Missouri Magazine September 2020

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M i ssou r i M agazine


Joh n Th ompson Founder and CEO Th ompson Roof i ng & Reconstructi on

Let 's Go Glam pin g | Faces of M issou r i | Fall Decor

In this


Fall Issue 2020


Missour i Magazine

Fal l D eco r o n a b u d get

Celebr ating Why We Love Missour i


Faces o f M i sso u r i


T i ed T h e K n o t

DEPARTM ENTS Publisher ?s Note 8 Staff 10


L et 's Go Gl am p i n g

Recipes 58 Events 82

On the Cover: John Thompson Thompson Roofing & Reconstruction

#M issou r iM agazin e


Fall isin theair Happy Fall y'all! It's the time of the year to enjoy hot chocolate mornings, toasty marshmallow evenings, pumpkin spice, sweater weather, apple picking and the pumpkin carvings! Thank you for reading our Fall Issue. Our team had a lot of fun putting together our latest issue and we hope you enjoy it. This issue features Faces of Missouri, Fall Decor, Fashion and so much more. Celebrating why we LOVE Missouri and uplifting the community is a big part of our mission at Missouri Magazine. That's why we love #TheFacesofMissouri, which features a series of conversations with people who live and work in Missouri. Meet the heart and face behind Thompson Roofing & Reconstruction John Thompson III. We have amazing local businesses featured throughout our current issue. We hope you will stop in and say hi to these businesses and other businesses throughout Missouri. Let them know you heard about them at Missouri Magazine. We love celebrating Missouri and local businesses.

Hope you enjoy the Fall season and enjoy all that Missouri has to offer!

Cherish Life,

Cheri Cranford 573-284-5406 hello@missourimagazines.com Proverbs 3:5-6

M i sso u r i M agazi n e Fou n der & CEO Cheri Cranford

Con t r ibu t in g Wr it er s Tiffany Ash Bennet Bodenstein Katherine Miller

Layou t / Design CDM Media Group, LLC.

Con t act M issou r i M agazin e 205 N Oak Street Stover, MO 65078 573-284-5406 hello@missourimagazines.com Missouri Magazine is published bi-monthly by CDM Media Group. T he opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of the publisher or of Missouri Magazine. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without prior consent of the publisher. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication. However, the publisher cannot assume responsibility for errors or omissions. Š2020 CDM Media Group. Missouri Magazine welcome unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. Please email submissions to Cheri Cranford at hello@missourimagazines.com

Proverbs 3:5-6


Facesof Missouri John Thompson III Thompson Roof ing & Reconst r uct ion "One of my favorite things at Missouri Magazine is celebrating the people and heart behind so many amazing businesses throughout the state of Missouri. As I type out the interview, I always love reading the inspiration/heart behind their business. What a journey John has been on and an amazing transformation he has made in his life. I love that he is sharing his story and helping others see how we can overcome addiction. It is my pleasure to introduce to you, John Thompson, the face behind Thompson Roofing & Reconstruction." -Cheri Cranford, Founder & CEO of Missouri Magazine. M issou r i M agazin e: Tell us a little about yourself and your journey. Joh n Th om pson : I am a 3rd generation Lake of the Ozarks Business owner. My grandparents, Darwin and Betty Vance owned Idle Days and Gayla resort in the 70's on the west end of the Grand Glaze Bridge in the heart of Osage Beach. They eventually retired and moved to Florida and partnered with my uncle Randy Vance on the resort, he continues to run it for some time. They eventually sold the resort. My mother Cyndi Thompson owned Sweet Magnolia Sky a clothing and jewelry store with 3 locations in the early 2000's. I grew up in Osage Beach and graduated from Camdenton high school in 2009. I moved to Ames, Iowa and attended Business Management courses at Des Moines Area Community College for 2 years after high school. During that time, I worked for Josh Wirtzy of Wirtzy Construction. I started as a young laborer for Josh and worked my way up in his business. Eventually I was promoted from ground pounder laborer to equipment operator and truck driver. I also helped Josh with material inventory and office duties. I learned Mr. Wirtzys business inside and out. He took me under his wing and taught me hard work, organization and responsibility. I eventually wanted to move back to Missouri to be closer to my family, so I resigned with Josh and thanked him for the opportunity. I moved back home, continued attending college for business but was not happy working in the restaurant business and going to school. I was a highly trained roofing professional after working for Josh Wirtzy. I knew enough from business classes that I decided to open Thompson Roofing & Reconstruction headquartered in Linn Creek, Missouri, centrally located in the heart of Lake of the Ozarks.

In the Ames/Des Moines area working with Josh there is a bigger city vibe and more professionalism than lake area contractors provide. I wanted to bring that professionalism here so the people of Lake of the Ozarks and Missouri could have access to true roofing professionalism and quality. I could see the demand needed to be filled so I decided to go for it. Thompson Roofing & Reconstruction was incorporated in 2013. I spent the first couple years getting organized and putting the business together. Worked hard building a reputation and eventually we started generating almost 3 million dollars in revenue every year. We have been consistently growing every year since conception. This year we plan on breaking the 3 million dollars in revenue mark here locally at the Lake of the Ozarks and eventually go nationwide to generate 50 million dollars in revenue annually. We will do this by providing a professional family experience to the owner. When you hire Thompson Roofing & Reconstruction you become part of the Thompson Roofing family. We are with our clients through it all from start to finish and care for them and their properties. Whether it be retail roofing or insurance work we are battle tested in these departments and are the best in the business. As the business CEO I have years of commercial and residential roofing experience working all over the Midwest. Ultimately when you hire Thompson you hire a team of people that care and that will get your home or business repaired or restored with the best workmanship possible. We communicate effectively and always respond 24/7 365 no matter what. M issou r i M agazin e: Tell us your role at Thompson Roofing & Reconstruction

Joh n Th om pson : I am the founder and CEO M issou r i M agazin e: What do you love most about living in Missouri? Joh n Th om pson : Missouri is a beautiful state. We have rolling hills, bluffs, lakes and scenery. We get the best of all seasons. You get to experience it all here in Missouri. Never a dull moment with the weather. They say if you do not like the weather in Missouri wait 5 mins. I am a resident of Osage Beach Missouri and keep a Boat at the Moorings Yacht Club. I enjoy nighttime boat rides with the music loud. The lights at night cruising down the main channel in Lake of the Ozarks will never get old. I enjoy patronizing local lake bars and restaurants. My roofing team and I regularly attend chamber meetings by water and support local business. We buy all roofing materials locally. The scenery is what I love most about living in Missouri. M issou r i M agazin e: What are your favorite activities? Joh n Th om pson : Boating, jet ski, cruising on the lake and flying my airplane. M issou r i M agazin e:Where can someone find you when you are not at work? Joh n Th om pson : On the water cruising in the boat or flying my airplane out of Camdenton Airport. M issou r i M agazin e: What do you consider

your greatest professional achievement? Joh n Th om pson : My greatest professional achievement is leading a roofing team to multi million dollars in revenue. I also learned how to fly planes recently and have incorporated that into my roofing business. We sometimes fly private to training seminars and business meetings. M issou r i M agazin e: Do you have a favorite local charity? Joh n Th om pson : Yes, I donate airplanes and flight time to patients that need to get to their doctors?appointment across the country through Angel Flight Air Support headquartered in Camdenton Missouri. I fly these patients with John York, the local flight instructor in Camdenton, Missouri. This is by far my favorite and most rewarding thing I do. M issou r i M agazin e: What are some of your local favorite places? Joh n Th om pson : I frequent Baxter 's, Bentley?s and JB Hooks. I enjoy a good dinner with nice views after a long week of running a roofing company. M issou r i M agazin e: How did the name of your business originate? Joh n Th om pson : I take pride in my team's work, so I was not afraid to put my last name on the company, Thompson Roofing & Reconstruction. I wanted my name on my work. My father and I worked together to get it off the ground and sure enough we did. Before my Grandpa Jack Thompson passed away, he grabbed me by my arm shortly before he passed and said, "be careful with my family name".I have taken that with me and made sure I have taken care of each and every customer as they are family so I can properly carry on the quality reputation of the Thompson Name. My Grandpa Jack Thompson was a private pilot, politician and car fleet salesman. He actually survived a plane crash in his plane in Kansas City with my Grandma Virginia, Aunt Joyce, my dad John Thompson Jr., my uncle Jim and Jeff Thompson. The particular plane at the time had a flaw in the fuel suction design that caused the engine not to get any fuel at a certain angle of attack causing loss of power. Grandpa Jack Thompson put it down in a corn field in a controlled crash and everyone survived with only minor injuries. It is a miracle they survived. The Thompson family loves to fly! My father was involved in aviation Vietnam and eventually went on to fly commercial jets. His Brother my Uncle Jim Thompson was a Navy pilot and retired from the navy moving on to

the commercial aviation world and retiring there as well. Jim?s son my cousin Zane Thompson is a Flight Surgeon in the Navy present day and fly?s many different types of military aircraft. My uncle Brent Vance and Grandpa Darwin Vance were both

M issou r i M agazin e: Who is the most interesting person you?ve met in Missouri? Joh n Th om pson : I met Jason Bateman one time at Stewarts Restaurant on the strip in Lake Ozark. He was there ordering one of their giant cinnamon rolls. M issou r i M agazin e: What is something interesting that most people don?t know about you?

the Thompson name in private aviation and construction.

Joh n Th om pson : I enjoy recording and producing all kinds of music and video but never have any time to excel in it. I have a home studio that I fool around in occasionally when I have free time. I hope to find more time to enjoy this or incorporate it into my roofing business for advertising purposes.

M issou r i M agazin e: What inspired you or led you to your current career?

M issou r i M agazin e: Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?

Joh n Th om pson : Necessity

Joh n Th om pson : I see Thompson Roofing & Reconstruction branching into some other states such as Florida, Colorado and Texas.

Airforce pilots. I have continued to carry on

M issou r i M agazin e: How long have you lived in Missouri? Joh n Th om pson : 25 years M issou r i M agazin e: What has kept you here? Joh n Th om pson : Family and comfort. M issou r i M agazin e: What is something on your bucket list? Joh n Th om pson : Branch into the Florida roofing market and own a jet. M issou r i M agazin e: What is your favorite thing about Missouri? Joh n Th om pson : Lake of the Ozarks and the people are nice. M issou r i M agazin e: What is your favorite restaurant in Missouri and what do you love there? Joh n Th om pson : Baxter 's Lakeside Grille at the lake and the cedar plank salmon.

M issou r i M agazin e: How did you get started in roofing and construction business? Joh n Th om pson : My friend Brandon Garms introduced me to Roofing and Construction. We worked together at Dorsey?s Pit stop before it burned down years ago. When that ended, he invited me up to Iowa to roof with Josh Witzy of Wirtzy construction and I really loved the comradery on the roofing crews and operation of large dangerous equipment. M issou r i M agazin e: Tell us about your day. Joh n Th om pson : I wake up early, grab coffee and either see the team off over the phone or go into the office. I work late with my employees and am studying for the Florida roofing contractor test. This consumes all of my time. I work until 6 or 7 then study most nights and then recently got a gym membership at 5-star fitness in Osage Beach.

You can find me at the office or on the road taking care of customers' homes. I go to the gym late at night and work in my business during the day.

that otherwise they would have never made it to.

M issou r i M agazin e: What are your steps for success?

Joh n Th om pson : Putting people?s homes and lives back together after storm damages.

Joh n Th om pson : Never get to Lonely, Hungry or Tired. Stay centered and organized. Manage my time. M issou r i M agazin e: Where does your inspiration come from? Joh n Th om pson : Honestly, I have been hesitant to share my past and how I draw inspiration from it. But maybe it is time to embrace it and maybe my message will inspire someone else with a similar story to never give up. I spent many years as a kid tearing the world apart. I was involved in drug trafficking and distribution. Eventually I was stopped by federal marshals and did time in Leavenworth Penitentiary. I met some folks in the penitentiary that were serving life with no chance of parole. They saw potential in me and did not want to see me back in trouble. I attended prayer groups with these amazing men that would never see the light of day again. They prayed over me and showed me support. They helped me develop a plan. I returned to society with a fierce determination to do well. The odds and statistics were stacked against me. I did not want to let these guys down. I decided I would start putting some of the world back together again instead of continuing to tear it apart. I am heavily involved in the Narcotics Anonymous community across the nation and proudly carry the message of recovery to still suffering addicts. Through Thompson Roofing & Reconstruction I restore people's homes and businesses, through Narcotics Anonymous I carry the message of recovery in hopes I can restore some people's lives and help show them how to live. Through Angel Flight Air Support, I medivac patients to their life saving doctors?appointments

M issou r i M agazin e: What is your favorite part about your job?

M issou r i M agazin e: What drives you most in life and your career? Joh n Th om pson : My drive is derived from my natural want to make the world a better place. I enjoy building lasting relationships with people. People are who make this world go round. People drive me. I enjoy seeing others succeed. I love introducing new people to the roofing industry. I work hard training them and then watch them grow into amazing talented individuals financially and morally. This is my purpose and my drive. M issou r i M agazin e: What is your favorite quote? Joh n Th om pson : 1 Peter 5:8-11 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. M issou r i M agazin e: What choices have you made to invest in yourself and your own success? Joh n Th om pson : I have decided to roof, fly airplanes and live a life of sobriety. These things have taken me to amazing places. I have seen the world through these avenues and am shocked at the blessings they bring. It is truly amazing. M issou r i M agazin e: What is ahead for Thompson Roofing & Reconstruction? Joh n Th om pson : Expansion into other states. Continue to learn and get better every day. M issou r i M agazin e: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?

Joh n Th om pson : I have a family member in Dubai that I would love to visit someday with my Dad that owns a federal contracting company. They build entire military bases and airports. Would love to spend some time with him and pick his brain one day and have him show me around Dubai. M issou r i M agazin e: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice what would it be? Joh n Th om pson : I would advise myself to never pick up using drugs or alcohol and to start helping people much sooner. M issou r i M agazin e: What advice would you give a crowd of people? Joh n Th om pson : Love one another. M issou r i M agazin e: Anything else you would like to share with our readers? Joh n Th om pson : I would like to thank all my clients for the trust they have in my team. We will continue to work hard for you no matter what. You come first and as always; we are with you through it all. If you?d like to learn more about

Thompson Roofing & Reconstruction follow them on Facebook or visit their website here.

About John Thompson: John Thompson started roofing as a laborer in Ames Iowa in 2010. John worked his way up from ground clean up to installer/equipment operator. In 2013 John founded Thompson Roofing & Reconstruction in the Lake of the Ozarks area after attending business classes at Des Moines Area Community College. John is a 3rdgeneration business owner in the Lake of the Ozarks area. Having a passion for business and helping others John has launched his re-build Missouri Campaign geared and focused on reconstructing homes and businesses in the state of Missouri after storm events. Qualifications: HAAG Engineering Certified Roof Inspector Licensed General Contractor in Missouri Owens Corning Roofing University Certificate Holder


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Let'sGo Glamping

Escape t o Cam p Lon g Cr eek at Big Cedar Lodge Summer is in full swing; longer days, later nights and of course, sweeter moments. Between the hustle and bustle of daily life and the growing list of weekend engagements, it is easy to find yourself at

Camp Long Creek at Big Cedar Lodge is the perfect place for you to disconnect from your hectic lives and reconnect with the people that mean the most to you. There?s something about camping that refreshes the soul and reminds us to appreciate nature and the way it draws us closer through shared adventure. the end of summer wondering where the time has gone. Before summer slips away, take some time to getaway, unwind and relax in the great outdoors.

Imagine pulling up to a campsite where you are first greeted by friendly staff with genuine Ozarks hospitality. As you drive down the road you catch a glimpse of a beautiful infinity pool with a cabana. Not

Mountains, Big Cedar was originally a country retreat for two wealthy Missourians in the 1920?s. It wasn?t until 1987 when Johnny Morris, founder of Bass Pro Shops, purchased the land that it became the Premier Wilderness Resort that guests from all over the world have come to love.

too far off you see The Canteen in a vintage airstream buzzing with people enjoying their favorite summertime snack. Go a little further and there you find your Glamping Tent, your home for the next few days as you experience the Ozarks and all it has to offer.

Each glamp-site features its own outdoor living space, complete with privacy fence, stone patio and a free-standing soaking tub surrounded by candles and a fire pit. Inside, you are greeted by a king size bed crowned by a chandelier. Just a few feet from there, notice your outdoor deck with an unmatched view of Table Rock Lake. Welcome to your getaway, where camping and comfort truly meet.

Fir st , t h er e w as Big Cedar Lodge To understand Camp Long Creek, it?s important to know where it all began; Big Cedar Lodge. Nestled deep in the Ozark

Spreading across 4,600 acres in the wooded hollows, overlooking sprawling Table Rock Lake, Big Cedar has an endless list of amenities and attractions. One of the most treasured activities is the growing game of golf. With four courses designed by some of the top names in golf; Jack Nicklaus, Arnold

Palmer, Tom Watson, Gary Player, Tom Fazio, Bill Coore and Ben Crenshaw, Big Cedar is quickly becoming known as America?s Next Great Golf Destination. A fifth course, Payne?s Valley, is well underway and will be the first public access course designed by Tiger Woods. Incorporating the beauty of the Ozarks into every shot, the golf experience at Big Cedar is one to add to your bucket list.

Another guest favorite is the 18,000 square-foot Cedar Creek Spa which features artisan details and nature-inspired dĂŠcor. A grand, double staircase will lead you to your luxurious treatment room complete with its own cozy fireplace. You?ll also find a full-service salon, indoor grotto pool, steam and ice room and private outdoor showers.

The fun doesn?t stop there! Big Cedar offers spectacular restaurants, two full-service marinas, a 50,000 square-foot activity center, unparalleled fishing and countless outdoor adventures. There are also many accommodations to fit any style, from private cabins surrounded by wooded beauty to grand lodges lined with rustic elegance. Now, with the new addition of Camp Long Creek, Big Cedar offers a completely new way to stay ? Glamping.

Glam pin g in t h e Ozar k s Located just minutes from the heart of Big Cedar Lodge, Camp Long Creek is an

outdoor paradise surrounded by thousands of acres of unspoiled wilderness. From handcrafted furniture to the s?mores kits waiting for you when you arrive, this glamp-site offers the signature creativity and attention-to-detail that noted conservationist, Johnny Morris, is known for.

Camp Long Creek offers 40 custom retreats that combine the rustic appeal of the great outdoors with the relaxing comfort of today?s modern amenities. The nature-inspired accommodations include open concept luxury Glamping Tents, Camp Huts perfect for a couple?s getaway, spacious One Room Camp Cabins, and family-friendly One Bedroom Camp Cabins. All of the accommodations are temperature-controlled and include a kitchenette and indoor plumbing. While the lodging is an experience in itself, you will also have access to a variety of amenities.

Located on-site, Bass Pro Shops Long Creek Marina offers boat and personal watercraft rentals, fishing guides and supplies and everything you need to get out on the water. To cool off, take a dip in the infinity pool or enjoy lake ?beach? access. In addition to the many restaurants at Big Cedar, Camp Long Creek offers three dining options: The Canteen Grill, The Cabana by the pool and Lady Liberty. Inside a vintage airstream, The Canteen offers camping favorites like cheeseburgers, hotdogs, and cold beer. While relaxing by the pool you can enjoy seasonal snacks and drinks

at The Cabana. For a truly unique dining experience, set sail on the Lady Liberty, a beautiful 62-foot luxury yacht. This two-hour fine-dining experience includes delicious food, live music and views of Table Rock Lake.

With so much to do, don?t let another day pass by without making time for the moments that turn into your favorite memories. So, take a break from your everyday routine and reconnect with the ones you love in the great outdoors. Book your glamping getaway at Camp Long Creek today! www.BigCedar.com


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Dress them up? Dress them down? Doesn?t matter, you?re going to look amazing either way! Love Letters is a labor of love and they?re loving every minute of it! Sh oplovelet t er s.com

41| M i ssou ri M agazi n e




By Kat h er in e M iller @h er ecom et h em iller s_

It may be 90 degrees outside, but with the arrival of September and ?back to school? comes a sense of fall in the air we just can?t deny. Now more than ever with all the craziness going on, we need our homes to be a distraction from the outside world and an oasis of comfort and hope. Enter fall decor!

Although September is too soon for pumpkins and ghosts, there are a few things you can do around the house to set the stage for autumn without running to the store and buying up the entire fall collection. Guilty! Since rustic neutrals are key for a subtle summer to fall vibe, start with removing all the bright colors and florals from the house so you have a fresh canvas. Getting rid of all the clutter that summer and quarantine activities brought will open up space for candles, cozy throw blankets, and a new rustic front porch.

The first thing you need to do is shop your home. Now that all the cheery summer stuff is packed away, you have a blank slate to work with. Walk through your house gathering every rustic and neutral item you can find. Even if it already has a home, putting it in a pile with all the other cream, rust, warm browns, blacks, yellows, etc, will give your eyes a new color combo and selection to work with. Begin grouping things of different heights, colors, and textures together. Once you have small vignettes made, start placing them around the house. Don?t be afraid to swap furniture, bedding, take out books to stack, or even use stashed away platters to fill or layer a space with. The entire house is now a store for you to shop from!

Layering is a great way to add texture and coziness to a room. You can place a smaller rug on top of a slightly larger rug to add some personality and character to any space. Adding extra bedding folded or draped at the foot of the bed will create depth. Don?t forget to layer throw blankets of the side of the sofa with a throw pillow or two tossed on top. Even putting some decor and a napkin holder in a basket on the counter can be a way of layers and creating a cozy vibe without the clutter, keeping your look simple and clean.

Pampas grass is all the rage right now, but if you can?t snag some for a reasonable price, branches and twigs are another great and affordable way to incorporate muted neutrals into your home. Gather some sticks from around the yard and cut small branches to either lay lengthwise on a dining table or cluster them in a vase or jug. Grab some small twigs too! A bundle of smaller twigs are a completely free way to add some browns and dark green to a scene you may be creating on a side table, nightstand, or guest bathroom that just needs a little something.

Apples and pumpkins! Apples are a great fall fruit, with beautiful colors that you and your family can use both as decor and nutrition. Put them on your counter, kitchen island, or table in a cream colored or wooden bowl, a cute colander, or even a basket from around the house. Place a candle beside said bowl and voilรก, your kitchen island is ready for after school snacks and for fall. I personally go for Fuji or Honeycrisp because of flavor and color. If you must bring in pumpkins before October, let them be white or cream colored pumpkins. Cluster tiny ones in a bowl or scatter larger ones on the porch.

Once you have shopped your house, yard, and kitchen, and your home is feeling a little cozier, now you can head to the store and buy a treasure or two to place around and really make it perfect. Now you?re ready to light a candle and bring on the Pumpkin Spice Lattes.


Fall isintheai r

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Best AppleCrisp


INGREDIENTS 4 apples, cored and sliced 1 tsp. ground cinnamon Juice of 1/2 lemon

Preheat oven to 375°. In a large ovenproof skillet, toss apples with 2 tablespoons sugar, lemon juice, water, and cinnamon. Place skillet on a large rimmed baking dish.

2 tbsp. water 1/4 c. plus 2 tbsp. granulated sugar, divided 3/4 c. all-purpose flour 1/4 c. lightly packed brown sugar 1/2 tsp. kosher salt 1/2 c. (1 stick) butter, cold, cut into cubes 1 c. old fashioned oats Vanilla ice cream, for serving

In a large bowl, whisk together flour, brown sugar, remaining 1/4 cup sugar, and salt. Using a pastry cutter (or your hands), incorporate butter into flour mixture until it resembles coarse crumbs. Add oats and squeeze mixture with your hands until big, moist clumps form. Scatter oat mixture on top of apples and bake until apples are bubbling and topping is golden, about 45 minutes. Let cool 10 minutes before serving with Breyer 's Natural Vanilla Ice Cream.

HomemadeAppleCider INGREDIENTS 10 large apples, quartered 1/2 orange, halved 4 cinnamon sticks 1 tsp. cloves 1 tsp. whole allspice 1 whole nutmeg

DIRECTIONS In a large stockpot over medium heat, add apples, oranges, spices, and brown sugar. Cover with water by at least 2?. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, covered, 2 hours. Remove orange halves, then use a potato masher or wooden spoon to mash apples. Return to a simmer and let simmer uncovered for 1 hour more. Strain through a fine mesh strainer, pressing on solids with a wooden spoon to squeeze all juices out. Discard solids. Serve apple cider warm.

AppleJam INGREDIENTS 2 lb. apples 1 c. granulated sugar 2 tbsp. lemon juice 1 cinnamon stick

DIRECTIONS Place a small plate in your freezer. Peel, core, and roughly chop your apples into ¾? to 1" pieces. Combine apples with 1½ cups water in a heavy bottomed pot or sauce pan over medium-high heat. Bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally, and cook until fruit is tender and mixture has reduced by ¼, about 15 minutes. Add the sugar, reduce heat to medium, and cook, stirring frequently, until mixture is jammy and thick, about 25 minutes more. Add lemon juice and cinnamon stick if using, and stir to incorporate. Simmer 5 to 7 more minutes to allow cinnamon to infuse. To test if jam is ready, place a small spoonful onto prepared cold plate. Let sit 2 minutes, then drag your finger through the spoonful of jam. If it holds its shape, it's good to go! If it appears runny or watery, continue cooking. When jam has reached desired consistency, remove cinnamon stick. Divide between clean jars, and seal tightly. Refrigerate. Jam will last up to 2 weeks.



Cooking spray 4 tbsp. melted butter 1 tbsp. packed brown sugar 1 tbsp. granulated sugar 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon 4 apples 8 chewy caramel squares Breyers Natural Vanilla ice cream, for serving Caramel, for drizzling

DIRECTIONS FOR OVEN Preheat oven to 375° and grease a medium baking dish with cooking spray. In a small bowl, whisk together butter, sugars, and cinnamon. Slice top off of each apple then use a melon baller (or a teaspoon) to scoop out core. Using a paring knife, make two circular cuts in apple. Place apple cut side down on a cutting board and slice crosswise, being careful not to cut through the core. Place cut apples in a small baking dish. Fill each apple with two caramel squares, then brush melted butter mixture on top. Bake until the apples are tender, about 30 minutes. Serve warm with ice cream and drizzle with caramel. FOR AIR FRYER In a small bowl, whisk together butter, sugars, and cinnamon. Slice top off of each apple then use a melon baller (or a teaspoon) to scoop out core. Using a paring knife, make two circular cuts in apple. Place apple cut side down on a cutting board and slice crosswise, being careful not to cut through the core. Fill each apple with two caramel squares, then brush melted butter mixture on top. Place cut apples in basket of air fryer. Bake at 350° for 15 to 20 minutes. Serve warm with ice cream and drizzle with caramel.

By Bennet Bodenstein

There?s a new sheriff in town; no, make that a new winery. The name is Knotty Vines and their object is to offer the consumer the best possible wine quality at an affordable price; a task at which they have more than succeeded. By careful selecting of the grapes, the Knotty Vines vintners produce wines that are well above the quality that their price tag might indicate. I know that I may have gotten a bit excited about these wines but when I find a value I like to scream value. Kn ot t y Vin es 2018 Caber n et Sau vign on ($14.99).Before even tasting this wine I was impressed with the way it was presented. Honoring the ancient tradition, the wine is presented in the classical cabernet sauvignon style bottle with the sides of the bottle gently sloping from wide at the top and thinner at the bottom. I know that the bottle doesn't indicate the quality of what is inside it but it is good to see that the Knotty Vines vintners are thoughtful enough to conform to tradition and that to me, is a plus. The next plus came when I sampled the wine; affordable or not, this wine showed me everything that a good cab should be like. The aroma was pure cab,blackberries, plum, cocoa, and oak.The flavor shows the traditional cassis and is backed up by cherry, raspberry and chocolate which carry on to the luscious finish. I believe that if you removed the label and

TheWineSearcher: I ntroducingKnotty Wines served the wine to a wine aficionado, it could pass for a wine that should command a much higher price. Plain and simple, I liked it and I am sure you will too. Kn ot t y Vin es 2018 Ch ar don n ay ($14.99). This wine, for a modern affordable California, makes a very loud statement. Here again I am impressed by the quality of this wine. Let me start: The wine is a chardonnay that boldly presents its attributes and definitely not one of those wimpy chards we encounter all too often today and has enrolled many new members into the ABC (Anything But Chardonnay) club. This wine proves that an affordable chardonnay can be made without losing everything that we seek in a chardonnay. This chardonnay is heavy with the aroma of apple, apricot. pineapple, along with notes of spice in the background. These fruit aromas carry over to the taste and then on to the finish where it ends in that special mouth feel that is the trademark of a better Chardonnay. Kn ot t y Vin es 2018 Pin ot Noir ($14.99). I saved this for last because it was the one that troubled me the most; the wine was very light in color. While Pinot Noir wines are normally a bit lighter in color than the other reds this one looked more like a dark rosĂŠ. It is not uncommon for pinot noir makers to add skins from a previous vintage or even the skins of other varieties to darken their wine. It appears that pinot noir wine lovers like their wines dark. The Knotty Vines 2018 Pinot Noir may not pass the color code but it is really and truly a pinot noir, and a very nice one at that. The wine opens with the traditional black cherry augmented by a very obvious aroma of pomegranate with vanilla and a suggestion of oak. The flavor reprises the aroma with the addition of plum, vanilla and just the right amount of oak. The finish is fresh and alive with summer dark berries and lasts for a very long time. This is a really interesting wine. I will be truthful, I approached this wine with the idea that it was some poor, weak imitation of a fine wine that I would not bother to write about because print space is too valuable to waste on junk. I must admit that I liked the wine and I was amazed that such quality would sell for such an affordable price. Forget the color, try this wine.


c o z ies...Co m f iest c l o t h es By Tiffany Ash @gld_gry The quarantine of 2020 took the comfiest clothes we all wear at home every day and created the most on trend (and cozy) outfits of the year. From tie-die to leopard print to stars galore, we have seen every print possible in the cozies we all love wearing. Here are a few of my favorite cozy pieces from quarantine. And I am here to tell ya ? I will not be putting them away anytime soon. Like, if we could make this cozy trend workplace appropriate, I would be here for it for sure! Wren + Glory offers all the coolest pieces all the time, so of course they would make even our sweatpants super rad. Known for their hand painted and highly unique jackets, these Maintain The Distance sweatpants are sending

a message that cozy sweats can be just as cool as distressed denim. We all love Daydreamer for their one-of-a-kind band tee?s. I have been obsessed with the label for a hot minute now and eagerly stalked their Instagram to see what kind of cozy pieces they would create for quarantine. The long, repetitive days of staying home can get boring and dull, so, I am obsessed with the colorful tie-die sweatshirts the brand recently released. The color blend combined with the soft, warmth of the sweatshirt has me snuggling in for a Netflix binge for sure.

Lastly, sets have been all the rage in quarantine. I guess if we are going to be stuck at home all day, we still want to match our shirt with our pants, right? Vintage Havana has the jogger sweat set game down for sure. I can envision so many ways to wear these pieces separately and together so why not get a little bang for your buck if you are planning to buy some new cozies?

xoxo ? Tif f an y



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Ph ot os by: Car ola Pix




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