#NotBuyingIt Super Bowl Kit (2013)

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Super Bowl XLVII Kit

#NotBuyingIt Challenging Sexism in Super Bowl Commercials This Super Bowl Sunday we’re using #NotBuyingIt on Twitter to call out brands which use sexism in their Super Bowl commercials. We’re empowering people to use their consumer power to fight misrepresentations of gender in the media during the most watched television event of the year. Thank you for being a part of this nationwide social media conversation - our goal is to engage over 1 million people in talking about sexism in the media on Sunday. This is not only an opportunity to challenge advertisers and brands to do better, but an opportunity to educate the masses on gender media literacy - and why it matters. Here’s how you can participate: 1. Update your Facebook Cover Image to Show Your Support And to Spread the Word

Download this Cover Image 2. Write a blog or record a vlog! Before or after Sunday, share why you’re participating in #NotBuyingIt during the Super Bowl, and/or how the experience impacts you personally. Here are a couple examples of blogs and vlogs: #NotBuyingIt: Super Bowl Sexism by Melissa Fabello Super Bowl Commercial Sexism: #NotBuyingIt - Feministing.com Super Bowl Sexism? We’re #NotBuyingIt - MissRepresentation.org

3. Tweet, A lot This is how we get the country talking and thinking differently. All it takes to change the world, to quote Margaret Mead, is a small group of thoughtful committed citizens. Don’t hold back, tweet whenever you see sexism during the game - let the world know that you’re #NotBuyingIt! (Game officially starts at 3:30 pm PT)

#NotBuyingIt Twitter Handles for Super Bowl Advertisers Just a few brands to keep an eye on during Super Bowl XLVII (click to see full list) Click the “tweet” buttons only if they use sexism to sell on gameday. You can edit tweets to make them your own: Anheuser-Busch @Budweiser Click

to Tweet (Budweiser, Bud Light, Beck’s) Carl’s Jr./Hardees @carlsjr, @hardees Click to Tweet Coca-Cola @CocaCola Click to Tweet Fiat @FiatUSA Click to Tweet Gildan @MyGildan Click to Tweet Go Daddy @GoDaddy Click to Tweet Kia @kia Click to Tweet Mercedes-Benz @MBUSA Click to Tweet Toyota @Toyota Click to Tweet

FYI: #SB47 is the official hashtag of the Super Bowl Visit missrepresentation.org/notbuyingit throughout the game for updates, including a “worst offenders” leaderboard tracking which brands are receiving the most criticism.

#NotBuyingIt A quick guide to spotting sexism in commercials: Audiences are bombarded with so many images during the Super Bowl that it can be hard to separate the harmless from the harmful. What you’ll be looking for this Super Bowl Sunday are commercials that sexually objectify women and/or present limiting or harmful representations of gender.

What is Sexual Objectification? Sexual objectification is when a person is treated not as an individual, but as an instrument of sexual pleasure. Usually, the person’s personality, feelings, and intelligence is ignored and their worth is reduced to something that will bring the viewer pleasure. We suggest using Caroline Heldman’s “Sex Object Test” to help you figure out if sexual objectification is present in the image/commerical you’re watching. Here are a few examples:

The ad presents a sexualized person as a stand-in for an object:

Fiat’s 2012 Super Bowl commercial compares a woman to a car

The ad shows a sexualized person as a commodity (something that can be bought and sold):

Purchasing women from a vending machine is presented as a male “fantasy”

The ad shows a sexualized person as interchangeable:

Toyota’s 2012 Super Bowl commercial presents women as interchangeable parts of an inanimate couch

#NotBuyingIt What are Limited or Harmful Representations of Gender? Women don’t need to be sexualized in order for a representation to be sexist and harmful. Examples include: gender stereotyping, dismissing the opinions/ voice of women, or marginalizing a woman (depicting her as subservient to men, weaker, less important, less valuable). These types of ads typically feature limiting portrayals of men as well, conveying the sense that they are sex-crazed brutes, unfeeling or unintelligent beings incapable of understanding women. Some examples: BIC for Her, Clorox 2

Dr. Pepper’s ad campaign implies women are weaker than men

Got Milk? perpetuates gender stereotypes about women and men

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