Missouri Magazine 2021 Fall Issue

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Jennifer Loganbill Jen's Get Fit Gr ou p

In this


Fall Issue 2021


Missour i Magazine

Celebr ating Why We Love Missour i

Fal l D I Y


Faces o f M i sso u r i


T i ed T h e K n o t

DEPARTM ENTS Publisher ?s Note 8 Staff 10


L et 's Go Gl am p i n g

Recipes 58 Events 90

Cover Photo jennifer Loganbill Jen's Get Fit Group



Fall isin theAir Fall is in the Air...it's football season, leaves changing, cooler evenings, apple picking, pumpkin patches and all the season offers us. With the weather shift, we get nature's big show - the changing of the leaves - and the beautiful color palette that comes with it. This time of year has always represented renewal for me, a time to let go of things that no longer serve me, and, like the leaves, shed the old to make way for the new. Hope you will join me during the next year on a year of healthy changes. Follow the journey on our social media platforms. We hope you will be inspired and encouraged through this season. Thank you for reading our current Issue. Our team had a lot of fun putting together our latest issue and we hope you enjoy it. This issue features Faces of Missouri, delicious recipes, fashion and so much more. Celebrating why we LOVE Missouri and uplifting the community is a big part of our mission at Missouri Magazine. That's why we love #TheFacesofMissouri, which features a series of conversations with people who live and work in Missouri. Meet the heart and face behind Jen's Get Fit Group, Jennifer Loganbill. We have amazing local businesses featured throughout our current issue. We hope you will stop in and say hi to these businesses and other businesses throughout Missouri. Let them know you heard about them at Missouri Magazine. We love celebrating Missouri and local businesses.

Hope you enjoy all that life and Missouri has to offer!

M i sso u r i M agazi n e Fou n der & CEO

Cheri Cranford Cr eat ive Dir ect or

Ashley Bullard Con t r ibu t in g Wr it er s

Tiffany Ash Bennet Bodenstein KatherineMiller Con t act M issou r i M agazin e CDM Media Group, LLC. 205 N Oak Street Stover, MO 65078 573-284-5406 hello@missourimagazines.com Missouri Magazine is published bi-monthly by CDM Media Group. T he opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of the publisher or of Missouri Magazine. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without prior consent of the publisher. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication. However, the publisher cannot assume responsibility for errors or omissions. ©2021 CDM Media Group. Missouri Magazine welcome unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. Please email submissions to Cheri Cranford at hello@missourimagazines.com



Facesof Missouri

J ennifer L oganbill Jen's Get Fit Gr oup "One of my favorite things at Missouri Magazine is celebrating the people and heart behind so many amazing businesses throughout the state of Missouri. As I type out the interview, I always love reading the inspiration/heart behind their business. From the first time I met Jennifer I felt like I have known her my entire life. What a beautiful boss babe inside and out Jennifer is. She is a wife, mom, business woman, entrepreneur and personal trainer who strives to make a difference in everyone she meets. She is there to help each and every one of the Sweaty Sisters each and every day. It is my pleasure to introduce to you, Jennifer Loganbill, the face behind Jen's Get Fit Group." -Cheri Cranford, Founder & CEO of CDM Media Group, LLC.

M issou r i M agazin e: Tell us a little about yourself and your journey.

"Youwill never change your lifeuntil youchange somethingyoudodaily. a Thesecret of your successisfoundin your daily routine."

Jen n if er Logan bill: I am a wife, mom to two sweet little kiddos, a nurse, a certified personal trainer, and certified nutritionist. I fell in love with lifting weights over 12 years ago when I was going to the gym. Doing only cardio wasn't giving me the results I was looking for, so I ventured over to the weights side, and that's when I started seeing the results I wanted. Lifting with my husband is something I've always enjoyed, and we consider it "us time." After having two young kids, I working as a nurse and having my husband travel for work; going to the gym as often as I would like was no longer an option for me. I had to figure out how I could see the results that I wanted, consistently lift weights because it was my passion, and move my body from home and in a quick timeframe.

So, I bought a set of dumbbells and went to work. I started doing my workout routine at home. Not long after I started my at-home training, I had several family members and friends reach out to me asking for help with their fitness goals--the rest is history. I started Jen's Get Fit Group, LLC in March 2018 with 15 members, and over the past three years, I grew from 15 members to over 6,000 members. M issou r i M agazin e: Tell us your role at Jen's Get Fit Group. Jen n if er Logan bill: I wear all the hats! I am the owner, certified personal trainer and nutritionist, graphic designer, marketing guru, social media manager, and any other jobs that need to be done to keep JGFG running smoothly. As an entrepreneur, at the end of the day, I have a hand in every aspect of my business, and I wouldn't have it any other way. M issou r i M agazin e: Please share a little about Jen's Get Fit Group with our readers. Jen n if er Logan bill: JGFG is a place for empowerment and support- I (Jen) provide 24 minute HIIT workouts that can be done at home or in the gym, nutrition and supplement coaching, weekly meal plans, an online support group, and so many other useful and realistic tools to guide members on their fitness journey. JGFG is more than a fitness class, it's a place for members to learn how to love their bodies while gaining the knowledge to live a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. M issou r i M agazin e: What do you love

most about living in Missouri? Jen n if er Logan bill: Missouri is my home-- I have lived here my whole life. I love having my family only an hour away from me. We have some beautiful sunsets in the spring and summer. I love there is a mix of city life and rural life just minutes from each other. I love the Missouri State Fair-- it has been something my family and I have done since I was young. It's special because now I get to take my kids and show them all of my favorite activities there. M issou r i M agazin e: What are your family's favorite activities? Jen n if er Logan bill: We love being outside--fishing at our pond, going to check cows at my in-laws, going for walks, working out together at my studio, going to the pool, hanging out with our family--anything outdoors. M issou r i M agazin e: Where can someone find you when you are not at work? Jen n if er Logan bill: At home with my kid and husband or the beach. We love visiting the beach and traveling with our kids.

M issou r i M agazin e: What do you consider your greatest professional achievement? Jen n if er Logan bill: Winning Missouri's Best Personal Trainer, Entrepreneur, and Health and Fitness Club for 2020, 2021 and 2022. Also winning 1st Place in the Personal Trainer Category for Best Of Columbia. Forever grateful for all of my members, friends, and family that nominated and voted me the best! M issou r i M agazin e: Do you have a favorite local charity?

"Donot compareyourself, your results, or your lifeto anyoneelse. Youhaveto keepyour chinup, worry about what isgoingonin your lane."

Jen n if er Logan bill: I love Cancer Perks and all that it stands for. They are based in my hometown, Sedalia, MO, and the founder has been in my group for a few years, so I love to sponsor and give back to them. M issou r i M agazin e: Why did you decide to become a personal trainer? Jen n if er Logan bill: Fitness has been my passion for over 12 years. I am also a nurse, so I love helping people. It just made sense that I would start a business helping others and incorporating fitness to empower women and men to love working out, transforming their bodies in a healthy and sustainable way, and becoming stronger on the inside and out. M issou r i M agazin e: What are some of your local favorite places? Jen n if er Logan bill: We love to support local and small businesses, so a few locally owned places we often visit are Las Margaritas, Sky Zone, and Ozark Coffee. We have so many we love! M issou r i M agazin e: How did the name of your business originate? Jen n if er Logan bill: I chose, Jen's Get Fit Group as it felt the most approachable and welcoming to members. Getting Fit looks different for everyone. We don't just focus on getting our body fit; we want the whole package-- body, mind, soul, and finding balance. Getting fit does not mean you have to be super lean and

M issou r i M agazin e: What is something interesting that most people don't know about you?

have a ton of muscle; it looks different for every member in my group. I think that is the beauty of Jen's Get Fit Group; thousands of members look different, who are strangers, who have different lifestyles, yet still come together to empower each other to be better as a whole. M issou r i M agazin e: How long have you lived in Missouri? Jen n if er Logan bill: My whole life. I've moved to a few different cities in Missouri, but I've always lived in Missouri. M issou r i M agazin e: What has kept you living in Missouri? Jen n if er Logan bill: Our family. Missouri is our home, and we don't plan to move outside of Missouri at this point! M issou r i M agazin e: What is something on your bucket list? Jen n if er Logan bill: Sky diving. I would love to do this someday. M issou r i M agazin e: What is your favorite restaurant in Missouri, and what do you love there? Jen n if er Logan bill: Las Margaritas-- Franzia Special. I love the good local feel of the restaurant, the good food and drinks, and the great service.

Jen n if er Logan bill: This is hard because I really don't have anything my members don't know about me--what you see is what you get. I am 100% an open book to my members and on my social media. I practice what I preach. This is so important to me. Through the years, I've had a few people ask me if I go to the gym or do other workouts outside of my workouts-- absolutely not. I would never ask my members to do something I wouldn't do myself. I never work out unless I am recording it for my members. The same for my recipes and meal plans-- I would never ask my members to eat or follow a meal plan I wouldn't follow myself. I write everything myself, so it is all 100% everything I practice myself. M issou r i M agazin e: What are some health tips you would like to share with our readers? Jen n if er Logan bill: Three tips (health-related and not) that I would offer to anyone for being successful in the fitness world and just life in general: 1. Do not compare yourself, your results, or

"I t isabeautiful togoafter your dreams." your life to anyone else. You have to keep your chin up, worry about what is going on in your lane. When you look at someone else, you will fall off track and allow comparison to get in the way of your happiness. 2. Take your time when you are improving your health and getting into a fitness routine. I am very transparent with my members and tell them not to expect quick results. I tell my members, "slow and steady wins the race." Long-term, sustainable results are achieved through lifestyle changes, not quick fixes, and that is what I teach my members. My program is something you can do long-term. Your results will be determined by how much work you put in. I give you all of the tools you need, and you have to put in the time and effort. You are 100% responsible for your results. That being said, stay away from something that offers a quick fix or a fad diet because it is just that, a quick fix, not a long-term solution. 3. You get one life, enjoy your daily routine. The workout is as good as you make it. Your day is as good as you make it. Keep that mindset, and your daily work routine, workout routine, and life will be better. Lastly, enjoy the delicious food that blesses your body as fuel. People have to learn how to build a healthy relationship with food, and in JGFG I help you with this as it is so important in life. M issou r i M agazin e: Where does your inspiration come from?

Jen n if er Logan bill: My husband and kids push me to be better every single day. I refuse to be a lazy parent or person. Life is so short to not enjoy daily movement and a healthy lifestyle. I love teaching this to my kids. M issou r i M agazin e: What is your favorite part about your job? Jen n if er Logan bill: Being able to help others transform their minds, bodies, hearts and establish a long-term fitness routine all while finding balance. M issou r i M agazin e: What is your favorite quote? Jen n if er Logan bill: "Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness." ? Joseph Pilates

For more information about Jen's Get Fit Group visit their website at: www.jensgetfitgroup.com

M ost Beau t if u l People in 2021 w ill be an n ou n ced in ou r Novem ber issu e Photo Credit: Joe and A Camera


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Let'sGo Glamping

Escape t o Cam p Lon g Cr eek at Big Cedar Lodge Summer is in full swing; longer days, later nights and of course, sweeter moments. Between the hustle and bustle of daily life and the growing list of weekend engagements, it is easy to find yourself at

Camp Long Creek at Big Cedar Lodge is the perfect place for you to disconnect from your hectic lives and reconnect with the people that mean the most to you. There?s something about camping that refreshes the soul and reminds us to appreciate nature and the way it draws us closer through shared adventure. the end of summer wondering where the time has gone. Before summer slips away, take some time to getaway, unwind and relax in the great outdoors.

Imagine pulling up to a campsite where you are first greeted by friendly staff with genuine Ozarks hospitality. As you drive down the road you catch a glimpse of a beautiful infinity pool with a cabana. Not

Mountains, Big Cedar was originally a country retreat for two wealthy Missourians in the 1920?s. It wasn?t until 1987 when Johnny Morris, founder of Bass Pro Shops, purchased the land that it became the Premier Wilderness Resort that guests from all over the world have come to love.

too far off you see The Canteen in a vintage airstream buzzing with people enjoying their favorite summertime snack. Go a little further and there you find your Glamping Tent, your home for the next few days as you experience the Ozarks and all it has to offer.

Each glamp-site features its own outdoor living space, complete with privacy fence, stone patio and a free-standing soaking tub surrounded by candles and a fire pit. Inside, you are greeted by a king size bed crowned by a chandelier. Just a few feet from there, notice your outdoor deck with an unmatched view of Table Rock Lake. Welcome to your getaway, where camping and comfort truly meet.

Fir st , t h er e w as Big Cedar Lodge To understand Camp Long Creek, it?s important to know where it all began; Big Cedar Lodge. Nestled deep in the Ozark

Spreading across 4,600 acres in the wooded hollows, overlooking sprawling Table Rock Lake, Big Cedar has an endless list of amenities and attractions. One of the most treasured activities is the growing game of golf. With four courses designed by some of the top names in golf; Jack Nicklaus, Arnold

Palmer, Tom Watson, Gary Player, Tom Fazio, Bill Coore and Ben Crenshaw, Big Cedar is quickly becoming known as America?s Next Great Golf Destination. A fifth course, Payne?s Valley, is well underway and will be the first public access course designed by Tiger Woods. Incorporating the beauty of the Ozarks into every shot, the golf experience at Big Cedar is one to add to your bucket list.

Another guest favorite is the 18,000 square-foot Cedar Creek Spa which features artisan details and nature-inspired décor. A grand, double staircase will lead you to your luxurious treatment room complete with its own cozy fireplace. You?ll also find a full-service salon, indoor grotto pool, steam and ice room and private outdoor showers.

The fun doesn?t stop there! Big Cedar offers spectacular restaurants, two full-service marinas, a 50,000 square-foot activity center, unparalleled fishing and countless outdoor adventures. There are also many accommodations to fit any style, from private cabins surrounded by wooded beauty to grand lodges lined with rustic elegance. Now, with the new addition of Camp Long Creek, Big Cedar offers a completely new way to stay ? Glamping.

Glam pin g in t h e Ozar k s Located just minutes from the heart of Big Cedar Lodge, Camp Long Creek is an

outdoor paradise surrounded by thousands of acres of unspoiled wilderness. From handcrafted furniture to the s?mores kits waiting for you when you arrive, this glamp-site offers the signature creativity and attention-to-detail that noted conservationist, Johnny Morris, is known for.

Camp Long Creek offers 40 custom retreats that combine the rustic appeal of the great outdoors with the relaxing comfort of today?s modern amenities. The nature-inspired accommodations include open concept luxury Glamping Tents, Camp Huts perfect for a couple?s getaway, spacious One Room Camp Cabins, and family-friendly One Bedroom Camp Cabins. All of the accommodations are temperature-controlled and include a kitchenette and indoor plumbing. While the lodging is an experience in itself, you will also have access to a variety of amenities.

Located on-site, Bass Pro Shops Long Creek Marina offers boat and personal watercraft rentals, fishing guides and supplies and everything you need to get out on the water. To cool off, take a dip in the infinity pool or enjoy lake ?beach? access. In addition to the many restaurants at Big Cedar, Camp Long Creek offers three dining options: The Canteen Grill, The Cabana by the pool and Lady Liberty. Inside a vintage airstream, The Canteen offers camping favorites like cheeseburgers, hotdogs, and cold beer. While relaxing by the pool you can enjoy seasonal snacks and drinks

at The Cabana. For a truly unique dining experience, set sail on the Lady Liberty, a beautiful 62-foot luxury yacht. This two-hour fine-dining experience includes delicious food, live music and views of Table Rock Lake.

With so much to do, don?t let another day pass by without making time for the moments that turn into your favorite memories. So, take a break from your everyday routine and reconnect with the ones you love in the great outdoors. Book your glamping getaway at Camp Long Creek today! www.BigCedar.com


Love Letters designs and sells t-shirts for the city and sport you Love! We love how their line makes you feel beautiful and confident even in a t-shirt. When we came across Love Letters we knew we had to share ?Love Letters? t-shirts with our readers. There are so many t-shirts to choose from. You will fall in love with this line. Love Letters started in 2013 with two friends LeAnn and Amy. They both had a mutual passion and a whole lotta coffee and haven?t looked back since. Their major love for their city and the people who live there. They wanted to share that love and feeling with women everywhere. Love Letters pride their selves with special designs and an amazing fit all while striving to have a little something for everyone at a really sharp price!

Dress them up? Dress them down? Doesn?t matter, you?re going to look amazing either way! Love Letters is a labor of love and they?re loving every minute of it! Sh oplovelet t er s.com



ideasfor yourhome By Ch er i Cr an f or d

Add different colors of pumpkins to your front porch. Add mums in your favorite pots and a splash of plaid to complete the perfect fall front porch. You can do this by adding throw pillows and a comfy throw to your favorite chair.

During the winter and colder temperatures outside bringing warmth into your home by adding throws. Add different colors using a neutral color and throw in your favorite plaid blanket. Throws make your home serene and relaxing.

Another fun idea is to create a space for a tired tray. You can decorate every month for the occasion . This is a fun idea to do as a family.

We love having a hot chocolate or apple cider bar in our home. You can create a fun space for the kids to make a warm cup of hot chocolate or hot apple cider after playing outside during the cooler Fall weather.

LoadedBakedPotatoSoup INGREDIENTS 6 slices bacon 1 tbsp. butter 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/4 c. all-purpose flour 4 c. whole milk 4 large Potatoes, cubed kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 3/4 c. shredded Cheddar, plus more for garnish 1/2 c. thinly sliced scallions, plus more for garnish sour cream, for garnish

DIRECTIONS In a large skillet, cook bacon over medium heat until crispy, about 8 minutes. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate and let cool, then crumble. In a large pot over medium-high heat, sauté butter and garlic. Add in milk and flour. Whisk constantly, until slightly thick, about 5 minutes, then add potatoes and season generously with salt and pepper. Increase heat to a simmer. Cook potatoes until creamy and tender, 25 minutes. Stir in cheese and scallions until creamy. Serve topped with crumbled bacon and garnish with sour cream, scallions, and cheddar.

AntipastoStuffedChicken INGREDIENTS


4 boneless skinless chicken breasts

Preheat oven to 400°. Place chicken on a cutting board and make 5 slits in each breast, being careful not to cut through completely. Transfer to a baking sheet.

2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 1 tsp. dried oregano 1/2 tsp. garlic powder Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper

Drizzle olive oil over chicken and season with oregano, garlic powder, salt, and pepper.

1/4 lb. deli ham 1/4 lb. salami 4 slices provolone, halved 1 c. drained and sliced pepperoncini

Stuff each chicken breast with ham, salami, provolone, and pepperoncini, then sprinkle with olives and Parmesan.

1/3 c. chopped assorted olives 1/4 c. freshly grated Parmesan Freshly chopped parsley, for garnish

Bake until chicken is cooked through and no longer pink, about 25 minutes. Garnish with parsley before serving.


Thai Basil Chicken INGREDIENTS


3 tbsp. canola oil

In a wok or large cast iron skillet over high heat, heat oil. Add bell pepper, shallots and garlic, and cook, stirring frequently, until golden, about 2 minutes. Add chicken and cook, breaking up the chicken into small bits, until cooked through, about 3 minutes more. Add chilis and toss to combine.

1 red bell pepper, stemmed, seeded, and chopped 3 shallots, thinly sliced 5 cloves garlic, thinly sliced 2 lb. ground chicken 2 Thai bird's eye chilis, thinly sliced 1/3 c. low-sodium chicken broth 1/4 c. oyster sauce

Pour chicken broth, oyster sauce, fish sauce, and sugar into the wok and cook, stirring, until thickened. Add basil and toss until wilted.

1 tsp. fish sauce 2 tsp. granulated sugar 2 c. packed Thai basil leaves Cooked rice, for serving

Serve over rice.



Cooking spray 4 tbsp. melted butter 1 tbsp. packed brown sugar 1 tbsp. granulated sugar 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon 4 apples 8 chewy caramel squares Breyers Natural Vanilla ice cream, for serving Caramel, for drizzling

DIRECTIONS FOR OVEN Preheat oven to 375° and grease a medium baking dish with cooking spray. In a small bowl, whisk together butter, sugars, and cinnamon. Slice top off of each apple then use a melon baller (or a teaspoon) to scoop out core. Using a paring knife, make two circular cuts in apple. Place apple cut side down on a cutting board and slice crosswise, being careful not to cut through the core. Place cut apples in a small baking dish. Fill each apple with two caramel squares, then brush melted butter mixture on top. Bake until the apples are tender, about 30 minutes. Serve warm with ice cream and drizzle with caramel. FOR AIR FRYER In a small bowl, whisk together butter, sugars, and cinnamon. Slice top off of each apple then use a melon baller (or a teaspoon) to scoop out core. Using a paring knife, make two circular cuts in apple. Place apple cut side down on a cutting board and slice crosswise, being careful not to cut through the core. Fill each apple with two caramel squares, then brush melted butter mixture on top. Place cut apples in basket of air fryer. Bake at 350° for 15 to 20 minutes. Serve warm with ice cream and drizzle with caramel.

By Bennet Bodenstein

There?s a new sheriff in town; no, make that a new winery. The name is Knotty Vines and their object is to offer the consumer the best possible wine quality at an affordable price; a task at which they have more than succeeded. By careful selecting of the grapes, the Knotty Vines vintners produce wines that are well above the quality that their price tag might indicate. I know that I may have gotten a bit excited about these wines but when I find a value I like to scream value. Kn ot t y Vin es 2018 Caber n et Sau vign on ($14.99).Before even tasting this wine I was impressed with the way it was presented. Honoring the ancient tradition, the wine is presented in the classical cabernet sauvignon style bottle with the sides of the bottle gently sloping from wide at the top and thinner at the bottom. I know that the bottle doesn't indicate the quality of what is inside it but it is good to see that the Knotty Vines vintners are thoughtful enough to conform to tradition and that to me, is a plus. The next plus came when I sampled the wine; affordable or not, this wine showed me everything that a good cab should be like. The aroma was pure cab,blackberries, plum, cocoa, and oak.The flavor shows the traditional cassis and is backed up by cherry, raspberry and chocolate which carry on to the luscious finish. I believe that if you removed the label and

TheWineSearcher: I ntroducingKnotty Wines served the wine to a wine aficionado, it could pass for a wine that should command a much higher price. Plain and simple, I liked it and I am sure you will too. Kn ot t y Vin es 2018 Ch ar don n ay ($14.99). This wine, for a modern affordable California, makes a very loud statement. Here again I am impressed by the quality of this wine. Let me start: The wine is a chardonnay that boldly presents its attributes and definitely not one of those wimpy chards we encounter all too often today and has enrolled many new members into the ABC (Anything But Chardonnay) club. This wine proves that an affordable chardonnay can be made without losing everything that we seek in a chardonnay. This chardonnay is heavy with the aroma of apple, apricot. pineapple, along with notes of spice in the background. These fruit aromas carry over to the taste and then on to the finish where it ends in that special mouth feel that is the trademark of a better Chardonnay. Kn ot t y Vin es 2018 Pin ot Noir ($14.99). I saved this for last because it was the one that troubled me the most; the wine was very light in color. While Pinot Noir wines are normally a bit lighter in color than the other reds this one looked more like a dark rosé. It is not uncommon for pinot noir makers to add skins from a previous vintage or even the skins of other varieties to darken their wine. It appears that pinot noir wine lovers like their wines dark. The Knotty Vines 2018 Pinot Noir may not pass the color code but it is really and truly a pinot noir, and a very nice one at that. The wine opens with the traditional black cherry augmented by a very obvious aroma of pomegranate with vanilla and a suggestion of oak. The flavor reprises the aroma with the addition of plum, vanilla and just the right amount of oak. The finish is fresh and alive with summer dark berries and lasts for a very long time. This is a really interesting wine. I will be truthful, I approached this wine with the idea that it was some poor, weak imitation of a fine wine that I would not bother to write about because print space is too valuable to waste on junk. I must admit that I liked the wine and I was amazed that such quality would sell for such an affordable price. Forget the color, try this wine.

C assandra & A ustin The Color f ul Par adise inspir ed St yled Phot o Shoot Planner /Designer : Sabbie Chic Event s www.sabbiechicevent s.com

Just minutes from Branson, Missouri you will find a beautiful wedding venue, The Atrium. The Atrium is a gorgeous modern wedding venue with amazing views for your big day.This stunning styled shoot was planned and designed by Sabbie Chic Events. Sabrina brings' chic' designs in a classy and glamorous style. And leave all your wedding flowers to the amazing Sarah with Rosewood Florals with this styled shoot she brought colorful and bright stunning flowers from the brides?bouquet to the reception decorations. Other wedding pros to check out: Modern and classy invitations by the talented Tessa Avery-Smith. We love the beautiful and creative cake by The Sweet Peach Bakery. Gorgeous and stunning hairstyle by Hair Stylist: Kristen Lentz. Photos by Kathryn Faye Photography.



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Beautiful Fall PhotosinMissouri Photo Credit: Stephen Miller, Reflections of Life Photography

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