The MMA Eagle, May 2006 edition

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The Volume 104, Number 8

Rober accepted to USAFA, Page 4!


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Monday, May 22, 2006

MMA up to the Formal Inspection challenge By 1st Lt. Evan Hollowell

The annual Formal Inspection at Missouri Military Academy was conducted by the 10th ROTC Brigade from Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., on April 28. Col. Tim Pratt led the inspection team. “Inspectors were very complimentary and said some very good things about the Academy,” MMA President Col. Ronald Kelly told cadets at the conclusion of a very eventful day. “I am proud of the cadets’ performance.” Senior Army Instructor Lt. Col. John K. Ireland and MMA Middle School Commandant Maj. Mark Vaughan also praised the performance of the 117th MMA Corps of Cadets. Formal Inspection began with the Honor Guard Ceremony on front campus, in

which the Col. Pratt inspected the MMA Color Guard and Fusileers. Following the Honor Guard Ceremony was the battalion staff briefing in the Alumni Vsitors Lounge of Stribling Hall. Inpectors then went to each company for an inspection of cadet quarters. A few cadets were randomly chosen to speak with an inspector to show their curriculum knowledge of JROTC during the barracks inspection. Cadets then went to the MMA Fieldhouse for an inranks inspection. After the in-ranks inspection, cadets went to lunch and visited with the inspectors at their tables. The next event was the high school platoon competition

See Inspection on p. 2

From left, Senior Army Instructor Lt. Col. Kahl Ireland looks on as inspector Col. Tim Pratt examines the weapon of senior Joao Pintoribeiro of Mexico City, Mexico, during Formal Inspection. Also pictured in the MMA Color Guard are senior commander senior Bryan Edmonds of Quincy, Ill.; sophomore Cody Callahan of Higland, Ill.; junior Nick Fajen of Lufkin, Texas; and junior Alex Bozarth of Scottsdale, Ariz.

Festival and Flower Ceremony highlight MMA Mother’s Day More than 100 mothers and many other family members attended several events on Mother’s Day Weekend at Missouri Military Academy, May 13-14. Activities began with Middle School science displays and the opening of the Katherine Epple Memorial Art Show on the Centennial Gymtorium mezzanine.

Contents Maj. Diederich honored .... 2 Bravo news ...................... 2 Delta Phi has banquet ... 3 Ask a Cadet ................. 3 Cadet Spotlight:................ Capt. Drew Petty .....3 Rober named by USAFA. 4 Seniors win scholarships . 4 Colleges choose cadets ... 4 Rodgers top speller .... 5 Tennis team fourth .... 5 Golfers cap season .... 6 Tracksters improve .... 6 Baseball wraps up .... 7 Athlete/Student of Month . 7

The annual Festival of the Arts started at 8 p.m. in the Gymtorium and drew a crowd of more than 250 family members and area residents. The festival included performances by the High School Band, Middle School Band and Cadet Chorus, as well as presentations by the Dramateers. Soloists for the Chorus were Bryant Davis and Jake Goro. Band soloists included Adam Harralson,

Thomas Mennemeyer and Won Uk Lee. Lee and Young Hee Kim played a violin duet and Won Seuk Oh played a piano solo. The percussion ensemble of Kasey Turnbull, RIchard Johnson, Kevin Lee, Jake Goro, Josh Olson and Dani Tibi performed, and there were individual drama monologues by A.J. Vassen, Nick Wegman and See Mothers on p. 3

Mrs. Susan Kelly pins a white flower on the lapel of junior Josh Olson of St. Louis, Mo., as Dr. Patricia Harralson assists Sunday morning, May 14, in front of Stribling Hall.

Dr. Libby to speak at 117th Commencement By 1st Lt. Evan Hollowell


The 117th Missouri Military Academy Commencement Exercises are to begin Friday, May 26, and the 72nd annual Wallace Fry Speech Contest in Centennial Gymtorium will set off the weekend of events, beginning at 8 p.m. The Commencement guest speaker will be Dr. Wendy Libby, president of Stephens College in Columbia, Mo. Dr. Libby became the 23rd

president of Stephens in July 2003, and put forth a strategic planning initiative which has the school enrollment on the increase and several new programs instituted. Dr. Libby earned her Ph.D. in educational administration from the University of Connecticut and her master’s in business administration from Cornell University. She also has a bachelor of science degree from Cornell. Saturday, May 27, will be

full of events. The Battalion Review will begin the day at 9:15 a.m., followed by individual competitive drills for the High School and the Middle School. A Fusileers performance is scheduled immediately afterward. The Middle School Final Assembly will take place in the Assembly Hall at 2 p.m. At that same time, the High School will have its company competitive drills on Colonels Field. See Commencement on p. 2

Now enrolling for summer leadership and confidence camps. Call today!

May 1-4 pages.indd 1

5/18/2006 12:58:50 PM

MMA Eagle


Annual Epple Art Show

Cadet Jake Miller of Tulsa, Okla., and his mother, Mrs. Natalie Miller, admire artwork created by Missouri Military Academy cadets during the annual Epple Art Show on Saturday evening, May 13, on the mezzanine at Centennial Gymtorium. The show was judged by a panel and works are available for sale.


Eagle Established in 1900, the Missouri Military Academy Eagle is the nation’s longestrunning student newspaper. Yearly subscriptions are $5. Reporters/Photographers 1st Lt. Jonathan Avelar 1st Lt. John Bassett Staff Sgt. Matthew Burrier Cpl. Cody Callahan Sgt. Manuel Camargo Pvt. Kyle Caperton 2nd Lt. Luis Cordero MS Staff Sgt. Ahron Corral MS Pvt. 1st Class R. Mauricio Davila Cpl. Bryant Davis Cpl. Stephen Doran 2nd Lt. Anuar Duahye Cpl. Aaron Goetting Pvt. Matt Graves 1st Lt. Evan Hollowell 1st Lt. Shale Houston 1st Lt. Jorge Ibanez MS Recruit 2 Manuel Kaskanian Capt. Chris Marcione Pvt. Jacob Musick Master Sgt. Giuseppe Poletti MS Recruit 1 Jesus Rodriguez Capt. Jose Rosales Sgt. 1st Class Kasey Turnbull Sgt. 1st Class Justin Warshauer Director of Publications Capt. Mark L. Elwood Middle School instructor Lt. Daniel Laleman

Maj. Diederich earns Silver Beaver

Maj. Dennis Diederich of Mexico, Mo., was one of six Missouri recipients of the Boy Scouts of America National Silver Beaver Award. The award was presented April 8 by the Great Rivers Council of the BSA at its annual Scout Recognition Dinner in Columbia. First presented in 1931, the national award recognizes individuals for distinguished service to youth. Maj. Diederich, director of admissions for Missouri Military Academy, is a member of the Great Rivers Council Board of Directors and serves as advancement chairman for the Grand Prairie District, which serves youth in Audrain, Callaway and Montgomery counties. He is an Eagle Scout, former Scoutmaster and unit committee chairman. MMA hosts BSA Troop 39.

Commencement, continued from p. 1

The High School final assembly will be held in Centennial Gymtorium at 3 p.m. The Final Ball will take place in Centennial Gymtorium, beginning at 8 p.m Sunday, May 28, will begin with the Baccalaureate Service at 9 a.m. in Memorial Chapel for seniors and their families.

Senior Review will immediately follow the Baccalaureate Service at 10:15 a.m., and will take place on Colonels Field. Graduation exercises will begin in Centennial Gymtorium at 11 a.m.Final Formation will complete activities at 1:30 p.m. on front campus.

Inspection, continued from p. 1

held in the MMA Fieldhouse. Delta Company Third Platoon, led by Master Sgt. Anuar Duayhe, won the competition. A Fusileers performance followed the company competition and a battalion review was held in the Fieldhouse. The day concluded when cadets went to Centennial Gymtorium for an evaluation from faculty about Formal Inspection. Final results of the inspection will be reported at the end of May.

Monday, May 22, 2006 News briefs from the MMA Middle School ...

Bravo Bits

By order of Commandant Maj. Mark Vaughan, for ranking in the top 10 in barracks for April, the following Missouri Military Academy Middle School cadets were awarded the Barracks Bar: Alex Arias, Pablo Cuevas, Sea Jun Kang, Nam Soo Kim, Leonardo Lichtinger, Rodrigo Ramirez, Santiago Sainz, Billy Sanchez, Johnny Sjodergren and Tomas Stewart. *** For ranking in the top 10 in military for April, the following cadets were awarded the Military Bar: Carlos Almada, Francisco Almirudis, Alex Dubruiel, Ricardo Karam, Woo Keun Kim, Kevin Lee, Luis Marcano, Stewart, Paul Strebeck and John Yuan. *** Upon recommendation of MMA Middle School Principal Lt. Col. Jonathan P. Eastman, the following academic honors were awarded for April: Honor Roll – Rodolfo Davila, Dubruiel and Kevin Lee. Honorable Mention – Ahron Corral, Almirudis, Yuan and Lichtinger. Merit Roll – Ty Armer, Nam Soo Kim, Corey Sharpe, Chang Yong Lee, Jason Peters and Jesus Rodriguez. *** The Academic Effort Bar was awarded to Corral, Dubruiel and Kevin Lee for April by order of Lt. Col. Eastman. *** Three MMA Middle School cadets earned the Academic Fourragere for outstanding academic achievement during April, including Davila, Dubruiel and Lee, according to an order issued by Lt. Col. Eastman. *** The Art Ribbon was awarded to three Middle School cadets by Capt. Marijo Lageman. Winning the award were Hunter Hisaw, Tyler Branham and Ramirez. *** The Band Ribbon was awarded to the following MMA Middle School cadets by Col. Dana Reynard, bandmaster: Justin Johnson, Nam Soo Kim, Lichtinger, Kevin Lee, Jason Peters, Bryon Oetting, James Mueth, Xavier Portas, Sjodergren and Yuan. The Band Ribbon with one star was presented to Sebastian Raiff. *** The Middle School Journalism Ribbon was earned by four cadets, according to instructor Lt. Dan Laleman. Cadets earning the ribbon were Corral, Davila, Manuel Kaskanian and Jesus Rodriguez. *** Middle School rank promotions were announced by Maj. Vaughan on May 4. Promotions included: Senior Warrant Officer – Yuan. Warrant Officer – Almirudis and Stewart. First Sergeant – Kevin Lee. Master Sergeant – Dubruiel. Staff Sergeant – Almada and Corral.

See Bravo on p.3

Circulation assistants Ms. Brenda Simons Ms. Melissa Wilson

p. 3

Faculty, other photographers Maj. Willis Kleinsorge Steve Biggers of Biggers Studios Col. Ronald Kelly ••• 204 N. Grand Ave. Mexico, Mo. 65265 (573) 581-1776, ext. 223 Contact: Capt. Mark L. Elwood at

May 1-4 pages.indd 2

5/18/2006 12:59:34 PM

MMA Eagle

Monday, May 22, 2006

Hamlett speaks at Delta Phi banquet Delta Phi, the elite academic society of Missouri Military Academy, met for its annual banquet on Wednesday, May 10, in the MMA Dining Hall. This year’s speaker was attorney Kevin Hamlett, Class of 1976, of the Mexico law firm of Hagan, Hamlett and Maxwell. The Delta Phi alumnus talked about the importance of moral character. He stated that one can be very smart, but moral character and making the right decisions is crucial. “When in doubt, do what is right,” he said The banquet includes a ceremony that is eagerly anticipated by pledges who have waited to become an official part of the exclusive society. Nine cadets were presented senior keys and eight cadets were inducted into Delta Phi as full members. There are 21 current cadet members, including two middle-schoolers and two pledges. Col. Charles R. Stribling III, Class of 1944, MMA Board of Directors chairman, presented Eric Detmer of Rushville, Ill., with the Eugene Lamm plaque.

Mothers, continued from p. 1

Kasey Turnbull. The evening concluded with an MMA school song medley by the High School Band and Cadet Chorus. A highlight of the weekend was the Flower Ceremony in front of Stribling Hall. Cadets whose mothers had died received white flowers from Dr. Patricia Harralson, mother of Battalion Commander Maj. Adam Harralson, and Mrs. Susan Kelly, wife of MMA President Col. Ronald Kelly. All cadets received a red flower, pinned to their lapel by their mother or a volunteer mother.

Bravo, continued from p. 2

A Fusileers performance followed in the MMA Fieldhouse. The battalion review honored all mothers in attendance and featured presentation of the JROTC Superior Cadet award to senior Harralson, junior Giuseppe Poletti and sophomores Thomas Mennemeyer and Giorgio Bonadiman. A reception was held for all senior cadets and their parents immediately after the review in Stribling Hall. Activities concluded with a dress parade in the Fieldhouse, followed by special vespers in Memorial Chapel.

May 1-4 pages.indd 3

Cadet Spotlight

Drew Petty

Battalion S-5, Public Relations

By Cpl. Cody Callahan

Cadet Capt. Drew Petty of Tipton, Mo., is the battalion S-5 at Missouri Military Academy. He is responsible for all community issues, such as publicity and community service. Before becoming the S-5, Petty was a squad leader in Delta Company First Platoon. He said he has diligently worked to improve himself and the Corps of Cadets this year, and in doing so has achieved many awards, including five promotions. He has worked to keep his academics in line as his third and final year at Missouri Military Academy comes to an end. Petty plans to attend Norwich University in Vermont to further his education. He will major in mechanical

engineering. He was also accepted to Central Missouri State University and the University of Missouri, but selected Norwich because of its military orientation. Petty was involved in wrestling for three years. He is the MMA Marching Band commander, and was in band all three years at the Academy. “I’m excited to be graduating and moving on to a new chapter in my life,” said Petty. Petty added that his top goals in attending MMA were to bring his grades to a level of excellence that would get him into college, and to always make his parents proud. Petty’s brother, Glenn, is an MMA freshman in Charlie Company Third Platoon.

Private Second Class – Armer, Victor Haddad, Woo Keun Kim, Chang Yong Lee, Lichtinger and Raiff. Private Third Class – Arias, Kang, Si Chan Law, Tyler McDaniel, Sharpe and Jong Hwi Park.

What is the most important lesson or value you have learned at Missouri Military Academy?

Corporal – Nam Soo Kim, Marcano, Sainz and Sanchez. Corporal Second Class – Ramirez. Lance Corporal – Branham, Jose Perez and Sjodergren. Private First Class – Davila and Peters.

This year’s pledges were called to repeat the oath and take on the duty of being a Delta Phi member. Delta Phi president senior Detmer called each initiate’s name and presented him with a Delta Phi fourragere, pin and evergreen sprig in honor of the former Academy principal. Members of Delta Phi include Detmer, vice president Chris Marcione, secretary Evan Hollowell, Anuar Duayhe, Alex Blum, Alex Cheng, Nick Fajen, Nevin Harralson and Giuseppe Poletti. Initiated were Giorgio Bonadiman, Thomas Mennemeyer, Jonathan Rober, Zach Rodgers, Woo Jai Jang, Jose Rosales, Jorge Salome and Jared Sullivan. Pledges are Manuel Camargo, Adam White and Hunter Brown. Middle School associate members are Kevin Lee and Rodolfo Davila. New officers for 2006-07 are Cheng, president; Jang, vice president; and Fajen, secretary.


Sgt. 1st Class Bryan Edmonds, Senior, Quincy, Ill.:

“I think the most important lesson I learned at MMA came from Sgt. 1st Class Kronquist. He told me that whatever happens to you that brings you down ... keep your head up, take it like a man, pick yourself up and move on.”

Pvt. Carleton Krause, Sophomore, Chicago, Ill.:

“This school has helped me to be physically and mentally disciplined, and to focus on education”

Staff Sgt. Aaron Weber, Junior, Marthasville, Mo.:

“This school has helped me by giving me skills for how to live outside of the school, such as being more polite.”

Cadet senior 1st Lt. Drew Petty of Tipton, Mo., is the Missouri Military Academy Battalion S-5. Here he is shown in his capacity as Band Commander at the prestigious 2006 St. Louis St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

5/18/2006 1:00:02 PM


Monday, May 22, 2006

Rober accepted to Air Force Academy; seniors earn scholarships Eleven Missouri Military Academy senior cadets have applied for and been awarded more than $400,000 in college scholarships through early May, including Jonathan Kyle Rober of St. Louis, who earned a $184,265 scholarship to attend the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., according to Capt. Will Walker, director of college placement. Rober was the MMA Honor School

Nominee. He also earned a $2,000 Bright Flight Scholarship from the state of Missouri for scoring more than 30 on the ACT test. Drew Petty, of Tipton, Mo., earned a $14,232 scholarship to Norwich University; the $7,232 Capt. Alden Partridge Scholarship; and the Gen. Greenville Dodge $2,000 scholarship. Zach Rodgers of Alton, Ill., won a

$30,000 four-year scholarship to Buena Vista University in Iowa; and a $24,400 award for four years at Benedictine University in Illinois. Other senior scholarship winners through early May include Anuar Duayhe, Eric Detmer, Gilberto Garcia, Derek Depke, Stratton King, Tyler Pascoe, Erich Sullivan and Shale Houston. More are expected by the end of the month, Capt. Walker said.

Band plays at KC Royals game


Corral top speller

MMA Middle School Principal Lt. Col. Jonathan Eastman congratulates Middle School spelling bee champion Ahron Corral of Chicago, Ill., who edged Enrique Camarillo of Mexico City, Mexico, for the title.

Festival of the Arts duet

The Missouri Military Academy Band and Color Guard represented the school at the Kansas City Royals’ baseball win over the Cleveland Indians on May 9 in Kauffman Stadium. The band played “The Star Spangled Banner” and the Color Guard presented the colors. The fountains were gushing and photos of the band were on the Jumbotron as the band played, top left. Missouri Military Academy seniors sold their services in April to raise money for several class projects. In the photo at right, auctioneer Kasey Turnbull extolls the virtues of Jose Valle, right, as several other seniors await their turn to be sold.

Senior Auction

Sophomore Young Hee Kim, left, and freshman Won Uk Lee, both of Seoul, South Korea, played a duet on “Canonic SonataNo. 1” at the annual Festival of the Arts on May 13 in Centennial Gymtorium. They were accompanied by sophomore Won Seok Lee, also of Seoul, on piano.

May 1-4 pages.indd 4

5/18/2006 1:01:50 PM

MMA Eagle

Monday, May 22, 2006


Tennis wins military championship, finishes fourth in district tournament De La Barrera and Victor Caraballo, MARSHALL -- Missouri Milifalling to Moberly in the second tary Academy finished fourth and qualified for sub-sectional play in District 4 tennis action at Marshall on Saturday, May 14. Marshall led team scoring with 27 points, followed by Chillicothe with 21, Kirksville with 16 1/2 and MMA with 16. “Overall, we had a great district tournament,” said MMA coach Capt. Michael Pemberton. “I was very pleased with our intensity and focus on a long, windy day.” For the Colonels, senior Manuel Mendez finished eighth in the district at no. 1 singles, falling to the eventual champion from Kirksville in the third round. Freshman Alex Cano won his first round match at no. 2 singles before being eliminated in the second round. The MMA no. 1 doubles team of senior Dennis Yarigin and junior Joseph Perilli finished fourth and received medals. They received a first-round bye and won two matches before falling to Chillicothe, 4-6, 1-6, in the semifinals. The no. 2 doubles team of brothers Gilberto and Alain Garcia won their first-round match over a Mexico High School team before


Missouri Military Academy held its annual Spelling Bee on Good Friday, April 14, in Centennial Gymtorium, with senior Zach Rodgers of Alton, Ill., emerging victorious after a nip-and-tuck battle with sophomore Adam White of Pearland, Texas. Rodgers represented company champion Echo and White represented Charlie Company. Senior Mike Lee of Echo Company and St. Charles, Mo., was third, and sophomore Christian Stephens of Long Beach, Calif., was fourth for Delta Company. Charlie Company finished second and Delta was third. Competition consisted of 10 entrants from each company spelling words specified by a moderator and panel of judges from the MMA faculty. The 10 contestants from Charlie Company were White, Tyler Pascoe, Ricardo Meza, Bryant Davis, Joseph Perilli, Nathan Malone, Gaston Batalla, Alex Cheng, Erich Sullivan and Nathan Brand. Delta Company representatives were Joshua Vaughn,

Stephens, Michael Breedlove, Alex Blum, Tyler Ward, Dylan Waschowski, Manuel Camargo, Nevin Harralson, Reuben Senatore and HanerMcAllister. Competing from Echo Company were Nick Fajen, Jonathan Rober, Rodgers, Daniel Silva, Lee, Justin Warshauer, Rocky Huppert, Alex Hoke, Thomas Mennemeyer and Glen Weaver. The Spelling Bee was very competitive. “We had some very strong, spirited competition in the spelling bee this year,” said MMA Director of Studies

*** MMA completed its regular season tennis schedule with a rainshortened victory over Booneville on May 10 at MMA. “At the time of the rainout we were ahead, 2 to 1,” said Capt. Pemberton. Perilli and Yarigin each won their singles match by a 10 – 2 score for the Colonels. Mendez lost to the No. 2 player from Boonville, 2-10. Also for MMA, sophomore Charles Carmichael was winning, 9-4; sophomore Jorge Legoretta was winning, 8-3; and Cano was ahead, 5-3, when play was stopped. MMA completed the season with a 9-4 overall dual record. *** Missouri Military Academy improved its season tennis dual record to 8-4 with an 8-1 victory over Columbia Independent School on the MMA courts May 8. For MMA, Yarigin won 102, Carmichael rolled 10-1, Cano posted a 10-6 victory, Perilli and Legorreta each triumphed by a 10-1 score in singles. The brothers doubles team of Alain and Gilberto Garcia, German

Victor Ortiz and Carlos Manzano each teamed to win by 8-2 scores. “We were able to control most of the matches,” said Capt. Pemberton. “It was nice to give some of our junior varsity players a chance to play some varsity tennis.” *** KIRKSVILLE – Playing shorthanded, Missouri Military Academy dropped a 7-2 tennis decision at Kirksville on May 5. “It hurt not having our no. 1 and no. 2 singles players today. Their absences forced everyone else to play two spots up in the lineup,” said Capt. Pemberton. “It was a good learning experience for our younger players. Kirksville has a very good tennis team. Joseph Perilli and Alain Garcia played great matches.” Perilli won, 10-6, at no. 4 singles, and Garcia won, 10-5, at no. 5 singles. *** The Missouri Military Academy tennis team swept the home-andhome series with Osage R-2 on May 2, posting a 6-3 victory at MMA. “This was a tough match,” said Capt. Pemberton. “I thought our boys played well after a long break

Senior Dennis Yarigin of Clive, Iowa, returns a shot against Kirksville as sophomore teammate Jorge Legorreta of Mexico City, Mexico, watches from another court at MMA. (Photo by Luis Cordero)

without tennis.” In singles for the Colonels, Carmichael won 10-2, Cano posted a 10-8 win, Perilli took a 10-5 decision and Legoretta rolled to a 10-2 victory. No. 1 player Yarigin lost by a 7-10 score and no. 2 Mendez fell in a close one, 9-11. In doubles, Yarigin and Perilli lost, 5-7; Alain and Gilberto Garcia won, 8-5; and De La Barrera teamed with Carmichael for a 7-5 victory. MMA improved to 7-3 on the season with the team victory. *** LEXINGTON -- Missouri Military Academy posted a 9-0 shutout of rival Wentworth Academy to win the state military tennis champion-

ship May 1 in Lexington. “This was a great win for our team,” said Capt. Pemberton. “I was proud of the way the cadets played.” The win marked the return of Yarigin from a foot injury. He posted an 8-2 singles win and teamed with Perilli for a no. 1 doubles victory. Perilli blanked his opponent, 8-0, at no. 5 singles. Mendez won, 8-2, at no. 2 singles and teamed with De La Barrera for a no. 3 doubles win. Carmichael posted an 8-0 roll at no. 3 singles and Cano took an 8-2 verdict at no. 4. Legoretta won, 8-0, at no. 6 singles. Alain and Gilberto Garcia made the sweep complete with a victory at no. 2 doubles.

Echo top company and Rodgers overall top speller

From left, Christian Stephens finished fourth, Adam White was runnerup, Zach Rodgers was the champion and Mike Lee finished third in the annual MMA High School Spelling Bee.

Maj. Frank Giuseffi. Judges of the competition

were Capt. Syl Mansfield and Capt. Pamela Ray. Lt. Mat-

thew Zeik was timer and Lt. Darrin Davis was moderator.

G May 5-8 pages.indd 1

5/18/2006 1:17:35 PM

MMA Eagle


Monday, May 22, 2006


Personal bests power track team Missouri Military Academy completed its track season Saturday, May 13, in District competition at Mexico High School with several personal best performances. “It was a tough meet, due to the strong competition and the cool temperatures,” said Colonels coach Maj. Lawrence McClarey. “We didn’t do as well as we wanted, but the cadets didn’t back down from the challenges and gave good efforts.” Senior Hector Sada and sophomore Yuscanne Campos recorded personal bests in the discus, and senior Tyler Pascoe finished 10th among 23 entries in the 1,600-meter run as MMA highlights. The 3,200-meter relay team of Adam Harralson, Glenn Petty, Pascoe and Giuseffi Poletti finished seventh. *** BOONVILLE -- Several Missouri Military Academy trackmen had their personal bests in competition at the Southern Boone County Eagle Invitational track and field meet Saturday, May 6. Leading the way was freshman Glenn Petty, who improved his 800-meter run time by six sec-

onds. The 3,200-meter relay team of Petty, Adam Harralson, Pascoe and Guillermo Garza clocked a season-best 9:35.82. Senior Bryant Davis and sophomore Ricardo Meza both had personal bests in the 100meter dash. Pascoe continued to lower his time in the 1,600 meters, clocking a 4:57.67. Also posting a season best at South Boone was sophomore Rene Zuazua in the 200-meter dash. “Though our final score may not reflect it, the team is making progress with the numerous personal bests. Hopefully, that will continue,” said Maj. McClarey. *** The Missouri Military Academy track team participated in the Mexico High School Invitational Track Meet on April 22, and several athletes posted personal bests. No overall places or team scores were available. “Mexico has a new track which is quite fast,” said Maj. McClarey. “That allowed many of our runners to establish new PBs, despite the high temperatures.” Top highlight for MMA was

senior Pascoe clocking 4:59.82, the fastest 1,600-meter run time by an Academy runner in more than 10 years, said Capt. Pemberton. The 3,200-meter relay team of Pascoe, Giuseppe Poletti, Harralson and Petty clocked a season best 9:37.2. The Colonels’ 400meter sprint relay unit of Jorge Salome, Davis, Zuazua and Meza clocked its best time of 49.7. Senior Justin Warshauer ran a personal best 57.9 in the 400meter dash, Otto Martinez had a 59.03 in the 300-meter hurdles, and Jose Valle had his best time in the 200-meter dash. The 1,600-meter relay unit of Aaron Weber, Valle, Warshauer and Garza turned in a season best 4:03. *** OSAGE BEACH – The Colonels competed in the Osage Beach Invitational with Bolivar, Helias, Osage Beach, Boonville and Versailles on Monday afternoon, April 18. Team scores were not kept. Many events were run against the clock, and some were not held as the meet was abbreviated, due to lightning. Several MMA athletes estab-

Junior shot putter Aaron Weber of Marthasville, Mo., improved steadily throughout the season for the MMA Colonels’ track team. (Photo by Matthew Burrier)

lished personal bests at the meet, including junior Salome with a time of 19.6 in the 110-meter high hurdles. Senior Warshauer clocked 59.3 in the 400-meter dash. The 400-meter relay team of Salome, Davis, sophomores Zuazua and Meza turned in its best time of the year at 50.0 for fifth place. Valle was timed in a personal best 27.33 in the 200meter dash. In the field events, sophomore

Campos and junior Israel Avelar had season bests of 88’9” and 101’1,” respectively, in the discus. Juniors Woo Jai Jang and Albert Park turned in personal best triple jumps of 34’4” and 29’6,” respectively. “The Osage Invitational is always a fun and well-run meet,” said Maj. McClarey. “The team did well, in spite of the travel time and inclement weather.”

Golf team caps ’06 season in district tournament at Richmond RICHMOND -- The Missouri Military Academy golf team finished its season Wednesday, May 3, in the District Tournament at Shirkey Golf Club in Richmond, Mo. Richard Johnson had the Colonels’ low score with a 112 over 18 holes. The competition was held in adverse conditions with quite a bit of casual water and between thunderstorms, according to MMA coach Capt. Pam Ray Rounding out MMA scorers were Jake Musick with a 114, Jackson Davis, A.J. Vassen and Scott Silverberg. “The competition was held at a 4 1/2-star course, and the boys enjoyed playing it,” said Capt. Ray. “Cadet Musick’s father came from Decatur, Ill., to support the team, which they all appreciated very much.” *** RICHMOND – On May 1 the Missouri Military Academy golf team traveled to Richmond, Mo., to challenge Wentworth Military Academy for the Missouri Military Championship. MMA was unable to take its two top competitors to the competition, and Wentworth

May 5-8 pages.indd 2

Mexico 171, MMA 193 and Centralia 207. Scores for the Colonels’ varsity were: Musick 49, Ismael Cantu 59, Davis 48, Choi 47 and Vassen 45. JV scores for MMA were GlennWeaver 52, Johnson 51, Silverberg 48, Joe Espinosa 48 and Iga 46 “The JV took second place, with some of them playing their best game ever,” said Capt. Ray of the Colonels’ performance. “A.J. Vassen had the best score for the varsity with a 45, and Jorge Iga had the best score for the JV with a 46 – both season


*** WARRENTON -- The Missouri Military Academy golf team competed in a 20-team event at Warrenton on April 20. The Colonels competed against 4A and 5A schools, according to Capt. Ray. MMA scores were Davis 40, Musick 44, Cantu 48, Carlos Davila 54 and Choi 54. “Even though the competition was very difficult, the boys held up well under the pressure, and enjoyed the day,” said Capt. Ray.

Sophomore golfer Alex Blum of Houston, Texas, launches a drive at the Centralia Invitational.

won the match by nine strokes, 192-201. Colonels varsity players’ scores were Jorge Iga 47, Carlos Davila 48, Davis 52, Jun Hyuck Choi 54 and Vassen 55. Coach Capt. Pam Ray of the Colonels lost the match to her son, Sgt. Pat Ray, golf coach of the Wentworth Red Dragons.

*** Mexico High School won and Missouri Military Academy finished third in a golf tournament April 24 at Centralia Country Club. Final scores were Mexico 155, Centralia 166 and MMA 189 in varsity competition. In junior varsity action, it was

5/18/2006 1:17:53 PM


t o f




MMA Eagle

Monday, May 22, 2006

MMA baseball team finishes season with a 4-9 record

The Missouri Military Academy baseball team completed its season with a 4-9 record after a 14-4 loss at Louisiana R-2 on May 8. Games at WellsvilleMiddletown and Monroe City were rained out. *** STURGEON – Missouri Military Academy led from the outset and improved to 4-7 on the season with an 11-5 victory at Sturgeon on Monday, April 24. “Shawn Mueller did an excellent job pitching, allowing seven hits and five runs,” said MMA coach Capt. Ali Syed. “He also struck out nine batters in his third complete game of the season.” Mueller, Bobby Kelley and Matt Graves hit home runs to power the Colonels’ offense. “Our defense played well, making the routine plays. Offensively, this was our best game

with 13 hits and three home runs,” said Capt. Syed. *** Tuscumbia R-3 edged Missouri Military Academy, 2-1, in baseball action Thursday afternoon, April 20, at Brad Calvert Field. Mueller took the mound loss for MMA, despite tossing several strikeouts and pitching shutout ball the first four innings. “Shawn did an excellent job on pitching, allowing only one run in seven innings. Our defense played well to keep us in the game,” said Capt. Ali Syed. “We had opportunities with the bases loaded or base runners in scoring position, but we just couldn’t get hits at the right time. I was pleased with our defensive performance.” *** North Callaway bats bombarded Missouri Military Acad-

Middle School holds Creative Contests The Middle School Creative Contest took place for a week in April. The Creative Contest topic this year was on different methods of transportation, present, past or future. The Creative Contest project had really good-looking projects,

according to Lt. Dan Laleman. The Creative Contest first-, second- and third-place winners will be announced during the last week of school. The group or person that wins first place will win $50, second place will receive $25 and third place winners will receive $15.

Missouri Military Academy senior Shawn Mueller of St. Louis, Mo., helped the team with timely hitting in several spring games. Here he cracks a hit against Tuscumbia R-3 at Brad Calvert Field. (Photo by Kasey Turnbull)

emy pitching and the error bug bit the Colonels as No Cal rolled to a 17-1 baseball win April 17 at Brad Calvert Field. “North Callaway had a lot of base hits that just took the game out of reach for us,” said Capt. Syed. Mike Lee suffered the loss for MMA. *** SEDALIA – The Missouri Military Academy baseball team finished second in the Liberty Park tournament at Sedalia on Saturday, April 15.

The Colonels defeated Montrose, 5-4. “This was our best performance of the whole season. We came back to win in the bottom of the seventh inning,” said Capt. Syed. Highlights for MMA included Dennis Arseneau with the winning RBI, Mueller with

a home run and Carleton Krause going 3-for-3 on offense. “Krause looked very confident at the plate,” said Capt. Syed, who also liked the Colonels’ pitching. “Dennis pitched very well. He struck out nine batters,” said Capt. Syed. “I’m very pleased with our team performance.”

May Athlete, Student of the Month

Left, senior Tyler Pascoe of St. Charles, Mo., was named the May Athlete of the Month for his efforts on the MMA track team for coach Maj. Lawrence McClarey. At right, freshman Nate Brand of Geneva, Ill., was selected by Director of Studies Maj. Frank Giuseffi as the May Student of the Month.

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MMA Eagle

Monday, May 22, 2006 As of April 30, 2006. Numbers in parentheses indicate years of participation in the Development Fund. Please advise the Development Office of any errors or omissions at (573) 581-1776.

2005-2006 Honor Roll of Donors John and Judy Fritsch ’49 (29) David B. Hill III ’75 (21) Boeing Matching Gift Program (10) G.H. and Caroline Carnahan (6) John L. Cummings ’39 (13) Paul and Debra Erickson (2)


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foley ’53 (34) Robert S. Gaiswinkler ’49 (26) Arturo and Eiliana Garza (6) (In memory of Ricky Garza ’02)

Lester Gehm Memorial Education Trust (8) Rick Guth ’65 (6) Gabriel and Lucila Haddad ’81 (3) Ken and Susan Houston (2)

George and Adelyn Cline ’46, (30) Mr. and Mrs. Dean Davison ’78 (22) Theodore and Valerie Fajen (2) Margaret Mudd Fletcher Foundation LTC Paul and Lawanah Gillette ’70 (25) Terry and Cynthia Goro Scott Harris ’70 Laurence and Christine Harrod ’74 (3) Dr. and Mrs. William Harryman (7) Sheryl Feutz-Harter (4) LTC Harry and Mary Hoyt ’65 (12) William Ryan Jackson ’99 Robert and Dianne Josephs (2)

Kenneth Baker ’51 (3) Jarrett Barton Estate (2) Wallace and Sylvia Beckley ’48 (12) (In memory of Fred Schuck, Joe Phelps and Phil Romick) Douglas and Nancy Besemer (9) Dr. Philip Blum/Dr. Marcia Levetown (2) Olga L. Aguirre de Cantu (4) Dan and Leslie Davis ’71 (8)

Jim and Ann Day (9) (In memory of Zach Day, ’03) MAJ Dennis and Kathy Diederich (9) Clay Dodson ’56 (7) (Honoring the Stribling family) John and Donna Downs KMS ’71 (5) John and Carol Ellerman ’57 Larry and Cheryl Feala (4) Tim and Brenda Fenton (3) E.B. and Dorothy Feutz ’41 (21)

Howard and Karen Wegman (4)

G.W. Jackson ’61 (8) William T. Kemper Foundation (12) MMA Class of 1950 MMA Senior Class of 2006 Lorenzo and Elena Poletti (3)

Randall Kelly ’89 (9) COL Ronald and Susan Kelly (23) LTC Herman Kiefer (11) Jong-Ki Kim ’84 The Kenneth K. Kinsey family Foundation ’59 (5) Kwan Sup Lee (2) MMA Alumni Association (14) MMA “M” Club (11) Jeff and Rebecca Maclellan ’66 (19) Rene and Barbara Males ’50 (19) Robert Manche ’63 (21)


Federico Acebal ’95 Carl Ade ’52 (12) Dr. and Mrs. Benton Allen (16) David Arbogast ’65 (6) Association of Military Colleges and Schools of the United States Fredrick Bader ’58 (3) Ron P. Baran ’60 (21) Charles Barney ’71 (3) Phillip and Judy Baum ’63 (4) David and Mary Bedford ’72 (9) James Bledsoe ’60 (5) Mr. and Mrs. L. Bonadiman Elizabeth Bradbury (9) Harold and Linda Brenizer ’52 (3) Albert and Alberta Brown ’48 (5) Jeffrey Brummet ’71 (2) James and Irene Buchanan ’52 (11) Larry and Toni Burrier Jerry and Deborah Cable (6) Ed Carson Creative Services Buff Chance ’71 (4) Don Chapman (12) Edward and Pauline Clausen ’50

Thomas and Mary Cline ’50 (3) Dempsey Cochran (3) Ellis and Terri Cokes ’51 (10) Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan R.B. and Virginia Cutlip (29) (In memory of Rev. and Mrs. Raymond McAllister) Ambassador Joaquin Dabdoub ‘81 Dana Dabney ’69 (3) Michael Dalton ’59 (15) Dennis Davenport (2) John (Greg) Davis ’71 (11) George and Pat Davison ’68 (26) Donald Dippel ’52 (13) Stephen Doran (2) LTC Robert Dorman (12) (In memory of Scott Lemons ’85) James and Carla Dutton II ’50 (3) Capt. Dale Dye ’62 (2) Anthony Ehler ’97 (2) Robert and Patricia Epple ’47 (9) Mr. and Mrs. Steve Erdel (10) Eric and Grace Feutz CSM Robert and Joan Forties ’41 (2)

Jerroll and Cynthia Adams (20) Aetna Inc. (8) Allstate (9) Robert and Vera Andrews (25) Alan and Violet Arbogast ’50 (8) Bruce and Shirlee Avedon ’46 (27) Frederick Ballard ’53 Judge Robert and Janice Barney (12) Maureen Bassett-Baran Roger Beckerman ’60 (6) Virginia Bedford (34) CPT Sam Blair ’94 COL and Mrs. John Boltz ’46 (31) Donald Bowen (4) David Bowman Jr. ’97 Robin Boyer ’70 (3) James and Irene Buchanan ’58 (11) Robert Butters ’47 (16) John and Cathy Cadwalader (5) Donald and Sally Chesser (6) Chevron Texaco Edward Cissei (8) Ronnie and Francine Clark (2) COL and Mrs. Richard Cook Ellen Cooley (8) E. John Coonjohn (25) James Corkill ’64

David and Jo Ann Crabtree (6) Dr. and Mrs. Norman Crecelius (8) Albert Cunningham ’57 (9) Roy E. Curran ’50 (4) John Earl ’05 Echo Company KMS (2) William and Margaret Ehler (8) Robert Ernest ’77 (4) Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ewing (2) Valynda Ewton Exxon Mobil (10) Mark and Louesa Fine (4) (Honoring COL Charles R. Stribling III ’44) Thomas Fletcher ’65 Rev. Dr. Louden-Hans Flisk (2) Jean Flynn Mike Foster ’68 Keith Gabbert ’55 Dr. Bruce and Nancy Garrett (2) Jerome and Gabriella Giuseffi Thomas and Roberta Goetting (2) Louis Gould Great American Opportunities Inc. Chris Greiner ’74 Wilma K. Grossman (17) Mr. and Mrs. Armengol Guerra (9)


Richard A. White ’47 (40)


Randy and Meg Adler ’77 (13) Milton and Marjorie Adler (34) Donna Ahlstrand (5) (In memory of Wallace Ahlstrand) Robert Albright ’49 (28) Leslie and Joanne Barnard ’48 (23) Michael and Susan Bozarth (6) Tom and Carla Brown Charitable Fund of the Community of North Texas The Chance Foundation (35) Mr. and Mrs. Yih Yeu Chen

Bank of America (9) Boeing Matching Gift Program (10)

May 5-8 pages.indd 4


Gallaher-Tangora-Rodes Insurance (18) Dr. and Mrs. Loren Guffey (10) Dr. and Mrs. James Gehring (16) (In memory of Chris Gehring ’86) The Halliburton Foundation (6) Dr. Patricia Harralson (5) Benjamin Jones ’50 (5) Mike and Pam Knoll ’74 (5) Blake and Patricia Lee Philip and Madai Marmolejo


Trent Frohock ’83 (18) Greg Foster ’70 (3) Mary Gaines (19) Gencorp Foundation (2) Chris Gentry ’88 (5) Marie Gillette-Karbens (9) Leonard Grabau ’53 (5) (In memory of Cliff Chandler and Wesley Hand) Peter and Catherine Grassl (5) Thomas and Elizabeth Griffith (9) Mr. and Mrs. Gerardo Gonzalez (17) Bruce and Linda Grunewald (12) Rev. Dr. William Hager ’58 Andrew Hall ’85 Don and Susan Hand ’78 (3) Jack Hannemann ’71 (2) Ben and Annette Harlow ’47 (7) David and Virginia Harmon ’60 Mary Agnes Harralson (3) Edward and Georgina Harrow (2) Todd Helm ’80 (2) Jack K. Heutel III ’71 Karl F. Hirsch ’70 Harold and Jo Anne Hogen ’55 (10)


Steve Hagan (2) Dr. John and Rachel Harper Jr. ’46 William and Marjorie Hatten ’30 (2) William Hedger ’72 (2) Bradley Henderson ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herzmark (20) Fred and Zella Hisaw Carl and Irma Hollrah Robert Hopmann ’70 (2) Walter Horn Robert and Marla Howard Russ Huether ’60 (7) Mackie and Evelyn Johnston ’55 (7) John and Jennifer Josendale ’72 (10) Dr. Huston & Eleanor Kellogg ’36 (29) Hongjin Kim ’85 Kyle and Sandra King (2) John and Phyllis Kirwan (23) Rev. Dale and Shirley Kronquist (24) Dr. and Mrs. Harold Lankford (23) Terry Logue ’71 (17) Silvio and Helen Lombardi ’55 (8) James and Carol Long ’47 (5) Gerardo and Graciela Machado Mark Magnon ’89 (7) Margaret Maple (2) John E. Marshall (21)


Chevron Corporation (3) Gencorp Foundation

Geri Pratt (4) Fleshman-Pratt Foundation Inc. (4) Charles Schmidt ’65 (9) Hal & Donna Walker estate ’35 (19)

Dana Marshall and Kathy Reardon (6) John and Mary McHenry ’42 (34) Jeff and Susan Nedblake ’77 (15) Victor and Aurora Ortiz Paul Petit ’82 (3) Mary Stewart Ramsey family Gary Schaffer ’65 COL Charles R. Stribling III ’44 (30) Woodrow and Leslie Sullivan (2) B.J. and Bonnie Vermillion ’50 (8) Martin and Lynn Weber (2) Charles and Laura Murray ’50 Bryant and Carmen Pascoe Mr. and Mrs. Edward Razim III ’85 (10) MAJ and Mrs. Don Sheriff (9) Jerry and Theresa Silverberg (2) John and Angela Vassen (2) Don Vaughn ’54 (6) CDR David von Rump ’60 (26) Kent and Kathryn Yoest ’70 (12)

Javier and Erika Ibanez Illinois Farm Bureau Illinois Agricultural Association William E.W. Keish KMS ’59 (3) John and Laura Kelley Rebecca Kennedy (6) Paul Kerr ’48 (16) Lloyd Industries Jeff and Cathy Mathers (8) Delores Mattern Mr. and Mrs. David McAllister Paul and Marna McLain ’51 (13) Karl and Donna McCulloch ’50 (2) Robert and Jean McIntosh (25) Michaela Meeks and Ron Woods Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meinert ’55 (36) Manuel and Maria Mendez Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mennemeyer Kevin and Kim Metheny ’72 (8) John and Lillian Metzger ’44 (5) Leland Myers ’70 (6) LTC and Mrs. Gary Moe (19) Jeffrey Moe ’92 Bill and Betty Ogg ’42 (21)

Byron W. Parker ’48 (5) Ralph and Mary Peck ’52 (27) Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Perez Arthur and Mary Petty (2) George Pine Jr. ’55 (2) Jim and Denise Ray (5) Edwin Ribback ’55 LTC and Mrs. Ron Rosendahl (4) Phillip and Alice Russell ’68 (3) LTC and Mrs. Ralph Saner ’71 (12) Craig Schmidt ’63 (7) Dennis and Kathleen Spaulding (2) Raymond and Debbie Stotlar ’71 (10) Edward and Kathy Sunder (13) Alexander Tegtmeier ’50 Dr. Goff Thompson (5) Ms. Barbara Wallmark (4) (In honor of Alex Bozarth) Webber Pharmacy (17) Ray and Mary Wegman Dr. and Mrs. Fred Wesberry (4) Mr. and Mrs. John Wiegand (7) Guy and Alice Young (7) (In honor of Jon Young ’01)

Richard J. Matthews ’66 (12) Helen Maupin (29) William and Judy McConnell (6) Marcia McPherren (4) Richard and Helen Meinert ’52 (8) Martha M. Meng (16) Norman Middletown ’51 (10) Kathy Mitchell (3) (In memory of Zach Day) Larry and Kathy Moser (2) Wheeler and Nancy Mott ’60 (16) LTC Sam and Suzanne Mounger (12) Larry Mrazek ’51 (16) Bruce and Nancy Oliver (6) COL and Mrs. Albert Owens (8) Oscar Paras Donald and Carol Pascoe COL Robert and Patricia Piper ’47 (18) Mrs. Rebecca Popp (5) Stephen & Barbara Richards ’60 (21) Jason and Deborah Rinz (4) Don and Joyce Robinson (11) Ruth C. Russell (23) Robert and Thip Samples ’55 (28) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sampson (2) William Savitt ’46 Dr. and Mrs. John Schuchmann (11)

Fred and Sheila Schulman ’57 (17) Mr. and Mrs. David Schwind (3) Matthew Schwind ’03 Dr. Mary Seay (21) George Sennett ’53 (9) Brian Sims ’79 (3) William and Penelope Sims ’60 (6) William and Karen Speros ’54 (3) Morgan Stanley (5) Robert Stewart ’55 (6) Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Sullivan (2) William and Mary Suntrup (3) Mr. and Mrs. Dean Sweet (11) Darryl and Susan Taylor ’60 (16) BG Carl Tegtmeier ’62 (12) Richard Thomas ’70 Dr. Jack and Beverly Titus (27) Steve Turner ’64 (3) John Unnerstall ’64 (3) COL and Mrs. Craig Urbauer (6) Cleta Mae Vantress Adolf and Peggy Walter (23) Sybil Wasserman Camargo Robert and Rose Weaver ’75 (9) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webber (4) Ray Zimmerman ’61 (4)

General Electric Foundation Halliburton Foundation (6)

Lloyd Industries Inc. R.J. Reynolds Foundation (4)


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