How to improve the Chilean educational System

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“How to improve the Chilean educational System”

Introduction The Chilean educational system is non-centralized; the establishments administration are run by people or institutions called municipal and private holders, who take the responsibility to keep running the educational establishment. But, now-a-days we know that the system is not working as we want to work, we need to supervise it better and make some changes.

Arguments 1. Achieving equity in the quality of municipal and private education. Here, the solution is to give higher salaries to teachers of municipal schools, because they do not target only those good teachers in private education, because of the money they receive. 2. Supervise the universities and the quality of it, for to have good professional (teachers in this case) Not because studying on a private university the professional has to be a bad one, but the supervision must be fussy and strict; so only good teachers will have Chile. 3. Cheaper education For everyone, so all of us can access it. Not only about the monthly and enrollment, but also better access to textbooks or reading.

Conclusion Sometimes it’s hard to know exactly what to do, but I think that the only problem here is money, because the other things I think are good, the subjects we study, the way we learn it, etc. But the poor salaries teachers or the expensive things we need to pay is awful. So for now the only thing I can do, is study and do my best, for one day, make this country fairer for everyone.

By: María Ignacia Destefani

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