalists in the State Discussion Meet.

most outstanding program in the state in 1989 and has been recognized as the most outstanding program in its region every year for 27 years. Sheila Conerly has served as county women’s chair for 28 years. She says the county women’s program works hard to promote Farm Bureau and Mississippi agriculture within the community, particularly in the schools. “We are in schools at least three times a year, during National Ag Week, National Farm-City Week, and to promote the Farm Bureau Coloring Contest,” she said. “We are very visible in the community during the Walthall County Dairy Festival. We are a sponsor of the Christmas parade, and we support the 4-H program. “Our volunteer leaders work with Extension to help with hunter safety programs. We have an involvement with many other civic and agricultural groups on the county and state levels. We also have a good relationship with the local media, and feature a commodity of the month in our local newspaper.” Walthall County Farm Bureau was chartered on July 6, 1923. Its first president




Young farmers toured the Pride of the Pond catfish facility.

Young Farmers Host Successful Leadership Conference

Patrick and Kim Swindoll of DeSoto County have completed their term of service on the American Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers National Committee. Here are their thoughts: “Kim and I would like to thank Mississippi Farm Bureau for allowing us to have an opportunity of a lifetime by serving on the American Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers National Committee. During our time serving on the committee, we grew so much, not only in learning more about Farm Bureau, but also in learning how to be effective leaders in Farm Bureau, in agriculture and in our community. “The training and tools will be something that we can use for years to come in communicating our message to the public and to

Photo by DeAnna Hammond

Policy Development, Social Media, and the AFBF Young Farmers & Ranchers Program. Entertainer Paul Ott and Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation President Randy Knight addressed the group Sunday morning. Conference participants also had an opportunity to tour the Pride of the Pond catfish facility and the Tunica Museum. They enjoyed dinner aboard the Tunica Queen.

Thank You

YF&R State Committee Chair Jason Hill

By Kirsten Johnson MFBF YF&R Coordinator

This year’s Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) Leadership Conference was a great success, with over 110 young farmers attending from across the state. The conference was held in Tunica at the Mid-South Convention Center on Feb. 10-12, and the theme was “Carving Our Path.” This year’s speakers covered a variety of topics, including Succession Planning, Farm Bureau 28


Patrick and Kim Swindoll

our legislators about agriculture. We had the honor of serving with some of the best young leaders from around the country, who quickly became some of our best friends. “Kim and I will always remember and cherish our time on the committee and the friendships and experiences we gained. Thank you for allowing us to represent Mississippi Farm Bureau.” For more information about the Young Farmers & Ranchers Program, contact Kirsten Johnson at (601) 977-4277. MAY/JUNE

Farm Bureau Events

State Women’s Committee members and others took cash donations, food and household items to Ronald McDonald House of Jackson as part of their Food Check-Out Day celebration. They are pictured with Ruth Ann Allen, Executive Director of Ronald McDonald House of Jackson.

Senate Ag Committee Chair Billy Hudson and Commissioner of Agriculture Cindy Hyde-Smith visited with State Women’s Committee members and others during Women’s Day at the Capitol.

Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) President Randy Knight shook hands with American Farm Bureau Federation President Bob Stallman during the State Awards Program at national convention. MFBF programs receiving the Award of Excellence included Policy Implementation, Leadership Development, and Agricultural Education and Promotion. 30

As part of the annual Women’s Day at the Capitol event, refreshments were served by the State Women’s Committee in the Rotunda of the State Capitol.

During national convention activities, State Women’s Committee Chair Betty Mills accepted recognition on behalf of the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Women’s Program. She is pictured with American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) President Bob Stallman and AFBF Women’s Leadership Committee Chair Terry Gilbert.



Farm Bureau Events

American Honey Queen Alyssa Fine of Pennsylvania stopped by the Farm Bureau state office recently. Accompanying her were, from left, D. L. Wesley, a 2011 Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Young Farmers & Foxworth beekeeper; Joan Gunter, sponsor, American Beekeeping Federation; Ranchers State Achievement Award recipients Brad and Carla Stan Yeagley, president, Mississippi Beekeepers Association; and Cheryl Spencer placed in the top ten in national competition. Yeagley.

Senate Ag Committee Chair Billy Hudson, seated in front of Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Public Policy Director Samantha Cawthorn, and House Ag Committee Chair Preston Sullivan, standing to her right, were among the lawmakers who visited with Farm Bureau members during the annual Ag Day at the Capitol event. The two-day 2012 Winter Commodity Conference enjoyed informative speakers and great participation. Breakout sessions for individual state commodity advisory committees allowed time for discussion of important issues and input into the policy development process.

The Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Women’s Program had an Ag in the Classroom booth at the state fairgrounds in Jackson just prior to the Dixie National Rodeo and Livestock Parade. Pictured is Region 5 Women’s Chair Betty Edwards. MAY/JUNE

The Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Women’s Program had a booth at the Mississippi Farmers Market in Jackson as part of Mississippi’s National Ag Day event. Pictured is State Women’s Committee Chair Betty Mills, who demonstrates to students how cotton is ginned. MISSISSIPPI FARM COUNTRY


Sale of Junior Champions The Reserve Champion Crossbred Lamb was exhibited by Anna Beth Mayhugh, Lawrence 4-H/FFA. From left, with Rhonda and Anna Beth Mayhaugh and Kyle Riley, are Matt Bayles, Randy Knight, Henry Hamill and Jack Williams for Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation; Mississippi Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance; Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance; Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance; Southern Cross Underwriters; Matthews, Cutrer & Lindsay PA; Tico’s; Telesouth Communications; and Attala Foods (buyers).

The Champion Brahman Steer was exhibited by Dakota Rogers, Smith 4-H. From left, are Jon Kilgore, Henry Hamill, Randy Knight and Jack Williams for Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation; Mississippi Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance; Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance; Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance; Cimarron Mortgage; Hilton Jackson; Tico’s; and Telesouth Communications (buyers); and Dakota Rogers and Annaleigh Guy.

The Reserve Champion Duroc Hog was exhibited by Britton Holland/Dustin Barton, Simpson 4-H. From left, are Matt Bayles, Randy Knight, Henry Hamill and Jack Williams for Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation; Mississippi Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance; Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance; Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance; Cimarron Mortgage; Copeland, Cook, Taylor & Bush PA; Tico’s; and Telesouth Communications (buyers); and Britton and Dustin.

(Right) The Champion Chester Hog was exhibited by Kaylin/Ashleigh Hickman, Forrest 4-H/Brooklyn FFA. From left, are Matt Bayles, Randy Knight, Henry Hamill and Jack Williams for Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation; Mississippi Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance; Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance; Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance; Billy Hudson; Bank of Wiggins; DeSoto Land and Timber; Matthews, Cutrer & Lindsay PA; Copeland, Cook, Taylor & Bush PA; Attala Foods; O’Neal Bond Engineering; 7L Land & Cattle; Alexander Land & Timber; Alexander & Assoc.; and Charles Evans Trucking (buyers); and Ashleigh and Kaylin. 32



Keith Moore Writes Book

Dale Keith Moore invites you to read his book, “The Day I Killed Sasquatch.” “At the age of 57, I felt led to write a book,” Keith said. “It is a humorous work of fiction that uses several of my father’s true stories, as well as folklore and landmarks from around Summerland, where I grew up. I also use stories from mission trips that I have taken over the years.” Keith ties it all together around a character named “Sasquatch,” a giant who has lived unseen in the woods of Summerland for over 50 years. As he dies from a gunshot wound, Sasquatch gives Keith his diary, which leads Keith to another diary written by the giant’s twin brother, who served in the Vietnam War, played NBA basketball and became a missionary. “I really feel that God led me to write this book, and I am eager to see how He will be glorified through it,” Keith said. If you’d like more information about the book, contact Keith at (601) 382-1919. His email address is dkmsasquatch@yahoo.com. Moore is a longtime Farm Bureau agent in Simpson County.


Agriculture Book of the Year Winner

The Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Women’s Program is making available to schools and individuals the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture Book of the Year, entitled “How Did That Get in My Lunchbox? The Story of Food.” The book, which shows young readers how each ingredient made its journey to their lunchbox, is written for reading level ages 5-8 and grades K-2. An educator’s guide and classroom poster are available as companion pieces. The price of the book, educator’s guide and poster is $20. For more information, contact Women’s Program and Ag in the Classroom Coordinator Clara Bilbo at (601) 977-4245.

FSA Newsletter

The next USDA Farm Service Agency newsletter you receive through the mail will be the last one mailed from them. Because of escalating printing and postage costs, they will only communicate through email from now on. The last newsletter will contain all of the signup dates, so you need to keep it. Producers need to contact their local FSA office to signup to receive the electronic newsletter or visit the Web site at http://www.fsa.usda.gov/subscribe.


Annual Gourd Festivals

If you are interested in gourds, mark your calendar to attend these two events. The Shivers Gourd Festival will be held May 12. For more information and for driving directions, visit www.mississippigourdsociety.com. The Mississippi Gourd Festival will be held Sept. 15-16 in Raleigh. More information will be released closer to the time of the event.


Youth Safety Seminar

Application deadline for the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) Youth Safety Seminar is May 21. The event will be held June 4-7 at Timber Creek Camp in Scott County. Youth Safety Seminar offers young people entering 7th through 12th grades an opportunity to receive safety training, enjoy recreational activities and develop friendships that will last a lifetime. Training sessions include CPR, Electrical Safety, ATV Safety, Fatal Vision and Tractor Safety. For more information about Youth Safety Seminar, contact your county Farm Bureau office or call Angela Thompson at (601) 977-4242.

New Conservation Initiative

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has announced a new conservation initiative to protect up to 750,000 acres of the nation’s most highly erodible cropland. The new initiative will assist producers with targeting their most highly erodible cropland (land with an erodibility index of 20 or greater) by enabling them to plant wildlifefriendly, long-term cover through the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Producers can enroll land on a continuous basis, beginning this summer, at their local Farm Service Agency (FSA) county office. With the use of soil survey and geographic information system data, local FSA staff can quickly determine a producer’s eligibility for the initiative. Producers are encouraged to contact their local FSA office or visit FSA’s Web site at http://www.fsa.usda. gov/crp for additional information regarding CRP. 34



As a Farm Bureau member, you have access to many programs and benefits. To learn more, visit our Web site at www.msfb.org. Or see the Member Benefits information on pages 22 and 23.




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