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• Our love is a beautiful thing that God gifted us to

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reproduction is the biological pros by which new “offspring” individual organism are produce for tail “parents” reproduction is a fundamental feature for all know each individual organs exist as the result of reproduction.

1. Sexual reproduction

2. Asexual reproduction

Mostorganims is from 2 different types of this species th2 sexes are referred to as male reproducing sperm of microspores and female producing egg or mega spores sexual reproduction.

Sexual reproduction Sexual reproduction is the method or gamic most common reproductive multicellular beings. Many of the present, not as an exclusive mode of reproduction, but alternating with asexual modes. It also occurs in unicellular organisms, particularly protozoa and unicellular algae. It can be defined in three ways, each accepted by various authors. Reproduction in which there singamia (gamete fusion) Playing in a process involving meiosis (haploid gamete formation) Playing in a process involving genetic recombination (different from the parental seed)

Asexual reproduction Is abiological proess dy which an organism creates a gemet similar or identical copi of it self whitfat a combination of genetic material for mohother . Bacrerial divide asexually via binary viruce take control the cels to produce more virus for example:


submitted by do you make seven an even number? A.take the s out!

saaim ibrahim


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Question: Why are ghosts bad liars? Answer: Because you can see right through them



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What dog can jump higher than a building? Anydog, buildings can't jump! Katy

joke Q. why did the elephant paint himself diffrent colours A. so he could hide in the crayon box

joke Q: What's black and white and makes a lot of noise? A: A zebra with a drumkit.

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