࿄ઠยऺǖ ࣙၙईࣙၙ೦௶Ǜ Designing Urban Future: Illusion or Disillusion?
ጲ / by Umi
࿄ઠၙڦၡࢅยऺLjٗઠۼᅃ߲ཡࣆᇑ၄ ࣅĂአዎऐࠓݴದڟᄂ़ᆶएإยแቛਸॺڦยዐLjႚ ࠻حටૌ૦๏Lj்ጺᅈડ ऐഗิ٪ăంሏདഐઠ० ํኮक़ჄႠڦ࿚༶ă้߲ڦپටᅜీ ܠׯᄣܸᆶႾڦॺࠓă ِދă ࠎࣃ้क़ڦ၌ᇺت๘হڦઢLjփጲਥڦጣఋLj Bjarke Ingels GroupDŽچDžሞਖ਼ጦྼܻ൸၍DŽᆯఊܻ ... ڦేݣ႐ă ڍ்ڦ࿔ࣅओۏᅙঢ়ඟኄၵܔ࿄ઠၙڦၡሞ࿄ઠ ۨୱླྀڥઠDžڦഔ݀ူᇨ֪20ࢫ்ॽփᆩ॑כLj
ఏݤຯLj Ėਜ਼ࡔڽė
ৎኮമՎׯକ৹ၙڦၡăኄՍཡࣆԨวڦՑኤLjཡࣆ ܸഛכሞ႑တဣཥኸူڞጲ॑ۯ๓்ăຕጴࣅڢୟ ᅃڋԥሰLj৽ᅙঢ়କăఫ़ཡࣆవᅜגሁLj ॽቛ๖ጲۯഛכĂႜටࡆڦगժԍኤ்ࢻփ၎Ljᅪ ்࣏࠲ጀٗ၄ํ݀Ljසࢆॷ๕ڦথৎᅃ߲ీ ڦਦୁۯႠ࿚༶ăړLjኄሞԨْยऺ৪ෘڦᇕ ॽઠLjཞ้ԍኤփۨᅭࢅࡀࣄኄ߲࿄ઠLjᅜ௨ሞ் ৣዐኄ၂ڥᅃહᆦᅥă ڦዐ֜ඁă
Cloud 9๚ခDŽဇӬცDž൩ઠ8
ᆯࡔڤStylepark֧ࣄڦӎڱ࿄ઠยऺٷঃྺୃ࿋ ࡚ጱĊĊܾๆࢫڦਦ֧ኁᅃഐ߾ፕLjྷජ຺߲ए Ԩᇮ ሞࡔाฉิ࣪ॺڦዾDŽ๚ခDž༵ࠃକೝLjᄥ ໎ ࠓ ၙ Ċ Ċ ഄ ᅃ ൣ ল ም ิ ీ ᇸ Lj ഄ ܾ ሰ ీ ᇸ ॺ ڦ ൩்ยऺ2030ڦăྷජୁۯႠĂॺዾᇑ݀ ዾLjഄෙీᇑଙۉLjഄ຺ࢇྪ߭Lj்ᅃ ቛڦዷ༶Ljยऺ࣍ব༬՚࠲ጀࡀגఇۼڦਃዿጒLj ഐ௮ࣼକெࡻڦ࿄ઠৠLjසຏఢӯิݝڦLjԈሞ ထྭٗႎీᇸᅜतཚ֧ݛ௬ݒາ၄ሞڦ၌ᇑ ഘಟዐڦഛכĂݧऐă்ࣼڦᅨፌᆶཡࣆૂᇴӯڦ ࿚༶Ljᅜ൱ਗ਼ࣃ࿄ઠڦၙ ăঢ়ࡗമࢫෙ߲ܠሆૂ ڦएۙă ߁݀ቛࢅࡕׯቛ๖Ljፌዕ֖ᇑೠঃڦ࿋ॺዾDŽ๚ le nna Bie
ՔጚᆐሰDŽዐࡔDžॺڦዾቧ᧪ݒາକዐࡔৎबๆ Đڢୟᆫံđ݀ڦቛఇ๕Lj༵ںཎࠌࠅڪཚᆫံ
Alison Brooks๚ခDŽᆈࡔDžࢇၭ႙࣍ԍഛࢅכዮ ݆ ၙ ڦă ኍ ܔԛ Lj ᆩ ಕ ߛ ڦ ٷ ཎ ୟ ၍ ӝ Ԉ සຕጴڪࣆۉీዕظ܋ሰକ߸ൟࢅ߲ටࣅ॑ڦ๓༹ ྷLjժยऺକᄂ၍֫ߛגڦĂߛڦ܈૬༹݀ቛăሞా ᄓLjᄺྺݣକٷଉक़Ljᆩᅜ߸ටႠॺڦยăॺ LjᆩཚدټൽپୟྪLjට்ሞၭ႙ഛכ़ ዾᅜۼٷגசྺ૩Ljӝںړट܋ᆛफڦมࣷĂ࿔ ስ॑๓Ljᅨᆯدׯྜټ୫ײLjܸᆔܠ߸ڥጲᆯ
Alison Brooks Architects
BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group
magining and designing the future city has always been a matter of finding consistence between fairy tale and the reality. People from any given time in history have deliberately done so, and, as a consequence, making themselves fall in love with the future blueprint. As time goes, however, our own cultivation consciously resists such imagination, the future vision becomes outdated vision before future draws near. This is the dialectics of the fairy tale: once it is created and fixed, it becomes old too soon. As that quality of the fairy tale makes it hard to transcend, we may only start from the reality and approach the point where future is almost tangible, yet we avoid defining and fixing it, in order that it doesn’t slip away from our own hands. Curated by Stylepark, Audi Urban Future Award invites six remarkable, and by no means stereotypical, architects and firms to design the 2030 urban future. Mobility, architectural and urban development are particular issues addressed in the designs. Often concerning living situations in mega cities, the participating architects explore new energy forms and mobility strategies in attempt to draw a blueprint of the urban future. After three months of development, the final exhibition of five architects and firms presents very diverse approaches. Alison Brooks Architects (UK) employs compact electric cars and smart phone-based digital dashboard for more personal and relaxed driving experience, and thereby releases spaces for community development in the city. The architect takes megacity Mumbai as a case, and proposes a sustainable urban extension based upon an existing transport infrastructure, integrating culture, infrastructure, political and social institutions in an orderly construct. Bjarke Ingels Group (Denmark) prophesies a future of driverless cars in 20 years’ time, based on a study of the Kurzweil curve. The
cars will drive us, each supervised by an omniscient transport system that enables best optimal flow without causing interference between cars and with pedestrians. This take on mobility option seems to go at the future in a doing-it-once-and-for-all fashion. Cloud 9 (Spain) invites a group aged 8 to 10, the future urban leaders so to speak, to join the process. They present four core values, clean renewable energies, buildings as power plants, hydrogen technology and fuel cell and lastly smart grid, and insert them into urban prototypes, in a way not without fairy tale overtones. Houses with stems shooting out, automobiles and airplanes cast in bubbles are just some examples of this happy project. Standardarchitecture’s Zhang Ke (China) consider the “road first” city development model, practiced throughout China, to be outdated, and proposed a “subway first” model for the existing Beijing urban sprawl. Zhang Ke envisions a city circling the now Beijing, supported by vast subway infrastructure and containing extremely high density hybrid living and working spaces, the “meta-mountains”. In the inner city, he adopts traffic belts for individual and collective transportation, allowing more freedom and community activities even on the road. The roads no longer in use, recently freed spaces and facades of buildings are rendered green: the agricultural culture strikes back. In answer to the attitude toward future, Zhang Ke claims that 2030 is rather tangible and 2030 in China may be the equivalent of 2060 or even 2090 in western countries, for China will have to go through more dramatic transformation. Standardarchitecture builds upon a realistic base of current problems and challenges of the future. The future may be partly predicted with aid of statistics and deduction, the other part is left to uncertainty--an earthquake, for example, could prove to be a chance for a city to redevelop itself.
Throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. ... Free your mind.Morpheus, in the movie “The Matrix”
J. MAYER H. Architects
क़ࢅྫक़ăፌࢫLjቧ᧪ӝႎࡀࣄାںཱིڦĂॺ ႚༀփም࿘ۨLjᅜൟᅟԥටႪ߀ăຕጴႚༀेഽĂڍ ዾྔ૬௬Ă৹கୟ࣏ߴକ౫ᄽă
ᄫᇺLjਏᆶ၄ํࢅมࣷᅪᅭڦăዐࡔᇑ౹ெࡔॆ้ ୯ኄޏ்Ⴔᄲڦ࿄ઠĊĊᅃ߲փԈڦຕጴ क़ฉժփڪܔLjዐࡔڦ2030ీ၎ړ౹ெڦ2060ई ဣཥ੦࠵ߌڦ࿄ઠLjᅃ߲փምਏᆶ༬ۨႚༀܸ႑ 2090Ljᅜዐࡔࠓᄲঢ়૦߸ڦٷገՎă்ጺ တॺࠓڦ࿄ઠLjᅜतኄᄣڦ࿄ઠዐටڦว༹ํሞႠ ڦူړ࿚༶Ljॠ࿄ઠڦLjᅜُ༵ᆌݛܔӄLj ޏᄺྰڟၾăJürgen Mayer H.Ԩටሞ๚ࢫߢ໕ǖ ۅ݀၄ํڦăၙܔ࿄ઠڦᇨ֪ᅃևݴཚࡗຕ
ࢅஇडླྀLjଷᅃևྜݴඇփᇨ९Lj૩සںٷኒLjܸ ڦఫᅃևݴăᅜჲᆶටᅜྺቛ๖৽ڦ࿄ઠઢ ُၵ๚ॲঢ়ߴټઠዘႎอ݀ቛ֧ڦీă
ย ऺ Lj ᅨ ӎ ڱ࿄ ઠ ย ऺ ٷঃ ڥዷ Lj ॺ ዾ Jü rgen ටۼཞᅪۉጱכĂට॑๓ഛڦכമৠLjණྺมྪஏᅜ Mayer H.ടടߴ்କᅃ߲ཡࣆࠤ๚LjA.WAYǖ߲ට߀ ڦՎ๘হLjਥڥኄ֍ޝੲڦ౷ჾDŽၙၙഄ૧ᅮൻۯኁLj ୁྺׯࣷۯሺഽ၄ํDŽaugmented
realityDžဣཥڦᅃ ၙၙĐ୴ಟঢ়षđDžăᅜ்ݛڦӄӝణമኄዖණኪ
ևݴLj႑တဣཥփৈඟටᇑཚ߾ਏጲᆯႜۯLj߸ీࠕ ںৣڦڐࣚڟٷݣLjኻྺඟට்߸ࡻණኪ၄ํڦጽၠăሞኄ ߛॺᨊڦኝࢇᆶට߲ڦට႑တLj๑ڥටĂכᇑዜྷ ၵᆴຫཷ༹Ă૧ᅮ़ڥኁኮዐLj࣏ࡻᆶ்ڦၭၭཡࣆࠃට ॺڦዾࢅ࣍ৣ้ਗ਼၎ࢻد߳ૌ႑တLjׂิࢻۯă ለ܁ăđ ഛכኮᇀටڦᅪᅭࡗגକ०॑ڦڇ๓߾ਏLjྺྺׯට༵
ᇆቴڟၵ၄ํมࣷڦ࿒٪ă்ณᅜጲয়ႝǖ ኈᇸጲࣙၙ೦௶ăኈํᇸጲၙၟඍ݄ăDŽԕڤჱDž
Alison Brooks Architects
BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group
This uncertainty factor, however, may well be where the architect’s future vision and fairy tales are set apart. The last project, by German architect Jürgen Mayer H., also the winner of Audi Urban Future Award, tells fittingly a fairy tale. “A.WAY” assumes that the individual is a node in an augmented reality system of the city, which not only allows trouble-free mobility, but also integrates all the information from user’s hobbies to habits in its intelligence, and make possible, in turn, for the user to interact with surrounding buildings and environment. Automobile becomes the ultimate sensorial experience machine, a platform of constant information and knowledge exchange. The concrete reality is brought to our fingertip, at the same time its form is challenged, altered by the layers of augmented reality at play. The digital augments but could also potentially replace physical forms. The prize winning of this project stirred a certain degree of distress. Do we want to hand out our future to an omniscient information system? Do we feel comfortable with our cities possessing no fixed form and being a construct of data and information? Is physicality any relevant? Confronting these serious questions, Jürgen Mayer H. answered me later, smilingly: You know, the idea of a fairytale is that, A, it might be a pedagogical tool, B, highlights somethings that is exactly not reality, is a fairytale. So, I am very surprised that almost everybody read my project as my vision of the future. It is not. It is meant to highlight a tendency we see now, we live now, and project that one into some more years to come. By telling this story we can become more critical of the situation now, and make decisions that might help us to create a better future. this whole “cars are electric and will drive automatically”, and “sustainability and social media is the new big thing that will change society”, is such a general rhetoric, that seems not to be discussed or questioned at all (think about what are the
interest groups behind this, the green bubble, and network empires), and our project takes this common agreement to a level where it becomes so obscene that it helps us to establish arguments now to understand better what really is going on. In the end it is also a whole network of lobbies, interest groups etc., so, our pokeville story is a reading tool for today! The award winner is the only participant who has succeeded in distancing himself from the pitfall of defining a future. Following a fit of upset, his little fairy tale proves duly heart-warming. Which reminds us, Truth is born of disillusion. The real is born of lack of imagination. (Jean Baudrillard)
le nna Bie
B 021