The Volume 107, Number 6
Summer Alumni Edition
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Seniors hear retired general at 120th MMA graduation Missouri Military Academy seniors and their parents were encouraged by guest speaker Dr. George “Barney” Forsythe to “S.E.E. the Future” on Saturday, May 23, in Centennial Gymtorium. Dr. Forsythe, president of Westminster College in Fulton, Mo., a retired brigadier general and graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., offered the audience a mnemonic device (SEE) to guide them in the future: “provide Space to grow, Encourage to explore and emphasize Education for a lifetime.” He told the 120th Corps of Cadets he was “confident MMA has laid a solid foundation for further growth in college,” and complimented the seniors on accumulating hundreds of college acceptances and more than $2 million in grants and scholarships. Academy President MajGen Robert M. Flanagan welcomed the audience, recognized dignitaries and conducted presentation of principal awards. The Robert H. Weaver Award for unconditional efforts on behalf of MMA was awarded to Larry and Chu Woolery of Blue Springs, Mo., parents of cadets
Dr. George “Barney” Forsythe, left, president of Westminster College in Fulton, Mo., addresses the audience at the 2009 commencement exercises held Saturday, May 23, in Centennial Gymtorium. Right, Dean of Academics Lt. Col. Frank Giuseffi presents Class of 2009 valedictorian John T. Huang of Austin, Texas, with the James C. Olson Cup. (Photos by Steve Biggers)
Nick and Chris Helverson. MajGen Flanagan received a check for $3,186 to the MMA Development Fund from senior class president Anthony Wurl of Columbus, Ind., representing funds raised by class members during service projects. Mr. Bob Albright, ’49, was assisted by senior Delta Phi president Wurl in presentation the Abbott-Albright Faculty Award for Excellence to Lt. Col. Joe Ableman, mathematics instructor and three-time
winner. The award carries a $1,500 stipend. Col. Dana F. Reynard, bandmaster and director of music, won the Heimos Trophy for the faculty member voted by his peers to have done the most for the boys in 2008-09. The senior class valedictorian and winner of the James C. Olson Cup for senior scholarship was John T. Huang of Austin, Texas. The Legion of Honor and the Hooton Fellowship Cup were presented to
Battalion Commander Thomas Clubb of West Linn, Ore. High School Academic Dean Lt. Col. Frank Giuseffi presented the highest scholarship awards by grade to Huang; freshman Kyung Pyo Kim of Seoul, South Korea; sophomore Matthew Doughty of Jefferson City, Mo.; and junior Ty Armer of Austin, Texas. Richard Shear of Roswell, Ga., won the Dorsey Anderson, 1895, Cup for a Cadet Exhibiting a Gentlemanly Example.
Wurl was named winner of the Charles I. Wall, ’22, Cup for Service, Scholarship, Leadership and Character. For his leadership of Bravo Company, Dylan Waschkowski of Council Bluffs, Iowa, won the plaque for Outstanding Performance by a Company Commander. Jung Hun Han of Seoul, South Korea, was the winner of the ROTC Distinguished Service Award. Alex Yeakel of Muscatine,
See GRADUATION on p. 2
Left, Academy President MajGen Robert M. Flanagan presents Bravo Commander Dylan Waschkowski of Council Bluffs, Iowa, with the plaque for outstanding performance by a company commander. Right, the Abbott-Albright Award for Faculty Excellence was presented to math instructor Lt. Col. Joe Ableman by Mr. Bob Albright, ‘49, of Columbus, Ohio, and senior class president Anthony Wurl of Columbus, Ind. (Photos by Steve Biggers)
Now enrolling for 2009-10 academic year! Call 1.573.581.1776, extension 321.
MMA Eagle
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Seniors recognized at banquet, chronicle read The 26th MMA Senior Banquet recognized the 48 members of the 2009 graduating class on May 20 in Centennial Gymtorium. Senior class president Anthony Wurl was the master of ceremonies. Longest-tenured senior Stephen HasheeveSalvato of Bellaire, Texas, read the 2009 Senior Chronicle he had written, detailing how the class came together, and was presented with the Richard Cooper, ’82, Plaque for most tenured senior by Academy President MajGen Robert M. Flanagan. MMA Alumni Association vice president Bob Ernest, ’77, was the guest speaker. He joined Director of Residential Life Lt. Col. Paul E. Gillette, ’70, and Commandant of Cadets Lt. Col. Mark Vaughan in presenting officer commissions and other awards. The Col. Jerome G. Harris Cup for Soldierly Qualities was awarded to Devin Lang of Columbia, Ill. The William S. Lowe Trophy for a senior showing greatest overall development went to Nathaniel Brand of Geneva, Ill. Cody McCutcheon of Austin, Texas, was awarded the Col. Leon McConnell Korean
Established in 1900, the Missouri Military Academy Eagle is the nation’s longest-running student newspaper.
Academy President MajGen Robert M. Flanagan presents Devin Lang of Columbia, Ill., with the Col. Jerome G. Harris Cup for Soldierly Qualities, left, and congratulates most-tenured senior and writer of the 2009 Senior Chronicle Stephen Hasheeve-Salvato of Bellaire, Texas, right, with the Richard Cooper, ‘82, plaque. (Photos by Steve Biggers)
Trophy for a cadet officer who performs with diligence. Will Judice of The Woodlands, Texas, won the plaque for best senior athlete, and the Class of 1984 Unheralded Leader Plaque went to Hasheeve-Salvato. All seniors were presented with an MMA Alumni Association one-year membership card. Glenn Petty of Tipton,
Mo., led in the singing of “Old M.M.A.,” and Aldo Sanchez of Tamuin, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, provided the benediction. The 2009 senior class includes: Mauricio Alberto Alvarez, Froylan Arellano Ruiz, Jose Merced Benites, Drew A. Benoit, Robert G. Blue, Nathaniel A. Brand, Thomas S. Clubb, Ruben Diaz, Daniel Erickson, Hector
Esquer Mendez, Harold Alex Flynn, Lukas M. Goza, Jung Hun Han, Luke Harris, Stephen Hasheeve-Salvato, Michael Christopher Henderson, John T. Huang, William H. Judice, Jakob Jundi, Ki Min Kang, Hyung Woo Kim, Devin H. Lang, Jun Yong Lee, Kyu Won (David) Lee, Won Uk Lee, Travis A. Mattoon, Cody A. McCutcheon, Dennis Newman, Glenn A. Petty, Collin A. Reyn-
olds, Cesar A. Rivas Sanchez, Jorge Arturo Salva Concha, Aldo Sanchez, Reuben N. Senatore, Richard J. Shear, Christopher M. Storie, Mitchell S. Thomas, Ming Yen (Jack) Tsai, Peter R. Walters, Yang Wang, Dylan A. Waschkowski, Paul E. White, Derek B. Wilson, Kyle C. Witzel, Jung Soo Woo, Anthony S. Wurl, Feng Zhang and Wei Hao Zhou.
Clubb passes command to Lee
Reporters/Photographers A.J. Boren Clayton Johnson Yang Wang
Director of Publications Capt. Mark L. Elwood
Circulation assistants Ms. Brenda Simons Ms. Melissa Wilson
Faculty, other photographers Maj. Willis Kleinsorge, Capt. Marijo Lagemann, Steve Biggers of Biggers Studios, Mrs. Coetta Brashear, Capt. Kip Kimberley and Capt. Andy Craig ••• 204 Grand Street Mexico, Mo. 65265 (573) 581-1776, ext. 223 Contact: Capt. Mark L. Elwood at
2008-09 Battalion Commander Thomas Clubb of West Linn, Ore., right, passed the saber of command to 2009-10 Battalion Commanderdesignate Sung Chan (Daniel) Lee of Seoul, South Korea, during the Senior Review of Friday, May 22, as part of commencement weekend activities. (Photo by Steve Biggers)
GRADUATION, continued from p. 1 Iowa, was awarded the Fritsch Plaque and stipend for a junior exhibiting honor, good discipline and academic excellence. Junior Juan De Esesarte of Mexico City won the Red Ireland, ’41, Trophy for a Fighting Heart. Middle School Principal Lt. Col. Jona-
than P. Eastman presented primary sixththrough eighth-grade awards, including the Stribling Cup for Highest Efficiency in the Middle School to You Sung Han of Seoul, South Korea. The Sen. Christopher S. Bond Award for Outstanding Middle School Underclassman went to Patricio Rodriguez
of Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico. Winners of highest middle school scholarship by class were You Sung Han, eighth grade; Clayton Burkley of St. Louis and Cristo Hernandez of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, in the seventh grade; and Joseph Boettcher of Columbia, Mo., sixth grade.
MMA Eagle
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Numerous awards presented at annual Final Assembly on May 22 Numerous cadet honors were presented at the Final Assembly held May 22 in Centennial Gymtorium. Academy President MajGen Robert M. Flanagan presented company competition awards and named Echo as Honor Company under commander Dennis Newman of Climax, Mich. Highest Company Disciplinary Standing was won by Delta Company, Highest Scholastic Company Standing to Charlie, and Highest Company Military Standing to Echo. The Thomas R. Wiles Trophy for the company with the most spirit also was won by Echo, and the award for neatest quarters went to Delta. The Jack Meyers, ’39, Memorial Cup for Most Creative Cadet went to Hyung Woo Kim of Goyang, South Korea. The Steve Walker Memorial Award for Outstanding First-Year Cadet was presented to Richard Shear of Roswell, Ga. The Lt. Gov. Joe Maxwell Community Service Award was earned by Delta Company Commander Anthony Wurl. Dean of Academics Lt. Col. Frank Giuseffi presented the Sen. John C. Danforth Plaque for constitutional government to Wurl, of Columbus, Ind. The William F. Enright, ’37, Award for proficiency in business and computer studies was also won by Wurl. The Thomas F. Eagleton Plaque for Excellence in Senior English went to Will Judice of
Senior Aldo Sanchez of Tamuin, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, received the MP of the Year plaque from Senior Army Instructor Lt. Col. Harry Cunningham at the annual Final Assembly held Friday, May 22, in Centennial Gymtorium, in photo at left. Right, Echo Company Commander Dennis Newman of Climax, Mich. accepts the Honor Company trophy from Academy President MajGen Robert M. Flanagan. (Photos by Mrs. Coetta Brashear)
The Woodlands, Texas, and the Eagleton Junior English Award was won by Alex Yeakel of Muscatine, Iowa. The Eugene Lamm Memorial Award for most improved English as a second language student went to Orlando Ramos of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. Senior Mitchell Thomas of Los Angeles won the Maj. William Bryan Essay Medal for excellence in writing. The David Whitney, ’54, Conservation Plaque went to David Williams of Loveland, Ohio. Bandmaster Col. Dana F. Reynard presented several awards, including the Lt. Col. E.R. Jackson Music Award for service to the MMA program to
senior Thomas Clubb of West Linn, Ore. The Paul F. Cherches Memorial Award for most valuable bandsman went to Glenn Petty of Tipton, Mo. The Streep Brothers Band Awards and stipends for loyalty, active participation and good performance by band members went to senior Travis Mattoon of Colorado Springs, Colo.; junior Zhe Li of Hubei, China; and sophomore Nick Helverson of Blue Springs, Mo. Senior Army Instructor Lt. Col. Harry Cunningham presented five military department awards, including MP of the Year to senior Aldo Sanchez of Tamuin, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. The Master Sgt. Billy
Crawford Award for Military Courtesy was awarded to Luke Harris of St. Louis. The Military Order of the World Wars went to Yeakel. The Daughters of the American Revolution History Medal was presented to junior Ty Armer of Austin, Texas, and the U.S. Army Recruiting Command for JROTC Award went to senior Dylan Waschkowski of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Jorge Salva of Mexico City was named winner of the Amvets Medal for Diligence. The Association of the U.S. Army Medal for Determined Leadership went to Jakob Jundi of Munich, Germany. The ROTC Scottish Rite Award for LET2 went to Wen
Hsin Chang of Taipei, Taiwan. Director of Athletics Capt. Brian Maher presented the Babe Ruth Sportsmanship Award to Sanchez, and the Joe D. Bailey Award for Most Dedicated Varsity Athlete to senior Derek Wilson of Mt. Vernon, Ill. Director of Residential Life Lt. Col. Paul E. Gillette, ’70, presented the Richard Hall Memorial Award for an underclassman exemplifying a gentleman to junior Roman Cepeda of Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico. The Class of 1968 Freshman Leadership Award went to Johanan Mansur, also of Torreon.
Final designations tap battalion leaders for 2009-10 Battalion officer designates for 2009-10 were announced at a front campus formation in late May. Named battalion commander designate is Sung Chan (Daniel) Lee of Seoul, South Korea. Battalion executive officer designate is Roman Cepeda of Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico. Battalion staff members include: Ty Armer of Austin, Texas, battalion sergeant major; Sean Hurst of St. Louis, Mo., S-1; Ji Hyeong Lee of Gyungkido, South Korea, S-2; Luis Gonzalez of San Diego, Calif., S-3; Eduardo Benites of Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico, S-4; and Zhe Li of Hubei, China, band commander/S-5. Company commander designates are: James Irwin of Punta Gorda, Fla., Bravo Company; Sea Jun Kang of Kyunggi-Do, South Korea, Charlie Company; Alexander Yeakel of Muscatine, Iowa, Delta Company;
and Juan De Esesarte of Mexico City, Echo Company. Platoon leader designates included: Felix Navarette of Goodyear, Ariz.; Joo Eun Kim of Seoul, South Korea; David Williams of Loveland, Ohio; Tarik Aguilera of Miami, Fla.; Aaron Boren of Jackson, Tenn.; Si Chan Law of Seoul; Tyler Humphrey of South Elgin, Ill.; Jia Huan Liu of Heibei, China; Jesus Martinez of San Pedro Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon, Mexico; Jose Porras of Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico; Austin Scott of Sikeston, Mo.; and Huan Zhao of Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. Luis Marcano of Maracaibo, Venezuela, was named drum major. The 2009-10 battalion announcer and color guard commander will be named in the fall.
Designates for 2009-10 form up next to their predecessors in a May front campus ceremony as Battalion S-1 Won Uk Lee of Seoul, South Korea, reads the traditional final order with new designations and final promotions. (Photo by Capt. Andy Craig)
MMA Eagle
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Middle School presents final awards of 2008-09 year The final honors of the 2008-09 MMA Middle School year were presented May 22 in Memorial Chapel. The Hal Heyman AllAmerican Boy Award went to Clayton Johnson of Uvalde, Texas, and the Paul Petit Plaque for international relations was shared by You Sung Han of Seoul, South Korea, and Wesley Ying of Springfield, Mo. Han also won the Petit Fellowship Cup, the Col. Derrill S. Kuhlman Award and the Best Platoon Sergeant Award. Han and Alan Chapa of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, were named winners of the Rotary Leaders of Tomorrow Award and stipend. The Rotary Service Above Self Award went to Quinn Gutshall of Urbandale, Iowa. Piper Barracks Award winners were Chapa and Ying Zhi Li of Beijing, China. The Col. Jerome G. Harris Shield for Most Soldierly Cadet was shared by Chris Helverson of Blue Springs, Mo., Josh Pearson of St. Robert, Mo., and Juan Carlos Zepeda of Mexico City. The G. David Bailey Discipline Trophy was won by Nick
Middle School Principal Lt. Col. Jonathan P. Eastman presents the Hal Heyman All-American Boy plaque to Clayton Johnson of Uvalde, Texas, in Memorial Chapel during the annual Middle School Final Assembly on May 22, at left. In right photo, Commandant of Cadets Lt. Col. Mark Vaughan presents You Sung Han of Seoul, South Korea, with the Best Platoon Sergeant Award. Han also won several other honors. (Photos by Mrs. Coetta Brashear)
Freeman of Tulsa, Okla. Mauricio Chico of Mexico City was named winner of the Most Dedicated Drama Student Award. The Accelerated Reader Program Top Reader Award went to George Chase of Manchester, Vt. Winners of the President’s Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement were Ying and Andres Navarro of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. The President’s Award for Academic Excellence went to Chapa, Han and Sergio Elizondo of
Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Elizondo also won the Richard White Most Improved Plaque and the Faculty Plaque for Leadership, Cooperation and Loyalty. Science Fair winner medals were awarded to Gutshall, Helverson, John Dillon of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Jack Meyer of Mt. Washington, Ky. Patricio Rodriguez of Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico, was named winner of the Maj. George L. Piper Outstanding
Middle School Athlete Award. Twenty-nine eighth-graders were promoted to the MMA High School, including Walker Allen of Germantown, Tenn.; Chapa; Ting Yuan Chen of Magong, Taiwan; Jerry Craven of Mt. Ida, Ark.; Dillon; Marcelo Domene of San Pedro Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon, Mexico; Quinton Eldridge of Mt. Zion, Ill.; Elizondo; Rodrigo Frangie of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; Juan Gonzalez of San Pedro Garza Garcia; Gutshall; Han; Helver-
Benoit, Doughty win at Wallace Fry Speech Contest The 77th Annual W. Wallace Fry Jr., 1903, Public Speaking Contest was held before a large graduation weekend crowd in Centennial Gymtorium on May 21. Senior Drew Benoit of Osterville, Mass., won the Wallace Fry Cup for Excellence in Public Speaking for his speech, “For the Love of Money, Not Baseball!” The Winston Churchill Memorial Award for most persuasive speech was won by Matthew Doughty of Jefferson City, Mo., who spoke on “War on the Border: The Drug War in Mexico.” The Winston Churchill Award is presented by Westminster College of Fulton, Mo. Other finalists and their topics were: Alan Chapa of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, on “The War in Iraq;” Nathaniel Brand of Geneva, Ill., on “The Issue of Legal Bribery;” Martin Michael of Palos Verdes Estates, Calif., on “The Current Crisis of Illegal Immigration;” Matthew Reindel of Clive, Iowa, on
From left, judge Louis Leonatti of Mexico; judge Kathy Craighead of Mexico; Winston Churchill Award winner Matthew Doughty of Jefferson City, Mo.; Wallace Fry Cup for Excellence in Public Speaking winner Drew Benoit of Osterville, Mass., judge Dr. Gregory Smith of Mexico; and Dean of Academics Lt. Col. Frank Giuseffi, contest proctor, pause for a photo after the 77th Annual W. Wallace Fry Jr., 1903, Public Speaking Contest on May 21 in Centennial Gymtorium. (Photo by Capt. Kip Kimberley)
“Looking at Evolution in Education;” Gabriel Villasenor of Downers Grove, Ill., on “Curriculum Dilemma: Teaching Religion in Public Schools;” and Alexander Yeakel of Indianapolis, Ind., on “Looking at
the Economic Downfall of the United States.” Judges for the contest were Dr. Gregory Smith, professor of English at William Woods University; veteran English and journalism instructor Ms.
Kathy Craighead of Mexico, Mo.; and Mr. Louis Leonatti, attorney at Leonatti & Baker, P.C., in Mexico. Dean of Academics Lt. Col. Frank Giuseffi was master of ceremonies.
son; Shane Henderson of Smiths Grove, Ky.; Gonzalo Ibarra of Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico; Johnson; Jafar Mansur of Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico; Meyer; Navarro; Christian Osborne of Fort Worth, Texas; Jake Peters of Mokena, Ill.; Juan Pablo Sada of Mexico City; Zachary Sansone of Wildwood, Mo.; Curtis Saunders of Beckley, W.Va.; Tadeo Trevino of Monterrey; Jaime Wolkoff of Mission, Texas; Ying; and Zepeda.
Superior Cadet winners named
Superior Cadet awards for excellence in Leadership Education Training courses were presented at the May 10 Sunday battalion review in the MMA Fieldhouse. Winners of the awards were: LET1 – Austin Scott of Sikeston, Mo.; LET2 Kyle Perkinson of St. Louis, Mo.; LET3 Roman Cepeda of Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico; and LET4 – Dylan Waschkowski of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Also presented were four other Military Department awards: Sung Chan (Daniel) Lee of Seoul, South Korea, was named winner of the Military Officers Association of America JROTC Medal; Alexander Yeakel of Muscatine, Iowa, won the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Award; the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Award went to Wen Hsin Chang of Taipei, Taiwan; and the Sons of the American Revolution JROTC Award was presented to Johanan Mansur of Torreon.
MMA Eagle
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Scholarships, grants exceed $2 million
MMA sophomore Kyle Perkinson, left, of St. Louis, was named battalion commander at the JROTC Cadet Leadership Camp, June 1-6, at Camp Clark in Nevada, Mo. (Courtesy photo)
The Class of 2009 at Missouri Military Academy earned a record $2,028,990 in college scholarships and grants. The number doubles the previous year’s tally and is the highest total in the academy’s 120-year history. The academy’s previous record, set by the Class of 2008, was $1.07 million in college grants and scholarships. Despite being two-thirds the size of the previous graduating class, Class of 2009 graduates received an average $46,113 per senior, nearly tripling the per capita in 2008. It had been reported in the previous issue of The Eagle that the record had been set. Cresting $2 million and the final count make it a banner accomplishment for the Academy and the senior class. “Rebuilding MMA as a scholarly academy is paying our students big dividends when they enter college. Most of our cadets see large rewards from our advanced college preparatory curriculum, small class sizes and individual atten-
tion in a structured environment,” said Maj. Gen. Robert M. Flanagan, USMC (Ret.), Academy President. “MMA’s unique mix of developing the scholar, athlete and leader with a strong international presence on campus is getting recognized by colleges across the United States. MMA is also an excellent place to start for those young men who want to become military officers,” said Lt. Col. Tim Scherrer, Director of College Placement and Counseling. Lt. Col. Scherrer continued, “We expect continued success in placing our cadets in top colleges and universities because of our academic strength and values-based character development.” For more information about Missouri Military Academy, contact Lt. Col. Roger L. Hill, Director of Admissions, at 1.573.581.1776, or e-mail him at
Perkinson is named BC at leadership camp Fine arts awards presented at program Kyle Perkinson of Missouri Military Academy, a St. Louis resident, earned the rank of battalion commander during the JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge at Camp Clark in Nevada, Mo., June 1-6. Perkinson worked his way up to the top spot, commanding more than 250 cadets, after starting out as a platoon leader. While at camp he was awarded the Excellence in Leadership Medal, the B Company Leadership Award and several other achievement certificates. “We are very proud to have Kyle represent MMA in this capacity,” said Lt. Col. James E. Medley, MMA Executive Officer and Director of Alumni Relations. “Given Kyle’s exemplary performance as a cadet, we are not surprised by his outstanding achievements at camp.” Perkinson was one of several MMA cadets who attended the camp. He also participated in Sea Cadets Camp at MMA and the Navy Sea Cadet Advanced Training EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) in South Carolina over the summer. He represented the school at the Sophomore Pilgrimage in Jefferson City, Mo., in April.
Fine arts awards for 200809 were presented by department instructors at the Festival of the Arts performance held Saturday, May 9, in Centennial Gymtorium. The Art Achievement Award for the high school went to senior Ki Min Kang of South Korea, and Capt. Marijo Lagemann presented the Middle School Art Achievement Award to You Sung Han of Seoul, South Korea. Senior Bobby Blue of Council Bluffs, Iowa, was the recipient of the Creative Arts Award. Capt. Jonathan Griffin presented the Stribling Dramateeer
Award to senior Tom Clubb of West Linn, Ore., and the Most Versatile Dramateer went to senior Anthony Wurl of Columbus, Ind. The Lyle C. Wilson Journalism Award went to junior Aaron Boren of Jackson, Tenn., and Capt. Mark L. Elwood named senior Yang Wang as recipient of the Pearl Green Whitney Journalism Award for his contributions to the yearbook and Eagle newspaper. The Philip Russell Outstanding First-Year Contribution to Cadet Chorus Award went to sophomore Nick Helverson of Blue Springs,
Mo., and Capt. Michael Shoemaker presented the Outstanding Cadet Chorus Member Award to junior Luis Marcano of Maracaibo, Venezuela. Senior Travis Mattoon of Colorado Springs, Colo., won the Sousa Award for Outstanding Contribution to the MMA Band, and junior Zhe Li of Hubei, China, was the winner of the Excellence in Music Award. Bandmaster Col. Dana F. Reynard presented the CrainJorishie Jazz Musician Award to Marcano, and White Jazz Musician Award to Hyuk Woo Choi of Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.
MMA scholars honored at banquet
Montgomery makes state meet
The MMA Scholastic Honors Banquet was held in the MMA Dining Hall on May 6, and featured recognition of National Honor Society and Delta Phi members. The banquet marked the 80th anniversary of Delta Phi at MMA, and the second year of the NHS chapter. Guest speaker was Mr. A.J. Probst, director of the Advanced Technology Center in Mexico and a retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army. He spoke on the importance of character and education complimenting each other. Senior Anthony Wurl was awarded the Eugene B. Lamm Plaque by Col. Charles R. Stribling III, ’44. Members of National Honor Society, sponsored by Maj. Michael Pemberton, include Ty Armer, Roman Cepeda, Luis Gonzalez, John Huang, treasurer Ki Min
Colonels junior Julian Montgomery of Chicago, Ill., finished tied for fifth place among 16 entries in the high jump at the Class 3 State Track and Field Championships held May 28 at Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Mo. Montgomery jumped 6 feet, 2 inches. “His accomplishment is admirable, as he was competing despite a nagging lower leg injury,” said MMA track coach
MMA cadets receiving First Division ratings and medals -- the highest rating achievable in the state of Missouri -- at the State Music Festival held on the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, Mo., on April 30 were Zhe Li, piano solo, and Clay Samuelson, clarinet solo, accompanied by Maj. Peggy Reynard “Advancing to the State
Julian Montgomery of Chicago, Ill., leapt 6-2 and reached the state track meet for the second straight year for the Colonels. (Photo by Capt. Andy Craig)
Maj. Lawrence McClarey. “This is the second year in a row that Julian has qualified for the state high jump championships. “Julian was well-coached this track season by jumps coach Capt. Ousseynou Samb. Julian plans to attend a high jump camp in Indianapolis this summer, and I look forward to having him on the track team next spring.”
Kang, Hyung Woo Kim, Si Chan Law, secretary Kyu Won (David) Lee, president Won Uk Lee, Zhe Li, Glenn Petty, vice president Dylan Waschkowski and Anthony Wurl. Delta Phi full members are Armer, Alan Chapa, Clubb, Matt Doughty, secretary Hyung Woo Kim, Kyung Pyo Kim, Law, Jun Hyeok Lee, Kyu Won (David) Lee, Won Uk Lee, Petty, Waschkowski, Jung Soo Woo and president Wurl. Dean of Academics Lt. Col. Frank Giuseffi is the Delta Phi sponsor. Academy President MajGen Robert M. Flanagan presented senior keys to Clubb, Hyung Woo Kim, Kyu Won Lee, Won Uk Lee, Petty, Waschkowski, Wurl, Ki Min Kang, John Huang and Woo.
Colonels’ entries perform well at State Music Festival Music Festival is extremely difficult and an honor for all musicians,” said MMA Director of Music Col. Dana F. Reynard. “Making a First Division rating at the state level shows true dedication and skill. MMA should be exceptionally proud of the accomplishments of these young men.” Luis Marcano received a Division Three rating on his
vocal solo, accompanied by Capt. Mike Shoemaker. Those receiving Division Two ratings and medals were Siheng Lei, piano solo; Travis Mattoon, euphonium solo, accompanied by Maj. Reynard; Stephen Myers, baritone saxophone solo, accompanied by Maj. Reynard; and Zhoumengyang Sun, piano solo.
MMA Eagle
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
MMA Summer Alumni News McHenry, ’42, follows the progress of alma mater
John McHenry, ’42, celebrates his 67th anniversary of MMA graduation in retirement in Peoria, Ariz. He has three children and seven grandchildren, and is very proud of grandson Connor McHenry, who is a two-time Missouri Amateur golf champion and is on a golf scholarship at Wichita State University. “I enjoy reading The Eagle, and take pride in the progress of the Academy and Corps of Cadets,” he said. E-mail him at jmchenry2@
*** John Coultis, ’43, is helping to organize a reunion of alumni and parents in the Wichita area. Interested attendees are urged to contact him at 161 S. Oliver, Wichita, Kan. 67281. *** The service of Joe Parks, ’43, as U.S. Army platoon leader in World War II is the subject of a special article in the Bennington (Vt.) Banner, profiling WWII veterans in the area. “Parks found life bearable at Missouri Military Academy, one of the nation’s premier military boarding schools. After graduation, he was sent directly to Army Officer Candidate School in Ft. Benning, Ga., where he was commissioned as second lieutenant at 18 years of age,” the article quotes. *** Michael Lombardo, ’44, is
Alumni e-mail addresses sought Missouri Military Academy would like all alumni to ensure that their e-mail address is current and correct in the MMA database, in order to improve contact information and Web connections. The Eagle is now available on-line in .pdf format at the newly redesigned MMA Web site. Those interested in reading the publication on their computer should send their e-mail address to Mrs. Kathy Diederich at kdie@mma.mexico. to be included in a group e-mail that will announce the most recent Eagle issue as it posts.
Gale, ’45, shares photo memories
Alumni Notes 1942-1949 living with his daughter and two granddaughters at 1701 Carmen Valley Drive, Ballwin, Mo. 63021, with tentative plans to move to the Missouri Veterans Home in Mexico. He hopes to hear from classmates. *** Responding to the news of the death of Col. E.R. Jackson, L.E. Schneiter Jr., ’44, writes “I have many fond memories of MMA, my classmates, and of course Col. C.R. Stribling Jr., who was very special to me. I lost my wife five years ago to cancer, but my children are close and give me comfort.” Write him at 1510 North Union, Shawnee, Okla. 74801. *** Col. Tim Donovan, ’47, is one of six who are 30-year or more members of the MidMissouri Chapter of the Retired Officers Association in Columbia, Mo. *** Les Barnard, ’48, 1502 Brassie, Flossmoor, Ill. 60422, commends the recent Chicago area alumni rally hosted by R. Stribling Koster. “I have a photo of the new Barnard Hall, and am impressed and happy to be a part of it,” he said. *** After a recent visit to the Academy, Tom Brennan, ’48, writes “What a difference from 1942, when I first landed in the Junior School! You have created an outstanding venue! The growth of the school is nothing short of incredible, and such success is its own reward. My MMA years helped in getting a commission in the United States Air Force and admission to Dartmouth, Michigan and Harvard Business School.” His address is 7966 Meridian Hill Lane, Indianapolis, Ind. 46240. *** Robert Albright, ’49, 655 Providence Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43214, was on campus twice in recent months to present the Class of 1949 Saber and the Abbott-Albright Award for Faculty Excellence. ***
Norman Gale, ’45, went straight from MMA graduation to a second lieutenant position in the infantry, and is seen here, far right, with the band of the 7th Division during the occupation of South Korea in the late 1940s. He later returned for the Korean Conflict, attending the University of Massachusetts-Lowell in-between. His brother Alan also attended MMA in 1945. They are pictured together in photo above. (Courtesy photos)
Buy a beam to support our new academic building... Your name will go up in history!
Support MMA’s new state of the art academic building by “buying” a Support Beam with a gift of $1,000 or more to the Academic Building Fund. Pledges can be paid in one, two or three years. Every donor or group purchase of $1,000 or more will receive a commemorative crystal “Beam Owner” award and will have their name engraved on a memorial in the new academic building. Don’t wait - the opportunity will only be available if you pledge your support in time for the ribbon cutting ceremony in October 2009! For more information or to participate, call the Ofce of Development at 573.581.1776, visit or tear off the form below and mail it to: MMA Ofce of Development, 204 N. Grand St., Mexico, MO 65265.
BUY A BEAM FORM PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: ________________________________________________ Alum? ________________ What years? ____________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________
PLEDGE INFORMATION Amount of pledge: $_______________ ($1,000 minimum) I would like to pay this pledge over _____ one year _____ two years ______three years Amount enclosed: $___________
PAYMENT INFORMATION ____ Cash or check payable to Missouri Military Academy enclosed Credit Card Gifts: Please charge $_______ to my credit card. VISA
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MMA Eagle
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
1889 Society honors contributors By Christine Smith Director of Development
The 1889 Society, established to recognize significant and loyal contributions on behalf of our alumni, parents and friends, is among Missouri Military Academy’s most prestigious donor societies and recognizes individuals whose cumulative gifts total $50,000 or more. Missouri Military Academy is proud to introduce the newest members of the 1889 Society in recognition of their ongoing support for MMA: Garnett and Caroline Carnahan – Garnett and Caroline have supported MMA since their son Hugh Carnahan ’08 first attended MMA as a fourth-grader. They alternate homes in Nixa, Mo., and China throughout the year. The family has supported a variety of projects and programs over the years, and continues to actively assist the Academy as a liaison to MMA’s Asian families. John ’42 and Dorothy McHenry – John, a graduate of Missouri Military Academy, has loyally supported his alma mater for more than 30 years. His Annual Fund gift supports the ongoing success of Missouri Military Academy. He and his wife currently reside in Peoria, Ariz. (Photo not available.) Chuck Foley ’53 – Chuck is an avid and loyal supporter of Missouri Military Academy programs who takes particular interest in the Academy’s athletics by supporting the football and golf teams. Chuck and his wife, Marilane, live in Pittsburgh, Pa., and Panama City, Fla. Don Vaughn ’54 and James Vaughn ’78 – Don truly made a difference at MMA last year
Chuck Foley, ’53
Don Vaughn, ’54 when he approached Academy President MajGen Robert M. Flanagan with an offer to help fund the air conditioning of Centennial Gymtorium. The project is now complete, thanks to the Vaughns’ generosity and foresight. Don and his wife, Moira, live in The Woodlands, Texas, and James resides in Kingwood, Texas. The Academy inducts new members annually, typically during Homecoming and Fall Family Weekend. For more information, contact Mrs. Smith, Director of Development at 1.573.581.1776, or csmi@mma.
Gosnell, 2001, earns Bronze Star
Luke Gosnell, 2001, left, receives the Bronze Star for his service in Afghanistan. He is a graduate of New Mexico Military Institute and Western Illinois University. (Courtesy photo)
Garnett and Caroline Carnahan of Nixa, Mo., pictured with their children, are among the newest members of the 1889 Society at Missouri Military Academy. Hugh Carnahan, ’08, is back row center. (Courtesy photo)
The 1889 Society
Year of Membership
Milton and Marjorie Adler Robert C. Albright, Jr. ’49 Dr. and Mrs. Olin N. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Austin Susan and Michael Bozarth Garnett and Caroline Carnahan The Chance Foundation Commerce Bancshares Foundation Robert C. Crouse ’39 The Davison Family Antonio Exsome-Nahum* Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Feutz ’41 Charles L. Foley ’53 Robert S. Gaiswinkler ’49 David B. Hill ’75 The Estate of Glenn L. Hodson* Mr. and Mrs. Gaylon Jackson ’61 Rene’ ’50 and Barbara Males John H. McHenry ‘42 Dr. and Mrs. Barry Merrill Mr. and Mrs.Jeff Nedblake ’77 The Peak Memorial Trust Gerri Pratt Dr. Theodore Saydyk Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles* Selecman Col. Charles R. Stribling III ’44 Marjorie Sundmacher Miss Dorothy Trump* The Estate of Hal and Donna Walker* Howard and Karen Wegman The Estate of June H. White* Robert M. White* III ’33
Charter Member 1998 1989 1989 2007 2008 1995 1991 1992 1991 1984 1998 2008 1997 2003 2002 1998 1998 2008 1988 2007 2008 2004 1986 1997 1982 1995 1997 2005 2003 1999 1982
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Gaiswinkler, ’49, is corporation chairman Robert S. Gaiswinkler, ’49, is chairman of the board of Dilligaf Limited, an international corporation, and can be reached at 19850 Beach Road, Jupiter Island, Fla. 33469. *** Jim Stephens, ’49, is making plans to attend his 60th anniversary reunion at Homecoming on Oct. 2, 2009. He stays in contact with fellow alumni Ross Fernstrum, ’47; Jack Logan, ’48; and others who were at MMA in ’49, like Harry Olson, Bob Major and Joe Cracchiolo. *** Ned Ribback, ’55, 9818 Cavell Circle, Bloomington, Minn. 55438-1982, is commended for his consistent philanthropy, marking each year since his graduation from the Academy. *** Gilbert E. Kroeger, ’57, is enjoying golf and travel in his retirement. “See you at Homecoming 2009!” he wrote. He laments the passing of former staffers Col. E.R. Jackson and Col. Derrill Kuhlman. “MMA cadets were blessed to have them as mentors, teachers and friends,” he said. He may be reached at 15016 Woodcliffe Circle, Kearney, Mo. 640609209, or e-mail nanakro@ *** Among the attendees at the service for Col. Elmer Jackson in Memorial Chapel in March was Doug Varnes, ’60, 1152 W. Farwell Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 60626-3859. *** John Carleton, ’69, retired after 16 years as principal after 31 years in education in Warsaw North Elementary and Ruth Mercer Elementary in Warsaw, Mo. He earned a bachelor of science degree, master’s and specialist degrees at the University of Missouri. He is a recovering cancer patient, married 35 years and the parent of two children. His address is P.O. Box 572, Warsaw, Mo. 65355. *** Albert B. Chance, ’71, is vice-chairman of the Chance Foundation, 123 N. Rollins, Centralia, Mo. 65240. *** E. Gil Gushin, ’73, of Spring, Texas, is an elected offi-
MMA Eagle
Alums gather in ‘Phoenix valley’
Alumni Notes 1949-1988 cial in Harris County, serving as Republican precinct chairman and vice president of the Houston Claim Association Board of Directors. He is considering a run for county commissioner in Precinct 4. “I miss MMA, and wish I would have taken advantage of all I could have while I was there,” he said. He resides at 9311 Wandsworth Drive in Spring, 77379; or call 1.281.881.1992. *** Price K. Laird, ’80, is the staff archaeologist for TRC Solutions, and resides at 165-A N. Broad St., Winder, Ga. 30680. He was married to Emily Kate Tucker on Oct. 25, 2008, in Warren, Pa. Classmates Greg Parker and Eric Groussman were groomsmen. *** Gregory Urdaneta, ’84, 8431 NW 114th Court, Doral, Fla. 33178, writes, “MMA helped me to be responsible, respectful and persistent, and to achieve my goals.” He founded a military and security company, G&G Security Specialist, providing security and training services for many police departments, military, private companies and individuals, including Julio Borges, a presidential candidate in 2006. *** Edyardo Garza-Rios, ’85, is director of Identity Hotels, which represents international hotels in Spain. He can be reached at egarzarios@yahoo. com *** Bill Battle, ’86, was presented the National Athletic Trainers Association Excellence in Sports Medicine Award on May 3 at the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association 50th Awards in Salisbury, N.C. Battle is sports editor of the Washington (Mo.) Missourian. He said he much appreciates Lt. Scott Spangler, “who guided me through my high school journalism and sent me on the way to my eventual career.” *** The new address for Tod Thompson, ’88, is 3108 Adele Court, Joplin, Mo. 64804. ***
Left to right, Bill Gant (’71), Rick Stoddard (’72), Ralph Dollinger (’47), Ross Fernstrum (’47), Bill Berkhoff (’73) and Tom Mullen (’74) got together for a “Phoenix valley” reunion of MMA alumni on March 14. “We had an enjoyable lunch full of plenty of stories and catching up. It was very interesting listening to Ross and Ralph share stories of when they were cadets with Col. Stribling,” said Mullen. (Courtesy photo)
Homecoming 2009 slated for Oct. 2-4, 2009 MMA will welcome alumni and friends back to campus Oct. 2-4 for the annual Homecoming festivities. Friday’s scheduled events include a golf outing, a trip to the Churchill Museum in Fulton, Mo., and a barbeque for all classes. Saturday events consist of the alumni awards ceremony, battalion review and drilldown, a football game against Metro East Lutheran High School and the annual Dinner Dance held at the Elks Lodge. The Academy will also dedicate the new academic building during Homecoming 2009 on Saturday, Oct. 3, at noon. A picnic lunch will follow the dedication and ribbon-cutting. For more information, or to volunteer to help with the events, contact Lt. Col. James E. Medley at jmed@, or 1.573.581.1776, extension 231.
Sawyer quoted in USA Today Missouri Military Academy Chaplain the Rev. Randall Sawyer was among local residents quoted prominently in a USA Today article in May about the economy of Midwest communities. Part of a series, the May article focused on Mexico, Mo., but did not mention MMA, one of the community’s oldest businesses and biggest employers.
For more information, contact Lt. Col. James E. Medley at 1.573.581.1776, or
MMA Eagle
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Faculty, staff members recognized for service to MMA
CSM Charles Williams (10 years), Dr. Peter Ekern (40 years), Lt. Col. Joe Ableman (25), Maj. Bill Chrismer (20), Lt. Col. Henry Matlosz (20), Col. Dana F. Reynard (20), Mr. Doug Scott (20), Lt. Col. Paule E. Gillette (15), ’70, Mr. Ray Heaton (10), Maj. Syl Mansfield (10), Maj. Lawrence McClarey (10), Capt. Chris Hagan (5), Sgt. Maj. Bill Blackaby (5), Capt. Keith Morgan (5) and Ms. Melissa Wilson (5) were recognized for their years of service to Missouri Military Academy during May 17 battalion review on Colonels Field. Not pictured is Staff Sgt. James Wheeler (5). Williams retired at the conclusion of the academic year. (Photo by Capt. Kip Kimberley)
Army promotes Todd Johnson, ’89, to lieutenant colonel
Todd Alex Johnson, ’89, was promoted to lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army. He is assigned to the Seventh Army in Campbell Barracks, Germany, and has been in the military for 17 years. He received his bachelor’s degree from Westminster College in Fulton, Mo., in 1994. *** Jason S. Polliard, ’90, has moved from Denver to Los Angeles to Kitty Hawk, N.C., to Macon, Ga., and back to Denver. He attended Purdue University, 1990-96. E-mail him at coloradowolf@inbox. com *** Michael “Ace” Aubuchon, ’94 valedictorian, is the lead designer for the U.S. Army’s video game, “America’s Army,” in Emeryville, Calif., and has been with that project since the game’s first release in 2002. He is currently working on the next generation “America’s Army 3” for release later this year. Contact him at *** Matthew K. Greene, ’96, announced the birth of his first child, Bennett, on Nov. 30, 2008. He now resides at 163 Hopper Lane, Folsom, Calif. 95630, or e-mail wolfxxi@msn. com *** Grantland Gamster, ’97, lives on a 300-acre farm with his wife and three children in Tunnel Hill, Ill. Contact him at ***
Alumni Notes 1989-2004 Luke Metcalf, ’97, has been on the Verizon Wireless Internet technology network team for 10 years. He has a 17-month-old son and has been married for three years. His address is 3943 Canyon Road, Granville, Ohio 43023. *** Carlos A. Carrillo, ’03, is attending San Francisco State University, majoring in interna-
tional business. He plays bass in a rock band, the Napoleon Complex. He can be reached at, or call 1.619.210.4782. *** Jorge Hernandez, ’04, is finishing his college major in marketing in Mexico City. He operates his own steel and copper scrap business, and makes electric transformers part-time in his family business. His e-mail address is jorhdez@
Michael Aubuchon, ’94
Lt. Col. Todd Johnson, ’89
THE HERITAGE CLUB Those who will leave a lasting legacy by remembering MMA in their will or trust.
Chairman: Robert C. Albright ’49 Col. John ’46 & Mrs. Gaiol Boltz Louis Bruni Loren Cornick Michael Dalton ’59 George ’68 & Patricia Davison Gene Durand Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. Dyer Bob ’48 & Carol Edman Max Eilers ’70 Jack ’49 & Judy Fritsch Trent W. Frohock William ’71 & Claudia Gant Dr. Camilo Guerrero Bill ’72 & Jan Hedger Todd Helm ’80 Carl & Irma Hollrah Patricia Isaacs Mackie ’55 & Evelyn Johnston Ben Jones ’50 John ’72 & Jennifer Josendale Dr. Huston & Mrs. Eleanor Kellogg Randall Kelly ’89 Ron & Susan Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Julian Kite
Dr. Joseph Koster R. Stribling Koster Lester Krupp Steven Layne ’61 Glen ’54 & Mary Marose Lt. Col. Jim & Mrs. Sherry Medley David Merkle ’57 Roger Mick Bill ’42 & Betty Ogg Steven Palm ’63 Paul ’82 & Veronica Petit Charles Pickett Jr. ’53 Edward ’85 & Genevieve Razim Thomas Richmond ’51 Dale Rollings Dr. Theodore & Mrs. Mary Lou Saydyk Barbara Selecman Lynn ’58 & Jackie Shaw Col. & Mrs. Charles R. Stribling III ’44 B.J. ’50 & Bonnie Vermillion John L. Walker Jr. ’61 Randolph Walling Douglas & Nancy Ward Richard A. White ’47
Contact the Office of Development for more information on becoming a member of the Heritage Club. 573.581.1776 or
Structure for Learning ... Leadership for Life! July Admissions Travel July 12 - 25 CPT Brian Maher will visit with families in Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky July 12 - 20 CPT Sam Blair will visit with families in Southern California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah July 19 - 27 CPT Andy Craig will visit with families in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina July 19 - 27 MAJ Dennis Diederich will visit with families in Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan July 19 - 27 CPT Michael Shoemaker will visit with families in Oklahoma, Northern Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana 573.581.1776
MMA Eagle
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Former cadets, faculty member, staffer’s mother pass their final review James C. “J.C.” Springer, ’35, died Dec. 3, 2007. He was a World War II prisoner of war, and attended the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. He worked for Spartan, Boeing and Lockheed. Memorials may be made to MMA in his honor. *** Lt. Col. (U.S. Army Air Corps retired) Sheldon “Shel” Kirsner, ’37, died May 28 in St. Louis. He was a U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., graduate. He was a pilot instructor and base civil engineer in 28 years in the U.S. Air Force. He had one of the largest collections of military insignia in the nation, which was donated to the St. Louis County Parks Commission Museum at Jefferson Barracks. *** John H. Nesselrode, M.D., ’40, died Oct. 30, 2004, in Prairie Village, Kan. He was a graduate of the University of Missouri and University of Pennsylvania. He was a surgeon and physician, and served in the military in World War II and the Korean Conflict. *** Frederick P. Schoenfeld, ’44, of Mission Hills, Kan., died June 18, and was buried at Rose Hill Cemetery. He graduated from the University of Missouri, and was full- or part-owner of Greenwoods Restaurant Equipment, Select Brands Distributing Company, Select Awards and Lucky Strike Lanes bowling alley, among others. He was an Eagle Scout and served in the U.S. Navy. He was on the board of numerous entities, including the National Small Business Association. He is survived by his wife, Margaret. *** Donald Silkman, ’45, died May 14 at his home in Murray, Ky. He was a farmer and U.S. Army veteran. He graduated from Iowa State University. *** J. Carl Ellston, ’46, died May 13, 2008, in Exeter, Mo. He was a Washington University grad and earned his master’s of business administration degree from the University of Missouri. He taught at several universities and was a former president of the Bank
of Exeter.
*** George H. Means Jr., ’47, died Aug. 28, 2007, in Tiverton, R.I. *** William J. Upton Jr., ’48, died in November 2008 near Socorro, N.M. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean Conflict, and worked in the banking business. *** Meade J. Monroe, ’52, of Bradenton, Fla., died in May 2007, according to his wife, Maureen. *** The death of classmate Frederick “Sonny” Schmidt, ‘53, was reported by Chuck Foley. *** Robert P. Samples, ’55, died March 18 at his home in
‘Final Review’ Sun City, Ariz. He attended MMA from sixth grade through graduation as Charlie Company Commander. He served in the U.S. Army, and later returned to MMA as assistant commandant and commandant of cadets for more than 20 years. He was buried in Peoria, Ill. He was honored by the 120th Corps of Cadets with a special order and “Taps” on March 30. Donations may be made to the MMA Alumni Association in his name. *** Herschel A. Stults Jr., ’56, died May 27 in Springfield, Ill., where his wife, Sandra, survives him. He was president and chief engineer of Stults Scientific Engineering since 1966. He is also survived by a
son, daughter and four grandchildren. *** John D. Balser, ’60, died July 5, 2008, in Michigan. He served on the Flint Fire Department for 27 years, was a magician, and worked at Allen Funeral Home. *** Peter S. Litow, ’65, died Oct. 3, 2005, in Regensburg, Germany. He was a St. Louis University graduate. He was retired from GTE, Contel and Verizon phone companies. *** John B. LaScelle, ’67, died March 14, 2008, classmates reported. *** Marie Gillette-Karbens, mother of longtime MMA faculty member Lt. Col. Paul E. Gillette, ’70, died March 27 in
Mexico, Mo. She was buried in Willard Grove Cemetery. *** Former MMA instructor Gerald Ellington Elmore died March 21, 2008, in West Plains, Mo., at age 80. He served in the National Guard for more than 30 years as an administrator. He was a U.S. Army personnel specialist and attended the University of Missouri.
E-newsletter for alums available Don’t wait for the Alumni Eagle for news about MMA and its cadets. Sign up for the alumni e-newsletter at www. or e-mail your name and class year to
Dillon gets NFL tryout; 1997 classmates meet in Iraq
Luke Dillon, ’04, had a brief tryout with the National Football League before tearing an ACL in his first practice. He is now a student at Thomas A. Cooley Law School in Lansing, Mich. He said he is saving prints of MMA buildings for the walls of his future law office. *** U.S. Army Pvt. Josh Wilburn, ’05, is stationed with the 210th Fire Brigade at Camp Castle in South Korea through January 2010. He said he hopes to get back to MMA for Homecoming 2010. *** Pvt. 1st Class Matthew Burrier, ’06, has sent the Academy a flag that was flown on a U.S.
Alumni Notes, 1997-2009 Army combat mission in Kirkuk Province, Iraq. “I had it dedicated to the Academy. I really miss MMA, but the Army is close enough! Maybe after my military career, I can come back to MMA as an instructor,” he wrote. *** Matthew Graves, ’06, has been promoted to lieutenant in the Marine Corps and is serving in Iraq until September. He was a drilldown finalist at Homecoming 2008, and said he hopes to attend again this year, if he’s home in time. ***
Staff Sgt. Joseph P. Layman, ’97, was in An Numaniyah, Iraq, training Iraqi MPs in the spring. He is a drill sergeant in the U.S. Army Reserve. He ran across classmate Sgt. Brent Stuehmer at Camp Stryker while in Iraq.
Derek Wilson, ’09, wrote to thank MMA faculty for “helping me graduate!” He is looking forward to attending Peru
State University in Nebraska in August. His new address is 160 O’Fallon Troy Road, O’Fallon, Ill. 62269.
the order of the regiment Missouri Military Academy’s Most Distinguished Donor Society membership
les ’48 and joanne barnard jack fritsch ’49 the lester gehm memorial trust todd hutchens ’74 james m. kemper, jr. richard a. white ’47
The Order of the Regiment recognizes donors whose lifetime financial support totals $250,000 or more
MMA Eagle
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Tara Osseck is named Miss Missouri 2009 at MMA Miss Lake of the Ozarks Tara Osseck was crowned 2009 Miss Missouri in the final competition of the Miss Missouri Scholarship Pageant in Centennial Gymtorium on the Missouri Military Academy campus on Saturday, June 6. The 22-year-old is a native of St. Charles, Mo. Her plat-
form for the year will be “Education and Awareness of Eating Disorders.” Her talent was tap dancing. Her parents are John and Tammy Osseck of St. Charles. Contestants and sponsors repeatedly thanked MMA for the new air-conditioning installed this year.
Miss Tara Osseck
(Photo by Brenda Fike, Mexico Ledger)
MMA staffers in Relay for Life Missouri Military Academy fielded a team of Lt. Mike Kulas, Lt. Toby Henry, MajGen Robert M. Flanagan amd Capt. Brian Maher in the annual Miss Missouri Golf Scramble held at Mexico Country Club. Here the MMA linksters pose with pageant contestants. (Courtesy photo)
Heutels do auto business right
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch prominently featured the business of several Missouri Military Academy graduates in its June 27 edition, “Sunset Ford: Ford Motor Co. and Sunset Ford are succeeding on their own terms.” Fourth and fifth generation members of the Heutel family operate the dealership, which refused to accept federal bailout money when other auto businesses nationwide were suffering economic woes and asking for help. From left are Jack Heutel, ’71, service and parts director; Jim Heutel, ’72, St. Louis general manager; Pete Heutel, general manager Waterloo, Ill.; Justin Heutel, accessory parts manager; and Tom Heutel, ’71. Jim, Tom and Jack are brothers and grandsons of the company founder. Contact them at 1.314.843.4431, or go on-line at (St. Louis Post-Dispatch photo)
Missouri Military Academy entered a team in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life fund-raiser at Mexico High School on Saturday, June 27. The MMA team, led by Miss Connie Maxwell and Mrs. Christine Smith, earned Bronze status for raising more than $2,000 in pledges, the only new team to achieve that level or higher. 1st Sgt. Alan Hakes covered the most distance for the MMA team, which also included Ms. Missy Wilson, Capt. Andy Craig, Maj. Lawrence McClarey, Capt. Ben Quint, Lt. Col. Frank Giuseffi, Lt. John Schell, Mr. Greg Morton, Mrs. Penny Bealmer, Mrs. Kathy Brooks, Maj. Michael Pemberton, Capt. Marijo Lagemann, Maj. Syl Mansfield and Lt. Col. James E. Medley. (Courtesy photo)
Time to Celebrate! For 120 years, MMA has given young men the tools to fulfill their individual promise. Every day presents an opportunity to invest more in every cadet’s potential. You have the power to change a cadet’s life by opening the doors that will lead him to success. A gift to the Annual Fund will allow MMA to invest the best in every cadet. Every gift makes a difference. Especially yours. Give online at
MMA 2009 HOMECOMING OCTOBER 2-4, 2009 Celebrate 120 years of MMA tradition at Homecoming 2009. Find out more at or call Jim Medley, Director of Alumni Relations, 573.581.1776
MMA Eagle
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
2009 Honor Roll of Donors
The following donors are recognized for their annual contributions to MMA between January 1 and June 15, 2009. We apologize for any errors or omissions and request that you report them to the Office of Development, 573.581.1776 ext. 228.
LEGEND: **Honored in the Order of the Regiment *1889 Society Member These distinguished gift clubs recognize significant cumulative contributions to MMA. Names are noted in bold.
Founder’s Society ($25,000+) The William T. Kemper Foundation Commerce Bank Trustee**
General’s Circle ($10,000-$24,999) Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. Dyer Ernesto Gonzalez Madero ’76
President’s Club ($5,000-$9,999) Charles ’53 & Marilane Foley* (39) Rick Guth ’65 (9)
Colonel’s Club ($1,200-$4,999) Robyn Armer Commerce Bancshares Foundation* (18) Joseph Goble ’69 (30) Gabriel ’81 & Lucila Haddad Larry ’74 & Christine Harrod (7) Randall Kelly ’89 (13) Leach Charitable Foundation Lego Systems, Inc. Robert ’63 & Betty Manche (25) Gary ’65 & Mary Ann Schaffer Col. & Mrs. Charles R. Stribling III ’44* (33)
Saber Club ($500-$1,199) Robert C. ’49 & Helen Albright* (32) Bank of America Charitable Foundation Dr. Jolene Bean Calvin & Joella Bean Wally Beckley ’48 (16) Fred & Tracy Belton Boeing Matching Gift Program Thomas W. Brennan ’48 Sally Brigham Tim Daniel Dan Davis ’71 (11) Maj. Dennis & Mrs. Kathy Diederich (13) E.B. Feutz ’41* (26) Carolyn Flynn Rick Frahm ’71 Gateway Representatives Lt. Col. Paul ’70 & Mrs. Lawana Gillette (29) Dr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Joyce Glaser Bruce & Linda Gruenewald (16) Craig Guffey ’88 Dr. & Mrs. Loren Guffey (13) Joe Hood Ben Jones ’50 (9) Ron & Susan Kelly (27) Col. Herman E. Kiefer III (15) James ’58 & Nancy Knigge (12) Lorin Malitz Bruce & Nancy Oliver (10) William & Cynthia Perkinson Paul ’82 & Veronica Petit (7)
Thomas & Elizabeth Pusheck Lynn ’58 & Jackie Shaw (18) Raymond “Dude” ’71 & Deborah Stotlar (14) Dr. Greg ’71 & Cindy Temple United Educators Larry & Chu Woolery
Eagle Club ($150-$499) Alan & Violet Arbogast (11) John & Polly Black Lt. Rick & Mrs. Suzanne Boyce Mr. Daniel Brand & Dr. Susan Cechner The Honorable Robert E. Burch ’65 Donald Depke & Lorenza Pasetti John KMS ’71 & Donna Downs (8) Jim ’72 & Kristen Edmonston Exxon Mobil Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Charles Finch ’64 Jack ’49 & Judy Fritsch** (32) Morris Grabau ’53 Peter & Catherine Grassl Nancy Guthrie Robert & Theresa Hall Bill ’72 & Jan Hedger (6) James & Shirley Holten (11) Lt. Col. Harry ’65 & Mrs. Mary Hoyt (8) Lynn ’57 & Sue Jenkins Gary & Lissa Johnson Frank & Judith Langton Terry Logue ’72 (21) David McAllister & Carol Haner Joseph ’55 & Jeanne Meinert (40) Lt. Col. Gary & Mrs. Barbara Moe (23) Jeff Moe ’92 Byron Parker ’48 (8) PepsiCo Foundation Mark & Kathleen Peters Edwin Ribback ’55 (5) Javier Rosado ’84 Lt. Col. Ralph ’71 & Mrs. Erline Saner (13) Rev. Randy & Mrs. Joyce Sawyer Debra Schwartz Maj. Don & Mrs. Darlene Sheriff (11) Capt. Mike and Mrs. Iris Shoemaker Col. Guy Troy ’40 (28) Col. & Mrs. Craig Urbauer (8) John & Mary Wiegand (8) LeAnn Wurl Guy & Alice Young (10)
Maroon & Gold Club (up to $149) David Arendes ’65 (8) Bill Battle ’86 (6) Penny Bealmear Bill Bellamy Col. John ’46 & Mrs. Gaiol Boltz (35) Ricky & Donna Boren Donald Bowen (7) Claire Bradford Steve & Kathy Bradley George & Freda Bradley Dr. Michael Briggs (7) Lewis & Kathy Brooks Capt. Dick Bruning KMS ’63 Donald Bruning KMS ’63 Dan Burton Donald ’47 & Geraldine Callas Dr. Reno & Mrs. Phyllis Caneva
Chevron Corporation Consolidated Electric Cooperative John and Jeffrey Coonjohn (26) Laura Daly Tim & Lea DeLong (5) Mary Ann Dickherber Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Delores Dillon Jean Dorman Chester & June Doughty Lt. Col. Jon & Mrs. Rosanne Eastman (5) Dr. Pete & Mrs. Nancy Ekern Ken Elliott & Jeannie Witzel Elliott Capt. Mark & Mrs. Karen Elwood Sheryl Feutz-Harter (8) Dr. Rev. Louden-Hans W. Flisk Jeffrey & Laura Forster Dr. Bruce & Mrs. Nancy Garrett (11) Marie Gennette Ted & Irina Gernaey Jim & June Gillette Lt. Col. Frank Giuseffi (6) John & Natalia Gray John ’60 & Jeep Green (9) Steve Hagan Richard ’72 & Susan Hall Dr. Edward & Mrs. Georgina Harrow Mattie Hartley Ray & Janet Heaton Jessie Helm Jim Hilderman Stacey Hofert Susan Hughes David Johnson & Sandra Castetter Mackie ’55 & Evelyn Johnston (10) John ’72 & Jennifer Josendale (12) Bob & Dianne Josephs Kevin & Vicki Judice JustGive Robert & Kamille Karlson James Kelley KMS ’60 Mark & Candice Kent Hongjin ’85 & Young Son Kim Capt. Kip Kimberley ’88 Robert Kirk ’63 Major Willis Kleinsorge (5) Mr. and Mrs. James Kovar Gilbert Kroeger ’57 Babak ’79 & Barbara Kusha Elizabeth Lachowicz Lt. Katherine Larison Bruce & Carey LaRue Liz Lehmann Robert & Susan Levin Dr. Robert & Mrs. Gayle Lopiccolo Capt. Jack Mackey KMS ’63 Mark Magnon ’89 (8) Dorothy Gibbs Mamel Helen Maupin (28) Connie Maxwell Shirley McAlister Maj. Lawrence McClarey Rick & Sharon McCombs Lt. Col. Jim & Mrs. Sherry Medley (5) Richard ’52 & Helen Meinert (12) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mieger Sr. Greg Morton Sue Motley Samuel & Suzanne Mounger (13) Christopher Nelson ’97 Nona Oliver Dr. Zackwrie & Mrs. Regina Parr
Robert and Donna Peak Ralph ’52 & Mary Peck (29) Col. Robert Piper ’47 (17) R.J. Reynolds Foundation Col. Dana & Maj. Peggy Reynard (6) Dr. Ed Ridgley KMS ’66 Don & Joyce Robinson Kevin Roth (5) Thomas & Jennie Sampson Lt. Col. Greg & Mrs. Mary Seibert Bill ’60 & Penelope Sims (7) Greg & Christine Smith Karen Speros Lt. Col. David & Mrs. Carolyn Steinmetz (7) Charles Stockdall Steven & Linda Taylor Brig. Gen. Carl ’62 & Mrs. Elizabeth Tegtmeier (7) Larry & Lily Ting Kendall L. Tinkcom ’67 Alberto Vollmer Foundation John L. Walker Jr. ’61 (20) Sarah Walker Casey Walsh Staff Sgt. James & Mrs. Jocelyn Wheeler Barb Williams Lt. Col. Thomas ’75 & Cindy Wittman Lt. Col. Philip & Mrs. Deane Works Jerry Wyss
Lt. Col. Elmer Jackson Maj. Dennis & Mrs. Kathy Diederich Dorothy Gibbs Mamel Lt. Col. Paul ’70 & Mrs. Lawana Gillette Robert & Theresa Hall Ron & Susan Kelly Helen Maupin Nona Oliver Robert & Donna Peak Ralph ’52 & Mary Peck Thomas & Elizabeth Pusheck Karen Speros Lt. Col. David & Mrs. Carolyn Steinmetz Col. & Mrs. Charles R. Stribling III ’44 John Walker ’61
Gifts in memory of…
Fred Schuck ’48 Wally Beckley ’48
Mrs. Sylvia Beckley Wally Beckley ’48 Jack Brahm ’49 Wally Beckley ’48 Col. Paul F. Cherches Lt. Col. Paul ’70 & Mrs. Lawana Gillette Joseph Goble ’69 Bill ’72 & Jan Hedger Randall Kelly ’89 Col. & Mrs. Charles R. Stribling III ’44* Kendall L. Tinkcom ’67 John R. “Buzz” Crowley ’48 Wally Beckley ’48 Bill Daniel ’72 The family of Bill Daniel John D. Dyer Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. Dyer Marie Gillette Dr. Reno & Mrs. Phyllis Caneva Maj. Dennis & Mrs. Kathy Diederich Jim & June Gillette Bill ’72 & Jan Hedger Ron & Susan Kelly Col. & Mrs. Charles R. Stribling III ’44 Capt. David Gwinn ’56 Lt. Col. Paul ’70 & Mrs. Lawana Gillette Bill ’72 & Jan Hedger Robert & Kamille Karlson Ron & Susan Kelly Gilbert Kroeger ’57 David Johnson & Sandra Castetter Col. & Mrs. Charles R. Stribling III ’44
Col. Derrill S. Kuhlman Col. Robert Piper ’47 Mike McClellan ’56 Claire Bradford Dr. Joe Phelps ’50 Wally Beckley ’48 Bob Samples ’55 Maj. Dennis & Mrs. Kathy Diederich Gilbert Kroeger ’57 Col. & Mrs. Charles R. Stribling III ’44
Justin Schwartz ’02 Debra Schwartz Joey Stafford ’74 Lt. Col. Paul ’70 & Mrs. Lawana Gillette Lynn ’57 & Sue Jenkins Glenn Tomek ’65 Class of 1965
Gifts in honor of… Scott P. Bowen Donald Bowen Nathaniel Brand ’09 Mr. Daniel Brand & Dr. Susan Cechner Luke Dillon ’04 Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Delores Dillon Gabriel Haddad Jr. Gabriel ’81 & Lucila Haddad Victor Haddad Gabriel ’81 & Lucila Haddad Daniel P. Morgan Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. Dyer Anthony Wurl ’09 LeAnn Wurl Jonathan Young ’01 Guy & Alice Young