FA( School Principal, Fort Cobb High School, Fort Cobb, Oklahoma, 19351941; Graduate work at University of Oklahoma, summers of 193641; Missouri Military Academy, 1941—.
A. E., Hannibal LaGrange College, Hannibal, Missouri, 1939; Northeast State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri, 1939; Missouri University. 1940; Missouri Audrain County Elementary School System Instructor, 1939-41; Missouri Military Academy, 1941—.
Northeast Missouri State Teachers’ College, Kirksville, Missouri; B.S., University of Missouri, 1941; Principal and Coach, Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery City, Missouri, 1931-42; Missouri Military Academy, 1942.—; Counselor, Camp Lincoln for Boys, Brainerd, Minne sota, 1943.
B.A., Washington and Lee University, 1917; Greek Scholar, Washington and Lee University, 1916; Instructor in Modern Languages, Fishburne Military School, 1917-18; Commissioned United States Field Artillery, 1918; Commandant of Cadets, Fishburne Military School, 1919; Instruc tor in Modern Languages, Camp Jackson Summer School, 1918-20; In structor in English, Fishburne Military School, 1919-20; Special Courses in Education, University of Missouri, 1928, ’30, ’31, ’32; Lt. Col., Infantry, World War II; Missouri Military Academy, 1920.
MAJOR MARQUESS WALLACE, B. A. PRINCIPAL MATHEMATICS B.A., Westminster College, 1910; Instructor in Latin, Fishburne Military School, 1910-12; Graduate Student and University Scholar in Greek, Johns Hopkins University, 1912-13; Instructor in Latin and German, Fishburne Military School, 1913-17; Ensign, U. S. Naval Reserve Force, 1918-19; Headmaster, Fishburne Military School, 1917-20; Gradu ate Student, Columbia University, 1914 and 1922; Special Courses in Education and Mathematics, University of Missouri, 1928-32; Member National Association of Secondary School Principals; Missouri Military Academy, 1920—.
MAJOR 0. G. HOCKER, B.S. PRINCIPAL JUNIOR SCHOOL ALUMNI SECRETARY B.S., Northeast Missouri Stale Teachers College, 1920; U. S. Navy, 1918-19; Superintendent of Schools, Gilliam, Missouri, 1921-23; Principal and Science Instructor, Unionville, Missouri, High School, 1923-24; Advanced work in Summer Terms, 1921-22-24; Missouri Military Acad emy, 1924—; Director of Intramural Athletics, 1924-30; Head of Science Department, 1924-41; Principal Junior School, 1930—; Alumni Secretary, 1940—.
MAJOR TONY B. LUMPKIN, B.S. COMMANDANT MATHEMATICS B.S., The Citadel, 1929; Small Arms Firing School, Camp Perry, Ohio; Major Coast Artillery Reserve: Special Courses in Education, Uni versity of Missouri. 1930-31-32; Instructor in Mathematics, Missouri Military Academy, 1929—.
CAPTAIN ELMER R. JACKSON, B.M. DIRECTOR OF MUSIC B.M., Central College, 1931; Missouri Military Academy, 1931—.
CAPTAIN G. DAVID BAILEY MATHEM AT ICS Illinois Military School, 1925; Kansas Slate Teachers’ College, Pittsburg, 1926; University of Cincinnati, 1931; Special Courses in Education, Western State Teachers’ College, Macomb, Illinois, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932; Commissioned Captain Illinois National Guard, 1926; Instructor and Commandant Lower School, Illinois Military School, 1926-34; Missouri Military Academy, 1935—.
University of Tennessee, 1933-34; University of Chattanooga, 1934-37; B.A., 1937; member of the following honorary societies: Phi Gamma Mu (Social Science) ; Theta Alpha Phi (Dramatic) ; Tail Epsilon Sigma (Economic) ; Blue Key; Head Counsellor, Camp Ocoee, Ocoee, Tenn., 1936 and 1937; Missouri Military Academy, 1937—.
CAPTAIN CHESTER M. NUNN, A.B., M.S. DIRECTOR OF GUIDANCE SCIENCE A.B., Washington University, 1934; Assistant in Zoology, Washington University, 1934-36; M.S. in Zoology and Chemistry, Washington Uni versity, 1936; Instructor in Zoology, Washington University, 1936-37; Graduate Work in Medicine, Washington University Medical School’, 1937-39; Special Courses in Education, Washington University, 1939; In structor in Chemistry and Biology, Normandy High School, St. Louis, Summer of 1939; Instructor in Science, Bowling Green High School^ Bowling Green, Mo., 1940-41; Missouri Military Academy, 1941_ .
Junior College of Flat River, Flat River, Missouri. 1925-27; Rolla School of Mines, Rolla, Missouri, 1933; B.S. in Education, Northeast Missouri State Teachers’ College, Kirksville, Missouri, 1936; M.A., University of Missouri, 1942; Principal of a St. Francois County, Missouri, Rural School, 1927-28; Instructor in Hygiene and Physical Education, Desloge, Missouri, Central School, 1928-32; Instructor in Social Studies and Athletics, Junior-Senior High School, Desloge, Missouri, 1932-40; In structor and Head of the Department of History, Desloge High School, Desloge, Missouri, 1940-42; Instructor in History and member of the Athletic Department, Missouri Military Academy, 1942—.
CAPTAIN G. IVAN BIDEWELL, B.S., M.A. ENGLISH B. S., Southeast Missouri State Teachers’ College, 1933; Graduate Work in English at the University' of Missouri and the University of Iowa: Principal and Coach of Greenville High School. Greenville, Missouri. 1931-33; Coach New Madrid High School. N ew Madrid. Missouri 1933-39: Coach Risco High School, Risco. Missouri, 1939-42: English Instructor. Flat River High School and Junior College. Flat River. Missouri. 1942: Missouri Military' Academy, 1942—.
CAPTAIN GEORGE L. PIPER, B.S. ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Northeast Missouri Stale Teachers’ College, Kirksville, Missouri. 1941: leacher in Schuyler County Schools, 1924-33; Departmentalized I eaching, Art, Social Science, Junior High Basketball Coach. Queen City Schools Queen City Missouri, 1933-40; Supervisor of Art in forty Manon County Schools, 1940-43; Member of the Art Council of Missouri and Member of Western Arts; Director at Camp Lincoln for Boys. Brainerd, Minnesota, Summer 1914; Missouri Military Academy, 1943 -.
CAPTAIN JOSEPH R. ROBINSON, B.A., M.A. SOCIAL SCIENCES cXLJl,Ch0ioaC011enr’ C.hic?S°’ Illinois, 1932-33; Woodrow Wilson Junior I1S’ 1938 X’ rlin.0,S’ 1935?6; B A” University of Illinois, Urbana Science Tn^r^t’ Gradl,,al® "’ork. University of Illinois, 19-1041; Social Stewardson TIP °* a?o 11 G°qC Stewardson Community High School, mu it IH"h Sch0,T n41; n?cial Science and English Instructor. Com1943-Z. ° Scl‘ool, Dupo, Illinois, 1941-43; Missouri Military Academy.
B.A., University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, 1935; English in structor, Excelsior High School, Okemah, Oklahoma, 1929-32; High
TXhe?1ConeieXK'8vnMiKen5trUcky’ 1909; Northeast Missouri State ColumbU SuH MUs0Uri’ 1910’ University of Missouri. umma, Missouri, 1914; Missouri Military Academy, 1943—
CAPTAIN EARL H. BROWN, B.S. INDUSTRIAL ARTS B. S. in Education, Northeast Missouri Stale Teachers’ College, Kirksville, Missouri, 1926: Graduate School, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mis souri, Summers 1927-28; Principal Greenwood High School, Shelbina, Missouri, 1914-15; Superintendent Goss Public School, Goss, Missouri, 1915- 16; Superintendent Rutledge High School, Rutledge, Missouri, 1916- 18; Principal Keytesville High School, Keytesville. Missouri, 192628; Superintendent Hurdland High School. Hurdland, Missouri, 1928-29; Instructor in Electricity. OSY School. University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. 1942; Instructor in Radio. U. S. Army Signal Corps, National Defense Training School, Kansas City. Kansas, 1942-43; Missouri Mili tary Academy, 1943—.
CAPTAIN MAX LU M MIS, B.A., M.A. LATIN AND EAGLE Quincy College, Quincy, Illinois, 1939-40; University of Illinois, 1941-44, B. A., 1942, M. A., 1943; Member of Eta Sigma Phi and Phi Bela Kappa honorary societies; Assistant in the Classics, University of Illinois, 194243, Fellow, 1943-44; Missouri Military Academy, 1944—.
:.r‘i ■■ J If.',■
CAPTAIN CARL W. HOLLRAH, B.S. SCIENCE B.S. and B.S. in Education. Central Missouri Stale Teachers' College, Warrensburg, Missouri, 1938; Mathematics and Science instructor, Dawn High School, Dawn, Missouri, 1940-41; Graduate work, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, summer of 1941: Mathematics and Physics instructor, West Plains High School. West Plains, Missouri, 1941-43; Physics instructor, Stale Teachers' College, Springfield, Missouri, 1943-44; Physics instructor, Stale Teachers’ College, Warrensburg, Missouri, sum mer of 1944; Missouri Military Academy, 1944—.
SERGEANT ROBERT M. STEWART U. S. ARMY Enlisted in the Regular Army 21 Aug., 1940; Served with 6th Coast Artillery, Fort Winfield Scott, Calif.: With rating of S/Sgl. attended Air Cadet School at Stevens Point, Wis., and Santa Anna, Calif. Stationed at Presidio, Monterey, Calif., Fort Snelling, Minn; Present assignment 21 June, 1944.
CAPTAIN W. L. SMITH, B.S., A.M. MATHEMATICS B.S. in Education, Southwest Missouri Slate Teachers College, 1931; Master of Arts, University of Missouri, 1938; Superintendent of Schools, Fremont, Missouri, 1931-34; Superintendent of Schools, Neelyville, Missouri, 1934-41; High School Principal, Lilbourn, Missouri, 1942-3; Superintendent of Schools, Alton, Missouri, 1943-44; Member, Gamma Chapter, Phi Della Kappa; Missouri Military Academy, 1944.
St. Louis University; Stale Teachers’ College, Cape Girardeau, Missouri; Marquette University; University of Louisville; St. Luke’s Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri; Colton Bell Railroad Hospital; Missouri Military Academy, 1941—.
MISS HEDWIG HAFNER, R.N. NURSE Washington University, 1916; Rainbow Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, 191620: Missouri Military Academy, 1923—.
Monetl Junior College, Monett, Missouri, 1929-31; B.S. Southwest Missouri Slate Teachers College, Springfield, Missouri, 1939; Graduate work Missouri University, Columbia, Missouri, 1940; Principal and Instructor in the Grade Schools, Purdy, Missouri, 1931-33; Commercial instructor and coach Purdy High School, Purdy, Missouri, 1939-41; Commercial instructor and coach Diamond High School, Diamond, Missouri, 1941-43: Commercial instructor Brimfield Township High School, Brimfield, Illinois, 1943-44; Missouri Military Academy, 1944.
B.A., University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 1940; LL.B., University of Kansas, 1942; Graduate Rifle and Heavy Weapons Course, Fl. Benning, Georgia; Commissioned 2nd Lt.. Infantry-Reserve, 1942; Served as Assistant P. M. S. & T., 1942-43, University of Kansas; Com mandant of Advanced Medical ASTP, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado, 1944; Assistant P. M. S. & T., St. Thomas Military Academy. St. Paul. Minnesota, 194445 prior to assignment al MM A—.
MATHEMATICS B.S. Southwest Missouri State Teachers College, Springfield, Missouri, 1926; A.B. 1929; M.A. University of Missouri 1934; Principal Grades New Haven, Missouri, 1924-25 Mathematics instructor Mildred High School, Mildred, Kansas, 1926-29; Mathematics instructor Bonne Terre High School. Bonne Terre, Missouri, 1929-42; Head of Department of Mathematics Northwestern Military and Naval Academy, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, 1942-43; Mathematics instructor in Army Air Corps Training Unit, Stale Teachers College, Springfield, Missouri, 19-43-44; Mathematics instructor Missouri Military Academy 1944-—.
ASSISTANT P. M.S.&T. B.S.C., University of Iowa, 1943; Commissioned Officers Reserve Corps, 1943; Attended The Infantry School, 1943; Served with the 83rd Inf. Division in England and France; Wounded in action and returned to the United States for hospitalization in December, 1944; Present assign ment, August, 1945—.
LIEUTENANT COLEMAN ARNOLD, A.B., M.A. ENGLISH A.B., Georgetown College, 1926; M.A., Univcrstiy of Kentucky, 1944;
Principal, Mt. Hebron High School, Lancaster, Kentucky, 1926-1929; Head of the English Department, Catlettsburg High School, 1929-1942; Principal, Catlettsburg High School, 1942-1945; Missouri Military Academy, 1945--.
LIEUTENANT EDWARD E. MARGGRAF, B.E., M.A. HISTORY B.E., Akron University; M.A., Western Reserve University; De Herak Scholarship in Piano; Alabama Military Academy, Akron Public Schools, Barberton Public Schools; Missouri Military Academy, 1945 .
MASTER SGT. DAVID A. JONES, U. S. ARMY Iowa State College, 1928-1929; Enlisted in Regular Army 23 April, 1931: Served with 3rd Infantry Regiment, Fort Snelling, Minnesota, 1931-1940: Served with 6th Infantry Division and participated in Army maneuvers, Fort Benning, Georgia, 1939-1940; Served with IX Army Corps and participated in California maneuvers, 1941: Graduate of the Ordnance School for non-commissioned officers in maintenance, 1940; Commissioned 2nd Lt., Infantry, 1939; Commissioned 2nd Lt., Ordnance Department, 1941; Served with Ordnance Department as 1st Lt., AsiaticPacific theatre, World War 11; Awarded Bronze Service Star, Aleutian campaign: Ordnance School, Automotive, 1944; Stationed at Army Service Forces Training Centers (Ordnance). Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland, and Jackson, Mississippi, 1944 1945; Present assignment 17 February, 1946—.
Technician Third Grade Reuben D. Kvidt, U. S. Army Interstate Business College, 1937-1938; Enlisted in the Regular Army 26 October, 1938; Served with “M” Co., 3rd Infantry at Ft. Snelling, Minnesota; Participated in 3rd Army Maneuvers with 6th Infantry Division at Ft. Benning, Georgia, 1939-1940: Chief Clerk, Records and zVssignment Section, Reception Center, Ft. Snelling, Minnesota, 19401941; ROTC Duty, Shattuck School. Faribault, Minnesota. 1941-1944: Surgical Technician School, Fitzsimons General Hospital, 1944; Served as Surgical Technician in European Theater of Operations, 1944-1945; Present assignment February, 1946—.
HELEN F. BOYD SECRETARY TO THE SUPERINTENDENT United States Civil Service, 1942: Missouri Military Academy, 1945—.
Winter at M. M. A. affords sufficient snow to permit Winter maneuvers.
The M. M. A. Rifle Team (left to right): Rook, Clark Goldman, Rice, Proetz, R.
Col. Stribling (left) presenting The Chicago Tribune Medal to (left to right):
Joe Parks, Themis Pailas, Robert Hull.
1st Row (left to right): Capt. IJeulel, Capl. Cline. Major Morton, Col. Stribling, Capl. Phelps, Capl. Herman. 2nd Row (left to right): 2nd Ll. Boltz, 2nd Lt. Phillips, 1st Lt. McCarty. 2nd Lt. Stoss, 1st Lt. Avedon.
Sckn.-i 1 er- fwi®-.
Military Law I and 11
Chemical Warfare Service
Machine Gun
Military History
Map Reading
Aerial Photography
Principles of Leadership
Machine Gun
Automatic Rifle
FRESHMEN: The Cadet Officer of the Day receives his instructions from the comrrat:.-
Sanitation and First Aid
Scouting and Patrolling All cadets receive % unit in military credit for each year of military work completed.
non-commissioned officers
w McCullough, R„ McCullough W., Glidden, Liebcrma;in, Bilyea, D., Mitchell, Logan, J., Denman, Kerr, Patched.
2nd Row (left to right): Ellis, Hallam, Bedell. McWhorter, 2nd. Moore, Smith, L., Hocker, Butlers, Savin, Daniels, Lueders. 3rd Row (left to right): Williams, Fernstrum, Frizzell, Seranlon, Mason, Milam, Elmer, Furla, Leslie, Bellows, Stiles.
4th Row (left to right): Piper, Not man, Kernen, White, A.. Welsh, Flores, Ellston, C., Akin, Herforlh, Long, Romick. 5th Row (left to right): Boudoures, Boilerman, O'Hara. Lane, Owens, Bailey, Bruce, Dollinger, R., Fishel, Hardin. Osiek.
Top Row (left to right): Tressen, Sliles, Brown, Meadows, Pappin, Allen, Saunders, D., Parker.
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Each sport at M. M. A. is organized in such manner that every boy is given an opportunity
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lo participate—to to be be a regular member of a team. The boys are teamed up according to
their size, age, experience and ability, in the sport of their preference. In addition to var sity teams in each sport, there are company teams which give every boy his chance to com
pete in a carefully arranged intramural schedule. Each team has its own coach and its own playing area . Besides the various team activities, all boys participate in other physical
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events in which the entire battalion engages. These events include two colorful athletic
carnivals, one in the fall and one in the spring, and daily
■ ;-/
drills in calisthenics.
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" ;48 ;4S- 134; 34; ,33 ?33
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S7M2S '45 30 36 39 45 30 <v '!• ’ 7' '• f ’'
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Two of life’s big lessons are how lo win, and how to lose. At M. M. A. boys are taught to play each
game with greatest emphasis on sportsmanship. Win, lose, or draw, they learn to “take it” like real
! fX L
■ ’ 4 55
gentlemen. This training in hard, fair play and clean sportsmanship is of inestimable value to every
boy in his preparation for the battles of life. 28
'44 ' —i I IH W * W. t Wt. t
A ;
M.M.A. STUDENT Student organizations made up of honorary and geographic groups do much in maintain-
ing the high morale of M. M. A. cadets. Boys
from various territories, such as Missouri, Chicago and Oklahoma are banded together to participate in various functions.
v r? fl
ORGANIZATIONS In addition, certain honorary groups
such as Delta Phi and the Fusileers require excellence in competition for membership.
These organizations do much to pro mote good-fellowship and comrade
■11 i
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CLASS OF 1949 1st Row, left to right—Curran, C., Bilyea, G.. Stephens, Franklin, Vermillion, Soldwedel, Upton.
Vos, Cato.
2nd Row, left to right—Albright, Montgomery, Augustine, Reiner, Gaiswinkler, Cracchiolo, Cannon. Weinberg, Paramore. 3rd Row, left to right—Wallendorf. Rejos, Larsen, Camp. Varvares, Buckner. Campbell. Upham, Graham.
4th Row, left to right-Buys. Hungate, Fritsch, Scott, J.. FitzGerald, Dollinger. M., McClasky. B.,
Clinton, Marcagi. 5th Row, left to right—Frazey, Wurst, R., Poehl, Arnold, Brahm, Olson, Grimsley, Peterson, D., Trotter.
CLASS OF 1948 1st Row, left to right —Hoffman, Schuch, Moore, Logan, J., Altridge, McMorries, Kerr. Judge. Loving. 2nd Row, left to right—Fleming, Edman, Phillips. H., Wheeler, Stiles. Overton. Hewitt. Smith. L. D., Reigle, Fulton. 3rd Row, left to right—Romick, Cox, Shoeman, Juriss, Owens, Dawson, Gebel, Wieland. Barnard Deyherie, Beckley. 4th Row, left to right—Klein. Parker, Vick, Geer, Terrill, Gage, Brown, Saunders. D., Hill. Sharp Fernstrum, Bolterman. 5th Row, left to right—Robinson, Gamble, Grabitz, Meyers, Caswell. Van Horn, Halbert, McMahan Pitts, Van Natta, Johnson.
1st Row, left to right—Bullers, Hocker, McCullough, R., Donovan, Mitchell, Bilyea, D., Coffey, Thorpen, Epple, McCormick, McGrath.
2nd Row, left to right—Bentz, Nolman, Blozis, Welsh, Hallam, Lueders, Elmer, Williams, Fernstrum, Wilson, Ellis. 3rd Row, left to right—Piper, Clemens, Kernan, Abbott, Taylor, Furla, Bramer, Ashley, Peterson,
P., While, R., Bunch.
4th Row, left to right—Callas, Scott, R., Korn, Radcliffe, Thomas, Powell, Herforlh, Long, O’Dell, Bruce, Dollinger, R.
5th Row, left to right—Compton, Reger, Meadows, Botterman, Boudoures, O’Hara, Hardin, Fishel, Osiek, Stiles, Ellston, E.
6th Row, left to right—Dempsey, Noriega, Harlow, Weiss.
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CORB SARCHET BEDELL, BEDELL.. Wichita, Kansas, 1944-1946Cadct Corporal, Company “A”; MMA Sharpshooter, Varsity Football; Varsity Swimming; Varsity Golf; Eagle; Company Basketball; Plaque Most Valuable R.O.T.C Sophomore; Distinction Military Science 1946.
JOHN HOLT DENMAN, Sedan, Kansas, 1942-1946-Cadet Corporal, Company "D"; Varsity Football: Varsity Basketball; Varsity Tennis; Tennis Champion. Mighty Mite Football; Band; Glee Club Dance Band; Varsity Rifle; MMA Expert Rifleman; Distinction American Government 1946.
DALE BELLOWS, Eureka Springs, Arkansas, 1943-1946— Cadet Corporal, Company “D”; Varsity Sports Man ager; Marching and Concert Bands: Distinction Spanish I 1946.
RICHARD FRANCIS EATON, Chicago, Illinois, 1943-1946Cadet Private. Company “A"; Band: Glee Club; Dramateers: Varsity Track; Company Football; Spartans; Code of Honor.
JERRY CHARLES ARGAST, St. Louis, Missouri, 1940-1946Cadet Private, Company “C”, MMA Sharpshooters; Military Medal; Military Bar; Barracks Bar; Varsity Boxing; Varsity Tennis; Company Football: Com pany Basketball; Captain Mighty Mite Football Team 1943 ; Captain Light Football Team 1944; Fusileers.
JOHN DENTON BOLTZ, Chicago, Illinois, 1942-1946Cadet Second Lieutenant, Company “D”; Company Football; Varsity Football; Varsity Swimming; Ail Star Football; MMA Sharpshooter; Vice-President Chicago Club; Company Basketball: Senior Life Saving; Distinction in Science; Code of Honor.
JOHN CARL ELLSTON, Exeter, Missouri, 1943-1946Cadet Sergeant, Company “D”; Varsity Football; Varsity Basketball; Varsity Track: Gold Pentathlon Medal: Glee Club; Dramateers; ”.M" Club; MMA Sharpshooter; Bausch and Lomb Medal tor Excel lence in Science 1946; Distinction Chemistry 1946.
BRUCE AVEDON, Miami Beach, Florida, 1938-1946Cadet First Lieutenant, Company “D"; President Delta Phi, Plaque tor Highest Academic Achievement 1943: R.O.T.C. Expert Rifleman: Varsity Rifle Team 1916; Varsity Football: Captain Varsity Wrestling Team; Swimming Commissioner 1946: Senior Life Saving 1945: Glee Clul>: Eagle: “M” Club; Bar for Physical Proficiency: Certificate of Distinction in Academic Subjects; Plaque for Most Valuable R.O. T.C Senior 1946; Plaque for Most Versatile Cadet 1946: Mathematics Prize 1946: Plaque for Highest Scholarship 1946; Distinction Military Science; Type writing 1946; Valedictorian.
BLAINE HERBERT CARRUTH, Royal Oak, Michigan, 19421946—Cadet Private First Class, Company “D”; Ath letic Manager; Maroon Bar; Fusileers.
GEORGE THOMAS CLINE, JR., St. Louis, Missouri, 19421946—Cadet Captain, Company “D”; Silver Chicago Tribune Medal 1945; R.O.T.C. Plaque; Varsity Foot ball ; Varsity Wrestling; Varsity Track; Company Football; Company Basketball: Glee Club: Quartet; Dramateers; Treasurer Senior Class; “M” Club; MMA Sharpshooter; Academic Certificate of Distinc tion; Spartans; Trustee Code of Honor; Charles T. Wall Cup 1946; Delta Phi; Gold “Chicago Tribune” Medal for Merit 1946; Distinction Military Science 1946.
GERALD ALLEN FUDGE, Cleburne, Texas, 1943-1946Cadet Private, Company “D”; Varsity Track; Com pany Football: Company Basketball: Texas Club: Fusileers.
JAMES ANDREW DANIELS, JR., St .Louis, Missouri, .. . , 19441946—Cadet Private. Company “D”: Best Drilk.. ... Drilled 1st Year Cadet Plaque 1945; Varsity Football: Varsity Boxing; “M” Club.
JACK DEE WAYNE FYKE, Kansas City, Missouri, 19441946—Cadet Private First Class; Company “C" ; Life Saving; Mite Football; Company Basketball; MMA Sharpshooter; Glee Club.
SAMUEL CABELL AKIN, Nacogdoches, Texas, 1942-1946— Cadet Corporal, Company "A”; Vice-president Dramteers; Meritas; Company Football: Varsity Swim ming; Meritas Plaque 1946.
ROBERT NORRIS ALLEN, Detroit, Michigan, 1944 1946Cadet Corporal, Company “C”; Varsity Boxing; Varsity Football; Life Saving; Michigan Club; “M”
Club. 3.
HAROLD REED BAILEY, JR., Kansas City, Missouri, 194446—Cadet Private, Company “D”; MM A Sharp shooter; Company Football: Red Cross Life Saving; Dramateers 1944-1946: Company Basketball; Kansas City Club; Fusileers.
RAUL FLORES GONZALES, Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico, 1942-1946—Cadet Corporal, Company “C”: Marksman ship Medal: Silver Pentathlon Medal: Company Bas ketball; Dramateers; Glee Club. JAMES LEE FRIZZELL, Weatherford, Oklahoma, 19431946—Cadet First Sergeant, Company “1)“; Company Football; All Star Football: Company Basketball: Varsity Football: Varsity Swimming: Best All-round Swimmer; “M“ Club; Senior Life Saving; Oklahoma Club; Code of Honor.
MAC OWEN G1LLASPY, Kirkwood, Missouri, 1943-1946Cadet Private First Class, Company “A"; Company Basketball: Mite Football: Manager. Varsity Foot ball: Varsity Swimming; Varsity Golf; Junior Life Saving ; Spartans ; Glee Club.
RICHARD PAUL GLIDDEN, Kansas City, Missouri, 19441946—Cadet Corporal, Company “C”; Company Foot ball ; Company Basketball: Dramateers; Kansas City Club; Fusileers.
NORMAN KEITH HARRISON, Detroit, Michigan, 19441946—Cadet Corporal, Company “C”; Varsity Box ing; Varsity Tennis: Michigan Club; Weight Cham pion in Boxing.
GLEEN RAY HAWKINS, St. Louis, Missouri, 1944-1946Cadet Corporal, Company "A”; MMA Sharpshooter: Military Bar; Varsity Basketball; Varsity Golf; Code of Honor.
ALDEN FARRELLY HAYS, JR., Mexico, Missouri, 1943-1946 —Cadet Corporal. Company “A"; Varsity Tennis: Company Football; Glee Club; Band; MMA Marks man ; Company Basketball.
WALTER JOHN HERMANN, Detroit, Michigan, 1942-1946 —Cadet Captain. Company “C”: Vice-President Senior Class; MMA Expert Rifleman; Varsity Wrestling: Varsity Tennis: Varsity Swimming: Company Foot ball; Captain Swimming Team; Boxing Commis sioner 1946; Glee Club; Michigan Club; Fusileers; Spartans: Trustee; Code of Honor; “M” Club; Sons of American Revolution Medal for Merit, 1946.
JOHN KERMIT HEUTEL, JR., St. Louis County, Missouri, ]^4 Cadet Captain. Headquarters Company: “M Club; Varsity Football; Captain Varsity BasebMl: All-Star Football; Companv Football: Captain Mighty Mite Football: MMA Sharpshooter: Fusi leers; Code of Honor.
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26. RUSSELL LADDIE KOTT, Berwyn, Illinois, 1943-1946Cadet Private. Company “C”; Company Basketball, Varsity Football; Varsity Boxing, Varsity Track; Varsity Baseball; Varsity Wrestling; Gold Pentathlon Medal; Plaque for Neatest Room, 19-13; “M” Club; MMA Sharpshooter; Spartans. 27. GORDON EDGAR LANE, Iowa City, Iowa, 1943-1946Cadet Sergeant, Company "A”; Highest Scholarship in Sophomore and Junior Classes; Delta Phi: Varsity Football: Varsity Wrestling: Varsity Swimming; Varsity Tennis; All-Star Football; Company Basket ball; Dramateers; Fusileers; Iowa-Nebraska Club; Honor Graduate. 28. JAMES LEE LESLIE, Belleville, Illinois, 1943-1946-Cadet Sergeant, Company “C”; Company Basketball; Com pany Football; Varsity Tennis; AIM A Rifle Marks man; Drum and Bugle Corps; Fusileers; Military Bearing Bar. 29. STANLEY DAVID LIEBERMAN, University City, Missouri, 1942-1946—Cadet Sergeant. Company “D”; Varsity Swimming; Varsity Tennis; Company Football; Com pany Basketball; Concert Band; Marching Band; Dance Orchestra; Drum and Ruble Corps; Glee Club; lost Bugler; Plaque for Most Valuable Musician 1946. 30. JOHN ALDEN LOVE, Wichita, Kansas, 1942-1946-Cadet Corporal. Company “D”; Varsity Wrestling; Varsity Golf; Glee Club; Eagle; Oklahoma Club; Fusileers; MMA Expert Rifleman; Mighty Mite Football; Com pany Football; Company Basketball; All-Star Foot ball; Spartans; Senior Life Saving. 3L JERRY BRADLEY McCARTY, Detroit, Michigan, 1942-1946(adet First Lieutenant. Company "C”; Cadet JlaLti'hon Adjutant; “M.” Club; Varsity Football; Varsity -Ayrtstiing-;—Co'inpanv Football; All-Star Football; Varsity Golf; Best Drilled Ohl Cadet 1945; Glee flub; Dramateers; Michigan Club; MMA Sharp shooter; Jerome G. Harris Cup for Most Soldierly Qualities 1946.
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32. WALTER CULVER McCULLOUGH, JR., Chanute, Kansas. 1944-1946—Cadet Corporal, Company “C”; Company Football; All-Star Football; Mighty Mite Football; Kansas Club; Fusileers.
JOHN STRATFORD McWHORTER, Chicago, Illinois, 19431946-Cadet Private, Company “D”; Expert Rifle man; Silver Pentathlon Medal; Varsity Football; Varsity Swimming; Varsity Track; Company Foot ball; Company Basketball; Fusileers; Chicago Club; Spartans.
PHILLIP EUGENE MASON, Kokomo, Indiana, 1942-1946Cadet Private, Company “A”; Varsity Golf; Company Football; Dramateers; Eagle.
RONALD HUGH MILAM, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1943-1946Cadet First Sergeant. Company "A”; Highest Schol arship Sophomore Class; Delta 1 hi; Silver Chicago Tribune Medal; Meritas Plaque; Varsity Football; Captain Varsity Wrestling; Varsity Boxing; Varsi y Baseball; Varsity Track; “M Club; Silver and Gold Pentathlon Medals; Band; MMA Sharpshooter; Spar tans- Trustee; Code oi Honor; Ireland Fighting Heart” Cup 1946; Distinction Military Science 1946.
DONALD RICHARD MORTON, St. Louis, Missouri, 19421946-r.Cadet Battalion Major; Best Drilled First V ear Cid<fFT943 ; Captain Varsity Football; Captain Vaishy Basketball; Varsity Track : \ arsity Boxing; Gold Pentathlon Medal ; Expert Rifleman; .I resident M Club ; Fusileers ; Spartans ; President, Code of Honor , Hootin Fellowship Cup 1946; Plaque Best A hlete 1946; Gold ‘‘Chicago I nbune Medal tor Merit 1946, Distinction Military Science 1946.
shooter: Color Guard; Spartans.
z ' , New York, 1944-1946 38. RUSSELL SIDNEY PATCHETT, Sodus, _ ("'lAnt (’nrnnrfil (*'nmnnnv *k,‘D T~) ”; Captain Varsity — Cadet Corporal, Company Basketball; Company Basketball; Company Football; Company Baseball; Meritas Plaque; “M” Club; Fusileers; MMA Sharpshooter; Code of1 Honor.
39. JAMES VERNON PHELPS, El Reno, Oklahoma, 1942-1946 —Cadet Captain, Company “A”; Mighty Mite Foot ball; Varsity Football; Varsity Wrestling; President Senior Class ; President Dramateers ; Wrestling Com missioner ; Trustee, Code of Honor; Plaque for “Most Outstanding Performance as a Cadet Officer”; W. Wallace Fry Cup for Public Speaking.
40. MERLIN LEON PHILLIPS, Wichita, Kansas, 1942-1946Cadet Lieutenant; Captain “A”; Varsity Football; Varsity Track; \ arsity Rifle; Varsity Golf; MMA Expert Rifleman ; Marksmanship Plaque; “M” Club ; Pentathlon; Fusileers. 41.
ROBERT JAMES SAUNDERS, Kansas City, Missouri, 19431946—Cadet Corporal, Company “C”: Company Foot ball; All-Star Football; Dance Band ; Concert Band; Marching Band; Post Bugler; Distinction Typing 1946.
42. WILLIAM SAVITT, East St. Louis, Missouri, 1943-1946Cadet Sergeant, Company "D”; Varsity Football; Varsity Track; "M” Club: Gold Pentathlon Medal: Dance Band: R.O.T.C. Band: Drum and Bugle Corps; Post Bugler; MMA Sharpshooter: Plaque for Excellence in Science 1946: Distinction Chemistry 1946. 43. CHARLES DeMOSS SCRANTON, Great Bend, Kansas, 1942-1946—Cadet Corporal. Company “A”: Expert Rifleman: MMA Expert Rifleman ; All-Star Football; Company Football; Glee Club; Senior Life Saving; Company Basketball: Fusileers.
DONALD ROBERT SMITH, Port Huron, Michigan, 19441946—Cadet Corporal. Company "C”; Life Saving; Dance Band; Band; Michigan Club; Code or Honor.
LEROY BYRON SMITH, Los Angeles, California, 1943-1946 —Cadet Private. Company “C”; Varsity Football; Silver Pentathlon: Band; Dance Orchestra; Glee Club; Quartet; “M” Club; Varsity Track; Varsity Baseball; Company Basketball.
DICKSON LEE STARK, St. Louis, Missouri, 1939-1946Cadet Private, Company “D”; MMA Expert Rifle man ; Varsity Swimming; Varsity Wrestling; Senior Life Saving, Fusileers; Spartans; Horse-Show Team; Code of Honor.
FRED BARNARD STOSS, JR., Dodge City, Kansas, 19421946—Cadet Lieutenant. Company “A"; “M” Club; Award for Excellence in Typing; Varsity Golf: Var sity Football: Varsity Rifle: Varsity Track: Silver Pentathlon Medal; MMA Sharpshooter: Vice-Presi dent Kansas Club; Company Basketball; Fusileers.
48. TED CASIMERE TRESSEN, Detroit, Michigan, 1942-1946Cadet Private, Company “A”; M MA .Marksman ; Spartans; Mighty Mite Football: Captain Company Football; Varsity Tennis Champion; Glee Club; Quartet; Michigan Club; Gold Medal Tennis Cham pionship 1946.
GLENN ALLAN WHITE, Sand Springs, Oklahoma, 19441946—Cadet Corporal. Company "C"; Varsity Track; Company Football; Band; Dance Orchestra; Drum and Bugle Corps; Oklahoma Club.
50. MONROE LELAND WOLFF, St. Louis, Missouri, 1942-1946 —Cadet Private, Company “C" ; Company Football; All-Star Football: Senior Life Saving: Varsity Rifle Team; MMA Expert Rifleman; Fusileers; Glee Club; Eagle.
1st Row, left to right—Donald Wurst, Ralph Longmeyer, Basil Sunder, LeRoy Fletcher. William Jensen, Donald Jones, Jack Vredenburg, William Logan and James Beisman.
2nd Row, left to right—Richard White, William Gooch, Douglas McCullough. Adolph Mertin, John Marlin, Roger Michel, Keith Nickle, Ronald Jewell and Ellis Cokes. 3rd Row, left to right—Rolla Gilmore, Charles Beindorff, Fielding Potashnick, Dudley Martin. Leslie Paul. Jerome Lebrechl. Ralph Peck, Marshall Werner, Maxie Anderson. 4th Row, left to right—Kenneth Brockman, James Thomas, David Beynoh, Albert Lon^mever. Joseph Kirk, William Garofalo and Jerry Slewart.
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1- CARL ANDERSON, Houston, Texas—Cadet Corporal; N. R. A- S1 Bar Nine; “A” Leiters in Football, Swimmer; and Baseball; “B” Letters in Soccer; R«1 Cross Jnternwiaie j9j5 A.A.U. Certificate; 1945 Senior Wrestling Champion, 115 pound class; JJ-16 Boxing *TI Modal and Bars Light-Heavy weight Class; EquitationGertificate, Triangle for Posture; m Barracks. Military, Athletics, and Rifle; Maroon Triangle Maroon and Gold Bar with Seven Stars. ,, . Marksman; 2- NORMAN AXENE, Geneseo, Illinois-Cadet Corporal, K. R. A. t_ “A" Letters in Football. Wrestling, and Baseball, B Letters ball. Boxing, and Track; Red Cross Beginner s S'Y''XhgHrshh). Barracks, Certificate; Eaglet Staff. Honor Medal and Bars m Kraduating Military, and Athletics: Scholarship Plaque for highest g - ■ •? Stars Class. 1946; Maroon Triangle for Posture; Maroon Bar with ui, for Perfect Disciplinary Record. 1915-46; Maroon an ■ „ j etters in 3- BERNARD CRAWFORD, Pekin, Illinois—Cadet Private• ? .- Award; Football. Basketball, and Baseball; Red Cross Beginner. Honor Medal and Athletic Bar; Maroon and Gold Lar. Sharpshooter 4- ROY CURRAN, Dallas, Texas—Cadet Corporal; V’ b u Boxing, Bar Three; “A” Letter in Football; “B , Lettcis i *■ j. Equitation Track, and Baseball: Red Cross Beginner s Swimming jIoJ\or ’ Medal and Certificate; Stage Manager Twelfth Annual Minstr , with jjevCn Bars in Barracks, Military and Rifle: Maroon and >
5- FRANK DODGE, Detroit, Michigan—Cadet Private; N._£•. A; Cross ’A” Letter in Football; “B” Letters in Basketball and GokJ Beginner s Swimming Award; Maroon Bar for Discipli , w‘t’’ Seven Stars. XT r> Sharpshooter 6- BOBBY DOUR, Virginia, Illinois—Cadet PrivateN. R-• . Basketball bar One: “A" Letters in Football and Baseball; L Lette Gold yar •I"' SoftbaH; Red Cross Beginner’s Swimming Award, Maroon r a sharp; 7- LARRY FINCH, Omaha, Nebraska-Cadet I irst Sergcant, A-ball; "B shooter Bar Two; “A" Letters in Football. .B°x’ng’R; Cross Beginner’s Letters in Wrestling, and Track; A.A.U. Certificate; Red Cross
G R A 0 UAT I N G Swimming Awards; Honor Medal and Bars in Barracks, Military Rifle, and Athletics, Maroon Triangle for Posture; Maroon and Gold Bar. 8— ROBERT HOBBIE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa—Cadet Private First irst Class; N. R. A. Marksman; “A-’ Letters in Wrestling; “B” Letters in Foo Football, Basketball Boxing, and Baseball; 194 6 Featherweight Wrestling Champion; A.A.U. Certificate; Red Cross Beginner's Swimming Award; Maroon and Gold Bar. 9— FREDERICK JAICKS, St. Charles, Illinois—Cadet Private First Class; N. R. A. Sharpshooter Bar Five; “B” Letters in Football. Boxing, and Wrestling; Red Cross Beginner's Swimming Award; Honor Medal and Bars in Military and Rifle; Missouri Reading Certificate; Maroon Triangle for Posture. Maroon and Gold Bar with Seven Stars. 10— RENE MALES, Oak Park, Illinois—Cadet Captain; N. R. A. Sharpshooter Bar Two; “A” Letters in Football, Basketball, and Baseball; "B” Letters in Tennis, .Boxing and Wrestling; A.A.U. Certificate; Red Cross Beginner's Swimming Award; Associate Editor “The Eaglet”; Interlocutor Twelfth Annual Minstrel; Equitation Certificate; Honor Medal and Bars in Scholar ship, Barracks, Military, and Athletics; Colonel Jerome G. Harris Award for Most Soldierly Cadet Graduating Class; Maroon Bar with One Star for Discipline; Maroon and Gold Bar. 11— GERALD METCALF, University City, Missouri—Cadet First Lieutenant; N. R. A. Sharpshooter Bar Three; "A” Letters in Boxing, Wrestling, Football and Baseball; “B” Letters in Basketball; Red Cross Intermediate Swimmer; A. A. U. Certificate; 19-15 Wrestling Champion, 85 pound class; Honor Medal and Bars in Barracks, Military, Rifle, and Athletics, Missouri Reading Certificate; Maroon Triangle for Posture; Maroon Bar with Two Stars for Discipline; Maroon and Gold Bar with Seven Stars. 12— CHARLES MURRAY, St. Louis, Missouri—Cadet First Lieutenant; N. R. A. Sharpshooter Bar Two; “B" Letters in Track and Boxing; A.A.U. Certifi cate- Red Cross Beginner’s Swimming Award; 1946 Middleweight Wrestling Champion; Eleventh and Twelfth Annual Minstrel; Associate Editor “The Faglet”- Honor Medal and Bars in Scholarship. Barracks, Military, Athletics, and Rifle: Missouri Reading Certificate; Colonel Charles R. Stribling Award for Highest Efficiency in Graduating Class: Maroon 1 riangle for Posture; Maroon Bar for Discipline: Maroon and Gold Bar.
C L 13—JOSEPH PHELPS, El Reno, Corporal, X-. A-. Track; Sharpshooter Bar One; One; “ “A" A" Letters Letters m in r Football, Basketball and flint’ uasKi Rne woman, Wrestling, wrestling, “B' B” Letters in Boxing and Baseball; A.A.U. Certificate; Red1 Cross Cross Beginner Beginner’’ss Swimming Award; Eleventh and Twelfth Annual Minstrel; Honor Medal M!lit?try rv and nt,d Athletics; A»ni«»;^c- Maroon Triangle for — u —..... and Bars in Barracks. Barracks, Militar; Posture; Maroon Bar for Discipline; Maroon ’. and Gold Bar with Seven Stars. 14— WILLIAM SEIDS, Oklahoma ’ ’ City, Oklahoma—Cadet Private; N. R. A. Marksman; “B B ” ---------—.......... .. Baseball; Red Cross Beginner’s Letters in -----Football and Swimming Award; Maroon and Gold Bar. 15— FENN NN SHRADER, Yakima, Washington—'• Cadet Corporal; N. R. A. MarksniclTl , “__ ----- ------------------ , A” Letter in -Football; “B” Letters ... in Basketball, Boxing UI1U and BaseA A TT fr-rti t'irn t/» • Rod Crncc ' —1. E" ball; A.A.U. Certificate: Red Cross Beginner’s Q.... Swimming Award; Eaglet Staff; Honor Medal and Bars in Barracks and Military; Maroon Bar with Four Stars for Discipline: Maroon and Gold Bar with Seven Stars. 16— DONALD VEZINAW, Detroit, Michigan—Cadet Private; N. R. A. Marks man; "A” Letters in Football and Wrestling; “B” Letters in Boxing, Track and Baseball; Twelfth Annual Minstrel; Maroon and Gold Bar with Seven Stars. 17— JAMES WATSON, Port Huron, Michigan—Cadet Corporal; N. R. A. Sharp shooter Bar Five: “A” Letter in Football; “B” Letters in Boxing; Red Cross Intermediate Swimmer; Honor Medal and Bars in Barracks. Military and Rifle; Maroon Triangle for Posture; Maroon Bar with Two Stars for Discipline; Maroon and Gold Bar. 18— WILLIAM WINKLER, Chicago, Illinois—Cadet Corporal; N. R. A. Sharp shooter Bar One; “A" Letter in Wrestling; “B” Letters in Football and Boxing; Red Cross Beginner’s Swimming Award; 1946 Heavyweight Wrestling Champion; Eaglet Staff; Honor Medal and Rifle Bar; Maroon Triangle for Posture; Maroon Bar for Discipline; Maroon and Gold Bar with Seven Stars. 19— CORTLAND ROWLES, Ferndale, Michigan—Cadet Private First Class: N. R. A. Marksman First Class; “B” Letters in Basketball and Wrestling; Maroon and Gold Bar.
CADETS 1945-1946
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Abbott, Joe B.. St. Louis, Mo. .Akin, S. Cabell, Nacagdoches, Texas Albright, Charles Kent, Denver, Colo. Allen, Robert N., Detroit, Mich. Anderson, Carl, Houston, Texas Anderson. Maxie, Houston, Texas Argast, Jerry C., St. Louis, Mo. .Arnold, John C., Mexico. Mo. Ashley, William IL, Evanston, 111. Attridge, James L., Flint, Mich. Avedon, Bruce, Miami Beach. Fla. Axene, Norman W., Geneseo, III. Augustine, Grant, III, Council Bluffs. Iowa Bailey, H. Reed., Jr., Kansas City, Mo. Barnard, Leslie C., Aroma Park, 111. Beckley, Wallace G., Jr., El Reno, Okla. Bedell, Corb S., Wichita, Kan. Beindorff, Charles F.. Jr., Omaha. Neb. Beisman, James J., Clayton, Mo. Bellows Dale, Eureka Springs. Ark. Bentz, John D., Roanoke, Va. Benyon, David J., Lincoln, Neb. Bilyea, David, Louisiana. Mo. Bi I yea, George, Louisiana, Mo. Blozis, George G.. Dayton, Ohio Boltz, John D., Chicago, III. Botlerman, John C., Jr., Sioux Falls.. S. D. Boudoures, George, Belleville, III. Brahm, John E., South Affton. Mo. Bramer. Harold G.. St. Louis, Mo. Brockman, Kenneth B., Kansas City. Mo. Brown, Albert E., El Reno. Okla. Bruce, William, Wichita, Kan. Buckner, Craig E., Coffeyville, Kan. Bunch, James M., Sedalia, Mo. Butters, Robert E., Normandy, Mo. Butterworth, Stanley, LaGrange. HL Buys, Cletus, Marston, Mo. Callas, Donald, Evanston, Wyo. Campbell, Paul L., San Angelo, Texas Callahan, Gerald C., Kansas City, Mo. Camp, Charles F., Tulsa, Okla. Cannon, David, Waukegan, 111. Carruth, Blaine H., Royal Oak, Mich. Caswell, William Henry, 111, Detroit, Mich. Cathey, Herbert R., Sikeston, Mo. Calo, Thomas S., Overland Park, Kan. Clemens, Warren R., Webster Groves, Mo. Cline, George T., Jr., St. Louis, Mo. Clinton. Jerome R., Detroit, Mich. Coffey, L. Irving, Wichita, Kan. Cokes. Ellis L., Hot Springs, Ark. Compton, Don. F., Decorah, Iowa Cox, Robert C., Dallas, Texas Cracchiolo. Joseph A., St. Louis, Mo. Crawford, Bernard, Pekin, Ill. Crowley, John R., Ill, Leon, Kan. Culwell, Charles W., Dallas, Texas Curran, Carl J., Dallas, Texas Curran, Roy E., Dallas, Texas Daniels, James A., Jr., St. Louis, Mo. Dawson, L. Harvey, Lawton. Okla.
Dempsey, Jack W., Pine Bluff, Ark. Dcnnan, John Holt, Sedan, Kan. Deyherie, Waller IL, St. Louis, Mo. Dodge, Frank H., Detroit, Mich. Dollinger, Ralph W., Chicago, Ill. Dollinger, Milton K., Chicago, III. Donovan, Timothy IL, Denver, Colo. Dour, Bobby Dean, Virginia, Ill. Eaton, Richard F., Chicago, Ill. Edman, Robert E., Chicago, Hl. Ellis, John G., Waterloo. Iowa Ellston, Carl, Exeter, Mo. Ellston. Edwin, Exeter, Mo. Elmer, Robert W., Chicago, HI. Elms, Rodney, Kansas City, Mo. Epple, Robert C., Columbia, Mo. Fernstrum, J. Ross, Detroit, Mich. Finch, Lawrence S.. Omaha, Neb. Fishel, Marvin L., St. Louis, Mo. FitzGerald, Robert C., Beloit. Kan. Fleming, Thomas IL, Chicago, III. Fletcher, Lee Roy. Webster Groves, Mo. Flores, Raul, Monclova, Coah, Mexico Franklin, William N., Kansas City, Mo. Frazey, Thomas B., Omaha, Neb. Frein, Warren, St. Louis, Mo. Fritsch, John W., Libertyville, Ill. Frizzell. James, Weatherford, Okla. Fudge, Gerald, Cleburne, Texas Fulton, John R., LaGrange, Ill. Furla, James, St. Louis, Mo. Fyke, Jack, Kansas City, Mo. Gage, Rodney, Des Moines, Iowa Gaiswinkler, Roberts S., Belleville, 111. Gamble, Gerald. Kennett, Mo. Garafalo, William A., St. Louis, Mo. Gebel, Walter F., Jr., Davenport, Iowa Geer, Jack, Tulsa, Okla. Gillaspy. Mac 0, Webster Groves. MIo. Gilmore, Thomas, St. Louis, Mo. Glidden, Richard, Kansas City, Mo. Gooch, William G.. Omaha, Neb. Grabitz, Thomas, Chicago, 111. Graham, Ronald K., Kansas City, Mo. Grimsley, Robert H., St. Louis, Mo. Halbert, William, Chicago, 111. Hallam, Donald D., Detroit. Mich. Hardin, Thomas, St. Charles, Mo. Harlow, Benjamin C., Wichita. Kan. Harrison, Norman, Detroit, Mich. I lawkins, Glen Ray, St. Louis. Mo. Hays, Alden, Mexico, Mo. Herforth, Karl E., Chicago. III. Hermann, Waller, Detroit, Mich. Heulel, Jack, St. Louis, Mo. Hewitt, John. Park Ridge, 111. Hill, Hugh E., Pine Bluff, Ark. Hobbie, Robert D., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Hocker, Thomas, Mexico, Mo. Hoffman, William, Detroit, Mich. Hoffnar, Bernard, Keens, 111. Hungale, Thomas, DuQuoin, Hi. Jaicks, Frederick, St. Charles, Ill. Jensen, William, St. Louis, Mo. Jewell. Ronald, St. Louis, Mo. Johnson, Curtis L., Kansas City, Mo. Jones, Donald, Omaha, Neb. Jones, Lawrence, Dallas, Texas Judge, John M., Decatur, 111. Juriss, John J., Chicago, Ill. Kernen, Sidney IL, St. Louis. Mo. Kerr, Paul, Elkhart, Ind. Kirk, Joe, Omaha, Neb.
Klein, Norman G., Detroit, Mich. Korn, David, Joplin, Mo. Kott, Russell L., Berwyn, Ill. Lane, Gordon, Waterloo, Iowa Larsen, Ronald, Chicago, III. Laube, Irving, Chicago, III. Lauder, David M., Kansas City, Mo. Lebrecht, David, Kansas City, Mo. Leslie, James L., Belleveille, LI. Liebarman, Stanley, St. Louis, Mo. Logan, Jack R., Kansas City, Mo. Logan, William, Keokuk, Iowa Long, James R., Jr., Kansas City, Mo. Longmeyer, Albert, Greenfield, 111. Longmeyer, Ralph, Greenfield. III. Love, John, Wichita, Kan. Loving, Sidney, Tulsa, Okla. Lueders, Howard G.„ St. Louis, Mo. McCarty, Jerry R., Detroit, Mich. McClasky, Jay, Waukegan, Ill. McCIasky, Robert, Waukegan, Ill. McCormick, George, III, Washington, D. C. McCullough, Douglas, Chanute, Kan. McCullough, Richard, Chanute, Kan. McCullough, Walter, Chanute, Kan. McGrath, Harvey C., Grand Island, Neb. McMahan, Clair B., Normandy, Mo. McMorries, Jerry, Holdenville, Okla. McWhorter, John S., Chicago, III. Major, Robert A., Chicago, Ill. Males, Rena IL, Oak Park, Ill. Marcagi, Lawrence T., St. Louis, Mo. Marlin, Bennett, Clayton, Mo. Marlin, Dudley, Springfield, Mo. Mason, Philip E., Kokomo, Ind. Meadows, Robert E., Wichita, Kan. Marlin, Adolph, Jr., East St. Louis. Ill. Metcalf, Jerry, St. Louis. Mo. Meyers. Joseph K., Kansas City. Mo. Michel, Roger, Chicago. III. Milam, Ronald, Tulsa, Okla. Mitchell, Leonard, Mission, Kan. Montgomery, Billy Don. Salem, 111. Moore, Marshall, Pittsburgh, Pa. Morton, Donald R.. Overland, Mo. Murray. Charles, St. Louis, Mo. Nickle, George, Fulton, Mo. Nickle, Keith. Fulton, Mo. Nelson, James, Wood Dale, III. Noriega. Paul, Panama City, Panama Notman, Edward A.. Flint. Mich. O'Dell, Tulsa, Okla. O'Hara, St. Louis, Mo. Olson, Harry J., St. Louis, Mo. Osiek, Henry Carl, St. Charles, Mo. O’Toole, Donald, Detroit, Mich. Overton, James, San Francisco Del Oro, Chih., Mexico Owens, Ebon L., Lenexa, Kan. Pappin, Richard, Chicago, III. Paramore, Charles, Shawnee, Okla. Parker, William, Waterloo, Iowa Parsons, Thomas A., Fulton, Mo. Patchett, Russell S., Sodus, N. Y. Paul, L. Dixon, Salt Lake City, Utah Peck, Ralph A., Little Rock, Ark. Peterson, David M., Tarkio, Mo. Peterson, Peter, Tarkio, Mo. Phelps, James, El Reno, Okla. Phelps, Joe M., El Reno, Okla. Phillips, Hugh L., Detroit, Mich. Phillips, Merlin L.. Wichita, Kan.
Piper, Robert, Mexico, Mo. Pitts, Charles, Lilbourn, Mo. Poehl, G. William. St. Louis, Mo. Potashnick, Fielding, Sikeston, Mo. Powell, Merill, St. Louis, Mo. Radcliffe, Earle W., Slayton, Mo. Reger, William, St. Louis, Mo. Reigle, James, Davison, Mich. Reiner, Moury, Detroit, Mich. Rejos, George A., Belleveille, Ill. Robinson, Robert, South Gifford, Mo. Romick, Philip A., Miami, Okla. Rowles, Cort, Ferndale, Mich. Saunders, Richard, Overland Park, Kan. Saunders, Robert, Overland Park, Kan. Savilt, William, East St. Louis, Ill. Schuch, Fred W., Springfield. III. Scott, James, Chicago, Ill. Scott, Richard IL, Indianapolis, Ind. Scranton, De Moss, Great Bend, Kan. Seids, William F., Oklahoma City, Okla. Sharp, Jack R., Flint, Mich. Shoeman, John C., Waukee, Iowa Shrader,-E. Fen, Yakima, Wash. Smith, Donald R., Port Huron, Mich. Smith, Leo David, Lemay, Mo. Smith, Leroy B., Los Angeles, Calif. Soldwedel, Fred, Pekin, III. Stark, Dickson, St. Louis, Mo. Stephens, Jimmie L., Kansas City, Mo. Stewart, Jerry A., Tulsa, Okla. Stiles, Peter W., Springfield, Mass. Stites, Richard, Wichita, Kan. Sloss, Fred B., Jr., Dodge City, Kan. Stuart, Myron Lee, Thayer, Mo. Sunder, Basil, St. Louis, Mo. Taylor, Wilford, St. Louis, Mo. Terrill, Charles, Springfield, Mo. Thanos, Ulysses J., St. Louis, Mo. Thomas, James. Rich Hill, Mo. Thomas, Teddie, Mexico, Mu. Thorpen, James W., Cody, Wyo. Tressen, Ted, Detroit, Mich. Trotter, Paul J., Jr., Sikeston, Mo. Upham, Charles, Wayne, Mich. Upton, William J.. Jr., Silver City. N. M. VanHorn, Thomas W., St. Louis Mo. VanNatta, James M., Jefferson City,-Miu. Varvares, Nicholas, St. Louis, Mo. Varmillion, Bob, Chickasha, Okla. Vezinaw, Donald, Detroit, Mich. Vick, Kendall, St. Louis, Mo. Vos, Jack, Detroit, Mich. Vredenburg, John, Royal Oak, Mich. Wallendorf, Robert, Jefferson City, Mo Watson, James, Port Huron, Mich. Weinberg, Jack, Chicago, Ill. Weiss, Howard D., Baxter Springs, Kan. Welsh, Maynard, Salem, Ill. Werner, Marshall, Salem, 111. Wheeler, Gordon, San Marino, Calif. White, Allan, Sand Springs, Okla. White, Ray, Clayton, Mo. White, Richard, Clayton, Mo. Wieland, William R., Northfield, Ill. Williams, Dennis, St. Louis, Mo. Wilson, Harry A., Muncie, Ind. Winkler, William P., Chicago, 111. Wolff, Monroe, St. Louis, Mo. Wurst, Don, St. Louis, Mo. Wurst, Robert, St. Louis, Mo.