Missouri Magazine September/October 2018

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M i ssou r i M agazine September/ October 2018

An Int er view w it h Miss Missour i USA

Tor i Kr use

In this


September/ October 2018

Missour i Magazine Celebr ating Why We Love Missour i

18 C o l i n W r i gh t


10 34

M i ss M i sso u r i U SA

Faces o f M i sso u r i

T i ed T h e K n o t

DEPARTM ENTS Publisher ?s Note 6 Staff 8 Recipes 38 Events 68

On the Cover: Tori Kruse, Miss Missouri USA missmissouriusa.com

#M issou r iM agazin e

Publisher's NOTE

Fall: New Season ...n ew m em or ies As summer comes to an end and school has started back up it?s a new season to make more memories. There is so many places in Missouri to make memories, I hope you will take some time this Fall and enjoy all that Missouri has to offer. Thank you for reading out latest issue featuring Miss Missouri USA 2018, back to school guide, Fall recipes, Colin Wright and so much more. We are always Celebrating why we LOVE Missouri. The businesses and people featured in Missouri Magazine are part of what makes Missouri great. The people and businesses in our community make me feel grateful to call Missouri home. Our goal at Missouri Magazine is to give you a glimpse into the heart of our state by telling stories of the amazing people and businesses that live and thrive here. We take pride in representing our state and want to thank each and every one of our advertisers for supporting our publication. If you enjoy reading Missouri Magazine, please explore and support our advertisers?businesses. They are awesome, and we would not exist without them. We always love hearing your feedback so please email me your thoughts and ideas. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you, around Missouri.

Cherish Life,

Cheri Cheri Bullard-Cranford 573-284-5406 hello@missourimagazines.com Proverbs 3:5-6

Con t r ibu t or s

M i sso u r i M agazi n e Pu blish er / Ow n er Cheri Bullard-Cranford

Con t r ibu t in g Au t h or s CJ, Thomas Jazmin Decker Mitch Shields Kelly Lamano Bennet Bodenstein Kelsie Ferguson

Con t act M issou r i M agazin e 205 N Oak Street Stover, MO 65078 573-284-5406 hello@missourimagazines.com Missouri Magazine is published bi-monthly by CDM Media Group. T he opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of the publisher or of Missouri Magazine. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without prior consent of the publisher. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication. However, the publisher cannot assume responsibility for errors or omissions. Š2018 CDM Media Group. Missouri Magazine welcome unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. Please email submissions to Cheri Bullard-Cranford at hello@missourimagazines.com

Proverbs 3:5-6

An Interview with

Tori K ruse M iss M issou r i USA 2018 Every ?no? is just one step closer to my ?yes?. by CJ THOM AS cover photo credit LORI KRUSE

In the fall of 2018 Tori Kruse, a University of Iowa graduate, was chosen by an esteemed panel of judges to represent the Show Me State as Miss Missouri USA 2018. She beat out 43 other contestants in private interview, swimsuit, evening gown, and onstage question competitions to claim the crown. She has spent the past year serving her community as a role model and an advocate for sexual assault prevention all while preparing for the nationally televised Miss USA pageant, which aired on May 21st. Tori will crown her successor this upcoming September. M issou r i M agazin e: Tell us a little about yourself. Tor i: I?m currently a professional speaker. I graduated from The University of Iowa 5 years ago with a degree in Entrepreneurial Management and then was recruited to St. Louis for an outside sales position. Most recently, I founded a program called 1st ManUpTM where I educate young men on the prevention of sexual assault and harassment. My favorite hobby has always been traveling! My family and I have traveled to 48 states and 9 provinces in Canada all in our RV. M issou r i M agazin e: Why did you start competing in pageants? Tor i: Growing up I was always playing sports and loved anything competitive. So once I graduated high school and moved on to college, I really needed something competitive to do in my life. I saw an ad online for Miss USA and thought I?d give it a shot.... and that?s where it all began! M issou r i M agazin e: What is your favorite part of the competition and why? Tor i: Hands down, swimsuit! I love the high-energy it brings and the

That moment when they announced my name as Miss Missouri USA 2018 and put the crown on my head, it was a moment of so much fulfillment. I pointed up at God and said, ?Thank you, we did it!?. M issou r i M agazin e: Tell us about your year as Miss Missouri USA. What are some of the highlights? exhilarating feeling of walking on that stage in a two-piece. It?s a feeling of so much accomplishment and pride! M issou r i M agazin e: We know that capturing the title of Miss Missouri USA must have taken years of dedication, tell us about that journey. What was the most rewarding part? Tor i: All together it was 7 year process and to this day I wouldn?t change a thing! Was it tough getting knocked down year after year and not winning the crown? Absolutely. But I learned from that. My faith strengthened and I also gained mental toughness. I?m a strong believer that you need to know how to lose before you know how to win. I definitely had some doubts if this was the path God wanted me on, but year after year I realized that giving up was not in my vocabulary.

Tor i: This year has been unforgettable! I have traveled all over the country going to different events and state pageants. One highlight that I will forever cherish is visiting and volunteering with our veterans all across the state. Each of them have truly made an everlasting impact on my life and I look forward to continuing to serve our veterans after my reign. A few other highlights were walking in New York Fashion Week, attending the Global Beauty Awards, and last but definitely not least, gaining 50 new friendships from all over the country at Miss USA! M issou r i M agazin e: Your state crown took you all the way to the "Superbowl of Pageants", Miss USA in Louisiana! Tell us about that experience. Tor i: It was so surreal to finally be at Miss USA and it felt absolutely incredible! The city of

Shreveport-Bossier was so hospitable and gave us first-class treatment the entire time we were there. Throughout the two weeks all of us contestants had numerous events, photoshoots, and rehearsals between 8:30am and 11:00pm every single day. I was on such an adrenaline high the whole time, I just soaked up every single moment. Whenever I would get a little tired, I remember thinking to myself, ?Do you realize how many girls would drop everything to be in your shoes right now?!? That energized me REAL quick! Regardless of what happened on May 21st, I wanted to walk away from that experience with zero regrets, and that's exactly what I did. Every day leading up to the big event and while I was there, I made sure to be present and give it 150%. I never took for granted how great of an honor it was to be representing the state of Missouri on the national stage!

M issou r i M agazin e: You'll crown your successor in September. Would you encourage girls to compete for your title? Tor i: Absolutely! I?ve never learned so much about myself until I got into pageantry. It lead me to my career and also helped me gain mental toughness and confidence. Because of the Miss Universe Organization I now have friendships and connections all throughout the country. M issou r i M agazin e: What do you have planned next? Where will we find you a year from now? Tor i: I plan to grow my public speaking business and develop a Women?s Leadership Conference nationwide. I also plan to start a foundation to help benefit children with developmental disabilities. M issou r i M agazin e: Okay, now some

about you that would surprise people. Tor i: I?ve traveled to 48 states and 9 Provinces in Canada in an RV with my family. M issou r i M agazin e: Okay, we're going to get serious again for this final question, the tear jerker. What is the single most important thing that you've learned from your year as Miss Missouri USA? Tor i: I?ve realized how important it is to give your time to others. I?ve met so many people this year who have shared their story with me and just giving back and taking the time to listen has impacted my life in such an inspiring way. Tori has had an incredible year as Miss Missouri USA! Would you like the opportunity to compete for the title this September? Visit www.missmissouriusa.com for more information.

questions just for fun! What's your favorite way to de-stress? Tor i: Meditation and reading a personal growth book. M issou r i M agazin e: Do you have a personal quote or mantra that you live by? Tor i: Every ?no? is just one step closer to my ?yes?. M issou r i M agazin e: Where's your favorite place to be in Missouri? Tor i: Lake of the Ozarks M issou r i M agazin e: Tell us something

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Colin Wr igh t Leavin g Th in gs Beh in d t o M ove For w ar d by Kelly Lam an o

At 24 years old, Colin Wright left his six-figure business to explore the world. He wanted to experience more than working and collecting expensive items, so he said goodbye to the corporate world and hello to traveling the world. ?I realized, oh God, I really need to make a change to this. If I don?t do it now, I don?t think I will,? Colin said. Now, at 33 years old, Colin has visited more than 60 countries and all 48 contiguous U.S. states thanks to major lifestyle changes.

____ Originally from California, Colin moved to Columbia, Mo. with his parents and three siblings when he was nine years old. He focused on fine art and journalism in high school, later turning these passions into businesses. After graduating from Missouri State University with a dual degree in design and illustration, Colin moved back to California. He later ran his own branding studio in Los Angeles, and while he was making great money, he spent all of his time working? nearly 120 hours a week. Colin reminded himself he?d been working long hours and earning this money to travel, but he still had a blank passport. ?I?d never left the country before I started traveling full time. My priorities were totally out of whack,? Colin said. ?LA is a very competitive market for just about everything, so I was kinda stuck in the gravity of that lifestyle, and I didn?t realize it until I had the chance to step outside of it.? While on his first vacation away from work, Colin realized he wasn?t living the life he wanted. ?I had that big picture moment, where I was able to look at what I was doing and how I was living life from the outside for the first time,? Colin said. ?Things were going well according to the standards of business. But by every other metric of success, I was utterly failing.?

To turn his travel dream into a reality, Colin either sold or donated everything he didn?t need and kept what he could fit into two carry-on bags. ?If I went on and focused on the experiences rather than stuff and just what I could carry with me, I would be able to give this stuff to people who would actually use it and actually benefit from it,? he said. Being present without physical and mental baggage allows Colin to spend time with people he values. He builds meaningful relationships, prioritizing time based upon what he wants to do as opposed to what he has to do. To communicate in different countries, Colin picks up on conversational language using basic vocabulary and body language. ?I find that each visit becomes more valuable every time I visit another country because then I have more contrast, more comparisons to make,? Colin said. ?Even when I think I know something, and even when I firmly believe something, someone else can believe other things than me and still be a good person.? Colin runs the blog Exile Lifestyle, turning to reader votes to determine his next destination every four months. Once the votes are tallied, Colin picks a city in that state or country to move to next. He conducts what he calls superficial research

so he can learn just enough about a city to select it as the next destination. ?I like to go in with open eyes and an open mind about it without having too many preconceptions so I can learn as much as possible,? Colin said. We might think traveling solo gets lonely, but Colin says this gives him more freedom to plan the trips, and it motivates him to meet new people. ?Being helpful and kind wherever you can? it forces you to indulge in a really refined type of relationship with other people,? he said. How does Colin afford his full-time travel lifestyle? He manages a range of businesses that integrate his love for communication. Colin writes and records the podcast Let?s Know Things, runs the blog Exile Lifestyle, co-manages Asymmetry Press, speaks to audiences internationally, and pens books to fund his travels. ?I could yell about young people not reading today, or I could try to figure out a way to make it work. So that?s still using beautiful

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language and words that I think are important, but also sharing it in such a way that more people get it, and will share it,? Colin said. What?s next for Colin? The Becoming Tour: a 24-city speaking tour he?ll travel to in a motorhome. ?I?ve never driven a motorhome, so I thought that might be interesting. I like to investigate and experiment? that entrepreneur in me,? he said. The speaking engagements will focus on how we perceive the world, and how those perceptions affect our behavior. Colin will kick off The Becoming Tour in St. Louis on Sept. 7, 2018, and he?ll wrap up the tour in Albuquerque, N.M. in September 2019. ?The point is to break through my personal barriers, so that I?m continuously pushing myself past what I?m comfortable with and exposing myself to new frictions. Just like working out a muscle, you don?t really achieve much if you do what you?re comfortable with. You have to push just up to the line and a little bit past the line of what you?ve done before if you want to strengthen that muscle. For me, that?s what this lifestyle is all about: continuously exposing myself to things that are just past my comfort zone.? Would you step outside your comfort zone if it led you to explore the world?

Love Letter s

Love Letters designs and sells t-shirts for the city and sport you Love! We love how their line makes you feel beautiful and confident even in a t-shirt. When we came across Love Letters we knew we had to share ?Love Letters? t-shirts with our readers. There are so many t-shirts to choose from. You will fall in love with this line. Love Letters started in 2013 with two friends LeAnn and Amy. They both had a mutual passion and a whole lotta coffee and haven?t looked back since. Their major love for their city and the people who live there. They wanted to share that love and feeling with women everywhere. Love Letters pride their selves with special designs and an amazing fit all while striving to have a little something for everyone at a really sharp price!

Dress them up? Dress them down? Doesn?t matter, you?re going to look amazing either way! Love Letters is a labor of love and they?re loving every minute of it! Sh oplovelet t er s.com

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Sel f - C ar e Taking care of yourself is critical. The National Association on Mental Illness compares it to putting on your own oxygen mask in an airplane before you can help anyone else. This is especially true for caregivers, doctors, counselors and others in a caring profession, but it?s a good skill for everyone to have.

GET ENOUGH SLEEP The CDC recommends seven hours or more a night for adults. It?s not just about the hours logged, though; the quality of sleep is important as well. Signs of poor sleep quality are not feeling rested even after getting seven hours, waking up multiple times during the night, snoring or gasping for air. Ways to ensure good sleep habits are going to bed and getting up at the same time each day; having a quiet, dark bedroom; getting TVs out of the bedroom; and avoiding large meals, caffeine and alcohol before bedtime.

STRESS M ANAGEM ENT Eliminating stress entirely is impossible, but using effective stress management techniques can help you alleviate negative health effects. The Mayo Clinic recommends identifying stress triggers (both positive and negative), then identifying what you can control, even if it?s simply your reaction to that trigger. Cultivate a support group; practice deep breathing, yoga or other relaxation techniques; exercise regularly; and spend less time in front of a screen. EATING WELL AND EXERCISING REGULARLY Eating a healthy, balanced diet can have positive effects on any number of conditions like diabetes and heart disease and obesity, but it can also just make you feel better generally and give you more energy. Regular exercise offers the same benefits. This could be mountain climbing, running marathons or triathlons or other high-intensity exercises, but don?t discount the benefits of walking, yoga and other low-intensity exercises. All of it will help you feel better. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR BODY Going to the doctor or needing a sick day rarely happens at a convenient time, and it?s easy for us to put those off. Depending on the ailment, though, not taking care of yourself can make it worse. Listen to what your body is telling you, take a rest day, see a doctor or otherwise do what you need to do so you can be healthy.

Faces of M i ssou r i By Cheri Bullard-Cranford

M eet M ar y Kay von Br en del | Ozar k s Am ph it h eat er From the first time I meet with Mary Kay it was obvious to me that she has great passion for everything she does. She brings amazing talent to the Ozarks Amphitheater. Mary Kay shows a labor of love for the amphitheater and the community. It is my pleasure to introduce to you, Mary Kay von Brendel, the face and voice behind Ozarks Amphitheater. Originally from Missouri, Mary Kay moved back to the Lake of the Ozarks in 2014. New to the area; she was out exploring one day and came across the Lake Ozarks Amphitheater sign. She decided to investigate Ozarks Amphitheater further, Mary Kay said, "I trespassed onto the property. As I drove through the backstage gate, my

line of sight opened to the seats in the amphitheater and I was overwhelmed at the site of a true amphitheater. I got out and went on stage; sang the National Anthem and was blown away by the acoustics at the venue. Decided right there on stage (as I like to call it my Oprah Winfrey ?light bulb moment?) that I needed to find out what was going on with the venue and that I needed to be a part of it. Went home; researched the property and located the owner. I sent him an email explaining who I was and that I would love to work with him on this project. Met him in person in January of 2015 and the rest is history.

WHAT DO YOU LOVE M OST ABOUT LIVING AT THE LAKE OF THE OZARKS AREA? The beauty of the lake, the friendliness of its residents and the excitement of tourist season.

WHAT ARE YOUR FAM ILY'S FAVORITE ACTIVITIES? Hiking at Ha Ha Tonka State Park WHERE CAN SOM EONE FIND YOU WHEN YOU ARE NOT AT WORK? Back in my Hometown of Washington, MO. WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER YOUR GREATEST PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEM ENT? The Ozarks Amphitheater celebrating its fourth season. WHAT ARE SOM E OF YOUR LOCAL FAVORITE PLACES? Of course, the Ozarks Amphitheater, Ha Ha Tonka State Park, The overlook on Thunder Mountain and Bridal Cave. The Ozark Amphitheater boasts more

than 10,000 seats. In addition, there are between two and three thousand additional lawn seats. VIP deck offering the best seats in the house. The truth is wherever you sit in this beautiful venue you are going to have an amazing musical experience. Music under the stars in a venue tucked away in the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks hills... Can it get any better than that? A night under the stars with music in the beautiful rolling Ozark hills, what else can you ask for? For more information about the Ozarks Amphitheater or for ticket information you can call 573-346-000 or check out their website Ozarksamp.com.

Cau l i f l ow er B ak ed Z i t i INGREDIENTS -


1 tbsp. olive oil 1 medium onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced pinch red pepper flakes 1 lb. ground beef kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 2 tbsp. tomato paste 1 tsp. dried oregano 1 (28-oz.) can crushed tomatoes 2 tbsp. thinly sliced basil, plus more for garnish 1 large head of cauliflower, (about 3 cups) cut into florets, blanched, and drained well 1 1/2 c. fresh ricotta 2 c. shredded mozzarella 1/2 c. freshly grated Parmesan

DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 375°. Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and sauté, stirring often, until onion is soft, about 5 minutes. Stir in garlic and red pepper flakes and cook for one minute. Add meat and season with salt and pepper. Sauté until browned. Drain fat. 2. Add tomato paste and oregano and cook over medium heat for 2 minutes more, until slightly darkened. Add crushed tomatoes and bring sauce to a simmer, reduce heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until slightly reduced and flavors have melded, 10 to 15 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in basil. 3. In a large bowl, pour sauce over cauliflower and stir to combine. In a large baking dish, place half the cauliflower in an even layer. Dollop all over with half the ricotta, and sprinkle with half the mozzarella and parmesan. Add the rest of the cauliflower in an even layer on top, and top with remaining cheeses. 4. Bake until cheese is melty and golden, 25 minutes. Garnish with basil and serve.

Gr eek Stu f f ed Ch i cken INGREDIENTS -

3 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 tbsp. lemon juice 1 tbsp. chopped dill, plus more for garnish 1 tbsp. chopped parsley, plus more for garnish 2 cloves garlic, minced kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 4 skinless boneless chicken breasts 1 zucchini, halved and thinly sliced 2 medium tomatoes, halved 1/2 red onion, sliced into half moons 2 lemons, thinly sliced 1 c. crumbled feta 1 c. shredded mozzarella

DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 400ยบ. Place chicken on a cutting board and make 5 slits in each breast, being careful not to cut through completely. Transfer to a small baking sheet. 2. In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, dill, parsley and garlic. Drizzle over chicken breasts, making sure olive oil mixture gets in the slits. Season with salt and pepper. 3. Stuff each chicken breast with zucchini, tomatoes, red onion and lemons. Sprinkle crumbled feta and mozzarella on top. 4. Bake until chicken is cooked through and no longer pink, about 25 minutes. Garnish with more dill and parsley. Serve warm.

C h i ck en T aco Av o cad o s INGREDIENTS FOR THE FILLING -

1 c. black beans, cooked 1 c. canned corn 1 4-oz. can green chiles, divided 1 c. shredded rotisserie chicken 1 c. shredded cheddar, plus more for topping 1 package Taco Seasoning 2 tbsp. fresh cilantro, plus more for topping 3 ripe avocados


1 c. ranch dressing 1/4 c. lime juice 1 tbsp. fresh cilantro 1 tsp. kosher salt 1 tsp. fresh ground black pepper

DIRECTIONS Heat broiler. In a large bowl, combine black beans, corn, 1/2 can green chiles, Grilled & Pulled Chicken Breasts, cheddar, taco seasoning, and fresh cilantro. Stir until combined. Halve and separate three avocados, removing pit and hollowing out insides. Mash insides in a small bowl and set aside. Place avocado boats face up and fill each with 1/3 cup of filling. Sprinkle with more cheddar and more fresh cilantro, then broil until cheese is melty, about 2 minutes. Make the dressing: In a medium bowl, combine ranch, lime juice, remaining green chilies, cilantro, salt, and pepper and stir to combine. Fold in mashed avocados and mix until smooth. Remove avocado boats from oven and transfer to serving dish. Drizzle with dressing and garnish with more cilantro, if desired. Serve immediately.

D eep D i sh C au l i f l ow er Pi zza INGREDIENTS -


1 large head cauliflower, grated (about 3 cups), squeezed dry of excess liquid 2 1/2 c. shredded mozzarella, divided 2 large eggs 1 c. freshly grated Parmesan, divided 1 tsp. garlic powder kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 2 tbsp. pizza sauce 1/3 c. mini pepperoni Torn fresh basil, for garnish

DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 425ยบ and grease a cast-iron skillet with cooking spray. In a large bowl, combine cauliflower, 1 cup mozzarella, eggs, 1/2 cup Parmesan, and garlic powder and season with salt and pepper. 2. Press mixture into skillet, making sure to get up the sides, and bake until deeply golden and dry, 25 minutes. 3. Spoon a thin layer of pizza sauce over crust and sprinkle with remaining mozzarella and Parmesan. Top with mini pepperoni and bake 5 minutes more. 4. Sprinkle with basil, slice, and serve.


Pal eo C h o co l at e M o u sse


2 ripe avocados 3/4 c. heavy cream 1/2 c. chocolate chips, melted 1/4 c. honey 3 tbsp. cocoa powder 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 tsp. kosher salt 1/4 c. Chocolate curls, for garnish

DIRECTIONS 1. Combine all ingredients except chocolate curls in food processor and process until smooth. Pour into glasses and refrigerate 30 minutes to an hour. Garnish with chocolate curls and serve.

Sk i n n y B u r r i t o B ow l INGREDIENTS -

1 c. brown jasmine rice 1 lb. ground turkey 1 tbsp. Taco Seasoning kosher salt 1/4 c. plain yogurt 2 tsp. Hot sauce 2 c. grape tomatoes, halved 2 avocados, diced 1 15-oz. can black beans

DIRECTIONS 1. In a small pot, cook rice according to package directions. 2. Meanwhile, in a large skillet over medium heat, cook turkey until no longer pink, 6 to 7 minutes. Season with taco seasoning and salt. 3. In a small bowl, mix together yogurt and hot sauce. (If you want a nice drizzle, transfer to a plastic Ziploc or piping bag.) 4. Assemble burrito bowl: Divide rice among four bowls and top with ground turkey, tomatoes, avocados, and black beans and drizzle with spicy yogurt. Garnish with cilantro.

T aco Z u cch i n i L asagn a INGREDIENTS -

1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 large onion, chopped 1 tsp. ground cumin 1 tsp. chili powder kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 1 lb. ground beef 3/4 c. ricotta 1/2 c. sour cream, plus more for drizzling 1 large egg 1/3 c. salsa 3 large zucchini, thinly sliced lengthwise 2 c. shredded Cheddar 2 c. Shredded Monterey Jack Fresh cilantro, for garnish

DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 350ยบ. In a large skillet over medium heat, heat oil. Add onion and cook until tender, 5 minutes. Season with cumin, chili powder, salt and pepper. Add ground beef and cook until no longer pink, 8 minutes more. Drain fat. 2. In a small bowl, stir together ricotta, sour cream, and egg. Season with salt and pepper. 3. In a large baking or casserole dish, spread a thin layer of salsa. Top with a layer of zucchini noodles, sour cream mixture, ground beef, cheddar, and Monterey Jack. Repeat until all ingredients are used up, ending with zucchini noodles. 4. Bake until noodles are tender and cheese is bubbly, 25 minutes. 5. Drizzle with sour cream, garnish with cilantro, and serve.

Per f ect B r o i l ed Sal m o n INGREDIENTS -


4 (4-oz.) salmon fillets 1 tbsp. Grainy mustard 2 cloves garlic, finely minced 1 tbsp. finely minced shallots 2 tsp. fresh thyme leaves, chopped, plus more for garnish 2 tsp. fresh rosemary, chopped Juice of 1/2 lemon kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper Lemon slices, for serving

DIRECTIONS 1. Heat broiler and line a baking sheet with parchment. In a small bowl, mix together mustard, garlic, shallot, thyme, rosemary, and lemon juice and season with salt and pepper. Spread mixture all over salmon fillets and broil, 7 to 8 minutes. 2. Garnish with more thyme and lemon slices and serve.

B u f f al o C h i ck en St u f f ed Pep p er s INGREDIENTS -

4 bell peppers, seeds and cores removed 1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 3 tbsp. butter 1/2 large onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic 3 c. shredded rotisserie chicken 1/2 c. hot sauce (preferably Frank's Red Hot) 2 c. shredded gouda Ranch dressing, for drizzling 2 tbsp. freshly chopped chives

DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 400°. Place bell peppers cut side-up on a large baking sheet and drizzle all over with olive oil, then season with salt and pepper. 2. In a large skillet over medium heat, melt butter. Add onion and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook until fragrant, 1 minute more. 3. Add shredded chicken and hot sauce and toss until combined. Cook until the mixture comes to a simmer, then remove from heat. 4. Divide chicken mixture between pepper halves. Top each with gouda and bake until cheese is melted and peppers are crisp-tender, about 20 minutes. 5. Drizzle each stuffed pepper with ranch and sprinkle with chives.

Z u cch i n i En ch i l ad as


1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 large onion, chopped kosher salt 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 tsp. ground cumin 2 tsp. chili powder 3 c. Shredded chicken 1 1/3 c. red enchilada sauce, divided 4 large zucchini, halved lengthwise 1 c. Shredded Monterey Jack 1 c. shredded Cheddar Sour cream, for drizzling Fresh cilantro, for garnish

DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 350ยบ. In a large skillet over medium heat, heat oil. Add onion and season with salt. 2. Cook until soft, 5 minutes, then add garlic, cumin and chili powder and stir until combined. Add shredded chicken and 1 cup enchilada sauce and stir until saucy. 3. On a cutting board, use a Y-shaped vegetable peeler to make thin slices of zucchini. Lay out three, slightly overlapping, and place a spoonful of chicken mixture on top. Roll up and transfer to a baking dish. Repeat with remaining zucchini and chicken mixture. 4. Spoon remaining 1/3 cup enchilada sauce over zucchini enchiladas and sprinkle with both cheeses. 5. Bake until melty, 20 minutes. 6. Garnish with sour cream and cilantro and serve.

T aco T o m at o es


4 tomatoes 1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 medium onion, chopped 1 lb. ground beef 1 packet taco seasoning kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 2/3 c. shredded Mexican cheese 1/2 c. shredded iceberg lettuce 1/2 c. sour cream

DIRECTIONS 1. In a medium skillet over medium heat, heat oil. Add onion and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Add ground beef and taco seasoning, breaking up the meat with a wooden spoon. Season with salt and pepper, and cook until the beef is no longer pink, about 6 minutes. Drain fat and set aside. 2. Flip tomatoes so they are stem-side down. Cut the tomatoes into six wedges, being careful to not cut completely through the tomato. Carefully spread open the wedges. 3. Divide taco meat evenly among the tomatoes, then top each with cheese, lettuce, and sour cream. Serve.

Meet the newest boutique in Missouri: Mem?s Market located near the town square in Camdenton at the Lake of the Ozarks. The owner, life-long resident Amie, is passionate about providing a welcoming atmosphere featuring the latest fashions at an affordable price-point for her customers to choose from. Who is Mem? Well, Mem is the inspiration of several women. When Amie started trying to come up with a name for her boutique she wanted to incorporate the strongest women in her life. Amie said, "I?m talking powerhouse women! These are all women that have never given up, never decided they were just too stressed and they couldn?t handle it. Seriously, amazing women. They are my Mom, my Grandma Emily, Aunt Mary, Aunt Madeline, and my mother in law Melenda. I used the first letters of their names and came up with Mem?s. Market comes from my Grandma Emily who owned Emily?s Market in Dove, MO. " Amie is a third-generation female entrepreneur in her family. She was running her boutique online while she kept her day

job at their family business and everyone kept asking her, where can I come shop? I want to see it all, I want to try things on, and so on. It just so happened that the other half of the building where their family business is was for rent, so Amie took the plunge and rented it. She had intentions on waiting until all her kids were in school. Amie said, "I found my sanity (ha, yep I?m dreaming there!) and I was more established online to start the storefront of Mem?s, but the stars seemed to align and I just couldn?t ignore it. So, on a whim and the money I saved up after selling my sweet 16 classic car, Mem?s Market became a store front." Amie was raised in a business since she was three and all three of her children have been raised in the business as well. Amie said, "It?s not always ideal but we make it work and I love being able to raise my own children while I work. Small business life is really all I?ve ever known. I know that every customer that comes in and shops in a small business truly matters to the business owner. When you shop small business, you are making a bigger difference than you even know, and an actual person does a little happy dance at the end of the day! All in all, Mem?s Market is a little boutique with a lot of heart and big dreams. I?m Amie, the owner and I hope you stop in and check out my store. I strive to be affordable, friendly, and for you to know that I truly do appreciate your business!" Amie believes the secret to success is resonating with your customers. Being real, building a relationship with them. When they feel like they know you they want to support you, and likewise you want to be supportive of them bringing things into the store you know they will love, you think of a certain customer when an item comes in knowing they will be excited about it. Amie carries a wide selection of women?s clothing in sizes Small - 3X as well as little girl?s boutique clothing in 12 Months - Size 10. Her store also features a variety of home decor and gift items, including jewelry, bath bombs, wooden wall signs, gift mugs, and more. New items are arriving weekly!

ow n er , am ie m ar ie M em 's M ar k et 188 W US Hwy 54, Camdenton, Missouri | 573-873-2640

shop online with us: shopmems.com hours: wed-friday 10am-7pm & saturday 10am-3pm Follow us on Instagram @memsmarket

By Bennet Bodenstein

We all know the importance of supporting local business. If you?re fortunate enough to live in an area featuring a trail of local wineries, you can achieve this while enjoying a drink or two. And depending on your geographic location, odds are you can track down a locally owned winery right in your own backyard. There are now wineries in all 50 states sharing $2.7 billion in American revenue, according to a comprehensive study by MKF Research LLC of Napa Valley. FAM ILY-OWNED You can take pride in the fact that by supporting a locally run winery, you are helping invest more money into your community. Wineries by nature have enormous

Hit t h e Tr ail value-added components, meaning they generate tourism dollars in their surrounding areas. If your local winery doesn?t home-grow its grapes, rest assured that you?re also supporting a good business somewhere nearby. The MKF report found that there are nearly 24,000 grape growers in the United States bringing in about $3.5 million in grape sales.

EVENTS Wineries are a great place to check out your favorite local band or take part in an exciting charity event. Since they are usually located on large plots of land with beautiful landscapes, trees and vegetation, wineries offer the perfect setting for participating in an outdoor wedding celebration or holiday party. Your winery?s calendar is likely full for the next few weekends, so check your local newspaper for upcoming events and plan your next adventure.

FOOD Winery owners are usually passionate about what they grow. And because wine is the perfect complement to many foods, they also are generally just as passionate about cooking up great dishes for your dining pleasure. Food and wine pairing is big business and based upon hours of relentless research by food scientists. This is serious stuff. Ask your local winery owner for special recommendations the next time you?re visiting. You may find your new go-to dish.

J asmine & A ustin

TIED THE KNOT June 2, 20 18 Phot ogr aphy: Tina New t on Phot ogr aphy Br idal Gow n: Gr acies Br idal Spr ingf ield Gr oom?s Suit /Tux: Genes Boot s & Amazon Br idesmaid Dr esses: Sof ie Br idal Gr oomsmen Suit s/Tux: Genes Boot s & Amazon Hair : Mont ana Boles and Sonya Thomas Makeup: Paige Fr y Flor ist : Alicia Taube Band: DJ Colt en Knier im Cat er er : Lut z BBQ Cakes: Angie Rambo Venue: Our Home, Buncet on MO Videogr aphy: Tat ym Br ow n Videogr aphy Jeweler : Zales Planning & Design: Alicia Taube

Jasm in e an d Au st in Peoples of Bu n cet on , M issou r i m et at t h eir f r ien ds Hallow een par t y in 2013 an d f ell in love. Au st in gat h er ed f r ien ds an d f am ily at t h e sam e spot w h er e t h ey f ir st m et . Lit t le did Jasm in e k n ow , it w as t h e day sh e w ou ld get en gaged! Au st in got dow n on on e k n ee an d ask ed Jasm in e t o m ar r y h im . Jasm in e said, YES! On Ju n e 2, 2018, t h e h appy cou ple t ied t h e k n ot in a beau t if u l ou t door cou n t r y set t in g. Th is st yle in cor por at ed t h e cou ple?s love of cou n t r y sim plicit y w it h a t ou ch of r om an ce. Jasm in e?s f avor it e par t of t h eir w eddin g day w as seein g t h eir Fir st Look . Alon g w it h h avin g t h eir f am ily an d close f r ien ds?par t of t h eir big day. It w as im por t an t f or t h e cou ple t o h ave t h eir son par t of t h eir big day, so h e w as h is daddy ?s best m an . Jasm in e said, ?Ou r w eddin g par t y w as t h e m ost gor geou s on e I?d ever seen & a blast at ou r r ecept ion !? Th e cou ple h on eym oon ed in beau t if u l St . Lu cia. At t en din g as M aid of Hon or w as Lacy Weh m eyer ; br idesm aids w er e Ju st is For em an , Jor dan Hain en , Rayelyn Kn ipp, Ch ar lee Hu h m an n , Sh elby Pu t m an , Kylie Welch , An gel Jacobs. Caysen Peoples ser ved as Best M an ; gr oom s?m en w er e Dallas Peoples, Lan e Peoples, Du st in Doyel, Ch u ck Nick s, Cody Hain en , Ty Cobb, an d Blayn e M illsap. Ush er s; BR Kn ipp, Qu in t in Ram bo, Jer am ey Koech n er . Flow er gir l; Hadley Haslag an d St evie Hu h m an n an d Rin g Bear er ; Wyat t Hain en .


M ak in g Back t o Sch ool Fu n


arents, rejoice! Summer is over and it?s time to send the kids back to school. While you may be dancing a jig, chances are your children may be a little more glum. Here are some ways to cheer them up and make going back to school easier.



Start your own back-to-school traditions like a special first-day breakfast or picture to get the year started on a good foot. You can also break out balloons or other special gifts to get the kids going and ease the jitters on the first day. If you can, spend extra time helping them get ready; maybe with a new hairstyle or a new backpack to make the day fun.

If your child?s starting a new school for the first time, there are going to be some extra jitters on that first day. But there are some things you can do to take the sting out. If you can, try to tour the school before the first day so she?s familiar with the layout, if nothing else. Meet her new teachers and, if possible, make some connections with kids her age that go there. Remember that while it may seem trivial to our adult problems, the first day of school is a huge event in your child?s life. Keep lines of communication open and give them plenty of love during the first couple of weeks. Give them time to process their feelings and encourage them to talk to you about it. Listen to your children and take their feelings seriously, even if their missing favorite pencil pales in comparison to what you deal with every .

TAKE A HOLIDAY Pack the weekend before school starts with your child?s favorite activities. Hit the park, the beach, go camping, anything to take their mind off the looming start of school and end the summer with a bang. Just make sure you?re back home in time for them to start the year with plenty of rest. GET ON THE GOOD FOOT It may seem like common sense, but with summer coming to a close and everything that entails, it might be hard to remember. Make sure your kids get plenty of rest and a good, healthy breakfast before the head out of the door on the first day of school. Have them lay their stuff out the night before so there?s no last-minute scramble.

While it may seem trivial to our adult problems, the first day of school is a huge event in your child?s life.


JE asmineandA ustin St r ess-Fr ee Sch ool Sh oppin g ven worse than the early morning wake up of the first day of school is shopping for the first day of school. Supply lists, dress codes and crowded stores, oh my! But here?s some help.

SHOP EARLY AND OFTEN If you get your supply list for next year at the end of the school year, try picking up a little each time you run in to your local store for groceries. That way, you avoid the end-of-summer rush. You might miss some sales, but avoiding the lines may be worth it to you. SHOP ONLINE If you really want to go for convenience, turn to the web and have your school supplies delivered directly to your door. Bear in mind that in some cases, this may mean sacrificing selection and price. Another option many stores offer now is buying online and picking up in store. Check to see if your local retailers offer this service. If you want to save on shipping or need your items sooner than shipping can accommodate, this might be a great option for you. LOOK FOR DEALS Hit up the local newspaper, apps or scour websites for the best prices on back-to-school deals on supplies and uniforms alike. Compare prices and also educate yourself on price-match policies. A little research can end up saving you big bucks. Another great place to look for uniforms are second-hand stores, especially if you?ve got a fast-growing child. ASK THE SCHOOL Many schools may offer a plan to buy the school supplies through either the school or its parent-teacher organization. Ask the front office and take care of that headache really quickly. School personnel also often know the best places to look for quality uniforms and other supplies, and they can also tell you some things your student may find useful that aren?t on the list. Don?t be afraid to speak up and ask.



Sn ack s Ideas full day of learning means your child gets off the bus ready to eat everything in sight. Here are some great tips for establishing healthy eating habits and appeasing your child?s ravenous appetite.

KEEP IT SIM PLE Include simple, healthy snacks in your grocery run. Baby carrots, mini peppers, celery sticks and cucumbers all make quick and easy finger foods. Also look for snack-sized cheese, applesauce, hummus, granola bars and other healthy alternatives to junk food. Keep preparation to a minimum and store them in a place that?s easy for your kids to reach. HOM EM ADE GOODNESS You don?t have to be a Pinterest mom to make a week?s worth of homemade goodies for your kids to snack on after school. Breakfast cookies are easily customizable and make a great after school snack, as do muffins and any quick breads. You can also whip up a week?s worth of sandwich wraps or cut fruit and store it in the fridge. FRESH AND FRUITY Pick a peck of fresh fruit at the grocery store for your kids to nibble on in the afternoons. Kiwis, bananas, apples and oranges are all great choices. Your local grocer may even stock smaller, kid-sized fruits so there?s less waste. Or, instead of a full-sized orange, try clementines. Let your kid try a new fruit or veggie every week. DON?T FORGET THE DRINKS One way to make sure your kids stay hydrated is to give them their own water bottle. They can fill it with the beverage of their choice and refill it as needed. Make sure it has a handle or a clip so they can carry it with them on any after school adventures. If they go to an after-school program, make sure having a drink is allowed. Also keep in mind that drinks like juice pouches may be a kid favorite, but they add extra calories to the meal. Bear that in mind when you?re planning out snacks.

we believe f ields were meant f or f rolicking, hair was meant to get messy, dresses were meant to get dirty and

moments should be kept f orever.

CONTACT: Am ber Koellin g 573.291.2588 am ber k oellin gph ot ogr aph y.com

raw. authentic. unique.

Th e Bu zz


calendar 7

Th e Bellam y Br ot h er s For more details, go to




Dale Hollow Win er y For more details, go to



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12t h An n u al Bik e Fest For more details, go to


22 RiOak Fall M ar ket For more details, go to




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Her m an n Ok t ober f est For more details, go to visithermann.com

Ok t ober f est -Cole Cam p


For more details, go to

Ver sailles Olde Tym e Apple Fest ival For more details, go to versailleschamber.com


Balloon s Over Br an son


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